Tag: Lil Helper

My Favorite Lil Helper

Do you know what I love? When a company I already love continues to strive for innovation and perfection!

Lil Helper cloth diapers have my Fluff Love heart.

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I could write a whole article on why Lil Helper Cloth Diapers but I feel they’ve already make a pretty good case on their website.

But If you want the short version:

Almost 3 years ago MamatheFox did a review on Lil Helper. Two years later I started experimenting with cloth diapers and got all of MamatheFox’s hand-me-downs. I was given one Lil Helper diaper and immediately I wanted more! I loved the fit, bamboo inserts, and system of using the liner multiple times.

Which how awesome is it that I fell in love with a second hand diaper!

It definitely sheds light on the life span of Lil Helper and their quality.

Recently Lil Helper upped their fluff game and not only made their diapers even more dependable, which I didn’t think was possible, but also started making a variety of products for all babies, not just cloth diapered.


Charcoal Cloth Diaper

Now sometimes it is scary when a company you love makes changes. There is definitely hesitation and sometimes resistance from us stubborn folks. If it ain’t broken why fit it right?

However, I also highly appreciate companies always trying to be better. Lil Helper engineered a beloved cloth diaper that is working great, yet they stay diligent to keep up with technology and assure customers they are providing the best. Lil Helper recently redesigned their diapers to have a higher back.

It definitely gives my very tall daughter extra coverage and protection, while still fitting close to her body comfortably. She is a very active toddler that is always on the move…or climb. With a higher back I feel her bum stays in and all the nastiness can’t come out.


As for the rest of the diaper, it has all the same great features Lil Helper promises.

Each diaper comes with 2 inserts that attach to the diaper cover with snaps. There are two reasons I love this feature so much. First because the chore of “stuffing” cloth diapers is eliminated. Snapping inserts in a diaper is very quick and self explanatory. I have no worries if the insert is wrinkled or if wiggly baby girl is going to displace the insert and have a mega leak. Secondly, laundry is so much easier. I don’t have to fear reaching into the dark pee filled diaper cave to separate diaper from insert.

Oh and my favorite reason (which I guess makes 3 reasons)…

My husband voluntarily does diaper laundry, and I let him! He has a strong distaste for pulling out inserts and I have a mini panic micromanaging attack every time he tries to help stuff diapers. Since Lil Helper is so user friendly he happily unsnaps diapers for washing and perfectly assembles diapers for wearing.

Day made!

Lil Helper has a variety of diaper inserts that meet the needs of your cloth diapering preferences. And of course, all their inserts are interchangeable with Lil Helper’s adorable diaper shells. From bright solid colors, to playful graphic prints, you are sure to find a style to match your little fashionista.

Cloth Wipes

Now I have to admit I am still working on my reusable cloth wipe game. I go back and forth on whether or not I’m sold on the idea. Lil Helpers sells a 4 pack of two layer bamboo cotton/micro-fleece wipes. They are made with same great quality and materials as their diapers. I loved the size and absorbency of the wipes and was especially impressed with how soft they’ve stayed after multiple washes. The super soft wipes are so gentle on baby’s bums and have multiple uses. I’ve used them for wiping noses, bath time, and sticky hand clean up. The affordable pack of 4 would make an excellent gift for any mama whether they cloth wipe or not.


Reversible Bandana Bibs

A new addition to Lil Helper’s collection is bandana bibs! If you have a baby then you definitely have drool problems. With three gender neutral prints, these adjustable bibs are perfect for any baby, or dog!

I have also been a big user on baby bandanas because they keep my little one fashionable while still fulfilling their purposes. In the winter bandanas are a great layer of warmth and protection where a coat might not cover.

A waterproof layer is sewed in-between the printed cotton and micro-fleece, keeping kids dry all day. I especially liked the soft micro-fleece option when my kids are sick. As gross as it may sound, I’ve caught a lot of snot with the fleece side. It is soft on their skin and easily assessable. As moms know, there is about a two second gap between a runny nose and kids doing something disgusting with their snot!


During that wonderful stage when babies leave their mouth open and the drool pours out by the gallon (how can one child hold that much liquid!?) bandana bibs save laundry and the hassle of changing shirts. They are also great during teething when again it seems like the drool is never ending.


Bamboo Change Mat

Another great addition to the Lil Helper collection is their organic Bamboo Change Mats. If you enjoy Lil Helper diapers then you will also love their bamboo change mat. It’s huge area of 86cm X 91cm can be used in a crib or spread out on a toddler’s bed.

Made with only the best fabric, this mat is pesticide, bleach, BPA, leads and heavy metal free. The medical grade waterproof material sandwiched between the layers of bamboo absorbs 10 time its weight in water. The bamboo/cotton on both sides is organic and provides soft cushioning.

We’ve used this mat for multiple uses such as a play mat, sleeping area, a cushion, and a protective layer in a hard travel crib before we got our and pack n play mattress. We also used it to protect my couch when my son had the flu.

For easy cleaning pop this pre-washed mat in the washer and even finish off in the dryer! This multi-use Bamboo Mat is an essential for bed time, diaper changes, and on the go.

So wether you are a cloth diapering expert or looking for the perfect baby accessories, I highly encourage you to check out Lil Helpers high quality products. Their witty website will have you laughing while also providing you with any answer or resource needed for fluff love mamas!

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Lil Helper Cloth Diaper Giveaway

Lil Helper Cloth Diaper Giveaway

Read the full review here

Lil Helpers are All-In-2 cloth diapers made by rocket scientist….seriously

Lil Helpers has a niche on the charcoal insert market. They have a sleekest reusable liners and have adorable diaper designs. Now they are offering a 4 pack of diapers WITH a pack of their Bamboo Stay Dry Liners at a discounted price of $59.95 with free shipping in the US! That is a 40% savings! Limit of 3 per per household.

One lucky reader will win one of these super packages valued at $101.79!


This giveaway is co-hosted by:
Opinions of One, LeahSays’s Views, Green Grandma & Mom Junky

with additional help by:

The Anti-June Cleaver, Everything Mommyhood, Tales From a Southern Mom, Mama Banana Adventures, Peyton’s Penny Pinching Momma, Latched On Mom, Here We Go Again…Ready?, Life of a Navy Nuke Wife, Pink Heart String

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Lil Helper Diapers Review

Lil Helper Diapers Review

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These are AI2 (All-In-2) Cloth Diapers

Who is Lil Helper

Diapers designed by rocket scientists….seriously though, they are.

What really appeals to me about Lil Helper diapers is how relatable of a company they are. Lil Helpers is owned and run by two guys (Mohammad and Nader) who met in college and are quiet literally rocket scientists (that’s aerospace engineering to be more specific). My husband is a scientist (biologist something about DNA) who now works in telecom; a completely different field. What they have in common is this: the brains to make me feel like Penny from Big Bang Theory and the ability to make me laugh like a little school girl. Mohammad & Nader are dedicated, intelligent men who make parents life easier with their super designed cloth diapers and accessories.

Lil Helper diapers has a strong and honest mission. These are a few from their list of statements:

  • Offer quality products at reasonable, affordable prices.
  • Provide great customer service throughout the life-cycle of the product.
  • Refuse to sell or endorse anything that we are not comfortable using on our own children. Period.

They also do NOT claim to help you or your child lose weight or that their diapers will improve your sex life. But you shouldn’t worry about that. There are plenty of other ways that you can improve this area of your life, like looking at how anal beads, butt plugs, and other types of sex toys can help to give you the sexual pleasure that you so desire. However, it would not be wise to restrict yourself to sex toys only. If you want to spice up your sex life with the help of a strapless dildo, for example, then keeping the flame within you burning is definitely something that you should consider. Moreover, trying new things never hurt anybody, did it? That said, you can try a new sensation like prostate milking, which is known to be a simple prostate massage aimed at mindblowing orgasms. In a nutshell, this is a massage of the male G-spot for sexual stimulation. If you haven’t heard about this yet, then this might be the time to read about this erotic practice. For that, interested individuals can consider visiting websites like Loveplugs. So, it seems that whilst these diapers can help you in other ways, using them to improve your sex life definitely isn’t one of them. With that being said, you can click here & scroll down to read more 😉

Why Lil Helpers

1) There are tons and tons of different companies that make and sell cloth diapers. Why choose Lil Helpers? For starters they are Do Gooders. What I mean by this is that they donate 1 diaper for every 3 diapers bought to a child in North American who is in need. They lovingly call this program Baby Do Good (you can read more about this through the link).

2) They have 24 hour customer service (who can honestly say that?!)

3) They have the God Forbid Guarantee. I have never heard of this but I think its one of the most kind and loving company policies ever created. God forbid that something untoward were to happen during or after you birth and you are no longer able to use your cloth diapers from Lil Helper – They will fully refund your entire purchase. This is a policy I can back up 100% with Mama’s stamp of approval!

Plus there are many, many other reasons why they kick butt and you need their diapers.

What Does Lil Helpers Sell

They do NOT sell:

  • Steam locomotives
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Horse Manure

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Mama’s Experience

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Charcoal Inserts

When I received my diapers I was so excited to try both the bamboo and charcoal inserts! I have heard about charcoal inserts a few times in different Facebook cloth diaper groups, but had yet to know anyone personally who used them. I was super excited to find out that you only have to wash them one to prep! They are fully ready to go as far as absorbency power. You should wash them 1 time before use just because, ya know, stuff gets dirty in transport.

charcoal side


The inserts have a 4 layer design. The outermost shell is charcoal cloth and the 2 inside layers are micro terry cloth. This allows for super quick absorbency and super hold.

Charcoal provides:
  • Stay dry features
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Naturally deodorizing
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Dark in color (wont show those blueberry poop stains!)

I am super pumped about these liners. They are super soft, easy to wash and super absorbent. Click here to read more about charcoal inserts.

Bamboo Inserts

I have used some bamboo inserts from other brands, but nothing is like the bamboo inserts from Lil Helper. Other bamboo inserts are just that, bamboo. What makes the Lil Helper bamboo insert unique is that it is stuffed inside with 2 layers of micro terry cloth. This allows for a super luxuriously soft outer shell with the added bonus of super absorbency!

bamboo side2

Bamboo Insert
  • Bamboo is highly sustainable (get more yield in a crop when compared to cotton….but a lot – this means it is better for the earth)
  • More absorbent than cotton
  • Softer and smoother than cotton
Lil Helper Diapers

I was so excited about the inserts I did not really inspect the diapers themselves when I first received them. It was not until I first put them on my skinny legged son that I saw a super perfect feature, a leg hip snap! The hip snaps are the snaps at the top of a diaper, by the hips/belly button. Lil Helpers went the extra mile and put a second, bottom row (closer to the leg hole) on their diapers. This is super crazy awesome for skinny legged kids. Some diapers cannot and will not get tight enough to contain their contents on skinny legged kids. You will get leakage through the leg holes. Not with Lil Helpers! Because of the 2nd row I can get my diaper around my sons gut (you know, the toddler beer gut) but still get it tight on his tiny legs!

leg snap

The other fabulous design of Lil Helper diapers is that the inserts are interchangeable with the diapers. You can buy a bamboo and charcoal insert and the just snap in whatever shell you choose. Mix and match galore!

Their diapers are All-In-2’s. This means you snap the inside in and the shell can be used 2 or 3 times before wash (if not soiled). This makes trips out so much easier. Why lug all those AIO’s when you can grab 2 inserts and 1 shell from Lil Helper? Makes the diaper bag easier to manage and the wet bag less heavy.

The Lil Helper shell diaper is also lined. All other AI2’s I have seen are just PUL and snaps. Lil Helper diapers have a soft inside that the inserts snap too. This makes the diaper way more cozy. I would rather have plush material then PUL rubbing my hips as I walk around, wouldn’t you?

front purple
Lil Helpers diaper on a 20 lb boy age 18 months
Bamboo Stay Dry Liners


These are seriously the coolest accessory I have encountered in my cloth diaper experience.

These sleek and soft liners can go into any diaper, yes any diaper. They are made of 50% bamboo viscose and 50% polyester mesh. This allows them to be super absorbent and quickly wick away moisture (which is how you avoid a diaper rash). These little liners have a super power…they make changing poopy diapers easy. Yes I just wrote easy. The solids will slide right off the material! Making all poops plop-able! No one likes trying to get that fruit based toddler poop off a diaper. Its the least glamour part of cloth diapering. These liners make changing those poopy diaper super fast and easy.

Lots of companies offer flushable or disposable liners. Having a septic system there is no such thing as a safe to flush liner. I refuse to try and then end up with a clogged toilet or worse a broken aerator. Lil Helper stay dry liners are reusable so they will save us money and help the environment. Head over and grab a few packs now! Click here to read more about them.


Secret Surprise

With each order from Lil Helpers you get a little secret consumable surprise. I will not disclouse what said secret may be. You will just need to place an order to find out! Click here to check out their website.

Enter to Win a 4 Pack of Lil Helper Diapers!

Now that you have read and seen how super duper these diapers, liners and stay dry inserts are – you have a chance to win a 4 pack of diapers and a pack of the super sweet Bamboo Stay Dry Liners!

Click here to enter

(Giveaway runs 8/22-9/5) Open to US & Canada

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