There are only a handful of life experiences that really stand out, that you know are life-changing. Most of what passes in life is just a stepping stone — it’s one small step. Being pregnant is not one of these things. This is a giant leap, an all-encompassing, transformative experience that is without comparison. Of course, it’s not easy — oh no, it is not easy. But despite the discomfort, the worries, the everything, there is space to enjoy the experience. This is a moment that’ll be over before you know it — make the most of it! Below, we take a look at some tried and tested ways to make being pregnant even more magical and fun.
Accept the Attention
You’re going to receive plenty of attention when you’ve got a bun in the oven! If you’re one of those people who typically shy away from the attention of others, then this might be a little comfortable — but there’s something to be said for learning how to enjoy the well-wishes and interest of others. Of course, we’re not talking about the attention and compliments of strangers. If you don’t feel not comfortable with that, then don’t entertain it. But your friends and family? Let them make a fuss. It’s going to happen anyway, and you’ll be able to relax if you accept that fact! Plus, it’ll ease you into letting other people help you. You don’t need to feel guilty for accepting a cup of tea made by a family member.
You are being lavished with attention because you most likely require it. Moreover, while pregnant, everything may appear complicated, but your family and friends may be able to support you much better. A loved one is likely to do anything for you, whether that means taking you for regular check-ups, getting a high quality ultrasound appointment, taking you out for a ride, talking to you when you’re feeling down, or whatever it is that you require at that moment. That kind of attention and care can help you overcome the negative thoughts and anxiety that are common during pregnancy.
Talk It Through
This is a special period in not just your life, but also the life of other people around you. Especially your parents. They’ll be thrilled that they’re to have a grandchild, even more so because they’re not the ones with all the responsibility for making sure the child is well-fed, educated, and all-around a decent human being. Why not use your experience to connect with your parents on a level that you probably haven’t connected with them before? Take a stroll down memory lane with them, and talk about their pregnancy experiences. Were they scared? What were they in their lives? What do they wish they’d done differently? These types of conversations have multiple purposes. For starters, it’s always fun to get a glimpse into another side of your parents. Second, you’ll come to understand that they were just as clueless about becoming parents as you are, and they turned out OK!
Meet New Friends
You’re not the first person to have a child, and you won’t be the last. You’re not the only person who’s currently pregnant, either. There’s a whole world of other expectant mothers out there! Why not look into getting together with them, and enjoying the ride together? By being around, talking, and simply observing other mothers, you’ll be able to learn something about yourself. You’ll be able to do something that you otherwise couldn’t — you can see what you must look like from the outside. A pregnant woman is a sight to behold — seeing the joy, concern, and glow of others will be a small window into how others see you.
Throw a Party
Now, you don’t need an excuse to throw a party at any period. But when you do have an opportunity, make sure you’re making the most of it! A baby shower is a great way to celebrate your pregnancy, and also receive some much-needed baby related gifts from your friends and family. But of course, it’s not enough just to gather your loved ones, and hope the magic happens. It needs a little bit of planning! Make the space look the part — if you’re holding it in your house, make sure you’re decorating the room, for instance. You’ll also want to make it fun; take a read of 30 fun baby shower games so that everyone loosens up and has an enjoyable day. Since it’ll be an alcohol-free affair, you’ll want to put the emphasis on the food. Make sure you’re serving some delicious appetizers!
Partner Connections
You have to focus most of your energy on yourself, but it’s important to remember that there is another player involved in this process too — your partner. They’ve got just as much invested in this as you have! And throughout all your time together, it’s highly unlikely that you’re going to go through anything quite as intense as having a child together. Make sure you’re setting some time aside to enjoy other’s company, and to appreciate the moment that you’re living in. Life’s going to be pretty busy after it’s all over. Spend some time as a couple talking about where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going.
Get Dressed Up
Everyone talks about the glow of a pregnant woman. It’s pretty darn radiant! So don’t just keep that energy all to yourself. Get yourself dressed up, and head out. No-one says a pregnant person has to stay curled up on the couch for nine months. Put on your best dress, and head out a restaurant. You’ll never feel so empowered.
And Get Dressed Down!
But of course, you’ll want to spend as much time as possible unwinding and relaxing. Enjoy the freedom you have to do nothing but eat what you please and binge watch television shows. Comfortable clothing, a couch, living the good life. You don’t get too many opportunities to live this way — enjoy it.
Know That It’s Temporary
Ultimately, you’ll want to keep in mind one important fact: that this is temporary. It’s not going to last forever. There’ll be a point, many years down the line, when you’re telling your son or daughter the story of their birth. By that time, all the worries and small problems you navigated along the way will have faded into the background. You’ll remember the good parts. So make sure you’re enjoying them not only when you’re looking back in the future, but when you’re actively living it. It’s intense, sure, but there’s a lot of magic in there!