Month: April 2022

The Science-Backed Benefits of Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in cannabis plants. It is one of the most abundant cannabinoids found in the plant and it has been shown to have many therapeutic benefits.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a natural chemical found in the marijuana plant. When applied topically, or consumed through smoke inhalation or edible use, CBD interacts with neuroreceptors in your endocannabinoid system. These signals help regulate movement, mood, homeostasis, and immunity.

CBD oils are extracted from cannabis Sativa and mixed in with hemp seed oil to be consumed. In recent years, they’ve been popularized by their calming effects. It can be found in a range of items, from CBD-infused potato chips to tinctures.

CBD research is flourishing too.

CBD products have been used to help manage a lot of different medical conditions, like cancer and epilepsy. The benefits of CBD-based treatments are starting to be more widely known. While studies are still ongoing, though, it can be difficult to know what will work best for you.

Researching CBD on the market can be a confusing process and it’s even more difficult when you start reading labels. But there are two important things you should know – Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum CBD.

Research has found that CBD’s effects are stronger when combined with other parts of the cannabis plant. This is called the entourage effect

Broad-spectrum CBD does include other compounds, but THC is only found in full-spectrum products. With such low levels of THC (less than 0.3%), there is no psychoactive effect, whether it will influence the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving benefits of CBD remains to be seen. This is why full-spectrum is the best choice among all of these.

In this article, we will be discussing what Full-Spectrum CBD Oil is and the many benefits it may provide.

Can relieve Anxiety and Depression

The main reason most people prefer to use CBD is because of its calming effect. A 2017 study by the University of Sao Paulo, in Brazil, tested the anxiety levels of 57 men during a simulated public speaking test and found that those who took CBD showed significantly lower levels of anxiety. Some people were assigned to a placebo group, others to one of three different CBD groups for the test. Those in the 300-mg CBD group showed significantly lower anxiety than those in the control group did. The group that took 150 or 600 milligrams of CBD reported being more anxious than the group that took 300 milligrams during this study.

A study found that CBD had effects similar to those of the antidepressant imipramine in mice. However, it’s important to conduct human trials, in the long run, to figure out whether CBD can produce this same antidepressant effect on us.

Alleviate ALS Symptoms

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that causes nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to deteriorate, resulting in the loss of motor neurons. It’s pretty much impossible to get a confirmed cure for ALS, but there are two medications that have been approved by the FDA to help manage symptoms.

Research has shown that people with ALS can benefit from the entourage effect created by the combination of THC and CBD, just like people with PTSD. In a 2019 study, patients received a combination of THC and CBD in varying doses depending on their needs. Those with severe or moderate spasticity report high levels of satisfaction with the treatment and those with moderate to severe spasticity feel higher satisfaction rates than those who experience mild symptoms.

Relieve Unmanageable Pain

Canada approved Sativex in 2005, an oromucosal (absorbed in the lining of the mouth) spray with equal proportions of THC and CBD, for the treatment of multiple sclerosis-related central neuropathic pain.

Most users of CBD hemp oil report better quality of life and ease in managing their pain when they continue to use full-spectrum CBD oil.

In one study from 2020, researchers applied CBD topically to subjects suffering from symptomatic peripheral neuropathy as a result of brain and spinal cord nerve damage. Those in the other group, with the same condition but who took a placebo instead, didn’t show any improvement. A study was conducted and it was shown that the topical use of CBD decreased intense & sharp pains as well as cold, itchy sensations.

Protect Against Neurological Disease

Preliminary and clinical studies have shown that CBD has antioxidant properties and is anti-inflammatory. These traits are thought to provide significant neuroprotection, which can protect against the development of numerous neurological diseases.

Several labs have found CBD to have beneficial effects on Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and MS.

It is important to be aware of the minute differences in the types of CBD oil available in the market today. See the different benefits derived from each and start your CBD journey today.

Make Yourself Look Naturally Beautiful With These Simple Steps


(Image credit)


People used to stockpile every piece of makeup they could get their hands on, and the more glam and full-on appearance was all the rage. While it is still fashionable and attractive, it also contributes to the development of acne. Makeup can clog pores, resulting in spots, blackheads, and blemishes if it is not properly removed. At the moment, the more natural look is highly popular. People are learning that less is more, and they desire a basic cosmetic routine that accentuates their natural beauty for everyday looks. People are looking for ways to enhance their natural beauty while also striving for natural looks. 


This is accomplished by the use of beauty treatments and skincare. There are so many different things you may do now to suit your goals and needs because there is such a vast selection of things available. Enhancing your appearance with beauty treatments does not have to be a long-term commitment; there are things you can do that will wear off over time, allowing you to decide whether or not you want to do it again. Make sure you’re staying safe and reasonable at all times.


Swapping out a foundation for proper skin care and tanning is one approach to achieving a more natural look while using less makeup. You can address spots, uneven skin tones, and redness with a good skin care programme. There are a lot of options, but you want to keep things simple. Shaving facial skin is accepted practice for women who want to have glowing skin. After applying shaving cream or gel on the skin, use a clean, sharp facial razor for women, and shave in the direction of hair growth. Rinse your face with cold water and apply a moisturizer to soothe your skin. Be mindful with the razor strokes while shaving and make sure to rinse your shaving razor after each stroke. A moisturiser is a must-have since it hydrates your skin, and you can now obtain moisturisers with SPF to help protect you from sun damage and the damaging UV rays that cause age spots. Then, much like the moisturiser, you’ll want to include a scrub in your skincare routine for both the face and the body. Regularly using a skin scrub will remove all dead and dry skin cells, leaving your skin looking fresh and smooth. The third key product to utilise is to apply a toner. After applying the other products, toner is said to eliminate the residual traces of debris, filth, and anything else that may have remained in your pores. It can also assist to balance the pH of your skin.


A serum is the last item you should include in your skincare routine. Serums are available for a variety of purposes, therefore different serums will be appropriate for you based on your skin type and needs. For example, if you have dry skin, you should go for vitamin E, and if you want to brighten your skin, vitamin C is the serum to use.


One of the other ways to help you look natural and beautiful is through a smile. Your smile and the condition of your teeth can say a lot about you. You can help your teeth in different ways from brushing your teeth every day, to using mouthwash and flossing. You can also get them whitened professionally and if they aren’t straight you can look to correct misaligned teeth so they look straight and neat with the help of this reliable cosmetic dentist in San Diego.


How to Plan the Perfect Graduation Party

Graduation from high school or college is a massive accomplishment and one that deserves to be thoroughly celebrated with friends and family. If you have someone in your life who is about to graduate from school, or you’re preparing to graduate yourself, you’ve likely thought about throwing a graduation party to commemorate the achievement. 


Graduation parties can be a great way to let loose and recognize the hard work you or someone you care about put in to reach this milestone, but they also require a special amount of planning. To avoid any stress in planning your graduation party, follow these steps to build an experience that will be remembered for years to come.

Set a Budget

While you may want to go all out when planning a graduation party, it’s best to set a solid, reasonable budget that will ensure everyone has a good time and you still have money in your bank account when the dust settles. Get a rough estimate of how much you’ll need to spend on food, drinks, and entertainment, as well as any venue charges if you plan to rent out a space.


If you’re concerned about costs, consider co-hosting the party and sharing some of the responsibility with another friend or family member. Two heads are often better than one, and bringing another mind into the planning process could result in a more memorable party than what you may have planned.

Build Your Guest List

Once you’ve established a rough budget, start building a guest list full of the people you’d like to share this wondrous achievement with. Whether it’s exclusively family members or a combination of friends and family, you can’t go wrong with a guest list full of the people you love.

Choose a Location and Party Time

Now that you know who’s coming to you or your grad’s party, it’s time to decide where everyone will be celebrating. Many graduation parties are thrown in a backyard alongside a big barbecue, but you could also hold it at a formal restaurant or another rented space. 


Once you decide on a location, you should then select a start and end time for the party so your guests can expect how long the occasion will be. It’s also important to choose a date for the party that your guests will be available on, such as a weekend or a holiday like Memorial Day.


Pick a Theme, Decorations, and Party Favors

Establishing a theme for your graduation party can be a great way to add a layer of fun to the event and inform your decorations and any graduation party favors. Whether it’s a minimalist theme or you go for something outlandish and grandiose, it will make your party stand out and give guests something to remember it by. 


Graduation party decorations are fairly easy to come by in the months leading up to the end of the school year, as many other families are planning celebrations at the same time. And graduation party favors can be found at many outlets, including companies that specialize in custom candy and food orders.

Plan Food and Entertainment

While it may seem like something that needs to be planned first, it’s important to save any food or entertainment planning until the very end. These elements of your party are often the most expensive, and you’ll want to fully understand the tastes of your guests and the overall theme of your party so the food and entertainment will work with both.


Buffets are often a popular choice for big graduation parties, and hiring a catering company can take some of the stress out of preparing food yourself. As far as entertainment is concerned, photo booths, karaoke machines, and lawn games such as cornhole can liven up the occasion.



Congratulations! Not only have you or your grad made their way through the trials of schooling, but you’ve planned a graduation party that will commemorate the accomplishment for years to come. Now all you have to do is wait for the guests to roll in, party the night away, and look forward to whatever significant achievements may come from here on out.


About the Author

Homeschool Tips and Tricks

Many parents are choosing to homeschool their children, whether to have more control over their child’s education, to have a more flexible lifestyle or because it suits their family better. If you want to start homeschooling your child, use these tips and tricks to help you get started.

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Stick To A Routine

Keeping to a routine will prove invaluable when you start homeschooling. Your routine should include some breaks where you can plan some fun things to do with your children. Try to keep the structure of your days in line with a traditional school timetable as much as you can, even if you aren’t using the time for academic studies. 


Let Children Learn At Their Own Pace

It’s best if your child has some control over their timetable. The luxury of homeschooling is that children who understand a concept more quickly aren’t held back, and those who need more time will have a chance to fully understand their work, with support from tools like Soapbox Educate


Make Your Child The Teacher

Letting children teach stops the learning process from becoming boring and helps to keep them interested in their studies. 


One of the best ways to do this is to find the national curriculum online and go to a specific topic that your children need to study. Compile the resources that they will need and ask them to go away for an hour and write notes and draw pictures related to the topic. Once they have done this, ask them to come back, and present what they learned to you. 


The benefits of this are that they will get a sense of achievement, and will retain the information without learning in a traditional manner. 


Show An Interest In Your Child’s Work

Take an interest in what your child is studying. If parents engage with topics and tasks, this will inspire children to work harder. 


Keep Active

Making sure that both of you and your kids spend some time exercising is a great way to keep you feeling motivated and productive. If you don’t have access to an outside space, there are plenty of exercises that you can find online that you can do indoors. Try out the YouTuber Joe Wicks, who has lots of online PE classes, designed for kids of all ages. 


Have An Outside Person To Mark Your Child’s Work

Ask someone who isn’t a family member to look over your child’s work. At school, your child would get structured courses with regular assignments marked by a tutor, which encourages them to do their best work and gives an unbiased and experienced guide to progress. 


Limit Screen Time

It’s a good idea to set ground rules early on for children about how much time they are allowed in front of a screen. Try to avoid letting your kids spend all day on their phones or laptops, especially if they are looking at social media, as this can fuel feelings of isolation and anxiety. 

Great Tips On How To Give Your Child’s Bedroom A Makeover! To

It’s easy to get stuck in a design rut when it comes to kids’ bedrooms. After all, they’re constantly outgrowing clothes, toys, and furniture, and their taste in décor changes almost as quickly. 

Photo by Josh Hemsley on Unsplash


So if your little one’s room is in dire need of an update, here is just the solution: a mini makeover. With just a few simple tweaks, you can transform your child’s space into a stylish haven that will grow with them for years to come.


Here Are Some Great Tips On How To Give Your Child’s Bedroom A Makeover:


Create A Focal Point

Every room needs a focal point—a spot that visually draws the eye and sets the tone for the rest of the space. A bed is usually the best candidate for this role in a child’s bedroom. But, to make it really stand out, opt for a statement headboard or frame it with a pair of playful curtains.


Incorporate Fun Colors And Patterns

Kids love color, so don’t be afraid to go bold when choosing paint colors and fabrics for their bedroom. Instead, look for eye-catching prints and patterns that will add personality to the space. And don’t forget about storage! Colorful baskets and bins are a great way to add both style and function to a child’s room.


Bring In Natural Elements

Nothing makes a room feel cozier and inviting than some greenery. Potted plants are an easy way to add life to a child’s bedroom, and they can also help purify the air. If you’re not much of a green thumb, try using faux plants or flowers instead.


Add Some Personal Touches

One of the best ways to make a child’s bedroom feel like their own is to incorporate personal touches. Display their artwork, collectibles, and other treasures prominently in the space. And don’t forget about the photos! A few family snapshots or pictures with friends will make your child feel right at home.


Invest In Quality Furniture

While it’s important to get furniture that your child will love, it’s also important to choose pieces that will stand the test of time. Look for well-made, solid wood furniture that can be passed down from generation to generation. And if you’re on a budget, don’t forget about thrift stores and yard sales—you can often find hidden gems at a fraction of the cost.


Keep it organized

A child’s bedroom should be a haven of peace and relaxation, so it’s important to keep it tidy and organized. Encourage your little one to put away their toys after playing, and create a designated spot for everything from clothes to books. Label everything with pictures or words to help your child know where everything goes.


Make it comfortable

From the bedding to the lighting, every element in a child’s bedroom should be geared towards comfort. Choose soft, cozy fabrics for the bed and windows, and opt for gentle lighting that won’t hurt their eyes. You might also want to include a few personal touches, like a favorite stuffed animal or blanket, to make the space truly feel like home.

2022 Mother’s Day Gift Guide


Shopping for Mother’s Day gifts?

This Mother’s Day don’t overthink finding the perfect gift for the special Mama(s) in your life. The writers of MamatheFox have done the thinking for you. Whether you are looking for something utilitarian or sentimental, we have you covered!

Enjoy shopping by clicking through each link to purchase…or drop a hint to your family by leaving your browser up on MamatheFox!
(You can thank us later)

 LilleBaby Complete All Seasons 6-in-1 carrier

This is the baby carrier you have been looking for. The Complete All Seasons has six ergonomic carrying positions.  Includes every carrying position without the need for an infant insert: Front-fetal, Front-infant, Front-outward, Front- toddler, Hip and Back carry. The carrier is worth the purchase because it will grow with your child through all the baby wearing years – from 7 lbs to 45 lbs. The patented cupped seat adjusts to keep baby ergonomically seated in all six carry positions through every development stage.  This is the All Seasons style, which features a zip-down front panel. This gives you the option to control baby’s temperature by revealing the breathable, soft-wearing mesh. Parenting is unpredictable, but your comfort doesn’t have to be!


Are you shopping for a sports mama? A mom who is at all of those cold morning practices and freezing late night games? Trying to stay warm while supporting your child can be a challenge. Thankfully Mozy solves our problem. This amazing & unique product is a jacket for your legs! With a weatherproof design you can use this blanket even when it’s raining or snowing (or sleeting, ugh sleet stinks!).  Mozy gives you the freedom to get you on your feet without losing your heat. Your lower body wrap fastens around your waist leaving your hands free so you can hop up and cheer without your blanket falling to the ground. To make it even more special Mozy offers removeable patches to personalize your look. They offer patches with designs like a football, a wine glass, a dog, or pair of golf clubs. They even offer a custom patch option. My Mozy has the MamatheFox logo on it! When I saw this amazing custom touch my mama heart melted. This product is definitely worth it and will become a staple in your outdoor life.


Who knows (or is) a mama who needs sleep? I’m pretty sure we all agree how important a great nights sleep is. It really effects our lives more than most understand. Honeydew knows that a small investment in your health can lead to monumental changes in your happiness, energy levels, and overall quality of life. When MamatheFox was pregnant she began to use a body pillow. This makes pregnancy sleep so much more comfortable. Now we all use body pillows each night to get in the best sleeping positions. Sleeping with a pillow between your knees dramatically improves spinal alignment and promotes sleeping on your side, which helps to lessen tossing and turning throughout the night and significantly improves breathing. But what it on the inside of your pillow actually matters quite a bit. When it comes to materials, Honeydew uses only the best of the best. The foam component of Honeydew’s fill is 100% CertiPUR-US certified virgin gel. Here’s what that means: CertiPUR-US certification means that their foam is made healthier than non-certified foam. Gel means it doesn’t get hot like other foams. Virgin means that it is created exclusively for Honeydew, to their exacting specifications. Check out all the pillow options Honeydew offers. You are going to love this brand!

Emily Alexandra Cosmetics – Mermaid Line

Emily Alexandra Cosmetics products are Vegan, Cruelty-Free, Waterproof, Hypoallergenic, Ocean-Friendly! Emily is a performer – she is The American Mermaid! While traveling and performing Mermaid shows and appearances around the world she has also created a stunning makeup line.  Emily Alexandra’s line of mermaid inspired beauty, is a beautiful selection of products to really bring out your inner mermaid.  The newest line features lipsticks with REAL SCALE SHAPES carved into the lipstick itself. When you open the lipstick and slid off the top you instantly see the amazing detailing. MamatheFox’s 9 year old daughter about lost her mind when she saw it! If you love make-up and mermaids, then this is going to be a perfect gift this Mother’s Day.

Well Told

Do you love to explore? Finding new trails to walk or a national forest preserve to jog through can be such a rush. MamatheFox loves to travel and explore our beautiful world. A fun gift for mothers who enjoy travel would be a coffee mug or a slim can holder from Well Told’s National Parks collection. Each park design features an original park badge and vibrant narrative art that tells the story of the park, from its distinctive natural features and wildlife to the unique attractions and storied histories that inspire wonder in all who visit. Whether the mother you want to gift has been blessed to visit one of these parks or if she only has it in her heart to maybe visit one day, this collection is sure to be a loved and well used gift.


The Damask Rose Oil & Serum

Did you know rose scent can have a positive impact your mom’s health? It’s because roses vibrate at the highest frequency – much more than any other flower. Rose scent has a vibrational frequency of 320 MHz. This means when you smell the roses, their high vibe energy raises your vibrational frequency. However, for the moms who think fresh flowers are too wasteful, we have a better option that they’ll use all the time. Damask Rose Oil & Serum can give you the impact you desire from roses. This serum is luxuriously lightweight. The pink-toned liquid serum helps firm and revitalize the skin, giving way to a healthy, youthful instant glow. Squalene and Hyaluronic Acid draw moisture from the environment, locking-in hydration all day and all evening. The Damask Rose petal extract supports a calmer and soothed texture, ideal for all skin types, and consists of 2 layers which are the rose oil phase (35%) and the rose serum lotion (65%) phase.


 Plant Junkie Salad Dressings

Mamma Sanders is trying to get back in shape and eating healthy after baby number two.  Plant Junkie Salad Dressing and Vignettes are making eating healthy more tasty and convenient. Plant Junkie makes a line of guilt free dressings with high quality ingredients that can be pronounced. The products are Non-GMO, Gluten Free and made the Avocado oil. The Avocado oil adds nutritional value.  Flavors include Classic Creamy Caesar where a pinch of parmesan cheese can be savored to Ranch that is light and crisp.  These egg-free, dairy-free, canola-free, and soy-free these dressings are a great addition to any momma’s kitchen. (Especially those with allergies!) These dressings pair well as wing or veggie dip, burger sauce, dressings and marinades. Bon Appétit!

Lucky Soul Inc.

Working mothers are so busy taking care of everyone else, they forget they need to take care of their gut health too and stay hydrated. LuckySoul’s hydrating beverage called SoulTox is the answer! Lucky Soul, is the brainchild of Black entrepreneur Vinnie Merrill. His journey is living proof of the benefits of listening to your inner soul when you know things are just not right. This all-natural hydration and recovery water helps bodies perform better, whether you’re athletic or simply looking to improve your overall health. Unlike other recovery drinks, SoulTox aids in digestive health, fights inflammation and is a complete source of plant-based nutrients with 77 trace minerals and 11 natural amino acids in an alkaline balanced state.

 Color My Cookie

Are you looking for a fun activity for you and your kids to do on Mother’s Day? You truly need to order a Color My Cookie set. Each kit (only $39 – such a deal) contains perfectly made and iced cookies, a cookie shaped like a palette (used to ‘paint’ the cookies), paint brush, frosting and sprinkles. Each season they release new themed kits, but also have some popular kits they keep all year round. Color My Cookie is fun not just for kids, but adults love them too. Before you start to paint you may want to check out the link to an online cookie decorating tutorial taught by a real pastry chef! Head over to their website to learn more about Color My Cookie. Best of all you’ll help support a family owned businesses this Mother’s Day.

Elegear Cooling Pillow Case

Stop for a second. Now imagine the familiar feeling of flipping over your pillow to find that perfect cold spot. It’s such a relaxing and body melting moment to feel that coldness touch your face and head as you lay down into bed. If this sensation is one you love then we recommend using a Elegear Cooling Pillow Case. Elegear pillow cases were made with a double-sided design, perfect for all seasons. On side is made with Japanese Arc-Chill cooling sensing technology fabric, silky and cool—perfect for summer, especially helpful for people who suffer from night sweats. While the other side is made of 100% cotton fabric, soft and comfortable—perfect for spring, autumn and winter, help you sleep better every night. If you tend to wake during the night feeling hot and bothered, a cooling pillow cases is a good choice for you. Thanks to Japanese Q-Max >0.45 Arc-Chill Cooling Fibers, our cooling pillow covers can absorb your body heat and quickly lowers temperature by 35 to 41°F. You will think that you have found an iceberg on a hot day and fall asleep quickly. Discount code: 10%  NGOSKL7L    Expiration date: 2026-12-31

 VEVOR Mug Press Machine

Do you have a mom who loves to craft? Someone creative? A mom who loves her Cricket machine? Or maybe a mom on a PTA looking to make custom gifts for the staff or to sell at a fundraiser. This automatic mug presser only uses one button to switch functions, which is simpler and faster than traditional manual heat presses. You don’t need to adjust pressure, set temperature, or time by using this brilliant mug press, what you need to do is attach the design to your coffee mug, and the heating press will handle the rest. With straightforward operation and humanized design, you can create whatever you like for your family, friends, or clients.


Fashion moms, stop scrolling and look here. Do you get excited looking for the newest designs? Classic black, sleek edges and high-fashion…but looking for this style without breaking the bank can be tricky. Thankfully we discovered DuetteNYC. DuetteNYC’s luxury apparel is made for today’s women whose body types vary as much as their lifestyles; plus, it’s made for women who want to leave a smaller footprint in our world’s environment. Fabrics come from recycled plastics and renewable resources. Their collection features tops, pants, jackets and vegan leather. I love that they have a page just for their 12 easy pieces – helping us quickly find those staples all gals need in their closet.


 Moxie Weighted Blankets

Weighted blankets have become a huge seller these past few years. Many people have started to use them for a variety of reasons. Did you know that weighted blankets provide deep touch pressure relief that helps with so many struggles, from helping relieve stress, insomnia and anxiety to Restless Leg Syndrome. The underlying science on weighted blankets is called deep touch pressure (DTP) . DTP is about gently applying pressure to the body to increase the release of serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical in the body that promotes relaxation. The extra weight helps you achieve a more restive night’s sleep. The weight helps your body feel grounded, which reduces your body’s levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.  Moxie’s blankets are machine washable and made in the U.S.! If you also have a little one in your life who maybe scared at night or gets nightmares, look into their The MPA (Monster Protection Academy) weighted blanket is a solution for children who are afraid of the dark, suffer from night terrors, or nightmares, or Monsters under the bed!

CMY Cubes

Are you trying to do the 1000 hour’s outside challenge this year? If you want to explore nature, be in the sunlight with your kids and relax this summer, then consider getting a CMY Cube. This enchanting sensory toy only becomes more brilliant once you get it twisting and mixing out in the sunlight. Each face is coated in electromagnetically subtractive materials that appear as cyan, magenta, or yellow. As you twist and turn, it creates all-new color combinations. If you want you can use it to teach color mixing, light refraction, angles and geometry, and more! I love it as a decorative element which leads it to be a real conversation starter when I place it on my kitchen shelf. If you like to take walks or meditate, this is great for your mindfulness. Use it to practice keeping calm or use it to help awaken your senses.

 Chita Beauty 

Haircare is something we all need to consider. I’m sure we all would love to get some special hair treatments more often than not. It is hard to carve out time (and money) to go to a salon to get a deep moisture treatment. Chita Beauty is making a name for itself by providing premium products that cater to healthier hair and at an affordable price! The owner prides herself on cruelty-free, vegan, and some gluten free hair products that feed your hair the nutrients it needs and keeps your locks silky-soft while smelling fantastic! The owner, Suzi, began by creating her own hairspray product that locks in styles but also allows you to comb through hair. Her customers were in love with it! Then she created new products like her best selling shine sprays, hair oils, purple shampoo, and conditioner. There’s something for every hair type and age, from brides to moms and teens. All their products are cruelty-free, with vegan and gluten-free options.

ATMA Botanica

If you like to splurge on bath bombs, then take a look at the Shower Steamers from ATMA Botanica. While I would love to relax in the bathtub everyday, this just wont work with our busy schedules. In leu of the bath bomb people are now adding a shower steamer to their daily shower. Simply add on to the shower and it will melt and release all the smelly goodness you are looking for. ATMA uses uplifting powerful scents infused with natural essential oils. MamatheFox loves the one set that includes 12 Shower Fizzies Lasting Scents. Their specially made blends of essential oil scents that will soothe, relax, inspire, refresh and recharge you. Some of their scents will also alleviate congestion and provide relief to seasonal allergies, while some will help ground you and alleviate feelings of anxiety. Depending on your mood, and needs, our shower tablets will restore your Body, Mind, and Soul.

 Erin’s Elderberries

Let Erin’s Elderberries help you maintain the healthy lifestyle we all crave with handcrafted syrups, jelly, honey and much more! Handmade using certified organic ingredients and local raw honey, they are kid-friendly and eco-friendly. Erin’s Elderberries specializes in many products, including cookies, teas, vinaigrette, and food + drink supplements utilizing (healthy) syrups and drink mixers to make the best cocktails, or mocktails in vibrant colors! DIY options are also available – We highly recommend the Linzer Cookie Kit that comes with all dry ingredients and the cookie cutter, too!  The brand’s mission is to handcraft the highest quality elderberry at an affordable price, encouraging others to give it a try and add it to their cooking. We made these cookies with the kids help and they turned out perfect! Check out the MamatheFox Instagram page to see a picture of our cookies!

The Starfish Project

Are you looking to support women this Mother’s Day? Starfish Project is a social enterprise with a holistic care program that cares for women escaping human trafficking and exploitation in Asia. At Starfish Project women and girls experience freedom, establish independence and develop careers. They have employed and trained over 160 women and served thousands more through our community outreach. each woman has the opportunity to join our training program with classes in computer, literacy, math, life skills and health. Every woman has the opportunity to earn certification in Microsoft Word and Excel. Depending on her interests and her personal growth plan, she can choose to pursue additional training in English, entrepreneurship, accounting, photography, graphic design and even banking. The goal of their training program is to offer the women of Starfish the freedom to choose a career path they are passionate about and can be proud of. Take a look at their website and the Mother’s Day Lookbook. This Mother’s Day MamatheFox will be sporting a new necklace from Starfish Project along with her daughter.

Nixplay Smart Digital Picture Frame

In a world of technology I love when we find tools to make life not only better but happier. Gift the mom in your life a Nixplay Smart Digital Picture Frame – she will be filled with joy and appreciation. This digital frame allows you to email photos to it which it will then display on the screen. This is perfect for out of town grandparents who want to see all the photos you capture on your cell. Many don’t use Facebook or other social apps so they don’t get to see the photos you share there. This frame allows then to see all the images you want them to see. It is easy to use and has simple features to allow for a stress-free usage. Nixplay auto adjusts to portrait or landscape placement. It uses motion sensor turns the frame on/off automatically. The Nixplay App for iOS and Android gives you full control over your frame. Connect to Google Photos to ensure your frame is always up to date. As a bonus, this particular Nixplay can also use Dropbox, Facebook and Instagram also supported from the Nixplay website.

Leaf’d Box

Plant kits delivered straight to your door, sounds like a dream, right? These packaged plants are the perfect way to start a new garden and learn about sustainability. The Education Kits that Leaf’d offers are such a cool, innovative resource for someone with gardening goals. Online lessons teach people how to successfully grow vegetables and herbs all on their own. Step by step instructions are sent with the kits and then the online curriculum and weekly emails are given for all the tips, how-tos, and growing helpful hints. These plant kits are the next big thing in the gardening world. What a perfect gift for a mom you love.

Som Sleep

If you are anything like me, then you know the struggle of falling asleep. I seem to go-go-go all day long. When bedtime creeps up I have a hard time relaxing, making it difficult to fall asleep. I recently started to try Som Sleep, and man is it cool. You simply drink a can (I prefer the sugar-free) 30 minutes before bed. Now when I curl up with my book, I sip on a can of Som Sleep. This way, after 30 minutes of reading time, I am ready to turn that light off and hit the hay. Som Sleep uses a scientifically advanced formula, the Som Stack™, that includes ingredients that are naturally found in your body, a healthy diet, and green tea. These ingredients help promote relaxation and provide your body with nutritional support for healthy sleep patterns. Click the link below to learn more about Som Sleep and how you may benefit from trying it out.

Buddha Board

Give the gift of relaxation with Buddha Boards. These reusable boards allow mom to paint mess free. Seriously! Touch your wet brush to the board and watch as the waters dry and then, eventually, disappear. The Buddha Board has a clean, sleek design and can be easily set up and cleaned up. Allow mom to release stress and tap into their creative side with this fun painting tool. There are many different sizes that Buddha Board offers, including a travel board.

 IceCream Sunscreen

IceCream Sunscreen started creating products to make healthy skin protection from the sun a fun and playful thing to do. Whether you are a rockstar soaking up the rays on the beach or just going for casual walks outside or anything in between we have you covered. What stands out to MamatheFox is the amazing smells that IceCream Sunscreen developed. They have Vanilla, Chocolate and Tropical (as well as original) scented lotions. They also offer Lip Balms in the same scent profile.


With Budsies you can turn any piece of art or photograph into a stuffed animal. Budsies has a variety of stuffed products you can custom order. From pillows, to puppets and custom shaped designs, you can create the perfect gift for mom this Mothers Day. If she is an animal lover then I would recommend having a stuffy made of her current pets. This can also be a special way to remember your pets after the cross the rainbow bridge. It is great for mothers with kids as they can hug their ‘mama on a pillow’ at any time they need. When you check out the website take a look at the custom socks. They make a great fun gift for anyone you are shopping for.

Feltman Brothers

If you are looking for a classic, investment piece for your little one, look no further than Feltman Brothers.  Feltman Brothers provides timeless fashion choices that are high quality with a vintage style.  The timeless look of their clothing choices make for great heirloom pieces to be saved and passed down for your babies to dress their babies someday! These handmade and hand embroidered pieces are beautifully created, providing you with a very high quality product to gift someone special in your life.  Just like the Feltman Brothers company, which was founded in 1916, with proper care these quality, classic baby clothes can be a long lasting gift that will span generations!

Highline Wellness

Are you a stressed out mama? Many of us are juggling so many things that we put ourselves last. If this sounds like you, have you looked into CBD? Highline Wellness is a brand that captures the usefulness of CBD. CBD acts as a calming agent to de-stress, relax, and catch up on that good sleep all many busy American moms are missing. Highline Wellness offers a wide variety of CBD products. From capsules and tinctures to gummies and lotions. Ones for sleep and others for daily wellness. Moms with chronic pain like MS search for pain relief. Many people are now adding CBD lotions to their routines. Check out the large span of options Highline Wellness offers at their website linked above.


 Whisper Bidet

The Whisper Bidet is a slim, easy-to-use and install bidet that fits just under your toilet seat (round or elongated) and draws fresh, clean, water from the water supply behind your toilet (NOT toilet water) so you can feel phenomenally clean! All you need to do it twist knob, rinse clean, dab dry, and you’re done! Water is natural and soothing compared to the friction from toilet paper wiping or wet wipes known to dry out skin and causes rashes. They offer a 60-day trial period if you are on the edge of ordering, making it s safe product to try. This is great for new moms who are post-partum and for daily use for the family.



Top 8 Homeschooling Programs

This review is written specifically for parents who are searching for the most successful homeschooling programs for their children. You can use the recommendations below to prepare your high school student for the SAT or get extra lessons for students of all grades with some knowledge gaps. All programs are adapted for your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.


K12 can be a true substitute for regular school, offering complete curricula in many subjects, including math, world languages, English, science, or social studies. You can find free public school courses here or enroll in one of three fee-paying private schools. All teachers are certified by the state. You can also choose from additional educational tools such as summer schools, hobby clubs, an electronic library and more.


E Singapore Math

Singapore Math has been proving its worth among European and American students for years. The unique curriculum trains practical skills in math and logic that will be useful not only in exams, but also in everyday life. On the site you will find sections for teachers, parents, and students, including homeschoolers. After registering, you can choose from four educational programs depending on your goals.



Here you’ll find engaging tasks and puzzles for children ages 2 to 8. The educational process is built on fun and inverse games, so you won’t have to force your kids to study. You’ll also be pleasantly surprised at the cost of your subscription, for only $10 a month you’ll have access to 10 educational levels with 850 lessons in reading, math, science, social studies, music, drawing and painting art.



The website offers programs for complete online homeschooling. Depending on your child’s age, a subscription will cost $20 to $30 per month, and the fee for a second and subsequent child will be about $15. For that price, you’ll get access to hundreds or thousands of lessons, activity sets, workbooks, tests and quizzes, including offline work. In addition, parents can monitor learning and assess their children’s progress using a variety of methodological tools.


Connections Academy

This website is great for parents who want their child to not only attend an online school, but also be able to socialize through peer channels. For example, this school has online hobby clubs and regularly holds live meetings and events for its students. As for instruction, it is based on state standards and is completely free, as are textbooks and learning materials. Many activities that are part of regular schools, such as career counseling, are also included.


Khan Academy

If you’re looking for a free training program, Khan Academy, a non-profit organization, is your best bet. There are tons of video tutorials and quizzes designed for kids from kindergarten through 12th grade (and even more). You don’t have to worry about the quality of the education offered, because the work of this organization has won many awards. In addition to the standard curriculum (including CAT preparation), you’ll find additional subjects such as computer programming and animation, personal finance and entrepreneurship, art history, college admissions, and English as a second language.



This educational resource is designed to prepare high school students for CAT and college. Many of the world’s top institutions and universities, such as Harvard, NYU MIT, Oxford and Australian National University, offer over 2,500 college-level programs. Some are suitable for preparation for university entrance exams, while others are suitable for independent study and for obtaining college transfer credit. Others can be studied under the guidance of instructors (many of whom have doctorates). The website offers courses across the arts and humanities, STEM fields, music, computer science, education, and so on. Most of the courses cost zero, but you have to pay about $50 for a certificate of completion. Also check out edX projects like MicroBachelors or Global Freshman Academy, which allow you to start at the college level.


CK-12 Foundation

The emphasis of the curriculum here is on math and science, although you can find material on other subjects such as writing, spelling, and social studies. However, if you’re looking for additional knowledge in the exact sciences, from arithmetic and earth science to calculus and engineering, this website would be a good place to start. The curriculum includes playful and interactive activities, so many difficult topics are explained in a fun and not boring way.



All parents want to give their children the best possible quality and useful education. We have given you some recommendations about online schools, among which you will find the best option based on your goals.

Important Packing Tips to Help Your House Move Go as Smooth as Possible

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The process of moving house is already a stressful one, so you don’t need to complicate it with disorganized packing. Packing up your old house can be challenging, especially if you have accumulated a lot of stuff over the years. Fortunately, it does not have to be this way. From making a plan to effective packing, here are some top tips to help you pack better, so your house move can go as smoothly as possible. 


#1 Declutter your home

Before you even think about packing up your home, you should invest time in decluttering your space. This will make the process of packing much easier and ensure you do not take unused or unnecessary items to your new home. This will enable you to have a fresh start in your new property, and reduce any stress and clearing out you have to do later down the line. 

On occasion, there may be items that you don’t use, but don’t want to throw away. Many households will instead invest in a storage unit. There are plenty to choose from, with great deals such as the first month free storage. This is a great way to clear out your home, and better prepare yourself to move house. 


#2 Be prepared

You should try to pack as far in advance as possible. Make a list of all the items and belongings in your home, and categorize them into items you need to use, and those that you don’t. You can make a schedule of dates that you should start packing certain items that can stick to.


You can start by packing seasonal items such as clothes, and items that you are not going to need before you move, such as old books and ornaments from around the house. Make a list of the essential items that you should not pack away, so that you can ensure you have them with you on the day, such as paperwork, medication, toothbrushes, etc. 

If you plan to use any moving companies, then you should get these booked in nice and early, to ensure there are no delays or higher costs when it comes to moving. 


#3 Use the right equipment 

When you pack up your items, the type and quality of the equipment that you use will make a huge difference to the efficiency of the process. Once you have made a list of all your belongings and how they need to be organized, you should consider what equipment you will need to get them to your new house. For smaller items, you will most probably just need to invest in a range of different boxes. Make sure you use the right boxes for the right size and weight items, for example, pack the heavier items in smaller boxes, and lighter items in bigger boxes. This will make it much easier to move on the day. 

For furniture and heavier items, you should consider if you need additional help or equipment, such as a forklift, a moving truck with a ramp or more. 

Moving house does not need the added stress of an unorganized packing process. Implement these top tips to make your moving day smoother and more efficient.

Simple Ways To Give Your Bathroom A Makeover

Your bathroom is one of the most important spaces in your home, but it’s also one of the most neglected. This is likely because homeowners tend to spend more money upgrading social spaces or the areas that guests are likely to spend a lot of time in. As a result, they don’t often budget for bathroom renovations too.

Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash


However, there are plenty of simple (and cost-effective) ways to upgrade your bathroom. Here are some great ideas to get you started! 

  • Change the showerhead. If you’re less of a bath person and prefer a shower to wake yourself up in the morning, then a shower upgrade is necessary. However, this doesn’t mean you need to replace the entire shower, as the issues you’re facing may be due to the showerhead itself. For example, if you are experiencing problems with water pressure, then the right showerhead can help to improve the flow of water considerably. You can find the answer to more questions like How Can a Shower Head Affect Water Pressure? here.

  • Prioritize repairs. When giving your bathroom a makeover, it’s easy to focus on improving how the space looks. For example, you might want to replace the tiles in favour of a new design or shade. However, you should always prioritize repairs, especially if they could lead to issues further down the line. Remember, there are also some repairs that can save you money in the long run, especially if you deal with them sooner rather than later. While there are some tasks you can handle yourself, you should also make sure you hire the experts when it comes to more complicated tasks, such as plumbing, that require specialist support. 

  • Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize. You do not need to overhaul the entire room in order to drastically change how the bathroom looks. In fact, the key to any home makeover actually lies in making small yet impactful changes through accessories and furnishings. For example, you could purchase a pillow for your bathtub so that you are able to relax and unwind in style. If you’re working on designing a home that works for the whole family, you should ensure everyone gets a say during this time. 

Go for a splash of color. Adding a splash of color to your bathroom, be that through accessories such as towels and candles or through your tiles, is another simple yet effective way to transform the space. Furthemore, studies suggest that using bright colors when designing your home can also lift your mood. This means that they’re the perfect fit for your bathroom, especially if you want to start off your day with a positive mindset.

Common Causes Of A Toxic Home Environment

You do your best to live a healthy lifestyle. You eat healthily and work out regularly, but for some strange reason, you always feel sick and can’t seem to put your finger on the cause. Believe it or not, your home can make you sick if you’re exposed to indoor hazards and toxins. Toxins are responsible for many health conditions and affect your body’s ability to expel them. That’s why it’s important to ensure that your home is free from such elements. That said, here are some common toxic sources and what you can do about them. 

  • Cockroaches and dust mites

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Cockroaches do not only offer an embarrassing and disgusting sight in any home; they are also a common cause of toxins. While they may have low toxicity to non-target organisms, these unhygienic scavengers produce debris such as body parts, saliva, droppings, and old shells that can trigger allergic reactions. Beyond that, they can also spread bacteria in your home. House dust mites have also been linked to different types of asthmatic symptoms. 

The best way to get rid of these toxic agents is to clean your home regularly, declutter, and invite expert pest control services if your situation is out of hand. 

  • Asbestos and toxic molds


Exposure to the asbestos in the home can occur through its presence in the flooring, drywall, pipes, and siding. Also, attic insulation in older homes can contain asbestos that could leak through cracks in the ceiling. Asbestos can be even more dangerous to your health if you don’t know how to safely remove and dispose of it. The safest way to get rid of them is to work with a licensed asbestos removalist. 


Certain molds can produce toxins. Otherwise called black mold, toxic mold grows in places with excess humidity or dampness. It can also begin to grow after a devastating disaster such as a flood. In such cases, you can hire a disaster restoration company experienced in mold remediation to safely rid your home of mold.

  • Aluminum 


Aluminum is a common metal found in homes. From cooking pans to beverage containers, many basic household items are made of or contain aluminum. But some research also shows that aluminum is a neurotoxin, proven to contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s diseases and other issues with memory and cognition. While aluminum is usually not harmful, exposure to high levels can affect your health. 


Experts recommend avoiding using aluminum baking dishes, foils, and cookware when cooking acidic materials or cooking with high heat. That’s because aluminum can vaporize into the air and your food. 

  • Tobacco smoke

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Using tobacco in your home for long periods can be very dangerous to your health. Smoking tobacco in your home too often can affect your indoor air quality and increase your risks of various respiratory infections, lung cancer, and other lung problems. The only way to prevent this form of toxin from your home is to keep tobacco smoke away, so keep this in mind.