Month: March 2018

Give your kids a Birthday Party They Will Never Forget!

Photo credit/site

Your kids are only little for a little while. You want to make their childhood a memorable one. From going with the theme they’ve always wanted for their party, to finally getting round to checking out sites like to buy the toy cars your kids have always wanted, it is now time to make their birthday one to remember! We want to help you give them a party that is fun, creative, and unique. Party food will always go down a treat, especially when it’s full of sugar. You can also put on some child friendly music to get the party started. Whether it be the Balloon Song or Baby Shark, the kids will definitely start dancing away.

Art Party

Let your kids have fun and create art that they can take home. As the weather turns warm, more parents will throw outdoor parties. Have each child bring an old adult tee shirt to protect their clothes. Set up easels (or tables) and art paper. Give kids their own brush and paint board which you can place thick paint. Make sure the paint washes off with water. At the end of the party have an art show for their parents.

Photo credit/site

Candy buffet

Candy buffets are easy to make, and everyone loves them. This is an indoor/outdoor birthday idea. Set up a table with a table cloth, cheap table runner and back drop. You can use poster boards, twinkling lights, balloons, or modern house flags for your back drop. It can be any theme you choose. Buy colorful candy from Sweet Services. Selections include sugar-free, fat-free, allergy-friendly, gluten-free, and kosher. Don’t forget to buy chocolate.

Science theme

Kids love to learn. Birthday parties are a perfect opportunity to tech them. Give each child a paper plate to write their name on. Give them each a square of chocolate. Be sure to have notepads and pencils for them to record their data. Have half of the kids place the chocolate (on the plates) in the shade. The other half should place them in the sun. Watch and record the chocolate every ten minutes. How long does it take the chocolate to melt? How long to become a liquid? Let the children place their plates in the refrigerator until it cools enough to eat.

Tornado in a bottle

While you are waiting, for the chocolate to change, show the kids how to make a tornado in a bottle. Here is how:

  1. Fill a clear plastic bottle with water until it is about three quarters full.
  2. Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
  3. Sprinkle in a few pinches of colored glitter so the tornados are easy to see.
  4. Put the cap on tightly.
  5. Turn the bottle upside down and hold it by the neck. Now spin the bottle in a circular motion for a few seconds. Stop spinning and look inside. You will see a mini tornado forming in the water.

Put on a show

It is very easy to help your little ones put on a show for the parents. All you need is a little room, music, and your imagination. This get’s even better if you can find a service like venue hire southampton, you can get a really nice size room, food, good audio all included, parking isn’t an issue, and you don’t have to worry about your best china being broken by roving little hands! You can teach them simple dance steps which they repeat or let them act out a play. As for costumes, there are a variety of options here.

Other themes

Here are a few other ideas for your unique party. You can find details online.

  • Vinegar volcano
  • Learn to make balloon animals with Balloon twisting tutorials
  • Vintage book theme (gather books from your local thrift store)
  • Indian village (use cardboard to make teepees and an adult supervised fire in a barbeque grill is great for roasting marshmallows

Use your creative abilities to make a party that shows things they are fond of. If your child is an animal lover, the invitation can include the guests to bring their pet. There is now right way or wrong way to have a party. Your child will never forget their birthday and neither will you.

One and Done with People Footwear

Recently the need for shoes has been hitting hard in my house.

My son has been wearing hand me downs for three years. I can literally count on my two hands how many times I’ve spent money on his wardrobe. It isn’t just because I am frugal. Kids, especially boys, are so destructive and always choose the naked option! Why waste money on clothes he constantly refuses to wear or soaks in spaghetti and mud simultaneously?

Speaking of destructive boys, the older they get the harder they are on their clothes. When my son recently hit size 8 shoes there was no shoes left in his hand me down box.

Sad day for this mama. Guess i’ll need to get some more wide fit shoes for women and let go of some of my current favorite comfy shoes for him?

As for my daughter, she has been struggling with the confidence to walk. Every time she falls its like she just gives up and resorts back to the “safety” of crawling.

So as spring approached I was on the hunt for shoes. As a frugal mama I was shocked at children shoe prices! It’s not the fact that quality shoes are expensive, I’ll pay to have shoes that are developing my children’s feet correctly. It’s the need for multiple pairs! You can never have enough shoes but if you do want to purchase some multiple use footwear then you should check out some Vessi footwear, they are 100% waterproof and extremely comfortable, you can wear them on any adventure which can be hot or cold – don’t have to worry about getting your shoes or your feet wet! You can get them in adult and children sizes. Children do need lots of shoes:

-Tennis shoes for parks with wood chips and mud, not to mention sports and bike riding.

-Breathable sandals for hot days outside that still protect toes.

-Pool/splash pad shoes that don’t cause blisters when wet.

-Dress shoes to complete that perfect outfit.

I turned to my penny pinching sister for advice. Her solution…People Footwear!

My sister said it was my 3 year old niece’s only pair of shoes. They were actually second hand bought, then lasted a whole year of use, and now will be handed down to her little sister! In addition, she already planned to buy the next size up for her daughter this spring.

Tell me more!

Who is People Footwear?

“People Footwear is ultra–light, supremely comfortable and perfect for doing whatever it is you do.”

Using innovative designs and materials People Footwear have crafted the perfect all occasion shoes. People Footwear has a vast variety of shoes to meet almost any style or age. Most importantly, all their shoes are engineered with their SkyLite EVA.

“EVA stands for ethylene vinyl acetate — a fancy word for rubberized foam. All of our shoes are made with our custom–engineered SkyLite™ EVA, a super light and shock–absorbent material. Our unique SuperCush™ sock liner (which molds to your foot) is also made of EVA because a lighter, cushier shoe makes for a happier you.”

It took everything in me to not add a pair of women’s shoes to my cart. They seriously looked so comfortable and stylish.

Like not just coolest mom on the playground stylish, but fashionista at the local cafe or bar.

However, I stayed focus and just nabbed two different designs for my little ones.

Connect with People Footwear

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The Slater Kids

The Slater Kids have the classic skateboarder slip-on look with People Footwear science.

The style is sleek yet practical. Despite the fun vibrant patterns to choose from, my son chose black. Probably having to do with his love for Batman. I did not attest, because remember these are his ONLY shoes for spring and summer. Black goes with everything and still maintains a clean look in-between washings.

The loafer look makes them stylish when I can occasionally get him to dress up while still having a youthful fear to fit everyday attire.

In addition, The Slater Kid’s footbed is lightweight yet extremely durable. These shoes protect and move like a tennis shoe. We found them great for the park and even riding his bike.

The Slater Kids are made with People Footwear’s fully-molded EVA Skylite upper with holes for maximum air-flow.

This means the perfect shoe for almost any environment. We tested his People Footwear at the local children’s museum. I watched him climb, run, jump, and get soaked in puddles and never once heard him complain or adjust his shoes. I love not having to worry about blisters, exposed toes getting stubbed, or shoes slipping off wet feet.

Laces free means my 3 year old son can QUICKLY put them on independently. Once they are on I know they are on. No adjusting velcro or tying laces!

Our People Footwear shoes fit with and without socks so wearing them into fall isn’t a problem.

The Ace Kids

I was in cuteness overload with People Footwear Ace Kids. These stylish faux lace slip ons were just what we needed.

The unisex style and colors almost convinced me to pick a neutral for future kids, but in the end I went full girl with a vibrant leopard print!

With an off white background and print of 4 bright colors and black, I knew my daughter could wear these with any outfit.

For a new walker I was adamant about flexible non clunky shoes. The Ace Kid’s footbed is made with the same durable lightweight design as the Slater Kids.

I love how The Ace Kids move with her feet and barely add any weight. She also is comfortable wearing her shoes with and without socks.

The tops are also made with People Footwear’s fully-molded Skylite EVA and air-flow holes. Again making these shoes great for heat, sweat, water, mud, and grass.

I knew my daughter’s shoes would help her keep up with her brother wherever he took his People Footwear.

There’s More!

People Footwear is not just a kid brand. They have a stylish collection for men and women as well. You can find sandals for warm sunny days, knit uppers for hard workouts, low tops for special occasions, and even boots to face the cold wet winter. There is a variety of shoes offered both in adult and kid sizes. Perfect for those adorably family matching days!


Anticipating one pair of shoes through two seasons means preparing to have weekly cleanings. People Footwear suggest cleaning shoes with a soft cloth or tooth bush. I used a Magic sponge and loved the result! We’ve already established wet People Footwear are still safe and comfortable, meaning freshly cleaned shoes can go directly back on feet. Or if you have a wild son like me, you can choose to hose down shoes and kids all at once.

So as you approach this spring with excitement for warmer weather and days of play outside, you can forget the shoe chase. People Footwear has you covered with shoes that are perfect for all occasions, all outfits, and almost any environment. These quality shoes save your budget and time by being your kids’ one and done pair of shoes. Now that is something to be excited about!

Burp Cloths for Mama’s on the Go

Anyone who’s had babies of their own or who has been around babies knows how important it is to have burp cloths on hand.

Whether you’re in the living room, nursery, at the store, grandmas house, or even in the car; burp cloths are an absolute must.

And lets face it, you can’t just have any old burp cloth.


You need a burp cloth that is absorbent and large. One that fits well on your shoulder and won’t fall off. And it’s a plus if the burp cloth is cute. Am I right?!

Well lucky for us (and you!), we found the perfect burp cloths!



Little Iguana Mama stay put burp cloths are seriously the most perfect burp cloth you’ll find on the market right now.

With the multitude of features the cloth offers, there aren’t many other cloths that can top it!



We love Little Iguana Mama for a number of reasons, but the main reason is because they are a fellow Cleveland small business! Yay Cleveland!

Becki, the owner and founder of Little Iguana Mama, constantly found herself scrambling and searching for a burp cloth and often times not getting one quick enough. She (like any mom) would forget where she put the burp cloth in her house, creating quite the dilemma when needing one. Not only that but she was always digging through the diaper bag looking for the burp cloth.

All this led her to create the Little Iguana Mama burp cloth, named after her son who’s nickname is ‘little iguana’. [Seriously so adorable!] Creating the burp cloths gave an effective solution for many of the problems we face with an everyday, run of the mill burp cloth.


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I love that the cloth is made from triple layer flannel. It is so soft and absorbent. I haven’t experienced the cloth being wet enough to soak through both sides! Yay for keeping mom and dad’s shirts clean and dry.





On the underside of the burp cloth there is a clip that clips to your shirt right at your shoulder. This clip is perfect for feeding, allowing you to easily move baby to the shoulder for breaks and for burping. The clip is also super helpful in that the burp cloth doesn’t move while your holding and carrying baby around. This burp cloth is seriously a stay-put cloth!




The contoured shape of the burp cloth is one of my favorite features. This shape perfectly lays on your shoulder and around your neck for a great, snug fit. The Little Iguana Mama burp cloth is much longer than the average burp cloth too. These features help keep it from falling off your shoulder and ensure that there will be no more spit up going on half of the burp cloth and half on your shirt.



On the end of the burp cloth is a ribbon with a clip attached to the end. This clip is great for a multitude of purposes. Use it to keep the cloth easily accessible while out and about. Clip it to the diaper bag, infant carrier, or stroller. You can also use the ribbon clip to wrap around the outside of the cloth after rolling it like a burrito. Perfect for easy access and storage!



The ribbon clip creates good alternative uses too.

One suggestion that Little Iguana Mama gives is clipping this ribbon clip to the burp cloth itself while the cloth hangs on your shoulder. This will ensure safety for your child, as a clip won’t be hanging from ribbon. Doing this will also create more weight on the burp cloth preventing further movement of the cloth while it’s on your shoulder!


We have been putting the burp cloth around my sons neck and using it as a bib. It’s perfect to catch spit up or, like we use for my son, to catch drool. If doing this I recommend only doing so while you are in the same room and you’re watching your child. Always want to be extra safe with our littles!



Seriously mama’s, these Little Iguana Mama burp cloths are one of the best cloths I’ve found on the market. I love that I can find our burp cloths now because of the ribbon clip. I can keep them in places I need without them falling onto the floor! The length of the cloth, the underside clip, and the weight of the ribbon clip keep the burp cloth from falling off of my shoulder – a serious life savor.


But most of all I love that Little Iguana Mama is a fellow Cleveland, Ohio brand. We love supporting our local companies!

Check out their website and give them some love!!

Baltic Amber: Nature’s Teething Remedy

I come from a long line of “naturalist”. My own mother grew up in the “hippie generation”, after all, and that meant that a lot of her views, at home and around the world, were rooted in “back to basics” and natural remedies. You could even say that that I was nurtured by nature. This “crunchy” mindset followed me into adulthood and eventually into motherhood.

My household was covered in natural products. From my cleaning supplies, to my toiletries, even my ingredients were organic or homegrown and found straight from nature. When my son hit the infamous teething milestone, I knew that I wanted to keep his remedies as close to nature as possible. I had a lot of questions about teething like “can teething cause vomiting?” Of course, I went to my mom for answers and suggestions.

She told me about how she used amber stones on our cheeks and foreheads when we started teething. Even coming from my background, I felt this was a little far-fetched and would be hard to sell to my husband. Still, my mom swore by it, and raising seven kids gets you some credibility. I went straight to google to look up amber in correlation with teething.

Baltic Amber gets its name from the sea it’s located near and is harvested from the conifer trees in the area. The sap is collected and the resin (which can also be bought at the website) is separated and made into amber. The amber made in this area is known to have the highest traces of succinic acid in amber today, amounting to a whopping 8%, 4% higher than other ambers.

What is succinic acid? Succinic acid is the component responsible for relieving your babies swollen gums, but also is responsible for curing many other ailments. For centuries, European and Asian cultures have used amber to cure many things such as headaches, muscle and joint aches, and even mood disorders. This is because succinic acid acts like an anti-inflammatory, helping relieve muscle aches, swollen gums, and menstrual cramps, among other things.

Amber is also packed full of antioxidants, which aide in boosting your immunity. Recently, therapist have started suggesting amber necklaces for patients who experience anxiety or situational depression. With amber boasting so many medicinal benefits, why wouldn’t it be mother nature’s #1 recommendation?

Amber comes in a variety of colors, ranging from light lemonades to richer cherries. Color hardly means anything on its own, but when debating over raw vs polished, you’ll want to consider who and what you’re buying it for. Many suggestions advise getting a polished necklace if purchasing for infants or children. This is because raw beads can be too irritating for a young child’s skin due to the porous surface of the bead. However, if purchasing for yourself or another adult, a raw necklace may be best.

Amber works when it’s heated by the body, allowing the resin to seep through the surface and into the bloodstream. Lighter colors, such as your lemons or honeys contain more succinic acid, which would be best if considering a polished bead. If purchasing a raw bead, your darker colors such as deep honeys and rich cherries would be adequate.

My son has been wearing his amber teething necklace from for a few months now. Right away we noticed he was drooling less, and after about a week we noticed that his cranky spells and nights spent crying had decreased. Amber saved my sanity and brought back my spunky, happy baby back. It’s definitely worth a try! If you find that amber isn’t working and your baby is really struggling, then perhaps you should take them to the dentist, just to check there are no underlying issues. If you are in California you may want to try this Dentist Santa Monica – I’ve heard they are great with young children and babies. However, this should be a last resort, and I suggest you make amber your first port of call. I even purchased an amber necklace for myself! Alternatively, you can try consulting the piedmont dentistry in harrisburg. My mother was right. Amber was and still is nature’s best advice!

Hamsters In A House


My son, who is 4 years old, talks about hamsters every day.  Hamsters are a cool pet that he see’s tons of YouTube kids owning. He thinks they are the coolest animal and wants one SO bad   —-   and that is not ever going to happen!


I will not be spending my days cleaning out a hamster cage, smelling them and worrying about them getting loose, or worse – my cats getting one!


While I love my son, I cannot handle a real hamster, but Hamster in A House is the perfect compromise.


Hamster in a House is a super exciting toy series by Zuru, one of my top favorite toy makers.  These small, almost tiny, hamsters are battery operated to move around in a speedy and silly fashion.  You can collect all the hamsters, their playset’s and add on’s.


The 3 sets I will be showing you are from the Food Frenzy series!



There are 11 Hamsters to collect – each with a different color and attitude. Like Crumbs, he loves the grill and who never leaves left overs behind, but maybe a few crumbs! Or Honey (my sons favorite), who loves picnics and is sweet as honey.


Hamster in a House is now available at Target

Ham’s Burger Diner


Watch your Hamsters scoot, zoom and scurry around Ham’s Burger Diner. Kids can drop in the tiny foods (included) through the roof of the diner, and watch them spin around and drop down into a grocery cart. Then set your hamster behind the cart to zoom around the track. They can watch the hamster deliver food to patrons in the dining area, or just keep riding the track.


Each Hamster in a House set is compatible with the corresponding Hamster in a House sets – so you can create a huge track for them to wiggle though.




The Snack Shack


The Snack Shack is the perfect addition to your Hamster in a House collection.

It is petite and adorable!

It comes with 3 track pieces which can be used with all the other Hamster in a House tracks – making for even more fun. My kids love to build different tracks and create new paths for their Hamsters to run through.


The little house has 2 entry points with one gate like door. You can stop the Hamsters from going through by closing the door.



Picnic Basket Boogie


This is my favorite add on for the Hamster in a House Food Frenzy series


You get a little picnic image that your Hamster can sit down and enjoy a lovely picnic meal at.  It comes with a special basket cart that your Hamster can sit under and push as it boogies along.


Includes several small plastic food pieces to use with any of the Hamster in a House sets.


Click here to find this product at your local Toys R Us



Spring Into Fun $250 Giveaway

We could all use a little extra money, either by way of gold old cash or an Amazon Gift card. Here’s your chance to pick your prize! A group of amazing bloggers have gotten together to bring our wonderful readers a great prize. One lucky winner will have the chance at $250 Paypal Cash (USD) or Amazon Gift Card, Their choice! So head below for your chance to win!

Giveaway is open to WorldWide and ends on 4/8 at 11:59pm EST! Must be 18+ to enter. Prize will be paid in USD.

Good luck!



Disclosure: All opinions are 100% mine. This giveaway is in no way associated with, sponsored, administered, or endorsed by Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest or any other social media network. All opinions and experiences are Conservamom‘s. Open World Wide , must be 18+. Confirmed Winner(s) will be contacted through email and have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be drawn. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The sponsor will be responsible for product fulfillment to winner(s) of the giveaway. The disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. For questions or to see your product featured in an Event you can contact Elia At Conservamom

Kids Digital Video Camera Giveaway

Sponsored By: Top9Rated

Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy

Co-Hosted By:
MomJunky, InezbyDesign, KinklessParenting Healthy, Pellerini, and FROG Reviews and Ramblings is running a giveaway that appeals to all kids!
The prize is a Kids Digital Video Camera with the ability to record video and take images!
Huge, old digital cameras are a thing of the past. The PowPro is designed especially for kids, with it’s rough and ready design, it can withstand the heavy hand of any child. Enable your kids to create a new chapter of their lives by recording vacations or events from their eyes. Download the video onto your computer for amusement in 10 years time!  

Winner Will Receive:

Powpro Pro DVC-7CAM Kids Digital Video Camera with Ergonomic Design! ($36.99 RV)

Additional Digital Video Camera Information:
Powpro kids digital camera comes with three replaceable batteries, and it will automatically turn off without any operation to preserve battery life. Comes with built-in photo frames, an ergonomic design (making it easy to carry and portable to use), and can support an external SD card up 32G (not included). Intended for ages 3 to 9 years. 

Open To US & Canada entries and must be 18+ to enter
Giveaway Dates ~ 3/22 9:00 AM EST through 4/14 11:59PM EST
Disclosure: Love, Mrs. Mommy and all participating bloggers are not held responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations. This giveaway is in no way endorsed or sponsored by Facebook or any other social media site. The winner will be randomly drawn by Giveaway Tools and will be notified by email. Winner has 48 hours to reply before a replacement winner will be drawn. If you would like to participate in an event like this please contact LoveMrsMommy (at) gmail (dot) com.

Bible Belles Deborah Giveaway


Hop Runs 3/21 – 4/4 EST


Enter for your chance to win (1) copy of Deborah: The Belle of Leadership Book



Welcome to the Smile. Sparkle. Shine. Giveaway Hop brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers!

Hosted By: Mama’s Geeky & Women and Their Pretties

Each giveaway has a value of a minimum of $15, however some are worth much more. Be sure to enter to win all of them because there is no limit to how many you can win. GOOD LUCK!

If you’re a blogger looking to connect with brands: Join The Hopping Bloggers database and get started today!
If you’re a brand looking to work with a network of professional bloggers: Check out the creative campaigns The Hopping Bloggers has to offer!

Easter Basket Gift Ideas with I See Me!


We all love candy and sweets on holidays like Easter, but parents want to give real Personalisiertes Geschenk, or personalized gifts. It is a tricky task to find ones that are so useful, ones that can be enjoyed throughout the year. It can be hard to come up with gift ideas, however, which is why many websites exist with pre-made lists to help us think ahead.

This Easter make the smart choice and give the gift of personalized games and books from I See Me!

I See Me! is one of MamatheFox’s favorite brands. Their collection of gifts and books is always growing and and changing. They make personalized gifts so easy that you will be going back for more over and over again.

They allow you to add a picture of your child to some of their book – which is thrilling to my children. When they see their own faces, and the faces of their loved ones on a book, they are more engulfed into the message and listen more intently. The personalized images make them feel special, important and loved.

My 2 top picks for your children’s Easter Basket this year are brand new products from I See Me! The Our Family’s Race Across the USA board game and the My Little Love Bug and Love Notes set

The Our Family’s Race Across the USA board game

This is a super exciting new board game that is sure to make your family full of joy. You can create up to 6 personalized player game pieces with photos of your family. MamatheFox has a family of 4, so we have 2 other character faces that were provided to give us the full 6 player set of pieces.

My kids are 4 years old and 5 years old and are very much into games right now. They love to play games every day. Since adding in Our Family’s Race Across the USA into the rotation I am not minding playing along.

The game board folds open to show a colorful, wiggly path which you must travel on to get to the final destination, Washington D.C! As you move along your family will see their own names incorporated throughout the board, which is wonderful for preschoolers learning to read, write and spell their own names.

You move by picking up little cards which display either 1 or 2 colored squares, which are the same option of colors in the board, moving along the path towards the end. Some fun images are mixed in with the colored square, which can allow you to move to different areas on the board as you select them.

If your child likes games like Candyland and Shoots and Ladders, then this is the perfect new game for your house.

At only $29.99, this makes the most exciting personalized gift you may ever buy!

The My Little Love Bug and Love Notes set

The Love Note set is the most entertaining way to leave notes for your school ages child in their lunchbox! Each week I try to remember to write a little note on a napkin and place it in their lunchbox. Letting them know I love them, Jesus loves them and a reminder to be a super great kid at school. With these pre-made, and personalized Love Notes, I can simply place one in their lunch box. I love how easy they are to use and my kids love how the feeling they get when they see a personalizes note, with their face on it, in their lunchbox!

Each note is on a 4×6 card and (as long as they are kept clean) can be reused over and over again.

The Loves Notes set also comes with a the Little Lovebug book. The book can be personalized with up to two names, which is great for our family as we have only 2 children. The book includes their names and photos, showing them how much you love them.

The other half of this set is a custom book “Out Little Lovebugs”

This book can have two different children included in the story. Both parents are also featured as characters, truly giving this book a family feel. When I showed this book to my 4 year old son his eyes popped open wide and his grin when ear to ear! He was thrilled to see his face and name on the front cover. When we started to read the story and he saw his mom and dad’s face in the pictures along with his sister he was ecstatic!! He would point to our faces and announce who it was as each page was turned.

This book is more of a Valentine’s Day theme, but can be loved and enjoyed all year round.

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Four Tips for Aspiring Mom Bloggers

Being a mother–or father–is both insanely challenging and one of the most incredible achievements a person can have in their lifetime. And whether you’re a soon-to-be mom pregnant with her first child or you’re a busy mama going through your fifth adoption process in need of a good night’s sleep, there is insight, humor, and struggles that only you in your specific situation could possibly explain. If you need an outlet to destress and work through some of the experiences you’ve had on your journey of motherhood while also prioritizing some much deserved time for self-care, starting a blog is a great way to begin. You may not be clued in on some of the more intricate details of writing a blog, such as designing a website, but I’m sure you’ll pick it up. You might use a program such as WordPress to design your blog, and for that you might want to take a look at some wordpress hosting options and WordPress coupon code. Here are some other key tips to remember during the process.

Pinpoint Your Interest and Stick to It

Even when a person becomes a parent, they do not lose the person they were before. Sure, you may have a little less time for your own personal health and wellness routine right off the bat or you may feel overwhelmed with the new responsibilities of parenthood, but the “you” who has always been there does not simply cease to exist. Try to tap back into your sense of who you are and your personal passions to figure out the focus of your new blog. While a blog does not need to have an incredibly narrow focus, it’s helpful to identify a potential blogging category that you enjoy, such as a blog about cooking or about being a professional woman with children. Finding your niche will help attract a base of followers who are consistently interested in what you have to say and will keep coming back to your blog for more.

Do It for Yourself

While there are not necessarily any “bad” reasons to start a blog, beginning purely for monetary gain is not the best incentive for a blogging journey. And while maintaining a specific financial situation can be integral to raising a family, money should not be the number one goal in this endeavor. When you find the right web hosting provider through a company like HostiServer, you are well on your way to launching your blog for pretty much the whole world to see. When you have something like this in mind, the idea of money shouldn’t be at the forefront of your mind. Doing something like blogging should initially start from a passion and if you do end up making money from it, that’s a bonus. Perhaps the most important reason to start a blog as a mother is that it is something for you. If you really enjoy writing and find it rewarding or therapeutic to designate time for your blog and prioritize your own desires and needs–even if just for an hour a day or an afternoon a week–then blogging might be a perfect option for you. Tap into the things that motivate you the most and use those incentives as fuel if you hit road bumps or writers block. Create a space you love in your home that is special for you and fill it with things that make you happy. Indulge. If you aren’t writing for yourself, maintaining a blog will not add anything positive to your life.

Consistency Is Key

As with all things, you can’t expect good to blossom from the blogging experience if you do not put in the effort on a regular basis. It is essential to stay consistent and post blog entries regularly for you to build and maintain a follower base that is interested in what you have to say and will turn to you as a resource when they have questions or need some help within your area of expertise. For instance, if you are really inspired by fashion and style and the focus of your blog is how to stay fashionable as a busy mom with little extra time, other folks who stumble upon your blog will remember you if you post regularly. But if your followers check back week to week and the latest post is still titled “Child-Friendly Jewelry and Accessories“, there’s a good chance they’ll stop returning to your blog. If posting every week is unrealistic for your life, shoot for every other week. But once you figure out a schedule that works, stick to it. Staying motivated to posting on your blog is also very important as if you are not in a position where you want to post content, your audience will be able to see it in your writing. Many people take part in various exercises or activities in order to find new ideas or refresh their mind on what to write about. Some people may get Psychic Readings done for them as they create a positive mindset which can, in turn, create positive content for their blog. Be sure to take part in various activities, you never know you may be able to write about some of them for your blog!

Technical Skills Do Actually Matter

Make your high school English teacher proud. While blogs are usually a pretty casual environment where grammar is not as heavily scrutinized as it would be in a professional or academic setting, using correct vocabulary, grammar, and spelling says more about who you are than any topic you discuss on your blog. Put your best foot forward and take the time to review some basic writing techniques if you need a refresher. There are plenty of easily accessible online games and educational programs that are designed specifically to exercise those writing muscles. Even if you consider yourself a skilled writer and a well-spoken individual, reviewing some basics can drastically shift the success of your blog in a positive direction.

Use Technology To Help

Where possible, use software to help your blog grow. For example, you might want to source an email service provider such as Sendgrid or an email marketing software like MailChimp. These will allow you to market your blog and have a better interaction with readers without you having to put the long hours in. Whilst on the topic of better interaction, a customer relationship management (CRM) software could be very useful too. As much as we bloggers like to reply to people in person, it’s not always possible and a CRM software could save the day. There are plenty out there, but the two best are compared here – zendesk vs freshdesk – so take a look. It will help you to grow your blog without working 24 hours a day!