I need my coffee! I am a mother who struggles in the morning. That cup of coffee, shot of espresso or warm cappuccino is what gets my brain working and my feet moving. If I dont have a lovely jolt of caffeine, I can often become cranky and slow which is not good for anyone really. I have been using Capresso espresso and coffee machines for years now and love everything thought about them. I am a big fan of French Press coffee, but it takes more work to get it right. Anyone using a French Press really needs to check out this article on Creating the Best French Press Coffee by ChefSteps. I like these machines because of how easy they are to use. But what makes a cup of coffee stand out is freshly ground beans! When a bean is ground just before you brew it, it gives it a more bold and true flavor. Pre-ground coffee will work in a pinch, but for the real coffee lover, you can taste the difference in a bean that was ground that day and the bean that was ground a few months ago.
By grinding your own coffee, you can have the coffee house feel in your own kitchen. It’s is easy to do and makes such a difference that there is no reason for you not to try to grind your own. If you’re thinking about buying a coffee grinder, these espresso grinders are worth a look. I typically grind several days worth of coffee at a time, because I don’t have the counter space to keep the grinder out for daily use. If you love to spice things up and try new beans you should consider trying a coffee delivery service. It is an easy way to get coffee delivered to your home.
Capresso Infinity Conical Burr
provides the widest range of precision grinding for every type of brewing method from Turkish, espresso, drip coffee, French press, pour-over brewers and percolators.
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I was so glad to find out that this coffee grinder is super easy to use, but has more functionality than most other grinders. The Conical Burr can grind your coffee in whatever form you need. From Turkish (very thin/finely ground) to drip (medium, your standard coffee maker) to French Press (larger grind/thicker) you are able to get the perfect texture you desire. I use an espresso machine, a standard coffee and a peculator, which all 3 require different grind settings. Having this grinder on hand has given me the opportunity to use the same bag of coffee in all three machines. If you use the large grinders found in some grocery stores, you are mixing your beans with goodness knows what else. With the help of a coffee press, you can make coffee to your choice whether it is light or strong. By having a personal machine you can keep it as clean as you want with the satisfaction of knowing what has gone into and out of that device.
Be sure to read the user manual before use! I couldn’t figure it out on my own, but once I took a peek at the instructions I could use the machine with ease. Be sure NEVER to put water inside the machine to clean it. The machine is a closed unit and cannot be rinsed with water. It does come with a brush that you may use to dust it out. I shake mine out upside down above my sink or trash can, then dust out with the provided brush after each use. If you let old grinds sit inside of it, they turn stale and just gross. Be sure to maintain your machine after each use and putting it away.