Author: MamatheFox

Bolero Essential Hydration Review

Bolero Essential Hydration Review


About Bolero

Bolero is one of the coolest products I have ever come across. I love water, but I really love a drink with a kick once in a while. Knowing that pop is NOT the best choice, that juice has way too many calories and all those powdered additives are packed with chemicals and added sugars I have really been left without any options….until now!!

Bolero Essential Hydration are individual cachets (packets) of SUGAR FREE, all-natural drink flavors! One cachet transforms 1-1.5 liters of water into a fun, sweet and flavorful drink. The trick is in their use of Stevia, the all natural way to sweeten. Bolero is VERY low in calories and carbohydrates. It’s perfect for those on diets, as well as those trying to make Better Choices while staying in better physical condition. Staying in peak physical condition and consuming the relevant nutrients can be very beneficial to your health. When it comes to exercising, it doesn’t have to involve strenuous workouts but can be something relaxing, like yoga. By incorporating surya namaskar, (or sun salutations) into your yoga regime, it can give you the same benefits as some other forms of exercise. Alongside drinking Bolero, this may be the perfect combination to allow you to stay in better physical condition.

All Natural Powdered Mix

There are so many ways to use Bolero:

  • Mix with water to stay hydrated
  • Mix with club soda or other beverages to get a unique taste
  • Teas can be served hot or cold
  • Make homemade pop-cycles for kids and adults alike
  • Add to eggs or oatmeal
  • Add to gelatin for a fat free snack

The Bolero packets are easy to carry in your purse, wallet, diaper bag, gym bag and are perfect for traveling. Each cachet has its own full nutritional value and proper usage information, so be sure to read each packet.

Follow Bolero

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Mama’s Experience

I have been able to try a large selection of flavors available from Bolero and I am thrilled to say there was NOT ONE that I didn’t like! Of course I have my favorites and ones I would totally reach for again.

I was happy to see that they are just as easy to make, drink and store as they claim. I just shook the packet in the bottom of a pitcher. I added water and it naturally dissolved while I was filling it with water. I didn’t even have to mix it or stir it up! Typically there are “floaters” and gross chunks that are stubborn and don’t want to break down when you add water to a drink mix. Not Bolero! I knew that something special was happening when this was the my first experience with Bolero. The drink was smooth, tasty and sweet! I was not expecting such a awesome sweetness from such a healthy drink option. I couldn’t believe it. I thought it must have been the flavor option and that other flavors cannot possibly be as strong and sweet, but they are! Each flavor, one after the other, is just as sweet and tasty. If you add more water to the packet, of course it will be come more watered down, and the less water you add the more powerful it will be. You are the creator of your treat so play around and see what ratio works best for you.

Bolero assortment

At home I like to keep a pitcher of Bolero available at all times. My kids are constantly asking for juice. I don’t mind giving them Bolero every day now. It’s low in calorie and their teeth are not being coated with added sugars that would be in other juices and powered juice mix options.

When you order Bolero you can choose from 45 different flavor options in 3 different categories. Each box contains 12 cachets of Bolero for only $9.50. I like to mix mine with 6 cups of water per cachet. 12 cachets makes 72 cups. $9.50 divided by 72 cups makes each cup only .13¢! I seriously see no reason why everyone wouldn’t try a few flavors out. But remember, you can add as much or as little water to your Bolero as you like. This is just what I do.

Bolero powder

Bolero is NON-GMO and Low in Calories

If you crave sweets but want to cut back on calories and sugar, then Bolero is for you.

Click here to see their full selection

Debbie Meyers Giveaway

Debbie Meyers Giveaway


Read the full review here

Welcome to the Down The Bunny Trail Giveaway Hop

At each stop in this hop you will find a prize worth at least $25! Come back daily for your bonus daily entries to increase your chances to winning. This hop is sponsored by On Honeysuckle Hill

Debbie Meyer Giveaway

MamatheFox and all participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations. 

Color Garden Egg Coloring Kit Giveaway

Color Garden Egg Coloring Kit Giveaway


Color Garden has an amazing selection of natural dyes that can be used in things like frosting, drinks, foods and just in time for Easter, an egg coloring kit!

Color Gardens all-natural dyes so they DONT’ STAIN your hands or clothing!

(That is every parents dream am I right?)

Now you can enter to win a Color Garden Egg Coloring Kit to use this Easter!

3 Winners

Read the full review here


Color Garden Egg Coloring Kit Giveaway

MamatheFox and all participating bloggers are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Color Garden Egg Coloring Kit Review

Color Garden Egg Coloring Kit Review


About Color Garden

Color Garden knows that bakers and parents alike are looking for a way to use colors in their foods in a fun and safe way. A natural way. Now we can use coloring that is safe for the whole family. The best part about Color Garden is free from ‘scarey’ dyes like FD&C Red 40 or FD&C Yellow 5. Some children and adults have sensitivities to those dyes and reactions like irritability or hyperactivity. If you are looking for Custom Easter Eggs you might want to look around online to see if you can find some tips on how to make some.

Color Garden has a great selection of every day dye’s as well. They can be used for things like: frosting, temporary hair coloring for kids and adults alike, mashed potatoes, white wine, club soda, the options are practically endless!

egg coloring wont stain hands or clothing

Color Garden™ pure natural food colors are 100% plant based – therefore they don’t stain!

Color Garden has a large selection of food colors that can be used in icing, frosting, added into cakes or foods and drinks alike. Now that Easter is just next week, you can use Color Gardens Egg Coloring Kit on your Easter eggs this year!

They have dyes for everyday use, and themes with colors for Spring/Summer, Halloween and, Holiday. No matter the occasion, you will find the color you are needing at

Here is some basic information about Color Garden food coloring:

  • Each packet is to be used all at once
  • Each packet contains enough coloring to frost a medium sized cake
  • Natural dyes don’t work like artificial dyes – your dark red velvet will be more brown after baking (but just as yummy!) in the heat – the heat is what effects the color. The dark red will stay that shade in frostings (not heated)
  • Being natural the colors often turn out more of a pastel color rather then dark

Follow Color Garden

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Mama’s Experience

color garden eggs

With Easter here we are hopping with joy & excitement! My kids think playing with any form of artwork is beyond cool. When I told them they will get to color Easter eggs they about hit the ceiling! The best part for me was knowing going in that the dyes are all natural, which means that they will not end up with brown/green/red hands at the end of this adventure and an outfit that goes straight into the trash can. Being all natural, these dyes will not stain your skin or clothing. Yes, your kids clothing will get messy if your family is anything like mine, but it’s nothing a little washing care can’t fix.

dye eggs

  • Each color is for 1 time use and comes in a little plastic package that can be cut opened very easily.
  • Be sure to use the full packet to get as much color on your egg as possible. As these are all natural, they are not as deep as an artificial and you need all the boost you can get.
  • Red, Orange and yellow will do better if you add a few drops of lemon juice to the water/dye mixture.
  • Green, blue and purple will be better if you add a little bit of baking soda to the water/dye mixture.
  • The more water you add the more diluted it will be become, so slowly add more water as not to make it too weak in color.

add lemon juice to dye eggs

I have always been so used to being scared of coloring eggs and doing projects with dyes. I gasped more than you can image while we dyed these Color Garden dyed eggs. It’s a habit! I am so used to worrying about the staining that I forget to let go and just enjoy the moment, which is why we color the eggs to begin with. I had to keep reminding myself that the dyes are washable. It’s okay to spill and splash a bit. I was hesitant to truly believe that these dyes would really not stain, but they didn’t! My hands along with my toddlers are totally clean. The table wiped off like it was only water splashed on the table. I am so happy with how smoothly this process went. I was able to enjoy the memory instead of worry about my table and their clothing. It was by far the best egg dying experience I could have hoped for.

Click here to order the egg coloring kit for your family!

Debbie Meyers Review

Debbie Meyers Review


About Debbie Meyers

head shotDebbie Meyer is known as the “Home Problem Solver”. She looks for ways to make life better and easier for the every day person. She inventions and products are useful to anyone who eats, so that means you! By co-founding her own company, she has become a successful entrepreneur.  Having already won a lifetime achievement award due to her amazing products, she is taking our kitchens by storm by rescuing our fridges, pantries and grocery bills!

She has invented loads and loads of extremely helpful products to be used around your home. She is most known for her Green Bags, Green Food Storage Containers and cooking bags. These are the products I will be reviewing.

 Mama’s Experience

I have seen Debbie Meyers Green Bags around for a short time now. Only recently been noticing them. Just this past week I saw them in a friends cupboard. I asked her what she thought of them and how she found out about Debbie Meyers Green Bags. She got all excited that I knew about them and proceeded to tell me how her housekeeper got them for her and they are amazing! She buys a ton of produce, like a ton, as I do. By the end of the week a lot of times those berries get moldy, the lettuce wilts and the pears get way over ripened and to mushy to enjoy. She swears by these bags, so it got me really excited to try them out for myself.

Debbie Meyer Green Bags – 20 Count

produce bags

Debbie Meyer Green Bags “Help preserve the freshness and prolong the life of fruits, vegetables, baked goods and snacks with this revolutionary set of GreenBags®, by Debbie Meyer. Made with a natural mineral that creates a beneficial storage environment and helps extend the life and freshness of foods.”Pfaltzgraff Website

These bags can be used 8 to 10 time each! I was so excited that these have so much life to them. I can use them for all types of produce. Mushrooms, apples, peaches, beets, carrots, you name it!

Fruits and vegetables release gases during their ripening period. This is a natural occurrence after being harvested. These gases cause the product to age and eventually deteriorate. By using Debbie Meyer GreenBags, which are made with food grade polyethylene and a food safe natural substance is has been proven to preserve the freshness and extend the life of fruits and vegetables alike!

To reuse a bag simply rinse, allow to dry and reuse!

How to Use:

Product should be DRY when placed inside of a Debbie Meyers bag. Fruits and vegetables naturally contain moisture. If moisture builds up in the bag just wipe it out with a paper towel and keep using the bag.

Don’t mix your foods in the same bag. Keep the lettuce in one bag and the pears in another.

Just fold the top over. Do not use twist ties as they can make holes in the bags.

Debbie Meyer GreenBoxes

Debbie Meyer Boxes

The same technology used above in the Debbie Meyer Grilling Bags are also used in these Debbie Meyer GreenBoxes. They are also BPA free. These GreenBoxes will extend the life of baked goods, snacks, fruits and vegetables.

For produce: Use separate containers for each food. Pears in one and kale in another. Don’t mix.

For baked goods: Separate the soft baked goods like bagels & breads from the crisp baked goods like cookies and crackers.

BPA Free • Reusable • Microwave Safe • Dishwasher Safe • Stackable • Made in the USA

My husband and I were amazed at how well our lettuce kept. We eat salads throughout the week. Its a very normal lunch for us. But life happens and sometimes a day or two will go by and we never got around to using that lettuce. I hated tossing lettuce. I would waste so much. Now that I am using Debbie Meyer GreenBoxes to store self portioned qualities I always have a perfect little container to make my salad in! My husband can easily grab a GreenBox filled with lettuce and add the toppings when he is ready to eat. I am so thrilled with the amount of money we have saved already. 

Debbie Meyer Grilling Bags

Grilling BagsDebbie Meyer Grilling Bags have so much to offer:

  • For BBQ or oven cooking
  • Cook meat, fish and vegatables
  • Avoids cross-contamination
  • Keeps appliances clean
  • Locks in flavor

Often in the summer time my family will cook a ton of chicken or beef to be eaten with lunched throughout the week. I don’t have time to grill out for lunch daily. Instead we grill a bunch of chicken on a Sunday to be used on my salads or in my lunch. These Debbie Meyers Grilling Bags are perfect for this routine. I can easily bake or grill my chicken in them with some choice spices. The bag locks in the flavor so well! Then I can toss them into the fridge or freezer in the Grilling bag! No mess! No extra dirty dishes. No grill to be scrubbed. I can even microwave my food in these bags!

If you have the habit of accidentally burning your food on the grill, then you have to try out these bags. They help prevent burnt food while locking in the flavor and moisture.

Debbie Meyer Microwave Steamer Bags

Microwave Steamer BagsThese Debbie Meyer Microwave Steamer Bags have several benefits:

  • Delicious vegetables in minutes
  • Quick cook perforated bags
  • Healthy cooking: no added oil or fat
  • Locks in flavor

Steaming is one of the basic ways people prepare vegetables. Its healthy, its tasty and its easy. Now, with Debbie Meyers Microwave Steamer Bags it is every easier! Simply place you veggies into the Steamer Bag. Close the page using the tie that is provided. Place the bag on a microwaveable dish or plate with the perforations upper most. Allow the bag to stand for at least 30 second before opening (hello steam!). Open the bag at the top or cut with scissors for easier opening. BEWARE OF STEAM!

Broccoli and beans cook in little are 2-3 minutes and potatoes in only 4-5 minutes. If you want to add a teaspoon of water to the bag before cooking you can, this can help the steaming process. These bags also steam fish!! Steaming fish in a micro with some fun seasonings is the perfect way to add some excitement to your week.

Debbie Meyer OvenBags for Roasting

OvenBags for RoastingThese Debbie Meyer OvenBags have so many great benefits!

  • Suitable for meant, fish and vegatables
  • Healthy cooking: no added oil or fat
  • Keeps food succulent
  • Oven stays clean

Keeping my birds (chicken, duck, turkey) moist can be tricky! A dry bird is a sad bird. By using these OvenBags I can now keep them super moist and tasty. The bags seal in the moisture so that instead of being evaporated, it stays put and stays yummy!

How to Use:

  • Fold over the opening of the bag to fill it easily.
  • Pace the bag in an over dish and carefully put in the ingredients
  • Add seasoning is your choose to
  • Tie off bag with tie that is provided
  • Massage the meat/poultry
  • Cut off the top corner of the bag with scissors.
  • Place dish in oven

Cooking times can vary – Food cooks approximately 10% faster in a Debbie Meyer bag

Debbie Meyers Slow Cooker Liners

SlowCooker LinersI cannot image how horrible crockpot cooking was before Debbie Meyer SlowCooker Liners! Once I discovered them I never went back. What makes these crockpot bags stand out is how durable they are.

How to Use:

  • Remove the slow cooker lid
  • Open the Slow Cooker Liner, fold over opening of the slow cooker
  • Fill the liner to cover the bottom and sides of the dish
  • Place all ingredients in slow cooker
  • Replace the lid
  • Cook according to manufacture directions
  • Serve food directly out of bag. Do not attempt to pick up bag when filled with food
  • Once bag has been emptied of food you can take out the liner bag and throw bag away

These bags have strength! After we used on with our corned beef this St Patrick’s Day we were able to pick up the bag (after we saved all the food for course) and it didn’t rip in the crockpot! So may slow cooker liners rip and this help true. I am so thrilled with this quality of theses bags.

Terra Bella Subscription Box Giveaway

Terra Bella Subscription Box Giveaway

Read the full review here


Welcome to the At Your Door Subscription Box Hop!

hop 2

At each stop in this hop you will find a chance to either win a subscription box or a credit to choose a subscription box!

This event is brought to you by:  The Kids Did It & The Mommy Island

At this stop you have a chance to win (1) February box to Terra Bella


Terra Bella Feb Giveaway

MamatheFox and all participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations. 

Terra Bella February 2016 Review

Terra Bella February 2016 Review


About Terra Bella

I think Terra Bella is one of the highest quality subscription boxes on the market. Each box is specially designed with their customers in mind. All of the products that make the cut into a Terra Bella box are cruelty free. They try to always support small as well as women & minority owns businesses. Helping every day people and families succeed. Around Thanksgiving we often hear about Small Business Saturday. After that we forget about the smaller companies. By subscribing to Terra Bella, or gifting a subscription, you are empowering small businesses beyond the holiday season. 

Each box has a variety of beauty, bath and healthy products. By keeping us on our toes and by providing such high quality products we are itching for more, month after month.


Here are Terra Bella’s current prices

Terra Bella Box:

month-to-month: $34.95

3 month subscription: $104.86

6 month subscription: $203.70

12 month subscription: $395.45

Terra Bella Box Lite:

month-to-month: $16.95

3 month subscription: $50.85

6 month subscription: $101.72

12 month subscription: $203.40

Follow Terra Bella

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Mama’s Experience

terra bella feb 2016

Every month Terra Bella never disappoints. They have a perfect variety of beauty products in different categories. This month was a Valentines Day self pamper theme. Each item I can use in a normal day or while getting pampered for the day dedicated to love. Loving yourself is something I am working towards in my Better Choices series. When I can see in myself what God see’s in me, I know I am going in the right direction.

qc naturals – lottie’s body oil

body oil a

I am the kind of person who needs to use a moisturizer after every bath or shower. It just how much skin is. Especially my legs and my hips! I always go for a lotion and rarely remember oil as an option. My mother, on the other hand, uses oil like is is going out of style. Head to toe, after every shower. I remember this as a fond memory of her. I spoke with her and she still uses oil, so I decided to use this lottie’s body oil just like my mother for a few days and see what I thought.

I applied the oil just as I would a lotion and I was so surprised at how fast it soaked in! I was not left with wet or oily skin, but instead soft skin that was slightly shiny for a few minutes until it was 100% soaked in. Being that this product is oil, it does not feel like other oils I have touched. It soaks in like my skin is yearning for it instead of rejecting it. I am officially hooked to this product. I have used it on my 3 year old daughter too and she didn’t object, which says a lot of the quality of the product.

Indigo Wild – Zum Rub Moisturizer in Lavenderzum orub

This Zum Rub is a combo of goats milk and shea butter. Its meant for treat those crazy rough areas of our bodies like our feet, ankles,
elbows, cuticles, lips and anywhere else you may need it. I have heard it makes an awesome tattoo cream. It comes in a small round tin, so its perfect for purses, car counsels and diaper bags. You can toss it where you need it most and it can be your little helper when you need it. I am the type of person who gets dry knuckles by surprise. One morning I just wake up and my knuckles are practically cracking. This is the best quick fix for almost cracked dry skin. It doesn’t sting, because there are not dyes or artificial fillers. It quickly absorbs and gets to work. I am so impressed with how quickly this restored my knuckles back to a healthy state.

breath strawberryMiss Violet Lace – Breath Atomizer in Wild Strawberries

This is a super fun and unique product I would never have found without the help of Terra Bella Box. Miss Violet Lace has a super fun breath spray that comes in a fun and classy glass bottle. Sweetened with stevia, you can get amazing fresh breath without all the chemicals other breath sprays contain. This product uses USDA Certified organic extract for flavor and its meant to be used after meals or whenever you need to freshen up. My husband loves the smell and taste of strawberries, so this is the perfect way to freshen up before I cuddle up with him on the couch. When he smells that sweet berry scent I see a sneaky smile creep up on his face, which makes me the happiest wife on the block.

Whisky, Ink & Lace – Cinnamon Lip Plumperlip plumper

This is the type of lip plumper that will totally plump up your lips. The cinnamon oil used in this plumper stimulates your lips and brings blood flood to them, which in effect gives them a more full look. This is a great way to get ready for a night out on the town. You should not use this product daily, its a product to be used 1 or 2 times per week at most. Otherwise your body can become immune to the effects. If you like Red Hots the candy, you are going to love this product.

bath bomb chocoCountry Market Crafts – Chocolate Cupcake Bubble Bar & Bath Bomb

This was my favorite product in this months amazing Terra Bella Box. You get 2 bath treats in one with this Country Market Crafts product. The top half is a bubble bar. You can use this all at once of break in half to use 2 times. Hold it under the faucet when your bath is filling to give yourself a beautiful array of bubbles. You will be amazed at how many bubbles you will get from such a cute little frosting shaped bar.

The cupcake base is the most moistening bath bomb I have ever used. This is coming from me, the queen of bath bombs. Its my go to gift that I get for every gift giving event. Christmas, my birthday, Easter Baskets (before I had kids…now they get them LOL), and Valentines Day. I honestly feel like I am an expert in bath products. This bath bomb is one of the best I have ever used! I literally cannot believe how soft it made my skin. I did not have to apply moisturizer afterwards, I mean it was the moisturizing. It turned my water a fun brown, and smelled like real melted chocolate. As you run your hands through the water you can feel the silkiness. It calmed me down and got me giddy at the same time, which was a fun twist. This will make the perfect gift for any bath lover.

bomb opened

Santevia Water Pitcher Giveaway

Santevia Water Pitcher Giveaway

Read the full review here

Hop Into Spring Giveaway Hop Blogger Sign Up

Thank you for stopping by the Hop Into Spring giveaway hop hosted by The Anti-June Cleaver and Our Piece of Earth.

Spring is just around the corner and it’s time celebrate warmer weather and longer days! We have teamed up with an amazing group of bloggers to bring you a bunch of great prizes to get you in the mood for fun and sunshine.

As always, after you have entered a giveaway visit the linky at the bottom of each post to visit the other blogs for more great prizes.
Santevia Pitcher

The Anti-June Cleaver, Our Piece of Earth, and the rest of the bloggers participating in the Hop Into Spring giveaway hop are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.

Didymos Baby Carrier Giveaway

Didymos is world renowned for their commitment to quality sourced materials and high ethical standards and bringing baby wearing to the Western World. Woven wraps have been historically the best way to carry babies and although they take a little bit of practice, they can quickly become just as easy to use as any other carrier. Started in 1972 by Erika Hoffman, a mother of twins, the heritage of Didymos runs deep with a great following. A Didymos Indio wrap, made from 100% organic cotton, is a crowd favorite and works well for babies through toddlers!

The Didymos Indio Ruby Red is a wrap that is sure the wow anyone who sees it! When The Pierogie Mama visited Didymos HQ in Ludwigsburg, this wrap stood out above the rest. Not only was the color so rich and deep, it also reminded her of her own Ruby…who just turned 2 years old! So in honor of her baby not being so much of a baby anymore, The Pierogie Mama is excited to send a little bit of her daughter’s firey spunk to a lucky winner!  Yes, this very wrap hitchhiked with Bianca (in her carryon luggage, mind you!) all the way from Germany to Seattle.

Disclosure: This giveaway is hosted by The Pierogie Mama and participating blogs. Participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment. If you have questions or are interested in having your brand featured, please Bianca at [email protected]

Eat Banza Giveaway

Eat Banza Giveaway

Read the full review here


Welcome to the Let’s Mix It Up in March Giveaway Hop Event, hosted by Lindsey Blogs and Viva Veltoro. We’re mixing up March, with a host of other bloggers, by bringing you fun (and in some cases delicious) giveaways in this Food and Kitchen themed Giveaway Hop! Be sure to hop around to them all and don’t miss the amazing Grand Prize to help little ones mix it up in their own kitchen – a Mixin’ Up Magic Kitchen from Step2!

Mix It Up GP
Banza Giveaway

So Easy Being Green, Viva Veltoro, and the Mix It Up in March participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.