Natural Seed Sprouts by Vremi Review

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Since having moved to the country I have been thrilled about the opportunity to now have my very own garden! I have big plans for this spring and summer. I have already spoken to my neighbor about borrowing their rototiller to work up the land. I cannot wait to have a gorgeous, healthy lawn of my own! I have already started using websites like to locate a lawn care expert to take care of my lawn for me. I have my composter slowly filling, and now I have some seeds to plant. Now I just need this Ohio weather to warm up. I am not holding my breath on the Ohio weather part for now…

As you know, I am an organic and low chemical matriarch. I buy organic fruits and vegetables. When gardening I will also hold myself to a high standard and not allow chemicals in my food. By using organic seeds (like the ones you can get from and soil (my own compost) I will be able to control the quality of my food. I recently found out about Vremi and their organic seeds for sprouting. They have a large variety of seeds but the one that I am most looking forward to are the radishes! My husband and I love a crisp few radish on a hot summer day; just a nice treat while relaxing. I believe that these sprouts are best eaten raw, without cooking, in a salad, a sandwich or as a fresh snack.


These seeds are all organic and contain no GMO’s. They are USDA certified. This is just what I look for. A product that can guarantee the safety and health of me and my loved ones. The greatest part of these seeds are their nutritional value. Sprouts are an excellent source of highly absorbable Vitamins including A, B, C, E and K, Chlorophyll, high quality balanced proteins, fibers, Minerals such as Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, zinc as well as trace Minerals, Carotene, Amino Acids, Enzymes, Anti-oxidants and Bioflavonoids.

When you are ready to grow your radish seeds you will need to prep your seeds by rinsing them 3 times per day for 2 to 3 days. This will help accelerate your germination time. Make sure to not allow them to sit in water. Having a seed sit in still water will cause fungus and that is not good. After those initial few days your seeds will begin to sprout. Once they are begun to sprout you can keep them in your a shallow dish or plant them in soil. I plan on planting my in organic, composted soil. I will not bury them but lightly press them on the top of the soil. Then sprinkle a tiny amount of organic compost on top. Make sure to water your seeds daily. The soil will absorb the excess water. Its better to add water a tad too much water then not enough. If they don’t have enough they will dry up and die but if you over water then the soil will absorb the excess water for you.

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Radish sprouts are a great diet food for those who are now on their New Years Resolution kick to loose that holiday weight. They are only 43 calories per 3.5 ounces! They have high amounts of vitamin C which is great for your skin. Our skin is constantly being attacked by free radicals which are created by toxins, pollutants, stress, UV rays, and more. The vitamin C in radishes can help destroy these harmful molecules and help restore your body’s natural collagen, which is the protein which naturally helps aid in your skins condition.

You are able to purchase these seeds and more through Amazon. They are currently ranging in price from $12.90 to $17.90 for the individual sprouters. Since they are so affordable and easy to use I suggest you stocking up!


How to Clean High Chair Straps

How to Clean High Chair Straps


All parents and caretakers know how crazy and messy meal time really is. Wouldn’t it be great for a child to simply place the food that was given to them in their mouth? To chew it up and shallow it. And happily?! Okay, okay, I know its too much to ask for. If I can get a kid to eat what I give them in any form I will be thrilled. Having 1 picky eater and 1 who hasn’t developed fine motor skills fully, meals are pretty adventurous over in the Fox household.  High chairs are a necessary evil. They are great because you can contain your child for a few brief moments of the day. Evil because those straps are always a beautiful light creme to white color. Seriously manufacturers. When are you just going to make them orange! Dye them for us in the factory and save us from the depression of seeing our beautiful chair go from white to a sloppy orange/green/purple/red/every possible color mess. But, if you are like me, I cannot stand looking at gross dingy straps. It makes me feel like my child is sitting in their own filth…because they are! So I have found the perfect concoction to get your straps back to new!

How to Clean High Chair Straps

1 part baking soda

2 parts bleach

2-3 drops of your daily dish soap

Mix these three ingredients well with a toothbrush. Use the same toothbrush to scrub your straps. Rinse straps with warm water afterwards and let air dry.


How to make Homemade HE Laundry Soap

Ingredients words

When it comes to my family’s laundry I am sort of a snob. I only use Dreft, all natural products, or my own homemade soap. I don’t like all the chemicals and additives in all the main line brands. Nothing against them, they just aren’t for me. While my family is not chemical free or fully 100% organic, I try to make changes that will benefit us in the long term, and by reducing our chemical intake, I believe, will be extremely beneficial. I could probably step up my laundry game and become even more eco-friendly with the likes of a Yirego portable washing machine. But that’ll be a post for another day if I decide to take on the challenge. For now, let’s talk soap.

I researched and spoke with trusted friends and sources. I finally came up with my own concoction. I needed my soap to be safe for a high efficiency washing machine. The machines now a days have super smart computers in them. They can read, calculate and measure way beyond anything a simple mind like mind could imagine. The main issue with soaps, and what can and cannot be used in these washers, is the suds factor. If the suds grow and spread out too much the machines computer will be thrown off and the clothes will not be washed properly. It can also result in an overflow! No one ever wants to walk into their laundry area with an overflowing scarey shaking washing machine! You also risk breaking your washing machine, which would be a disaster. Although, it is pretty easy to find a repair company – just search online for appliance repairs and your location, e.g. Domestic Appliance Repairs London. But nevertheless, the last thing you want is a broken washing machine.


By using the correct ingredients and ratios you can avoid the unwanted suds and not harm your machine.

What you’ll need:

  • 1 Bar of Fels-Naptha
  • Borax Detergent Booster
  • Super Washing Soda

Your ratio will be:

1 shredded bar of Fels-Naptha (2 cups shredded)

2 cups of Borax

2 cups of Super Washing Soda

Mix well & use 2 to 3 tablespoons per load depending on size of load.


* I have had no issues with my clothing or washing machine. However, I am not responsible for any damage/harm done to your clothing, machinery or user. If any physical reactions occur please contact your primary care doctor immediately.

$500 New Years Bash Giveaway

Need a few extra hundred bucks? Who doesn’t?! I have teamed up with some super bloggers to bring you another $500 cash giveaway!  Enter below for your chance to win. Come back daily for extra entries to increase your chances. Giveaway ends 1/31/15.

Be sure to follow MamatheFox for more awesome giveaways (social media links on the top right).

New Years Bash Cash Giveaway Fox

a Rafflecopter giveaway

How to Make Skillet Chili Mac


1 cup of cheddar cheese
1 – 1 1/2 lb of ground beef
1 1/2 cups of pasta shells (medium)
1 or 2 cans of Rotel with green chilies
1 (8 oz) can of tomato sauce
1 can kidney (red) beans
1/2 tea dried oregino
1/2 tea cumin
1 1/2 tablespoon of chili powder
1 tea salt
1 tea of garlic minced
2 cups of water
1 bell pepper (chopped)
1 med onion (chopped)

*optional toppings can be: green onions, sour cream, additional cheese…

1. Chop your green pepper.

green pepper

2. Chop your onion.


3. Saute your onion and green pepper in oil until light browning occurs. Then add raw ground beef and continue to saute until meat is fully cooked (no pink).


4. Add in to skillet: cumin, chili powder, oregano, garlic, salt, shells, Rotel, kidney beans, tomato sauce and water. Mix well and cover. Cook for 20 minutes or until shell are fully cooked.


5. Once fully cooked add in the cheese and stir well.


Additional toppings are optional.

Stuffed Breakfast Rolls

Stuffed Breakfast Rolls

Breakfast for dinner, anyone?!


8 Breakfast sausages
5 Eggs
1 Can of crescent rolls (8 rolls)
4 Slices of cheese

First, scramble your eggs LEAVING 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw egg for later.


Cook your breakfast sausages (I prefer stove top over microwaving).


Now break your cheese slices in half.
Unroll the can of crescent rolls and separate (they are triangle shaped).
Lay the cheese on the roll. Place 1 sausage and 1 tablespoon (or more) of egg on roll. Roll up as if making a regular roll. Pull sides to make ‘larger’ and pull over to cover the ends. Doing this will keep the stuffing in.


Once stuffed and sealed turn over to help seal them during the cooking process.
Now take that left over raw egg and brush the tops of your rolls.
After they are glazed with the raw egg sprinkle with salt (I used Pink Himalayan).


Bake at 375 degrees for 15-18 minutes.




How To Make Your Own Coffee Creamer

I have been trying to have less and less chemicals and preservatives in my families diet. While we are a far cry away from being a chem-free family, I do my best. I am currently nursing my youngest so I am really trying to watch what I take in, being that I am his primary food source. Below is my recipe for homemade coffee creamer. There are some preserves and chemicals in it but it is far far better then other premade flavored creamers you would buy off the shelf at your local grocer.

creamer monkey

2 cups milk
1 cup flavoring
1 can sweentened condensed milk
Mix well every time! The condensed milk will settle to the bottom of container.

Cilantro Lime and Avocado Southwest Salad

I love a crisp salad. Here is my version of a southwest salad.

cilantro dressing


Romain lettuce (chopped into strips)
Green onions (chopped finely)
1 Can of corn (rinsed)
1 Can of black beans (rinsed)
1-2 Large colorful bell peppers (chopped finely)
Pint of cherry tomatoes (sliced in halves)

1 avocado
1 bushel of fresh cilantro (break off stem **where the rubber band is)
1 lime (roll before squeezing to loosen liquids to make it easy on yourself)
1/4 cup of olive oil (California is a nice option but use whatever you have on hand)
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of cider vinegar

Blend dressing in whatever blending device you like…I used my infants baby bullet because it was on my counter at the time. If it blends it will work!

Have You Reached Your Friendship Quota?

My husband and I have had this conversation on many occasions, which has lead me to believe we can’t be the only ones who are having it.
Can you hit a limit on the amount of friends you can have? Have you reached your friendship quota?

As adults, we all know forming new friendships is a whole new ball game. The delicate dance of adult friendships: awkward, off balanced, forced, scarey, nerve wrecking. The general consensus is that they are not as easy as a “I sit next to you in Chemistry and you have cool gen pens so I will be friends with you from now on”. As adults our free time is limited. We have jobs. We have children. We have responsibilities and commitments. We like to be in bed by 10 pm. We don’t like to take off our slippers and sweats if we don’t have to. Our version of “going out” means running to the grocery store, which is a planned and a highly enjoyed activity when done alone.

We all know how easy it is to get bogged down by the trials and tribulations of everyday life. And though your partner should “know” that you love them, “there is nothing quite like a reminder each day to remind them that they are loved” according to DatingPilot. Whether it is an “I love you” whispered in their ear before they fall asleep at night (or when they are waking up in the morning and you are leaving for work), or a sweet text sent in the middle of the day when they least expect it, never forget to remind your partner how much they are loved. Taking care of your husband is important and so is having adult friends.

As social beings (Genesis 2:18) we thrive and look for companionship in others. We love our spouses but we like to talk, and be with others, as well. My husband believes that he has hit his friendship quota and is at max capacity. He talks about how a few times he has opened his friendship portfolio and let a new person in. How it pushed his limits but now he is now at his all time max.

My husband and I have under 10 couples we consider friends (we don’t discriminate, we have single friends too but this isn’t post isn’t about them okay). I am a highly social and talkative person. I thrive on human contact and interaction. Talking is my thing. My husband talks for a living as a salesman. He likes to not talk and not think when he is out of work. Not talking or thinking doesn’t really scream “Hey! Let’s be friends!” Often I will talk to a new potential friend, have a great time, and hit some fun topics. Later I will tell my husband about how much fun I had and how it would be fun to be friends with them. This is the point in the conversation where he points out that he has no more room for friends. He is happy with the friends he/we have and he has no more room for new friends. I, however, lean towards the Girl Scouts song “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the others gold”. I will always have room for more friends. Facebook hasn’t put a limit on my friend requests. Twitter hasn’t capped my followers. I say: the more the merrier! He says “We barely have time to see these friends on a rare occasions, what makes you think we have time to see new people?” Fair statement. With all of our running around and other obligations, when do we really see our current friends? We do see them at fun annual events like an ugly sweater Christmas party, a surprise 30th birthday party, the 4th of July barbeques, helping them move…there are a handful of times we see them in a quality time setting. We are blessed that we have a weekly bible study that 80% of our previously mentioned adult friends attend. Our friendships stay strong because we see each other weekly and we have the common goal of edification. Those new friendships, even if we did try, would they last? Will the dwindle away? Will they work with our schedule and life? I say a resounding YES! He side eyes my enthusiasm.

Occasionally there will be a time when my husband agrees that a couple seems nice and maybe we should try to get to know them and hang out. Then we think about the details of how an endeavor like this would pan out. Should we ask if they want to do a play date? This could work. We met because our kids are in the same swimming/dance/Gymboree/music (insert your expensive child experience class here) class. But, you don’t want to use your child as a crutch in your efforts. Plus in reality its the adults you want to see. Should you ask them out to dinner? Whoa, that’s forward. You don’t want to come off too strong and scare them off. Then there is the “We are going to the zoo/park/mall (large populated area that is easy to “lose” someone in) this weekend. Maybe if you aren’t doing anything we could meet up there?” tactic. Safe. Social. No pressure. No bad feelings if things aren’t reciprocal. If things get awkward you can say its nap time or “its been a long day for the kids” or your gout is acting up.

Let’s say that you do manage to hang out with these new people and you hit it off. You like each other. You get the excited fun goodness. Light inside jokes might start to happen. You plan another hang out. Then you start to think of the future. Can you afford to keep these friends? When old friends are getting together will they be cool with you bringing new friends? Will the old and new friends get along? Will they want to meet? What if they have nothing in common? How will you separate your holiday celebrations? Then those odd feelings of being a child of divorce pop in (check here). I need to divide my time evenly.

There are no doubts about it, being a child of divorced parents had a profound impact on me. And although my parents ended up being happy and content in their separate lives thanks to the great support they had from these new york city lawyers, it has still affected me to say the least. That being said, if anything, it also taught me how important it is to have a prenuptial agreement in place. In fact, nowadays, prenuptial agreements are fairly commonplace. To be honest, most of my friends that are married have completed a prenup as a way of safeguarding their assets. Of course, no one really goes into a marriage thinking about their relationship coming to an end, but divorces can be tricky to navigate and future planning is fundamental. Plus, putting a prenup in place before getting married can make the divorce process much easier. You can learn more about divorce and the prenuptial agreement process by researching Los Angeles prenup attorneys online.

Anyway, I suppose what I am trying to say is that relationships can be hard work at the best of times. So I say, Babe, let’s just watch Hell’s Kitchen in our PJ’s while eating cookies and pray that our kids stay asleep, it’s almost 10 o’clock.