Tag: review

Banza Mac and Cheese


Banza noodles are one of my favorite ways to sneak extra protein into my children’s diets. My kids are your typical picky toddlers. Their diet consists of buttered noodles, poptarts, chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. When I heard that Banza was coming out with a new nice of Mac and Cheese I was thrilled!

Banza’s noodles are not your average noodles. They are made with chickpeas, which packs them full of protein and tons of other nutrients. Banza noodles ditch the empty carbs found in traditional grain based noodles. With their chickpea based noodles you get 4 times the fiber and nearly half the carbs in each serving.

mac and cheese

Banza’s new Mac and Cheese comes in 4 new varieties.

All four of Banza’s Mac types have 18g protein, 8g fiber and 28g net carbs! Banza mac is high-fiber, high-protein, lower carb, gluten-free, and rBST-free.

Mac and Cheese


Banza Mac and Cheese products are slightly different from other mac and cheese brands you have eaten in the past. This is due to the use of chickpeas as the base to the noodles compared to a grain product. The chickpeas give it a thicker and more filling quality. This can make the noodles feel ‘cheesier’ as my 4 year old described it. If you want a less thick feeling I suggest adding a little but more milk to the dish, but not too much. Too much will water it down. I loved the White Cheddar the best. I felt that with the chickpea based noodle it paired very well. While each was fun and slightly different I would suggest grabbing a case of the White Cheddar to start with of not the variety case.

Here is my two cents on each of the new varities:

  • Mac and White Cheddar – smooth and rich white cheddar flavor.
  • Mac and Cheddar – original mac and cheese goodness. I added more milk to thin out the cheesiness.
  • Mac and Cheese Delux – cheese comes in a yellow sauce form (not powdered like the others) giving it a rich and more adult like texture. My personal favorite.

Keep your eyes opened because NEW Banza products are on the way!





Easy Canvas Prints

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Easy Canvas Prints has decided to extend a 80% off offer to our readers so be sure to take full advantage of this great pricing.

If you’re like me, I love decorating my home with canvas prints! Back when we lived in Australia, we had our ‘go-to’ Canvas Prints Brisbane supplier! They were pretty amazing! In fact, even though we’re back in the USA we may still occasionally order from them! Recently, we’ve been looking into how we can get canvas photo prints that make our home unique and have a personal feel. I have always loved the look of a gallery wall with canvas prints but I had no idea how easy this look was to achieve and that I could get my canvas prints cheaper than the cost of printing photos and buying a frame. Canvas Photo Prints makecanvas edit 2 thoughtful gifts, some of my first canvas prints were a Christmas gift to my brother and his wife of pictures of their children at my wedding. Last year my husband got me a 3 canvas wall display (this meant more to me than anything, since it appears that he does listen when I talk and that he chose one of my favorite wedding photos and my favorite newborn photo of our daughter). It means so much more to me to have my house decorated with my photos and my memories.
If you’d like to share these memories with family members and friends, there’s many places you can buy a range of refurbished photocopiers cheaper than new, and in just as good condition!

This Mamas Experience

Easy Canvas Prints makes designing your prints so simple, their website navigates you through the whole process . FirstECP photo deciding if you want one print or a wall display. I have used both options, the nice thing about the wall displays is that they help you design the layout and they even provide you with a blueprint to make hanging easy (including telling you exactly where to place your nail, we all know I have a fear of unneeded nail holes). If you choose to do a single print they have 10 different sizes to pick from or you have the option to customize your size. Next choose your wrap, standard .75″, Gallery 1.5″ (all my canvas prints are gallery wrap). You also have the option of getting your canvas framed or the option of stretching the canvas yourself and just get your print on a rolled canvas. Easy Canvas Prints makes choosing a photo simple by giving you the option to choose from your library of photos ECP 2on your computer or accessing albums on Facebook or Instagram. They let you know of your image quality and make “editing” easy with user friendly zoom options as well as choosing which direction your canvas will hang. Finish your order by choosing the display options (I chose open back) and your border. I like the mirror border, so my image is wrapped around the sides of my canvas without loosing some of my photo. Be sure to double check your image after adding the border, especially if you choose to have it wrap the sides.

canvas edit

My canvas prints from Easy Canvas Prints are stretched onto a wood frame and are high quality. The prints themselves are clear and beautiful, not pixelated (which is always my fear when blowing up a photo, that’s why I love the image quality check that Easy Canvas Prints offers).

I must say that Easy Canvas Prints is simple straight forward website (I would trust my not computer savvy mom to be able to navigate this site and be able to order a canvas). Although I did receive a canvas print in exchange for this review I assure you that I have purchased from Easy Canvas Prints in the past and will continue to order from them. Next I think I will use their Instagram feature and print one of my vacation photos on a 8×8 canvas.

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Sophias Style Back to School


With Back to School season here parents are scrambling for all the essentials. This includes backpacks, stationery supplies, shoes, and of course, uniforms. However, buying all of this soon adds up! Before starting to shop, I like to browse the School Uniform Shop Online as well as stationery stores to work out how much everything will cost be and we can have a back-to-school budget. Plus, by browsing, we get to see what’s on offer and what kind of styles will suit my daughter best. I remember going to school with tops too big for me and I hated it so I’m glad we can find more suitable options nowadays. I am so glad that I know the key to many parent’s success: SophiasStyle.com! At Sophia’s Style you can easily order items like backpacks & clothing. They feature a beautiful selection of school uniform polo’s, tops, cardigans, sweaters, shorts, pants, dresses, skirts, socks, jumpers, accessories and more, all at discount prices. They are sure to carry just what your school requires. They also have a huge, I mean huge, selection of everyday dresses and other play clothing.

Sophia’s Style even offers the special service of custom embroidery! Their uniform shop is opened 24/7, always giving us access to update our child’s wardrobe and the freedom to shop when we want to. Their super low prices make them a leader in children’s uniforms.

Sophias Style Pics

Their website is very easy to navigate, and their search bar is super helpful. You can find all types of fun children’s clothing and accessories with Sophia’s Style. From basic school uniforms to Holiday dresses and pageant dresses, you will have so much fun clicking around and drooling over all their amazing pieces. You can shop by brand, style or clothing size. They feature clothing for preemies all the way up to size 16 in teen (even women’s clothing too!), helping families find the perfect outfit.

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If your daughter is looking for a 1st day of school outfit, then I highly suggest Sophia’s Style’s ABC Dress! Being 4 years old, she is all about the ‘princess dress’ look. We have been talking and talking about the excitement of a new school year and when she saw this ABC Dress from Sophia’s Style she instantly fell in love with it. It fits perfectly with some room to grow, and all parents understand the importance in that. It’s comfortable and easy to wear & wash. The skirt portion of this dress is a print of hundreds of crayons, giving it a youthful and whimsical look that really makes it pop.

1st day of school dress

My daughter is very much into mermaids and was ecstatic that this year she will be sporting this Wildkin’s Backpack from Sophia’s Style. It’s the perfect size for toddlers and young elementary students. Often backpacks are too large on smaller kids, causing them discomfort when trying to wear them. These Wildkin Backpacks are not only the perfect size, but have 2 huge pockets, allowing you to fit in a full size folder and all the other books/essentials your child needs to put in their backpack. I had never used this brand before, but I am all about them now.

I’m not going to lie though, as much as I have grown to love this brand, I really wanted my daughter to have a personalized photo backpack as it would help her to identify which bag was hers, as you find that most children have a similar sort of style these days. I was just thinking about her being able to find her backpack without being overcome with worry. But I wanted her to stay true to who she was and what she liked. So the mermaid backpack it was. And I’m glad it was from this brand.

Mermaid Backpack

Santevia Gravity Water System

Santevia Gravity System Review


Clean water is a blessing! I often think about how many people go without clean water. Just contemplating my clean water at home makes me feel so grateful. While I live in an area that the tap water is safe to drink, I feel like I need to filter my drinking water before consumption. With scary media stories of towns with lead leakage, you can never be too safe. Earlier this year I discovered Santevia, and I am totally hooked on all of their water filtering products. It’s great looking for ways to make your water clean, having a water filter adds a little more safety to that. There are so many different types of water filters; all you have to do is search for water filters for home to find a few examples.

The Santevia Alkaline Gravity Water System restores your tap water to a clean, great-tasting, mineralized and alkalized state, using the power of gravity instead of chemicals, artificial materials, water pressure or electricity. Every drop drips through the complex 8-stage system of natural filters, which cleans and infuses your water with earth-derived minerals. The result: great-tasting, mineralized alkaline water that helps your body stay pH-balanced, healthy and hydrated. A great way to keep the entire family healthy. – Santevia’s Website

Santevia Counter Top Gravity SystemSantevia is not your typical water filter. Instead of just filtering out the ‘bad’ things from your water, it also adds in helpful minerals as well as balancing the pH levels. I bet you never thought about wanting your water to do that, but you really should. If you have the ability to help your body gain more from the water you drink, why wouldn’t you? I know that my kids are not the best eaters. Okay, they suck at eating healthy. They are picky toddlers and I will take what I can get when it comes to meal time. Even my 2.5 yr old won’t eat vitamins, so I was at a loss on how to get him to boost his bodies mineral intake. With Santevia I can give my children filtered, clean water that is simultaneously getting them additional minerals! Can I get a heck yeah?!

Water that has been filtered by a Santevia filter does not taste different. I mean that you cannot taste the added minerals. It tastes like filtered water. Some people can taste difference in water (I am slightly), but I cannot tell any difference in the Santevia. I can only taste crisp clean water that tastes smooth and refreshing. The best part about this system is that it require no electricity. You can place this system on any flat surface and filter away. No cords involved & no added cost of electricity. This is the gravity aspect of this system. If you live in an area where water can be unsafe to drink at times or in a area where natural disasters occur causing you strain on getting clean water, then this is a system you want to look into.

Santevia Counter Top with Sunflowers

I followed the easy to follow step by step instructions which can be watched here. You need to filter the whole tank’s worth of water 2 times before you can drink the water. After my 2 filters I noticed some white, milk, cottony like floaters in the very bottom of the tank (where the loose rocks are). I contacted Santevia and they assured me that my assumption was correct – it’s just minerals! It is safe to drink and it’s nothing to be concerned about. If you get those little floats feel free to drink them or removed them – whichever you are most conformable with. As my children are now starting to drink filtered water, I also think that it is important that they now shower in filtered water to keep their hair and skin healthy, along with all the other advantages that filtered water comes with. I will be looking to kick start the professional water filter installation process as soon as possible.

8-Stage Filtration Process

Stage 1: Ceramic Pre-Filter

Constructed from highly compressed and fired diatomaceous earth with a pore size of 0.3 of a micron, this pre-filter removes rust, sediments, bacteria, germs and parasites.

Stage 2: Granular Activated Coconut Carbon

Highly porous coconut carbon charcoal offers an astounding 65 acres of purifying surface area. It filters chlorine, herbicides, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, trihalomethanes (THMs), heavy metals, organic chemicals, odour, taste, colour and particulates. This stage also contains a KDF filter medium that inhibits the growth of bacteria in the filter and neutralizes heavy metals. Magnesium granules improve the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP).

Stage 3: Volcanic Mineral Zeolite

This stage inhibits bacteria and neutralizes heavy metals including lead, nickel, cadmium and mercury through an ion exchange process. It filters detergents, ammonium, certain radioactive ions, agricultural chemicals and other toxins.

Stage 4: Mineral Stone Infusion

Highly porous Maifan mineral stones infuse ionized minerals into the water that aid in oxygenation and alkalization.

Stage 5: pH Mineral Balls

Mineral ions encased in diatomaceous earth add calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals to fortify the water and increase the pH.

Stage 6: Energy Balls

Constructed from highly compressed and fired earth and mineral oxides, the energy balls assist with pH balancing and emit beneficial infrared energy into the water.

Stage 7: Mineral Stone Immersion

During this stage, mineral stones continuously release easily absorbed, ionized minerals into the water, including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and other trace minerals.

Stage 8: Magnetic Energy

Embedded in the Santevia water spout, aligned magnets are suspended in the water, simulating the magnetism emitted by the earth’s core and the forces created as water flows over magnetic, mineral-rich rocks in nature. The magnetic energy breaks the water molecule clusters into smaller structures for greater bio-availability and maximum absorption.

The Lovely Raindrop Review


Finding a classic piece of jewelry is like hitting the jackpot. I have recently discovered The Lovely Raindrop, a shop on Etsy, that features necklaces that are affordable, durable and beautifully delicate.

The Lovely Raindrop Packaging


The Lovely Raindrop has been a booming Etsy shop since it’s debut back in 2008. In 2010 the owner Morgan began to sell her handmade necklaces. They were an instant hit and have been selling fast for years now. Always on top of the latest trends in fashion, you are sure to find the most modern, hip and hottest jewelry. Updating her shop constantly, you will see fun new pieces to ‘heart’, buy and gift to your friends and family. If reading this has inspired you to start making plans to open up your own Etsy store, don’t let not having enough followers on social media put you off. Hopefully, as your business takes off, your followers will grow too. With that being said, if you want to create a better first impression, you can always get free instagram followers online.

The Lovely Raindrop neckalces 1

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The style and theme of The Lovely Raindrop, in my opinion, is the delicate, light & airy feel. Each piece is made to softly lay against your skin in such a way that you forget you are wearing it. I love the simple and easy way all of my The Lovely Raindrop necklaces lay. Having toddlers I cannot tell you how often I have had a necklace ripped off. I am not saying that these necklaces are ‘rip-proof’ by any means, but they are not flimsy. If they were to get caught on your purse strap they are strong enough to hold together. Don’t let their light and delicate look fool you, they are solid pieces of jewelry.

The Lovely Raindrop on Fox 1

Whether you need a piece for everyday wear or a special event, you will be pleased with the entire selection that The Lovely Raindrop has to offer. Head over to their Etsy site now and be sure to heart/follow them so you can always keep up with the latest and greatest designs.

Bible Belles Giveaway

Esther The Belle of Patience Giveaway 300

Welcome to the Groovy Giveaway Hop!

Brought to you by: thekidsdidit.com & themommyisland.blogspot.com


Have fun hopping to the blogs below!

1. The Kids Did It (HOST)   35. Box Roundup - WW  
2. The Mommy Island (HOST)   36. My Silly Little Gang - US  
3. (VIP) Still Blonde after all these YEARS - Adult Coloring Books $88 - US  37. Practical Frugality - US  
4. (VIP) Faith Filled Parenting - Osmo Genius Kit - $100  38. OMG Goodies - US  
5. (VIP) Angie's Angle - $25 PayPal Cash - WW  39. Deal Sharing Aunt - US  
6. (VIP) Home Jobs by Mom - $25 Pamper Yourself Prize Pack - US  40. 3 Partners in Shopping - US  
7. (VIP) Mommy Scene - $45 Revelae Kids Snack Set - US  41. Edge of Escape - US  
8. (VIP) Broken Teepee - $25 PetSmart Gift Card - US  42. The Silver Dagger Scriptorium US/CAN  
9. (VIP) Utterly Amazing - $15 PayPal Cash - WW  43. Dorky's Deals - US  
10. Garden Dreams Decor - WW  44. (Author) Krysten Lindsay Hager - US  
11. Love, Mrs. Mommy - US  45. PaulaMS' Giveaways, Reviews, & Freebies - US  
12. Literary Winner - US  46. Trailer Park Book Club - WW  
13. The Homespun Chics - US  47. Ladies in Defiance - WW  
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15. Maman Loup's Den - US/CAN  49. Babs Projects - WW  
16. Mom Does Reviews - US  50. Viva Veltoro - US  
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20. Confessions of a Frugal Mind - WW  54. Imperfect Women - WW  
21. Leettle House In Kentucky - US/CAN  55. This Roller Coaster Called Life - US  
22. Lil' Blog and More - WW  56. Here We Go Again...Ready? - US  
23. Rockin' Book Reviews - US/CAN  57. Sammy Approves - US  
24. Says Me Says Mom - US  58. Reviewz & Newz - US  
25. Mommies with Cents - US  59. The Candid Cover - WW  
26. Life, Naturally - US/CAN  60. Christy's Cozy Corners - US  
27. Simply Sherryl - WW  61. And Blue Sky - US  
28. The Homschool Village - WW  62. Lindsey blogs @ sebg - US  
29. Miss Molly Says - US  63. How Was Your Day? - WW  
30. Icefairy's Treasure Chest - US  64. Families That Stick - US  
31. Maman on the Trail - US/CAN  65. LeahSay's Views - US  
32. Nanny to Mommy - US  66. Life With Lovebugs - US   
33. Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE - US  67. Heartbeats~ Soul Stains - US  
34. Mamathefox - US  68. Savings In Seconds - US  

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Oakiwear Womens Boots

Oakiwear Womens Boots Review

With fall right around the corner and back to school season here, I have been stocking up on all the essentials for my kids. I got their new clothes, new backpacks, new supplies….but wait a moment…what about me?! As a mom I often let my own wardrobe slip. This past year I have been trying to remember myself and to give myself the treats I want and the essentials I honestly need. I have been lacking in the shoe department, which you may find funny. Most women love to collect shoes and love to change things up in their shoe collection. I have totally let this area of my life fall to the wayside. Although I definitely need some help finding booties that are on the more fashionable side that I can wear when I go out with my mum friends or on a day to day basis, I have been really needing a pair of rain boots. Having kids I seem to be outside more now than I ever have been in my life. Perhaps they need a pair of winter boots for kids too, to help them through the season. I love letting them play outside, but I hate getting my gym shoes all gross and mucky. Rain boots are really an essential in any moms wardrobe.

Oakiwear Womens Boots Collection

Oakiwear is a staple in the footwear world. They are made with such high quality materials and are affordable for any budget. Having been a leading shoe for kids, they have now branched out into women’s shoes. And boy, am I glad! Oakiwear boots are made with 100% rubber, allowing your feet to stay dry. What I love about 100% rubber boots is how easy they are to clean and fast to dry. I don’t have time to monkey around with cleaning shoes, I have dinner cook! With Oakiwear boots I can spray them off with a hose and call it a day.

Their huge selection of women’s rain boots range in sizes, designs, prints and colors. They really have something for everyone. Whether you like the more classic, traditional look or something funky and modern, Oakiwear has the perfect pair of boots for you.

Sizing Tip:

When choosing a size to buy you will want to measure the insole of a current pair of boots you own. Pull out the insert and use a measuring tape or ruler to see how long a current pair you own is. This really helped me find the right size. I thought I was going to need one size but after measuring my current pair of winter boots’ insole I ordered a different size and I am glad that I did.

Standard free shipping at $50

Oakiwear Womens Boot Collage

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Bible Belle’s Esther Review

Esther The Belle of Patience 300

In this crazy world it is easy to get swooped up into media, fades and earthly desires. I fall short daily and actively try to turn from my sinful ways and look to Christ as my example. If I fall so easily into earthly ideas and temptations I can only imagine how hard that is on my small, sponge-like little children. I try to instill strong Christian values into our everyday life, but even mom needs helps sometimes.

When I saw Bible Belle’s when searching online for wholesome biblical based books for my kids I was instantly interested. “Wouldn’t it be great if girls today were just as excited about biblical women as they are about princesses? Wonderful, real life examples of true beauty, women who can be real heroes for girls today. That would be something. That would be everything.”Bible Belle’s Website

Girl with Bible Belles

Bible Belles’ The Adventures of Rooney Cruz is an original children’s series that highlights five superhero women of the Bible: Hannah, Esther, Abigail, Ruth, and Deborah.

My children love to read books, it is part of our daily life. Finding Christian books is not a problem. There are tons out there, but I have never come across a book that shows little girls the women heroes in the bible, and shows them the applications in their life. No matter our ages, we have room for growth. Establishing the Truth and a solid foundation at a young age can help the young girl in your life set herself up for a successful walk with Christ.

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The Adventures of Rooney Cruz has had 2 books released so far: Hannah The Belle of Prayer and now, the newest book, Esther The Belle of Patience. In each book the main character, Rooney, is met with daily issues that you would find similarly in your own life. A fairy-like angle comes to Rooney and helps guide her through a biblical based story straight out of the gospel that is relative to the daily issue the character Rooney is struggling with. Putting the story in words that a child can understand, but while sticking with the truth of the gospel, you are given the “Bible Belle’s” story. Highlighting that girls play an important role in the bible and have the ability to do great things for God.

Inside of Esther

The graphics in the books are amazing! This is because a former Disney artist is the illustrator, which makes the book stand out from any other books. The colors, animation and design pull your child into the story, just like a Disney princess would.

Click here to find more about this series

Kaylees Craft Store Review

Charcoal Bath Bomb Kaylees Craft Store 2000

Kaylee’s Craft Store is a fun and exciting shop found on Etsy. Kaylee, the owner and designer, makes fun and hip bath bombs for everyday use. Ranging in scents and themes, she is sure to have something that will rock your world!

Being a self -proclaimed bath bomb expert, I know what I want in a bath bomb. Kaylee’s Craft Store hit the mark with everyone of their bath bombs I tried. The key elements that make or break a tub time experience are: feel of the water, coloring, strength of scent and fizz factor. Every Kaylee’s Craft Store’s bath bomb had the perfect amount of scent added. Not too powerful but not too weak. I don’t want to smell like a flower factory after my bath, but I do want to enjoy the scent while relaxing. Her’s were perfect. Coloring is very important to me. I hate when a bath bomb dissolves and it’s was too small or lacked in coloring, leaving me with a weakly colored tub. I use a standard size bathtub, nothing crazy big. I think that when the tub is filled and the bomb is fully dissolved you should have a decent coloring to the water. Kaylee’s were right on the money. Finally, watching the bomb dissolve and feeling the little fizz is the main experience you by a bath bomb for. Each bomb was fun to watch, fizzed and bubbled away for the standard dissolving time of 1 to 2 minutes. It was a real treat every time using a Kaylee’s Craft Store product.

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Standard Bath Bombs:

Standard Kaylee's Craft Bath Bombs

“Use these bath bombs to liven your mood, body, and soul” – Kaylee’s Craft Store
None of Kaylee’s bath bombs contain harmful chemicals, they are 100% safe to use and WON’T dye your skin. They will perfectly turn your water into a spa like experience but without harming you your skin or your tub. If you have any allergies please feel free to reach out to Kaylee to make sure the bombs are safe for your use. She is very friendly and can customize some bombs to help make your experience that much better.

The scents that you can choose from (for any bomb) are as follows:

Orange, Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Chamomile, Jasmine, Lemongrass, Tea Tree, Pink Lemonade, Vanilla, Apple, Blueberry, Green Tea, Lilly, Lemon, Coconut, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Lavender or Rose!

Now that is a selection!!

Charcoal Bath Bombs:

charcoal Kaylee's Craft Store Bath Bomb

I have never used a Charcoal bath bomb before, and man am I hooked! Charcoal is used to detoxify your skin and help with skin impurities. This bomb turned my bath water a deep blueish greenish color. It was so deep in color that I couldn’t see my feet under the water. I never experienced such a thick coloring in a bath bomb before and I loved it! I could feel my skin being softened as I soaked. I didn’t know that charcoal would be such a soothing scent. Using one of theses bath bombs is the perfect way to unwind.

Surprise Inside Ring Bath Bombs:

ringFor the ladies who love spa treats like bath bombs, but also love to spice up their accessory collection, this is the perfect bath bomb for you! In each one of these perfectly made bath bombs, you will find a fashion ring. Ranging in sizes from 5 to 9, you are sure to get the perfect one. They come inside of a small plastic container inside the bomb, so as it melts in your tub you will be able to easily find the ring. The plastic container will float to the top of the water. My daughter actually stole my ring, because she loved it so much! Each ring is a cubic zirconia and make a perfect gift for the friend of relative who has everything.

The surprise inside ring bath bombs can be made in a huge variety of scents. You can also order the Charcoal bath bomb with a ring by simply sending a message to Kaylee and requesting it.

Pokemon Surprise Inside Bath Bombs:

Kaylees Craft Shop PokeBall Once again, Pokemon is all the rage again with many avid players checking out Pokémon Cards For Sale, especially if they are old school and remember the days of the original Pokemon. What with the latest installment, Pokemon Go! as well as the fact my kids will not stop asking me to get them a pokemon black and white rom game to play for 300+ hours we’re always getting something Pokemon related. Oh but don’t get me the wrong way. My kids and I cannot express our love for Pokemon enough. When I saw that Kaylee’s Craft Store made these little pokeballs I was in shock! What a perfect item for adults and children alike. The ball is made with a combination of white, red and blue coloring, which will turn your bath into a lovely lavender color. But the best part about this special PokeBall is that there is a Pokemon figurine inside for you too. It’s like a bath tub blind bag! If you want to spice up your kids bath with a super fun treat, this is a must have product. Just don’t take your Nintendo DS or smartphone in the bath to try and catch it!

My Pokeball was peppermint scented and it went perfectly with the light lavender color my tub water turned. I got the Wigglytuff, which is Jigglypuff’s evolution (I told you I love Pokemon). With all the excitement and nostalgia that Pokemon evokes, this is a must buy bomb!


Kuhn Rikon Colori+ Classic Culinary Set

Kuhn Rikon creates nothing but the highest quality products. Their knives are made with the professional chef in mind, but with the average consumers budget. By making a knife that would be used in a fine dining restaurant available to the average home cook makes them stand out in the culinary world.

By using a quality knife you are able to work with ease and assurance in the kitchen. Making those slices and dices easy and clean cut helps any chefs confidence. When you are sure of your self and happy with your results you are typically a happier cook. When I am in a good mood in the kitchen my food always seems to taste that much better. I want to put love into each meal I prepare. From our daily dinners, fellowship events and tasty treats, each thing I create is made with hand that love the recipient.

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Colori Classic Set

I have never been professionally trained, but I have attended a few classes at a professional cooking school (Western Reserve Cooking School). Being a student, I tried to observe and take in all that I could. What I noticed was that all of the knifes they choose to use there are Kuhn Rikon. If they are good enough for this amazing school they must be good enough for my own kitchen. After doing some research I was so excited to see that they are truly in the average consumers budget. A knife, or a knife set, is not something you constantly purchase. You buy a set a stick with it for several years. You want a knife that will maintain its integrity and keep sharp. I have found that when treated and washed properly that a Kuhn Rikon knife will keep sharp far longer than any other knife I have worked with.

I highly suggest trying out Kuhn Rikon’s Colori®+ Classic Culinary Knife Set. The set contains: a paring knife, a serrated paring, a utility knife, and a serrated utility knife. Each knife has a sharp Japanese stainless steel blade with a colorful ergonomic handle and matching safety sheath. Japanese stainless steel blades are super sharp, making short work of cooking tasks.

Kuhn Rikon Colori Classic Set

Colori®+ Classic knives offer convenience through their sharpness, secure-grip handles, and lightweight design, making all of your kitchen prep tasks a breeze.  This versatile set offers a greater amount of control for slicing, de-boning, and other kitchen prep-tasks.

  • Handy all-purpose knives – can handle all your kitchen prep tasks in record time.
  • Paring Knife: perfect for slicing cheese for your sandwich, peeling an apple, or chopping vegetables.
  • Serrated Paring Knife: perfect for slicing bread, tomatoes, and other soft fruits.
  • Utility Knife: for de-boning meats and other tricky kitchen tasks.
  • Serrated Utility Knife: perfect for slicing smooth-skinned fruits and vegetables, bread, or meat.
  • Ultra-sharp Japanese stainless steel blades.
  • Blades stay super sharp.
  • Safety sheaths included.