Tag: workout

Stamina Giveaway

Hosted by: MamatheFox.com

Co-Hosted By: Mama Banana’s Adventures and Sonya’s Happenings

Sponsored by: Stamina Products Inc.

Enter for your chance to win: (1) Stamina 36 lb Adjustable Kettle Versa-Bell

Open to: US

Stamina: Stamina has been making innovative and affordable gym equipment since 1987. Their greatest achievement has been bringing affordable pilates reformers into home gyms. Sometimes building home gyms is so much better than going to a gym because it means that you don’t have any excuses to not work out and also you can feel more comfortable within your own environment. Working out from home is more attractive to some people than working out in a public gym as they can tailor their workouts just for them. In a public gym, you can’t control how busy it is, or sometimes even what time you can go. You also can’t control smaller elements of your workout, such as how warm or cool you like the room. With a home gym with your own air conditioning, perhaps tuned by a company you can visit at www.summersphc.com/fort-wayne/services/cooling/ac-tune-up/ or a similar website, you can control your own gym temperature and tailor it to your workout needs. Things as simple as this aren’t as easy to control in a public space, which is what makes a home gym so attractive. Furthermore, when you don’t have people watching you it can make you feel less self-concsious and able to push yourself further and past the limits. Also, it is very easy to bring in personal trainers or instructors and have your own PT class every week, which will again keep the motivation and allow you to be reaching your goals quicker than you possibly would have done at a regular public gym.

As shown there are a wide variety of products that are available to purchase for your home gym so you can get used to the equipment and learn how to be a pro at an exercise you are accomplishing.

Stamina‘s mission is to make consistently quality products while having superior honest customer service.

Read more about Stamina Products here

Find the Stamina 36 lb Adjustable Kettle Versa-Bell on Amazon!

Find the right (FIT)ness with Stamina

One of the hardest things for my husband to leave in China was his Crossfit community at our international school. He had helped his friends establish a box and their little “family” grew into a school wide love for Crossfit. Even the kids loved joining in, and ever since my son could walk he has mimicked his dad doing overhead squats and burpies. The team encouraged each other daily to live healthy lives and push themselves to set and exceeded personal records.


So when we left for America he knew there would be an adjustment. Our biggest problem was knowing we wouldn’t be able to afford a membership for him to join a Crossfit box. Our other option was joining the local rec, but we didn’t like the idea of our kids not watching us workout. Not to mention, the time and effort it takes to travel to and from a gym after a full days work.

In the end we decided we would build a garage gym and my husband could workout at home, using a suspension trainer which is fun. The coolest part was watching him teach and encourage his family to try out Crossfit. Within weeks he had built a new Crossfit community with his brothers, parents, and sister in law. We bought a variety of other equipment too, for example, the best elliptical machines, so that it replicated a real gym as closely as possible and so that we could all enjoy it together with activities that best suited all our abilities.

The only problem was affording and outfitting a box to accommodate a number of people. One of our biggest needs was finding a way to do pull ups and dips. We looked like a super family jogging down to the local playground and doing pull ups on the monkey bars. That system quickly got exhausting and would soon become impossible when the weather changed.

That’s when we found our perfect fit for our fitness routine with Stamina!

Who is Stamina?

Stamina is a team of focused exercise enthusiasts dedicated to making quality equipment. With innovative and affordable products, Stamina enter the fitness world with a boom in 1987. You can shop Stamina in the boutique studio market as well as big distributors such as Walmart, Amazon, and QVC. Their overall mission is to bring effective communication, consistency, superior service, and honest marketing to their customers.

Stamina truly works to build a healthier and stronger you by providing a huge selection of quality exercise and wellness equipment. They pretty much cover it all! From AeroPilates, outdoor fitness, strength training, physical therapy, crossfit, and even office fitness, Stamina can provide quality products to meet your exercise area.

AeroPilates Stamina|X wirk Back Health Outdoor

Purchasing is also made easy with wonderful customer care. Their website provides a live chat, call, and email to discuss your stamina products. Even better yet, shipping is free and you can return your purchase within 30 days of delivery. Stamina’s website provides resources such as videos and educational pages to help breakdown the benefits and features of each equipment category. With your fitness goal in mind, Stamina can guide you towards a perfect match. Stamina is a customer focused team that works to equip you with the right quality products to make a healthier you.


With a strong desire to build a Crossfit home gym we were looking for equipment that was versatile and exercised the whole body. Stamina Power Tower with VKR was a convenient and simple solution for the garage gym.

A basic, but sturdy stand, fit perfect in our garage and was only 76 lbs; light enough to move around our yard. During summer days my husband can easily move the tower to the driveway by himself. During the winter, it is small enough to be used in our garage. We did have an issue with the springs in our garage which was a little annoying but if you click here, you can find a great company who does repairs. The only downside to it being so light weight is heavier people can experience some wiggling, especially during pull ups. My pipsqueak sister in law never had a problem, however my 200olbs+ husband got some shaking when trying to race the clock on pull ups. We all agreed the integrity wasn’t lost nor anyone felt unsafe, and a simple solution was made with sandbags on the base.

The Stamina Power Tower provides multiple workout stations to sculpt and strengthen the entire body. It allows us to have minimal equipment in our garage and fits in our outfitting budget.

  • Tricep Dip Station:

  • Pull-Up Bar with multiple grip positions

  • Push-Up Station

  • Sit-Up Station

  • Vertical Knee Raise Station

Key Features

The tower is made with a solid steel frame that is durable and can withstand up to 250lbs. Comfotable pads that are easy to clean are added for the VKR station so you can focus on technique and endurance rather than unnecessary pain.

All workout points include secure foam hand grips for comfort. They are firm enough that grabbing isn’t compromised but giving enough to prevent blisters.

If you’ve ever done Crossfit, you know blisters become some weird induction into the family. #braggingrights

The manual provides a guide on how to best use the power tower. Included is conditioning guidelines, warm-ups and cool-downs, and workout instructions with pictures.

The Stamina Power Tower also worked well with two people at a time. It helped us conveniently plan stations in order to share our equipment when multiple people were in the WOD (work out of the day.)

At MamatheFox we love to encourage healthy living. We appreciate Stamina’s mission to provide innovative and affordable equipment so everyone can live a healthier life. Overall, we were extremely pleased with our first Stamina purchase. The convince of this versatile power tower made our garage gym less cluttered without sacrificing a full body workout. The light weight made it easy to transport and use year round. No matter what your workout routine is, we encourage you to check out Stamina products and see what they have to offer!

Do you have a gym in your home? If so, there is a good chance you might have considered investing in an infrared sauna. Saunas have been used for thousands of years and can help people to unwind and relax after a workout. Studies seem to show that using a sauna might have other health benefits too. However, when buying a sauna, your health and safety need to come first. Matt has the best sauna reviews for low emf brands so take a look if you are on the lookout for a sauna for your home gym.

Keep an eye out over the next two weeks for a chance to win another Stamina favorite product!

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Empower Fitness Giveaway

Now that the holidays are over, most of us are feeling pretty sluggish! I know I added a few pounds back on after eating all those potatoes, cookies and rich foods. Now that the New Years is here, it’s time to put our foot down, and then pick it up again by getting our workouts going! Empower Fitness has a super fun new Boxing Boot Camp that you are going to love!

Enter to win (1) Boxing Boot Camp by Empower Fitness valued at $50!

Welcome to the A Fresh Start Giveaway Hop hosted by MamatheFox! Get the New Year started with a chance to win some fun new prizes! Be sure to come back for your daily entries to increase your chances of winning! Good Luck


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MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Empower – 12 Rounds Boxing Boot Camp


Empower, just like the name says, seeks to empower women day to day. The company wants women to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin – inside and out. They offer products and services that allow women to be [and feel] happy, healthy, and strong.

Their website is filled with many products, services, and resources that motivate and inspire women to keep active and not give up on their goals. Fun products that actually get results will keep you fit and energized; just what every mom needs! Check out their Inspiration page for many tips, resources, and even recipes that will help you stay fit and reach the health you desire.

“The spirit of Empower lies within the Hummingbird. She’s resilient and powerful, joyful and beautiful, playful, independent and strong. The hummingbird may be tiny but she’s mighty and she never gives up. So don’t let this tiny bird fool you!”

All of the Empower workout programs can be done at home – or anywhere! I have heard that people like to use free-standing punching bags as part of their extended exercise program that they have covered here at Review Loft if you’re interested in expanding your knowledge on the subject. But I digress. For the busy mom who is running around all day and doesn’t have time to go exercise at the gym, their programs are for you. Do them in the living room, outside, or in your child’s playroom; working out just got a whole lot easier. So, cancel your gym membership and check out Empower’s line of products and programs. All of the workout programs and products they offer are unique, fun ways to exercise, so take a look!

12 Rounds Boxing Bootcamp

The 12 Rounds Boxing Bootcamp is a fun, alternative way to get a great workout during your week. This full – body cardio workout is boxing inspired and will get you toned with every punch you make. Challenge yourself and relieve stress as you box with professional female boxer Jaime “the Hurricane” Clampitt. Empower teamed up with Striking Beauties to create this fitness system that gets you in the zone. Being in the zone and getting motivated to participate in a boxing workout is such a good mindset to have, fitness success is impressive and it is also good for your health, relieving the stress of both your mind and body.


I have never done a boxing workout before so this was a completely new experience for me. Before getting started I read all the material and watched all the videos on the DVD to have a better idea of what I was getting myself into. Doing this stretched my workout to about one hour, but after you watch the videos and get thorough one workout you can finish the whole system in just 30 minutes. Isn’t that great?!


The DVD has an instructional video that teaches its users all the boxing moves that will be used throughout the workout. This was my favorite aspect of the system. I am glad that they took the time to create this portion because this was all new to me. I wanted to understand and practice the boxing moves before doing the whole workout so I didn’t hurt myself. I recommend that everyone watches this instructional video. It’s important when doing any workout that you understand the exercises and do them correctly to prevent any future injuries.


The System includes:

(1) comfort jump rope

(1) sand filled 6 pound toning ball

(2) weighted gloves (1 pound each)

(1) 12 Rounds DVD

(1) workout guide

Click Here to buy the 12 Rounds Boxing Bootcamp

Use the discount code – 25EMPBBC – for 50% off!

The 12 rounds system is perfect for people of all boxing levels. Their convenient levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced allow for anyone to use the system. There are three women in the video, each at a different boxing level. If you are more intermediate, watch the woman on the right; if you’re a beginner (like me) then you watch the woman on the left. The system also shows the difference between a right handed and left handed person when boxing.

After doing the workout I felt great. The results are fast but for anyone worried about the possibility of excess skin which is often left behind when you lose weight quickly, there is always the option of tummy tuck surgery to help you enjoy your new figure. So, don’t let this be a reason not to make the most of such an effective weight loss solution. You can tell that it works because after this workout my body was completely sore and I really felt like every muscle was used. I felt the most sore in my arms which makes perfect sense because I was boxing! The different rounds are almost like 12 different workouts. Some rounds are fast, and some are slow, but you use your whole body for each of them. The full workout really pushed me and allowed me to challenge myself. Now when I do the workout I try and go one step further and beat how many punches I did the last time I used the system. It’s great to set small goals for yourself and try to reach them with each time you use the system.

I really can attest to how great this 12 Rounds Boxing Bootcamp is. The full – body workout in just 30 minutes is so perfect for my busy days. I love that I can accomplish my exercising in my living room with my son playing or sleeping. It saves time by not needing to drive to the gym which is something I really enjoy about the system. Try the Boxing Bootcamp, you will not be disappointed!

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