Author: MamatheFox

The Benefits and Risks of Testosterone Therapy For Aged Men

For a man, having low testosterone means a lot of things. It decreases a man’s motivation, energy, sex drive, and bed performance. There are also other harmful effects of low testosterone. However, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can boost testosterone levels to normal while returning them to their young age. 


The normal testosterone level in a man is usually high during adolescence and his early 20s. However, as you age, it will gradually decline. Sometimes low testosterone could result from a problem in the pituitary gland (in the brain) or the testicle, which controls testosterone production.


In aging men, low testosterone might signify the normal aging process. While aging, testosterone therapy might be a good idea. However, as much as the benefits are marketed, various misconceptions or risks are associated with the treatment. Experts have stated that there are adverse effects of testosterone treatment.


Let’s look at some of the benefits and risks of testosterone therapy for aged men.


Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

Why should you consider testosterone replacement therapy at all? What good does it pose to your health? Let’s find out.

  1. Increased testosterone 

Hypogonadism reduces a man’s ability to produce the normal amount of testosterone that he needs. This could be due to a problem with the pituitary gland controlling the testicle or a problem with the testicle. 


However, the right testosterone replacement therapy that suits your needs will mitigate the symptoms and signs of low testosterone in aged men. When you use testosterone gel, you should wash your hands properly after every application. 


Also, ensure that no one touches the spot where the gel is applied. When women or kids touch that spot and make contact with the testosterone gel, it could result in side effects like premature puberty and hair growth.

  1. Testosterone improves bone density and anemia 

In two separate studies, researchers showed the effects of testosterone therapy on anemia and bone density. First, the research showed that testosterone therapy improves bone structure and also mineral density. 


However, researchers indicated that longer trials would be needed to know if the therapy would also lower the risk of fractures. The research further showed an increase in the hemoglobin levels of persons having anemia. 


Additionally, they further stated that there was about a 40 percent increase in hemoglobin levels of persons who had taken testosterone than in the placebo group. Also, the research showed that testosterone corrected iron deficiency anemia and unexplained anemia. 


However, testosterone therapy had no improvement or benefited other aspects of cognitive functioning. Also, a trial for cardiovascular health showed that there was more coronary artery plaque buildup in men using testosterone therapy than in men treated with the placebo group. 

  1. Increased life expectancy 

According to Abraham Morgentaler, director of Men’s Health Boston, “we recognize, based on dozens of studies, that testosterone therapy importance is relative to health issues such as diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and osteoporosis.” 


This shows that this therapeutic treatment might play a role in how long a man can live. According to Morgentaler, there is a link between shorter life expectancy and low testosterone. He further continued, “Men with low testosterone die sooner than men with normal testosterone levels.”


However, it is not yet clear if low testosterone is capable of making early death more likely. There could be other factors involved. Also, it is still not clear if boosting testosterone levels to normal levels would impact longevity.


Risks of Testosterone Therapy 

Some aged men experience various symptoms or side effects of testosterone therapy. Some of the risks include:

  1. Prostate cancer cells growth 

Physicians have a growing concern that testosterone therapy can stimulate prostate cancer cells growth and hypothetical cardiac risks. However, this evidence is mixed. 


Since prostate cancer is quite common, doctors tend to be wary of prescribing testosterone therapy to aged men who might be at risk.

  1. Cardiovascular problems 

Another risk of testosterone therapy is the higher chance of cardiovascular problems such as stroke, heart attacks, and death from heart disease. 

  1. Side effects 

Some aged men usually experience testosterone therapy side effects like disturbed breathing while sleeping, swelling in the ankles, breast tenderness, or acne. Also, doctors tend to be on the lookout for high red blood cell counts as it could increase clotting.


Wrap Up 

For aged men with low testosterone levels, the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy might outweigh the potential risks. However, this should be a decision discussed with your doctor for much younger men. 


Testosterone therapy might offer men the chance to feel better, but it could shield your attention from long-term risks like prostate cancer and heart diseases. Therefore, before you consider testosterone therapy or any other type of therapy, you should weigh the risks and bene

Going Solar Pros and Cons

Choosing to adopt the use of solar energy has its pros and cons. When we analyze it critically, the pros certainly outweigh the con which is why you surely want to give in to the thoughts of going solar this year. With many emphases on the adoption of cleaner energy practices that help to conserve the environment, there are many reasons why you want to choose solar, and you can be sure they will benefit everyone moving forward. 

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The Big Deal About Solar Panels


When we take into account the fact that talks about solar panels are on the increase in recent times, it can only mean that it has become paramount to put cleaner energy generation and utilization on top of the global agenda. This is not coming from the fact that there are glaring signs that we need a more sustainable environment. 


With pollution from the use of fossils fuel topping the chart when it comes to some of the dangerous activities ravaging the ecosystem, you will agree that there is a need to make the shift to other positive measures. This is where solar energy is at an advantage, it poses a positive solution to overcoming the negative effects of greenhouse gas emissions and the dependence on fossils fuel. This link has more on the latest blog about happenings in the world right now as it relates to solar energy. 


Solar panels are easy to install and require minimal maintenance to keep them running. The fact that they are relatively cheap and affordable to install domestically, makes them suitable for use in every home and establishment that relies on electricity. However, one serious question is, how safe is it to adopt solar energy? You will find more in the section below on the pros and cons of choosing to go solar. 


Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy 


While making it obvious at the start of the piece that the benefit of going solar surely outweighs the negatives, it will be a good idea to dissect some of the facts that help us to better understand the good and bad sides of adopting the use of solar panels in the home and environment. 


Pros of Solar Energy 

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When you take into account the very fact that the main requirement to power these panels comes from a natural source which is the sun, it is safe to say that we get an energy source that will never run out. This makes for one of the biggest advantages I can think of, and this is that you can never run out of the ability to generate the energy required to power the panels and inverters. 


Renewable Energy Source 


It is clear enough; you can be sure of a renewable source of energy when we harness the power from the sun in generating electricity for personal and public consumption. The sun is readily available all year round and in all parts of the world, making it accessible to anyone who has the resources and ability to install the panels and inverters needed to provide the electricity. 


Readily Available 


The fact that it is easy to get access to solar panels and the technology required to install and power them makes it even more beneficial. This means that you will not have to stress much about getting them installed in your home or office. You will need to follow the guidelines in your area about adopting solar energy and ensure that you get the right licenses and are connected to the power grid so you can get credits for what you contribute to the grid. 

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Saves Cost on Monthly Electric Bills


Since you generate your electricity, you will not have to worry about the rising cost of electricity which surely leaves you with a fat bill to pay at the end of the month. There is also the bonus that you can get remittance for the power you generate to the grid and do not utilize. The bottom line is that you will not have to worry about your monthly commitments with the power company where you spend heavily on electric bills. 


How much you can save will depend on the size of the unit you use and how much electricity you generate and consume. This page here has more suggestions on ways to cut down the monthly cost of electricity at home. 


Ease of Maintenance 


It is also true that you will not be overburdened with the responsibility of maintaining the systems monthly or even yearly if you use a professional installation service that gets the installation right. You will only have to ensure that you carry out yearly inspections to access the state of the equipment and take care of any necessary repairs or replacements that you need to make. You will have to clean the system to rid them of dirt and debris that could tamper with the internal units. Aside from this, you will not have to do much when it comes to maintenance. 


Disadvantages of Solar Energy 


So now that you are familiar with some of the pros of using solar energy at home, you will now learn about some of the downsides as well. I run through a few of them quickly below. 


Weather Factors 


The fact that solar energy is dependent on weather is one of the big disadvantages. You agree that the sun only shines for a few hours during the day and as such, you will not expect the system will be generating and storing any power at night. There is also the issue of rainfall, storms, and unstable weather conditions which could also affect the system


Expensive to Store the Electricity 


It is also a problem that it can be expensive to store energy from the sun. Since the energy cannot be used right away, it will need to be stored in batteries which makes it possible to access the power when needed. And in most cases, it can be expensive to install the number of batteries required to keep up with homes and establishments that make use of much power during the day. Still, you can choose to connect your system to the grid and rely on electricity from the grid to power your home at night can choose solar for daytime. 


Takes up Roof Space 


Since you need to have the panels exposed to sunlight, the best possible place to have them is on the rooftop which could take up roof space depending on how large you want the system to be. It could be a turnoff for most homeowners having metallic panels on the roof but if you are not going to be staring at the roof all day, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.


Final Note 


There are many other downsides to going solar such as it can be difficult for most homeowners to succeed at DIY installation, it is also true that there is also a low level of pollution associated with the use of solar energy. Since it does not in any way harm the health tragically when compared to other forms of electrical energy generation and consumption, it is safe to say that you want to consider adopting solar energy if you are not already doing so.  

Stomp Rocket Giveaway

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Stomp Rocket – Rainbow Rockets!



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Why You Should List Your Business In An Online Directory

An online business directory is an Internet listing of businesses and a marketing tool. The listings include information about businesses, such as the name, address, contact information, associations, services, and products. Companies are typically categorized by location, activity, or size. Business information must be up to date on every directory listing since incorrect data may confuse potential customers leading to less trust and lost sales.

Increase Traffic to Your Website 

When deciding whether you are going to list your business in a directory, consider that a listing can bring both indirect and direct traffic.

Direct traffic occurs when customers locate your company using your website listing. Per Linkedin, a relatively high amount of direct traffic generates potential leads. 

Indirect clients are those who reach your site via search engine results. If your business is listed close to the top of your category, it is visible to customers. For instance, someone might be looking for “plumbers” and find a business directory with a high ranking on the search engine results page for plumbers. When visitors click through the plumber category, they have easy access to your site if it is ranked near the top.

Increase Online Visibility 

An online business directory can boost your business’s online presence. It’s essential to list the company in more than one directory: the more listings, the more visibility. Today people are hooked on the Internet and use it to find every type of service or product, and directory listings help them locate new providers.

Better Search Engine Ranking 

Since millions of people now find businesses using a Google search, it might seem as if listing a company in a business directory is overkill. However, Google, Bing, and other search engines rely on the information you put on your website, online reviews, and company data from online directories.

Google uses information from online directories to help decide what appears in search results. When you are listed in multiple directories with accurate information, it gives Google a positive signal about your company. It is a data point that helps Google show your business in search results. 

Reach New Investors and Partners 

SocialMediaWeek experts say that business directory listings can help companies expand. Most people are unaware that companies searching for new business partners often begin with online directories. For example, if you’re into selling your salon business in the future, it’s best to get it listed in an online directory. 

Customers Have Easy Access to Your Business 

Thousands of people search online business directories when they want to find local companies. Directories make it very simple for visitors to scan listings and locate suppliers who provide what they need. Organizations can operate for many years without area residents knowing they exist, but a directory helps make them visible.  

A business directory listing lets customers know where you are and can showcase your services. Because a directory listing includes details about each company, it can be the ideal way to provide information about your business. For example, your listing can describe your location’s products, services, and other details. Customers get critical information about your business and learn how to contact you.  

A listing directly links your website and may even include a helpful map. Directories typically contain a preview area that allows potential customers to see other clients’ experiences with your company. Positive reviews in this section can help boost traffic to your site. 

Online business directories are essential business tools for any company that wants to thrive. A directory listing can improve search engine ranking, drive traffic to a company website, offer clients easy access to company information, and help a business expand.

Fun After School Activities to Keep Your Children Active and Happy

Photo from Pexels


School is no longer just a place for lessons and tests. It’s also a time for children to have fun and make friends. After kids get out of school, a great way to keep them active and busy is by putting them in after-school activities. These after-school activities have been designed to keep children occupied and happy for hours on end. From art to music, sports to dance, there is an after-school activity for every child’s interest. Children are naturally curious, energetic, and active, so they need to find activities that will keep them active and away from technology and screens. Here are some fun after-school activities to keep your children active and entertained.


Sports Teams


One of the best things you can do for your child’s health is to get them involved in sports. It keeps them active and teaches them how to work as a team, make good decisions, and, most importantly, have fun. There are a number of sports teams for a variety of different sports, so you can find what would be perfect for your child. The local recreation department may also have programs your kids can join.


Art Classes


If you have a budding artist in your house, there are a number of art classes that are available for children. Children love to create, so art classes are a great way to keep them busy and happy. With art classes, children will learn new skills and have a lot of fun while they’re doing it. After school art classes come in all different forms, including painting, photography, clay, and more. Art classes are a great way to let your child try something new, while still staying safe and having fun.


Music Lessons


Music lessons are a great way for children to learn new skills, make new friends, and stay active after school. Many music teachers will meet after school to provide lessons, while others will meet on weekends or evenings. Learning how to play an instrument, such as the guitar, drums, or violin, is an excellent way for children to stay active as they learn new skills. Many music programs also offer after-school options where your child can learn how to play an instrument or sing along with a group.


Dance Classes


If your child loves to move their body to the rhythm, there are a number of kids dance classes that provide after-school programs. From hip-hop to jazz, salsa to tango, there is a class that will fit your child’s interest. Your child will learn new skills, have fun, and burn off extra energy. What’s not to love?




It can be hard to keep your children busy when they don’t have school to attend to. Fortunately, there are tons of fun and dynamic after-school activities that will keep them active and happy for hours on end. From sports teams, to art classes, to music and dance lessons, there is something for everyone. Sign your children up for these fun and healthy activities and watch them build their newfound skills!


Variety of Whisky Gift Sets – A Guide for You!

Are you looking for whisky gift sets to give to your friends and relatives for a special occasion? Or do you want to purchase a set of whisky for the purpose of testing and trying for yourself?

If you are interested in knowing more about the different kinds of whisky sets you could get from glenscotia, then continue on reading. In this article, we will be taking a look and helping you choose the right whisky gift sets.

Gift sets

When it comes to trying out whisky for the first time, it is always a great option to look for gift sets that you can test out with yourself or with other members and decide which flavors speak out to you the most.

Fortunately, at glenscotia, they offer amazing and reasonable gift sets, which make special occasions and moments even better. These gift sets come in different sizes and flavors, but they all come with the signature whisky.

Single malt whisky gift set

Coming to the first gift set and the one which is quite popular is the single set which comes in a set. This whisky set includes beverages of glen scotia double cask as well as 15 years old single malt whiskies.

The overall price for this set comes to £40, which is reasonable considering the whisky and other drinks are preserved for years and years. This miniature whisky gift set is just the thing for you to experience the best and most affordable whisky with your loved one.

Single malt whisky tasting set

This second whisky set comes from a whisky-tasting company and has been regarded as one of the finest quality whisky out there in the market. In the set, you get to experience five entirely unique and different whiskeys, all made from malt. Some of the whiskies included in the sets are more than 10 years old, like Tomintoul Glenlivet and glencadam whisky. The overall price of this set of whisky is around £30.00, but with an additional £2.99, you can easily customize it by adding a level and other items.

Ben Riach bottle in a box whisky set

Coming to the third whisky gift set, we have Benriach whisky, which, unlike others, is a more fancy and luxurious whisky. This 10-year-old whisky has a unique character to it as it is infused with notes and flavors of oak spices and fruits. If you are someone who loves to drink whisky, then this £60.99 whisky gift set is the perfect treat you could give to yourself.

Jim bean whisky set

The last type of whisky gift set is the Jim bean whisky set which, if you are not aware, has been around for ages. This company has been run around by one family of seven generations, and they offer whisky sets that are tasty and affordable. The flavors of the whisky are vanilla and caramel, which are infused with fruit and honey, making a unique and flavorful drink.


So hopefully, now you have a better idea of what whisky gift sets you could get for yourself or for your loved ones like relatives and family. At the end of the day, it is always a better option to get smaller sets of whisky so that you can experience and broaden the wide range of tastes and smells.

Saving Space: How to Change Your Bedroom After Giving Birth

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! A baby brings new joy into a home but also comes with responsibilities. A baby only eats and sleeps, and one of your responsibilities is to ensure they sleep peacefully and comfortably.

If you consider sharing your bedroom with your little one to keep them in sight or save more space, there are many aspects to consider. Here are some expert tips on how to change your bedroom after giving birth.


Separate the baby zone

Sharing your bedroom with your baby doesn’t necessarily mean sleeping on the same bed- you can sleep on your bed while the baby sleeps in their crib or bassinet.

The first thing you want to do is create a mock nursery using a divider or a curtain, but you don’t necessarily have to separate it if you don’t want your baby out of sight. Letting the baby sleep in their zone makes it easier for them to transition into their bedroom later on.


Pick your furniture wisely

When redesigning your bedroom to accommodate your little one, you have to make the space as comfortable as possible. A full-sized apartment bed can allow you to tend to your child on the bed when they are ill and get the necessary rest in between feeds.

Essentially your bedroom should include a full-size bed, crib, nightstands, rocker, ottoman, and dressing table. With the proper planning, it is possible to fit a decent amount of versatile furniture into a small bedroom.


Place the crib away

Just because you share the room with the baby doesn’t mean that you must place the crib next to your bed. Having the crib next to you prompts you to check on the baby often, interfering with their peaceful sleep.

If anything, it is best to move the crib away to sleep train your baby better. However, it should still be within your sight where you can easily keep an eye on the baby.


A crib that rolls is best

There are many advancements in baby gear that you will be spoilt for choice. Opt for a crib with wheels that you can easily move away from your bed when the room is not in use. Also, you can nurse the baby while it is next to your bed and haul it away when the baby sleeps.


Choose your lights strategically

Some night light fixtures are necessary to light the room as you jump out of bed to breastfeed the baby in the middle of the night. Ensure the lights are soothing and warm to create a soft glow for the baby to sleep comfortably. Warmer colorsare often best for night lights.


Opt for multipurpose pieces

When decorating your bedroom to accommodate the baby, think about multipurpose pieces that you can easily transport to other spots within your home. For instance, a nursing chair that you can easily carry to your living room is a smart idea.

When buying a rug, think about a texture that is baby-friendly, cozy and still blends with the rest of your living room. Multipurpose pieces ultimately save you more in the long run.


To Sum Up

Incorporate some aspects of stimulation and entertainment such as building blocks, toys and books suited for your child’s development.

4 Easy Steps to Getting Organised with Gift Giving

When it comes to gift giving, where do we start? For some of us, gift giving can be a stressful, manic time of rushing around in a panic trying to get everything sorted. For the more organised ones out there, it means casually browsing around and picking up that meaningful gift for that special someone. Well, if the first one sounds anything like you, then this is the blog post for you!

1. Start Early:


We know it seems like the obvious answer, but we know that you need reminding again. We are all guilty of leaving things to the last minute and then rushing around to get it done just in time! Well, here is your gentle reminder…start now! Seriously, today! Even if you’re reading this and you’re thinking, “Hmm, well, I haven’t got any birthdays coming up for a couple of months,” that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thinking about gifting.


Starting early and keeping your eyes peeled for the right gift for your loved ones is the best way to be organised with gifting. So, start today. Plan ahead and think of who you’re going to have to get gifts for which will get you on the road to being organised.


2. Keep a Record:


Okay, so now we’ve got the first step of starting early down. Now that we do, it’s equally important to keep a record. C’mon, we’ve all been there! We buy a couple of gifts nice and early, thinking we’re organised. But then we end up forgetting what we got for everyone! So, the trick here is to keep a record. You buy a gift, then write it down! Seriously, this is the best way to stay on track with your gifting.


3. Shop Online With Categories to Find The Perfect Gift:


This is more of a hack than a tip! Shopping online is meant to be super easy, fast and convenient but sometimes we can spend hours searching for the products we want! That’s why here at Story Jewellery, we made a conscious effort to make your online shopping experience, fast, smooth, and easy by using categories. And if you’re looking for gifts for your kids, Toy Shop is also one of your best options.

We have search categories which make it super simple for you to look through just the gifts for whoever you have in mind. Using our categories feature on our website, you can find tailored gifts for whoever you’re shopping for. For example, check out our category to shop for your daughter.


So, be sure to take advantage of the categories on an online shop to make your shopping quicker and easier. From skin care gifts to toys, filtering the items using categories will surely prove to be helpful.


4. Shop for Meaningful Gifts:

The last tip we have in store is shopping for meaningful gifts. Meaningful gifts are a great way to stay organized as you won’t forget which presents are for the people you’ve intended.

Shopping for meaningful gifts gives that extra wow-factor for your loved one as well as making it easier for you to remember what you got for everybody as gifts with a meaning stick in our minds! Give it a try! Next time, think of something relevant to that special person and notice how you instantly remember when you got it, who it’s for, and when the special day is! It’s almost like magic! To help you with this, our products are designed with gifts in mind which is why we ensure all of our jewellery comes with a deep and meaningful message card to show your loved ones what they mean to you. Check out our range of jewellery!

How Rings Can Elevate Your Outfit

Accessories are powerful style statements that many people forget to include when building an outfit. We all know that person whose style always seems to be on point. You know… that friend who effortlessly looks super cool wherever they go whenever you see them? Well, they probably know the power in accessories! The bespoke jewelry can also help you find a ring that matches your vision and ideas while also helping you stay within your budget.


It’s true! Most of the time, those who we see as ‘stylish’ are wearing basic outfits and as they understand the power in accessories, they elevate their style game in the subtle details with rings, bracelets, and necklaces. The list goes on!


Today, we are going to be delving into the power of rings. Rings. Yep, that’s it! Spicing up your hand accessories will elevate your style on another level. Rings are becoming a huge trend in the fashion world as more and more people come to understand the power they hold for making or breaking an outfit. That’s why rings are becoming even more popular now than ever before. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s jump right into the growing trend of rings!


Lotus Ring:


The Lotus Ring is an item which is very popular among jewellery wearers and its definitely a ring that is a staple for us here at Story Jewellery! We simply love it. Why’s that, you ask? Well, the Lotus Ring offers a captivating design which is sure to capture the attention of those around you! It is made of 925 sterling silver, and we offer it in ‘Smoke’ or ‘Blue Topaz’ colours. This eye-catchingdesign captures the light and reflects your pure style!

We also wanted the Lotus Ring to be available to everyone which is why we offer it in an array of sizes so you can find the perfect size! Additionally, we understand that many of our items are bought as a gift which is why we added a meaningful message card that highlights what the Lotus Ring signifies. Stemming from the meaning behind the lotus flower of rebirth and inner peace, it reminds us that no matter what circumstances we may be in, we can always emerge to blossom.


Next up…

Semicolon Ring:


The Semicolon Ring represents the continuation of your passion, your journey, your vibe. No matter what happens, you will get through it!

A semicolon is a way of expressing the continuation of a sentence in terms of writing. We took this concept, put it on a ring and expressed a way of continuing in life! Never settling and always striving and pushing forward no matter what to achieve your dreams.

The Semicolon Ring makes for the perfect gift to remind your loved ones that they are more resilient than they think. This is something everyone needs in their life, that little ‘pick me up’ on your hand that will be there through the good times and the bad and will help you through anything! Check it out here…


Beautifully Broken Ring – Rainbow:


Imperfection is the new perfection. Nothing is perfect, so why should our rings be? We believe that our rings should be a true representation of us, which is why we created the Beautifully Broken Ring to represent that even though we are not perfect, we can still be beautiful! It reflects that even the most beautiful amongst us can still be broken sometimes, but the important thing is to keep positive. Pair this ring with our Semicolon Ring and you will be ready to take on the world!

How To Get Closer To Your Teenage Kids (Without Grossing Them Out)

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Staying close to your teenage children can sometimes feel like an uphill struggle. No matter how hard you try, they always seem a little distant. 


Don’t worry: it’s not your fault. It’s all part and parcel of teenage development. And, if it didn’t happen, it would probably indicate that there was something seriously wrong.


Even so, you still want some form of connection with your teenagers. So what can you do to draw them closer? Let’s find out. 


Listen To Them


Just listening to your teenagers isn’t gross at all and, actually, something that they will really appreciate. They want to be around parents who support and understand where they are coming from in this challenging part of their lives


Offer them an ear. Don’t judge anything they say. Be supportive, like a parent should be. 


Show Up To Their Events


Another great way to get closer to your teen is to show up to their events. Do the things that they love doing and incorporate them into your life. If they want to go to the park to play a game of baseball, go with them. Similarly, if they’re heading out to a concert, join in (so long as you don’t crap their style, of course). 


Text Them


Teenagers love texting. It’s part of what they do. 90 percent of them prefer it to calling other people. 


As their parents, nothing is stopping you from jumping on the bandwagon. Start texting them more often and just watch how much difference it makes to their communicativeness. The change can be dramatic. 


Watch Movies Or Weekly Shows With Them

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You might also want to try making sitting down in front of a TV a weekly ritual. This isn’t the sort of thing you want to enforce. Instead, just casually mention that you’re going to be watching something that they are interested in and that they can come along for the ride if they want. 


Do Something More Physical


Outdoor team building for teenagers can be a lot of fun and are a great way to bring people closer together. It takes kids out of their regular environment and gets them to do something totally new that they haven’t experienced before. They’ll need to work on their cooperation and communication skills which, hopefully, will be something that spills over into the rest of their lives. 


Get Them To Teach You Something


Instead of being the person always educating your kids, why not get them to teach you about something? Ask them to speak on their favorite subjects or tell you something that they learned in school.


Go Camping

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Camping is one of the best activities to do with kids because it brings them closer to nature and motivates them to be healthier. It’s away from screens and mobile phone services, so all that’s left to do is hike and chat. For many teens, it’s a welcome break from constant conversations on Snapchat. 


So there you have it: some of the ways that you can get closer to your teenage kids without grossings them out. Which will you try?