Month: June 2020

Caring For Your Teeth For Your Brightest Smile Yet

One of the things many people will take from the coronavirus outbreak is the need to take better care of their health. From exercising more and eating better to building up a strong immunity, healthy living and self-care is more important than ever. And that goes for your oral health too. During emergencies, it is imperative to get your urgent dental needs addressed by the dentist in Grand blanc.


It’s easy to neglect your oral health when you’re busy worrying about everything else, but taking care of your teeth and gums is just as important. With the right care and attention, you can enjoy your brightest smile yet!


Here are some tips for taking care of your teeth that will help you develop some new habits.

Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons

Start afresh and get excited about your teeth

A fresh start with your oral hygiene is the perfect way to get excited about the transformation that’s to come. Think about the problems you have or goals you want to achieve. Do you suffer from sensitive teeth? Perhaps you’d like straighter or whiter teeth? Whatever your aim, there are ways for you to achieve it.


Start by investing in a new toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash/floss. There are formulas out there to help address common concerns and help you care for sensitive teeth or tackle tough staining. 


With some new products to use and something to aim for, you can help yourself get motivated to enjoy a better oral care routine.

Get into a good routine

To help you achieve your smile goals, you’ll need to master the basics first. There are some basic tips for taking care of your teeth and gums which include:


  • Brushing twice a day
  • Reducing the amount of sugary and acidic food in your diet
  • Flossing regularly
  • Avoid smoking


These are habits the whole family can learn to easily stay on top of oral health. A solid dental hygiene routine will keep plaque at bay and limit the need for dental treatments.

Take advantage of the different tools that are out there

There are a lot of great tools out there now to help you take care of your teeth. Electric toothbrushes, air flossers and even whitening tools can help take some of the effort out of maintaining your teeth, with excellent results. 


There are even eco-friendly toothbrushes available for those who want to be more sustainable at home. Do some research as to what’s available and invest in some incredible new tools for your teeth.

Enjoy simple home solutions

If you want to transform your smile, there are a lot of options available to you to help you do it. From teeth whitening to invisible braces, it’s easier than ever to get the smile you’ve always wanted.


Before, you’d have to go through a dentist for these types of treatments, a process which can be long, complicated and expensive. Now there are home kits available that will help you transform your smile from the comfort of your own home. At-home veneers can save you a lot of money on the average cost of dentures, with at-home aligners also making it easier for you to enjoy your dream smile. With everything done at home through the mail, you haven’t got to worry about leaving your home.

Make regular appointments with your dentist

Many common dental problems can be avoided by taking the right steps towards better oral hygiene. There are some things, however, that only a dentist can do. Going to the dentist regularly will help make sure your teeth are all healthy and in order, raising any issues at an early stage. While many people are afraid of the dentist, it’s important that you set a good example for your children by showing them that a visit to the dentist is a positive thing.


Even between check-ups, you should keep an eye out for any pain or sensitivity that’s out of the ordinary. Book an appointment if you need to so that you can get an issue resolved sooner rather than later. Many dentists have payment plans to make it easier to budget for any treatment you might need. If you have any concerns or anxiety about going to the dentist, let them know – they’ll do what they can to put you at ease! 


Taking care of your teeth is important. It can help you boost your confidence while also preventing other health issues. For just a small effort each day, you can enjoy healthy teeth and gums and enjoy your best, brightest smile that will be sure to dazzle everyone you meet!

How to Care for Opal Jewelry

Unlike any other precious gems, opal jewelry represents a remarkable nature’s masterpiece. Opal gems are purposely one-of-a-kind stones because of their amorphous character, thus their specific outlook is so unique to the world. Caring for this specific mineraloid is extremely vital since with good care and proper maintenance opal gemstones can last a lifetime and can easily be handed over from generation to generation, and make wonderful stones for custom engagement rings and the like as well due to their beauty and unique nature. Cherish and take care of your opal gemstone with these simple steps and you will have meticulously valued jewelry for eternity.

  • Caring and cleaning opal jewelry

Regardless of what type of ornaments you may have, caring for and cleaning jewelry at home might require patience and dedication. This is especially true for opal gems. Never wear opal rings, bracelets, or necklaces when you are playing sport or doing some excessive outdoor work as you can damage the stone, or even knock it out. Solid opal rings found at MoonMagic have been a dazzling engagement option for many newlyweds, so it’s advisable to take off the engagement ring when you are doing some physical work not to get it caught on something. Cleaning opal jewelry is simple. Only use warm water and mild detergent and a toothbrush to clean the jewelry all around. Don’t use any harsh abrasives or chemicals. Don’t use water and don’t soak doublet and triplet opal gems, just wipe them softly with a damp cloth.

  • Caring for solid opals

The name “solid” opal derives from being a stand-alone stone, which means that you have an individual precious stone consisting solely of opal material. Solid opal is a soft, naturally cut, and polished stone that should be taken care of with caution. The most important thing is to take off your solid opal jewelry whenever you are doing some manual labor like gardening or moving furniture as it can easily get scratched or broken. However, the most essential thing is that solid opal jewelry handles water perfectly, so there is no need to take your solid opal ring or pendant off when you are having a shower or a swim in the sea. Only make sure that you avoid extreme weather conditions as this mineral is prone to cracking on scorchingly high or freezingly low temperatures.

  • Caring for doublet and triplet opal gemstones

Unlike with solid opal jewelry, you should take off doublet and triplet opal gemstone jewelry whenever you are about to have contact with water. Doublet and triplet opal stones consist of different layers glued together, and if you soak them with water they might fall off. What is more, if water even slightly infiltrates a doublet or triplet opal stone, it will turn “foggy or greyish” and may even change its look. Of course, this won’t happen the very second you get caught up in rain or accidentally have a shower with your doublet opal ring. What might also affect the cement that holds the protective crystal cap of doublet or triplet opal gems is extremely hot or cold weather. Don’t wash or clean them with hot water and detergent, and avoid wearing them in sub-zero temperatures.

  • Storing your gems

If you want to prolong the lifespan of your opal jewelry, the best piece of advice is to store them nicely when you are not wearing them. Whenever you don’t desire to wear an opal ring or bracelet, just place it in a padded cloth bag or cushioned box for protection and store it away. To prevent water coming out of this unique mineral and drying out due to humidity reasons, put your opal jewelry in a cotton wool bag with a few drops of water, and your opal will last forever.

Inspect your jewelry meticulously and always take proper care of them according to the above-mentioned tips and you will keep them safe, shimmery, and gorgeous for years to come.

Special Ways To Remember Loved Ones Lost

Coping with the loss of a loved one is never easy. Knowing you can’t bring someone back is heartbreaking, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t keep their memory alive.


One way of dealing with grief is finding solace in celebrating that person’s life, honoring their memories and keeping them close to you. We’re fortunate to live in an age where there are always new and creative ways to remember those that we love. Whether you choose one thing or you choose them all, you’ll find some great ideas and inspiration for ways to celebrate someone’s life and help you keep their memory close to you too.


If you’re looking for some ideas to celebrate the life of someone special, here are special ways to remember loved ones lost.

Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons

Celebrate their life in pictures

Photographs are an excellent way to remember someone. Now that the majority of people have smartphones, it’s been even easier to capture special moments and take plenty of shots of the people we love. There are a lot of options for what you can do with them to help you remember your loved ones.


Remember to back-up your phone’s photo collection with cloud storage – that way you won’t lose them and you’ll be able to free up space to take even more amazing photographs.  

Create a photobook

A photobook is a wonderful way to bring together all of your best photos, especially those that you’ve put together on your phone. Simply select your favorites, create the layouts and then the photobook will arrive at your door! Check out some of the best photobook companies and choose one that will help you celebrate some special memories.


Photobooks also make a wonderful gift, so you could have some extras made to share with other people who were close to your loved one.

Frame your favorite 

It’s nice to fill your home with photographs and beautiful prints. Why not select your favorite photo of your loved one or your family together and have it framed professionally? As a lovely piece of artwork for your home, you’ll always be able to look at them and remember them fondly.


Professional framing can be expensive, but it’s a price worth paying to have something memorable to look at on your walls.

Have a drawing made

A beautiful painting or drawing of your loved one is something you’ll be able to hold onto and will look beautiful in your home. You can easily commission a local artist or someone online to draw from a photograph, Find someone with a style you love who can help you create something extra special for your home. 

Make copies of family photos

Remember that it’s not just you who will be grieving for someone. Making some copies of different family photos and sharing them with others can be a wonderful thing to do, helping them with their grief too. It’s easier than ever to create exact copies of original photos, helping to preserve them and ensuring that more than one person can own and enjoy them.

Scatter their ashes somewhere memorable

If your loved one was cremated, you have the opportunity to scatter the ashes somewhere memorable, somewhere they would’ve loved. Many people keep the ashes, or at least part of them, but with the rest, it could be a nice moment together to remember your loved one and help with the grieving process too.


If you can, try to find out someone’s wishes before they die. They might have an idea of where they’d like their ashes to be scattered, allowing you to honor that as another way to celebrate them after their passing. 

Commemorate them with jewelry

There are all kinds of things that can be done with your loved one’s ashes today. Ashes can be turned into jewellery to make a precious item you can carry with you and pass on so that you can remember your loved ones all of the time. Take a look at some cremation jewelry from to see what’s available. As a unique way to remember your loved one, you’ll be able to hold them even dearer to you.

Visit their favorite places

One way to always remember someone who has left us is to visit their favorite places. Whether it was a cafe around the corner, or a country they loved, you can honor their memory, and even create some new ones, by visiting their favorite places. 


Plan some special trips and make sure your travel is done right to help you have the best time and be able to enjoy the things your loved one enjoyed too.

Cook their favorite dishes

You don’t have to make grand gestures to be able to remember someone. Sometimes it’s the simple things like cooking their favorite meal that provide a nice, simple way of honoring their memory. Whatever their favorite dish was, you know it will always be special the next time you make it.

Talk to people about them

Some people find it difficult to share memories about those that they’ve lost, but sharing those special memories helps keep the person alive. From telling children about their grandparents to talking to your partner about someone close to you, it will be wonderful for you to remember those stories and pass them onto someone else.

Make a video

Videos are another great way to remember special moments. We capture videos on our phones all of the time, and there could be plenty of footage of your loved one to help create something special. An application like Adobe Spark makes light work of creating videos, helping you to add in captions, photos, music and more alongside video clips to create something special and meaningful.


Create a playlist that reminds you of them

Music is very powerful, and it can help you think back to some special moments that you can remember time and time again. By creating a playlist that reminds you of someone special, you’ll be able to put it on and think of them, even if it is painful at times. Some of the types of songs you could include are:


  • Their favorite song/s
  • A song that reminds you of them.
  • A song they used to sing often
  • Songs that were popular when they were born
  • Songs with their name in
  • Happy songs


It might be difficult at first, but soon you’ll be filling that playlist with some incredible tunes. 

Write down some treasured memories

A fear of forgetting is something many people experience when it comes to losing someone. To help you remember, why not write it down? Writing some memories, thoughts and feelings into a book or an online space could have many benefits, while also helping you record those special moments. Writing it all down could be very therapeutic for you, and a good way to process your grief if you struggle to speak to others, or you simply want to work through your issues.


It’s never easy to deal with someone’s passing, especially if they were close to you. While it helps to talk to others about what you’re feeling, it’s important to be able to work through your grief – and that’s where the above ideas can come in handy. Whether you choose one idea or several, it will be comforting to know you have some special ways of celebrating your loved one and making sure that they’re always in your thoughts.


6 Tips to Improve Communication with Your Kids




All children have different characters, and while your friend’s child might be non-stop talking, yours is simply quieter. It’s still important to make sure you build healthy interactions and improve communication in your family. Here are six tips on how to encourage your kids to open up and create more natural communication.


Don’t bombard them with questions


When your kids get home from school, greet them calmly and lovingly. Don’t bombard them with questions about their day, or concerns about their homework and being late. Instead, greet your children with joy and tell them how happy you are to see them. Welcome them back home and later on, when they’re more relaxed they’ll be more likely to confide in you about their day at school. 


Give them time to admit they’re wrong


When they’ve done something bad avoid scolding when your child begins to open up to you about it. Your children might try to avoid being reprimanded by lying. If you keep your cool and give them the space to confess, you will be able to develop more honest communication between you.


Be patient with discipline


Kids need to understand the consequences of their actions and not just be afraid of screaming and shouting. Building healthy communication can help you to get through to them. Discipline is one of the most difficult parts of being a parent, but with patience, you can build mutual trust and respect.


Be a good listener


It’s challenging to always manage to give your children your full attention. As a parent, you will inevitably be pulled in different directions, and pressures from work, home life, and other family responsibilities can be overwhelming. One thing you can do is try to prioritize when you’re at home together. Try not to get distracted by the TV or your cell phone and become a better listener.


Seek professional help


Perhaps a family session or child therapist would be a good idea if you’re really struggling with communication. A professional could help your child open up about any issues, and build strategies to work through these.


If you’re worried at all your child is going through a serious issue such as bullying or anxiety contact a counselor or virtual therapist. It’s important to recognize the signs and seek expert advice if you have any doubts or concerns. 


Spend quality time together


Daily and uninterrupted time together will help you form a much stronger bond. Prioritize your time together and make sure you make time for it, even though it’s a challenge with work constraints. Try to keep in mind your end goals. Painstakingly sitting through their favorite video games and be patient with their ups and downs will be worth it. They will really appreciate the time together. 


Next time you’re waiting for your child to finally communicate, be patient with them, and try these tactics. Parenting is challenging sometimes but you need to be the leader of the conversation and the grown-up. The results will be rewarding.


5 Ways To Create A Relaxed Home Environment

Image Source: Pixabay CC0 License

While COVID-19 has done a good job of helping us forget it, modern life is usually hectic. Once normality returns, those stresses of busy careers and other commitments will be bigger than ever. Coming home to a relaxed home environment will make a world of difference.

If this sounds like an attractive prospect, the five ideas below are just for you.

Upgrade Your Home Security

It’s impossible to truly relax if you’re burdened by the knowledge that your home is vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, investing in better security should be the first thing that any homeowner looks to do. In today’s climate, though, it’s not all about the protection from local thieves and intruders. Virtually all homes are now connected to the internet via multiple devices, which is why cybersecurity is crucial. Nobody likes the thought of hackers listening in or gaining unauthorized access to their files. Prevention is the best form of protection. I recently learned about Mobile Threat Defense and since using my phone, I have been a lot more careful.

Build Outdoor Tranquility

The garden is a perfect venue for introducing a little peace into your life. There’s nothing better than relaxing on a sun lounger with a cold drink, and maybe some BBQ food. Experts at Arizona Shade Sails can install the overhead coverage needed to achieve added privacy on your patio. It also provides the versatility to enjoy the sun and shade in a responsible manner. A small water feature can add a source of calming sounds while vibrant flowers are another great addition. If you don’t have the luxury of the outdoors, you can bring the outside in! Materials Travertine tiles add a layer of luxury to any tired kitchen space, and bringing in some extra aspects of the outdoors in, such as plants and hanging baskets, will create that sensation of tranquility where it counts!

Create A Screen-Free Zone

Technology plays a major role in all of our lives. However, there is such a thing as having too much of a good thing. Therefore, a designated area that does not use TVs, smartphones, or tablets can make a big difference. Music players are fine. Whether it’s a full room or a corner of the garage doesn’t matter. Having a comfortable chair, a good book, and the chance to shut off from digital screens is ideal. Just be warned that the added relaxation may lead to an increased number of naps throughout the week…

Focus On Bath & Bed

The evening routine of bath and bed is a time for your body to prepare for rest. After a long day of working and parenting, this is your chance to relax. Bathroom specialists like MTI can help you find the perfect bathtub or shower for an evening soak. Many people use this time to wind down from the day with their choice of beverage, and some people even use cannabis products to relax their minds. If you do not have a bathtub, maybe it is something you need to seriously consider. Call your plumber kamloops (or the one in your locality) to check the plausibility of getting a tub for your bathroom. Relaxing can, of course, take different forms. And whether you are spending your evening time reaching for a glass of wine, a cup of tea, or even a double chamber bubbler – make sure to spend these last hours of the day doing things you enjoy. Meanwhile, you should take the time to find a mattress firmness level that suits your personal preferences. When these key features are in place, you will see noticeable changes to your sleep patterns. In turn, your home will seem a far happier place to be.

Keep It Organized

Nothing raises stress levels like spending hours looking for misplaced items. On a similar note, while going over your home with a vacuum or steam cleaner will certainly improve the feeling of your space, nobody wants to spend all of their free time cleaning the property. Therefore, it’s imperative that you opt for an uncluttered approach to interior design. Organizational skills can extend to e-billing or automated cleaning tools, like robot vacuums. The concept of feeling relaxed is an issue that is largely linked to your mindset. Naturally, then, gaining a sense of control is one of the best breakthroughs of all.

Ah, and relax.

Five Things To Do When Your Child Is Ignoring You

As a mother, it’s the most infuriating thing to deal with when a child doesn’t listen to directions. It’s easy to boil over when you’ve asked for the same thing on repeat and you still aren’t being heard. The thing is, as parents we expect children to listen and obey forgetting that they are their own little people and are often not at fault when they’re ignoring us.


Whether your child is openly ignoring you when you speak, or you have said the same instruction and are getting nowhere fast, there are things that you can do when you want to fix it. So, we’ve got five things that you can do when your children are ignoring you – and to help you to not lose your cool when it happens.


Image Source: Pexels

  1. Get Rid Of Distractions. When you want the attention of your children, you need to remove the things that are distracting them. If you have a query, take them away from the toys and the TV and ask them something directly. When they’re busy, they can literally switch off their hearing, so removing distraction is the best way to get their attention. Be short and clear about what you want and be firm in your tone, and you should be able to get the message through to them.
  2. Ask Them To Repeat Back. If you have asked your child to pick up their toys, ask them what you would like them to do. They should be able to repeat back to you what you’ve instructed, and if they can’t repeat to you what you asked for, they need to be told again. Your expectations need to be clear if you want them to go ahead and do as you ask, so be patient and be as clear as possible.
  3. Get Their Hearing Checked. Believe it or not, some children aren’t openly not listening, they simply can’t! The right rechargeable hearing aids could be the best option for your child, but until you get them to the audiologist you won’t know. So, if you have concerns about their hearing, get it checked out with a doctor and discuss with them the steps going forward.
  4. Use Consequences. If the doctor checks out and all is fine with their hearing, you need to come up with some consequences if they continue to not listen to you. Always offer a consequence that is natural to not listening to you. So, if you have asked for the toys to be tidy, follow it with letting them know that whatever they do not pick up will be donated to children who would appreciate having toys.
  5. Address The Issue. Children will ignore you from time to time, but you need to make your expectations known. Speak to your children and let them know that you need them to listen to you. It shouldn’t be a situation that is swept away: children will infuriate you and you are an adult. Feel frustrated, but don’t resort to yelling!

$50 Amazon Giveaway

Sponsored By: The Hen Planner

Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy


About The Hen Planner:

The Hen Planner is the home of modern, fun and stylish hen parties. You’ll find all the accessories you need for your hen celebrations. Get ready to throw the BEST HEN EVER!

Winner Will Receive:

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This is the perfect time to win some money for Summer fun activities, vacation supplies, and more! This $50 Amazon Gift Card will be sent in the form of a code to be applied to your account for easy spending!


Open to entrants from the United States, Canada, UK, Ireland, and Australia! Must be 18+ to enter.

Giveaway Dates ~ 6/19 9:00AM EST through 7/19 11:59PM EST

Disclosure: Love, Mrs. Mommy and all participating bloggers are not held responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations. This giveaway is in no way endorsed or sponsored by Facebook or any other social media site. The winner will be randomly drawn by Giveaway Tools and will be notified by email. Winner has 48 hours to reply before a replacement winner will be drawn. If you would like to participate in an event like this please contact LoveMrsMommy (at) gmail (dot) com.

4 Helpful Tips for Juggling Family Life While Caring for Aging Parents

When we’re children, our parents look after us, but as they age, the roles are often reversed. Aging parents might need more help with everyday tasks than usual, such as preparing meals, shopping for groceries, and getting around. Perhaps they are feeling lonely, and need you around to keep them company more often. While most of us love to care for our parents and give back after their lifetime of being there for us, there’s no denying that being responsible for the care of an elderly parent can be difficult to juggle around work and our own personal and family time. Here are some top tips to help you juggle family life with caring for your mom or dad.

Involve Them in Family Activities

If you normally go grocery shopping as a family, invite grandma to come along with you and pick up her groceries too, or pick up groceries for her as part of your family’s shop – that way, you won’t need to make two trips in the week. If you have children, you’ll know just how much grandparents love to spend time with them, so invite them along to family outings and other events you have planned; not only does it allow you to spend time with your parents, but your kids will be making happy memories with grandpa and grandma too.

Consider Assisted Living

Most elderly people would prefer to stay as independent as possible, and if that sounds like your mom or dad, then the good news is that there are plenty of things that you can do to help them stay as independent as possible during their golden years. If your parent needs special care or assistance, an assisted living facility can be a better choice compared to a nursing home as it will still allow them to have their own space and that degree of independence while being part of a friendly community with access to care and support when they need it. You’ve also got peace of mind knowing that somebody is there for them at the assisted living facility when you’re at home.

Provide Mobility Tools

Perhaps one of the most frustrating areas of aging is not being able to move around like you once could. If you’ve noticed that your parents are getting frustrated because they’re struggling to do as much as they used to, consider investing in a mobility tool for them. There are a variety of power-folding wheelchairs to choose from, which are really handy for getting around and can easily be folded down to put in the car if you’re taking grandpa along for a day at the park or the beach too. These electric wheelchairs are also really simple to use and will help your parent retain as much independence as possible; getting to the store will be a breeze.

Have a Schedule

Getting into a good routine is key when juggling family life with caring for an aging parent. The last thing that you want is to end up forgetting about important things that need to be done, or having to let your parent down at the last minute if something comes up. While it might occasionally be unavoidable, the best way to prevent mishaps and routine breaks is to stick to a schedule. And, knowing that you are going to visit at a certain time or certain days can help to ease any anxieties that your parent is having about aging and this new chapter in their life.

Juggling your family life with caring for an aging parent isn’t always easy, but it’s definitely worth it to be there for mom and dad after they’ve done so much for you. With some support and a little planning, you can make it easy for everybody.

Daddy Shark Giveaway



Welcome to the Daddy Shark Giveaway


Enter for your chance to win (1) copy of the book The Day God Made You 



In The Day God Made You, Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter Rory Feek of Joey+Rory shares a heartfelt message for children about the wonder of the day God made them.


Your children or grandchildren will love cuddling up with you to discover how God delighted over each and every detail of their lives and personalities as He created them— from the shaper of their eyes to the sound of their laughter. The Day God Made You also reminds young readers that God knew their families, their friends, their tears, their gifts, and even their dreams and hopes from thee very beginning.


The Day God Made You is a beautiful reminder to all children—including all races, different abilities, and those with special needs—that God created them with purpose and love. And with its gentle words about God’s personal care, you and your children will find comfort and affirmation in remembering that God delights in who He created you to be.




MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

5 Common Bathroom Problems and Their Solutions

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As small as a bathroom is, it is one of the main sources of problems in most houses. People love nothing more than to enjoy their time in the bathroom, especially when they can have whirlpool baths, jet showers, etc. with their bathroom remodel richmond makeover. Nobody wants to spend their Saturday night trying to figure out how to fix that leaky tap or slow drainage, but sometimes, it just has to be done. More so, most bathroom issues are easily fixable with a plunger, but others can be especially complicated and require some expert intervention. For instance, with a sewer line repair, you should definitely get the help of an expert.

So, how do you tell the difference? How do you know what issues you can fix in under 10 minutes and issues that need a consultation from a plumber? Well, to help you out, these are five of the most common bathroom issues and just what you need to do to fix them to prevent further plumbing nightmares.

  1. Leaky tap

Everyone can admit that a leaky faucet is annoying. It’s one of those issues that you can’t just ignore because it’s annoyingly audible. As annoying as it is, the good thing is that it can be easily fixed. All you need to do is shut off the water from the water valve and remove your faucet. Once removed, you can take it to any hardware store where they’ll tell you what to do next. It may involve replacing a part of the faucet, and so, if you feel you cannot do it yourself, better look for one of your local plumbing repair services.

  1. Clogged drainage

Clogged drains are the worst and are often a result of a slow drain that has been ignored for too long. What’s worse about clogged drains is that they always happen at the most inconvenient time. But again, much like with a leaky faucet, it’s surprisingly very easy to fix.

As mentioned before, once you’re able to familiarize yourself with your plunger, it’s smooth sailing from there. Use the plunger to get the water moving, then unclog the drain by mixing some drainage products with hot water and pouring it in directly.

  1. Foul sewer smells

Sewer smells are usually the worst of all bathroom problems; you just can’t escape it. This bad smell might be as a result of a clog or mold. Ventilation and air purifying should be able to fix a surface-level problem, however, if it persists, then you should consider carrying out a sewage restoration cleaning to combat the underlying issues.

  1. Low water pressure

The low water pressure coming from your showerhead can really make showering a lot slower and less enjoyable. When you’re dealing with low water pressure, it’s usually a result of the buildup of limescale in the showerhead. The solution is very simple. A descaling solution can get your water pressure up in no time. Sometimes, the issue may just be a faulty showerhead, in that case, you need to replace it, and a reputed plumbing service and repairs provider can certainly help you with that.

  1. Clogged toilet

Just as it is with clogged drainage, a clogged toilet can be very inconvenient. So it’s only logical that a plunger is able to fix a clogged toilet the same way that it’s able to fix clogged drainage. Just so you know, a plunger should be your go-to bathroom tools. But in the case a plunger can’t fix your toilet clog, you may want to consider using a drain snake instead.