Author: MamatheFox

Pain And Weakness In Your Elbow


Does your elbow feel weak and unstable? If so, this is not something you should ignore; you should book a physiotherapy appointment so that you can fully understand why your elbow feels this way, and so you can get the necessary treatment required to build up strength and ensure your elbow returns to normal functionality as quickly as possible.
Or if you want to help someone, say for example your parents or grandparents who keep on complaining about their joint pain or muscle pain, you can help them by getting yourself trained with a physiotherapy degree. All you need to do is look out for the routes to obtain a physiotherapy degree. In conditions of this sort, aiding without a degree might prove risky and can also elevate their problem. But their pain could be due to any other underlying problems too.


There are many different causes of weakness of the elbow, with a lot of patients coming to physios because they have recently had surgery and, therefore, they require a rehabilitation program to ensure they make a quick and effective recovery. From trauma to overuse, the causes of elbow instability vary, and this highlights why the diagnosis stage is of paramount importance. Some people experience weakness in their elbow because of an existing condition, such as multiple sclerosis. The Shift.MS forum is a great place to be if you have this condition, as you will find lots of helpful content regarding living with MS. Of course, there are other websites and forums like this for other conditions.


If you were to use the services of an inexperienced physiotherapist, there is every chance that they would simply have a quick discussion about your symptoms and then dive straight into the treatment, which can in fact make the pain a lot worse. Instead, it is vital to carry out a thorough examination, which may include some diagnostic tests, in order to get to the root of the problem and provide the most effective course of treatment.


This is something you can be confident about when using the services of an experienced physiotherapist, as they recognise just how pivotal an accurate diagnosis is. Once they have come to a conclusion regarding your condition, they will then put together a bespoke treatment plan that is entirely based on the severity of the weakness in your elbow and your requirements. They will draw upon a wide range of techniques to ensure your elbow is as good as new in no time, including flexibility exercises, strengthening exercises, hand manipulation techniques, strengthening exercises and much more.


Once they have carried out the treatment, they will then provide you with information so you can manage your condition at home, including various exercises you need to carry out so your elbow gets stronger and more stable. After all, conditions like this often need to be worked on. You cannot expect them to just get better right away, unfortunately.


There is no denying that physiotherapy is the best solution for anyone that suffers from weakness or instability of the elbow, as this approach actually focuses on rectifying the problem; it is not a quick fix or a cover-up. If you have any further questions about the services you need, or if you would to book an appointment for elbow instability or weakness, please do take the time to choose a physiotherapist with care. Do not simply go for the first or cheapest that you find, as you need the best care.

How to Achieve Changes You Need to Make to Be Happy

Everyone wants to be happy. We try to fill our lives with things that we think will foster this happiness. It could be flash cars; it could be the biggest TV or even a wardrobe full of clothes we will never wear. But sometimes, no amount of material possessions can fix feelings of unhappiness, and when this is the case, it’s time to start looking within. We’re all prone to struggling with the Blues at some point, so here are some ways to help you achieve the changes and make your happiness permanent.

Getting Motivated, Staying Motivated

Who hasn’t struggled with motivation? It’s fair to say that no matter how much you want to do something, you’ve had issues with getting started and remaining on task. With the right motivation, you feel invincible. You will reflect this in whatever you’re doing.

Whether it’s working out or completing projects you’ve put off for far too long, the feeling of accomplishment you will get when finishing them will give you a positive boost, and this can lead to increased happiness, even if you only think it’s something small.

Spending More Time with Family

Spending time with your family and friends is good for you, even if it’s a few hours a week. You can’t sit around all day waiting for a phone call, so it’s better to put yourself out there.

It doesn’t even need to stop at family and friends. Any human interaction can help, so do what you can to have this interaction, even if it’s running to the store to stock up on milk and cookies.

But Also Finding Time for Yourself

While spending time with others is good, though, you will also need time alone. You can be with friends and family all the time, but this won’t give you the right time to recharge. Some people prefer to hang out alone, while others need to be with others to feel energized. Just make sure you balance this adequately to find something that works for you.

When alone, you can focus on yourself. You can meditate, write, read, paint, or clean the house (or do a little of everything). This helps you with a routine and makes you feel more organized and, in turn, happier.

Accepting You Are the Problem

It’s easy to blame others for your problems and unhappiness, but sometimes it is you that is the problem. This is arguably the most difficult thing to admit. Still, if you recognize you have issues that affect others, such as anger management issues or substance dependency, then you must take steps to fix it.

The best way to do this is to seek professional help if it is available. Look for a reputable drug detox center or therapist in your area and sign up for treatment. You might find that it is this that helps all your unhappiness disappear.

Happiness Around the Corner

Happiness is not something that will magically sprout and bloom overnight. Like anything worth having, it needs work. By taking baby steps towards finding what makes you happy and what keeps you happy, you can find it around the corner, regardless of how far away that corner seems right now.

How to Find Clothes that Make You Feel Better in Yourself

We all want to be happier and have more confidence in ourselves, and a healthy diet and lifestyle is the main way to achieve this. However, the way we dress and the clothing we buy does have a massive impact on our physical and mental wellbeing. When you wear clothes that you like and that make you feel good, this will reflect in your confidence and how relaxed you feel. Many clothes have the ability to make you feel self-conscious and insecure. Women are not the only ones affected by this; men can feel these pressures too. Here’s what you can do to find clothes that make you feel better in yourself.

Clear Out Your Wardrobe

One of the best ways to start dressing to make yourself feel better is to clear out your wardrobe. Sometimes, it can be hard letting old items go, especially if you don’t have much to start off with, but getting rid of old clothing that makes you feel unhappy reduces the risk of you putting it on and feeling that way. This will also motivate you to buy yourself something nice when you can afford to do so. 

Think About Your Shape

Everyone has a different shape. Whether you rock the dad bod or you’re a gym goer, there are clothes out there that are guaranteed to complement you – you just need to take the time to find them. Once you find the clothes that work well with your body, you will be able to wear clothes that complement your shape, size, and height, making you feel fresh on a daily basis.

Fully Understand Your Style

You will have your own style based on your job, lifestyle and what makes you feel comfortable. You need to fully understand your style before you purchase any items of clothing, and if you like to stick to the trend, you should research what’s currently in fashion. Once you know what’s in trend, you can ensure that any new clothes are too, which will make you feel good. 

Try Before You Buy

Online shopping is extremely popular nowadays, and many high street stores are beginning to close their doors due to this. Online shopping can be great, but the people the clothes are modelled on may not be an accurate representation of your height and shape. Ideally, before you buy anything, you should try it on to avoid disappointment and to see how good you feel when you are wearing it. 

Look at Designer Brands

Designer brands can be expensive, but most of the time these highly fashionable and high-quality items make you feel much better than cheap alternatives. Plus, people tend to notice these items and will be sure to compliment them, making you feel good in return. This can be anything from a Gucci sweater to Givenchy sneakers, which can be found on high-end fashion stores like SSENSE. SSENSE have plenty of sales too, meaning you can find a designer item at a great price. 

What you wear has the ability to change the way people perceive you and the way you feel about yourself. Once you realize the positive difference wearing the right clothing brings to your life, you will become a much happier and more confident person, which is something we all deserve. 

Hardwood Floor Installation For Your Home

Choosing a type of floor for your home or office is a big decision. After all, you need to find the perfect balance – a floor that looks good but is also going to last for a long time as well. There are many different options you have at your disposal, however, most people will agree that hardwood floor installations are the best options to go for. All you might need is a reliable Wood Flooring Supplier who can get you the best ones for your home renovation plans!

Keeping that in mind, read on to discover all of the benefits associated with hardwood flooring and the Benefits of fixing damaged concrete with Miracote

According to Carpet Cleaning Sacramento, the first and foremost, one of the main reasons why so many people choose this type of flooring is because it looks simply stunning. No one can deny the aesthetic beauty of a hardwood floor. As you will see if you were to visit this website for some inspiration, it is elegant, classy and sophisticated. Nonetheless, you should also consider the fact that wood literally brings warmth into your home, and therefore it works brilliantly when creating a cozy vibe as well. In addition to this, don’t ignore the possibilities at your disposal. You have a wealth of different colors, designs, and finishes to choose from – the options are endless. If you are looking for a stylish way to enhance your home before selling it, even if it’s old, this is an investment that is definitely worth making.

Another reason why hardwood floor installations are in high demand is that they require very little maintenance. You don’t have to worry about spending countless hours trying to get rid of dirt or dealing with pesky scuffs and scrapes. Hardwood floors are generally more durable and do not become damaged easily, especially when oak skirting boards (or the particular hardwood skirting board) cover the floor’s expansion points. And, if a scratch was to occur, all you would need to do is have the floor sanded, smooth and refinished. When it comes to cleaning, all you need is a mop – cheap and effortless!

In fact, when you consider the lack of cleaning required, you also see how hardwood flooring is a lot safer and cleaner as well. This is because it does not hide the harmful particulate matter, as carpets do. This is something that is extremely important, especially for those who have asthma or pick up illnesses easily. Hardwood flooring is also a healthy choice in relation to the environment. This is because wood is a natural resource.

On a final note, one of the reasons why a lot of people tend to go for another type of flooring is because they deem hardwood to be expensive. Whilst it is true that you may pay a little bit more, you need to consider the fact that maintenance costs a lot less and you are going to benefit from a floor that will last you for many, many years. Thus, when you consider things on the whole, it is actually the more cost-effective solution.

When you take everything that has been mentioned into consideration, you can see why more and more homeowners are going down the route of having a hardwood floor installed in their home. You will not be disappointed with the end result it has on your property.

What Do You Do If Your Parents Can’t Live Alone?

Picture the scene: you’re heading to your job every day, you come home to your children at night, you spend Friday nights having a good time with your friends, your weekends are packed with activities.

And then you get a phone call: your mother or father has had a fall, and they can’t live alone anymore.

You knew they were getting old. You knew that they were a little unsteady on their feet. And now you are faced with a choice. Do they come to live with you, consider moving into senior living or do you place your parent in a nursing home for round-the-clock care? It’s not an easy decision to make, but it’s one that most families talk about before the time comes. Plenty of elderly parents don’t want to live in nursing homes because of the horror stories in the news. They read about individuals in care homes needing the help of the best Rosenfeld nursing home abuse lawyers available. They read about being left forgotten about by their children, and that doesn’t inspire confidence with moving into a nursing home. But popular in home care is a growing avenue to consider.

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Your option, then, is to bring your elderly parent home to live with you. Whether you choose to cover their costs of living or just provide a roof over their head is up to you. There may not be any vacations abroad, but you’re going to be able to look after them. A simple fall can cause all kinds of complications for an older person, but being in your presence and the presence of any grandchildren can do more for their recovery than any number of medicines and physical therapy classes. You get the chance to be in their lives and ensure that they don’t get hurt – and this is a privilege. Nevertheless, if you don’t have that privilege, you may want to Look for carer in London or wherever you’re based to provide them with the best care possible.

The one thing to know is that if you decide not to take your parents home with you, this isn’t the wrong decision. You can’t make the wrong choice here. Life is busy, and if you don’t have the space to add another person to your home, you can’t help that. It’s a conversation that you must have with your parents before they become too frail and can’t manage to get around on their own. If it’s about the lack of time and not about money, you can either hire a stay-at-home caretaker for them or look for an assisted living facility near your location. If you find a 55+ senior community nearby, you can also visit them regularly or bring them home on weekends. However, before taking any decision, you may ask for their suggestions if they’re interested in a senior living community and know their wishes. You should also ensure that if you plan to have them move in with you, you have the space available.

We all subconsciously prepare for our parents to become old and infirm, but we need to make a decision about what we want to do when that happens. Ensure that your parents are a part of the conversation, and you’ll never have to worry about what happens later. You deserve to consider yourself and what you can handle in this equation, too. If you can’t cope with the idea of having an elderly parent living at home, this doesn’t make you a bad person. Whichever decision you make, ensure that you know where there is help available for you and your parents to lean on.

How to be an eco-friendly traveller

We all have dreams of travelling the world, yet we all need to do our bit to save the planet, reduce greenhouse gases and diminish our carbon footprints. But do these two statements ever go hand in hand? Can you travel the world and be kind to the environment?

You might have plans regarding the insurance. If you’re planning a trip abroad then you’re going to need insurance, but you’re confused by all your travel insurance options don’t worry. You can get the lowdown on travel insurance vs health insurance here, just click the link. However, traveling eco-friendly is something new. With beaches in some of the most beautiful places on Earth being closed after extensive damage to coral reefs and wildlife eco-systems, all due to the negative impact of tourism, being an eco-friendly traveler seems a little unrealistic, right?

Wrong. You can, in fact, be a climate-conscious traveler, as long as you make certain choices and do a few swaps! There are many ways to travel green. You have the option to win prizes and competitions with Daymade or similar prize platforms that promote causes that helps the planet. If budget is not the issue, read on to learn how to be an eco-friendly traveler.

Say No to Plastic Bags

Did you know that plastic bags can take up to 500 years to decompose? Meaning that the small bag you use for on average 2 minutes, will then be stuck in a landfill for the next five centuries! Shocking, right? The solution here is simple; when you go travelling make sure you take a reusable shopping bag with you. That way, if you’re picking up some nice souvenirs at a local market or you want to hit the supermarket and make something fresh, you won’t need to buy a plastic bag. They fold up so they don’t take up too much space in your luggage too.

Head to an Eco Hotel

When it comes to choosing a hotel or a holiday package, choose a company that matches your ethos. You may be surprised to hear that more and more hotels are turning towards greener options to do their bit for the planet, which means finding an eco-hotel shouldn’t be too difficult. Look for hotels that are members of the Green Hotel Association, or hotels that have renewable energy sources, low flow toilets, and showerheads, water conservation policies, highly rated energy-saving appliances, locally grown produce in meals, and lots of recycling bins, natural fiber sheets, among others. For instance, you can check out sustainable hotels similar to hotels britomart, if you happen to visit New Zealand.

Travel on land and use public transport

If possible, avoid flying at all costs. So, if you’re travelling from one end of the country to another, opt for a car drive or a train ride rather than stepping onto a plane. You’ll get to see more of your host country that way too! Also, once you reach your destination, check out the local transport routes. For example, if you are traveling to Italy, firstly, you can search “italy best places to visit” and then decide on what type of travel mode you can choose. When you opt for local transport options, not only would you be contributing to the environment but also exploring more places.

Pack as lightly as possible

If you do have to fly, then remember to pack light. Remember that the more the plane weighs the more harm it’s causing to the environment. So don’t pack the kitchen sink, just take what you need.

Say no to bottled water

There’s no need to buy bottled water on holiday. All you need is a reusable water bottle that you can fill up as and when you need to. Not only is it kinder to the environment but it will also save you a lot of money!

If You Blame Your Bad Teeth On Your Parents, You Might Want To Read This

As with so many things to do with our health, it’s not genetics that matter, but the environment. Whether we can inherit “bad teeth” from our parents is still unclear. Evidence to date suggests that most issues crop up because of environmental factors – stuff that we can control – not deterministic biology.

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Take a look at these examples of bad teeth and the extent to which your parents might be to blame.

Yellow Teeth

Yellow teeth are a big problem during an age in which nothing less than pristine pearly white will suffice.

There are many reasons for yellow teeth. Some, as you might imagine, are genetic. Genes program teeth to incorporate more substances into the enamel, making it appear duller. This yellowing is intrinsic to the tooth and there’s not much you can do about it.

Most of the causes of tooth yellowing, however, are entirely environmental. Smoking, for instance, will stain the teeth and increase the chances of decay by fostering the growth of harmful bacteria. Similarly, eating a diet full of sugar will slowly erode the white enamel, revealing the yellower dentine in the core of the tooth.

The trick to making your teeth less yellow is to follow healthy lifestyle habits. Where possible, refrain from eating sugar and don’t smoke. Try, if possible, to drink tea through a straw as it can stain your teeth if it comes in direct contact with them. And if you want professional help in getting rid of your yellow teeth, consider this dentist in oakbrook terrace il.

There are environmental factors that can play into the yellowness of your teeth also. These include things like conditions in the womb and even the level of toxic substance exposure.

Tetracycline antibiotics used in childhood can also have a profound effect on the color of teeth. Some people can develop a yellowing or greying of the teeth than no amount of whitening treatment will fix.

Crooked Teeth

Why do some people have crooked teeth, and others don’t? The answer from science seems to suggest that it, like yellow teeth, is a combination of genetics and the environment.

The arrangement of teeth in the gums is fundamentally genetic – at least to start. Teeth, however, can migrate, depending on how we eat, the forces as we chew, and even our speaking and breathing habits.

If you used a dummy when you were a child, you’re at a higher risk of crooked teeth. The same applies if you sucked your thumb. Interestingly, many dentists believe that if the position of our teeth was genetically determined, using orthodontics to realign them wouldn’t work. They’d just shift back to their original position. Most of the time, though, that doesn’t happen.

In short, you can probably blame your parents for your crooked teeth. They should have intervened earlier to stop you from sucking your thumb or making excessive use of pacifiers.

Tooth Decay

When it comes to teeth problems, tooth decay is the big one – something that affects most of us at some point during our lives.

Whereas the preceding two bad teeth problems are unavoidable, tooth decay is not. If you have decay, it is probably your fault. Sorry.

Tooth decay comes from two sources. The first is failing to maintain good oral hygiene standards. If you eat a regular western diet with plenty of sugar, brushing twice per day probably isn’t enough. Brushing after every meal and using interdental brushes between the teeth is probably the safest option.

The second is the diet itself. By eating sugar every day, most people continuously pour fuel on the fire, encouraging decay all day long. Is it any surprise, therefore, that they wind up with tooth decay issues?

The science of tooth decay has progressed tremendously over the past few years. Dentists increasingly accept that the mouth contains both good and bad bacteria, like the gut. The good bacteria complement our health, and the bad harm it. The idea right now is to eat foods that encourage the growth of these good bacteria and keep the detrimental ones at bay. Where possible, people should avoid sugar and bakery products made of small flour particles, like white bread, pastries, and so on. Instead, they should consume more in whole foods, like whole fruits, vegetables, and beans. These foods seem to naturally protect the teeth and prevent the spread of decay.

It’s Not Just About Bacteria

While bacteria are the trigger for tooth decay, they aren’t the sole cause. Sometimes genetics do play a role.

Suppose, for instance, that your teeth are a little crooked. Many people don’t see this as a problem, believing that as long as they brush their teeth correctly, they’ll avoid decay. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Bacteria can get into gaps you can’t reach with brushing, allowing them to grow and multiply. Eventually, the bacteria build up so much that plaque makes its way below the gum line, leading to periodontal disease and pain.

Crooked bottom teeth are probably genetic and tend to run in families. It would be a little unfair to place the blame on your parents for this. The good news, though, is that you can deal with misaligned teeth pretty quickly. A few months of wearing a brace, and they’ll migrate to the perfect position, cutting the risk of decay in midlife.

Cosmetic Dentistry

The good news is that even if you do have problematic teeth, you don’t have to put up with them. In today’s high-tech world, dentists can fix just about any problem. Dr. Mace, for instance, says that people have a variety of tools at their disposal; everything from veneers to full mouth reconstructions. This means that if you’ve been on the lookout to sort out your teeth through cosmetic dentistry clearwater fl services, then you’ll be in luck with the myriad of skills they have. In short, it doesn’t matter what state your teeth are in, modern dentistry can reconstruct your smile front scratch, giving you beautiful teeth you’ll want to show off. Even if you have lost your entire set of teeth from your upper or lower jaw, there are natural-looking alternatives to dentures, including all-on-4 dental implants, that can help you restore your confidence.

In A Nutshell

So what’s the conclusion to all this?

First and foremost, you no longer need to walk around with a set of teeth in your mouth you hate. Modern dentistry is a miracle worker and can restore practically any smile.

Second, you can’t always blame your parents for the state of your teeth. Most of the time, the way your teeth look has to do with your lifestyle. The decisions that you make today can profoundly affect how your smile will look twenty years from now.

If you want to avoid decay, here are some general rules of thumb:

  • Cut down your consumption of refined sugar, preferable to zero. Even low levels of sugar passing through the mouth can change your microbiome unfavorably
  • Brush twice per day for two minutes, using a timer and the correct technique. Frequently use interdental brushes to remove plaque stuck between teeth
  • Where possible, eliminate smoking as this damages both the teeth and gums and puts you at a higher risk of tooth decay
  • Seek orthodontic treatment early to prevent issues from cropping up later in life
  • Brush both your gums and teeth to prevent plaque bacteria migrating below the gumline
  • Don’t chew tobacco

Third, it’s worth pointing out that the state of your teeth relates to both environment and genetics. Strangely, the habits you had when you were young can determine the state of your adult teeth considerably. In some cases, parents are to blame, but not all.

Finally, the majority of tooth problems have to do with decay – that’s what keeps people having to go back to the dentist every couple of months. Most professionals, however, believe that it is entirely preventable and put the blame squarely on your shoulders for not following basic oral hygiene rules, not your parents.

Velvet Ice Cream Giveaway

Welcome to the Hugs, Kisses, Valentine’s Wishes Giveaway Hop







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Top Valentines Day Gifts For 2020

Valentine’s Day is around the corner … are you ready?

Whether you go to a fancy restaurant, write each other Erotic Poetry, have a casual night in, or go away on holiday, there are so many different ways to celebrate your love for each other! And gifts are the perfect way to show how passionate you feel.

This year MamatheFox put together a round up of gifts ideas for the ones you love. Before we start, take a look at to get yourself a perfume that will have your partner swooning at your feet. And when the perfume has done the magic, and aroused the wild desires that inhibit both of you, you can use something like fleshlight girl to enhance romantic experiences between you and your partner.

May this Valentines Day be filled with love and joy for each and every one of you.

Gifts for Grown Ups

High Beauty

High Beauty is one of MamatheFox’s favorite beauty brands. They have taken best CBD oil to the land of beauty products and we are loving the results. CBD is a form of cannabis extract from the leaves or stems. CBD produces anti-anxiety or anti-inflammatory effects, which make it ideal for beauty products. By using CBD they are able to get us a product that is nutrient dense, has all 20 of the amino acids, and gives the highest percentage of essential fatty acids. Their High Eye-Q gel is amazing. The High eye-Q will provide a cooling effect reducing puffiness around the eye as well as smoothing any fine lines while providing hydration for healthy, beautiful skin. It goes on so smooth and soft that you will instantly take a breath and know you are going to get results from the gel. If you are looking for something useful, exciting to get and unique then order this High Eye-Q gel today.

Click here to purchase

Wallaroo Hats

With the thoughts of a warm summer and a hot vacation in your future, there is nothing better to receive than a fun hat for those sunny days. The Wallaroo Hat Company has established itself on their top of the line hats that not only look amazing but provide you with UV protection as well. Their mission has been to help eliminate the threat of skin cancer through information and prevention. As a leader in the sun-protective hat industry, Wallaroo takes this health threat very seriously. All of our hats are tested and rated according to their UV-blocking capabilities. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends the material of every Wallaroo hat with a UPF rating and a 3+ inch brim as an effective UV protectant. So be sure to order for yourself and your little ones a hat before the summer months are here.

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If you are your into brewing your own craft beers, or purchase your craft beers from a local brewery then TrailKeg is going to be a slice of heaven. Their half gallon kit comes with all the parts you need to try your hand at brewing your own beer. You can also do a homebrew kombucha on your own countertop. If you have ever visited somewhere like the Stanley Park Brewing company, you will know that beer needs to be kept at the right pressure for perfect carbonation but can’t come racing out of the tap too fast, or you will get a glass full of foam. This is especially hard with small keg systems. TrailKegs solution is their Perfect Pour Dip tube. This allows the right amount of pressure giving you the perfect pour every time. TrailKeg helps you enjoy your favorite beverages, cold and perfectly carbonated, in great places.

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The Skin Saint – Dream Eye Cream

Few things get me excited like beauty products do. The fun of the first smell, to discover how it feels and most importantly to watch my skin to see if it truly has a benefit for me. I recently found out about The Skin Saint. Creator of the line, Holly Cuter, struggled with cystic acne, endometriosis, and the awful emotional damage the comes from that struggle. She worked hard to discover how she could repair skin on a molecular and cellular level, and when she did she was eventually able to repair 80% of her own scarring left from acne. This Dream Eye Cream is a rich and restorative, all-in-one, anti-aging eye cream. It contains peptide complexes, a breakthrough Retinoid, and a form of Vitamin K, to reduce dark circles, promote collagen production to improve fine lines and wrinkles. Dream Eye Cream also increases cellular turnover resulting in healthy, younger-looking skin in this delicate area.

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Beyond the Equator – 5 Seed Butter

With all the sweets we are surrounded by during Valentines Day it’s a smart move to try to make something sweet and healthy for you. In steps Beyond the Equators 5 Seed Butter. This is a jammed packed product with all the nutritional benefits you are looking for. By combining chia, flax, pumpkin, sunflower and hemp in their 5 Seed Butter they came up with a nut free butter that is perfect for any family. 5 Seed Butter is free of the eight most common allergens and contains healthy ingredients that you will love without sacrificing on taste. Use it as a substitute the next time you make No Bake Energy Bites.

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Lotus Trolly Bags

Reusable shopping bags are the way to grocery shop these days. They’re so convenient, and a really smart, easy way to cut down on plastic bags. Lotus Trolly Bags are the next level of innovation and include numerous features to streamline grocery shopping. All their packing is plastic free and these bags are multi-purpose. At the store the trolly bag can hang on the cart with the short handles and are easily assessable. At check out the bags can spread across the cart and stay open for easy packing. Each bag is detachable and the poles are removable so you can use them at the beach, road trips, picnics and more. Lotus Trolly Bag also sells a set of 9 reusable produce bags. No more flimsy single-use plastic bags and keeps food safe from BPA. The bags can also be used as a strainer for juices and nut milks. Lotus Trolly Bags are a family owned small business with family policies and customer service.

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Chocolate lovers pay attention! ChocZero is going to be your new Valentine’s Day treat obsession. Choczero makes sugar free, no sugar alcohols, and no artificial sweeteners and chocolate. Sweetened with their own exclusive monk fruit and fiber blend. Being low carb: only 1g net carbs per serving it is perfect for Keto lifestyle and other low carb diets. They use fair-trade cocoa beans and are made in the USA. They offer us chocolate treat bites, sugar free syrups, chocolate almonds, and an amazing Keto Bark! These treats are so tasty and affordable they will be an easy choice for the chocolate lover in your life this Valentine’s Day.

Click here to purchase

Gift for Kids

Feltman Brothers

Nothing is sweeter than a baby on Valentine’s Day. This year dress up your dear one with Feltman Brothers beautifully made clothing. People will stop and fawn over how delicate and stunning your child looks as they are showcasing Feltman Brothers perfectly designed outfits. When you put on their clothing on your little princess or prince, they will surly look the part. Feltman Brothers vintage baby clothes feature the classy, antique look you love, with lots of lace trim, smocking, handmade pintucks, and hand embroidery – because you deserve an heirloom quality baby layette you can pass down for generations to come.

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Welch’s Valentine’s Day Exchange Fruit Snacks

Welch’s is a staple in most homes for a reason – because they taste great and make an easy snack choice for busy parents. Welch’s did us mom’s a favor and has rolled out these Valentine’s Day exchange Fruit Snack bags just in time for our kids Valentine’s Day parties at school. The box comes with 28 pouches, great for any classroom size. On the front of the bag is an area for you to write the “to” and “from” names. Tasty, easy and affordable – thanks Welch’s for your help this Valentine’s Day.

Click here to purchase

Always More Love

From the author of Dont Push The Button comes a new uplifting book for the preschoolers in your life. Always More Love is a heartwarming story and fun experience for families to share together about how the love for those special ones in your life only grows more and more each day. Just tap, shake, or flip the book to show the many ways your love grows.

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Girls Can! Crate

Are you looking for a unique but powerful gift for a young girl this Valentines Day? The Girls Can! Crate is going to check all your boxes. Each month, a new kit celebrates the life of a strong, diverse female role model such as Bessie Coleman, Marie Curie, Madame CJ Walker, Althea Gibson, Clara Barton, Mother Theresa, Ida B. Wells, Susan La Flesche Picotte, and more. Crates include the GIRLS CAN! 20-page activity book with an original story celebrating a featured woman and other fun activities, 2-3 hands-on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) activities with necessary supplies, a play prop, a collectible button, and much more! Subscriptions start at $27.95 for the Original GIRLS CAN! CRATE, but there’s also a smaller Mini-Mailer for $18.50 per month. Check out the inside of a crate here.

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Schleich Flower Dragon and Child

Schleich products are made with the detail and quality that a true toy maker respects. They take concepts from in house and work them out into beautiful toys daily play. Their newest release are the Flower Dragon and Child. Dragons are very popular in pop culture today, and very relevant in children’s imagines now-a-days. Usually when you think of Dragons you think of fire-breathing, dangerous creatures that lurk in caverns and on mountains, but there are all types of Dragons. In eldrador, Dragons can range from scary and dangerous to friendly and caring, such as this mother Dragon and her Dragon baby. Covered in light blues, greens, and pinks, these Dragons are as beautiful as they are unique.

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I Love You Like No Otter

There’s no better way to say “I love you” than with a sweet and heartfelt animal pun! I Love You Like No Otter combines a warm message of love with beautifully illustrated animals, making it the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day and all year round! Each page has a clear image for the child to focus on and on the accompaning page has a short rhyme/pun about love the type of animal in the image. This is a class style board book that will be a hit in any home library.

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Blume Baby Pop

Do you have a blind toy lover on your Valentines Day list? This brand new to the market toy is in instant best seller. Blume Baby Pop has so many surprises your kids will be on the edge of their seat. The concept is you have a garden with 5 sprouts. Pull out the sprout to see if it reveals a baby or an empty stem. Will yo get 3, 4 or even 5 babies? Under the babies lay more surprise accessories. After you have your babies, removed their swaddle to see which designs you have. Lastly for the gender reveal! Dip the Blume Baby into water and see their diapers change to blue or pink.

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Sock Ons

With little ones they seem to always lose a sock! Whether they fall off or get pulled off it gets annoying. Thanks to Sock Ons you can save those socks. The Sock Ons easily slides on over the child’s sock. They are conformable and affordable. This concept is just what you need in your life right now. They come in 2 sizes – 0-6 month and 6-12 month. With a multitude of colors (white, light blue, dark blue, red, pink, light pink…) there will be the option you prefer best with a quick few clicks. Over 1 million have been sold already!

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I Love You to the Moon and Back (Precious Moments!)

Share your heart with the one you love most in the world and wrap them in the security of God’s protection with this newest picture book from renowned inspirational brand Precious Moments. Written in sweet, rhyming verse, this is the perfect book to share on Valentine’s Day or all year round! I have so many fond memories of reading from my Precious Moments bible, coloring in my Precious Moments coloring books and paging through their prayer books. Gifting this to your child will evoke all other sentiment feelings while creating new memories with your loved ones.

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Hairdorables Hairmazing Fashion Dolls

Hairdorables have been a hit for a few years now. These dolls are appealing to so many young girls. So to keep up with demand and what girls want they just released a new line of doll, the Hairmazing Fashion Dolls. Hairdorables motto is big hair, don’t care. This same attitude is what these Fashion Dolls are still proclaiming. The dolls stand 10.5 inches tall and with 6 girls to choose from you little girl will be smiling ear to ear with her new doll. There are six surprises included in four surprise compartments. The box even doubles as a runway for your doll! Each doll has a unique style and look. Being the all the same size your child can interchange the outfits and accessories between the dolls.

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Highlights Longest Hidden Pictures Puzzle Ever

MamatheFox’s kids love doing puzzles and mazes, especially while traveling in the car and at restaurants. We have always depended on Highlights to come out with the next fun idea. This new Longest Hidden Picture Puzzle Ever is such a treat. It was even awarded the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for the longest hidden picture puzzle fold-out book, this amazing 16-foot-long fold-out Hidden Pictures puzzle features a whopping 280 hidden objects! It is great for siblings, they won’t fight about who gets to work on the puzzle, they will be excited to work together for a change!

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HABA 3D Arranging Game Creative Stones

HABA is perfect for the parents looking for simple, clean, and screen free toys. This set allows your child to make amazing 2D and 3D patterns both on and off the board. Children as young as 2 will enjoy making their own structures and patterns using free play, or experimenting with the simpler pattern cards. This toy is sure to hold the attention of older builders as well with the 2 and 3 star degree of difficulty pattern templates. Adults will even want to join in on the patterning fun! Rest assured that HABA’s wooden toys are made in Germany. Made of plywood and beech from sustainable forestry and treated with water-based, solvent-free stains.

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I Love You All Ways

From the author of Be Brave Little One and If I Could Keep You Little comes I Love You All Ways, an adorable exploration of how love surrounds us, no matter what we do or where we go. From morning to night ― through the happy, playful, and mischievous moments ― I Love You All Ways is a sweet celebration of the never-ending love for a child. This book is perfect for children ages 2 to 8 years old.

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Magformers – Milo’s Mansion Set

Magformers have been a huge hit in the STEM toy market. Parents and teachers are looking for new STEM based toys that are fun, engaging and age appropriate. With Mil’s Mansion Set you can click, connect and create. Explore endless construction possibilities. Your little one can build anything they can imagine when they use the Magformers Magnetic Rainbow shapes, characters and accessories. When the child is done playing they are easy to stack up on top of each other making storage simple.

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Rainbow Gummy Candy Lab

Thames & Kosmos has been one of MamatheFox’s favorite brands for years now. The reason they stay so high up on our list is because they are constantly providing us with creative toys and projects that help my kids grow and learn through play. For Valentine’s Day this Rainbow Gummy Candy Lab is the perfect gift for elementary aged kids. Make your own delicious, fun gummy shapes using a gelatin mixture. Simply pour your mixture into the included mold and concoct a spectrum of flavors and colors to personalize your unicorn, cloud, and rainbow-shaped gummy creations. You can even add citric acid to make sour gummies. Most importantly your kids will learn about the scientific properties of natural polymers as you cook up these delicious treats! This kit includes all the food ingredients needed for a rainbow-gummy good time.

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Love: from Sesame Street

Sesame Street is one of those shows that stuck with society over time. Many people have theories on why…but we think the glue is love. Each Sesame Street character taught us as children how to deal with our emotions. How to handle different situations. The theme that carries each message is love. In the new book Love: from Sesame Street the listener and reader feel that message truly sink in. It is now a New York Times Best Seller. Explore all the definitions of love with your friends from Sesame Street. Simple sentences on each spread define “love” through the eyes of different character from Sesame Street. For Big Bird, “Love is a sunny day.” The Count says, “Love is infinite-bigger than all of the numbers.” However, for Oscar the Grouch, love is about acceptance, even when life is messy.

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Chicco Trainer Cup

Small children seem to go through so many cups and bottles. After trying all the brands out there, we seem to always go back to Chicco. It is just such a trusted brand with well made products. They have released this new line of trainer cups with an insulated lids. The double-wall design provides insulation essential for keeping cold drinks cool longer, and the narrow-edge spout is designed to train toddlers to drink from the rim of a cup. With a unique ergonomic design, this spout encourages proper lower lip positioning with plenty of space for little noses. With the one-piece construction silicone valve in place, gentle sipping activates the flow of liquid from the spout. You can flip the cup upside down and all around without leaking a drop. Lastly, you can easily remove the valve for practice with free-flow drinking.

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Hidden Pictures Two-Player Puzzle Book

Siblings are going to finally get along and give you a break when you bring this new puzzle book to the next restaurant you visit. Highlights created a new concept puzzle book, one that you can play together using. Race to see who finds items faster in identical Hidden Pictures scenes, or look for the same set of items in different puzzles. More than 800 hidden objects in all, for hours of seek-and-find fun. We love the pages where you lift the middle page as a divider (think of the classic battleship game) so you are figuring out a puzzle secretly from each other. This book is great for kids ages 6 – 10.

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Morning, Sunshine!

Get your name on the waiting list for this exciting new book from Kelly Parrack. It will be released 3/24/20 and we cannot wait! Morning, Sunshine takes its readers to predawn animal activities in rural, suburban, and urban settings. Using haiku styled poetry the reader feels the rhythm and beat of the story as it unravels. Each stanza focuses on an aspect of the natural world or a creature going about their daily business as the world wakes up. There are instructions also included that help you learn how to write in the haiku style yourself. This makes a great gift for young readers and for the home schooled kids in your life.

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Valentine’s Day Mini YoCups

Brand new mini YoCups by Compound Kings hit stores just in time for Valentine’s Day. The Mini YoCups come in Glitzy Pink and Glitzy Red and each comes with a pack of colorful heart mix-ins. They make the perfect non-candy Valentine’s gift for classmates and friends. MSRP $2.99, ages 4+. Available at Target.

Available in-store at your local Target

Fluffy Cloudz

Fluffy Cloudz is the hottest new slime to hit the toy aisle! Sure to ooze children with delight, the colorful, super-stretchy CLOUD SLIME assortment features fruit flavored scents including Berry Blast, Cococraze, Grape Squeeze, Melon Mania, Peach Paradise, and Piney Party. Also comes with surprise charms! Hold it high and let gravity drizzle the slime down. MSRP: $4.99, ages 4+.

Available in-store at your local Target

Our Birthday Ice Cream Party with Velvet

Who doesn’t love a fun little ice cream party?

Celebrations seem to lean towards what sweet treats and this next birthday we are dishing out creamy Velvet ice cream!



Max, MamatheFox’s youngest child, is turning 6! Can you believe it? We sure can’t.

Max is not a big cake or cupcake guy, but ice cream is one of his favorite treats.  This birthday we are enjoying Velvet Ice Cream as his sweet treat.




Velvet Ice Cream is an Ohio brand with homemade roots.  Since 1914, Velvet Ice Cream has been family owned and operated in Utica, OH.  Their premium craft ice cream, with it’s signature velvety texture, has grown to be a staple in homes throughout central Ohio and across the region (OH, KY, WV, MI, IN).



MamatheFox was able to use the Store Locator “Where To Buy” tool on the Velvet website. Search your zip to see where you can find Velvet by you.


They have unique and classic flavor options. Banana Cream Pie, Buckeye Classic, Campfire S’mores, Elephant Ear, Fresh Strawberry, Raspberry Fudge Cordial, Cookies and Cream and so many more.


Velvet was started in In 1914 by Joseph Dager who immigrated from Lebanon via Ellis Island to Ohio. He began making ice cream in the basement of a confectionery in three flavors: chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. After just two years, the company produced 200 gallons of ice cream a month and the creamy, velvety texture of the ice cream inspired the name: Velvet Ice Cream. After thirty years of leadership, Joe passed the torch to the fourth generation, his daughters Luconda and Joanne Dager. He is still very much a part of the heart and soul of Velvet Ice Cream as he serves as Chairman of the Board.


Velvet is such a sought after ice cream line that they went the extra mile to make their ice cream available for corporate uses. Schools and business cafeterias can now stock and sell Velvet Ice Cream. With single serving cups, soft serve, ice cream sandwiches and other products for mass consumption.




Head over to your local retailer and try out Velvet, you will not be disappointed.