Lil Helper Cloth Diaper Giveaway

Read the full review here

Lil Helpers are All-In-2 cloth diapers made by rocket scientist….seriously

Lil Helpers has a niche on the charcoal insert market. They have a sleekest reusable liners and have adorable diaper designs. Now they are offering a 4 pack of diapers WITH a pack of their Bamboo Stay Dry Liners at a discounted price of $59.95 with free shipping in the US! That is a 40% savings! Limit of 3 per per household.

One lucky reader will win one of these super packages valued at $101.79!


This giveaway is co-hosted by:
Opinions of One, LeahSays’s Views, Green Grandma & Mom Junky

with additional help by:

The Anti-June Cleaver, Everything Mommyhood, Tales From a Southern Mom, Mama Banana Adventures, Peyton’s Penny Pinching Momma, Latched On Mom, Here We Go Again…Ready?, Life of a Navy Nuke Wife, Pink Heart String

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5 Comments on Lil Helper Cloth Diaper Giveaway

  1. I learned about charcoal inserts! I didn’t even know those were a thing. They look like a really great company to buy from. This review was very informative. I’ve not used cloth diapers yet, but baby number 2 is due in December and these seem like they’d be a great brand to try out.

  2. I’m trying to build up a stock of cloth diapers before my LO Arrives in October. These look fabulous.

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