Month: April 2022

Everything You Need to Know about a Mother-Daughter Relationship

The bond between a mother and her daughter is one of the most magical things in the world. The love a mother and daughter have for each other is precious. Some things are difficult to express, yet they can be felt.


It can be difficult to navigate the ever-changing mother-daughter connection. You might go shopping with your daughter and have a good time, or you might simply sit with her at home and listen to her tell you about her great goals and plans. But there will be days when your daughter will not listen to you or might disobey you. It might seem like your relationship is crumbling at the time, but you know deep down that your daughter loves you. Yes, she may act strangely but she will grow out of it! 

Which Type of Mother-Daughter Duo Are You? 

A girl’s relationship with her mother can have an impact for a lifetime on her self-esteem, self-worth, sense of identity, and capacity to establish friends. You might know that children that are encouraged and complimented by their parents (appropriate praise, of course!) grow up to be self-assured adults. Who doesn’t want that? If a child’s parents do not value them, they may seek validation from others.


When a girl reaches the age of adolescence, she often looks up to her mother. Her mother serves as a role model for her, and she aspires to be like her. However, a mother-daughter relationship can have many ups and downs. There are a variety of factors that might jeopardize their harmonious relationship. Whatever the reason might be, a mother-daughter duo can fix anything! This is exactly what we love about this duo. 


But do you know there are types of mother-daughter duos? If you’re curious to find out which category you fall in, find out here:


The various mother-daughter duos:

  • The BFF duo: This duo is like the best duo. If your mother is your best friend, there’s no way a girl will look for another best friend. This has its perks too! It assures you that your mother or daughter will always be there for you when you need support, counsel, or someone who would listen. *Happy tears*
  • The Control Freak: It might be difficult to differentiate between dominating and intertwined mother-daughter relationships. Both, however, are not the same. While a supportive mother may encourage her daughter to improve her grades, a controlling mother will stifle her interests and wants. Some people may even try to justify their actions by claiming to be protective. It confines the youngster, limits their potential, and robs them of their independence. Hmm *Bummer*
  • The Discard Dismisser: In this type of problematic mother-daughter connection, we have observed one-sided rejection. The dismissive action may be motivated by apathy or the mother or daughter’s inability to please. It makes people crave acknowledgment and appreciation for the time and effort they invest into the connection – are we sad or are we sad?

Even if mother-daughter relationships are held to the greatest standards, they may not always live up to them. Fortunately, there is always hope, healing, and progress to be made.


Nature Therapy

Nature therapy, often known as Eco-therapy, is founded on the idea of using nature to help in our healing, particularly psychologically. 

With nature therapy, we get to spend some time outside of our bubbles. You can go for a walk in the park, ride a bike through a meadow or just look at a rainbow after the rain. Just like your childhood times. 

Did you know there are about 5 types of nature therapy? If not, let’s talk about them! 

5 Types of Nature Therapy

There are various sorts of therapies since nature therapy programs can include a variety of activities. Some examples are:

  • Adventure Therapy: This is for all the adrenaline seekers out there! It’s an activity where you explore nature individually or in a group, such as mountain climbing, rafting, and hiking to name a few. Something that refreshes your soul, allowing you to look at nature differently. Who wouldn’t love that?
  • Animal Assisted Therapy: This helps you so much in healing when you develop a therapeutic relationship with animals such as dogs. Well, you know what they say about dogs. They are human’s best friends, and you sure love a fluff ball running around in your garden just waiting to give you all the hugs in the world! 
  • Arts and Crafts: This form mixes natural elements with innovative crafts. You may utilize your artistic abilities to paint in your garden or a park. This category also encompasses the use of natural materials such as clay, grass, or wood as a source of inspiration for your art. 
  • Dark Nature: This type of activity takes place in the dark when you are just randomly lying down in the grass, stargazing. Let’s be honest, this sounds fun, and we are in all for this! 
  • Farming Therapy: While in this type you might be petting a few animals on a farm, planting, or just watering the plants. A big treat for animal lovers! 


Benefits of Hanging Out with Nature

Being outside isn’t simply a myth; it’s actually beneficial to your health. Here are some reasons why spending time outside is beneficial.

  • You Feel Happy: We’ve heard a lot of people vouch for this – being in nature does wonders to your moods. Instantly lights up your mood when you’re just outside randomly looking at the clouds
  • You Concentrate Better: A break in nature improves your concentrations level! Guess why? As it enjoys a much-needed respite from everyday life. So leave your worries behind and go take a hike! 
  • Nature Reduces Stress: Being in nature or even just in the neighborhood taking a walk without worrying about anything can reduce stress in your body!

Keep You Youthful: Are you also worried that you won’t age gracefully? Taking that walk outside might make you think otherwise. 

How Can You Nurture Your Friendships?

Giving and taking is an important part of developing and sustaining strong friendships. At times, you may be the one providing comfort, and at other times, you may be at the receiving end. 

Friendships can be strengthened by expressing your concern and appreciation for them. It’s just as important for you to be a good friend as it is for you to have great friends. We all have different types of friendships with different people where we face a lot of ups and downs as a friend. But have you ever thought about nurturing your friendships? If not, we got your back!

Quality not Quantity 

The first and foremost way to nurture your friendship should always be to make fewer but real friends. It’s difficult enough to maintain one or two friendships, but maintaining a dozen “best pals” can be tiring. Think about which of your connections brings you the greatest joy and devote additional attention to maintaining those bonds. Allow casual acquaintances to remain as casual acquaintances.

Let’s be honest, if you have three real friends who love you and understand you the best, why would you need ten different people for that? 

Be Kind

We cannot stress this enough when we tell you that kindness goes a long way in any relationship. Don’t you think the same? Successful relationships are built on the foundation of kindness. Consider friendship as a savings account for your emotions. This account gets credited with every act of kindness, and statements of gratitude, while criticism and negativity deplete it.

Be a Good Listener

As much as your friends are there for you to listen to your rants, they are expecting the same from you! Randomly ask about what’s going on in their life to keep a check on them. Be sympathetic when your friends share specifics of terrible times or experiences, but don’t provide counsel unless they specifically request for it. Some of your friends are only looking for your shoulder to keep their head on! After all, we all need someone to tell us it’ll all be okay, don’t we? 

Show That You Can be Trusted 

Forming good friendships requires being responsible and dependable. Ensure you keep the promises you have made to your friends because that’s what real friends do! When you and your buddies discuss confidential information, keep it private instead of going on and telling it to other people. 

Make Some Time for Your Friends

Yes, your schedule is already jam-packed, but you still need your girl-gang (or bros). What’s better than a gossip session with your friends? We all need a reality check from time to time! There will never be enough hours in the day to do everything you need to do, but you must schedule time for friends where you can rant about all your day-to-day situations and get the most realistic solutions.

Don’t Take Things Personally

When a friend cancels, it’s usually due to a lack of availability or personal concerns. Instead of assuming the worst-case scenario, such as “I’m unlikeable,” recognize your worth. If someone consistently disappoints you, you may not want to invest in a long-term friendship with them (they aren’t worth the heartbreak!).

Remember That Most People Are Nice

If you had a terrible childhood, you might not have seen the best characteristics of human nature up close and personal, and you may be fearful of rejection. 

Although the world is filled with suffering and rage, most individuals are empathetic and enjoy assisting others. It’s exceedingly uncommon that someone appears to have it all together; instead, it’s a successful disguise. On the other side, human nature’s imperfections bind us together and maybe a major source of support and encouragement.

What Should You Give Up for Lent

Credit: Lukas via Pexels 

Alt = “A clear dimple stein beer mug filled with beer.”

Lent is a time to fast and practice self-discipline. One way that you can do that is to quit a not-so-healthy habit for forty days. If you’re not sure what habit to give up this year, here are some ideas to inspire you:

Frivolous Spending

Have you noticed that your budget is really tight? Do you drain your checking account long before your next paycheck is due? Then maybe you should think about quitting frivolous spending for Lent. 

The best way to cut your frivolous spending is to do a no-spend challenge — this is a personal challenge where you don’t spend a thing on non-essentials. This could mean no takeout dinners, no coffee shop beverages and no impulse buys at the checkout counter until Easter passes. 

Why is this a good idea? First, taking on a no-spend challenge for Lent will help you be more mindful of your spending. Second of all, it can help you set aside savings for more important financial goals, like putting together an emergency fund. 

Right now, you might not be living with an emergency fund. If an emergency expense crops up, you might not have enough savings to pay for it. In that case, you could use a credit card to cover the expense and then pay down the balance later. Or you could apply for a cash loan online. Click here to see what the biggest benefits of quick cash loans online are. Applying for one might be a good option in an emergency.  


So, you missed Dry January — don’t worry, you can detox from drinking for Lent! How can you start? Start by getting rid of the alcohol in the house. You won’t be tempted to grab a drink when your supply is nowhere nearby. It will be out of sight and out of mind. 

If you’re worried that you’ll miss your favorite drinks, look up delicious mocktail recipes and other non-alcoholic alternatives that you can sip on instead. 

Why is this a good idea? There are plenty of health benefits of quitting alcohol, from getting better quality sleep to lowering your blood pressure. 

Social Media

Are you addicted to social media? If you find that you’re spending too much time glued to your phone and scrolling through your feeds, you should try to take a break. Log out of your social media accounts and delete the apps from your phone. You can also download website blockers to keep you from looking up the sites on your browser, too.

Why is this a good idea? You might find that your break from social media brings you a lot of time to do more productive, enjoyable things. 

Negative Thinking

Do you have a bad habit of seeing the negative side of everything? Then, you may want to see what it’s like to look on the bright side. 

How can you do this? These are a few things that can help you quit negative thinking:

  • Write in a gratitude journal every night.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Counter negative thoughts with compassion. For instance, after thinking “I’m so stupid” for making a small mistake at work, you can tell yourself that you’re human, which means you’re going to make mistakes. 

Why is this a good idea? Negative thinking can increase your stress levels and impair your ability to enjoy yourself. 

You might find that your life is a whole lot better after giving up these habits for Lent. You might even give them up for good. 

Personal Injury Cases: The Settlements and Dynamics

Personal injury law cases are helpful when someone is injured due to no fault of their own. The laws apply according to the case type and event that caused the injuries. Negligence, criminal acts, and direct failures are common causes of these injuries. A personal injury attorney helps claimants seek compensation for financial losses through the court. 

What Must the Claimant Prove?

In a personal injury claim, the claimant must prove that their injuries weren’t their own fault. A premises liability claim, for example, starts because a property owner didn’t remove hazards around or inside the property and someone fell and sustained an injury. In this example, the claimant has to prove that there weren’t any warning signs around the hazard and the property owner knew about the hazard and didn’t correct it. Claimants visit for more information about personal injury cases. 

Should the Client Talk to the Defendant?

No, the claimant should not talk to the defendant, their attorney, or their insurance provider. Once the person hires an attorney, all communications should go through the attorney. If not, the party could trick the claimant into agreeing to a settlement that is far lower than is deserved. Once the worker agrees to any settlement, there is no longer a chance to take the case to court and collect compensation. The worker shouldn’t answer any phone calls or letters from the defendant or anyone representing the party.  

What Is Included in the Monetary Award?

The monetary award includes funds to pay for all medical expenses, auto repair costs, and lost wages. Different cases generate varying types of compensation. The case type defines what monetary award the client receives if they win. However, the claimant must prove that the injuries were not their fault, and the injuries meet the requirements as outlined in personal injury laws.  

Could the Claimant Recover Compensation Through An Insurance Claim?

When starting a personal injury claim, there is an opportunity to collect through an insurance provider. An auto accident case presents this option if the at-fault driver has auto coverage, and the attorney negotiates with the insurer to get the money owed to the claimant. In medical malpractice cases, the hospital board offers settlements based on what their insurance coverage offers.   

Could the Claimant Get a Settlement?

Most defendants do not want to go to court with these cases and will present an offer to the victim through the attorney. If the settlement is fair and reasonable, the attorney may recommend accepting the settlement. If the defendant presents a low settlement offer, the case will more than likely go to court. The purpose of negotiations is to get the victim the most appropriate settlement for their injuries and financial losses.  

Personal injury cases help injured parties get monetary awards, including payments for their medical treatment. After an injury, the victim must get a medical assessment to generate records of the injuries. The attorney also needs invoices for medical costs and auto repair estimates if applicable.

The case type defines what evidence must appear in the claim and what type of damages the claimant receives. Medical expenses and lost wages are among the most common losses that are recovered through a personal injury claim. Punitive damages are available through a medical malpractice case. Non-economic damages are available when a victim suffered a life-altering injury. To find out more about personal injury claims, contact an attorney right now!

Custom Coffee Mug Machine Giveaway

Welcome to the Rain Drops on Roses

Giveaway Hop



Enter for your chance to win a VEVOR Mug Press Machine!

This automatic mug presser only uses one button to switch functions, which is simpler and faster than traditional manual heat presses. You don’t need to adjust pressure, set temperature, or time by using this brilliant mug press, what you need to do is attach the design to your coffee mug, and the heating press will handle the rest. With straightforward operation and humanized design, you can create whatever you like for your family, friends, or clients.




Explaining Dementia To Your Children

Presented by BetterHelp.


Dementia is becoming an all too common condition in older adults. It affects every aspect of cognitive functioning, from memory and communication to moods and behavior. The affected person will depend on family for help and may experience significant personality changes. This can all be very confusing to a child who doesn’t understand this condition. 


Therefore, it is essential to discuss the situation with your child with empathy, openness, and honesty. They will depend on you for information and emotional support during this time. However, that doesn’t mean that this is an easy conversation to have. Below are some tips to consider when explaining dementia to your children


When To Have The Talk

Ideally, you should discuss your family member’s diagnosis as soon as possible, preferably right after the diagnosis or once your child starts noticing the symptoms. If you wait too long, the situation may become severe, leaving your child very confused. 


Timing is even more essential if the family member is going to be living with your family. Your children need to understand why the family member is moving in and how it will change their day-to-day life. Though the conversation may be uncomfortable, it needs to happen sooner rather than later. 

How To Explain Dementia To Your Children

Explaining dementia is never an easy discussion. It is a heartbreaking condition that will affect the family member for the rest of their lives. Your child may be perplexed and may not understand the gravity of the situation. Therefore, the condition needs to be discussed so your child can better understand what’s happening. Here are a few tips on how to have that discussion

Allow Open Communication

Explaining dementia is not going to be a one-off conversation. Dementia causes frequent changes as it is a progressive condition that will eventually affect much of the brain. Therefore, the symptoms they are exhibiting now may be different from those they show in a few months or a year. Therefore, ensure your child knows that you are always open to discussing the situation and can answer any questions they have. 

Answer All Questions Honestly

The truth is that your children will probably have many questions. Chances are, that they have never witnessed someone live with dementia before, so they may not thoroughly understand what is happening. It’s essential to answer all their questions honestly so they have as much information as possible to navigate the situation. Don’t hide information from them or lie about your family member’s condition to protect them or their feelings. Children need to understand how serious the situation is and won’t understand the gravity of the condition if you don’t make that clear. 

Explain The Changes They Can Expect

It’s important to educate your child about what comes with dementia. They should know the basics of what the condition is as well as some of the most common symptoms they will witness in their loved ones. Unfortunately, dementia will probably affect all their interactions with the family member, so they should be prepared for what’s coming. Some common symptoms you should prepare them for are:


  • Forgetting names, people, and dates
  • Wandering off
  • Repeating questions or comments
  • Struggling to finish sentences or follow conversations
  • Increased irritation or aggression
  • Stubbornness
  • Apathy
  • Depression


Furthermore, you should also point them to age-appropriate resources so they can learn more on their own. For some basic information about dementia, you can head to the link below:

Remind Them That Their Family Members Still Love Them

The most heartbreaking aspects of dementia are that the person slowly loses their memory of their loved ones and begins to behave in a manner that is unlike them. These changes can make it seem like the family member no longer loves their loved ones or is an entirely different person altogether. This can make for some difficult interactions that your child may take personally. 


Make sure your child understands that although their family members are going through these heartbreaking changes, deep down, they still love them. Furthermore, any frustrating or confusing interactions should not be taken personally. The person with dementia slowly loses control of their memory or actions, so nothing they do is personal or meant to hurt anyone, including your child. Make this clear to your child so they know that they aren’t always necessarily to blame for their family member’s reactions or moods.  

Common Reactions From Children

Children may have mixed reactions to the news that their loved one has dementia. On the one hand, they may be sad that their loved one is changing, but they may also feel frustrated or resentful that the family member needs so much help. Assure them that their emotions are valid, but make sure they don’t act out or behave inappropriately. 


You should also be prepared for their emotions to change frequently. Some days they may be more understanding and helpful, while other days, they may be more resistant and act out. Be as patient as you can, as children often struggle to communicate their emotions calmly or appropriately. 


Some common reactions that children have to this news include: 

  • Sad that their family member is struggling 
  • Curious about dementia and accompanying diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s
  • Confused about the person’s change of behavior
  • Frustrated or resentful that the person takes up so much time or resources to help
  • Embarrassment of their behavior, especially if their friends or visitors witness the behavior


No matter how they react, it is important to honor their emotions. You probably have conflicting emotions yourself, so you need to understand how confusing this situation is to a child. Though you should encourage the healthy expression of all their emotions, do not punish them for feeling a certain way. 

Final Thoughts

A dementia diagnosis affects everyone in the family, not just the diagnosed individual. The changes in the person’s behavior will leave children confused. Explaining dementia to them early on can help them prepare for their family member’s changes and help them navigate the situation better. Remember to be empathetic, open, and honest with each other as the two of you navigate this diagnosis together. 


Signs Your Child May Be Living With Depression

This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.


Depression is one of the most common mood disorders in the world. However, although most people know that many adults live with this condition, its prevalence amongst children is not as well known. This is primarily because some adults and parents dismiss children’s mental health as “just a phase” or something “they’ll get over.” However, mental illnesses do not just go away, and children do not grow out of them.


Childhood depression is a serious and common issue that can cause significant distress throughout adolescence (and even adulthood) if left untreated. Therefore, it’s important to understand depression so you can identify it if it shows up in your child. This article will give you a good introduction to depression in children, including causes, symptoms, and treatment options. 

What Is Depression?

Depression is a mental illness that can cause perpetual feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or despair. However, it is more than just “feeling down” for a day or two. The feelings experienced in depression are very intense and overwhelming. Furthermore, this condition can last weeks, months, or even years or decades if left untreated. 


Despite common belief, children and adults with depression cannot just “get over it.” The intense feelings can completely overwhelm and take over their life, affecting their social lives, school, and physical health. They may also lose interest in their hobbies and struggle to feel any sense of happiness or joy. A child’s demeanor and personality can completely change if they experience depression for long bouts of time. 

What Causes Depression In Children?

We all know that adulthood can be difficult, so it is understandable when we find out our peers live with depression. However, children have difficulties, too, that can cause depression. Not every child has a joyful childhood filled with wonder and love. Some children with depression experience rough childhoods, while others experience events, genetics, or other situations entirely out of their’s or their parents’ control. The most common causes and factors of depression in children include:


  • Substance use
  • Problems at home
  • Illness
  • Stressful life events
  • Trauma
  • Genetics

Signs And Symptoms Of Depression

If your child lives with depression, they may not open up to you about their struggle. What’s worse is they may not even understand what’s going on themselves! When adults realize that they have a condition, they may open up to their family, peers, or therapists about the problem. However, children don’t always think to do this or know how to vocalize their struggles. 


Therefore, you will need to be aware of any behavioral or mood changes to determine if something is wrong. Some common symptoms of depression that show up in children include: 


  • Continuous feelings of sadness, despair, hopelessness, worthlessness
  • Isolation and social withdrawal
  • Behavioral problems at school, during extracurricular activities, or when spending time with their peers
  • Apathy, boredom, and loss of interest in their favorite activities
  • Increased irritation, anger, or crankiness
  • Changes in appetite
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Fatigue
  • Pains that have no cause and don’t respond to treatment (such as headaches or stomachaches)
  • Increased number of tantrums, outbursts, or crying episodes
  • Thoughts of death or suicide**


**If you or your child are experiencing suicidal thoughts, reach out for help immediately. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached at 1-800-273-8255 and is available 24/7.**


Anxiety is often concurrent with depression in children. Therefore, if your child is struggling with depression, they may also exhibit anxiety symptoms. These include: 


  • Persistent feelings of worry or nervousness
  • Negative thinking
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleeping issues or disorders
  • Quick to anger
  • Clinginess and separation anxiety


Depression and anxiety are very common among adolescents. About 13% of adolescents live with depression, and it is estimated that about 31% live with anxiety. Both conditions can affect your child’s school performance, social life, and overall happiness, so you should help your child as soon as possible. 

How To Treat Your Child’s Depression

If you notice your child exhibits any of the symptoms of depression, then you shouldn’t hesitate to seek treatment. Your child deserves to be happy and treat their feelings of despair. 


There are multiple treatment options to seek out, depending on the cause, severity, and length of your child’s depression. Below are a few of those options. 


Counseling is the most common form of treatment for both adults and children living with depression. A therapist can get to the root of your child’s depression and provide a safe space to discuss their problems and obstacles in life. They can also help your child find ways to cope with their stressors so that they can ease their symptoms and prevent them from worsening when life becomes stressful. Furthermore, a counselor can teach your child how to rewire their brain to be more optimistic and resilient. 


In some cases, it may be best to have your child take medication. However, this is a decision that a professional should make, and only after assessing your child and spending time counseling them. Mental health medication can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist, who your child’s therapist can recommend if they believe this is the best treatment option. 

Healthy Lifestyle

Though a healthy lifestyle probably won’t cure your child’s depression, it may help ease the symptoms. Exercise, a good diet, and plenty of sleep often result in happier, healthy, and more energetic children. If your child is struggling, work to create a more healthy lifestyle for everyone in the house to encourage better overall mental well-being and physical health. 

Bottom Line

Depression is more common in children than most people think. Unfortunately, mental health for children is often dismissed as “just a phase” and not important. But recognizing the signs of depression is critical so that they can receive the treatment they need. Hopefully, this article helped you understand if your child is experiencing depression and what treatment options are available. For further reading on depression, you can find more information and resources at the link below:


Dating Tips For Single Parents

The post is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.


Dating is never easy but can be even more complicated if you have a child. Much of your time is dedicated to your child, from helping them with homework, driving them to sports practice, or spending quality time with them. This may leave you with less energy or time to date than when you were childless. 


Furthermore, you need to consider your child’s needs when dating again. This is even more crucial if you are just coming from divorcing your child’s other parent. Chances are, you haven’t dated since before your child was born and therefore aren’t quite sure how to juggle dating with your new responsibilities. Your actions and lifestyle no longer just affect you; they also affect the most important person in your life: your child. 


Therefore, if you struggle to find love as a single parent, here are some tips for getting back on the dating scene while still being a great parent. 

Take It Slow

If you just divorced or broke up with your significant other, it is important not to jump into a relationship right away. You need time to heal from the breakup and process your emotions. Otherwise, you may choose your next partner purely out of desperation and loneliness, which could have significant consequences and cause you even more pain. 


Furthermore, your child needs time to heal from the breakup too. Divorces are major traumatic events in a child’s life, and their whole world and foundation have crumbled beneath them. They may be shocked or even upset and angry if someone new comes over shortly after the divorce. 


The breakup didn’t just affect you, and dating new partners won’t just affect you either. Therefore, give both you and your child time to adjust and heal from the divorce before dating again. This timeframe can be as soon as a few months or may even take a year or longer


Dating is never easy, especially christian dating but can be even more complicated if you have a child. Much of your time is dedicated to your child, from helping them with homework, driving them to sports practice, or spending quality time with them. This may leave you with less energy or time to date than when you were childless.


Be Transparent With Your Child

When you feel you are finally ready to date again, it is essential to discuss this decision with your child. If you bring someone over without discussing your desire to date prior, then they will get quite a shock. 


Many parents forgo this step because they don’t know how to have this conversation with their kids. The truth is that the conversation may be a bit uncomfortable, but it is essential. Your child needs to understand that you are moving on to other partners. 


Some children have fantasies that their parents will get back together, and others may believe that their parents won’t date again. Having this conversation sets up more realistic expectations that you won’t be getting back together with their other parent, but you aren’t going to be alone forever either. 

Don’t Talk Too Much About Your Child Right Away

When going on a date with someone new, it can be quite tempting to talk about your kid a lot. However, this can be a bit overwhelming for a first or second date, especially if they don’t have kids of their own! 


Furthermore, your date wants to know about you: your career, personality, interests, etc. Although children can take up a significant portion of your life, they aren’t your whole personality. Talk about your other interests, career goals and achievements, and who you are. This date is about you, so make sure your date learns how amazing you are. 

But Don’t Hide Their Existence Either

However, you shouldn’t hide the fact that you have a child, either. This will surely make it far more difficult to find a partner who is supportive and understanding of your situation. That’s why you should make this clear as soon as possible, either on your dating profile or mention it on your first date. That way, you don’t waste time with someone who will never love or support your child the way you need them to. 

Freshen Yourself Up

It can be easy to ignore self-care when you are exhausted from taking care of the kids, running errands, and keeping the house clean. However, taking care of yourself and making sure you look your best is essential for attracting new dates. 


This doesn’t mean you need to get a manicure or put seven layers of makeup on. Just do enough to freshen yourself up and look and feel your best. That means forgoing the oversized sweatpants when going grocery shopping or making sure your hair is brushed before walking outside. Also, find yourself some clothes that fit your style but are still comfy and cute as well. 

Make Your Child A Priority

Having a child changes everything. You won’t have the same availability or energy as before you had a family. You will have to set boundaries on your time or what activities you can participate in so that you still have time and energy for your child. 


Furthermore, always remember that your child is the number one most important person in your life. Don’t settle for anyone who doesn’t understand or respect that. If you find yourself dating someone who is disrespectful to your child or doesn’t care for them, then you need to break things off. The perfect partner will love both you and your child and respect the bond you share. Sticking with anything less is just settling and can ruin your relationship with your child.

Bottom Line

Life can be quite difficult and confusing when being a newly single parent. However, this doesn’t mean that you should give up dating or that it will never be an option. With some consideration for your child and appropriate boundaries, you can find love in this new phase of your life while still being a great parent. 


For more tips on dating and relationships, click on the link below for further reading:


How To Heal After Domestic Violence

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.


**Content Warning: This article discusses domestic violence and abuse. If you have or are experiencing domestic violence, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) for help and resources.** 


There are very few situations or events as traumatic as domestic violence. Abuse can leave you with physical and emotional scars that can last a long time. This can cause significant distress and difficulties, even long after the abuse has ended. 


However, though it may not always feel like it, the truth is that a more positive future is waiting for you. Once you have left your abusive situation, you are free to heal and find the joy that you deserve. Read on to learn how you can begin to rebuild your life and heal after surviving domestic violence. 

Create Stability

Your first priority after surviving domestic violence is finding a sense of stability and security. It has probably been a long time since you felt safe or had any stability or sense of autonomy. Therefore, you need to care about your basic survival needs before doing anything else. 


Make sure you have a safe place to live, a stable job, and the money to buy all your essentials. Create a sense of independence and security so that you aren’t tempted to go back to an abusive situation again just to get your needs met. Being on your own and creating a solid foundation with clear the path forward to further healing and recovery.

Process Your Experiences

Once you are safe and have a solid foundation, it is time to process your experiences. Ignoring your pain or trauma will not make them go away. The emotional scars will remain until you find ways to process the distress you experienced. 


Talking with a counselor is the best way to start this process. They have the training to help abuse survivors work on their limiting beliefs and develop strategies that will ensure a better future. They can also treat any mental health conditions or other consequences of domestic violence, such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. 


However, you can also process the emotions on your own. For example, you can write in a journal to analyze your thoughts, practice mindfulness or meditation, or partake in other activities that facilitate emotional healing. 

Find A Support Network

It’s also essential to create a support network so that you don’t experience your healing journey alone. This can include going to a support group for domestic violence survivors or reconnecting with friends and family. 


Abusers will often isolate their targets from their friends and family so that no one can help them. Therefore, once a survivor leaves an abusive situation, they may feel isolated and alone. It is crucial to reconnect with loved ones or create a new support network so you are no longer alone. 

Create Goals To A Happier Future

As you progress on your healing journey, you should start planning for a more positive future. When experiencing domestic violence, survivors often lose their sense of individuality and any hope for their future. Their dreams may be squashed by their abusers, or they become so focused on survival that they don’t even know what their dreams are. Now that you are safe and taking control of your life, you can plan for a happier future. 


If you don’t know what your dreams are, take some time to think about what you want from life. You can use a journal or ask your counselor for help with this. When we spend months or years under the control of someone else, it can take some time to figure out who we are and what we want. Therefore, there’s no shame in taking time to do this or consulting with a professional along the way. 


Once you have an idea of what you want, start setting goals to achieve your dreams, and then take baby steps to reach those goals. It is essential to be patient with the process and set achievable goals. The path to any dream can take a long time and require an enormous amount of energy. However, by creating goals that are achievable, you will find yourself on the path to progress soon enough. 

Practice Self-Compassion

The path to healing is rarely straightforward. It comes with challenges and setbacks that can stumble you along the way. That’s why no matter what is happening, you should practice self-compassion.


Don’t beat yourself up for being emotional or struggling with basic tasks. Domestic violence can affect you long after the abuse has ended, so know that your challenges are normal. Furthermore, your emotions are valid, and it may take a while to heal fully. Remind yourself that this is okay, and keep working on your healing strategies. 


You should also find ways to motivate and empower yourself when life seems difficult. Though you may have some bad days, having strategies to recover and keep being positive will keep your momentum going. 


Furthermore, no matter what is happening, always take time for self-care. Eat nutritious food, get plenty of rest, and exercise often. Also, take time to relax, treat yourself, and set appropriate boundaries to ensure you have plenty of “me time.” 


And, of course, remember that your past does not define you. Though the experience may have been traumatic, you can heal. The healing process is not a race; it is a journey. So make sure to be patient and compassionate with yourself every step of the way. 


For more guidance and tips on healing from domestic violence, click on the link below: