Author: MamatheFox

3 Ideas To Enhance The Convenience Of Your Home

In the busy world of the 21st century, convenience has become one of the most prized assets. As we all rush from place to place, activity to activity, task to task, we all immediately seize upon options that make our lives simpler and easier to manage, seeking to maximise convenience wherever we can. 


It therefore makes sense to take this quest for convenience and see how a home can be transformed to become as convenient it can possibly be. Curious to find out more? Then here are five convenience-promoting ideas you may want to introduce in your own home… 


Introduce smart technology

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When it comes to adding convenience to your home, smart tech is perhaps the best option of all. Smart tech allows you to achieve a variety of household tasks with ease; from being able to set the temperature of your home via an app to controlling a smart LED strip light using just your voice, to monitoring your front door when you’re away from home, everything becomes far simpler. What’s more, it’s reasonable to expect that the capabilities of smart tech will continue to expand in the future, so making the switch now should help ensure you’ll be well-placed to take on any further convenience-enhancing innovations in the years to come.


Choose low-maintenance options wherever possible


Furniture, decor, upholstery fabrics, floor coverings, even the plants you choose in your garden –  if convenience is important to you, then always choosing the most low-maintenance option will always be the right choice. High-maintenance options such as glass furniture, rugs and upholstery that can only be hand-washed, or a garden that requires constantly mowing and watering can be undeniably nice, but they also tend to pose an ongoing time challenge that will hamper the convenient running of your household. As a result, whenever you’re buying (or replacing) anything in your home, ask yourself how much time it will take to maintain; if you’re concerned the resulting answer is too high, then look for a lower-maintenance option that you love just as much. 


Keep a list of where every item in your home is stored

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There are few scenarios that can be quite so stressful as looking for an item that you can’t find. As a result, you can make your home more convenient by assigning every item you own a ‘home’; a place where said item always lives, and where it returns to whenever it has been used. You can even create lists of each item and where it is stored; keep this list in a Google Doc, so when you need to find something in a hurry, you’re only one quick CTRL+F away from being able to locate it. While compiling your list initially can take time, in the long run, it’s absolutely worth it in terms of convenience. 


In conclusion


The ideas above can really help to increase the overall convenience of your home, simplifying your routine and giving you more time to spend on the things you really love. 

5 Tips for Treating Dry Skin

Our skin is punished every day by so many things all around us. We expose it to the sun, one of the most harmful things for our skin, but we’re also subjected to things that might not be in our control like the humidity and heat or even pollutants in the air. What is in our control, however, is how we look after our skin, and how we treat it when it is dry. Here are 5 quick and effective home tips on treating dry skin.

It Starts with Diet

As with most things when it comes to our health, the things we eat and drink form the basis for any good healthcare routine. Making sure our diets are well balanced and we get all of the recommended vitamins and minerals is the cornerstone to a skincare routine too.

You’ll want to load up on the vitamins – and in particular, you’ll want to get plenty of vitamin C because collagen, the skin’s most important and primary protein, needs vitamin C to be produced. Vitamin A is also important for the health of your skin, so pack your diet with vegetables like carrots and squash, and fruits like papaya.

Limit Bath and Shower Times

Soaking in the tub is a wonderful way to relax, but it’s not as good for your skin as it is for your mind. Spending too much time in the shower or bath might put you at risk of stripping away natural oils on the skin, which are important to keep the skin moisturized. It’s not just the time in the water either – it’s the temperature too. Try to keep that hot faucet as low as possible and aim for a lukewarm, rather than a hot shower or bath. It will also help to use good products like the best dim supplement for clear skin regularly.

Watch What Soaps You Use

Not all soap is created equal, and some can be harsh on your skin if you are prone to dryness. If you can, you’ll want to avoid soaps or products that contain perfumes and deodorants, and especially soaps that contain alcohol, as these can also contribute to skin dryness. Try and look for a fragrance-free or natural soap, or even soap-free cleansers. Look for products from organic brands like Handmade Naturals; they often have shower & bath products as well as skincare, plus haircare too. Try to use natural products as far as possible, and if you can get them all from the same place, even better!

While we’re on the subject of soaps, take some time to examine your sponge or washcloth. Ideally, throw them out and don’t use them at all, but if you just can’t do that, then use them with a light touch and without applying too much pressure.

Use Natural Products to Moisturize

Here’s where you’ll need to do some experimenting in a routine that works for you. Most importantly, avoid harsh chemicals and try and find natural products that can aid you in keeping your skin well moisturized and looking good. Natural products are usually lighter and can, therefore, be used both morning and evening before bed without leaving you with a heavy greasy feeling that you might get from some thick creams.

You can try a hydrating serum with hyaluronic acid which is designed to be an intensive moisturizing product, and often a really great addition to your skincare product list.

Stop Scratching!

This is probably the simplest thing to say, but the most difficult thing to do. Stop scratching your skin! Carry a small moisturizer to rub on any itchy spots or, even better, use a cold compress to quickly relieve it.

By now, you’ve probably realized that dealing with dry skin isn’t the long and complicated process you might have thought. While dry skin isn’t necessarily a problem on its own, it can lead to things like eczema, which can be a real irritation. Simple maintenance and upkeep on your skincare routines can go a long way to helping ensure your skin stays in great shape well into your golden years.

Things to Do When You Want to Buy Your Dream Home

Buying a dream home from houses for sale in delray beach florida by owner is one of the ultimate house achievements that are at the top of almost everyone’s bucket list. A dream home is a home whose specifications fit perfectly with the specifications of the buyer and feels like it was constructed specially for them. Buying your dream home is probably the most crucial and costly investment you will ever make, which is why you should always look for home buying tips from websites like this one in order to make sure the buying process goes through smoothly. But buying your dream home also means that you are targeting to live there for your whole life, so you have to choose a property that will ensure you and your family’s satisfaction for the long term. For these reasons, it is advisable to consider a few things before taking the step.

Image via Adobe Stock, by comzeal

  • Have a vision of your dream home

This is the point where you uncage the dreamer in you. All of us have a practical idea of what we would want our dream house to be like. At this point, the virtual idea is needed. Think about a home that would fit your budget. Figure out what characteristics you need, such as the number of rooms, whether an apartment or bungalow would be better, if you want to build a house or purchase a schlüsselfertig gebaut house and such. Having an idea of how you want it to be like makes it easier for you to do your research.

  • Come up with a budget

Once you have an excellent virtual idea of how your dream home should be, plan about its budget. Think about how much you are willing to spend on it. Consider checking various listings online to have a rough idea of how much your dream home could cost. As you decide on your budget, also remember that there will be other extra expenses such as furniture, decoration and maintenance costs. You might also want to keep a note of closing costs in the area that you are planning to buy the home as these are inevitable home-buying and home-selling expenses. These costs are the biggest upfront expense for buyers after the down payment, and sellers pay the bulk of the agent commissions. If need be, you can take a look at websites like and get a detailed overview.

  • Do your research

Research is a crucial aspect of any home buyer. Conduct adequate research on the housing market. Use all resources available such as online real estate websites, to get all the information you need. It’s also important to recognize that, in certain situations, you may need to hire a lawyer to ensure legal compliance and protect your interests. You should also consider consulting residential architects for further details on what to think through when buying a new home. Research enables you to be well informed and puts you in a position to make the right choice.

  • Review on the size and location of your home

At this point, you must be aware of precisely what you are after. Take this moment to do a review of the facts. What size of your new home would be adequate for now and for the future? What location is conducive and effective so that it does not affect your daily movement to and from work? The size and location of your home are of much importance. Your home should also be located in a serene environment and near all necessary facilities such as schools and hospitals.

  • Choose an agent you can trust

The process of hunting for a home that perfectly fits your needs can be tedious and time-consuming. You should consider assigning the duty to a trusted agent of your choice. Agents are in a better position to find your dream home since they have real-time information on what is going on in the home market. An agent can make the job hunting process a success without much struggle.

  • Find a reliable removals firm

Once you’ve found a house you want to move into, you need to find a removal company like these Overland Park Movers to get all of your belongings shifted from A to B. You might be tempted to move all of your things yourself, but this will take time and might result in things getting lost or damaged. Professional movers know exactly how to pack all of your belongings safely and will be able to do all of the heavy lifting for you, meaning you’ll be able to get into your new house much faster.

  • Be prepared to compromise

As much as you should have a clear idea of the kind of home you want, you should be ready to compromise the design. No home can be described as a perfect home. Almost always, you will have to compromise at some point. You should be open-minded when you are looking for a home.

You never always get a home that is 100% of what you were expecting. You may end up with maybe a house that does not match your style; you can choose to improve the personality of your house to fit the way you wanted it to appear.

Saving the World One Power Bill at a Time

We’ve all had that moment: staring at the power bill, looking at that huge number and wondering how on earth we’re going to fit that into the budget this month? And then you finally wrench your eyes away from the dollar amount and down to your usage, and wonder, “how did we use so much power? Surely that’s not a good thing…”

Image Credit: Rodolfo Clix


But so many people overuse electricity. Little things, like forgetting to turn off lights in the basement, or forgetting to bump the thermostat down when you’re leaving for the day…having all the kitchen lights on when you’re only working in one area…leaving fans, heaters and devices plugged in all the time…leaving that porch light on in the middle of the day…leaving the pool pump running in the middle of winter…all these little things add up and can cost a fortune on your monthly electric bill. And your gut feeling is right: overuse of electricity is just as bad for the environment as it is for your wallet.

So how can you combat the problem while still utilizing a necessary utility? After all, most of us with busy day jobs and kids and hectic lives can’t just “go off the grid” and not have power for a while (though it sounds a little appealing). Finding the cheapest plans by comparing different Dallas electricity rates is one way to go. However, if you are not cautious about the usage, you can still end up paying a high amount.
So how do you reduce your electricity consumption and still save money?

Many States are starting to implement measures and plans to combat excessive energy consumption, such as efforts towards clean energy in Texas and other states’ initiatives. One idea that is quickly picking up speed is that of prepaid electricity.

It sounds weird at first blush, but when you think about it, it’s kind of brilliant. Prepaying for electricity is really no different than prepaying for phone service. You pay in advance and conserve electricity as you go, making sure to stay within the confines of what you budgeted for. Not only does this save a ton of money, but it will force you to be conservative with your energy and make better choices; things like remembering to turn off lights and not leaving appliances plugged in.

Many people who are on a careful budget, young people and those who are in poverty find prepaid electricity helpful for other reasons, too: there’s no credit check, which means no huge deposit is required for electric service. You can pay as you go, so if money is a bit tight, you can get your lights on for as little as twenty bucks, and pay again when you have the money. There’s no contract involved, so if you try it out and decide it isn’t for you, you won’t be charged huge fees to cancel your service. It’s a win-win for those who are trying to carefully budget their bills.

Whether you’re interested in prepaid electric for the money-saving aspect, or because you want to cut down on your energy consumption and lower that carbon footprint, you’re making a great decision for your family and the community at large. With more and more services being offered like this, it’ll be easier (and cheaper) than ever to be a good environmental citizen.

Your kids and their money – 4 tips to get kids into saving

It’s great when your kids get gifted money from friends and family members, when grandparents tell them to “treat themselves” or “get something nice”. It’s a wonderful gesture, but does your heart sink when they fritter away their pocket and birthday money on sweets, plastic toys and nothing with seemingly any value? I know mine does. Taking their money from them and putting it away for a “rainy day” sounds like a good idea, but then you’re only taking away their gift which will lead to tears and animosity. 

If you want to teach your kids about saving money, then you have to show them! Wondering where to start? Read on for 4 tips to get kids into saving.

Set a good example

Kids pick up everything from their parents. So if you demonstrate good money habits then they will too. If you’re worried about money or your debts – you can keep on top of your debt by using Creditfix – then it’s important to not let your children see money as a cause for concern or distress. Avoid spending frivolously or saying yes to every impulsive purchase that they want you to make. Set a good example by using cash over card payments, saying no once in a while and explaining that you have a weekly budget to stick to. 

Give them commissions 

Pocket money is a bit of a difficult topic amongst parents. How much should I give them? Other kids in the class get more, but I can’t afford that much…Is pocket money wrong? All of these concerns are valid. However, many parents are now changing tack on the pocket money topic and give their children commissions instead. Simply put, if your child wants spending money, then they have to earn it by completing some age-appropriate chores. Taking out the trash, cleaning the car, helping you fold laundry etc. This straightforward approach demonstrates that you don’t get money for simply existing, you have to earn it!

Let them watch their savings grow

Say goodbye to that old piggy bank and remove the temptation to smash it open and spend whatever is inside. A clear jar for their spending money will work as a visual aid so they can see how much their savings are growing over time. If they want to save for something in particular then you could dedicate separate jars for each item. Then when they receive cash, they have to make the choice about where to save it! They’re already becoming savvy savers.

Teach them about patience 

Being patient isn’t just relevant in the playground or waiting in line, it’s also relevant when it comes to saving. If they’re saving for a particular toy then they need to understand that they have to be patient and you often have to wait to buy something you want. This simple lesson will be reflected throughout their adult life, whether they’re saving for a holiday or for a deposit on their first house. 




Deafness: The Three Major Levels Of Hearing Loss

According to the website, Medicalnewstoday, “Hearing impairment, deafness, or hearing loss refers to the total or partial inability to hear sounds.”

Although medical experts consider this problem to be a significant health concern around the world, the sufferers are substantial contributors to the illness. They fail to realize that just like every illness, hearing loss occurs gradually and goes through different levels/stages before maturing to total deafness.

Fortunately, this article covers the levels of hearing loss to educate you on things to look out for to prevent getting deaf any time soon. Remember to also regularly visit your local hearing clinic, similar to this hearing clinic Tsawwassen. They can give you check-ups to monitor your ear health.

Let’s get started on the different levels of hearing loss.

Mild Hearing Loss

According to medical experts, deafness often begins with a mild hearing loss allowing the sufferers only to hear quiet sounds between the range of 25 to 40 dB. This sound level means they cannot hear the soft ticking of a clock or the continuous dripping of a faucet.

Fortunately, people with mild hearing loss can still keep a one-on-one conversation with you but will find it challenging to catch every uttered word in a noisy environment. Also, hearing aids can rectify this level of hearing loss and amplify the sound going into the ear for better hearing.

If left untreated, mild hearing loss will worsen and become what medical experts call “Moderate Hearing Loss” where the sufferer can only hear sounds within 40 to 70 dB. People in this category will find it relatively difficult to identify every word in a conversation, listen to doorbells, or a telephone ringing.

Luckily, the sufferer can improve his/her listening ability in this phase by using a middle ear implant or hearing aid.

Severe Hearing Loss

If a person with moderate hearing loss leaves his condition unattended, it gradually worsens and leads to Severe Hearing Loss which prevents the sufferer from following a normal one-on-one conversation without hearing aids. If you eventually get to this stage, then things are taking the turn for the worst.

Someone in this level of hearing loss can only hear sounds between 75 to 90 dB range which means they won’t hear the TV, phone ringing, people talking, and almost every sound. Unfortunately, hearing aids might prove ineffective in some cases, thus forcing the sufferer to communicate via a dictionary or any other non-verbal method.

However, to medically improve the listening ability of someone with severe hearing loss, the sufferer must receive middle ear or cochlear implants to rectify the problem adequately.

Profound Hearing Loss

The final level to deafness and the most significant of all is when a sufferer has Profound Hearing Loss. People in this range of hearing loss can only hear sounds within 90 to 120 dB.

This range means that sounds like a chain saw, fire alarms, lawnmower, aeroplane engines, police sirens, loud music, and others won’t even register in their brains. Just like Severe Hearing Loss, a hearing aid is the most ineffective remedy for this problem.

Sufferers will have to rely on non-verbal methods to communicate, like sign language, lip-reading, dictionary, gestures, or other visual cues. However, sign language has always been the most used method for centuries, and I recommend taking beginner classes to learn it gradually.

The most popular solution for Profound Hearing Loss is for the sufferer to have a cochlear implant, which improves an individual’s ability to hear and understand verbally spoken words after surgery and rehabilitation.

Final Thoughts

Now that we’ve learned about the stages/levels of hearing loss, please understand that although this article is rich in well-researched content, it’s not a substitute for professional/medical advice.

Please consult your audiologist or a certified medical expert before trying anything new.

If you or a friend already suffers from hearing loss and would like to learn Sign Language and other ways to communicate effectively, here’s a list of apps I stumbled upon while doing my research.

Great Apps for Learning Sign Language Skills

Check the list and find an app that’s more to your liking. Some of these tools contain videos and written tutorials to aid in the speedy learning of the language.

When The Stress Gets Too Much

It’s possible that every single adult – at some point or another – feels stressed. Life is stressful, and there is a constant need to strive to get out from under the pressure. The problem is that unless you have unlimited cash, there will always be some kind of pressure somewhere, whether it’s through your job or through your family or something else. Stress can have a negative impact on our health if we let it, so it’s important to try and de-stress every now and then. There are a few different ways to do this, but one of the most popular methods is to get a weed delivery vancouver, or somewhere more local to you. Weed can actually help people to de-stress and lower anxiety, so it might be a good solution for those who need an instant way to relax.

We persevere as humans, but sometimes – just sometimes – the stress can feel like a little too much to handle. Life is supposed to be for living, not for crying or curling up in a ball and sleeping it away. It’s for love and friendship and achievement and contentment. Finding all of that is not easy, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. There are several signs that the stress is getting to you in life, and we’ve put together a list of these for you below.

Image Source

  • You get home from a stressful week at work, you’re pouring a glass of red wine with your meal, and you start to relax. And then you have another drink. And another glass. A glass of wine with a meal? Not a problem. However, when your glass of wine becomes a bottle, and that happens more than once a week, it’s a problem. Addiction is easy to spiral into as a crutch when you are feeling stressed out, but that’s where you’ll need the help of a womens addiction treatment center to get you through it. Life shouldn’t be so stressful that you drink into oblivion just to forget, so reach out for help and take it with both hands.
  • You’re trying so hard every day to get up and keep going, but the exhaustion pulls you back down over and over again. When we are stressed, our sleep is affected severely, and without a good night of rest, our brains cannot switch off, and the exhaustion can be far too much. The best thing to do is to try to remove the stressors in your life and get a decent sleep every night. It will make a massive difference to the way that you feel.
  • How many times have you had a cold this year? The immune system plummets when we are coping with stress, and plenty of studies show that your immune system is severely affected when you can’t get on top of the stress. You need a break, and you need to keep up with your fruit and veggies to get your immune system back to normal again. It takes a battering under the strain, so let’s work on stopping that.
  • Did you know that stress can make you hurt? Your body from top to toe may ache from the sheer tension of the stress you are under. When the stress gets too much, you might probably need a myofascial release massage, or some professional help to get it under control and feel calm once more.
  • Stress can make you forgetful. It’s like the brain shuts off to be able to remember what you need to remember and when you need it. It would help if you were careful here, as you could become exceptionally forgetful with things that really shouldn’t be forgotten.

If you are feeling stressed, reach out for help. It can spiral into some dark places that you would really rather avoid.

How to Improve Autistic Behaviours in Children


Image Credit.


Autism is a disorder many of us are familiar with, either due to personal experience or through commentary we’ve heard from others. Managing symptoms and behaviours of autism can be challenging enough as an adult, but if you’re a child, it becomes an even more taxing process. This is why autism parents can struggle to cater to their childs’ needs.


Fortunately, you’re not alone in these struggles, which is why many studies have been conducted to see how we can help guide our children throughout their life, particularly those early stages. If you’re finding it hard to improve your childs’ (and your own) welfare, there’s some techniques you can try to help ease any family tensions that may be occurring. And if you’re questioning whether your child has autism or not, there’s several signs to look out for.


Provide Structure

Structure and a routine is something that you already implement on a daily basis, or that you fast need to introduce. The reason being is because of the comfort and security a sense of structure brings to autism sufferers – disorder and unpredictable situations can be extremely triggering, while routines give a familiar and recognisable environment for your child. Of course, not every element of life can be predicted, which is why you need to learn how to provide this structure when a curveball is thrown.


One of the best ways to do this is by utilising the first/then system, a technique many parents find useful. For example, “First we’ll complete homework, then we can go outside to play”; it’s not always going to be received well, however, if you continue to implement this structure, your child will soon become used to the routine of it.


Remain Calm

Everyone knows it’s difficult to remain calm when faced with a stressful situation, so saying “remain calm” may not feel like the most helpful pieces of advice. Nonetheless, as challenging as it can be to keep our stress levels in check, it’s important to ensure an episode is handled in the best way. After all, if you address an angry outburst with your own, you won’t be able to come to a calm resolution. What is more, it’ll make the experience even more stressful for your child.


Before you try to exude this calmness, remember to be kind to yourself – you’re going to fail every now and again. That’s okay. Once you have that mantra in your head, it becomes a lot easier to reduce your stress and anxiety; by knowing you’re doing your best, you take some of the pressure off. As for how to remain calm, one of the best ways is to remind yourself that children, especially the ones with autism tend to think differently from adults. Hence, modifying your behaviour, so that they can better understand is part and parcel of helping them develop and learn.


Professional Guidance

Even with the best will in the world, there’s going to be times where you need additional help, help that comes from a professional source. By seeking the guidance of behaviour therapies, like Novi ABA Therapy, you can ease the pressure you’ve undoubtedly put on yourself to deal with this alone. Although seeking outside help can be daunting, it’s sometimes the only way to truly understand what your child needs from you and other caregivers. After all, what works for one austic child might not for the other, and so by taking the time to explore their behaviours in a specialist environment, you can learn a lot more about them and their individual symptoms.


Positive Reinforcement

In a similar fashion to routine, rewarding positive behaviour is another means of helping to improve your child’s life and understanding of the world. The goal here isn’t to focus on telling them not to do something, but rather praising them when they do what you want them to, e.g. you don’t scold them for not tidying their toys away, but instead reward them when they do. A lot of the time your verbal praise is enough. However, for children that need greater incentives, a small token of appreciation, such as a chocolate biscuit, can help.


If you’re at your wits end and feeling lost, don’t give up hope – the above advice, as well as various other resources, can help make small improvements. Austic behaviour can be challenging, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help your child to learn and grow.

Minecraft: Builders & Biomes Strategy Board Game Giveaway


Welcome to the It is a Great Day for Pi Giveaway Hop

On March 14th each year we celebrate Pi day. The number Pi is 3.14159265359 – or 3.14 for short. For math lovers, like MamatheFox’s brother who is a math teacher, it is a great way to encourage the love of math to today’s youth.


This giveaway hop is sponsored by Ravensburger games, by offering a copy of their new game Minecraft: Builders & Biomes Strategy Board Game


Enter for your chance to win (1) Minecraft: Builders & Biomes Strategy Board Game Giveaway


Explore the Overworld, face dangerous mobs, and mine resources to build fantastic structures! The world’s bestselling videogame, Minecraft, has been adapted into an easy-to-learn strategy board game perfect for tabletop gamers and Minecraft fans alike. Each turn, players take two of five possible actions: explore the Overworld, mine resources from a block of resource cubes, build structures, collect weapons, or fight mobs like Endermen and Creepers. Build carefully and fight bravely to win!



Full Bloom Giveaway Hop Sign Up

Theme – Open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.
Date: 5/16  – 5/31
Start time: May 16 – 9:00 am EST
End time:  May 31 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on 6/1. Events must be open to US entrants.

Adding your link means you agree to the following terms:
Your post must include the following:

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The linky must be included in your post (code will be sent in email)
Your giveaway item(s) have a value of $10.
Must include disclosure included in email
A Link to the hosts: MamatheFox (

This giveaway must be dedicated to this event only

If you sign up and can no longer participate please let me know so I can remove you from the linky.