Time-Saving Hacks For Busy Moms

When it comes to being time-poor moms all over the country are sighing and nodding. Busy working lives, children to taxi around, food shopping, house cleaning, not to mention some downtime or hobbies. Being a mom can get intense and it often feels like there are not enough hours in the day. So, if you’re looking for ways to do it all or how to eke out a little bit more time in your day take a look at these time-saving hacks. 

Meal plan and batch cook freezable food 

Meal planning is one of the best time-saving hacks around. If you know what you are cooking for dinner every night you won’t be staring aimlessly at the fridge or cupboards trying to piece together a meal. It will keep you organized throughout the week and you can ensure you have everything that you need in advance, which will also save you money on your grocery bill as you won’t buy unnecessarily.

To really maximize your time you could batch cook a few simple meals when you have the time and freeze them, ready to be defrosted for the day you need them. Or you could cook twice the portions you need for dinner that night and freeze the excess. Meals such as spaghetti bolognese or cottage pie are perfect for this. Superior Farms has a perfect warming shepherd’s pie recipe to feed the family. 

Photo credit; Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Get ready the night before

The kids’ clothes, your clothes, school lunches, and backpacks are all examples of some simple tasks you can prepare the night before to make the morning rush easier and less stressful. You can even layout the breakfast so all you have to do is eat it.  

Shop online

You can order almost anything online now. You can order your grocery shopping and save your regular items so they are there at the click of a button each week. You can order clothes, household items, books, you name it Amazon will deliver it, even socks.  You no longer need to visit three different shops for all you need, you can do it from your kitchen table.


Don’t forget when it comes to your shopping list you can use tools such as Alexa to add things to your list so you don’t forget them at the time of shopping and find yourself popping to the store. 

A place for everything and everything in its place

How much time do you spend looking for things? Or how often do your children ask, ‘Mom, where is?’. Having a ‘home’ for everything is a fantastic way to save on time. A box for the TV remotes, a place for the pens, and racks for shoes. If everybody knows where something belongs and ensures it is put back there after use, you shouldn’t be caught out hunting for sneakers again. 

Implement routines

Having routines for daily tasks can be a great way of ensuring they’re not put off and you keep on top of everything. It could be a daily cleaning routine, you might clean certain rooms on certain days for example. It could be your exercise schedule or laundry days. Whatever chores and tasks you have, consider utilizing a routine to ensure they get done.

Eco-Friendly Ways to Clean Your Bathroom



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Experts recommend sanitising the bathroom at least once a week and performing a deep cleaning once a month. However, wiping spills or wet areas and cleaning visible dirt is something you must do regularly to prevent mould, mildew and grimes or stains from building up. Several commercial cleaning products are available in the market, but they may contain toxic ingredients harmful to the family and the environment. 


Be sure to check the contents of these cleaning items and only go for the green options. Some are made with eco-friendly substances. They are effective in eliminating dirt, and at the same time, you can be sure they are free from chemicals. Besides these cleaning products, there are also other green options to clean your bathroom. For example, you can make your cleaning solution using different ingredients, which you may already have in your pantry. 




It may not be the favourite thing you want to clean in the bathroom, but it’s one of the most used, so you need to do the job. Plus, a filthy toilet is not hygienic, and it’s also unsightly. Many people use bleach, but it has chemicals that are bad for the surroundings, and it smells harsh. So instead of using that, a green way to clean your toilet is by mixing a tablespoon of baking soda with half a cup of vinegar. Spray the mixture in the bowl, let it sit for half an hour, then start scrubbing. 




A walk-in shower with easy clean glass is, as what the term suggests, easy to clean. If you plan to get a new one for your bathroom, choose an option with this type of glass. Do not use abrasive materials as they could scratch it. Instead, spray black tea, white vinegar or hot water on the glass, and use newspaper to wipe dry. A steam cleaner will do wonders in cleaning your tiles. You can also spray a mixture of water and vinegar on the tiles and wipe them with a clean cloth. 




Other surfaces in the bathroom and even other parts of the house can be cleaned with vinegar and water mixture, but this time, add lemon juice. Mix a cup of water to a cup of vinegar and the juice of a lemon, put in a spray, and apply on the surfaces you wish to clean. To remove dirt, let the solution sit for some time before wiping with a clean cloth. It will not only sanitise the surfaces but also leave the bathroom smelling fresh. 




Warm water is enough to clean your bathroom mirrors. However, if you have difficulty removing stains, add vinegar to the water and spray on the area you want to clean. Finally, wipe dry with newspaper, towel paper, or clean cloth. 




Pour a quarter cup of baking soda in the drain, then half a cup of vinegar. The mixture will break down debris. After half an hour, pour boiling water to flush dirt. 

Cleaning your bathroom doesn’t need to involve harsh chemicals. Let go of the toxic cleaning products you are familiar with and switch to eco-friendly options listed above. 

The Top Surviving Tips You Need to Live a Better Life

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The world is a busy place, and it can be hard to keep up with everything. However, there are some things that you need to do to live a better life. They’re the things that will help you feel more productive, healthy, happy – all of those nice things!

Here are the top surviving tips you need to live a better life.

Prioritize Your Fitness

Fitness is a type of medicine that will help you stay healthy and fight diseases. There are many ways to improve your fitness, such as enrolling in a gym, personalizing gym equipment, and doing homework-out. Still, but motivation is most important for those who have been neglecting it lately. Resources such as https://www.motivationdistrict.com/ can be referred if you need encouraging messages and life stories to build a healthy lifestyle.

A great way to start is by signing up for a fitness class that you love. It can be running, yoga, or cycling if it makes you happy! The important thing is not the type of activity but your willingness to do something regularly.

You can also train to become a fitness instructor. By this, you will be able to help those in need while also keeping fit. Isn’t that a great way to kill two birds with one stone! You can click here www.americansportandfitness.com to sign up for a fitness course.

Master Your Skills

It is not very difficult to master a skill, but it takes practice and hard work. To become good at something, you need patience as well as perseverance. If your habits are weak or you want to strengthen them, there may be things that will help, such as having the right mindset and surrounding yourself with positive people who can push you in the right direction.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. People love showing off their knowledge and will often feel honored if you come to them asking for assistance or advice on a topic they have expertise in. However, it is essential that before going over what someone else suggests, you first try doing it your way so as not to waste their time.

Work on Your Weaknesses

Don’t get too comfortable in your weakness. It’s easy to fall back on them, but you need to do the hard work of putting some effort into it. You can even use strategies that are designed for this purpose if required.

Some people have made great success with this type of method, so don’t feel alone when you’re struggling to change. Working on your weaknesses is a great way to make you a better person. There’s more potential for growth when working on weaknesses because if something is already your strength, it means that there isn’t much room for improvement at this point. So, you have to put in the work, and you will get rewarded with personal satisfaction from accomplishing it, which makes all of these efforts worth it in the end.

Living a better life is more than just living; it’s about the quality of your experiences. It’s not always easy or fun, but you can do many different things to get through tough times and enjoy yourself in good ones. Keep in mind that your life will never be perfect, and it’s up to you to make what you can of each day.

Adopting A Greener Lifestyle: Tips For The Modern Family

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Living an eco-friendly lifestyle has become a priority for everyone. As a parent, though, you are very concerned about protecting the planet for your children and future generations. Sadly, it can feel like an uphill battle as many aspects of modern life naturally increase our carbon footprint.

With the right strategy at your disposal, though, it will be possible to adopt a greener lifestyle with very quick results. Focus on the following ideas and success is assured.

Building a greener home

You spend more time at home than ever before. Moreover, the average family uses more energy than previous generations. As such, working your way to a carbon-neutral property should sit at the top of your agenda. Aside from protecting the planet, it’s a move that will aid your bank balance in the long run as reduced energy waste will lead to smaller bills.

There are many ways to improve the energy-efficiency rating of your home. Simple ideas like switching to LED light bulbs can be made right away, helping to make an instant energy saving. Meanwhile, water-saving toilets, taps and dishwashers can help to reduce water usage. Consider installing a water-butt to collect rainwater too. This can then be used to water plants in hot weather, and can even be plumbed in to toilets using greywater technology.

Additionally, removing your boiler and fitting an air or ground source heat pump will reduce gas usuage, saving on fossil fuels. To save on heating costs further, replace your windows with triple-glazed models and insulate your roof with a thick layer of wool. A شركة عزل أسطح بالرياض (roof insulation company in Riyadh) or a similar company closer to you can do this for you. Wool is a great insulating material to use as it is cheap, natural, organic, chemical-free and water-proof, meaning you won’t get issues with damp. You could also choose foam, but this is often full of polluting and harmful chemicals, or fibreglass. Fibreglass is dangerous to touch, but it can be boxed in to make it safe and it can also be made out of recycled glass, meaning it is better for the environment than foam.

The quest for an eco-friendly home isn’t just about the situations inside your property. It should also bring a change of mindset that will subsequently influence your habits elsewhere.

Change your approach to driving

Car technology evolves at a rapid rate. In the last decade or so, the growth of both hybrid tech and EV tech has been huge. The added accessibility and affordability have created a far better situation for green drivers. Not least because the used marketplace is now very accommodating for drivers that care about the environment.

Embracing the latest eco-friendly car tech isn’t the only way to enhance your approach to driving. Even if you keep your current gas guzzler, improvements can be made. Going for family bicycle rides instead of driving to a local attraction is one option. Simply combining daily errands into a single trip is another commonly utilized solution.

Away from the home, your vehicle is probably the biggest contributor to your carbon footprint. If that doesn’t inspire you to give it the attention it deserves, perhaps nothing will.

Take eco-friendly vacations

Vacations provide the highlights of our lives. Sadly, many holiday types will significantly increase our damage to the planet. This is because we tend to dismiss our daily habits and become far more wasteful. With food. With plastics. With resources. You probably won’t find the perfect vacation, but a conscious effort to do better should yield positive results.

Camping trips and trekking adventures are up there with the best. With the right EcoGearFX equipment, your family will have an incredible time. You won’t need to travel far or by plane, which instantly aids the cause. For instance, if you live near Costa Rica, then you need not think about going to Panama for your fishing trip. You could simply visit the Tamarindo area, where you can opt for a charter boat (by contacting reputed Costa Rica fishing charters) and enjoy the sport with your family. (See, you do not need to think about spending boatloads of money to hire a private jet for a simple fishing trip. Charter boats can do!) Remember that many of the adventures enjoyed during your time here on the boat can be eco-friendly. Fishing with the best topwater frog lures, cycling, and walking are just some of the examples.

An alternative option is to sign up for a volunteering scheme. Working on a project that develops eco-friendly technologies or works in renewable energies will be perfect. This type of vacation also offers a sense of immense satisfaction.

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Find greener hobbies

In addition to becoming more responsible on vacation, you need to make daily updates. The way in which you spend your leisure time is sure to have a telling impact on your overall situation. Therefore, you should be keen to introduce eco-friendly hobbies, such as gardening at home or at the local allotment. It can be enjoyed by all the family. In fact, if you are serious about growing your own food, then you can even start a family farm! All you will need is a piece of land, some robust machinery like tractors and ploughs (visit the Costex Tractor Parts website to see more), the right seeds, and a bit of farming knowledge. While this can seem like a big endeavor, a little effort can go a long way in building your own farm, especially when the whole family gets involved.

Other environmentally friendly pastimes include taking part in water sports at the beach. You can choose to take a lengthy family vacation in locations like the Lake District, which offers a wide variety of water-based activities. You have an endless selection of water-based sports to choose from, such as sailing and windsurfing as well as diving. You can either forego renting canoes, kayaks, or paddleboards and simply enlist the assistance of pros from adventure companies like Graythwaite Adventure, who may be able to aid you with the sports. You might even take an interest in learning how to sail or water ski. Or why not attempt raft building or dragon boat racing if you want a fun team activity?

As with most things, you don’t have to strive for perfection. The key is to make a conscious improvement and reduce your carbon footprint, without negatively impacting your lifestyle.

Also, snorkeling and scuba diving with SwimOutlet gear is a great example. Playing team sports and enjoying activities that won’t require heavy machinery or rely on electricity will work wonders. The knowledge that you’ve made smarter choices can actively boost your enjoyment.

Cut food waste

Opting for greener energy and materials will serve you well. However, it’s equally important to focus on how you use resources. While people are guilty of wasting various resources, there is no question that food is one of the worst culprits. Anywhere up to 40% of all food ends up trashed. So, learning to manage your intake is key.

The easiest way to do this is to monitor how much you eat. You can subsequently adjust your grocery purchases accordingly. If you stop overbuying, you will have far less waste. Another popular solution is to cook batches and freeze portions for another day. Aside from reducing your food waste levels, it saves you time in the long run.

Adding a food waste disposal unit or making a garden compost will additionally support your cause. Once you embrace the winning habits, you’ll notice the difference in no time. In truth, it’s likely that you will keep up those improvements for many years to come.

Use eco-friendly brands

Implementing better habits in your daily life will make a significant impact. However, you must not overlook the fact that commercial endeavors will always carry a bigger impact. In short, cutting your usage of resources by 10% is futile if the company’s you buy products from are causing vast waste. As such, researching brands that align with your ideas is key.

Businesses can’t wave a magic wand to become carbon neutral. However, partnering with advocates of cleaner energy is a positive step. Meanwhile, choosing local companies will cut down on the transportation of goods. Brands that utilize green packaging should be openly supported too. When they succeed, it forces other brands to take note.

In truth, thinking twice about the brands you use is probably the most effective way to improve your situation. When supported by personal changes, success is assured.

The final word

Adopting a greener lifestyle does take a little effort. Thankfully, the rewards in your personal life will vindicate the decision. The fact it also supports the planet is merely a bonus.

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Discover The Most Common Problems In Early Pregnancy

Discovering you are pregnant is both exciting and nerve-racking. The longer you have been trying the more nerve racking it is. After all, if it has taken you years to get pregnant you will be anxious that something will go wrong and you’ll have to start all over again. 

Unfortunately, the first trimester of any pregnancy is also the one that carries the highest risk of issues. That’s why most people see a reputable obstetrician Sydney as early as possible but don’t tell their loved ones until week 13 or later. 


Without doubt, this is the biggest concern and one of the most common issues in early pregnancy. It is estimated that 80% of women will experience bleeding during the first trimester. The good news is that at least 50% of these women go on to give birth to a healthy baby. That means the odds are in your favor.

However, it also means that roughly 50% of these women will experience a miscarriage. 

It is important to have a miscarriage investigated. It is possible that you had an ectopic pregnancy, this is when the fetus has implanted outside of the womb and cannot survive. This type of issue can be dangerous for the mother as well as fatal for the unborn child. 

It should be noted that an ectopic pregnancy can either be dealt with by medication or surgery. However, it can often involve the removal of one of the fallopian tubes, making it harder to get pregnant again.


You’ve heard of morning sickness and it’s estimated that at least half of pregnant women will suffer from this during the first trimester. 

The good news is that in most cases it is just a feeling of being sick, in some you are actually sick, but it doesn’t lead to complications with the baby. It is simply a symptom of pregnancy. 


As your body adjusts to having to support two lives it is common for you to feel extremely tired. Interestingly, this lasts for the first trimester and returns in the third. During the second trimester, you are likely to have plenty of energy!


Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that appear just inside and outside the rectum. They are caused by the increased pressure that you experience as your uterus starts to expand. They are more common in late pregnancy but can occur at the start. Understanding the best ways for how to prevent hemorrhoids is going to be much more comfortable for you while you are pregnant. Hemorrhoids aren’t always avoidable when you have a baby pressing down on your insides, if you understand how to look after them you’re not going to be a pain for too long.

In general, this isn’t a concern and they disappear after the pregnancy has finished. 


Many pregnant women experience cravings during their pregnancy. These generally start during the first trimester and can be a sign of a nutrient deficiency. It’s a good idea to get it checked. If you have cravings they are likely to last for the duration of the pregnancy. But, again, they will disappear after the birth.


When you become pregnant your body undergoes a lot of changes, particularly hormonal changes. This often results in headaches during the first trimester./ But, they should pass as you enter the second trimester. 


5 Ways to Reduce Neck and Back Pain at Work

It is estimated that four million Australians suffer from neck and back pain. The fact is that an increasingly digital age has people looking at screens more of the time. If you work in an office it is likely that you spend up to 12 hours sitting down.

For much of that time, you will be staring at a screen. Despite your best intentions, it is highly likely that you’ll slouch in your chair and lean forward to see your screen better. This causes neck and back pain.

In fact, sitting for long periods every day also increases the likelihood of you developing chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart disease.

In extreme cases, you’ll end up stooped or with other spinal issues that require a reputable spine surgeon to resolve for you. This can be avoided by reducing neck and back pain. However, it is always a good idea to consult a spine surgeon and get a professional opinion and advice.

  • Stand Up

The problem with sitting is that all the weight is taken off your legs and goes on your bottom. This slows your circulation and causes an array of knock-on effects.

However, there is an increased interest in standing desks and these will help you to balance out your sitting. A standing desk can move between sitting and standing, allowing you to alternate through the day.

Providing you set the desk up correctly it can make a huge difference to your back and neck pain.

  • Re-Organize Your Desk

The top of your computer screen should be level with your eyes and your elbows should be level with your keyboard. Rearrange your desk so that this is true and you’ll find it much more comfortable to sit for an extended period of time.

  • Change Your Chair

It is also worth looking at your chair. You should have an ergonomic chair that provides lumbar support. This encourages you to adopt the right seating position and, along with your rearranged desk, can eradicate neck and back pain.

  • Move Around

Exercise is the key to good health both today and in the future. If you find yourself sitting for large parts of the day then make time to exercise. In a basic sense, this means getting up from your desk every hour and moving around the office or perhaps running up and down the stairs.

You can also commit to exercising daily to help negate the effects of sitting all day. If your back pain still hasn’t subsided, you could think of looking for an adelaide back pain centre near your home.

  • Skip The Phone

One of the biggest issues today is that you can do everything on your phone. This means that emails and other work items are often done on the phone. Unfortunately, when you are on the phone all the time you are looking down, and this causes a painful neck, often referred to as ‘text neck’.

By simply using the computer to answer these messages you can avoid this issue and decrease the neck and back pain you are currently suffering with.


How To Finance Your Home Renovation

Renovating your house is a wonderful idea since it will increase the value of your property and, even if you don’t intend to sell, it will make your home more pleasant to live in. A proper renovation, of course, will cost more than a quick coat of paint and a patch-up, and you may need to consider how you will fund it if you decide to go down this route. After all, the more you spend, the better the end result (in many cases, at least). Here are some suggestions to finance your home renovation to help you create the house of your dreams.

Image from Pexels

Sell What You Don’t Need

If you’re entirely honest with yourself, there will be things in your home that you just don’t need anymore. Maybe you don’t actually remember why you have them in the first place. These can easily be sold, and you’ll make money to help go towards your renovation, as well as cleaning out space to make the work easier (and to make your home more comfortable too).

Or it could be that you have to re-look at your finances in general. Are you paying a lot for something, such as your car, and you would prefer that money to go towards your home? In that case, look at cheaper options for vehicles and value your trade today! By trading in your expensive car for a more affordable model, you’ll save money and have more to spend on whatever renovations you deem necessary.

Credit Card

Using the appropriate credit card wisely may be one of the best (and possibly cheapest) kinds of financing accessible to you. If you already have a card, check the interest rate to ensure it isn’t too high – it’s easy to overlook this, particularly if your payments are automated. If you don’t have a credit card or want to get a new one with a lower interest rate, make sure you look at all the options, as you don’t want to apply for too many; you need to pick one and go with that.

What you should ideally look for in a credit card is one with a low introductory rate term or zero percent interest offers available – perhaps even a balance transfer option so that you can transfer your old card and pay for the repairs, saving you money from every aspect. Only ever get a credit card if you can easily service the repayments, and it’s not going to be a financial problem for you.


A person usually invests across various platforms so that they may come in handy to finance home improvements and any similar objectives. Different options are available these days instead of merely depositing money and gaining low interest from a bank account. For generating a significant amount of side income, you can consider a variety of investment ideas such as stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and cryptocurrency.

Out of all the investments, cryptocurrency seems to be the newest and most popular in modern times. Since cryptocurrencies are generally based on blockchain technology, it may be nearly impossible to alter any information saved in their database. Along with data security, a relatively faster transaction might be the prominent factor behind the success of cryptocurrencies. In conclusion, it might be a good idea to invest in them with the help of a crypto trading app (like Bit Index AI App), which might help you to finance your future home renovations and any other improvements.

A Personal Loan

If you need to borrow more for a bigger project, a credit card may not be enough, so instead of applying for a slew of different cards, each with its own interest rate, it may be wiser to check out personal loans. If this is your first time taking out a loan, don’t worry, you can find more information online if you just spend some time researching your options. More often than not, borrowing some money through trusted lenders could prove to be beneficial for you. The interest rates are usually lower than those of a credit card, and you’ll know precisely how much you’ll be paying back and over how long a time, making it simpler to budget. Simply researching online for the Best moneylender in Singapore or a similar money lending company in your area is all it might take to for you to get the money that you need for your latest renovation project.

Depending on your particular circumstances, there are a variety of loans accessible. The ones with the lowest interest rates are for individuals with excellent credit, but even if you have a poor credit score, you may be able to get a loan. You no longer need to visit a high street bank to apply for a loan; instead, you can search online. However, be sure that you are borrowing from a trustworthy source since this will provide you with the most security.

What Home Upgrade Projects Should Your Family Complete ASAP

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If you’re anything like the average homeowner, you probably have an endless list of home projects that you’d like to complete. Naturally, then, learning to prioritise the tasks is essential if you wish to unlock the potential of your home ASAP.

While some projects can wait a little longer, others should be completed right away. Here are six of the best that deserve immediate attention.

#1. Home Security

As a responsible parent, you’ve already invested heavily in childproofing the home. Sadly internal threats are not the only source of danger that you must recognise. Theft brings some nasty repercussions for your finances and your emotions. Therefore, adding security cameras and alarm systems should be a priority.

Also, if you have an old garage, it could be recommended to get it replaced with some modern technology. The doors with a faulty spring or opening mechanism can be dangerous with the curious kids at home. You might want to look for Garage door installation in San Tan Valley, AZ (or near your location), to find the service provider of your choice.

When your home is safe and secure, you’ll feel far more relaxed during daily life.

#2. Repurposing The Guest Room

If you wish your home was a little bigger but fail to use the space that’s currently available, you haven’t got much of a leg to stand on. The guest room is one of the most common culprits. If you have people stay over, sofa beds will turn your living room into an overnight guest room. And this means the previous room can become something else.

Gym, playroom, office? That’s entirely up to you.

#3. Getting A New Bed

While there are many changes that can be implemented to improve your life during the waking hours, you shouldn’t overlook your sleep. A good night’s rest reduces stress levels, makes you happier, and improves your look. As such, investing in a new mattress is one of the smartest things you can do. New bedsheets are never a bad move either.

You should notice a difference within a few nights of better sleeping.

#4. Boosting The Water Pressure

There’s nothing quite like the joy of a relaxed shower or bath. Sadly, if the water pressure isn’t at the desired level, your enjoyment will be significantly reduced. This guide to boosting the water pressure will allow you to overcome the issues. In turn, you can enjoy power showers and improved bathing experiences. You can use the method to aid the kitchen too.

While you could survive without this task, it’s very easy. You’d be a fool to ignore it.

#5. Eco-Friendly Updates

As a society, we cannot afford to wait any longer before reducing our collective carbon footprint. On a personal level, though, home updates should be at the top of the agenda. LED light bulbs, water-saving toilets, new roofing, and thicker windows are some of the ideas you can introduce. And you should do it right away for two main reasons.

Firstly, it’ll save the planet. Secondly, your energy bills will fall. So getting in touch with professional roofers in Virginia Beach, VA, or wherever you are from, for example, is essential in getting the ball rolling for your upgrades.

#6. Add Family Photos

Many homeowners are so much trying to build the perfect house that they forget to create the perfect home. Small personal touches can make a world of difference. Getting family photos printed onto canvases or displaying souvenirs will work wonders. It creates the sense of belonging that will unite your family under one roof.

It doesn’t require a big investment of time or money. But the results are incredible.

Stone Mountain Park – The Best Spot to Explore

The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic restricted us to our homes, leaving us stuck in a cycle of work, eat, sleep and repeat. Our schedules were a total mess, and we were always bored. We tested all the DIYs, experimented with recipes in our cookbooks, and recreated the Tiktok trends. Short of us looking on the best site to buy TikTok followers so we had an audience for our online Covid life, we did practically everything we could think of. Yet we were still bored and had nothing fun to do. But the boring time is now over. The world is reopening and allowing travel to all the fun places you always wanted to go.

As the Covid-19 restrictions are decreasing, more people are going out to explore. People are visiting restaurants, recreational areas, and parks. Many people are taking a break from their work and enjoying a quiet evening with their loved ones. Places with a clean atmosphere, calm surroundings, and good ambiance are high on demand. Beaches, valleys, and mountain trails are a few places where people are going now. Numerous vacationers are choosing the countryside as their next destination. They are taking a break from the usual hustle-bustle of the city and going away for either a weekend or more extended trips.

For a relaxing and calm vacation, the mountains are the best place to go during this tough time. Stone Mountain Park is one such place, which is a top travel destination and tourist attraction. It is a family destination for fun and adventure near Georgia City, Atlanta. Nestled in 3200 acres of natural beauty, the park has family-friendly attractions, outdoor recreational activities, and various on-site lodging options where families can stay.

Stone Mountain Park also arranges exciting seasonal events and entertainment to delight every member of the family. To provide safe outdoor entertainment and maintain social distancing, keeping in mind the pandemic, they have reduced their daily capacity. They tend to set up screens for screening a special movie with their best outdoor projector for the guests. And for that, people visiting the park can make reservations online before visiting. Date-based tickets are available for daily ticket guests. So you can make reservations and have a smooth vacation process. Due to the pandemic, locals are also enjoying such a beautifully designed park.

Stone Mountain Park is present around Stone Mountain, which formed about 300 million years ago when the molten material just below the earth’s surface pushed upwards. That material cooled slowly over the years and formed a compact, uniform crystals. Over time the top surface eroded, exposing the mountain we see today. The dome-shaped rock rises 1,683 feet above sea level and covers 583 acres.

Stone Mountain Park is full of adventure and endless fun, famous for its attractions. Following are Stone Mountain Attractions that you must see when visiting the place.

Mowgli 4D Jungle Adventure

Mowgli’s 4D jungle is a unique and interactive experience that allows children of all ages to engage in a thrilling adventure. It is a roller coaster ride where children become part of Mowgli’s quest to save his tiger cub friends, as the evil poachers are on a hunt. In his new adventure, the excitement increases when a unique group of friends joins him, including a formidable black panther, a goofy sloth bear, a caring elephant, and a ruthless tiger.

The jungle adventure highlights the unique beauty of all animals in a story of friendship, determination, and justice, along with full entertainment.

Summit Sky Ride

The high-speed Swiss cable car takes the tourists more than 825 feet above ground to the top of Stone Mountain. The tourists can view and enjoy amazing views of the Atlanta skyline, the Appalachian Mountains, and more up to 60 miles away from the top. The Summit Skyride is an incredible experience that allows you to witness the beauty of the surrounding landscapes from the mountain top.

Dinosaur Explore

Stone Mountain Attractions also includes Dinosaur Explore, a prominent adventure place for vacationers. The species which has gone extinct a million years ago come to life again in the park. The Jurassic giants are part of the exhilarating experience of the park. The captivating creature collection features 20 life-size dinosaurs with special stimulation effects that allow them to move and roar just like their ancestor species. It is one of a kind experience which attracts people of all ages. The interactive activities include paleontology tents, fantastic photo ops, and a dinosaur feeding wall.

Great Locomotive Chase Adventure Golf

The greatest attraction in the park is the Great Locomotive Chase Adventure Golf Course. Inspired by the Great Locomotive Chase of 1862, the golf course brings you to an exhilarating adventure from the perspective of the train’s original crew during the American Civil War. In the chase, make your way through 18 holes in hot pursuit of the stolen General Locomotive. The train-inspired design blends with the natural architecture of Crossroads and Stone MountainPark. If you already love golf and are looking forward to getting your teeth into this golf course, then you may want to update your golf bag with some custom golf putters before you get on the green, hopefully giving you that edge on the course.

Historic Square

Historic Square at Stone Mountain Park is a collection of original buildings from around the State of Georgia, built between 1793 and 1875. Each structure brought from its original site was carefully restored to preserve its authenticity and historical value. You can take a self-guided tour and enjoy the sights and smells of the working cookhouse and garden. This fascinating area also houses the most extensive collection of period furniture and decorations in the south, reflecting the diverse lifestyles of 18th and 19th century Georgia residents.

Scenic Railroad

Another place included in the Stone Mountain Attractions is the Scenic Railroad. Jump on the open-air cars and have a breathtaking experience going through Stone Mountain Park. The train goes through a route around the mountains and deep forests, giving the tourists a delightful experience. The natural beauty and landscapes around the mountain refresh your mind. It is a five-mile excursion that lasts for 25-30 minutes but leaves you longing for more. People can board and de-board from Marketplace Depot in Crossroads.

Museum at Memorial Hall

Stone Mountain Attractions includes a museum that features artifacts and stories that span 12,000 years, from ancient civilizations that lived on the mountain to the present-day park. It teaches the visitors about Native Americans, pioneer settlers, and the effect of the Civil War on the community. It also portrays how the Stone Mountain granite helped build the local economy. The carving on Stone Mountain is the largest relief carving in the world. You can learn how it came to be through exhibits featuring original designs, scale models, and the 11-minute feature film ‘The Men Who Carved the Mountain’.

Geyser Towers

Another place on Stone Mountain Attractions list is a tower overlooking the geysers. Multiple levels of suspended rope bridges and net tunnels connect you to towering platforms that show the gushing geyser. With sporadic eruptions and multiple offshoots, you can play in the spray or stay high and dry. Geyser Towers offers plenty of room for adults and the perfect amount of excitement for the kids visiting Stone Mountain Park.

Final Thoughts

Stone Mountain Park is a safe space for those who want adventure, fun, and family time without traveling out of the city. The place ensures adequate physical distancing and aims to maintain all guidelines and restrictions. In such hard times, families need to refresh their minds and restore their energy for work, and the beautiful park is the place to be.

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