Author: MamatheFox

Repairing Privately Owned Structures

When a new project ends up on your plate you may get excited – but then when you look into it you may end up mad. Dealing with updates to large projects can be daunting as well as tasking. However, you need to get the ball rolling. So pull out your pad of paper, your favorite pen and pour cup of joe. Reread the plans given to you. Sit on it. Don’t just jump into fire a blazing. You need to approach this professionally and in a business like manner. Okay, lets get going.

Lets give an example. The company you work for has a large business sign that needs repaired. It is a giant metal sign on top of a thick wooden pole. It has electrical components and requires coding. What of these areas are your expertise? Could you help fix the electrical parts? Or even do a coordination study? Possibly none of them. If this is the case you need to reach out to the people in the company and ask them a few solid questions. You don’t want to waste either of your time. Often these staff members already have a full plate. They may not want to talk to you about your project – after all – it is YOUR project not theirs. If this happens, offer to take them out to lunch, your treat — possibly you can write this lunch off if anything. At this relaxing moment you can now ask those deeper questions when their guard is down.

After they give you the 411 you can get the ball moving. First, what is the budget? Are you looking to have this completed by a certain date? Are you going to need to rent some heavy machinery? If so, you may need to contact a Modified Custom Skate Supplier so you can pick up some roller dollies to maneuver the machinery where you need it to be with minimal damage. If you are looking into the types of machines that are available, look for the one that will simply get the job done in a safe way, you never want to break OSHA and have a violation. If you need to rent equipment go with a solid company like

Now that you have the equipment you need to solidify your staff. You need people with experience. If you can source them from inside you company you will save on extra costs. Be sure to runt his by your management as well as theirs. No need to step on toes and get people upset. When the staffing it settled get the ground ready for the equipment. Have the crew manager consider the best sludge reduction. Call the city and make sure you have all the permits you need. If you need to close down part of the street for the equipment and staff then you need to call the local police. Explain to them the situation, how you need their help and for how long. This way they can be sure the local department is still staffed properly for them.

When you are ordering the sign to be made check the facility that is manufacturing it. If you are spending this amount of time and money on the project it is always better safe then sorry when choosing you vendors. Ask them for some referrals and call those referrals. See their opinion of how the job went. If it is needed ask for a tour of their shop. Does it look up to code? Are they checking for problems, like if they need a pipette repair? It is okay if you don’t know the answers – just be sure to ask someone who does know so no hiccups happen.

Lastly be sure to call the local electrical provider. You will want to have one on them present incase there are any issues like a building becoming ungrounded due to the contactors mistake. Safety first. Now good luck on your adventure but play it safe.

Updating Your Warehouse Facility

After time all things need updates. Your wardrobe, your TV, your home and your business. As you consider how you want to roll out an update you need to stand back and get a good feel for what you have, what you want and how to make the changes. Let’s go over some of the basics.

What You Have

What about the current situation do you like? How has this facility helped grow your business? Whether you are using a big or small building or are even thinking of building one, consider how you will use the space. While the facility is being constructed, you might want to look at the option of leasing equipment for the construction process. Considering renting construction equipment can be cheaper for you in the long run, and you might even have to pay the construction company you hire a considerably lesser amount. However, if you already have an existing facility, talk to the people who work inside the building. Talk to them about what they like and what they think will benefit the business. When you ask the people who are there you show them you do care. That you value their thoughts and opinions. They will be able to give you the feedback that is true. You may be surprised at their comments and suggestions. They know whether a salt dome storage or a barn like structure will be better for daily use.

What You Want

Now that you have surveyed the current situation you need to sit down and list off the things you want. After you have those listed, you need to prioritize them. For more tips on that, learn more from Forklift Safety Solutions. If we talk about forklifts, it would be hard to find an industry-grade warehouse that does not have one. Forklifts are widely used in multiple sectors of industry. When one breaks down, it can cause significant delays in everyday operations since it has become so essential. Therefore, it might be crucial for warehouse owners to have a forklift checklist similar to the one found at Texas Motive Solutions that can assist in averting major forklift breakdowns.

Equipment such as forklifts are crucial to the smooth functioning of any warehouse facility, and consequently, the workers operating this machinery also become crucial. The safety of these employees also becomes top priority. On that note, any employee who functions as a forklift operator is mandated to acquire a Forklift Certification Washington State (as well as in other states of the U.S.) according to OSHA regulations. These machines often carry heavy loads which is why operating them in the correct manner becomes very important. Incorrect or untrained operation of such machines can be dangerous and lead to employee injuries at the workplace. Ensuring worker safety comes first and foremost at every warehouse facility.

Besides that, ask yourself what are the musts, the wants, and the ones you can probably do without? You could try asking some warehouse employees and make a list of all the things that you need to buy. You may need an electric pallet truck, dock boards, truck restraints, and many more items. After you organize this list, start to research how much it might cost you. Consider your budget and start working with this. Call several vendors and talk to them directly. Don’t just go off the website. If you take the time to call them and discuss your thoughts they will better help you and help with any possible deals they can offer. If you need new plumbing call your neighboring businesses. Ask them how their plumbing is going and if they like how it is installed. If you need to protect your building from lightning strikes and solar flares then you need to call EMP Shield. Call you local internet and phone company. Ask some deeper questions on your bill and what they can offer. You may be eligible for some upgrades and discounts you didn’t even know about.

How to Make The Changes

Now that you have a list of things to do, you need to organize them in a way that allows you to still use your facility without closing down for installs. There will be things that will cause the building to have to close for a day or so, but you want to set it up so you have the least amount of downtime. You need to keep your staff working and production to still be at 100%. Look into moving this around with a new pallet. When you are getting the staff ready to come back after a day or so off treat them to a lunch on you. Call Panera and get a party tray. If you want to make it an after hours event call a local brewery and see if they can host an event. When you treat your employees well, they are more loyal and care about the business. Now get to it! And good luck.

3 Benefits of Puzzles for Kids

When it comes to good education toys for your kids, there are few things more classic or beneficial than puzzles. If you’re looking for good ways to keep your kids engaged while also learning something new, puzzles are a great way to go! So what are some of the main benefits of puzzles for kids? Take a look at three benefits that make puzzles a great addition to your child’s toy closet!

1. Improves Problem Solving Skills

One of the biggest benefits of puzzles for kids is that it improves their problem solving skills. Think about it – with so many different puzzle pieces and various ways that they could possibly fit together, your child’s ability to discern whether or not a certain piece will fit with another is going to improve, which will expand beyond the simple act of putting together a puzzle. Putting together puzzles is a surefire way to help your child engage in critical thinking.

2. Ability to Work as a Team

A puzzle is a great way to engage every member of the family in a fun activity. It’s also something that requires a good amount of communication and teamwork in order to be successful, making this another great benefit of putting together puzzles. Not only will putting together a puzzle make for a fun time together as a family, it will help your children understand how they can better communicate and work as a team to get something done, a skill that is sure to come in handy!

3. A Great Educational Tool

Whether you’re assembling a simple wooden puzzle with your toddler or a jigsaw puzzle with your elementary school kiddos, puzzles have proven to be a great educational tool. For example, if you’re putting together a farm puzzle with your younger kids, teach them about the animals on the puzzle and which sound they each make. If you’re wanting to assemble a puzzle with your older kids, consider finding a puzzle featuring a destination location and teaching them about the life and culture there. Dowdle Folk Art has lots of great options!


Every parent wants to take the time to help their children engage in activities that are both fun and will help them thrive. Puzzles are a fantastic option for children of any age, and with so many benefits from putting them together, they’re definitely something that you will want to consider doing with your child!

Getting The Man Cave Set Up

For this holiday are you gifting yourself or the man in your life a man cave? The man cave is a very popular and exciting movement. It is a special place for a guy to have fun and feel like they are in their own space. Here are some ideas and thoughts if you have a man cave or are beginning to set one up.


The location of a man cave can really be anywhere. The most popular places are garages, basements and outside structures either attached or detached from your home. If you are using a basement with limited lights you will want to look into lighting solutions like LED lights and other options that boost serotonin. If you are in an outside structure look into some heating and cooling options. If you are building a new structure make sure you reach out to the city department for zoning. Be sure to lawyer up just in case. If you are setting up shop in your garage check the outlets, see if the locks are in working order and check to see if there is a garage door broken cable.

Usage of Space

How much space will you be using for the man cave? You want to take full advantage of the space you have. Are there shelves or closets? Can you build new shelves and install other organizational accessories? If you want to have a table and chairs look at your locale furniture stores. Maybe on Facebook market place. I love popping into thrift stores and seeing what treasures I may find there. Check you The Container Store, they are so many thing you didn’t even know you needed. Consider what you plan on keeping in the cave permanently. This will help you lay out the cave with the right thoughts. Can you paint the walls? The floor? Look into some nice vibes with paints. If you can’t paint it, there are plenty of other ways to add some life onto the walls, such as these gaming posters for the man cave that will be used for late-night gaming sessions. In addition, you can also contemplate adding a mini-bar in the man cave. Setting aside a small area for their favorite alcoholic beverages can be a good look, and not to mention, it will most likely be highly appreciated. You can then fill up the bar with their favorite whiskeys (find out more at and other liquors.

The Tools

No man cave is complete without a bench full of tools. Everything from hammers and screwdrivers to an axe and a Heavy Duty Vice, men like to feel the weight of a heavy tool in their hand. Of course, you could just throw it all into a tool kit, but men like to see their tools laid out in front of them. If anything, be glad that it’s all stored away from the rest of the house – he can sit and play with his tools to his heart’s desire without ever bothering you. No more hammers in the living room! Just remember that men like to show off their tools, so you’re unlikely to avoid them forever.

The Toys

Here comes the fun part! Is there a theme to your cave or will it just be a mod podge of all the things you love? Some popular themes are cars, poker, sports, collectables and hunting. Whatever the theme may be it will definitely line up with the fun toys and accessories you will have in the cave. If you are planning on using it as a garage and work shop remember to visit Wolverine Engines for some sweet deals and variety of engines. If you want to have a collection of old signs on your walls like the kinds you see on American Pickers keep an eye out at the flea markets. They will have some nice options for you.

If you plan on having friends visit have some chairs available and even a mini fridge to store your drink of choice. And as for the latter option, that is hunting, you need to keep the instruments and tools ready at all times. Having a thorough sense of mind and knowing when to use can come in handy during dire circumstances.

Above all have fun! This is super special and not all people have the availably or access of finances to make a man cave. While you may want to brag and tell all your friends, just remember to invite them over to share in the fun.

Decisions Managers Have to Battle

As a manger you have a lot on your plate. Some days it seems manageable and others you feel like you are in over your head. With keeping tabs on your staff, the machines and technology you use and the welfare of the business at large. Still, there are things that could help you, whether that be the kind of customer journey tracking that LeadLander could assist with, or if it is adjusting the morale and mentality that you approach your co-workers with. Either way, when you feel overwhelmed take a step back, don’t panic. Let’s battle this problem together with some ideas listed here.

Securing Your Payment Processing

How you gather the payments from your clients is probably done digitally or by credit card. Think about the types of customers you are primarily dealing with. Are you gaining the funds via cash, internet bank transfers, PayPal or credit card. If you are using credit card machines check-in with this website to learn about protecting your credit card authorized safety. Be sure you always keep clean spreadsheets of the money flowing in and out of your department. If you are unsure how to do this be honest with your boss. They would rather you tell them so you can manage this properly than you guess and make things more complicated.

Establishing Your Internet and Phone Systems

Have you stopped and taken an inventory of all the phones under your department? Have you recently settled the sip vs voip debate but have yet to follow through with implementing them into the streamlining of your business? If not, make a list of who has a phone and what model they have. Pull the latest bills from your provider and see if they match up. You want to be sure you have the right data and are getting the best price. Then make a tally of all the computers as well. Are they all attached to a server and have proper backup capabilities? If you don’t feel confident in your knowledge of this reach out to as they are a leader in this field. Being in the height of our technological world, you have to use the best options within your budget.
For businesses, the top priority today could be leveraging the latest technologies and implementing innovative processes to ensure optimum performance. This extends far beyond simply implementing faster communication systems. If a company has to effectively compete with the others in the field, then it must let go of old ways of working and adapt to the digital world. Whether that means migrating operations to the cloud, or putting in place robust servers and networks, management most often has to find efficient ways of doing these, so as to not become obsolete in an increasingly technology-based market. No matter what your company does, partnering with an innovative IT Services company that can address current concerns and provide necessary solutions should be considered.

Maintain a Positive Work Environment

How many people do you have working for you? Do they interact with people in other departments that you do not manage? Do you have a grasp on their daily and weekly tasks? Reach out to each person throughout the month and take a pulse on how they are. Ask them if they are having any issues they need help with. Reach out to a team as a whole and have them come with questions and concerns. Don’t stop at this! Now, as their manager, you need to come up with a plan that can help alleviate or diminish the weight of the problem.

Stay Organized with Audits, Checklists and Inspections

As the boss, you need to stay on top of all things. You are juggling many things and feel pressure on you daily. As you hop back and forth between problems, team projects, and the finances of each group, be sure to keep track of all of it. You could make use of an Efficient corporate expense management software like Expense Once to track the status of the finances of your company.

You most likely are walking around the main building and possibly to off-site locations. Have your smartbook or laptop with you. When you may not have the right environment to use your laptop, you know you can always use your cell phone. Download some audit management software so you have all the tools at your fingertips.

Remember, just because you’re the boss don’t make you perfect. Be transparent yet strong. You can do this!

Holiday PayPal Cash Giveaway

Help Us Spread Christmas Joy!

Holiday PayPal Cash Giveaway Event!
Hosted By: Mommy’s Playbook
Co-Hosted By: Deliciously Savvy & Bohemian Babushka

Close your eyes and pretend with me for a moment. Imagine Mommy’s Playbook as a person (because, hey, I am a person here! *waves*) Now, imagine I am a person dressed up in a holiday elf costume, wearing a BIG smile, and maybe even jumping around a little bit! Did you giggle? That’s it! That’s what this giveaway is all about! Spreading Christmas Joy! If you don’t think you have anything to smile about this Christmas, please, please, please, let us help you! Enter to win $100 PayPal cash on the easy giveaway form below! Good luck to all who enter ~ Victoria

Christmas Joy Cash Giveaway Button


$100 PayPal Cash!

The giveaway is open US Only, 18+

The giveaway ends 12/23 at 1159 pm est

Be sure to come back daily for more chances to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Mommy’s Playbook Giveaway Rules: This giveaway is Sponsored by and hosted by Mommy’s Playbook. Participating bloggers, are not responsible for prize fulfillment. By entering this giveaway you are giving the giveaway host and/or event sponsor permission to retain your email address for future communication, you may choose to opt-out of such communications at any time. This giveaway is not sponsored or endorsed by any social media outlet including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn Please contact Victoria (at) regarding any questions you have pertaining to this giveaway.

Peach Skin Sheets Giveaway

Welcome to the PeachSkinSheets Holiday Giveaway!

Sponsored by PeachSkinSheets & Hosted by Mommy’s Playbook


Just like you, your friends and loved ones are home a lot more than usual right now. That means more time with the family, more cuddling watching movies, AND more time sleeping in! You want to be a great gift giver, right? Yes!!! Give a gift that allows for more of all of that! PeachSkinSheets are the perfect gift for any holiday, especially the holidays at the end of 2020. Who knows, they may help your loved one wake up to the best new year of their life!

PeachSkinSheets Packaging

About PeachSkinsheets:

The Original PeachSkinSheets are GREAT for hot sleepers! Breathable, ultra soft, pill resistant and anti-snag bed sheets featuring thermal control and moisture management properties…warm sleepers stay cool, and cool sleepers stay cozy. The durable athletic grade performance SMART fabric wicks away moisture to keep you drier and more comfortable. Best of all, they have a luxurious 1500 Thread Count softness with a brushed PeachSkin finish on both sides. Available in Split King, Cali King, King, Queen, Full, Twin and XL Twin and XL Full.

PeachSkinSheets Free Swatches

Say goodbye to wrinkles! Nobody wants to climb into bed with wrinkly sheets. PeachSkinSheets sheets have a wrinkle release that is activated in the dryer on medium to medium/high heat (temperature depends on your dryer) in about 20 minutes after washing.

Are You Looking for a Sale?

Every month PeachSkinSheets offers fabulous savings on their Colors of the Month! During this time, three Colors of the Month are priced at a reduced rate. Prices start at $65.

P.S. I saw a Black Friday Deal posted on PeachSkinSheets social media today! Look for it on Facebook, Twitter, AND Instagram for more details!

PeachSkinSheets Giveaway Button


Winner’s Choice PeachSkinSheets

The giveaway is open US Only, 18+

The giveaway ends 12/12 at 1159 pm est

Be sure to come back daily for more chances to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Mommy’s Playbook Giveaway Rules: No purchase necessary. This giveaway is Sponsored by PeachSkinSheets, and hosted by Mommy’s Playbook. Victoria and/or Mommy’s Playbook, Participating bloggers, are not responsible for prize fulfillment. Please allow 60 days for prize fulfillment. Physical address required for prize fulfillment; no PO boxes, US recipients only. By entering this giveaway you are giving the giveaway host and/or event sponsor permission to retain your email address for future communication, you may choose to opt-out of such communications at any time. This giveaway is not sponsored or endorsed by any social media outlet including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest. Please contact Victoria (at) regarding any questions you have pertaining to this giveaway.

Get Quality Rest Infographic

Claris Book Bundle Giveaway

Join Claris on a holiday-themed adventure in the titular bestselling series by acclaimed fashion illustrator Megan Hess: Claris: Holiday Heist. The Claris series, with more than a million books in print, follows an adorable mouse who moves to Paris to follow her fashion dreams, for fans of Eloise and Olivia. Destined to delight fashion-obsessed readers of all ages!

Enter to Win the 4-Book Claris Series with Custom Bookplates signed by author Megan Hess on the easy giveaway form below! Good luck to all who enter ~ Victoria

Claris: Holiday Heist: The Chicest Mouse in Paris Book Cover

A sweet little mouse takes on a cheeky cat burglar with holiday cheer! Can Claris and Monsieur save the day – the New York way?

Fashionable illustrations will draw young readers into Claris’ glamorous life again and again, while budding designers delight in the characters’ detailed outfits. Rhyming text makes this story of friendship and following your dreams a fun read-aloud for both kids and parents. Claris is more than a story – it’s a whole new world for children to explore as they follow the fashionista mouse on each new adventure, from her move to Paris in The Chicest Mouse in Paris and the runways of Fashion Week in Fashion Show Fiasco, to the beaches of the French Riviera in Bonjour Riviera and now a winter romp through New York City in Holiday Heist.

Claris Holiday Heist Bookplate

About the Author:

Megan Hess is an acclaimed fashion illustrator who works with some of the most prestigious fashion designers and luxury brands around the world, such as Chanel, Dior, Cartier, Montblanc and Tiffany & Co. She is the official illustrator for Bloomingdales New York, and completed the cover artwork for all of Sex and the City author Candace Bushnell’s books, as well as a private commission for Michelle Obama, and has collaborated with Gwyneth Paltrow for the ‘Blo’ Blow Dry Bar campaign. Claris: The Chicest Mouse in Paris is her first children’s book series. Find Megan and Claris on Instagram @meganhess_official and @claristhemouse.

Claris Giveaway Button


One Lucky Winner Will Receive 4-Book Claris Series with Custom Bookplates

The giveaway is open US/CAN Only, 18+

The giveaway ends 12/12 at 1159 pm est

Be sure to come back daily for more chances to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Mommy’s Playbook Giveaway Rules: This giveaway is Sponsored by Media Masters Publicity and hosted by Mommy’s Playbook. Victoria and/or Mommy’s Playbook, Participating bloggers, are not responsible for prize fulfillment. By entering this giveaway you are giving the giveaway host and/or event sponsor permission to retain your email address for future communication, you may choose to opt-out of such communications at any time. This giveaway is not sponsored or endorsed by any social media outlet including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Please contact Victoria (at) regarding any questions you have pertaining to this giveaway.

Countdown To Christmas Giveaway $600 value


Welcome to the 2nd Annual Countdown to Christmas Giveaway Event

hosted by Mommy’s Playbook!


If you are feeling pressure to get all of your holiday shopping done before the last guaranteed shipping date, let us give you a little relief! Sit back, relax, and Enter to Win this great giveaway! One lucky winner is going to take home ALL of the great gifts below!

KORE Intrepid Stainless Belt Buckle

ENTER TO WIN the Intrepid Stainless Steel Buckle & Stitched Full Grain Leather Belt from KORE Essentials! Made for Man.

What makes our KORE track belts so awesome? No more belt holes. That’s right! Instead, KORE’s men’s belts use a hidden track sewn into the back of the belt that features over 40+ size points to choose from, each point is just ¼” (6 mm) apart. This small, simple innovation means your guy gets a precise, comfortable fit every time he puts it on. Tell him it’s time to say goodbye to stretched out, poor-fitting, unsightly belt holes.

Holiday travel tip: KORE Essentials buckles pop off in 2 seconds to allow you to slip thru airport TSA security with the leather belt still on. Or you can swap belt colors or buckle styles fast.

Use promo code MommysPlaybook10 to save 10% on anything at KORE! *Code Expires Jan 31, 2021


Pure Parker His Hers Gift Baskets

ENTER TO WIN a Charcoal Sandalwood Natural Bath & Body Spa Gift Set for Him AND Designer XL Lavender Spa Bath Set for Her from Rachelle Parker!

His Gift Basket: This great grooming kit gift basket is ENGINEERED FOR MEN! When it comes to male grooming they need high-performance products formulated for men. Heaven & Earth Brings men quality skin care, free of chemicals, SLS, & parabens. These men’s products are formulated to cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize your man’s unique skin. He will – get clean, look sharp, and smell good into the New Year!

Her Gift Basket: Heaven & Earth brings Women premium quality products formulated with superior ingredients. Feel good & smell better all day long with an abundant spa hamper where each detail in the gift basket is designed to make your spa at home even more thrilling and extra delicious! Includes everything you need to refresh and indulge your way through the holidays!

Save 15% off both of these gift baskets using *code: LIXFOE4W at checkout—->HERE.
*Coupon Code Valid Until January 1, 2021
PeachSkinSheets Packaging

ENTER TO WIN the Original PeachSkinSheets! PeachSkinSheets are a wonderful holiday gift that will last for years to come. We received our first set four years ago and they are still as comfortable as ever! I love not crawling into wrinkled bed at the end of the day!

PeachSkinSheets’ durable athletic grade performance SMART fabric wicks away moisture to keep you drier and more comfortable. Best of all, they have a luxurious 1500 Thread Count Level of Softness with a brushed PeachSkin finish on both sides. Available in Split King, Cali King, King, Queen, Full, Twin and XL Twin and XL Full. Winner will choose their sheet size and preferred color too!

Joey Pouch Macaroons

ENTER TO WIN a Joey Pouch Prize Pack! The Joey Pouch is a line of Cotton Reusable Snack Bags for Kids. Each bag is an eco friendly reusable sandwich bags that is washable and dishwasher safe. Our Joey Pouches are BPA Free with EVA Food Grade interior lining making them safe for kids.

ECOFRIENDLY MATERIAL: Our reusable baggies have a 100% natural cotton exterior making these snack bags good for the environment.Kids love the soft cotton feel and cute designs on our eco snack bags.

EASY TO CLEAN: Having reusable sandwich bags dishwasher safe and easy to wipe clean makes cleaning up these washable lunch bags for kids a breeze.

Use Coupon Code 15CHESTNUTS to save on your Joey Pouch or Funstruction Toys holiday purchase!

*Coupon is automatically added at checkout

Pink Zebra Holiday Collection

ENTER TO WIN $50 Shopping Credit from my favorite Pink Zebra independent consultant! Pink Zebra developed Soft Soy, a proprietary blend of eco-friendly soy wax and dependable food-grade, paraffin wax to capitalize on the best performing components of each. Compared to traditional waxes, Soft Soy maximizes fragrance, burns cleaner, is gluten-free, protected by anti-oxidants and UV inhibitors, AND comes from soybeans grown in the USA! Join Amber’s Facebook group to learn why PZ is different than what you might be using today, AND find out how you can get some free samples!

Visit Amber’s Pink Zebra page learn how to host your own party and win some fantastic host prizes!

*Winner will choose up to $50 in products from this consultants IN STOCK collection.

MicroGold Product Lineup

ENTER TO WIN a MicroGold® Prize Package! This great prize package will include one MicroGold® Multi-Action Disinfectant Antimicrobial, MicroGold® All-Purpose Cleaner, and MicroGold® Waterless Hand Soap!

Are you worried about COVID-19 this holiday season? MicroGold® Multi-Action Disinfectant Antimicrobial Spray is tested and proven effective to kill the COVID-19 virus. The only multi-action solution approved to kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus in association with COVID-19 in 3 minutes on hard non-porous surfaces. Disinfectants kill microorganisms on contact, but as soon as they dry and someone touches that light switch or doorknob – BOOM – cross-contamination occurs because the disinfectant is done working. Antimicrobial agents have the ability to kill both bacteria and viruses as well as suppress their future growth by molecularly bonding to a surface and mechanically killing microbes through microscopic spikes. Excited the EPA is expediting testing and review on the long-lasting properties of antimicrobials like MicroGold® Multi-Action Disinfectant Antimicrobial Spray.

MicroGold® All-Purpose Cleaner is ideal for cleaning and disinfecting any hard non-porous surface. Kills common household, bathroom and kitchen bacteria. Cuts through grime and is bleach free, ideal for everyday use. Kills cold and flu viruses. **Part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s “List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)”

Have you had enough with sanitizer lately? Never worry about dry hands again with MicroGold® — the alcohol-free Waterless Hand Soap leaves hands clean and smooth with a unique, nondrying moisturizing and conditioning formula. It kills 99.99% of germs with a foaming pump action that creates an emulsification to clean away dirt, grime and eliminate germs. Effective in as little as 15 seconds. The antibacterial properties last up to four hours, according to a study in the American Journal of Infection Control on the active ingredient benzalkonium chloride.

Use Discount Code protect to save 15% off all MicroGold products!

Dream Leggings Snowflake Leggings

ENTER TO WIN a pair of leggings from Dream Leggings! Introducing Dream Leggings brand NEW line made by their own manufacturer, with all unique designs! Dream Leggings Exclusives are all designed by Dream Leggings and created exclusively for their wonderful customers! These Yoga Leggings are the NEWEST, classiest winter printed Leggings you won’t find anywhere else! They are made of the highest standard in materials, including a special new 4” yoga waist, and unbelievable seam stitching! The new line of Exclusive Leggings are stronger, more durable, and uniquely comfortable!

Visit Dream Leggings to see all of the beautiful holiday prints AND jump at their Buy any 4 Pair of Leggings Get a 5th Pair FREE!

TickleMe Plant Box Set - Grow The Christmas House Plant That Closes Its Leaves When Tickled

ENTER TO WIN TickleMe Plant Box Set – Grow The Christmas House Plant That Closes Its Leaves When Tickled. If you are looking for a unique Christmas gift this year, let the TickleMe Plant tickle the hearts of your loved ones! No green thumb needed, the TickleMe plant seeds are guaranteed to grow, even in water!

Why TickleMe Plants this Christmas? Growing TickleMe Plants from seeds is a magical experience for children and adults of all ages. Giving them as a gift means your budding scientist, future botanist, and garden lovers will receive an unforgettable gift. They will love everything about it. From the excitement of growing a new plant from a seed, to the first “tickle”, to watching the pink flowers grow! Visit the TickleMe Plant Amazon store to learn more.

Psst! TickleMe plants make great for stocking stuffers too!

The D.A.D.® (Defense Alert Device) is the first non-lethal personal safety device with smart technology. Each device is equipped with Bluetooth to send an emergency alert via your cell phone. #Tigerlight #BeBold #NeverAlone

ENTER TO WIN a D.A.D.®2 from TigerLight! Defense Alert Device (D.A.D.®) from TigerLight! TigerLight is the #1 self defense product! It combines advanced, proprietary, award winning Smart Bluetooth/GPS Danger/Crowd Alert technology with unmatched, non-lethal stopping power technology (See 96% LASD Study) in a Light, Alert, Pepper Spray Device, to bring you the one and only Self Defense Device you will ever need, the Defense Alert Device (D.A.D.).

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Proper Ways to Use Medical Marijuana

In recent years, medical marijuana has grown in popularity and become legal in many states. It still has a stigma attached to it, but there’s no denying the beneficial effects that many users claim, including:

  • Reduced anxiety
  • Help with insomnia
  • Pain relief

These are just a few of the ways marijuana can alleviate certain medical issues. We’ll go into more detail in the next step of the article.

Medical marijuana can be obtained in several ways, depending on where you live. For example, in Canada marijuana is allowed for recreational use, meaning you can get it from almost any store or even have a weed delivery straight to your door. In some American states, you require a medical marijuana card authorized by your doctor before you are allowed to enter a licensed dispensary and purchase it. Once you have that card, however, you will be able to order washington dc weed delivery online, or find a dispensary near you and go and purchase your marijuana in person.

But, once you have it, how do you use it properly? We take a closer look at how it works and the best methods of using this potential miracle drug below.

What Is Medical Marijuana?

Indica, ruderalis, and sativa are the three varieties of cannabis used today, with sativa and indica bred to make other strains. Both plants have similar benefits, but you’ll notice the specific effects are slightly different from one another.

Indica effects include:

  • Relaxed state
  • Helps you sleep
  • Reduces nausea
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Drowsiness
  • Relaxed muscles
  • Foggy thinking

Sativa effects include:

  • More energy
  • Increased appetite
  • Lifted mood
  • Nausea relief
  • Better clarity and focus

Breeders mix both strains, amongst others, to balance out the effects more evenly. This is better for medical marijuana so that the feelings you have can be more positive. However, in any case where you ingest too much, one or all of the effects can turn around and make you feel very ill, albeit for a short time.

Terpenes are actually responsible for many of the medicinal effects of marijuana, so if you’d prefer not to get high you can use extracts from a company like True Blue.

Proper Ways to Use Medical Marijuana

Now that you know a little more about the plant and its effects, let’s take a look at the best ways to use it.


One of the most common ways to ingest cannabis is by smoking it. You either roll it up into a joint or put it in a bong. Either way, you’ll want to make sure you have the right equipment for you before you begin. Going to a store or speaking to an online shop expert will give you all the advice you need regarding the required tools.

The advantages of smoking your cannabis are that it works very quickly as it enters directly into your bloodstream. You’ll feel quick relief from pain and nausea. The downside to this method is the negative effect it has on your lungs.


For those who’ve never smoked or don’t like the idea, edibles are an excellent option. You can either buy marijuana and use it for cooking as part of the ingredients or in the oil. You can buy it ready to eat in gummy bear form.

The best thing about this method is that it tastes fantastic. However, it does take longer to kick in this way, so you need to be careful about not consuming too much, as it could all hit you very suddenly later on. Monitor carefully how much you’re ingesting.

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Other Methods

Apart from the two most popular options above, there are various other ways to consume medical cannabis, and you’ll find a range of products both in a physical dispensary and online at places like elevate dc. More top methods include:

  • Topicals
  • Tinctures
  • Vaping
  • Suppositories
  • Dabbing
  • Patches
  • In a drink

Do What’s Best for You

After reading about the drug’s characteristics and learning about the various ways to use it, it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your mind and body. You can opt to smoke it or eat it in edibles, or go one of the many other routes. Obsiously, the intended use is medical but, for those looking to achieve a high or experience psychedelic effects from the substances they consume, there is also the potential to buy psychedelics online which should satisfy such people wanting this.

Whatever you do, always make sure that you speak to a doctor first and enlist a professional who knows the drug’s ins and outs to advise on dosage and the best equipment to use. After that, it’s time to reap all the benefits that medical marijuana has to offer.