Author: MamatheFox

9 Great Children’s Books About Chicago

Reading to your child from a young age is so important. Reading helps children develop listening and language skills and helps stimulate their imaginations. It also helps expand your child’s understanding of the world around them.


If the world around you and your children is Chicago, you’re in luck. A number of great children’s books use the Windy City as a setting and help explain the landmarks, the culture, and the history of this great American city.


These books aren’t just Chicago explainers either. They use the city in unique and creative ways to help children develop counting skills, learn the alphabet, and get a feel for what makes their hometown so special. Here are nine great children’s books about Chicago.


Good Night Chicago – Adam Gamble

The original Goodnight Moon is a classic, quintessential children’s bedtime book that many of us remember fondly from our own childhood. In this Chicago-centric update, author Adam Gamble helps make bedtime more personalized for youngsters by taking them on a journey from morning to night in the Second City.


The book starts with “Good morning, Lake Michigan. Good morning, Chicago Harbor Lighthouse,” and continues on a tour of Chicago from there. It is a book you can read over and over again to your child to send them off to dreamland with visions of their city in their heads.


1-2-3 Chicago: A Cool Counting Book – Puck

Some of the best children’s books about Chicago also help teach other skills along the way. This counting book allows children to learn the symbols for the numbers 1 through 10 all while counting things that the city is known for. You and your child will love counting Chicago staples like El train cars and deep-dish pizzas.


If you travel or have family in other parts of the country, author Puck has other counting books you and your child will enjoy as well. Your child can learn to count to 10 while learning about New York City, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and more.


Larry Gets Lost in Chicago – Michael Mullin

Another Chicago children’s book that is part of a series exploring cities around the country is Larry Gets Lost in Chicago. The Larry Gets Lost Series follows the adventures of Larry the dog who explores a city while trying to get back to his family. In the Chicago version, he encounters many iconic landmarks before being reunited with his loved ones.


The illustrations and colors in this book are big and bold and will capture the attention and the imagination of young kids at any age. If this becomes a household favorite, you can check out the sequel featuring Larry, called Larry Loves Chicago!


C Is for Chicago – Maria Kernahan

Learning the alphabet with the help of your hometown is another great genre of Chicago children’s books. C Is for Chicago is a perfect book for younger children. The book goes through the alphabet, A to Z, and features on each page an interesting, colorful, Chicago-themed picture and two short, rhyming sentences about that place or object. 


This book is great for very young kids who will be enthralled by the pictures. The rhyming couplets associated with the letters will also help develop language skills while your kids learn the symbols for each letter. 


W is for Windy City – Deborah Dover Layne

As your child gets a little older, they’ll be ready for an alphabet book that is a little more in-depth. W is for Windy City is a great book for kids ready to take the next step from the simpler C Is for Chicago.


This book has vivid but more realistic pictures of Chicago iconography and a slightly longer poem about each. It also features a more in-depth write up about each person and place that they describe. The B page delves into Chicago’s own Barack Obama and F describes the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. It is great for kids who are ready to really learn the alphabet and can comprehend history. 


My First Alphabet Books – Chicago Sports Teams

As a parent raising a child in Chicago, you want to make sure your child develops a love and knowledge for the landscape and history of the city while also doing things like learning the alphabet. Let’s be honest though; for some parents, the most important goal is to instill a love and a knowledge of your favorite Chi-Town sports team!


These My First Alphabet Books are shaped like the jerseys of the Cubs, White Sox, or Bears and teach your children about the history of your favorite team one letter at a time. Make sure your kids know early that F is for Friendly Confines, G is for Go-Go Sox, or S is for Super Bowl Shuffle.  


The House That Jane Built – Tanya Lee Stone

For older kids who are learning about people who changed the world, The House That Jane Built is an incredible book. The illustrated book tells the story of the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, Jane Addams.


After buying a house in the poorest section of Chicago in 1889, Jane opened it to the poor and to immigrants–anyone, really, who needed help–creating the Hull House Community Center, which endured for more than a century, providing services to those in and outside the neighborhood. She is a truly inspiring hero who you will be proud to have your kids look up to.  


Once Upon a Balloon – Bree Galbraith

This is a heartwarming tale of a young child whose balloon floats away. His older brother tells him how all lost balloons end up in the Windy City of Chicago and are cared for by a man named Frank. The young child is touched by this story and sets off to deliver Frank a hopeful message. You and your child will be touched as well and the book will encourage their imagination to roam free.


Max Explores Chicago – Reji Laberje

Another fun trip around Chicago with a lovable pooch, in Max Explores Chicago, the title character investigates some of the city’s most famous places. The book is short, to the point, and covers the Chicago basics with great illustration. It was created in cooperation with the Chicago Children’s Museum and is written specifically to help develop a child’s language, vocabulary, and numeracy skills. 



There are plenty more children’s books about Chicago but these nine are a great start to both build a love of your city in your child while also helping develop critical skills. These books will be something your young Chicagoan will cherish throughout their life.



Author Bio

Sandra Chiu works as Director at LadyBug & Friends Daycare and Preschool.



Feeling Better in 2021

After the turmoil of 2020, we are all in recovery mode this year.

January was busy and exhausting, but now we are all trying to push forward and get our lives moving forward. You may be feeling pretty good, you may be cautious or even worried about what this year holds for you.

Self Care

In 2020 many people ‘let go’. For many people, they crawled into their holes and never peeked out. It’s time to put an end to it. Now that the effects of the pandemic have decreased and everything is slowly returning back to normalcy, it’s high time that you start going out and exploring life outside rather than restraining yourself to the four walls of your room. If, for instance, you used to enjoy going out and hunting, you can start searching for which centerpoint crossbow is best, which outdoor gear should you invest in, or even the best place to hunt. Get back to what you used to enjoy before the pandemic hit. If not, depression may have started or even have taken hold of you. This is a big problem a large majority of Americans are struggling with. If you feel this applies to you, or one of your friends or family you need to look into an online counseling. If you are comfortable with in-person there should be options in your area. Do a based Google search and see where there are locations in your town.

Do you feel like you got sluggish with all the sitting in 2020? This mama sure does! If you want to jump start a new healthy start look into Live Well Metabolic & Weight Loss Clinic as well as joining your local gym or recreational center. Many gyms are having specials for new members. You can probably get a really good deal. At the start of your journey, they will be a challenge but once you get into the routine, you’ll recognize the self-care benefits! If you find yourself feeling sore after the gym then massage guns can help you ease inflammation and reduce soreness. If you do not feel comfortable going to a gym, the swing into your local Walmart or Target and grab some hand weights or a kettle ball. Another type of self-care that can be overlooked because it feels taboo for women is to do with their sexual desires. Things like masturbation are totally normal and often encouraged to better people’s mental health. If you’re unsure about this type of self-care, why not try putting on some music or a porn video like MidgetPorn to get you in mood.

Try for a Job Promotion

A great way to boost your self esteem may be to try to climb the corporate latter. Many people quit or lost their jobs in 2020, which may lead to a benefit for you. There could be new positions opened at your company that need filled. By already being on the staff, knowing the company and having the inside scoop you may be the perfect candidate. Start of by trying to stand out in some way. Help with the training of a new employee. Increase your company website by using a Seo firm Toronto to boost the exposure. This will drive new traffic and increase their standing in Google searches. Helping with something like this will surely cause you to stand out in a great way.

If you cannot seem to manage a promotion then take a look at some online job finding sites. You can see what work is out there. You may not see anything that will really fit your ability, but it cannot hurt to take a few hours and see what there is. Word of mouth is a powerful tool too. Ask your friends, family and even neighbors if they have heard anything in there bubble.

Rearrange You House

If you are on a limited budget but need a fresh feel you should consider moving some things around in your home. This is give you something to do and will be fun to spice things up. Maybe you can move where the book self and some art work are. Try adding a new few pieces, like adding the best wool tufted rugs and new coffee mugs. If you have the energy ask a friend who has a home you admire. As for the tips and tricks from them. If their house looks cool, they will love to hear from you that you also like it. This conversation will boost the mood of both of you.

It is 2021, things are getting better. Lets keep our heads up and our attitudes in a positive light.

Training the New Guy: Construction Labor Team

When you work as a team you start to feel like a family at times. The love, the hate, the laughter and the memories. Some teams work more effectively than others. But we can all agree that when the dynamics are on the same level, then the team works like dream. If you are the lead, or the manager, then you will have times where you have to train the new guy.

Using the Equipment

Whatever fieldwork you may be doing, you have to be sure to go over all the rules, standards, equipment, and OSHA standings. If they are going to be handling field supplies, like the high-quality ones from you need to give them all the information to stay safe and keep the equipment. How to store it and where to place it when the job is done or for overnight storage. Be sure to tell them if there are temperature requirements, such as keeping it from being too cool or too hot overnight.

Teach them how to turn equipment on/off and any tips or tricks to run the unit. You can also look for professional training services that can help your team to learn OSHA Compliance safety guidelines and ensure every employee’s safety at the workplace. Moreover, if there is a manual you find useful make a copy and give it to them, so they always have their own copy on hand. They can store it in their truck or in their clipboard box.

Dressing for the Job

Depending on where you are located, there can be many different types of clothing you will find appropriate. You may be in a sunny and warm start where you will be wearing lighter clothing. Most site jobs will require hard toed shoes, jeans or sustainable overalls most or every day. Many sites will require you to have other safety equipment like helmets, back supports and possibly harness depending on the day. If you have learned some tips over the years be sure to share your knowledge, this will not only make working with them better but they will learn to appreciate and respect you. If you are in a foggy or dangerous place always have your yellow reflective jackets and hats on for your safety.

Preparing for the Day

Depending on the details of the job, and the crew there can be many ways the day runs. Help the new guy by telling him all of the crews names and what jobs they do. This way they know who to ask for what details as the project goes forward. If it will be rainy have them wear appropriate clothing and bring plastic sheets for your clipboard and other paper products. If the snow storm the weather channel has been going on about draws close to your job site, be prepared and call in a local snow removal company – click here to learn more about residential snow removal.

Have they filled out any required safety or job documents? Teach them where to find this information and how to relay it back to corporate.

Remember that you too were new at some point. Think back to how you were trained. What was helpful? What do you wish someone told you? As the days and conversations happen these will dawn on you and you can help train the new guy in the best way you know how.

A Guide: Parents Who Travel For Work With Children of School Age

There are many families who have full time jobs that require almost full time travel. This doesn’t mean you are not a strong or as connected as families who life in the same house all year. You know that your families strength and love are not separated by locations on a map.

Permeant Choices

There need to be a few permanent choices that need to be established. First off, will their be a family home that you all fly to for holidays and other times you are able to get together? If so think about where you travel to most often and where they children are going to school. Find a location that has airports that can easily be traveled to and from. Would an apartment or lovely colonial homes be more likely to suit to your families needs? Find a home base and get something established there. This way when you all come together there are family photos, memorabilia and a sense of family when you arrive.

The other top permeant choice that needs to be made is the children’s schooling. Do you find yourself in the position to homeschool the kids? Many families travel in RV’s as they move across the country and have the kids school as they travel. This may be a perfect choice for families who travel in one country only. If you travel out of the country often, this probably will not be the best solution for you. In these situations you need to think of a quality boarding school like Canadian Accredited Independent Schools. You need to keep your children’s education and success a priority. If a boarding school is at the top of your list, you are going to need to make sure that you have chosen one that works within what you are looking for so you are doing what is best for your child and yourself. Looking into a boarding school for boys, girls, mixed, etc. will help you whittle down your options when it is time to make a decision.

Getting Together

Even when you are far apart, you can still prioritize some virtual family time. If nothing else, 2020 taught us how to stay in touch with each other even if we cannot physically be together. Using apps like Marco Polo, Due or Facetime,  and having a reliable internet service provider such as Verizon internet services, you can see and talk to your loved ones. We love to play virtual games with Kahoot and Jackbox. These are paid for apps that you can play games with each other while in different locations.

When you do have the chance to fly to a central location you need to soak up that time. Instead of flying back to your home, consider some of the best vista cay resorts as a vacation destination to meet up. Here you can all not worry about cooking and cleaning, but focus on the time you have together. Make memories by doing local tourist attractions and seeing a movie together. Be sue to take some pictures so you can save this memory forever.

Staying in Touch

I know it may sound old fashioned, but try writing an actual letter. The long lost form of letting writing is slowly dying. But this is such a fun, personal and creative way to stay in touch. If you are the parent who is traveling, grab postcards at the airport when you stop to grab your new bottle of water and newspaper. When you are on the flight take a couple moments to jot down a few sentences about your day, your trip or just some warm and loving words.

Supporting the Blind

Do you, or do you know someone who is blind? Many people are born with blindness while others become blind at some point in their life. No matter the case of why and how they are blind, as a friend, relative or associate you need to equip yourself with information and resources.

Blind Relative

If you have a relative who is blind do you know if they have considered a service dog? While many blind people are able to get around relatively fine, they may struggle with emotional support. This is the perfect situation for a dog from The other kids in the family may need that extra love as well, making a support dog perfect for your family.

As a relative you need to try to consider how you can set up your home to make visiting you easy. No one wants to feel like a burden. Be honest and just ask them what you can do to make visiting your home easier. It may be as simple as moving a coffee table to keeping all the doors opened. Once they visit your home enough they will be able to navigate it feeling much more confident.

Blind Employee

Have you recently hired someone who is blind and knew so by it being on their resume? Did someone on your payroll recently become blind? While you may not want to make them feel odd by drawing attention to them, they do deserve to have you address the situation to the staff, especially the other employee they will be working with directly. You can simply reach out to and see if they have a speaker who can talk to your staff. Talk to the HR department and see how they think the situation should be addressed.

Blind Neighbor

Many people enjoy getting to know their neighbors and becoming friends with them. If this sounds like you be sure to not ignore your blind neighbor. They are just like you, only they cannot function the same with their eyes. When you have a block party, or do some fun neighborhood games – like “You Have Been BOO’d” on Halloween consider gifting to their home. You can order a custom braille letter so they truly feel included in the fun.

Blind Child

Was a child born into your family with blindness? This may have been a surprise to you. There are plenty of support available for you. There are many variations of blindness.

The main 4 are: CVI
CVI, or cortical/cerebral visual impairment, is the leading cause of modern day blindness in children. Unlike ocular forms of visual impairment, CVI is a brain-based disorder, and often coexists with an additional visual impairment.

Retinitis Pigmentosa
Retinitis pigmentosa is a genetic disorder, which affects up to one in 4,000 people in the U.S. and across Europe, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. People with this eye condition often have trouble seeing at night and experience a loss of peripheral vision due to the gradual breakdown in cells of the retina. It’s most commonly detected in early childhood, and can lead to total blindness later in life.

Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is another one of the leading causes of vision loss, affecting an estimated 10 million people in the U.S.

There are a few types of this condition, but the most common is called dry macular degeneration. This type of visual impairment is found in adults, and causes a person’s central vision to deteriorate. In children, a genetic disorder called Stargardt Syndrome looks very similar to macular degeneration because of the way both conditions affect one’s vision.

Retinopathy of Prematurity

Retinopathy of prematurity is an eye disease which occurring in babies born prematurely. It begins when blood vessels in the eye leak or bleed, resulting in scarring of the eye and retinal detachment. Although surgeries can lessen the severity of the visual impairment, children born with the condition often have little to no eye sight. – Content credit is to :

While many blind people are able to get around relatively fine, they may struggle with emotional support. This is the perfect situation for a dog from The other kids in the family may need that extra love as well, making a support dog perfect for your family.



Updating Your Home For A Wheelchair

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. Many people buy a home and never think they will need to make it wheelchair friendly. If this is true for you, then you understand the stress and work that is involved with the adjustments. You may now have a relative in a wheelchair that needs to reside with you. You may have a family member who had a life experience that lead to a life in a wheelchair. No matter how you got in this situation you do not need to fear. There are plenty of resource to aid in this life change. Be sure to take care of yourself and the one in need.


To start off you may need to quickly install some form of a ramp. This is the main way the wheelchair can easily get in and out of the home. You can grab some ply wood from a local hardware store to get something quickly. This however is not a safe for the long term solution. You can find many semi and fully permeant ramps. You may care more about the aesthetics of this ramp as it will be seen outside your home and is part of your homes curb appeal. The most common ramps are wood or metal. Consider which would fit your situation best.


Stair Lifts

If you have a multi-level home you have to install a stairlift. Typically, stairlifts can be fitted to most stairs, providing a seat and electrical ramp that can be permanently attached to a staircase. Many have a weight limit, so this needs to be considered at the beginning of your research. Do you want the style that the chair folds up to allow easy access to people who are going to be walking up and down the stairs, or can you have the option to have the seat out at all times? Some are battery operated and others need to be hooked up to the electrical system in the home. Check out a site like to explore these and other options.


Wheelchair Lifts

Wheelchair lifts are much more industrial and have a larger compacity. A wheelchair lift allows a person and their wheelchair to remain together as the wheelchair is moved up or down. Oftentimes people install a wheelchair lift outside their home instead of a ramp. This is perfect for landscaping that does not allow for a ramp to be used. There are inclined options and vertical options, so you need to look at the space you are considering to install this device and make the call on that. To learn more about wheelchair lifts and their uses click over to


Residential Elevators

A lot of people think of residential elevators as just a fun feature in luxury homes. They are fun, and are used for mansions and high end homes, but it is not only them that choose to install these types of elevator. If you need to have an elevator installed consider the look you desire. There are many sleek and fashionable choices now available.

Keeping Fresh in Chi Town

Chicago – the Windy City. Man, how great is this city?!

All 4 seasons, huge variety of people and businesses and after hours party life.

The only thing lacking is a beach – oh wait – Chicago does have one on Lake Michigan. They do have it all.


If you are looking to keep fresh while living or visiting Chicago you need to know a few things.

The Food

Chicago style deep dish is legendary for a reason. It’s unique style makes it appealing to all crowds. There are a chains like Lou Malnati’s and single standing legends like Bonci and Pequod’s. When you go downtown check out the food trucks like The Happy Lobster, Three Legged Tacos or The Fat Shallot. They will not disappoint.

If you are looking to host a dinner party or business dining event then you know you have to keep it classy. You could rent out a party hall or a banquet at a hotel – but I say go with the best personal chef chicago to keep those standards high.

The Cars

If you love cars then you are going to love Chicago. Do you have a sweet whip you are looking to show off. Then downtown is a perfect place. If you want to cruise around try heading up north to some of the suburbs. If you want to make your car stand out you should consider getting it customized. You can get a new “candy coated” dashboard, racing steering wheel, or add some leather to warm it up. Check out Craft Customs to see what upgrades you would like.

If you want, you can also rent a luxury car. There is DS Luxury Exotic Car Rentals and Veluxity Exotic Car Rental Chicago to consider. You can rent them for a few hours or the whole day. This is a fun way to add some romance to your next Valentine’s Day out. Show off to the new snack you have been eyeing. Hot cars make for fun times.

The Look

You probably already look drip, but always looking for some new shine. Are you a shoes guys? A slick suit? Are you the one who loves to shine with things like Stndrdz diamond cuban link chain and custom pendants?  Anyway you shake it, you need to be fresh downtown Chicago. Talk to your friends and ask them what new brands and swag they are looking for.

Don’t worry about buying outfits just because your friends are wearing them. Chicagoans have style and individual looks. Be yourself, don’t just blend into he backdrop.

The City

When you in Chicago it is fun to see the tourist stuff, it is by no means lame. Have you heard of the Chicago Bean? It is a perfect photo opportunity. The museums are very engaging and will provide a great time. The Field Museum boosts a huge collection of dinosaurs, you can get lost in the 3 floors and 500,000 square feet. Check out the store too, it has some fun pieces. The Shedd Aquarium is well worth the money. You can explore all types of marine life and watch a dolphin and seal show – if you sit in the first row, be prepared to get a few splashes.

Spring Looks – Freshen Up Your Look

With spring around the corner you can probably feel the warmth and freedom of a sunny day. Being in the Midwest, I thrive on sun, and we only get it so many day of the year. This doesn’t stop me from trying to be joyful, see the best in a situation and to march forward. Because I won’t be seeing the sun for a while it makes this a perfect time to do some shopping and freshen up my 2021 spring look.


I always like to wear jewelry, whether I’m spending the day at home, running errands, or meeting up with some friends. You tend to feel a little more polished as a result. Even simple earrings can enhance your dull-dressed appearance. Additionally, pairing a boring outfit with 14k gold moon and star earrings can elevate the entire look of a dress. All in all, even a spartan accessory can add style and sophistication to a plain, vapid dress. The little bling, that fun something extra. Take a look at your jewelry armoire. What are your favorite pieces? Why are they your favorite pieces? Do you prefer to stick with long style necklaces or are you a hoop earring gal? If you know you never wear any bracelet’s, cool, don’t waste you time considering that fun new one you saw at the mall – you are not going to wear it no matter how cute it is. Personally, as I already mentioned, I love a new pair of earrings. They can be simple or extravagant. I never seem to get tired of a new pair of earrings. If you need hypoallergenic earrings check out Simply Whispers. Head over to your local Target and check out the clearance jewelry – a chunky bling necklace always comes in handy on a Friday night.

Business Trips

You may fall into the category of the business trip professional. Apart from setting up your itinerary with the help of agencies like Uniqueworld London DMC, you might be the type of person who dresses business class! Someone who occasionally, or more often than not, has to travel daily or even overnight trips. In order to spruce up your travel gear, try to look into some new travel bags, accessories or workwear melbourne (or wherever you reside). Go to the clearance section at TJ MAXX or HomeGoods, you can find name brand products at a discount here. If you need to get some blue light blocking glasses for all that screen time or a sharp new watch then check out

Casual Friday

Does your work offer a casual Friday? The day to be comfy and dress down is always sought after. You can work even better when you are not wasting time fixing the zipper on your high waisted skirt, or fussing with your pantyhose. Each work environment has its limits on what they consider to be casual. You may be allowed to wear jeans and the best laid back t shirts, while other employers would consider kaki and loafers a dress down day. Talk to your friends at work and see what their plans are for their dress down days. You may get some inspiration from them. or even a shopping trip together to think of new ideas.

Whichever route you choose to jump into a fresh start this spring be sure you do it with a smile and keep within your budget.

Easy Ways To Turn Your Home Into An Eco-Friendly Haven

Many of us are on a mission to live greener lifestyles and do our bit to protect the environment. If you’re looking for easy ways to make a difference, here are some tips to turn your home into an eco-friendly haven.

Switching to renewable energy

Renewable energy is clean and sustainable. More and more of us are switching to solar and wind power and taking advantage of innovative solutions that enable us to run appliances and heat our homes while also reducing our carbon footprint. If you haven’t already made the leap, you can read more about community solar projects at or investigate installing solar panels at your property by contacting local companies. Changing to renewable sources of energy can save you money, especially in the long-term and it may also make your home more attractive to buyers if you choose to sell. But, therefore you call your local solar company, make sure they have enough experience in what they are dealing. It’s always better to do some research, check their website to ensure you get good service.

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Insulating your home

Many of us experience a significant increase in our expenditure on energy in the winter. If you’re spending too much, this could be a sign that your home is failing to retain heat. Insulation provides an effective solution. With insulation, you can trap warm air and prevent heat loss, creating cozy, comfortable rooms and eliminating the need to run radiators all day long. There are several ways to improve insulation, from investing in double glazing and adding loft and cavity wall insulation to using draught excluders and filling materials from hardware stores to plug gaps in doorways.

Natural materials

If you’re planning to spruce up your home, you’re about to embark upon a renovation project or you have grand plans to extend your kitchen, try to use sustainable, natural materials or opt for recycled building materials. Using natural resources can provide incredible aesthetic benefits, as well as promoting sustainability.

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Adding greenery

Adding plants and flowers to your home is a surefire way to enhance the look of each room, but it can also have a positive impact on air quality and mental health. Studies show that plants can boost productivity and lift our mood.

Recycling and upcycling

Recycling is an effective means of reducing waste and ensuring recyclable materials can be used again. If you get into the habit of recycling, it will soon become part of your daily routine. As well as recycling paper, cardboard, tins, glass and plastic, it’s also a great idea to try and repurpose anything you don’t want or need. If you’re having a clear-out, set out piles of stuff you could donate, sell or upcycle. Upcycling is a brilliant way to breathe new life into old furniture and create pieces that suit the style and aesthetic of your home. From tables and chairs to couches and chests, there’s scope to use your creativity to transform almost any item that has seen better days. If you’re looking for inspiration, there are some great ideas in this article

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Have you started the year with a desire to do your bit to protect the planet? If so, there are some very easy ways to turn your home into an eco-friendly haven.