Author: MamatheFox

Summer Break Enrichment with BOB Books & VersaTiles

Over our summer breaks we Fox’s love to play and go on tons of adventures!

But we never forget to keep connected with our studies and continue to practice the skills taught in school this past year.

Summer bridging means to keep up with skills that your child has touched on or masters in their previous school year so that they don’t forget or regress over the summer break.

An easy and fun way to bridge over this summer for preschoolers, kindergartners and early elementary readers is by using the new BOB Books & VersaTile sets.

There are 3 kits now available

Learn to Read with Bob Books and VersaTiles – Sight Words Set for Kids (Ages 3+)

Learn To Read With Bob Books and VersaTiles – Beginning Readers Set For Kids (Ages 3+)

Learn To Read With Bob Books and VersaTiles – Advancing Beginners Set For Kids Ages (4+)




BOB Books has inspired reading success for over 40 years. I remember reading them as a child myself and love using them with my kids now that they are leaning and practicing reading.  By using repetitive concepts and phonics BOB helps guide kids in their early reading days making it fun and easy to grasp. 



What makes this set so successful is the extended learning with VersaTiles. The kit comes with a VersaTiles workbook that takes the phonic skills that are touched on in the BOB Books and applies them in a fun and interactive manner. Open the workbook and you will see a question and answer grid using the VersaTile case. Read the questions, locate the answer in the grid below and place the correct number tile in the answer key. You can check your answers when completed by flipping the VersaTile case and seeing if your red and yellow images match the books answer key.

Gobble – The Easy Meal Prep Delivery Service

Have you been looking for a new delivery food service to try out?

Gobble is my new favorite meal delivery brand due to a few key aspects: amazing flavors, easy prep and lunch options!



Gobble features dinner kits designed for 15 minutes with one pan


Every meal we made from Gobble was tasty and easy to make. I love to cook, so chopping the green onions for one meal or smashing the baby potatoes are fun aspects I enjoyed doing. All the ingredients were very fresh and sealed in packaging making it easy to know what goes with what meal bag. Each bag was clearly marked, letting my know what meal in contained. Inside the bags were instructions that guided my prep and cooking steps. I was shocked at how fast it all went – from taking the bag out of the fridge to placing my fully cooked meal on my dinner plate was incredibly fast!


Every meal was exciting to eat. I looked forward to the flavor profiles each meal boasted. Nothing was too out there but nothing was plain or simple either. Each time I at a Gobble meal I felt like I was eating a dish from a restaurant, not something I made with my own two hands.

I was confident in each step of the cooking process because of the card instructions and how the meal was packaged with all items clearly labeled.


Gobble features meals with so many different types of proteins and ingredients that I was never bored with the next meal they sent me. Gobble loves to use recipes that features different ethnic flavors. Foods like, Salsa Roja Pork Tamales with Southwest Vegetable Hash, Pan-Roasted Barramundi with Tomato Chutney & Saffron Rice and Khao Soi Shrimp in Yellow Curry Sauce with Ramen Noodles (these are meals coming up in June of 2019)



As a mom with small kids I love how they offer Kid-Friendly meals and even labels them as such on the website, so as you check out their website, you can see the types of meals that other kids loved to eat.


How Can You Make Sure Your Older Relatives Are Taken Care Of?

There are few things more difficult in life than having to watch the people in your life that you looked up to, the people that may have even raised you from a very young age, get older and struggle to take care of themselves. It’s incredibly difficult for you and even more difficult for them. It’s something that we all spend most of our time trying to avoid thinking about and to avoid having to face up to, but it’s a reality that we all need to come to terms with. Sure, modern technology has made it so more and more of us are living healthy lives for far longer than ever before, but that doesn’t mean that life is always going to be easy for older people. More and more they will start to need a great deal more help and support than before. The question then becomes, how can we ensure that we’re providing the best possible care and support to the older people in our lives. Here are some simple things to consider that can help you do just that.

Help them find the right environment

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One of the hardest things about getting older, and watching someone you love getting older, is reaching the point where they no longer have the ability to live completely independently anymore. This might be because of some kind of physical impairment that prevents them from doing basic tasks, or it might be that their mind is starting to become less reliable and they are forgetting about things to the point that it’s putting their safety and wellbeing at risk. The key is to figure out what the best environment for them is going to be. If it’s just a couple of things that they struggle with, then assisted living may well be a solid option. That way they can stay at home but still have someone come and help them out when they need it. Of course, if they’re really struggling to the point where they’re not really able to stay independent, it might be a better idea for them to live in a dedicated space so that they can be sure that they’re getting the round the clock care they need.

Make sure that they’re safe

You should be able to rest easy knowing that, if an older person in your life is living in something like a nursing home, that this is a positive and comfortable environment for them. And most assisted living environments and nursing homes are wonderful places that are entirely dedicated to the safety and wellbeing of the people living there. However, there is always a chance that there are going to be people who are more interested in taking advantage of positions of power than actually caring for the people in their charge. If you find, or even suspect that this kind of mistreatment is going on then you need to do something about it. Someone like the Gray and White Law team of nursing home abuse attorneys can help to make sure that those living in those kinds of environments are safe and those mistreating them are brought to justice. It’s something that a lot of people would rather not think about but it’s far too important and dangerous to be ignored.

Listen to them

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One of the easiest things to forget as the people in your life get older is that they haven’t lost who they are simply because they need more support. Far too often people start treating the older people in their lives like children. As though, because they need support in some way, they’re no longer conscious people worthy of your respect. Remember, it’s not just about what you think is best for them, it’s about making sure that they are as happy and comfortable and possible. Often the very best way to make sure of this is simply to listen to what they have to say. Listen to what they want and respect their wishes. Sure, this can get difficult if someone’s mind is in some way compromised, but often the reality is that a lot of the problems that older people deal with are brought about because the people in their lives simply won’t listen to them.

Help them to hold onto their independence

It’s also worth remembering that just because someone needs support and help, that doesn’t mean that they have lost all sense of independence in their life. This is always not the ideal case. In some circumstances, your elders can be subjected to Nursing Home Abuse and carelessness. Therefore, it is important that you always keep an eye out for them and ensure they are protected at all times. Trying to do everything for an older person and refusing to accept their independence is actually incredibly disrespectful and upsetting for a lot of people. It can make them feel miserable and smothered instead of cared for and supported. Again, the best way to find this balance is to actually listen to them. So if you do get in-home support from services such as Care for family and others similar to them, you can visit homepage to learn more, you are doing it because you listened to their needs and took on board what they needed, not what you think they needed.

The truth is that, as a society, we have generally been pretty woefully bad at offering the care and support that older people really need. Far too often we have historically cast them aside and forget about them rather than facing up to the reality that these are the people who took care of us when we needed them the most, and now the shoe is on the other foot and it really is the least we can do to make sure that they are also taken care of. It’s rarely easy to see people that you love and respect getting older and struggling both physically and mentally. But if you have someone in your love who you love and who took care of you, and they have reached a point in their life where they can’t get by on their own, the very least we can do is to try and make sure that they are as happy and as well taken care of as possible.

How To Eat Your Way To More Energy

There are plenty of demands put on us in this day and age. We have to work longer hours, we’re supposed to have a side-project, there are social events to attend, vacations to take, and oh so much more. While these are mostly good things, it’s also true that it can be a little bit tiring from time to time. It can feel like we’re always running low on energy! While there are plenty of ways to boost your energy levels, such as exercising and taking cold showers, one of the best — not to mention enjoyable — ways is through your stomach. It’s more than possible to eat your way to more energy! We take a look at a few ways how below.



Eat That Breakfast


There are some people who say that you don’t need to have breakfast if you had a big meal the night before. The thinking is that you haven’t used up any energy while you were sleep, so you’ve got plenty to burn off in the morning. Therefore, breakfast is not needed! This, however, may not be correct. Your body does, in fact, use up energy when it’s sleeping. And in any case, the meal from the night before is not going to see you through until lunchtime!


It’s better to follow the European way, which is to eat breakfast like a King. If you have a breakfast that’s high in nutrition and energy, then you’ll find that you’re flying all the way through to lunchtime. You don’t need to get too creative: a big bowl of porridge will do. You may want to check out the Best supplements for energy as well so you can make sure your energy is consistent as you make it to lunchtime.


The Right Approach


If you feel like you’re eating enough calories during the day, yet still don’t seem to have as much energy as you’d like, then take a look at how you’re consuming all that food. It’s much better, energy and metabolism wise, to eat multiple small meals, rather than two large meals during the day. If you take the latter approach, all you’ll find that happens is that you’re so full that the last thing you can think about is being upright and energetic. If you take the other approach, and have a few small meals, then you won’t need to worry about your metabolism processes weighing you down. You’ll be light as a bird.


Avoid the Energy Sappers


Knowledge is power! If you think you eat relatively well yet never seem to have as much energy as you’d like or need, then perhaps it’s the food you’re eating. Some are more harmful to your energy levels than you might realize. For example, goods that are high in carbs can give you a sluggish feeling, so you’ll want to avoid eating bread, rice, and white pasta in too big a quantity. And while breakfast cereals might sound like a healthy option, many are actually loaded up with sugars, which will cause your energy to spike temporarily, but then drop off.


Tried and Tested Boosts


So now you know what foods are going to cause your energy levels to drop, it’s best to find out what will have it moving in the right direction. One of the best things to include in your diet is fatty fish, which are high in Omega-3 and protein, two important components when it comes to having more energy. For your breakfast, you may want to look at including eggs, which have also been proven to be pretty great at providing energy, as is oatmeal.


Ancient and Modern Secrets


We’re beginning to understand more and more about the foods that can give us energy; some of them are ancient, some of them are more modern discoveries. Take zaatar, for example. In some countries, you don’t need to ask,what is zaatar?‘ — in others, it’s just not part of the culture (yet). In basic terms, it’s a blend of herbs that have been shown to provide humans with a whole host of benefits, including more energy. If you’re looking for a way to make your meals more interesting and want to give your body and mind an energy boost (among other benefits), then look at making zaatar a staple of your cupboard.


Simple Snacks

If you’re in a pinch for energy, then instead of grabbing a coffee or energy drink, take a look at having one of the simple snacks that’ll provide you with a burst of power. The two most popular options are a peanut butter sandwich and an apple, both of which will slowly release energy until you can have a full meal.

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Kids Rock Out with Fanilu

MamatheFox’s daughter is now 6 and loves all things athletic. She is constantly playing outside, playing sports and even in the evenings doing kids yoga.

We now have her sporting Fanilu Apparel’s new leggings and tops, allowing her to be comfortable when playing and working out.






Fanilu Apparel specializes in the design of trendy clothing for girls and teens. Their products evoke a juxtaposition of strength and femininity that captures the idea that comfortable and cool clothing is sporty-chic and can be worn every day. Made from high quality materials, their products combine luxury, fashion and performance.  Fanilu Leggings are made with the finest fabrics, have a covered waistband and a close-knit fit that is super stretchy, making them extremely comfortable.  As a result, they are a snug fit and will make young tweens and teens stand out from the crowd with fashionable designs.



Their athletic wear is made with such high quality that it makes it truly an investment in your child.  The waistbands are stretchy so that they dont cause discomfort while in use. I know I have sadly purchase items that look super cute, but them are very uncomfortable and end up being tosses or donated after one wear. This is not a worry when it comes to Fanilu. They are so smooth and cozy that you are going to be jealous and want an outfit for yourself.



They are always coming out with new designs, staying on point with current trends and styles. We love the skull tanks, the stars and heart collections.


All articles are machine washable – use  cold water on gentle cycle and line dry. The designs may stick to each other after washing, so laying flat is best so the prints stay perfect.



Check out Fanilu Apparel’s website to see the full collection

The “Old” Habits We Need To Start Young That Will Help Us As We Age


While we are spending so much time and effort on trying to look and feel younger, in actual fact, it’s about the habits we implement that will give us the benefits over time. It’s all about the habits we have at a young age that will impact us as we get older. And with this, what are the habits we should get into at a young age to ensure that we do feel the benefits as we get on in years?

Protecting Your Ears

It’s something we’re all guilty of, we use headphones, put music on loud in the car, or go to concerts and festivals, and while we may experience a little bit of ringing in our ears the next day, it tends to go away. But as we do this more, we’ll put our hearing in great danger. And this can result in one of the most common hearing issues, tinnitus. While there are many ways to find your tinnitus relief methods, the real answer lies in minimal exposure to loud noises. Wear those earplugs, and if you are constantly using headphones, make sure it’s at a respectable volume. And if you’re someone that plays a musical instrument, start to implement a healthy volume before it’s too late.

Learning To Cook

We live in an age of fast food and microwavable ready meals, and as we get into the habit of relying on these to get us through our busy days, we either lose the skill of cooking, or never learn how to do it in the first place. Learning to cook is one of the most important methods to regain control over your diet. Now we live in an age of ultra-processed foods, where there are so many ingredients on a package that’s not even pronounceable, we can’t help but wonder how these things impact our health over time. And as processed foods have been linked to a multitude of diseases, and can cause early death, learning to cook from scratch is one of those things that we need to do. But let’s get this out of the way; it’s not something that needs to be so time-consuming. Because there are methods to batch cook certain items, you can make life work in your favor. There are so many ways to get a healthy meal without having to sacrifice your weekend. Learning how to cook using natural ingredients will make you feel the benefit. You’ll feel healthier, have more energy, and this becomes a lifestyle that feeds into other healthy habits.

Moving Around

Yes, we all know the impact of exercise. But let’s face it, we live in an age where we don’t have time to hit the gym three nights a week. When we factor in how long it takes us to get to the gym, do what we need to do, freshen up and travel home, it’s likely to be after 10 at night when we finally have time to relax! This isn’t good for us either! So what is the answer? Finding exercises that hit all the necessary areas is something that many gyms and exercise programs aim to do, but it’s about finding the right ones for you, but also doesn’t exhaust you so much that you give up exercising before you begin to feel the benefits. You could start with small exercises at home like downloading a fitness app, sticking to a schedule, or hiring gym equipment even. If interested, you can hire a treadmill from Hirefitness or similar other companies that provide this feature. High-intensity interval training is fantastic, because it will do you wonders for your cardiovascular system, but we’ve got to build up to this. Moving around, especially if you’ve lived a sedentary lifestyle, is the perfect place to begin. From there, you can implement other aspects of exercise, so you build up strength, like resistance training. And these days, because we’re so busy, we’ve got to find a way to do it quickly. There are a lot of products out there that push resistance band training, because it’s simple to do at home. Moving around is what our bodies were built to do!

Learn How To Be Happy

It’s through age and experience that we learn a lot of life’s lessons. Learning how to be happy can appear to be more difficult now. Being in a positive frame of mind can seem like an almighty challenge in light of the excess of hours we work and the modern stresses we are all under. Learning how to be happy doesn’t have to be a complex task, it’s about finding the right practices. For example, if you are unhappy with your body weight and would prefer to look slim, deploy the right practices. From eating the right foods, going to exercises, and even taking treatments from CryoCurves, specialists in cryon freeze in Austin, TX, there are many alternatives that you can always try. But, make sure you do them for yourself and not by someone’s influence or if you heard someone commenting something.
Many people decided that meditation is the way forward, others really focus on their friends and their loved ones, but whatever it is for you, if you take it upon yourself to think about the things that make you happy in any given day, and focus on then, even if this is just a little coffee in the morning, you are priming yourself for a more positive attitude. Schools are now teaching mindfulness and meditation and this provides a fantastic foundation for children as they get older. And we can learn from what really young children are going through now, especially as they are facing more stress than we ever did in school. And if you feeling happy for a specific reason, or you suffer from depression or anxiety, it’s not something you need to live with either, you should feel that life helps you, rather than hinders you. It’s important to speak to a professional if you feel like this and explore options like cannabidiol oil, but remember it’s not about the magic pill that supposedly cures everything. It’s about developing the right habits that you can take with you throughout life.

Starting when you’re young is the perfect way to provide a base for everything else. And while all this may give the impression that you need to do these things at a young age, it is never too late to start with healthy habits. A lot of us have the impression that once we are beyond a certain point there is nothing we can do. There is always a chance to make changes for the better regardless of how old you feel on the inside or the outside.

Summer Party Ideas

It’s nearly that time of the year again when the colder months are on the back shelf and friends and family can get together to enjoy the weather. No matter what part of the country you’re in, if the sun is out more often than not, then you can benefit from the following summer party ideas.

1. Dinner Party on your Property

When it comes to a dinner party, there are several options – but the best one by far is to have it outside. After all, summer’s here, and you can benefit from the added advantage of warm weather and open space in your backyard. By having it in the evening, you can take the opportunity to show off your new lighting scheme in the cool night air. For a backyard dinner party, it’s best to start in the late afternoon and plan for it to last for a few hours. It is also vital to get your AC serviced or repaired (if needed) by a company like Century Air Solutions so that if your guests do decide to sit indoors to get away from bugs or direct sunlight they will still feel comfortable and relaxed at your party. This way, your guests can appreciate the summer decor in the daytime and still be there for the smooth transition to dusk. And, if you happen to have a significant number of the guest list, you might want to hire groups like The Dinner Detective Theater for a private show. This way, you can ensure that you have a summer night worth remembering!

2. Summer Camp: The Outdoors Life

With this one, you can go as in-depth as you like; if the surrounding area near your property is natural woodland, then it is even easier to set up your camping-oriented party. Alternatively, you can spend a little and bring the woodland feel to a mid-sized/large backyard by purchasing plants, elements of a wood-themed decor, and perhaps even a fire pit for the melted marshmallows that defined the camping trips of your youth. This is an especially attractive summer party idea for your children and their friends – but adults are graciously welcome. The icing on the cake would be a projector and a movie as the sun sets.

3. The Adult Summer Party Options

The only reason for the exclusionary nature of this summer party idea is the generous servings of alcohol that will be present. Depending on your specific tastes, you can opt for either a wine tasting party or a beer-tasting party – or, you can combine the two with separate makeshift stations for your guests. It’s summertime, after all, and the pinot noir has been patiently waiting on your shelf all year, plus you can even get a fake ID if you do not yet have identification, so you can still have a great party in summer. Spice things up and make the party more interactive by allowing your guests to quickly leave ratings as they taste – enter votes on a tablet, or the traditional pen-and-paper method. To give things a more formal atmosphere, simply use this london based company to hire a marquee. This will help to stop table cloths and wine glasses from falling over in the wind too.

4. Barbeque in the Backyard

Let’s be honest: is there anything more efficient and yet fulfilling than a backyard BBQ? After all, the set up is simple, the preparations modest, and the feeling of good cheer, full bellies and camaraderie are priceless. You can find all manner of picnic grub choices online, or pick up bulk packages of your preferred meats at a discount from the local supermarket. It also represents an opportunity to decorate your backyard with lasting woodland elements. The range of possible themes varies far and wide; make sure to pick up tablecloths and paper plates to significantly minimize clean up after the party’s over.

5. The Perfect Summer Party Includes Ice Cream

If you’re anything like us, then you’ve likely been waiting all year for the encroaching heat – it’s the best reason of all to flaunt any dietary restrictions and stock up on the ice cream! You can even have a party exclusively dedicated to the cold treat; the multitude of possible flavors makes an ice cream bar set up in your backyard an absolute must. Give your kids – if you have any – free reign to decorate the backyard in preparation, and provide a color palette of options to match the different ice cream flavors that you intend to have present.

6. International Luncheon Potluck

This is the most inclusive of the spate of possible summer party ideas. Although it works particularly well if your neighbors and friends are from many walks of life and nationalities; this is not necessary to make it happen. If you’re American, for example, you can choose a Tex-Mex summer party scheme as an ode to our neighbors on either side of the border. Italian is also a good theme, as are Greek and West African cuisine. Dress for the weather and decorate the backyard with plants and flora indicative of the region you chose – assuming you want to go all-out for the party scene. With Tex-Mex, for example, you can set up a temporary nacho bar with the works – steak meat options, grilled chicken, cheese choices and condiments such as jalapeno peppers and chili. Make it a summer party to remember.

The options for throwing a memorable summer party are virtually limitless; take advantage of the warm outdoors as much as possible. Hopefully, this summer gathering carries you fondly through the rest of the year.

A Mother’s Guide to Children’s Laundry

As any parent surely knows, finding ways to optimize even the smallest things saves you time and effort. Moms know just how valuable organization can be to the overall atmosphere of the home, which is why you shouldn’t overlook these essential tips for facilitating children’s laundry. These include washing, folding them, and putting them away. Some of these might be obvious; we’re hoping, however, that you come away with a few that change your life as a mother for the better.

1. Getting Your Laundry Hampers Situated

This part of the guide begins with simply making sure that you have enough laundry hampers. Long gone are the days of college or single living, when you needed perhaps two baskets at most; now, you’ve got to make sure to have a laundry hamper or two in every room. This even goes for non-bedrooms such as the kitchen and garage; it will save you loads of time and effort if there’s always a hamper around for the kids to toss their dirty clothes. No matter how generally clean a family is, there are bound to be dirty socks on the floor at some point if there aren’t enough hampers present.


Here’s a pro tip, weaned from decades of being a mom to multiple kids: toss the hamper lids away. It’s such a seemingly small thing – but it goes a long way in ensuring that the family uses the hampers. “Tossing laundry” is not merely a saying; it’s your children’s favorite way of getting the clothes in the basket.

2. Set a Convenient Schedule

Since you probably do laundry for your family, chances are you will need to switch things up as the kids get older and your life becomes busier with other activities. It’s essential to be willing to reevaluate the way you currently do things if you find yourself feeling pressed for time. Doing laundry twice weekly, for example, might work when the family has 3-4 members; but if this grows in number, many moms attest to doing laundry every single day as a matter of course.


Even more time-consuming is the post-laundry folding marathon that often commences. It’s best to schedule periods when you’ve decided to binge-watch the latest season of your favorite TV show; folding goes much more smoothly when 2-3 episodes of Game of Thrones are on.

3. Manage Detergent Usage

With so much laundry being done, you don’t want to be caught by surprise and be down to the last cup with five loads to go that day. Since you’re regularly washing, you can use less than the listed amount. The incentive here is obvious: companies give you those large cups, so you run out of detergent faster and buy more. Cut the soap by up to 50% and watch the clothes come out as clean as they did before.

4. Separate Heavily Soiled From Normal

Usually, you do not want to wash these together – trust us; this comes from experience. If your kids are not old enough to sort the heavily soiled from the normal into either of the two hampers in their rooms, then you’ll have to do them. It is a real time saver, however, to slowly get them used to the idea of which clothes go into which basket. You’ll need to add a bit of pre-wash detergent onto the dirty stuff if you want to wash them together.

5. Pick How You Deal with Colored Clothing

There are really only two ways here: either wash all like colors together or regularly wash with color catchers. These nifty new game-changers allow you to clean all clothing together – without fear of fading. You can buy them in several dozens per box; many moms attest that they’re worth their weight in gold! Be sure to read the directions before use, too, and don’t hesitate to use more than one for really new items to ensure that they keep the same vibrancy.


If you prefer the old-fashioned way, then make sure to sort the clothes into piles before you wash. Combine clothing from one pile to another without worrying about which child has which pair of socks; with so much laundry being done, the loads had better be full ones. You might consider getting each child a specific color of socks and underwear to facilitate post-wash sorting.


When you’ve got the perfect method for doing your children’s laundry down pat, this makes almost everything easier around the home. Perhaps it will even encourage you to revamp the laundry room, itself; who knows – this could be the beginning of a house remodeling project that puts the entire family in a new space of mind.

How Digestion Affects Your Looks

If you have already heard the saying that beauty comes from the inside, you might think that what you eat will determine how you look. However, at the same time, you will also have to look after your digestive system. Just because you are eating healthy, you might still develop IBS and other inflammation that will leave its marks on your appearance. Below you will learn more about how your digestion can affect your looks.

Image via Flickr


If your digestive system is not working well, your body will have to try harder to get rid of the toxins in your body. As your skin is the first defense system of your body, and a shelter from the immediate environment, you will need to ensure that you are supporting it in any way. Detoxification cures are a great way of improving your appearance and feeling lighter and healthier.

Skin Purification

It is also important that your digestive system is effective when it comes to making the most out of your nutrition absorption. You will need to make the most out of your skin detox, and this includes an effective skin care routine that is designed around your genetics. You should keep your skin healthy and supported and ensure that your digestive system is not blocking the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Pain Management

When you are in constant pain, because you are struggling with IBS or other digestive issues, it will instantly show on your face. Losing sleep over pain and discomfort will not help you look younger. You will develop worry lines and fine wrinkles because you are stressed over your pain and health condition. Because of this happening, so many people are looking for ways to reduce the inflammation within their bodies due to IBS, luckily there is Hypnotherapy for IBS that people can try to see if it will offer some relief.

Weight Management

Image via Pixabay


There are some people who are simply unable to lose weight, no matter what they do or eat. There might be a hidden reason for that. You might want to talk to gastro doctors about your diet and lifestyle, and they can assess your digestive system to find the reason why you are unable to manage your weight effectively. Your genetics might also play a role in your weight management, and you will have to find out what makes your digestive system feel sluggish and blocked to eliminate the cause of excess fat storage.

Balanced Mental Health

You should also look after your mental health, as it can have a huge impact on your digestion. If you worry too much, or you stress over little things, it will not only show on your face, but also your appearance, such as your body language and communication. You should look after number one, no matter if it is through a healthy diet or just meditation. Your mental health can have a huge impact on your digestion, so you will need to do all you can to avoid developing what is called leaky gut syndrome.


Managing your health well will give you an additional benefit of being able to improve your looks. Consider the above connections and improve your digestion to get better health.