Smart Bottoms Review

Smart Bottoms Review

Smart Bottoms Diapers are available for purchase from Green Mountain Diapers – click here to view

I love that Green Mountain Diapers has a crazy large section. They carry fun and unique diapers and products. The staff is always prompt and helpful. For these reasons I would suggest buying your Smart Bottom (and other cloth diaper products) from Green Mountain Diapers.

Mama’s Experience

Smart Fox

Smart Bottoms Smart One Diaper

“Smart Bottoms Smart One is a one size fits most adjustable all-in-one organic cotton interior diaper made in USA. It is a true all-in-one (nothing to stuff or insert) with organic cotton interior.” Green Mountain Diapers

side 2

I have tried a few different all-in-one diapers. What really makes this one special is the inside, because it is truly an all-in-one. The inside of this diaper has a super long insert that is permanently attached. It folds down 2 times to create a double liner like environment.

This diaper is not only super absorbent (he is able to wear it at nap time without leakage) but it’s super cute! Foxes…really…be still my heart.

inside 3


This diaper washes very well. I prefer to drip dry my diapers. I let it air dry until completely dry. Then I place them into the dryer for 5 to 8 minutes to soften them. When you drip dry/line dry a diaper they will be hard. In order to get that fluffy/soft feeling back I place them on delicate for a few minutes in the dryer. This helps a ton. Be sure to NEVER pull on the elastic once removed from the dryer. Doing that will stretch the elastic and cause the leg holes to not be as tight. This would ruin a diaper for us. The tight legs are a huge part of leakage for my son in some diapers. I love this diaper for its great leg holes.

I really suggest this diaper to anyone. It its structured really well and if it cant nicely fit my little guy then I am sure it will fit your child as well. Head over to Green Mountain Diapers to check out their selection of Smart Bottoms diapers.


Imagine Cloth Diapers Review

Imagine Cloth Diapers Review

butt work

Who Is Imagine Baby?

“Nicki, owner of Nicki’s Diapers and creator of Best Bottom Diapers came up with the idea for Imagine Baby Products and the Imagine Program when she saw a need for spreading education about the new ease of cloth diapers and began getting questions about how people could start their own cloth diapering businesses”Imagine Baby Products Website

Get 5% off an order with code: MamatheFox (ends 10/31/15)

What is the Imagine Advocacy Program?

“The Imagine Advocacy Program is designed for YOU! Smart, passionate parents who want to see cloth diapers on every baby’s bottom and who want to earn FREE products too! It’s all about friends talking to friends — spreading knowledge about cloth diapers and showing just how EASY they are! You’ve done the research, now you can make it easy for them to switch.” – Imagine Baby Products Website

What this basically means is they offer a host-a-party like sales opportunity. As a consultant you can have your friends buy diapers through you like any other party-based organization (think Avon). You do not have to have any product on hand; all sales are virtual. You get to redeem your credit in free diapers or percents off a purchase. There is a support system in place to help you along and get started and stay ahead of your game. You don’t have to touch product or money. Orders are placed straight threw their website and orders are shipped directly to the buyer. It is a win/win!

What Does Imagine Baby Sell?


There are no minimums on orders with Imagine Baby Products. All orders (for the continental US) have a flat rate of $4. I think this is just amazing!

Imagine also cares deeply about the environment and occasionally ships their packages in slightly “used” boxes. Such a great idea! Anything to cut back on our waste. Even when placed in a recycling bin that item is not guaranteed to be broken down and recycled. By reusing we can surely help keep our waste down.

Follow Imagine Baby Products

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Washing Instructions

  1. Knock solids into toilet
  2. Cold rinse or light wash (no detergents)
  3. Warm or hot wash (with detergent)
  4. Extra rinse, tumble low or line dry

**No bleach, softeners, homemade detergents, or diaper creams without a barrier.

Mama’s Experience

I really like Imagine AIO diapers, like a lot. I can trust them for overnights, which is not something I can say about every diaper. If you have read some of my other cloth diaper reviews you know how my son has very skinny legs. He is just a petite little man. Most diapers leak out of the leg gussets, but not Imagine Baby Product diapers! I’m just thrilled that we have another overnight diaper to use and to suggest for other skinny legged babies.


The AIO diaper has a super luxurious insert. The fleece is a dream. So soft I want to cuddle up to it. I got too antsy and did not fully pre-wash my diaper the recommended times (I know I know) and the first 2 times we used it the fleece kept getting stuck to his man parts LOL! It was not an issue and caused NO irritation but I do recommend that you pre-wash your diaper according to packaging instructions to avoid the surprise fleece on your child’s skin. Just a friendly I-am-a-human-too heads up mistake.

imagine 2

I really like the hook and loop velcro and laundry tabs. It is really easy to pull opened with one hand when changing a diaper but strong enough to stay on your child. The laundry tabs are placed in a great spot and very reliable in the wash to stay connected. I hate when a hook and loop style diaper detaches during the wash and then sticks to a nice insert or diaper. I don’t worry about that at all the Imagine Baby Product diapers.

The insert is really smartly designed because it has two snaps instead of one. This makes the insert have a smaller chance of shifting inside the diaper while in use. I really think that feature makes Imagine Baby Products diaper stand out.

Enter to win an Imagine Baby Products Cloth Diaper

Now you can enter for your chance to win an Imagine Baby Products Cloth Diaper!

(runs 8/20-9/5, Open to US & Canada)



Back To School Bucks $100 PayPal Giveaway

Knock Nanny Giveaway

Knock Nanny Giveaway

Tell noisy visitors to “knock” it off!

Now you can keep the doorbell silenced with your own Knock Nanny! The Knock Nanny is a super durable and weather resistant piece of plastic that can slip over your doorbell to stop visitors from ringing that bell. You can choose 1 of 27 fun decals for your Knock Nanny to display the message which fits your household. Read the full review here!

Knock Nanny Giveaway

This giveaway is hosted by MamatheFox. MamatheFox is not held responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations. If you would like a review & giveaway like this please contact mamathefox @ for more details. 

Sophie the Giraffe Giveaway

Sophie the Giraffe Giveaway


Read the full review here


Welcome to the Looking Forward to Fall Giveaway Hop, hosted by Viva Veltoro and Lindsey Blogs.

Forward To Fall

Summer is coming to a close, school is starting soon and it’s time to start looking forward to Fall. Each blogger in this Event has a giveaway worth at least $25 – so be sure to hop around to them all below!
Sophie the Giraffe Giveaway

So Easy Being Green, Viva Veltoro, and the Looking Forward to Fall participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.

Knock Nanny Review

Knock Nanny Review

Available now to purchase through Amazon

Who is Knock Nanny?

Knock Nanny is a Utah based business that started because they agree that we need to let sleeping babies sleep! Getting a child to finally fall asleep, only then to be woken by a pounding on your door or a loud DING DONG of the doorbell makes any parent cringe. You know we have practically all tried taping a piece of paper by the doorbell, but they always fall off or become unreadable from rain.

Knock Nanny knew they had to do something about this problem, and I cannot thank them enough!

What is The Knock Nanny?

The Knock Nanny is a simple plastic cover you install over your door bell. You can notify your visitors with 27 different message decals, or even design your own.


The beauty of this product is there is no drilling into your place of residence! You are able to bring it with you to your next home without any damage to the property.

To see more visuals of installation (along with videos) please click here.


There are so many options I had such a hard time picking one for my front door!

They even offer options like ‘No Soliciting’ and ‘Do Not Disturb’ for those without children but who want to enjoy the silence.


There are several ways the Knock Nanny can be installed. There is the standard method or the non-standard method. If neither of these methods are able to work with your doorbell/house there is still a way! The adhesive strips which come with the Knock Nanny are pretty spectacular. They can be used on an ‘install anywhere’ situation. Simply place the strips on the back of the knock nanny where it points towards the house. The strips are wider then the edge of the Knock Nanny, this is not a problem. It will stick to any surface. These strips are a very high adhesive strength and  leave no residue left behind after removal. This allows for those special circumstance installments.

Where Can You Buy It?

the Knock Nanny is now available through Amazon!

Click here to see a list of retail locations that carry the Knock Nanny.

Follow Knock Nanny

Facebook               Twitter               Instagram                Pinterest

Mama’s Experience

When I received my Knock Nanny the first thing I wanted to do was look at the stickers! There are so many unique designs to choose from. I think it’s such a great idea to have such versatile options with their product. You can choose adorable sleeping baby stickers, a request to only knock, one asking to leave packages at the door, even ones that just say No Soliciting or Do Not Disturb.  This product is not just for parents with small children. Young adults trying to study for exams, average adults who don’t want to be disturbed or elderly people who may not feel up to walking to the door; all different types of people will benefit from having a Knock Nanny installed.


The Knock Nanny itself is made of a high quality material (the same stuff used in Lego’s) and it keeps both flexibility and form in extreme low and high temperatures. This is a super important feature. Living in Ohio we get well into the negative 20’s during the winter. Having this outside when those temperatures hit, I will have no worries about my Knock Nanny. The stickers are a super high quality, fade resistant and water resistant. Take that post it note signs!

Installation was a breeze! I couldn’t believe how simple it was to slide over the doorbell. I applied the double sided sticker to both sides of the doorbell. I slid the Knock Nanny onto the doorbell and pushed back. It felt super secure even though it was very smooth to install.


The message decals were easy to remove as well. Here I will show you two different decals. It peeled off clean and I was able to place the first decal back on the sheet.

final side by side

The Knock Nanny really is a perfect product for anyone

Enter to win a Knock Nanny

Now that you have read and seen how super the Knock Nanny is, you can try to enter to win one for yourself.

Click here to enter to win a Knock Nanny

10 people will win (1) Knock Nanny! (Open to US only, runs 8/15-8/29)


Sophie the Giraffe Review

Sophie the Giraffe Review

History of Sophie

The little giraffe known to consumers as Sophie was born in 1961. At that time the only animal toys for babies and children were farm or pet animals. Monsieur Rampeau who was an expert in transforming latex from the HEVEA tree using the rotational molding of rubber as a toy-making concept, came up with the idea of designing a giraffe.

She went into production on May 25th, 1961 and she looks the same today as she did then.

She is made from 100% natural rubber derived from the latex of the Hevea tree

“Vulli, a company based in Rumilly in the Haute-Savoie Region of France, has continued to keep the jealously-guarded secret of how this wonder toy is made. Sophie is still “traditionally” produced to this day, a process that involves more than 14 manual operations.” – Sophie the Giraffe Website

Stimulating the Five Senses


Sophie the Giraffe – Chewing Bandana


Bandana’s are so in right now. They are the cute accessory we love to have our infants sport. Drooling and babies is like peanut butter and jelly…they just go together. If you are going to put a bib on your child because of drooling then you should know that all the drooling is most likely due to teething. When both of my children are teething their sinus cavities start going crazy. They become snotty little drool machines. The concept of putting a teether on the bandana is just so smart! The two just go together…like peanut butter and jelly!


This bandana come in a boy and a girl version (blue or pink). I really think either color looks great on either gender. They are stylish, functional and super fun.

They have 2 snaps to adjust the fit based on your child’s size.

These are now available for $17.18. Click here to see it on their website.

Sophie the Giraffe – So’pure Teether


These teethers are just like the original Sophie the Giraffe, only with additional material for a small child to hold on to and to chew on. The multi textured surface gives the child more stimulation then the original Sophie. These are great for early teethers.



These are now available for $17.74. Click here to see it on their website.


Enter to win a Sophie the Giraffe Teething Set

Click here to enter to try and win a Sophie the Giraffe chewing bandana & a So’Pure Teether!

(runs 8/14-8/28 – US only)


Glow Bug Cloth Diapers Review

Glow Bug Cloth Diapers Review


Get 5% off a purchase – click here for link


Who are Glow Bug Diapers?

Glow Bug Diapers were started by founders Sarah Downey & Neta Talmor. Their friendship goes back to before their children were even born; they met in a pre-natal yoga class. They both had children born very close together and both fell in love with cloth diapering.

They searched around for a high quality all in one diaper but with an affordable price. They soon decided to start their own company! Now that you are looking at amazing diapers, don’t forget to also get the best diaper backpack while you are shopping.

All of Glow Bug Cloth Diapers are proudly made in China. The diapers are made in their own facility, by their employees who are paid fair wages. They “all work in good conditions and who are extremely skilled resulting in a high quality product that is ethically made. Ms. Shen and Ms. Tian lead our sewing teams, Ms. Bao and Ms. Xu are in charge of the snap work, and Mr. Shi and his team make sure all the fabrics are cut. Our amazing production manager Hillary Ling makes sure all our teams work seamlessly together to create your Glow Bug Cloth Diapers.  Meet the members of the Glow Bug Team here.”Glow Bug Website


“If you are wondering why we called the company Glow Bug Cloth Diapers, there are two reasons. First of all, “Glow Bug” is Sarah’s daughter Gloria’s nickname and second, because we always thought a baby in cloth diapers looks like a cute little bug with that sweet round bum.”Glow Bug Website

What makes Glow Bug Cloth Diapers Different?

Glow Bug Does Not Sell Individual Diapers:

They wanted to make it easy and affordable for anyone to use cloth diapers.  You don’t ever just buy only one or two disposable diapers at a time so Glow Bug Cloth Diapers offer their diapers in bulk to save our customers time and money and make it simple.  They do know that people like me exist. We only need one or two more diapers to build up our stash. So, they have a Facebook group called Glow Bug and Friends. They do sell a limited quantity of single diapers once a month on a first come first served basis. So you can always try to press your luck there!



What does Glow Bug Diaper Sell?


Rewards Program

Follow Glow Bug Cloth Diapers

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Mama’s Experience

Glow Bug Diapers have a revolutionary design – the 360º gusset! The first time my son wore this diaper he pooped, and it was awesome! How many times can you say that in your life? The Glow Bug’s gusset made that change WAY easier than a ton of other diapers. This design that what makes Glow Bug diapers stand out in a way that amazes me. It’s such a genius idea. You have to grab a pack of their diapers.

The inserts opening is on both ends of their diapers. This makes taking the insert out and placing it back in a breeze.

insert snapped

Glow Bug diapers, as I mentioned previously, are sold in sets of 12 diapers. I was a bit taken aback by this when I first read it. Now that I have put a Glow Bug on my child I understand why. These diapers are of such a high quality, easy to wash and care for, super absorbent and feature the 360º gusset, it’s really a no brainier to by a 12 pack. I promise you will not be disappointed in these diapers.

This diaper fit my skinny son perfectly. Many times the leg gusset still does not hold to his little thighs. This diaper was the perfect tension on him. Like I mentioned before, he has had a solid movement in a Glow Bug and it well confined (no leakage). Hip-Hip-Hooray!

The 360 degree Gusset allows for extra protection
The 360 degree Gusset allows for extra protection

Enter to win a Glow Bug Cloth Diaper


Giveaway runs 8/15-8/31.


Fresh Baby Giveaway


Hosted by: logo-new2

Sponsored by:

FreshBaby_spot_yellowRuns from 8/11-8/25

My Plate Sandwich Bag
My Plate Snack Bag
Pear or Fish Toothbrush Cover
Pear or Fish Toothbrush Cover
Water Bottle
Water Bottle

Check out my review HERE

The winner will be notified by e-mail and will have 48 hours to respond or forfeits the prize.This giveaway is not associated with Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media.All participating blogs are not responsible for prize fulfillment.All entries are optional. Void where prohibited by law