You do your best to live a healthy lifestyle. You eat healthily and work out regularly, but for some strange reason, you always feel sick and can’t seem to put your finger on the cause. Believe it or not, your home can make you sick if you’re exposed to indoor hazards and toxins. Toxins are responsible for many health conditions and affect your body’s ability to expel them. That’s why it’s important to ensure that your home is free from such elements. That said, here are some common toxic sources and what you can do about them. 

  • Cockroaches and dust mites

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Cockroaches do not only offer an embarrassing and disgusting sight in any home; they are also a common cause of toxins. While they may have low toxicity to non-target organisms, these unhygienic scavengers produce debris such as body parts, saliva, droppings, and old shells that can trigger allergic reactions. Beyond that, they can also spread bacteria in your home. House dust mites have also been linked to different types of asthmatic symptoms. 

The best way to get rid of these toxic agents is to clean your home regularly, declutter, and invite expert pest control services if your situation is out of hand. 

  • Asbestos and toxic molds


Exposure to the asbestos in the home can occur through its presence in the flooring, drywall, pipes, and siding. Also, attic insulation in older homes can contain asbestos that could leak through cracks in the ceiling. Asbestos can be even more dangerous to your health if you don’t know how to safely remove and dispose of it. The safest way to get rid of them is to work with a licensed asbestos removalist. 


Certain molds can produce toxins. Otherwise called black mold, toxic mold grows in places with excess humidity or dampness. It can also begin to grow after a devastating disaster such as a flood. In such cases, you can hire a disaster restoration company experienced in mold remediation to safely rid your home of mold.

  • Aluminum 


Aluminum is a common metal found in homes. From cooking pans to beverage containers, many basic household items are made of or contain aluminum. But some research also shows that aluminum is a neurotoxin, proven to contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s diseases and other issues with memory and cognition. While aluminum is usually not harmful, exposure to high levels can affect your health. 


Experts recommend avoiding using aluminum baking dishes, foils, and cookware when cooking acidic materials or cooking with high heat. That’s because aluminum can vaporize into the air and your food. 

  • Tobacco smoke

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Using tobacco in your home for long periods can be very dangerous to your health. Smoking tobacco in your home too often can affect your indoor air quality and increase your risks of various respiratory infections, lung cancer, and other lung problems. The only way to prevent this form of toxin from your home is to keep tobacco smoke away, so keep this in mind.