Author: MamatheFox

Smart Ways To Preserve The Air Quality In Your Home

Most mommas spend a fair bit of time making sure that the family home is the best environment for their kids to grow up in. Something that includes cleaning, decorating, tidying, and organizing. However, many of us forget that to be truly healthy, a home’s air quality needs to be wholesome as well. This goes for any indoor area as well! That is why many people call in a Residential or Commercial Indoor Air Quality Testing company or someone similar to ensure that they are safe and not breathing in any unhealthy or toxic air. A lot to take in right? Well, that’s okay because if you’re still stuck, you can find out more about it in my post below.


The first thing you need to deal with when it comes to keeping your home’s air quality up is your pets. In fact, it is the dander that many pets, including cats and dogs, give off that can be a threat to aid quality.

Of course, if anyone living in your home has an allergy to pet hair or dander, it can be very problematic indeed. Even to the point where it will affect their health and wellbeing. Happily, there are solutions that can help you avoid such a situation.

The first is to choose not to have a pet at all, something that may not always go down well with all members of the family. Even the ones that have allergies! After all, pets can be a significant part of family life.

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Many people find choosing a hypoallergenic pet such as a sphinx cat can help preserve the air quality in their home.

There are further options to consider, though, such as getting a pet that does not have fur or one that is hypoallergenic! It is even possible to get an air purifying system that will remove a decent amount of dander from the atmosphere in the home, something that can significantly reduce the problem. The additional benefit of these being that they can also be used to remove other allergies and debris from the air as well. Something that can help to further improve the atmospheric quality in the home.

Air conditioners

Another issue that householders need to be aware of when it comes to air quality is their air conditioner. Which makes sense, because it is a device that pushes air into the home. If you have an old appliance, it’s probably time to look at getting AC replacement & installation. Old appliances are inefficient and can actually make your indoor air quality worse.

What to watch out for here is a build-up of dust, fungi, and bacteria in your air conditioning system. Regular air conditioning maintenance can prevent these nasties from entering your living space. Otherwise, this can exacerbate health issues like asthma, making it harder to breathe.

Happily, its reasonably easy to avoid this happening. Getting a new system fitted is one option, but if your system isn’t that old, just remember that Air Conditioning Maintenance is important to keep things running smoothly. In fact, you can get a specialist to do it for you during the winter months while it’s not being used. Then your system will be clean and ready to go as soon as summer or the hot weather hits. In case the systems are having issues and maintenance isn’t the option, you may want to look for a company that repairs these conditioners. In most cases, repairing works wonders, and if you’re not sure who to contact for the said service, try companies like Diamondback AC, Heating & Refrigeration (Visit their website. here).


Finally, if preserving the air quality in your home is a chief concern you need to guard against smells and odors. Especially ones that you can get used to as a resident such as cooking odor.

One way that you can help prevent such things is to install an extractor fan in the kitchen. A device that will expel any cooking smells outside rather than leaving them to linger in your home.

Of course, opening windows and letting as much fresh air in, as possible is also a good idea. You can even use an odor destroying room spray for any stubborn smells that just don’t seem to want to shift. Something that can help to make the atmosphere in your home as healthy as possible for your family.

Where to Get South American Food and What to Order

If you are planning to take a tour of South America, you need to know all the best food that they offer. This will enhance your experience on the tour. However, you do not have to visit all the Latin American countries because many restaurants will offer you a variety of foods. One thing you will note is that most of the South American dishes are spicy and delicious, which makes them popular all over the world. Check out these delicacies and their origins.

Steak with Chimichurri Sauce – Argentina

Any time you are in Argentina or any restaurant that serves their cuisine, you can order a juicy steak that will be accompanied by chimichurri sauce. This is known and appreciated all over the world as one of the best steaks. The steak is usually grilled while the sauce is carefully prepared using oil, red wine, parsley, and garlic. Other South American countries have tried to use this method of serving steak, but Argentina remains unparalleled and authentic.

Ceviche – Peru

If you love seafood, this fresh fish dish is the best to sample. Although most people are skeptical about eating ”raw” fish, this is worth trying. Basically, it is soaked in a marinade of lemon juice and chili, which cooks the fish. It is served all over the country in restaurants, but food stalls serve it at affordable prices. Lima is where you will get the best Ceviche in abundance. However, Latin American restaurants across the world also serve such dishes.

Churro Sandwich

Almost all Latin American countries serve this sweet sandwich as a dessert or snack. Mainly, the batter is fried until it is crunchy, and then the rolled sandwich is rolled in cinnamon. So, you can feel free to order it in any restaurant whenever you visit any of these countries. Also, you can check the menu at to order your churro sandwich whenever you are in Australia.

Coxinhas – Brazil

Brazil is vibrant with street food. In fact, most people eat this delicious food all over the country. You too can enjoy your trip to the country by trying their best. Make sure that you start with Coxinhas, which will set the pace for enjoying their food. Coxinhas consist of shredded chicken and a filling that is deep fried and often served with tomato salsa.

Dulce de Leche – Uruguay

Although it is used in other countries like Argentina and Brazil, Uruguay is where this obsession starts. This is a caramel paste made by heating milk and sugar. It is so loved that it is found in every meal to accompany starchy snacks. Uruguayans even carry this paste across borders whenever they are visiting other countries. You too should try this paste to enjoy it like the Latin Americans.


There are numerous food dishes that you can eat in South America. As seen above, these are delicious indigenous foods that have even found their way into many other countries in the world through themed restaurants. Actually, you do not have to wait until you visit the Latin American countries to enjoy; all you need is a Latin American restaurant in your town.

Night Night Devotional Giveaway

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Preparing Your Home for the Coziest Winter Yet

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There’s nothing like snuggling up all warm and cozy indoors as the wind howls and the rain beats down on the roof, or even better, as you watch the snow falls in flurries. But so many of us struggle to enjoy our home in winter because we haven’t properly prepared for the dark and stormy season ahead. It’s time to change that by preparing your home for the coziest winter yet. Here’s how:

Home Maintenance

Ensure There’s Heat

In the run-up to winter, one of the most important things you can do is ensure that you have a functional heating system. Whether that means having your HVAC checked over by a professional or cleaning the chimney so you can light a roaring fire, do it now so that you won’t be left in the cold this winter. Oh, and if you require propane or heating oil, be sure to order enough in now for the winter. Quarles heating oil and propane can ensure that you have everything you need ready so that you don’t have to worry should a snowstorm, for example, hit. Of course, there are lots of options available depending on where you live so be sure to shop around in order to find the best price for your heating oil. Sites like PayLessForOil come in very helpful when trying to find the best priced fuel as they cut out the middleman to be able to provide low prices. Be prepared and be warm.

Check the Weatherstripping

Another thing you might want to do if you want to be as cozy as you can possibly be is to check the weatherstripping in your home. If it’s old, loose or damaged, those biting winter winds will be able to seep in and you’ll definitely feel the chill. It’s really easy to install new weatherstripping, so you should be able to do it yourself without too much effort.

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Check the Roof

While you’re checking the property, it might be a good idea to get up on the roof to check for loose tiles, cracks, and leaks. The last thing you want is for your roof to leak in the dead of winter when conditions can make it hard to patch up and leave you with puddles in the loft and damp on the walls when you’re trying to be all warm and cozy. Nothing ruins the festive mood more than a big mouldy patch above the Christmas tree!

Somewhere like Blue Ladder Roofing Company of Indianapolis can fix your broken tiles, slates and guttering, helping to protect your home from winter storm damage. Remember that it’s not just water that can damage your home – ice can cause problems too. Your roof needs to be in pristine condition to allow as much water to run off your property as possible. This helps to prevent ice build-up which can cause severe structural damage if left unchecked over the winter months.

Insulate both the Attic and Roof

If you’re serious about having your coziest winter yet at home, and you can afford it, you should definitely think about insulating your attic and roof space, by using spray foam solutions, for example. Though it’s a fairly simple job, you’ll probably want to call in a professional in order to make sure that your structures will keep warm air in your home and where it belongs this winter. That should mean a cozier home and lower heating bills! Oh, and when the summer comes around, that very same insulation will also help to keep your home cool, so you’ll feel comfy at home whatever the weather. When your roof and walls are in good condition and insulated, the heat released by your HVAC system or propane heating system may get trapped inside the walls, reducing the need to have the heating on full blast, hence conserving a large amount of energy as well. As a result, you may need to request less propane delivery from companies like Surner Heating than usual in order to run the heating appliances. When you can trap the hot air inside your home, you will be able to turn down the heating and on some occasions even turn it off, when you feel that you are warm.


Create a Reading Nook

Once you’ve ensured that the property is in good condition and your heating system is in good condition, it’s time to work on creating a cozy atmosphere indoors. If you’re the kind of person who likes reading, one of the most fun things you can do to ensure a cozy winter is to create your very own reading nook.

Simply pick out a cozy corner, preferably by the fireplace if you have one, where you can curl up and read a book, and make it comfortable by adding lots of cushions, pillows, quilts, blankets and of course, a decent light. Then, whenever the mood takes you, you can retreat into your cocoon and be transported to another place and time.

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Blast the Place with Blankets

If you’re looking for a cheap and cheerful way to make the whole house more cozy for the coming winter, simply gather up as many blankets and quilts as you can find and put them anywhere a blanket could conceivably go. On the back of the couch, on the beds, in the TV area – wherever you’re likely to sit (or lie) and relax, make sure there is an abundance of blankets ready and waiting for you.

Hang Heavy Curtains

Heavy curtains are the ideal window treatment for winter, not only because they look thick, luxurious and cozy, but also because they actually help to keep the cold out. They can also make the room even darker, which might be exactly what you want when you’re curled up in front of the TV with a hot chocolate and your favorite scented candle burning away, which brings us to…

Light Your Candles

Candles are the perfect lighting solution for cozy winter nights spent at home. They are far more gentle than electric lightbulbs and they diffuse the light in a softer, more magical way which helps to create just the right mood. Choose candles that have typical winter aromas like cinnamon, pumpkin spice, and pine and your home will always be warm and inviting this winter.

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Lots of Lamps

Ceiling and recessed lights can be a bit harsh on the eyes in winter when it’s darker than usual, and they hardly create the kind of cozy atmosphere that makes the winter so magical, which is why, as well as candles, you might want to think about dotting a few floor and table lamps around. They’re far more flexible, so you can really target the light to the areas they need it and the way they diffuse will keep the cozy feeling going for longer.

Add a Pop of Color

If you’re someone who struggles with the gray days and dark nights that come with the territory in winter, make your house a beacon of light in the darkness, not only by lighting deliciously scented candles but also by adding a pop of color wherever you can.

You don’t have to repaint, although adding a feature wall in brilliant blue or radiant yellow wouldn’t hurt, you can add color by choosing primary-colored cushions, vases, flowers, blankets – you get the idea. Anything that will catch your eye and make you smile will help you to feel warmer and cozier in winter.

Invest in a Few Rugs

If you have wooden, tiled or stone floors in your home, you’ll know that it can get pretty cool in the winter. There’s nothing like the shock of warm feet on a freezing cold floor to wake you up in the morning! Luckily, it’s easy to remedy this by buying a few fluffy, furry, warming rugs and placing them in those areas where the floor is likely to get cold. They’re fabulous for lying on in front of a roaring fire, if you’re lucky enough to have one, too.

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Plant Life

It might be cold outside and the brilliant greens of the trees may have vanished leaving a sea of brown behind, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the plant life -just bring it inside. Whether you choose easy to look after succulents, beautiful bonsais or bold, greenhouse plants, bringing some vegetation into the home is a great way to give yourself a boost in winter. Some houseplants are even known to purify the air, which is great when you have candles burning and fires roaring.

Rearrange the Furniture

If it isn’t already, try to rearrange your furniture so that it is centered around your fireplace. If you don’t have a fireplace, arrange it around another focal point like the TV or coffee table, in such a way that everyone can see each other and cozy winter chats will be more likely to pop up spontaneously.

Winter may be harsh, but it is also the coziest time of year. It is a time to relax, spend more time with family, reflect and give thanks while you reflect on the year gone by. That is why preparing your home for the season is one of the best things you can do.

Some Relaxing Activities For You And The Family This Winter

Summer might be over, but that doesn’t mean the time for relaxing with your family is over. You might be back to work and school, but you can still take breaks and enjoy yourselves even when you’re not on vacation. Weeknights and weekends are for relaxing. So, if you and your loved ones want to stay close and enjoy each other’s company, then here are some relaxing activities for you and the family this winter. Hopefully, these ideas will help you over the winter.

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Camp in your backyard.

It’s so important to connect daily if you want to stay close to your family. Of course, it’s not always easy to do that in the modern world. Your kids are busy, and you’re busy. But you should definitely set aside time for each other if you want to lead happy lives. One relaxing activity that could help with this is camping in your backyard. Okay, it might not be very warm right now, but that’s why it’s so relaxing to get wrapped up in your sleeping bag and get some blankets to keep you and your loved ones comfortable.

Camping in your own backyard can be a great way for you and your children to reconnect. This is a great winter activity if you want to unwind. In fact, you could choose to preserve such precious memories by taking photos with your DSLR and creating a large family portrait to hang in your drawing room hall. However, if you don’t have a DSLR, you can always look for Minneapolis family photography services, where expert photographers can take family photos that you and your children would most likely cherish for the rest of your life.

Throw a festive party.

Whether it’s Halloween, Diwali or Christmas, a party is a great excuse to celebrate and let your hair down. The best thing about having a party is that the kids can have their own whilst the adults party elsewhere. Obviously, if you have young kids they need to be attended to at all times, but giving your teens the space and responsibility to have their own party at home can be a great way for them to relax.

Meanwhile, you can go out for a long dinner party and maybe even have a night on the town! Use it as an excuse to drink as much mulled wine as you like, and you might even want to bring along some CBD to help flush away the stress. You might be stuck choosing between tinctures and capsules, but the truth is that CBD comes in so many forms that you might just have to try a few of them to find which works best for you.

Do some baking.

You might also want to do some baking if you’re looking for a relaxing family activity this winter. Perhaps you’re trying to avoid the cold outside world, and that’s totally understandable. So, baking some warm and comforting food in this weather could be the remedy you need. It could also be a great way for you and your family to connect. Everybody loves food, right?

Well, baking together could help to tighten the bond between you and your little ones. You might want to get some cookie stencils. That could make the whole experience fun for younger kids; they’ll be able to turn your baked treats into fun shapes.

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Go on a bike ride.

You might also want to go on a fun bike ride if you’re looking for a relaxing family activity You can get a regular bike or a customizable e-bike for the family so you can go on bike rides anytime.. Cycling is such a great activity on so many levels.

First of all, it benefits your health. Your physical and mental state will both improve if you go on frequent bike rides. But when you combine that with the social aspect of riding bikes with your family, it improves your wellbeing to an even greater extent. Social time is very important for the wellbeing of our bodies and minds. So, if you want to relax as a family this winter, you should go on a bike ride. Don’t worry about the cold weather – you’ll be moving, and that’ll keep you warm. This will give you all of the physical activity you need, but it’ll also be an exciting way for you and your loved ones to make some memories together. Plus, if you plan out a pleasant route, then you’ll be able to see some lovely scenery, too.

Fall Yard Hacks and Tasks

The leaves are starting to fall and while the hard work of summer lawn and garden care may be over, now’s the time to tackle a few landscaping tasks that need to be finished before winter arrives. By completing these chores now, you will be able to jump right in when spring arrives. Here are 10 top tasks for winterizing your lawn and garden this fall:

Prepare a list and a schedule. First off, you have to map out a winter gardening itinerary to follow. You need to know your area’s frost dates, for starters. The USDA site has a plant hardiness zone map you can use as reference to know which plants are best at surviving cold weather, and which need special care. You can also consult a local gardening almanac according to city, state, or zip code. These give specific tips on what to grow where, and other resources. You can then schedule the chores, tasks, and other activities that need to be done in your winterizing list. Small acts like rolling up garden hoses, putting plastic containers away to prevent from cracking, and draining the fuel tank of lawn mowers will save you a lot of heartache (and money) when spring gardening rolls around.

Get rid of weeds. Don’t neglect weeding pre-winter. Many can survive the cold and wreak havoc on your plants. Carefully remove those with seed heads so that none will come out. Even a tiny portion of seeds can germinate fast and invade your garden in a matter of weeks. Make sure the weeds are nowhere in contact with your other plants and soil. Put them in a covered garbage bin where they belong. This is the perfect time to till and turn over the soil while it’s still easy to work. You’ll be saving yourself the extra labor in the spring when the soil is hard and cold from winter. Finish by covering the beds with a layer of organic fertilizer such as chicken or cow manure. You could also get some of the best weed killers available in the market for a better gardening experience.

Annual Shrub and Tree Transplanting. Trees and shrubs have a tenancy to become overgrown over time. When they become too big for their space or need to be moved for other reasons, fall is the ideal time to move them to their new home. However, if there are large trees on your lawn that can’t be transplanted easily, you might need to trim off dead branches and barks. Cutting these branches by yourself might be a dangerous step, so it might be a better option to call a professional arborist from Tallahassee Tree Service or any other service provider. They can do the necessary maintenance of the trees by trimming off dead branches, if not done, their fall can injure a person or the nearby structure.

Make it as easy as possible. If you don’t enjoy gardening for hours each season then why don’t you make changes to your garden to make it much easier to manage? Take out the high-maintenance flowers and replace them with shrubs that you’ll just need to cut twice a year. Look into artificial turf companies like Bella Turf so you can replace your grass. This will mean you don’t need to cut your lawn every few weeks and you don’t need to worry about weeds. There are plenty of ways you can make your garden easier to manage if you find it a bit too much to deal with or you simply don’t enjoy gardening.

Select climate-appropriate plants. Plants can experience chill, too. It is always better to make sure you are planting weather-appropriate. Experienced farmers check the growing/ Planting Zones for planning their vegetable garden. They can thus select the cold variant vegetables that can survive in harsh climates. You should also select plants that can survive and thrive well.

Plant Bulbs for Spring. Spend a bit of time during fall planting new bulbs in pots and in- ground, so you can enjoy an array of color and beauty in the early spring. Bulbs can be divided during this time allowing for the chance to control their size and location. Plant excess bulbs in other parts of the yard.

Cut Back Perennials. Cut back and shape perennials such as shrubs, trees, grasses, and plants such as hydrangeas, azaleas and rhododendrons.

Prep Hoses and Outdoor Faucets for Cold. Prep hoses and outdoor faucets for cold by disconnecting all hoses. Next roll them up and store with sprinklers and wands. Insulate all exposed pipes and exterior water faucets to prevent them from freezing.

Aerate, Over-seed & Fertilize the Lawn. Help your lawn grow green and healthy next spring by aerating, over-seeding and fertilizing now. Fall is the ideal time to aerate and over-seed the lawn. Use an aerator just before seeding to help improve the soil, drainage and aeration. An annual fall application of compost spread on top of the lawn will ensure micro-nutrients are improving the soil.

Mulch, mulch, mulch. Plants need extra warmth during winter, and mulching will act as a protective blanket for them. New plants that have not taken root yet especially need mulching. It will keep moisture where it needs, and prevent weeds from taking hold, while keeping soil temperature even for tender plants. Check in mid-January to early February if the mulch has moved from heavy wind and rain, and reapply as needed, unless you are using a weather resistant mulch like Rubber Mulch which won’t blow away and is more durable.

Service, Clean & Replace Tools. There’s nothing more frustrating than rusted or poorly working equipment or tools when you’re ready to use them in the spring. Take the time to clean, sharpen and oil garden tools, as well as clean and service lawnmowers and weed eaters now. Don’t forget to put away garden accessories like buckets, hoses, rakes, and others – keep them in a shed so they won’t freeze or rust.

About Rhianna Miller:

Rhianna Miller is the Landscaping Design Expert at Rubber Mulch, the original and environmentally responsible mulch made from 100% recycled rubber used in gardens, playgrounds and sustainable landscaping. Rubber Mulch is low maintenance, weather resistant, non toxic, durable, and the most cost effective mulch around and is specifically designed to protect children from falls on the playground.

Here’s A Plan For A Wealthier Retirement

Whether it’s you who are heading toward retirement or perhaps loved ones in your family, you should never be in a position whereby you’re just relying on a state pension. Of course, since you have worked most of your life, you’re perfectly entitled to have it, but it’s not a safety net. You should be constructing your own safety net for when you retire. It’s not just about having the kind of lifestyle you want, but managing your finances, healthcare, quality of life and desires when you’re no longer working. Since there isn’t any income you can rely on through working, you have to make sure that there is a continuous stream of incoming coming from other avenues. That’s where the real challenge of retiring comes from. How can you keep a constant flow of money coming in without actually working? Don’t worry, there are loads of options available to you, regardless of your current lifestyle and financial means.

A strong cash stream

People who have retired, will know how hard it can be to live on a small state pension because your monthly budget is decided by someone else. So, creating a strong stream of money coming in is something we all desire. Of all the options and methods available to you, it seems like renting a room in your home is by far the best option for a quick strong stream of cash coming in. Lodging is when you rent out a room, that’s in your own home. This is great as you get full control over the rent and tenancy agreement instead of handing over that power to an estate agent. Depending on the quality of your house and the room that’s offered, you could earn thousands of dollars every year.

If the room’s price is $500 a month, you would earn $6,000 a year. Coupled with your pension and other savings, this is a fantastic way to live a wealthier retirement. What young professionals are looking for is a room that’s not too far from major public transport such as a train station, good local amenities and lifestyle options. Young professionals are willing to pay high prices if they can get a brilliantly located room that’s close to their work.

Plans for the long-term

If your health has been on a steady and predictable path, then you are in luck. There are lots of different healthcare plans available – an open access plan would be the best option for some people, others may benefit from short term insurance, and others need a joint insurance policy. So, you need to work out which will be the best option for you. The long term care data shows that long-term healthcare insurance plans are better than any short-term options. This is because the premiums are not set to rise as steeply during policy shifts in politics and when there is economic turmoil. Put yourself in the shoes of an insurance company. They would rather customers buy long-term plans because it gives them security in knowing that payments will be made for a long time. They also would like customers to stay with them for long because they can predict what kinds of healthcare you’ll need in the future. Essentially, they can look at your health records or brief medical history, and plan better for the kinds of medicine, operations, and treatments you’ll use their insurance for.

Short-term plans are fraught with instability, the companies don’t know if that customer will be with them next year or whether they are just suddenly insuring themselves because they have been given a bad bill of health. It all comes down to trust and reputation, if you have shown yourself to be responsible for your own health and want to lock yourself into a long-term plan, you’re more likely to receive the best care as you age. Long-term insurances also have more affordable payment structures too, so they’ll be less money being taken out of your bank account every month.

Watch the economy

Making investments for your retirement can only be done with good care and conscious, if you’re watching the economy at large. It’s crucial that you’re reading up on financial news and how it will affect your pension. Pensions are for the most part, unfunded liabilities. If you’re in the US, it’s a good idea to do some research on unfunded pension liabilities so you know what kind of economic turmoil or growth patterns will affect them. Some people may wish to have their pension be paid to them in one lump sum because they either want all the money now for some reason, or they want to take the money and invest it. Check what kind of tax you would have to pay if you wanted to do this so you’re not caught off guard.

Investing in index funds is one of the more popular options but even then, it’s the right kind of index fund. You may find that in developed and or large economies that index funds investments are highly competitive. So don’t be afraid to look elsewhere such as in East-Asian economies like Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan or Indonesia for index fund investments. In fact, since their currencies are weaker than the USD, you may in fact get more for your money in terms of funds and returns. Of course, if you do not want to rely only on different currencies or monetary investments, there are other, stronger options to consider as well. With economies fluctuating over time, there could be an inherent unreliability on such holdings even if they may not become a complete liability. Instead, you could do some research on alternative investments such as gold and silver whose value can only increase over time. Websites such as can help you figure out whether gold/silver can be lucrative in paving the way to your retirement.

Develop your property

Before it is time to retire, you may want to consider where you want to live; and how for that matter. It’s common to want to retire in a large home in the countryside or even the seaside (to know more, go through Malta Guides or research online regarding various places and properties). Selling the property you currently live in is therefore a most likely event. In preparation for this, you may find that extending your home and making it larger will be one of the more prudent investments you make. By adding on extra room in the attic, building a conservatory, adding a swimming pool, building a patio, decking or terrace, etc, will almost double the price of your home. When it comes to retiring to a home you really want, sell the property for a major return on investment. You could sell your life insurance and get some cash instead if you’ve outgrown the need for specialized protection. This money could be put to better use in something you value.

We must all aim for a wealthier retirement. The options we have to make the wealth we desire for when we stop working, are greater than ever before. Utilize your pension lump sum to invest in growing markets abroad. Take a look at long-term health insurance plans that are cheaper than the alternative.

Where to Turn During Difficult Times

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When things go wrong in life they can really take their toll on your mental health. Losing a loved one, going through a breakup, suffering ill health, or getting made redundant are all major life incidents that cannot be ignored. But so often when things happen that we cannot deal with, we close ourselves off from them and try to ignore the complicated emotions that threaten to consume us.

But pushing aside your feelings and filling your life with distractions is a one-way ticket to disaster. Unmanaged feelings and situations that are ignored will ultimately end up causing much great pain and have an effect on the wider areas of your life.

In order to ensure that your problems do not consume you and cause you much deeper bouts of depression and anxiety, you need to be proactive in your approach to dealing with them. Try to recognize the effects that these problems could have on your life as early as possible, and then take measures to protect yourself from the harm they may cause you.

Seeking Assistance

For every problem that you may face in life, there are countless others going through that exact thing right now. There will be even more who have dealt with it in the past. You are certainly not alone in what you are going through, and you are not the only one who knows how you feel. In seeking professional help, you are not only preventing the bottling of these negative emotions, but you are also letting yourself be vulnerable enough to ask for help. Now, this professional might conduct therapies like CBT on you, or they might prescribe you some Medicinal Marijuana products like purple grape. Either way, seeking out assistance for bad mental can only come with good.

Every problem in life comes with a solution. And, for every solution, there is someone who is trained to deliver it. That may mean finding a specialist oncologist, a marriage counselor with a high success rate of helping couples understand each other or a lawyer who has been handling wrongful death cases for over two decades. Whatever you need, there are professionals out there who are qualified and experienced in supporting your every need.

There are times when you are not at fault, but you are the one who has to bear the consequences. For example, at times, because of someone else’s negligence, like driving dangerously or carelessly, can result in the death of a loved one. However, it is critical that you take care of yourself during this difficult time and seek justice for them by taking the help of wrongful death attorneys in St Louis or wherever you live. It is critical to understand that accepting assistance is not a sign of being weak; if you can benefit from it, why not?

Charities And Support Groups

Many people feel so passionately about helping others out that they give their spare time over to doing it. For some, it comes from an experience of the particular thing that they focus their support on, while for others it stems from genuine altruism. There are some beautiful, caring people in the world, and when you need them, you should not be afraid to ask.

These people may be found working for charities, or support groups that provide a friendly ear to those who need it the most. There may even be people who provide essential services, such as legal help, who decide to work pro bono cases to help people on a variety of different cases. For example, if you or someone you know should have a problem with will disbursal or asset distribution after the death of a loved one, then you may just find a probate lawyer willing to work at minimal or no fee at all. During times of grief, it is not a bad thing to get some assistance. You should never be ashamed to ask for the help of people such as this, as they give their time and attention freely and want to be of assistance.

Talking To Friends And Families

If you had a good friend with a problem, would you listen to them? Would you offer them support and show them that they had a friend that they could rely on when they need it the most? If you would do that for someone else, they would do the same for you. Turning to your friends in your time of need is not something that you should be scared to do. You may be surprised to find who your most caring friends will be.

Song Celebration Feast of Trumpts


Feast #5 of 7 Annual Jewish Feasts (sundown Sept. 29, 2019)


Participate in the ancient festival, FEAST OF TRUMPETS, (some contemporary sects celebrate it as Rosh Hashana or L’Shana Tova or Happy New Year) with music beginning sundown September 29, 2019 FEAST. 


Feel free to post or air the attached song by Karen Sokolof Javitch: 


Video of Happy New Year – L’Shana Tova song: 



Audio of downloadable Happy New Year – L’Shana Tova song:


Singer/songwriter Karen Javitch welcomes all Jews and Christians and those of any beliefs to celebrate this special feast in unity as fellow sojourners on earth, the third planet from the sun in the Solar System in The Milky Way in the Universe, which is not even a speck compared to the unmeasurable expanse of the Creator of all.




    Karen Sokolof Javitch has produced and written the songs for 15 CD’s, including 4 musicals and was the creator and co-host of a popular Omaha radio show, “It’s the Beat”. Feeling very thankful she can express herself through her music, she tries to help others by raising money with her songs and musicals and has raised more than $350,000 for national and local charities though her original music.  Her musicals, including one about Princess Diana, have been performed all over the country.  She is an award-winning songwriter and her music has been on television and in some movies.  


    Karen’s music includes a variety of songs about exercising and good health, celebrities, holidays, weddings, politics, children, babies, education, patriotism, love and family.  She especially loves to put on shows where kids and teenagers sing her songs! Some of her performances may be viewed on YouTube, as she has more than 90 music videos on the site and some have gone viral such as her hilarious song about the Octomom that has garnered about 10 million views. Karen’s songs are for anyone between the ages of 1 and 121! Visit Karen’s music website JMR Productions to see more of her musical and charitable work. 


CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001

Or Andy Greenberg 402-250-3895 

Tips and Tricks for a More Organized Home

Are you a hoarder? Do you have lots of lovely stuff but just not enough room for it all? Don’t worry; you’re not alone – to some extent we all love to hoard. Be it furniture or clothing, we all have items that we’ve had for years and just can’t seem to bear to part with. The problem is that if you fill your home with items that you no longer need (or want), it’s impossible to create a clean, tidy and organized space. If you want a beautiful home to be proud of you have to get organized – it might seem impossible but it’s not.

Pexels – CC0 License


Focus on one room at a time


Going through your whole house at one time choosing what to keep and get rid of is extremely stressful and overwhelming. Instead, start with one room at a time and work through the items in there. You’ll find that by working on one area at a time that it will be less overwhelming and easier to manage. You can choose to do one room a day or get your entire house done in a weekend; it’s up to you.


Be smart about storage space


As someone who likes to hoard, it’s essential that your home has plenty of clever storage space. If you lack storage, you can either look for self storage facilities or get creative to add more to your home. If your home has plenty of storage space, you’ll find that keeping it organized is much easier. If you don’t have space to store all your bits and bobs, your home is never going to look good. So it’s crucial that you’re smart about storage space and do all that you can to ensure you have plenty of options. From built in wardrobes to attic storage, there are lots that you can do.


Be ruthless


It’s never easy parting with belongings, but if you want a lovely home that’s neat and well organized, you have to be ruthless. Any items that you no longer need or use get rid of. There’s no point keeping things just in case you need them – be ruthless and get rid of anything you no longer need. Just think, the items that you get rid of might be able to help someone else. You see, there’s a silver lining to everything, even getting rid of your old junk.


Consider using self-storage


If you have items that you want but have no use for at the moment, then consider using self-storage. While it’s important to get rid of the junk that you don’t need, valuable items that you just don’t need right now are worth keeping. Instead of chucking them out, use a self-storage company or unit to keep these items safe. They won’t be cluttering up your home anymore and will be safely stored away, giving you the best of both worlds. Just make sure that before you start using self-storage that you can afford the monthly fees.


Once you’ve taken these tips on board, you’ll find it much easier to keep your home organized. Be ruthless and get rid of any junk, store what needs storing, and most importantly, be smart about storage space.