Author: MamatheFox

Kushies Toy Review

Kushies Toy Review

Kushies is one of my favorite children’s brands. They carry everything from toys to clothing to cloth diapers. Always in style, and made in Canada with high quality materials I am able to fully trust them. Follow Kushies on Facebook to keep up with all their fun features.


beanstax a

These stackable figures are perfect for children of any age. They are safe for small toddlers to play with but colorful and engaging enough for small children as well. These inspire children to use their problem solving skills and understand how gravity and balance work. As they play they are learning basic science laws without even knowing it! Children can play alone with Beanstax or with their sibliings. They will gain self confidence as they see that they are able to create fun stax all by themselves.

stx 1

Beanstax come with 12 super soft bean-filled shapes in a reusable carrying case. I really think these are the perfect to-go toy. You can toss them into their carrying case and take them with you as you need. I hate dragging toys with me during the holiday season to each house we visit. They kids get board and need a small yet engaging toy. The beanstax can be left in their case in your car so you always know there is an exciting toy at your finger tips.

There are 3 levels of play with the Beanstax: Basic play (1+ yrs), Intermediate play (3+ yrs), and Advanced play (5+ yrs). Basic play consists of stacking them flat. Feeling the textures and weight of each stax. Intermediate play would be trying to stack different shaped stax, as you would with different shaped blocks. This helps with understanding balance and gravity.  Lastly, advanced play would be the building of little creatures and creating stories about them. This helps with developing creativity and enables their imagination.

stax 2


My 3 year old daughter and my 1 year old son equally love these stackers. My daughter and son both like to organize them by size and shape. My daughter can stack them high and make little people. My 1 year old son just likes to hold them and toss them up and down. It’s a great toy they can both play with together.

Zolo Boa

boa 1a

The Zolo Boa is the coolest ring stacker you could imagine. Simple ring stackers have been around for generations. What makes the Zolo Boa Stacking Rings so special is that each ring makes a fun animal sound! All kids love toys that make sounds. Animals make it that much more exciting. By squeezing the soft and squishy rings you hear a noise that opens the imagination.

boa a1

The Zolo Boa if perfect for children ages 6 months and up. My son is 21 months and thinks the Boa is the coolest toy. You can see the concentration on his face as he tries to get the rings back on the holder. This is a great toys for hand/eye coordination and doesn’t clutter up a room.  I love the head topper, which giggles when placed on top as a reward for a job play well done! My son loves this circle ring stacker so much. He carries it around like a stuffed animal. He loves trying to get them all on the tube. My daughter thinks the sounds are hilarious and enjoys stacking them together as well.

boa 2a


zolo boa



I have talked once before about my love of Kushies Stacrobats. These are the most unique toy my children have. Magnets are a magic concept to any toddler. Playing with fridge magnets it a fun game for my 3 year old, but having a 1.5 year old who feels the need to place small things in his mouth, magnets can be dangerous. Not any more! Stacrobats are a plush, safe toy that toddlers and children alike can explore the excitement of magnets. Each doll and ball have several magnets inside of them allowing the user to feel the magnetic attraction as you pull and push them apart. Having both positive and negative chargers they can feel them attract or press back. This blows my children’s minds. A toy like this should be a staple in any home.

acro 3 acro 5a acro 10

As your child grows developmentally and their mind expands they can be more and more creative with how they play with this Stacrobats. When they are small just holding them and touching them together is what will engage them. They, they can learn how to connect several together, and eventually they can practice their problem solving an balancing skills and create a real acrobatic like show with their little Stacrobats. I am the 1st to admit that I too love to play with these. I love feeling the magnets attract and retract as well as trying to make them stand in fun positions.


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Rifle Paper Co Review

Rifle Paper Co Review


About Rifle Paper Co

Rifle Paper Co was founded by a Anna and Nathan, a husband and wife team who believe that personal stories and moments are best told through through the gift of a handwritten note or journal. They hope to inspire people with their unique and beautiful designs. Starting with classic stationary as their roots, they soon branched out into the world or calender’s, planners and home decor. They use FSC-certified paper stocks with recycled content, environmentally responsible printers, and select high quality materials that allow for products that are both well-made and beautiful.

What Rifle Paper Co Sells

Follow Rifle Paper Co

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Mama’s Experience

I fell in love with Rifle Paper Co at first glance. Their designs and color concepts are modern and classic at the same time, giving me an immediate sense of comfort and joy. Being that they are an eco-conscious company, and try to use recycled materials and environmentally friendly printers, I knew that they would really appeal to all my readers.

As I clicked through pages and pages of amazing products I bubbled with excitement and ideas. When I hold a new, crisp stationary product, whether it’s a note card or a journal, I feel the potential which it holds. The thoughts, words, feelings and moments that will be captured inside are priceless.

Art Prints

Art prints have a very large appeal. In the day and age of Pinterest we live in, the wall art collage is something many people are now displaying on their walls. Some people go to places like Lulu & Georgia to get their wall art that brightens up their home. Of course I totally jumped on this bandwagon. My husband and I picked out rustic and earthy toned frames, mirrors, display case and chalkboard. Our home has cream walls and very old hardwood floors, so we choose to run with those earthy/rustic vibes. I love flowers, trees and leaves. I would much rather spend my time in a forest than a beach. Guess it’s a good thing I live in Ohio, right?!

I was immediately drawn to so many of the Rifle Paper Co’s prints. From floral to locations to modern graphics, they have something for everyone. Keeping true to their design and color schemes, they were still able to make a huge variety of art prints to choose from. These are such a fun gift to received and give this holiday season.



Blue framed image on left “Coral Botanical” can be found here. Yellow framed image on right “Rose Botanical” can be found here.

These prints and many more can be found at (Images in 6 pack below are courtesy of

art print


Monogram Stationary

So many times throughout the year I am in need for a blank card. It may be for a thank you, a hello note, a note with a gift…the list goes on and on. Instead of holding onto a plethora of cards, I love having blank cards that can fill any topic. By choosing a monogrammed stationary set, I will always have the appropriate card on hand. A simple flat card with a beautiful initial. It’s classic, personal and fun to receive. Check out all the monogram options here.

“The linen envelopes have a scalloped edge giving the flap a unique
look. All 8 notes and envelopes fit tidy in a reusable linen paper box.”Rifle Paper Co Website

Initial stationary

Greeting Cards

Sending a card in the mail is so much fun. Receiving one is every better! I try to take the time to get a really personalized card when mailing someone a greeting card. With so many options your head can spin. I am now able to check out Rifle Paper Co’s selection and easily find the perfect card all the time. Each card features a fun print that you would find on their stationary. art and other products. This allows you to maintain consistency in your personal stash at home. They also have a large selection of just fun and simple cards. Check them all out here.

You’re a Fox Greeting Card



Bella Organics Giveaway

2015-09-06 19.19.19

Bella Organics Dead Sea Mineral Mud Mask

bella-organics-dead-seaNot all Dead Sea Mud Masks are created equal; our mineral mud mask is soft and smooth and will not irritate your delicate skin! Bella Organics Dead Sea Mineral Mud Mask does not contain any additives or fillers, just the pure Dead Sea Mud, Perilla seed oil & Geranium essential oil!

Hosted by: logo-new2

Check out my review HERE


SivanaSpirit Giveaway

Enter to win a $75 Gift Card for Subscribe to their newsletter and win a bonus $75 gift card. That’s $150!


Enter to win a $75 Gift Card for Subscribe to their newsletter and win a bonus $75. That’s $150!

Hosted by logo-new2

Co-Hosted by Amy and Arons Real Life Reviews and Sew Crafty Angel

check out my review HERE

Open to the U.S. only


The winner will be notified by e-mail and will have 48 hours to respond or forfeits the prize.This giveaway is not associated with Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media.All participating blogs are not responsible for prize fulfillment.All entries are optional. Void where prohibited by law.

$75 Sivana Gift Card

Enter to win a $75 Gift Card for Subscribe to their email list and win a bonus $75 gift card. That’s $150!


Enter to win a $75 Gift Card for Subscribe to their email list and win a bonus $75. That’s $150!

Hosted by logo-new2

Co-Hosted by Amy and Arons Real Life Reviews and Sew Crafty Angel

check out my review HERE

Open to the U.S. only


The winner will be notified by e-mail and will have 48 hours to respond or forfeits the prize.This giveaway is not associated with Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media.All participating blogs are not responsible for prize fulfillment.All entries are optional. Void where prohibited by law.

Cozywoggle Review

Cozywoggle Review

About Cozywoggle


Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death and serious injury for children between ages 2-14, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Contacting a law firm like lamber goodnow would be useful if you and your child have been involved in an incident like this.

Many parents are unaware of the safety concerns that are associated with coats and car seats. Car seat safety is a growing field of awareness and needs to be in the spotlight so that parents and caretakers alike can understand how to keep children safe and also staying warm. When a child is strapped safely into their car seat the risk of injury is greatly reduced. When improperly buckled the risk of a child being ejected from a car seat is highly increased. An awesome group called Car Seats for The Littles is a great resource to learn more about car seat safety. Injury and death can be avoided when the correct measure are taken.

When you place a child in a car seat, even if you have managed to find the best car seat for 3 year old like me, you need to have the straps secure, then later put a child in a car seat with a coat the tightness be the same. If you have to loosen the straps to get a child in with their coat on, it is no longer safe! Due to this safety concern my children only wear thin fleece jackets in the winter, until now! Ohio winters can reach a whopping 30 degrees below zero. We use blankets to keep warm in the car seats after safely strapped in. But there are times my kids will travel somewhere and then want to play outside for a while. I need a jacket that I can allow them to play outside but then go directly into the car with. This is where the Cozywoggle is a game changer.

The Cozywoggle:

  • Is the ONLY product that looks and acts as a coat, but is safe to be worn in a car seat.
  • Is made from heavy-duty wind/water resistant polyester, and is lined with cozy fleece.
  • Can be used with any 5-point harness car seat – either forward or rear-facing.
  • Comes in sizes 12 months, 18 months, 2T, 3T, 4, 5 and 6.
  • Is stylish (and looks like a “regular” coat), warm and washable.
  • Has been crash tested in a lab and proven to be safe in a car seat.
  • Can be worn in a car seat and all around town.
  • Is easy-to-use and is a convenient, all-in-one solution for busy parents.

Where to Buy

Click here to see the current stock of colors and sizes.

Follow Cozywoggle

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Mama’s Experience

When I first found out about the Cozywoggle I was intrigued. As a mom who lives in a super cold state, the coat and car seat debacle is a big part of my life. My family doesn’t understand why I don’t put huge puffy coats on my children in the winter time. But they didn’t know the knowledge we do as well as such high-tech car seats. After testing this coat I can honestly say that I highly recommend this to any parent with a child in a car seat. Here’s why:


jacket 1

This coat is cute! Being that it has a super important functionality I wasn’t sure how it would really look like in real life. The zippers on the side are so unnoticeable that they are not distracting if fashion is your forte. They blend in like seams and no one would ever look twice at them. The material is smooth and durable. I feel like this would be a great playing in the snow jacket. Durable, warm and easy to move in. All qualities a child would want if they knew how to verbalize it.

The coat runs a tad large. Its just how they are manufactured. My daughter just moved into a 3T a few months back. This coat is a 3T and it really fits well. There is a little bit of room, but I would want that being that she will wear sweaters and hoodies under it occasionally and might have a growth spurt this winter. Every mom knows its better to be too big than to be too small.

Ease of Use:

side view

The coat front zipper works and functions like any other zip up coat. Easy peasy. My daughter likes that the top has a piece of fabric that covers up the zipper part so when you tuck your chin into the coat its against fabric and not a cold metal zipper. I think it is a tiny detail that really is thoughtful.

If you have not watched the video above I suggest you do. It shows how easy it is to zip the sides up and down. I was skeptical that it would glide that smoothly on my can’t-stay-still toddler. But it did! It was super easy and fast to zip up and down. Knowing this can be a crazy quick step makes my hopes for success in this coat rise. I also had no fear or skin pinching because its not too tight against her body.

In the Car Seat:


I was hesitant that this would be comfortable in the seat based on how it lays on the child. I asked my daughter what she thought of the her coat and she immediately said, “it’s very warm and cozy”. I offered for her to take it off and she wanted to keep it on, so I knew that she really meant it. I love how I can clearly see that she is buckled in correctly and she has the cozy coat on top of her still. I needed this to work fast though. I have a pick up line at her preschool and I cannot monkey around with a coat and the car seat. I was able to use it fast and safely the first time taking her to and from pre-k.

It functions perfectly, it’s warm, it’s safe, it’s fast, it’s durable

Healthy Baby Bath Time Giveaway

Healthy Baby Bath Time Giveaway

Keeping our children safe and healthy is top priority as a parent. We all want what’s best for our children and it’s important to be aware of what our little ones may come in contact with.  Parents today are becoming increasingly cautious of potentially dangerous chemicals in their households. More families are exploring natural alternatives and are noticing improvements in their health and well-being after making these substitutions.
Latched On Mom has been focusing on making several small eco-friendly and healthier choices this year in the Make it Green in 2015 campaign.  The companies involved in this campaign care about the health of our families, as well as about Earth!  Here’s your chance to win the prizes described below.  Click the links to read the reviews.
BALM! Baby- Fresh Out of the Tub
Taylor’s Pure and Natural- Toothpaste and Tooth Powder (ARV $27.44)
WooBamboo Eco Toothbrushes- 2 packs of SPROUTS kids toothbrushes (ARV $11.90)
Little Lily Bamboo- Organic Bamboo Bath Set- hooded baby towel with 2 baby wipes (ARV $30.78)
Enter the competition by filling out the form below. The winner will be emailed, announced here in the giveaway widget once closed and I’ll put a shout out to the winner on Facebook- LIKE my page to get those notifications!  Make sure to sign into the form using the email address you check most often! You will only have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be drawn. Must be 18 years of age or older. Void where prohibited. Giveaway will run from 11/24/15-12/22/15. Open to US/CAN only. GOOD LUCK!!!
Latched On Mom and other participating bloggers did not receive compensation to promote this giveaway. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or associated with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or any other social media. Prize fulfillment is the sponsor’s responsibilty. This post may contain affiliate links. WooBamboo requires Canadian winner to pay shipping. If you have any questions about this giveaway please email [email protected].

BANJOrganics Giveaway

BANJOrganics Giveaway

Read the full review here



Happy Holidays

Welcome to the 1st Annual Happy Holidays Giveaway Hop hosted by Karen’s Got Mail! I have teamed up with a fantastic group of bloggers to share some awesome giveaways with our readers. Be sure to hop around to the participating blogs listed below and enter some fabulous giveaways, all of which are worth a minimum of $25! Also, make sure to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway$50 Gift Card to Incredibundles!

Disclosure: Karen’s Got Mail and the Happy Holidays Giveaway Hop participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and any other social media are not affiliated with this giveaway.

BANJOrganics Giveaway

Disclosure: Karen’s Got Mail and the Happy Holidays Giveaway Hop participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and any other social media are not affiliated with this giveaway.

Sivanaspirit Giveaway OPP

Hosted by: logo-new

Co-hosted by?

One winner will receive a $75 Gift Card to use on

and an bonus $75 for subscribing to their email list.
You will get 1 free link for participating in this giveaway (Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest) and one extra link if you choose to post the Announcement post

Cohost for $5 for five more links (that’s 7 in total). Can include pretty much anything except for Google+.

Open to US

Dates 11/27-?

One winner

sign up HERE

or below

Announcement post HERE

this opp is open until the 24th

check out my review HERE