Author: MamatheFox Holiday Heart Locket Giveaway! $140+ RV!

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Open To US and must be 18+ to enter
Giveaway Dates ~ 11/13 9:00 AM EST through 12/24 11:59PM EST
Good Luck!!

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7 Must-Know Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring cleaning with best petrol pressure washer in the uk is a necessary part of every household. Spring ushers in the end of winter and the start of fresh beginnings. Spring cleaning and decluttering your home is the perfect way to start anew. However, spring cleaning in Canterbury can be stressful and unproductive–it involves a lot of packing, sorting, and kicking up dust all over the house. If you aren’t prepared or don’t have a plan in place, spring cleaning can be a lot more trouble than it’s worth. Keep reading to see a list of our top tips to tackle spring cleaning like a pro!

  • Don’t Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself

Whenever the time for spring cleaning rolls around, there’s a lot of pressure to declutter and to throw out everything but the kitchen sink. Make sure that your goals are realistic: how much of the stuff in your house is trash and how much of it is memorabilia? Don’t set a goal that’s too minimalist or that’s too difficult for you.

Just as with any objectives, your cleaning goals have to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timebound. Your goals for the living room can be different from your goals in the kitchen. Make sure you have a schedule and that you don’t fill it up to the point that you become overwhelmed.

If you simply don’t have the time or energy to spring clean yourself, this doesn’t necessarily mean that your home won’t get a spring clean at all. Instead, you can always call in the professional help of home cleaning services. Someone will be able to pick up your deep cleaning tasks on your behalf, freeing up your own time to focus on work, social activities or simply a bit of down time instead!

  • Be Prepared

Before Spring Cleaning Day, put together a list of materials you’ll need and buy them so you have them ready at hand. If you’re cleaning with your family, make a specific kit for each family member so that everyone is responsible for something. Don’t forget to buy back-ups because sponges, gloves, and mop heads can definitely get some wear and tear during spring cleaning. You may want to check out websites like Golyath and similar other cleaning products sites for supplies such as distilled water to help with your disinfecting around the home, bear in mind that you’ll need to read the instructions first to make sure that you are using it correctly as you clean.

Also, remember to keep a first aid kit around. Spring cleaning is a magnet for unforeseen accidents, especially if younger kids are involved. Being prepared can save you a world of trouble and can help you stick to your spring cleaning schedule.

  • Delegate

Don’t attempt to do everything on your own. Part of being prepared is delegating. Make sure to match the task to the person doing it. For example, the kids should be in charge of cleaning their own bedrooms: they are the ones who would know which items still bring them joy and which items they can give away or dispose of. If your husband uses the garage a lot, then make that his area of responsibility. If your wife spends a lot of time in the den or the library, why not assign her to look after that area?

Likewise, tasks that take a lot of time and effort, such as carpet cleaning, can be outsourced to professionals who do carpet cleaning in Phoenix or in your local area. Delegating the right way will make the cleaning process much more easy and thorough. While assigning works within the family, if every member of the household is getting to do tasks somewhere that they love, where they have a lot of their own things, there is a bigger chance that they will look out for the things in that area.

  • Have a Storage Plan

One of the most common issues in modern housing is storage. Make sure that you have a storage plan in place for after cleaning. Don’t just sanitize, organize. Some homeowners prefer clear boxes where you can see everything that you’re storing, others prefer opaque labeled boxes where they can simply assign categories.

You can decide what’s best for you, both for function and for design. What do you feel suits your home the most? What do you think will be the easiest to implement? Don’t forget to have a storage plan for the things that you’re giving away as well. Whether it’s to charity or to your kids’ younger cousins, you want all the items you’re giving away to remain in tip-top condition.

  • Have a Disposal Plan

In this era when the environment is at a crucial point in time, it’s very important that you have a proper disposal plan for the things that you’re throwing away. Check for Rubbish Removals Hampton or anywhere near your home to see if you can get someone to do it for you. Make sure that you label your bags or bins according to the type of plastic, whether they’re recyclable or not, and whether they’re biodegradable.

Having a disposal plan can go as far as planning your Spring Cleaning Day on the same day as your garbage collection. This will also make it easier for you to clean up after you’re done decluttering. If you suddenly realize as you go along that you may have more garbage than you thought you did, you may wish to consider getting a Roll Off Dumpster Rental sorted so that everything can go in one place, and you know it will be properly disposed of once it’s gone.

  • Be Strategic About the Schedule

In line with item number five, you should have a strategy when creating your spring cleaning schedule. Don’t plan spring cleaning for a day when the kids have a soccer game in the afternoon or when you have appointments set. This will put unnecessary pressure and stress on everyone to rush.

Spring Cleaning should be done on a day when everyone can take the time to clean and decide what they want to keep and what they don’t. Set mini-deadlines for everyone as opposed to one big deadline so you can touch base and see each others’ progress.

  • Make It a Family Activity

Spring Cleaning doesn’t have to be boring for the kids. Make it a family activity and give them prizes for different activities: for example, if they clean their entire room, order them their favorite pizza–if they label the bins properly, treat them to an afternoon ice cream during a cleaning break.

Making it a family activity also instills the value of cleanliness in the kids. Even the biggest tasks can seem small with team effort and a fun atmosphere. Make sure that spring cleaning is something that they look forward to every year.


Spring cleaning is an essential part of every household’s yearly calendar. It can also be one of the most stressful times of the year with all that pressure to keep things minimalist and organized. With these tips and tricks, you can make sure that you do it right this year! Keep calm and plan your spring cleaning adventure with family–you can’t go wrong.

For everything else that you might need, there is always a home cleaning service that can assist and make cleaning your home that much easier. Don’t panic and take spring cleaning to the next level. For a lovely, safe home, make decluttering and cleanliness a priority!

Reasons to Smile Every Day


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Do you smile every day? You might smile when you are happy, or when something happens that improves your mood. But what about the other days? Do you smile on the mundane days when nothing particularly pleasing happens? Do you smile on days when things go wrong, you aren’t well, or you just don’t feel your best? 


Some of us don’t even smile when we are happy. If you are worried about your smile or don’t feel confident about your teeth, you might be reluctant to smile even when you are at your happiest. If you want help, your dentist can help you understand how cosmetic dentistry could help. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you should smile every single day. 


Smiling Makes You More Trustworthy


We generally trust people that smile more than people that don’t. When we first meet someone, we make a first impression without knowing anything about them. If that person is smiling, we think that they are welcoming, open, honest, friendly, and trustworthy. 


This can also be true of people that we don’t know personally. We trust people serving us in shops, businesses, people we see online, politicians, newsreaders, and other people that we see on TV, more if they are smiling. If you want to enhance your smile and are looking for tips, be sure to visit for more.


It Will Boost Your Confidence


Have you ever heard the phrase “fake it until you make it”? When it comes to confidence, the act of faking it can be exceptionally useful. When we’re not feeling confident, we slouch, we don’t smile or make eye contact, or do anything that draws attention to ourselves. 


But, if you act confident, by standing tall, putting a smile on your face, and making eye contact with people that you speak to, you might start to feel it. 


Smiling Can Decrease Your Stress Levels


Up to 75% of us report to feeling so stressed out at some point within the last year that we’ve struggled to cope. Stress is a very real problem in modern society and something that is having a severe effect on people’s physical and mental health. 


Believe it or not, the simple act of smiling can help. When you smile, your brain thinks that you are happy. It releases happy hormones and chemicals, and stress hormones decrease. 


It Could Make You Happier


We smile because we’re happy. But, by tricking your brain, smiling can actually make you happier. If you are feeling down, try to smile, look for things to be grateful for, watch films that make you laugh, and spend time with people that make you smile, and happiness will follow. 


It’s a Great Facial Workout


When you smile, you use around 26 muscles in your face. Smile and laugh a lot, and your face gets a great workout, tightening your skin and toning the muscles around your mouth and eyes. 


If You Smile Others Will Smile With You


Smiling, like yawning, is contagious. Smile at someone, and they will probably smile back. Think about how many people you see in a day. When you smile, they smile. Their smile tricks their brains into releasing happy hormones, improving your mood. By smiling, you could be making everyone you come into contact with happier. 

Common Parenting Frustrations And How To Fix Them

Becoming a parent can be a bit of a revelation at first, we all think we know what we’re going to be like as parents, and then the new baby arrives, and everything goes out the window. There are plenty of little problems that we come across along the way, that may seem like the end of the world at the time, but can be fixed quite easily. As parents, we need to pull together to share knowledge and learn from each other, so here are some ideas on how you can fix some common parenting problems, such as tidying, and fussy eating.

Photo by Charlein Gracia on Unsplash


Fussy eating

Most parents will recall a time when their child wouldn’t eat what they gave them. It’s easy to say that children should be grateful they have nutritious and healthy foods, even though it is entirely accurate. But we really want our children to eat a well-balanced meal, so when they refuse to eat anything at all, it can be very frustrating. One of the main tips is to take the pressure off the child surrounding food. Once they realize that they can get a reaction from you by not eating the food you give them, then you’ll see more arguments than you thought possible.



Keeping your pearly whites nice and clean, is very important. We need to encourage our children from day one to brush their teeth thoroughly and teach them how to remove tartar. Regulated trips to the dentist will really help the children understand the importance of brushing their teeth. It also gives a certain amount of accountability to them as well. The children can still be reluctant when it comes to brushing their teeth, that is why they are character toothbrushes, better-tasting toothpaste, and gadgets to entertain the children and distract them while brushing their teeth in the mornings and before bed. Be sure to also head over to North End Dental for regular dental check-ups to maintain your children’s dental health.



It may seem as though everything about parenting is chaos at times. And getting them to tidy their bedrooms can be a huge task. But this is a common theme among children, in the past reward charts have worked for many people when it comes to children keeping their bedroom tidy, it is possible to incentive’s, and reward reasonable efforts by the bucketload! It’s sometimes tempting to go round and tidy up after everybody since you know it will get done quickly. Ultimately it’s up to us to set a good example and be good role models to our children.


So don’t go tearing your hair out with frustration just yet. All parenting ‘problems’ get easier over time, and the saying “this too shall pass” is famous for a reason! Self-care for yourself and keeping the children active and well-rested will keep you all on the right track. Taking time to enjoy your children while they are still small may sound difficult at times, but before long, you will be wondering where the small children went and will be faced with a teenager which is a whole different ball game! 


Common Dental Emergencies Kids Will Face

When your teeth start hurting, it can be really painful and difficult. When kids’ teeth begin to cause pain, it can cause the entire house stress and heartbreak because they will let you know vocally and frequently that they hurt. As such, if you have kids, make sure to visit this Pediatric dentist in Vista.

The hard part for people who aren’t professionals is to know when something can wait for a regular dentist, or when it’s an emergency situation. Sometimes dental emergencies happen over the weekend and you need to find a Sunday dentist for your little one.

Here are the most common dental emergencies that parents will need to be able to recognize. These situations will not be able to wait until your dentist opens on Monday. If any of these happen, seek help right away because waiting can make everything worse.

Knocked-Out Tooth

If a tooth has been completely knocked out of a child’s mouth, then you need to seek care immediately. Try to find the missing tooth and clean it, but never touch the roots of the tooth. Time is of the essence when it comes to tooth re-implantation, and you may be able to save the tooth if you act quickly.

If your child lost one of their baby teeth, they won’t reinsert it because it’s more dangerous to do so. The re-implantation procedure can actually damage the tooth bud, which could cause problems with the emerging permanent tooth.

Try to save the tooth if your child loses a permanent tooth by retrieving it and getting emergency dental care right away. Additionally, make every effort to calm them down so they won’t become afraid when they see the equipment used by dentists. And, if it’s your kid’s first dental visit, you might need to take extra care so that they don’t experience any anxiety. Reassure them that you are always by their side. In addition, only touch the tooth by the crown when picking it back up before visiting the dentist. Do not scrub or scrape the debris; instead, gently rinse it off with water. Your dentist would most likely take care of everything else.

However, if the tooth is lost permanently, your kid might need an implantation to restore it. In case you feel you don’t have much knowledge about what this procedure entails, looking at a few online websites from the likes of might give you enough insight.

If your child is older, insert it into the original socket with some gentle pressure or have your child put it back in. For younger kids, put the tooth in a glass of milk or saliva instead to avoid the risk of them choking on their teeth while you get to the dentist.

Moisture is crucial, so keep the missing tooth wet at all times as you go towards your dentist. Without moisture to the tooth, it is unlikely that you can successfully re-implant it.

Tooth Displacement

When teeth become displaced, it can seem like a real emergency. Smiles are a big part of every child’s self-esteem, so anything that looks weird or out of place can affect them emotionally.

Not all displaced teeth are true emergencies, though. It is important to know the difference. In young children, a tooth that has become partly removed from its socket tends to heal on its own and doesn’t need medical treatment.

However, if your permanent tooth is what gets displaced, medical treatment will be necessary to save the tooth and prevent an infection from occurring. Contact a dentist if you suspect displacement.

In some major cases, the tooth can end up angled in a major way after a trauma. Sometimes, the tooth will remain in the socket with the pulp intact, but it will protrude at an unnatural angle. This can mean that the jawbone has become broken.

If you think your child’s jaw may be broken, then apply a cold compress to control the swelling. You should immediately go to your child’s dentist, or find a weekend dentist. If neither option is available, go to the hospital’s emergency department immediately.

Dental Abscess

Unlike normal toothache pain that may be treatable with a regular dental appointment, abscesses are emergency situations. This is a very painful infection that will start inside the root of your child’s tooth.

If your child is complaining about an unusually bad toothache, check for a fever, swollen gums, or see if they also complain that something in their mouth tastes really bad. Call an emergency dentist immediately if you even suspect that a toothache may be an abscess because that infection can quickly spread to other areas of the body if it goes untreated.

What to Do in an Emergency Situation

If you suspect that your child’s dental pain is an actual emergency, then take the following steps to help them.

First, review the situation. Was the problem caused by some form of trauma or did it just decide to start hurting without any type of impact occurring? If it was trauma or an accident, does your child have other injuries?

Next, you need to remember to comfort and reassure your child. They are scared, too, and they are also in a lot of pain. Many children respond to their parents. If you are panicked and emotional, it will cause them to become even more afraid. Stay calm and let them know that you are confident and they are going to be okay. Bring some comfort with you to the emergency dentist – such as a teddy bear, blanket, or game.

Relieve the pain. You can offer them some approved over the counter medication to reduce any swelling or throbbing pain. Just remember to follow the recommended dosage and tell any emergency personnel what you gave them, how much you gave them, and what time you gave it to them. Write it down if necessary.

Finally, recover things. If your child’s emergency is a missing tooth or a chipped tooth where some of the tooth is missing, try to find it. It can help the dentist re-implant permanent teeth, and if you can’t find it then it may be an indication that your child swallowed it. If that is the case, they are automatically upgraded to an emergency situation.

Welcoming A New Life Into Your World

Image Credit Pixabay License CC0


Having a baby can be an exciting and daunting time in anyone’s life. If you are expecting your first child it can be particularly difficult as you have no experience from which to base what you should be doing or feeling. 


Although you may be scared, you need to remember that having a baby is the most natural thing in the world and our bodies are perfectly designed to do this. Babies are born every minute of every day, and you will manage just fine. 


Your mind will naturally be filled with so many thoughts from wondering who your baby will grow up to become, how becoming a parent will affect your life, through to worrying about how to deal with all of the problems, the money worries and, the crying babies.  


Get Support Throughout Your Pregnancy 


There is plenty of support out there for you, and if you reach out you will find numerous people willing and able to help you. This may come in the form of family members, doctors, midwives, social workers, and anti-natal classes. It is important that you go and visit your doctor when you first believe that you are pregnant and then once it is confirmed that you are expecting a baby, you will be signposted to all of the help that you need. 


To Find Out The Gender Or Not


A major decision that you will need to make about having your baby is whether or not to find out their gender. Finding this information out will be useful if you want to start thinking ahead about potential baby names. You may also want to start buying clothes, and while it does not really matter about the colors of the items that you buy, many people will prefer to buy pink or blue accordingly. 


But for many people, gender is either not important or as parents, they are happy to have a surprise when the baby is born. Have a think about what you want to do and make a decision that suits you and not other people. 


Having A Birth Plan


You will need to know where you are going to have the baby and how you will get there once you go into labor. If someone will be driving you there, get them to do a dry run with you to get used to the route, as well as any alternative roads that you can take if there is congestion. 


Preparing For Your New Arrival


There will be a lot that you will need to buy and do ahead of your baby being born. Create a list of everything that you will need, from a cot and pram, through to smaller items such as bottles, diapers, and clothes. 


Buy things as you go, and wherever possible look for second-hand items that will save you lots of money. With many items only being used for a short period of time as a baby grows, it makes sense to make use of an item that has been previously loved by another family. 


What Your Future Self Would Say If You Were Involved In An Accident

Accidents happen. There is no point in trying to avoid things, we often have no clue when things are going to go wrong. Accidents can happen on the road when you least expect it. They can happen on your way into work, while doing your job, or in the building that you work in. It happens when you least expect it, and in many cases, it can be a difficult situation to overcome. So if you are involved in some form of accident what would your future self say and have you do? With that question in mind, here are some of the answers.

Image source – Pixabay – CC0 License


Stay calm


One of the first things that you should do would be to remain as calm as possible. This may sound like the hardest thing to do, especially if the circumstances mean that the atmosphere is quite intense, but you will be thankful for a calm approach when it comes to the next steps. Remaining calm will allow you to talk about what happened, relay details and also memorize how you are feeling. It is also important if you find yourself injured.


Gather evidence


Lawyers from say that for any accident, especially if it isn’t your fault, you will want to gather as much evidence as to what happened as possible. This is when your smartphone can come in handy. You can look at ways to document what happened though pictures or video capture. You could also make a note of anyone that witnessed the accident taking place as they can correlate your story. However, all the evidence should be taken to expert car accident attorneys or professionals who have expertise in any kind of accidents. They would be able to guide you in terms of the necessary actions that should be taken after the mishap occurs.


Speak with experts and professionals


Another great tip would be to seek some advice from experts in Sweet Lawyers . You may already need to let insurance companies know, file accident reports or claims through work, depending on the type of accident that has taken place. But you might also want to seek the advice of a personal injury attorney who could help to take on your case and seek out any compensation that you may deserve. You can go on


Take the time that is needed


The hardest thing for anyone who is involved in an accident even with the assistance of the best car accident attorney in San Antonio, especially if they find themselves injured or struggling in some way mentally, is to take the time that is needed to recover from the event. You may need a few days off work to rest and recuperate. You may need to seek out medical help to treat injuries or physical issues, or even speak to someone regarding your mindset and how you feel. Don’t try and carry on as if nothing happened, as this could be the worst thing to do and cause more problems in the future.


Build your confidence up slowly


Finally, it would be a good idea to not rush into anything such as getting back behind the wheel or returning to work in case your confidence has been knocked. While you don’t want to avoid it, give yourself time to slowly build your confidence back on the road or in the job role that you do.


Let’s hope these tips help you if you are involved in an accident in the future.

Staying Healthy Over The Christmas Holidays

Pixabay – CC0 License


The holiday season is a magical time full of friendship, love, and overindulgence. Once the Christmas carols start playing, it’s all too easy to let ourselves go. During the holidays, we eat more junk food, drink more alcohol, and ditch our fitness plans. Although everyone should allow themselves to relax and unwind, abusing your body will often result in sickness, which can ruin the festivities. With that in mind, here are six ways to stay healthy over the Christmas holidays.


Exercise With The Family

Although every Christmas film is showing on TV, you shouldn’t sit around all day. Even when the gym is closed, you must find ways to continue your fitness plans. Exercise is especially crucial over the holidays because you have to work off any extra calories. Rather than leaving the family at home, ask them to join in. Christmas day walks and football games are still exercise, after all.


Get Plenty Of Sleep

Late nights and later mornings will disrupt your sleep routine. You might not have work in the morning, but you should still get plenty of rest. This is necessary to avoid stress, combat illness, and much more. Allowing your sleep patterns to alter will eventually lead to burnout. As well as keeping to a routine, avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and overeating will make it easier to doze off.


Keep Stress At Bay

Holiday stress is real and devastating. Between shopping for gifts and cooking Christmas dinner, it’s difficult to relax. Thankfully, there are ways to make your holiday to-do list less stressful. With discounts, like a Macy’s coupon, you can avoid overspending on gifts. Preparing dishes ahead of time will make cooking easier too. Exercise and sleep are also necessary to overcome stress.


Watch What You Drink

The alcohol units can mount up during the holiday season. After drinking Bucks fizz with breakfast, wine with dinner, and brandy while watching films, you’ll definitely pass your daily allowance. While you needn’t avoid alcohol altogether, you should watch what you’re drinking, especially if you are going to dine and drink out, as most people do on holidays. It not only saves your health, but can also keep you sane if you have to drive back home. Though after drinking, it is best suggested that people should hire a drunk driver service car in their area for returning home, drinking in moderation should be the mantra. Also, try to intersperse any alcoholic drinks with soft beverages and remember to keep yourself hydrated.


Be Careful When Cooking

Cooking Christmas dinner is a dangerous task. Along with the many obvious risks, such as cuts, burns, and scalds, you have to avoid poisoning your family. December has one of the highest rates for food poisoning. To minimize the threat, you shouldn’t leave food out all day. Instead, store food in the fridge. Make sure you also allow plenty of time for your turkey to defrost.


Think Before You Eat

Even when food poisoning isn’t an issue, you should still think before eating. Rather than mindlessly popping snacks into your mouth, you must consider whether you really want to eat it. During the festive period, many people eat just because food is there. The second you feel full, you should leave the snacks alone, as this will help you to avoid any holiday weight gain.


Christmas is a time for fun, not feeling under the weather. Hopefully, with the advice above, you can keep yourself healthy over the holidays.


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3 Repairs That Will Make Your Home Greener

These days most of us are concerned with ensuring that we are not helping to destroy the planet any further than we already have. As with all kinds of charity, this too is something that will begin at home, and if you want to make sure that you are living ecologically that is the best place to start making changes. If you are not quite sure whether your home is green enough, you will probably find that you can always make it greener, so that is something that you should think about. In this article, we are going to look in particular at three of the repairs that you can make if you hope to make your home greener. All of these are going to be a great idea.

Image Credit – CCO Licence




You might not spend much time thinking about getting new Siding Installation and Repair services, and yet it is one of the most important parts of the home – not just for the sake of being ecological, but more generally as a part of the structure of the place itself. Clearly, you want to make sure that your roof is going to be as well looked after as possible, and the only way to do that is to call out the professionals regularly to come and look at it. You yourself will not be able to know, of course, so this is essential. With the likes of a trusted name like Paradigm Roofing looking at your roof regularly, say twice a year, you can ensure it is in good repair, and therefore likely to be much more ecological for your home too.




This is one of the first things that you might think of when you are trying to make your home greener to live in. if your windows are broken, then that is going to mean that your home is letting out a lot of heat all of the time. What’s more, this is a huge security risk which you simply don’t want to live with. So it is obviously very important to make sure that you don’t overlook this, and that you get any broken windows repaired as soon as you possibly can. If you can do that, you will find that you are going to have a much greener home in no time.

Image Credit – CCO Licence



In a similar way to the windows, a damaged or broken door is a huge security risk, so it’s unlikely you will let this carry on anyway. But you are also going to have to think about it as an ecological problem, as it is going to be letting heat out in exactly the same way as with the windows, and will therefore need fixing up. Make sure you do this as soon as you can. If you fail, you will have to crank up the heating more and more and that will be bad news for your wallet and the planet. As long as you keep it all in good repair, however, both of these will be aided.