Category: Article

3 Persistent Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

In order to keep yourself healthy all of the time, you need to be able to pay attention to what is going on in your own body as best as you can. This is something that some people find naturally easier than other people, but everyone can learn to do it as well as possible, and doing so is going to make a huge difference to your life and your health. There are specific symptoms which, if they present for an especially long time, you should make sure not to ignore too, and we are going to look at a few examples of these in this article today. If you find that you have any of these symptoms for an especially long time, then you will need to make sure that you are having something done about it.

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Everyone gets headaches, but a headache that you have had for a long time can be a sign of something much more sinister indeed, and it should not be ignored if you can help it. Chances are, you will find it hard to ignore such a problem, as headaches do tend to be particularly unavoidable when they are happening. If you had had a headache for a couple of weeks or more, then make sure that you go to see the doctor about it. While going to your regular physician might be enough, in some cases, they may refer you to an experienced neurosurgeon such as dr timothy steel. There is no reason to panic, though. Your health is of utmost importance, and you should do what needs to be done to take care of it. In the worst case scenario, it could be a symptom of something like a brain tumour or some kind of traumatic brain injury – in particular, if you know that you have hurt your head recently, make sure that you go to the hospital to have it checked out. You might need medical attention say the health experts at CAHI, along with the help of a law firm if you feel that that is relevant in your case.

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Again, when it happens occasionally and for a short time, a cough is nothing much to worry about. The vast majority of coughs are the result of a cold virus, and will clear up on their own within a week or two. But if you have a cough which persists beyond three weeks or more, you probably want to get it checked out. In the worst case, it could be that you have lung cancer or emphysema or a related problem. In particular, if you have smoked a lot in your life, you will find that you definitely want to get a cough looked at, just in case it is something severe which needs immediate treatment.

Shortness Of Breath

Sometimes your breath will become short if you are anxious, or if you are not getting enough sleep. If you have it for a long time, it can be a symptom of something wrong with the lungs, or even of a bad heart. In fact, it is one of the symptoms of heart attacks, although not if you don’t have any other symptoms at the same time. Nonetheless, it shouldn’t be ignored, especially if you have shortness of breath for a long time.

Navigating Life as a Parent of a Teen With Minimal Conflict


Image credit Pixabay


There’s no doubt about it; parenting is tough most of us are simply making it up as we go along and trying our hardest to bring our kids up as best we can.


When those demanding toddler years ended you probably breathed a sigh of relief and relished in the happy, kind, and caring child you were raising; then it happened – your baby turned into a teenager. Whereas once you were woken up bright and early by your child bouncing into your room, full of infectious enthusiasm for the day ahead, now you probably struggle to even get them out of bed to go off to school each morning.


The teenage years certainly aren’t the easiest of times as a parent, and while it is incredible to see your child grow into a young adult, and gaining their independence, it can also be a challenge to parent them. Although your teenager may look grown up, and act grown up a lot of the time, the truth is that underneath it all, they are still a child and you are still responsible for them.


Be a Good Role Model


No one likes a hypocrite, and there’s no easier way to wind up an angst-filled teen, than by adopting a ‘do as I say, not as I do attitude’ toward their behavior.


Instilling your child with values, and being clear on your expectations gives them boundaries to work within. However, if you are not modeling this behavior in the way you live your own life, you can’t then expect your teenager to take notice of your expectations.


Of course, no one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, but by doing your best to set an example of behaving with compassion, understanding, and fairness you will be parenting by example, and this should filter down to your children.


Pick Your Battles


There are likely going to be lots of things about your teenager that you disprove of, including both things that they do and things that they say. While of course, you don’t want to enable them to act as they wish all the time with no consequences, it is also essential to pick your battles.


By criticizing everything that they do, that you disapprove of you will escalate situations, and turn them into much more than they need to be. Calling out your child on absolutely everything is likely to leave them feeling alienated from you, and like you don’t understand them. Constantly battling with your teenager will also leave you feeling incredibly stressed and probably resentful of the amount of time that you spend shouting at them.




Deciding when to let your kids out and about on their own is, of course, a completely individual one, and is often down to how mature the child is, and how comfortable you feel about the situation.


When your kids are going out without you, it is only natural to feel a little concerned and worried about where they are and what they are doing. As much as you may have tried to instill good values in them throughout their childhood, as well as trying to make them as street smart as possible, the worry can remain. One way to get around this is to have a cell phone tracking app added to their phone. The app will enable you to see where they are and where they have been. Having this kind of information will help to prevent arguments even starting when your teen arrives home, as you will already know where they were. It is a good idea to be open with your teenager about the app; that way, everyone is being honest and showing that no secrets are being kept.


Build Their Confidence


Self-confidence is something that everyone needs and is an essential part of being an adult that knows their mind, and feels comfortable in their skin. Building your child’s self-confidence doesn’t mean making them precocious, but it does mean that they are less likely to follow the crowd and do whatever their friends tell them to do, which could result in them getting into trouble. Having a teenager that is easily led by friends can often cause conflict at home, as you may not approve of their behavior. Having a child that is self-confident and resilient should help them to avoid being pressurized into doing things that they don’t want to do by friends, and be guided by their values and beliefs rather than succumbing to peer pressure.


How To Recognize A Need For Self-Care




Self-care is important. It’s one of the most important things that any of us can practice. Self care also comes in many forms – be it a day at the spa, reading a book, or indulging in some Vapes N Smoke at the end of the hectic day. It could be that cutting off a negative social contact is just as healthy for your stress reduction than meditating for an hour each day. Recognizing a need for self-care isn’t always easy, however. It can often take us by surprise if we’re not fully equipped to handle and manage it.


But that’s not the end of the world. All we need to do is take a few moments out of each day to partake in a little ‘self-review.’ How are you feeling today? How are things going? What is troubling you most at the moment? Is there a chance you could rectify that issue ahead of time to prevent something from happening? If you do so, what would be the best means forward from here?


All of the above questions are worthwhile in their own way. But to begin with, you need to try and recognize how you feel. Otherwise, you’ll likely just be flying blind.


But how are you supposed to progress from this point on? Let us consider:


A Regular Issue


If something is bothering you on multiple days in a row, or quite frequently at least, it might be that further efforts in this direction could be worthwhile. A regular issue that you feel annoyed with is often a good indicator that something needs to change. For example, it might be that you always have trouble waking up in the morning at your set time. You get enough sleep, so you don’t know what the problem could be. But then you realize that your late-night social media usage, such as checking your phone upon waking, is leaving you feeling somewhat tired and strained when you wake up. A regular issue like this can leave its mark on you, and often feel quite tiring to deal with. Don’t be afraid to put a plan into action in order to rectify this issue.




It can sometimes be that you feel powerless to your addictions or vices. For example, smoking. It could be that you’ve been meaning to quit for some time, but after repeated failed attempts you just feel exasperated with the whole thing. This is where it might be worth alternating to something a little healthier, such as vaping starburst E Liquid or chewing on wholesome snacks to keep your fidgeting nature busy. Seeking help for an issue or replacing it with something healthier is always the best way forward. But be sure to be honest with yourself if you have a vice like this in your life.


You Know You Should


We often know that we should practice self care. But it’s not the easiest thing to take care of. If you know that you’ve wanted to lose weight for some time, or you’ve been meaning to go on that run for months, subvert that thought process. Just do it! You’d be surprised how this can alter your viewpoint and help you move forward as you have been intending to for some time.


With these tips, we hope you can better recognize a need for your personal self-care.

How Your Kids Learn While On Vacation

For a kid, nothing beats summer break. No more pencils. No more books. You know the rest.

But while you are planning a summer full of kid friendly beach vacations, you need to remember that summer will soon end, and your child will return to school in just a couple of months. Although it may be tempting to allow your child to bend the rules during the summer, it will make your job as a parent that much more difficult when you have to put your foot down in the fall.

You also need to be aware of what teachers call the “summer slide.” Talk with any grade school teacher, and he or she will tell you that the first several weeks of school are spent reteaching material that students forgot over the summer break. Make sure your child stays sharp and ready to learn when school comes this August. Encourage your child to learn during the summer, even while on vacation.

You may be rolling your eyes at the idea of doing schoolwork while on vacation. While you may not want to bring a fractions workbook with you for your child to do on the plane, there are several strategies that you can try, especially for younger kids, that will trick them into learning when they didn’t suspect it.

Say for instance, if you are going to Greece through Greece vacations packages or similar others, you can take your kids to the museums- Greece tends to have a lot of it. It might help them learn a few new things about Greek culture and civilization. Besides, you can also teach your young ones a few Greek phrases that may come in handy when there. This might also spark their interest in learning a foreign language. The goal anyway is to encourage learning and self-growth so they do good for themselves and for others.

Here are some more strategies to help your early grade-school-aged kids learn while on vacation.

Sing Songs

When trying to determine pre-reading readiness, reading specialists test children on their ability to rhyme. Studies show that children who can rhyme are more ready to read than those who can’t.

How do you teach rhyming? One fun way is to sing fun songs such as Down By the Bay, where kids are given a chance to come up with their own rhyming lyrics. Look up YouTube videos if you aren’t familiar with the song.

Even songs with set lyrics, or nursery rhymes, are excellent for children to predict rhyming sounds.

Singing a wide variety of songs and repeating nursery rhymes also increases your child’s vocabulary. What is this “pail” thing that Jack and Jill are carrying up the hill? Miss Muffett sat on a tuffet. What the heck’s a tuffet? You can use the opportunity to show your child that you are always willing to learn too.


Try not to let your child spend the entire car ride engrossed in Netflix or YouTube videos. Instead, listen to an audiobook that your whole family will enjoy. Grab a printed copy of the book so you can continue to read it before bedtime at the hotel. Or, you can also read from it to your kids that may help cultivate their interest in reading.

Take a break from media and encourage your child to look at the outside world. You could take them on a bike ride, renting a bike from Motorcycle Rentals West Virginia, Florida, Australia, wherever you are vacationing. As you ride, you can take little halts at different places, to familiarize your young ones with different signs or symbols. You may also make them read the street signs and billboards. Your children will gain confidence as readers as they read McDonald’s, Home Depot, and Target signs. Sure, they are probably not necessarily understanding the actual words, but understanding visual clues is a pre-reading strategy.

Read signs at museums and zoos – maybe not every sign, but make sure your child is given a chance to read about subjects appealing to him or her. If your kiddo loves giraffes, spend time at the giraffe exhibit. Read small bits of information, and then ask casual questions to determine if your child understands what has been read. They should learn that reading is an appealing task because it unlocks the mysteries of the world around us.

More than anything, parents should try to present the idea of reading as an enjoyable activity that brings pleasure. It’s not something that should be checked off your child’s daily to-do list, such as feeding the dog or taking out the trash.

Pay Attention to Nature

If you are traveling this summer to a location that is a separate region from where you live, talk about the similarities and differences of the birds, trees, animals, and weather from your home to your vacation destination. For example, if you have made the trip overseas to England and you are staying in a Yorkshire Dales pub with accommodation or something of a similar type, you will be surrounded by nature completely different to your own as well as sights that are specific to certain regions, so you’ll be able to see and do so much more that your kids can learn from.

As you enjoy the great outdoors, talk about how particular trees thrive in different climates. Discuss how paying attention to droppings and broken limbs may indicate that there is an animal nearby. Try to determine what types of clouds are in the sky.

You won’t know all the answers, but your child will learn to pay attention to the wonders of the great outdoors. If you spend all your time during your visit to a national park or a beach taking selfies and checking email, your child will not learn how to investigate their natural surroundings.

Enjoy your summer, and remember if you want your child to keep learning over the summer, you need to keep learning as well.

SpongeBob SquarePants Turns 20!! New Swag Now In Stores

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


2019 is the 20th year anniversary of the world being gifted the hilarious Sponge that so many of us adore. In true celebration form The Alpha Group has released a line of super cool and fun toys that are all SpongeBob-tastic!






  • MEMES YOU CAN COLLECT: Crazy for memes? We are too! Collect your favorite SpongeBob memes with the Masterpiece Memes vinyl figure collection!
  • THE BEST OF THE BEST: Includes the most popular SpongeBob SquarePants memes: Imaginaaation SpongeBob, SpongeGar, Handsome Squidward, Mocking SpongeBob, Surprised Patrick, and more!
  • GREAT GIFTS: SpongeBob SquarePants collectible meme figures make a great gift for children of all ages, including your favorite uncle.
  • Each collectible vinyl figures measures approximately 8” tall.
  • SpongeBob Masterpiece Memes are made for fans ages 6+.



  • 2″ Figure from your favorite Bikini Bottom crew
  • 2 oz of ooey gooey Nickelodeon Slime
  • Squish and squeeze the slime out of the figure!


  • STRETCHHHHHH: It’s the Stretch Day Ever! Play with SpongeBob in a crazy new way!
  • WHOOAAA!!!: Stretch SpongeBob’s arms and legs to hear over 30 silly sounds and phrases!
  • TWO CAN PLAY AT THIS: Play with your friends – grab an arm and a leg and keep pulling to hear what he will say next!
  • SpongeBob StretchPants is made for fans ages 4+.
  • 2x AA batteries required.




  • VINYL FIGURES YOU CAN COLLECT: Jumpin’ jellyfish! All new SpongeBob SquarePants vinyl figures inspired by classic Pop Culture eras.
  • GREAT GIFTS: SpongePop SquarePants collectible vinyl figures make a great gift for children of all ages, including your favorite uncle.
  • Each collectible vinyl figures measures approximately 4.5” tall.
  • SpongePop CulturePants is made for fans ages 6+.





  • SOFT, CUDDLY AND…GASSY?!: Excuse me! Experience the silliness of SpongeBob SquarePants in a whole new “gassy” way with farting and burping versions of SpongeBob and Patrick!
  • A BELLY FULL OF SILLY SOUNDS: Farting SpongeBob and Burping Patrick feature over 10 phrases and sounds that will have you laughing your square pants off!
  • GREAT GIFTS: SpongeBob SquarePants Exsqueeze Me Plush makes a great gift for fans of all ages
  • SpongeBob Exsqueeze Me Plush measures approximately 10” tall and requires three AG13 batteries (included).
  • SpongeBob Exsqueeze Me Plush is made for fans ages 4+.




  • 6″ Tall Soft Mini Plushies
  • Stylized, huggable and detailed plush features
  • Collect all of these adorable SpongeBob characters. Perfect for play or cool shelf displays!



  • 4″ tall collectable, squishy, cuddly characters
  • Stylized characters in miniature plush on carabiner clip
  • You can clip them or hang them anywhere you like!



  • PARTY TIME IN BIKINI BOTTOM: Dress up as your favorite SpongeBob SquarePants character and act out your favorite scenes from the hit series on Nickelodeon!
  • RISE ABOVE THE CROWD: Each SpongeHead measures over 20” tall!
  • SOFT AND COMFORTABLE: Inflatable wearables fit snuggly on nearly every head.
  • YOU CAN COLLECT ALL 4: SpongeHeads include your favorite SpongeBob SquarePants characters: Doe Eye SpongeBob, SpongeBob Glasses, Patrick and Squidward.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeHeads are made fans ages 6+.
  • No batteries required.


  • CRAZY FOR COLLECTIBLES: Hoppin’ clams! You’ve never seen such crazy looking SpongeBob balls before! Toss them, squish them and surprise your pals with these strange, wickedly cool, spongy friends.
  • YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS: SpongeBob, Squidward, Patrick, Mr. Krabs, Sandy and Plankton. Packed in blind bag, which character will you get?
  • ABOUT SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS: SpongeBob SquarePants is incurably optimistic, innocent, earnest, and well-meaning about everything! He loves his job as a fry cook and has never passed his boat driving exam. If things keep going as they have, he never will (except in his dreams)!
  • GREAT GIFTS: SpongeBob SquarePants collectible Sponge Balls make a great gift for children of all ages including your favorite uncle. Try Sponge Balls if you have enjoyed Mad Balls and similar foam balls.
  • Each collectible Sponge Ball measures approximately 2” tall.
  • Sponge Balls are made for fans ages 4+.
  • Includes one SpongeBob SquarePants Sponge Ball (styles vary). Each sold separately.


  • SERIOUSLY SQUEEZABLE: Play with your favorite SpongeBob characters in an outrageously silly way! Squeeze each figure and watch the fun bubble over!
  • 4 TO COLLECT: You can collect SpongeBob, Smiling SpongeBob, Squidward and Patrick.
  • GREAT GIFTS: SpongeBob SquarePants collectible Squeazies make a great gift for children of all ages including your favorite uncle.
  • Each collectible Squeazie measures approximately 3.5” tall.
  • Squeazies are made for fans ages 4+.
  • Includes one SpongeBob SquarePants Squeazie (styles vary). Each sold separately.

This Time Next Year … Preparing Your Kids Properly For Next Summer


Yes, we may be rubbing our hands with glee at the thought of summer coming, but on the other hand, maybe you are in full-on panic mode. Having our children at home for the summer means that we are going to struggle to work as well as arrange suitable childcare. So, while it may be too late to prepare for this summer, what we can do right now is learn from our mistakes and get ready for the next summer, so the children are occupied in the best possible ways. Let’s give you some ideas.

Plan a Trip

Going away takes a lot of planning, so it’s better to start early than to leave it too late. This way, you’ll have something to look forward to whilst also knowing it’s all planned and all you have to do is wait for it to happen. Ask your family members where they would like to visit–the mountains, deserts or beaches. If they choose beaches, then look at the destinations that can be the most affordable and easy to travel to. Additionally, look for activities that can be taken up as a family when you are at the beach– perhaps you can go sailing. Firms like Kai Kanani are known to offer sailing tours in Maui, Hawaii. So, you can look for such firms at your vacation destination as well.

Anyway, if you can afford an all-inclusive trip, even better! All-inclusive trips save you effort and stress, making them perfect if you struggle to find the time to sit down to do the online shop let alone book a holiday. Consider a cruise to somewhere like The Galapagos Islands, or even just book a hotel by the beach with meals included. The earlier you do it, the easier it will be to book time off work too.

Put Them In Summer Camp

Maybe money is a constant issue in your home, and as such, summer camps are something you’d consider to be out of your budget. But if we start to put a little bit of money aside now, we can make sure that our children get a beneficial summer, even if we have to work. On there are plenty for you to look at so you can get some inspiration. Summer camps are a great way for your children to make the most of the summer vacation. And yes, while you may not be spending time with them, if you have to work anyway, it beats them lying around the house watching TV!

Prepare Their Learning Materials

There are two sides to this debate. Maybe you think they spend a lot of time under academic pressure, and as such, they have earned some downtime. But if you think they would benefit from the next academic year, it is worth putting some things in place, not just so they are stuck in their rooms studying, but they are engaging with learning materials. As boring as a museum might be to a 13-year-old, if you can expose them to a wide variety of learning materials, from documentaries to museums, and anything in between that you can think of, perhaps it will set off a spark in their mind. After all, it’s about engaging with learning material in a way that they will benefit. It’s not just about sitting down, forcing them to read a chapter at a time.

Improving Their Life Skills

There are so many social skills that our children learn in a school environment, but once the summer comes, they may very well retreat to their rooms. But if you feel there are parts of the school curriculum that should teach more beneficial life skills, it’s down to you to do this! On there is a list of life skills to give you inspiration. Perhaps your children don’t know how to cook, or maybe they don’t know how to entertain themselves without their smartphone. Look at these things and see what they would benefit from to become a well-rounded individual.

In the meantime, make this summer all about having fun. You can throw a summer party on occasion, and go for walks. But if you think about this time next year, and the direction you want your children to go in, you had better start preparing right now!

Fashion Tips for Busy Moms

After childbirth, a lot of changes. That goes all the way from your schedule; your body also changes physically and emotionally. You become a new person! With another blessing and responsibility bestowed upon you, your life becomes hectic, especially if you are a working mom.


With so many things to do at a go, you might end up losing touch with style. Well, you cannot be blamed. Not many people can multitask; breastfeeding, going for yoga classes, making dinner for the family, and still take care of themselves. That, however, does not mean staying fashionable is impossible!

Mom Fashion Tips

You may have noticed that your wardrobe changed completely when you were pregnant. Bouncing back is not always that easy. However, with the tips below, you should be able to revamp your closet.

1. Have Open Cardigans

You cannot afford to miss open cardigans in your fleet. They go well with almost everything. The best part is that you will not have to sacrifice comfort. They serve the same purpose as jackets, but they are even better: they will add a sense of style to your outfit and also give you a feminine look. Do not let your skinny jeans look so plain; you can always throw a cardi over it.

2. Scarves

This is one accessory that is always underestimated. You only get to realize how fashionable it looks when someone else is wearing it. The infinity scarf is not just like any other kind of scarf. It comes with a unique sense of style. They come in many patterns and textures; you only need to know the one that goes well with a specific outfit. The best part is that they are a perfect replacement for necklaces and your pearls. Just because the baby cannot help but pull on your necklace and earrings does not mean you stop accessorizing!

3. Jumpsuits and Rompers

If you are wondering why celebrity moms like Jessica Alba have a thing for jumpsuits, then here is the catch. On top of being very hip, they are very functional! Note that you will have to bend from time to time to either pick your child’s toy or the pacifier. While wearing low cut jeans may be tasking for you, you can find a similarly stylish replacement: jumpsuits. You will bend and play with no worries without showing off your skin more than you would prefer.

4. Flowy Dresses and Skirts

You are a busy mom, and you have a lot to attend to other than just meeting a client over a cocktail. You will be spending more time with your kids, and you will want to keep up with their pace. Children love to run around, roll over the ground, and many other things they deem fun. A flowy skirt would serve better than a pencil skirt. Also, they look pretty cute. Check out these Celia B Dresses for some flowery, flowy inspiration!

5. Leggings and Shirt Dress

This style is familiar with many moms. It must be because it is so effortless. The shirt dress can come in different designs, materials and so on. Adding leggings to the shirtdress completes the look. You can show up to your child’s school with this look, with probably a cardigan on top. For a chic look, you can wear an infinity scarf.


How to Save Money While Looking Fashionable

Changing your entire wardrobe may not be practical at this point. You are already spending a lot on nursery and getting nutritious foods. The last thing you want is to spend more money on new clothes which you will probably be using for a few months. Here are a few tips that will help you save cash.

1. Reach Out to Clothes Rentals

Instead of getting new clothes, you could use clothes rental services to source stylish postpartum friendly garments that will serve you a couple of weeks or months.

2. Visit a Tailor

There is that elegant blouse that you used to wear during your first trimester. You do not have to ditch it; you can always take it to the tailor to work on it so that it can fit. That way, you will be able to make use of the beautiful pieces lying idle in your house instead of buying new ones.

3. There are Still Some Wearable Maternity Clothes

Did you know that the flowy dresses will always look great even if you do not have a bump? Now you know! Do some audits and find maternity clothes that you can still keep.

Being a busy and stylish mom is easy. As you may have noticed, working with versatile pieces is one of the most instrumental time-saving fashion tips. Buy in neutrals as they are straightforward to accessorize. Simplicity is also something you will need to embrace if you want to be able to save time and money, and at the same time, look fashionable.

Summer Break Enrichment with BOB Books & VersaTiles

Over our summer breaks we Fox’s love to play and go on tons of adventures!

But we never forget to keep connected with our studies and continue to practice the skills taught in school this past year.

Summer bridging means to keep up with skills that your child has touched on or masters in their previous school year so that they don’t forget or regress over the summer break.

An easy and fun way to bridge over this summer for preschoolers, kindergartners and early elementary readers is by using the new BOB Books & VersaTile sets.

There are 3 kits now available

Learn to Read with Bob Books and VersaTiles – Sight Words Set for Kids (Ages 3+)

Learn To Read With Bob Books and VersaTiles – Beginning Readers Set For Kids (Ages 3+)

Learn To Read With Bob Books and VersaTiles – Advancing Beginners Set For Kids Ages (4+)




BOB Books has inspired reading success for over 40 years. I remember reading them as a child myself and love using them with my kids now that they are leaning and practicing reading.  By using repetitive concepts and phonics BOB helps guide kids in their early reading days making it fun and easy to grasp. 



What makes this set so successful is the extended learning with VersaTiles. The kit comes with a VersaTiles workbook that takes the phonic skills that are touched on in the BOB Books and applies them in a fun and interactive manner. Open the workbook and you will see a question and answer grid using the VersaTile case. Read the questions, locate the answer in the grid below and place the correct number tile in the answer key. You can check your answers when completed by flipping the VersaTile case and seeing if your red and yellow images match the books answer key.

Gobble – The Easy Meal Prep Delivery Service

Have you been looking for a new delivery food service to try out?

Gobble is my new favorite meal delivery brand due to a few key aspects: amazing flavors, easy prep and lunch options!



Gobble features dinner kits designed for 15 minutes with one pan


Every meal we made from Gobble was tasty and easy to make. I love to cook, so chopping the green onions for one meal or smashing the baby potatoes are fun aspects I enjoyed doing. All the ingredients were very fresh and sealed in packaging making it easy to know what goes with what meal bag. Each bag was clearly marked, letting my know what meal in contained. Inside the bags were instructions that guided my prep and cooking steps. I was shocked at how fast it all went – from taking the bag out of the fridge to placing my fully cooked meal on my dinner plate was incredibly fast!


Every meal was exciting to eat. I looked forward to the flavor profiles each meal boasted. Nothing was too out there but nothing was plain or simple either. Each time I at a Gobble meal I felt like I was eating a dish from a restaurant, not something I made with my own two hands.

I was confident in each step of the cooking process because of the card instructions and how the meal was packaged with all items clearly labeled.


Gobble features meals with so many different types of proteins and ingredients that I was never bored with the next meal they sent me. Gobble loves to use recipes that features different ethnic flavors. Foods like, Salsa Roja Pork Tamales with Southwest Vegetable Hash, Pan-Roasted Barramundi with Tomato Chutney & Saffron Rice and Khao Soi Shrimp in Yellow Curry Sauce with Ramen Noodles (these are meals coming up in June of 2019)



As a mom with small kids I love how they offer Kid-Friendly meals and even labels them as such on the website, so as you check out their website, you can see the types of meals that other kids loved to eat.


How Can You Make Sure Your Older Relatives Are Taken Care Of?

There are few things more difficult in life than having to watch the people in your life that you looked up to, the people that may have even raised you from a very young age, get older and struggle to take care of themselves. It’s incredibly difficult for you and even more difficult for them. It’s something that we all spend most of our time trying to avoid thinking about and to avoid having to face up to, but it’s a reality that we all need to come to terms with. Sure, modern technology has made it so more and more of us are living healthy lives for far longer than ever before, but that doesn’t mean that life is always going to be easy for older people. More and more they will start to need a great deal more help and support than before. The question then becomes, how can we ensure that we’re providing the best possible care and support to the older people in our lives. Here are some simple things to consider that can help you do just that.

Help them find the right environment

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One of the hardest things about getting older, and watching someone you love getting older, is reaching the point where they no longer have the ability to live completely independently anymore. This might be because of some kind of physical impairment that prevents them from doing basic tasks, or it might be that their mind is starting to become less reliable and they are forgetting about things to the point that it’s putting their safety and wellbeing at risk. The key is to figure out what the best environment for them is going to be. If it’s just a couple of things that they struggle with, then assisted living may well be a solid option. That way they can stay at home but still have someone come and help them out when they need it. Of course, if they’re really struggling to the point where they’re not really able to stay independent, it might be a better idea for them to live in a dedicated space so that they can be sure that they’re getting the round the clock care they need.

Make sure that they’re safe

You should be able to rest easy knowing that, if an older person in your life is living in something like a nursing home, that this is a positive and comfortable environment for them. And most assisted living environments and nursing homes are wonderful places that are entirely dedicated to the safety and wellbeing of the people living there. However, there is always a chance that there are going to be people who are more interested in taking advantage of positions of power than actually caring for the people in their charge. If you find, or even suspect that this kind of mistreatment is going on then you need to do something about it. Someone like the Gray and White Law team of nursing home abuse attorneys can help to make sure that those living in those kinds of environments are safe and those mistreating them are brought to justice. It’s something that a lot of people would rather not think about but it’s far too important and dangerous to be ignored.

Listen to them

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One of the easiest things to forget as the people in your life get older is that they haven’t lost who they are simply because they need more support. Far too often people start treating the older people in their lives like children. As though, because they need support in some way, they’re no longer conscious people worthy of your respect. Remember, it’s not just about what you think is best for them, it’s about making sure that they are as happy and comfortable and possible. Often the very best way to make sure of this is simply to listen to what they have to say. Listen to what they want and respect their wishes. Sure, this can get difficult if someone’s mind is in some way compromised, but often the reality is that a lot of the problems that older people deal with are brought about because the people in their lives simply won’t listen to them.

Help them to hold onto their independence

It’s also worth remembering that just because someone needs support and help, that doesn’t mean that they have lost all sense of independence in their life. This is always not the ideal case. In some circumstances, your elders can be subjected to Nursing Home Abuse and carelessness. Therefore, it is important that you always keep an eye out for them and ensure they are protected at all times. Trying to do everything for an older person and refusing to accept their independence is actually incredibly disrespectful and upsetting for a lot of people. It can make them feel miserable and smothered instead of cared for and supported. Again, the best way to find this balance is to actually listen to them. So if you do get in-home support from services such as Care for family and others similar to them, you can visit homepage to learn more, you are doing it because you listened to their needs and took on board what they needed, not what you think they needed.

The truth is that, as a society, we have generally been pretty woefully bad at offering the care and support that older people really need. Far too often we have historically cast them aside and forget about them rather than facing up to the reality that these are the people who took care of us when we needed them the most, and now the shoe is on the other foot and it really is the least we can do to make sure that they are also taken care of. It’s rarely easy to see people that you love and respect getting older and struggling both physically and mentally. But if you have someone in your love who you love and who took care of you, and they have reached a point in their life where they can’t get by on their own, the very least we can do is to try and make sure that they are as happy and as well taken care of as possible.