Crayola “My First Crayola” – Review
I was chosen to review several My First Crayola products by Crayola. Having a 2 year old and a 1 year old, the My First Crayola product line is perfect for my family. I am able to allow my children to play, use their imagination, and incorporate all of their senses in a safe and non-messy environment.
I am not a ‘clean freak’ necessarily but the thought of allowing my children to use paint or markers scares me. I see how they act with pasta sauce, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, really all food… I practically get sick thinking of paint or marker all over my dining room or their bodies and clothing. That was until I was exposed to My First Crayola products. The amazing team at Crayola has created a clean and fun line of products I can happily place in my toddlers hands without 50 wet rags on standby.

“My First Crayola Scribbled Egg Crayons are solid crayon colors in a fun, easy-to-grip shape! These whimsical art tools are both colorful and full of color-and made to outlast toddlerhood! Includes 3 Scribbled Egg Crayons.”
This pack of crayons comes with a yellow, blue, and red egg-shaped crayon. My son was so excited that he was able to hold onto a crayon like his big sister. He watches her color all the time and gets upset when he is unable to hold the crayon or drops it due to his less developed motor skills. These egg-shaped crayons are perfect for small hands learning how to hold. Once he gained enough confidence holding the crayon, he started to try and move it on the page to color. Seeing his reaction when he saw marks on the page was priceless. He is still at the age where he wants to try to put all items in his mouths. I can rest assured knowing that all the Crayola products are non-toxic and safe for both my children.

“It’s an art kit that is designed to be just right for little hands. All-in-one kit contains creative tools for the budding artist, everything they need for coloring, drawing, painting and creative dough sculpting is neatly arranged in a durable storage case that’s always ready to go. Recommended for ages 3 and up. Kit Includes: Durable plastic art case, 6 washable triangular crayons, 4 washable markers, 3 dough colors (total 5.2 oz.), Dough-storage tub, Mini pad, 24 activity sheets.”
My daughter was beyond thrilled when she saw that she was going to be able to play with colored dough. She asked for her scissors immediately (not included; available here). This kit has a little bit of everything for your tiny artist. The activity sheets have beautiful, fun pictures featuring animals, playground scenes, automobiles, and loads of other pictures which will spark your child’s imagination so they can make it their own.
This set features triangular shaped crayons which are developmentally appropriate for young children. While a 3 year old is able to hold a circular crayon, the triangular shape helps their fingers find the correct placement for their fingers. This placement allows them to build confidence in themselves and their ability to draw and write independently. A large majority of us remember those days back in early elementary school, trying to learn the “right way” to hold our pencil. These triangular shaped crayons help kids naturally figure out this necessary skill.
Markers, what can I say? I have a love/hate relationship with them. They are bold. They are exciting. They are messy! Once in a while I need to take a deep breath and let the kids use them. They are beyond elated when getting to use that coveted marker. The first thing my daughter likes to do it repeatedly ‘stab’ the paper with the blunt tip end of a marker. That full arm strength jab. Typically a marker is ‘dead’ after one session with my marker aggressive daughter; the tip is shoved completely inside the tube so I toss it in the trash. These markers, however, are not your average marker. These markers have a special short and rounded tip. This allows for a child to press as hard as they want on the paper but without permanently damaging the marker! Genius! I applaud Crayola with this one ::insert light golf clap:: Crayola has named these markers their Secure Tip; the tips cannot be pinched off or crushed.

Magically reveal colorful patterns with this mess-free marker and paper set! Cute character marker is designed to fit neatly in a toddler’s palm grip. Instantly reveals colorful patterns on the magic paper. Clear ink colors only on magic paper-not on skin, walls or fabric. Includes 1 mess-free character marker and 15 sheets of magic paper. Refill paper available at
This product was made for moms like me. I adore it. My children adore it. Best of all, it is affordable.
The beauty of this type of product is that you can let your child play with a ‘marker’ without having it end up all over your dining room table…their hands…arms…clothing… I am able to safely walk away to wash a few dishes without worrying that my 2 year old is drawing a beard on my 1 year old. The freedom is priceless. What amuses me the most about this particular mess-free product is the design on the paper. It makes me remember the black sheets of paper we had in elementary school. We were given sharp wooden sticks (wow…schools were practically handing out weapons in the 80’s!) to scratch off the designs and pictures we wanted. I can have my children experience something similar, but without a weapon that could literally poke an eye out.
As soon as I opened the package my 2 year old asked for the “moo-moo cow”. I then realized that she was asking for the drawing utensil, which has a cow design. Having an engaging picture, as simple as it might seem, was a very smart move on Crayola’s end. My daughter can verbalize with which Crayola product she wants to play.
Most adults today grew up using Crayola crayons. We are familiar with them for this reason, but they are so much more then just a crayon manufacturer. They make tools for imaginations, because the “power of creativity starts here”.
Love these products? Want to purchase them right away? Click the links below to order directly from Crayola, or just look for them at your local retailer that carries Crayola.
My First Crayola Egg Crayons
My First Busy Bag Art Kit
My First Crayola Mess-Free Marker and Paper
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“…creatively-alive kids blossom and grow to be inspired, original adults who, in turn, have the ability to inspire the world.”

Now that you have seen how wonderful these products are head over to the giveaway!
(Runs 4/1/15 – 4/15/15; open to US)