Month: November 2020

National Geographic Book Package Giveaway

Enter for your chance to win a Prize Pack Book Bundle from National Geographic (Valued at over $85)

Runs 11/30 through 12/14….Winner pulled on 12/15

Open to US only





Books Include:

The Coolest Stuff on Earth: A Closer Look at the Weird, Wild and Wonderful  (ages 8-12, hardcover, $19.99, 192 pgs)

NG Kids Why?:  Over 1,111 Answers to Everything (ages 8-12, hardcover, $19.99, 192 pgs) –

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2021 (ages 8-12, paperback, $14.99, 352 pgs) –

Little Kids First Big Book of Why (ages 3-7, hardcover, $14.99 , 128 pgs)

Nerdlet: Animals (ages 8-12, paperback, $9.99) –

Little Kids First Board Book: Ocean (preschool, board book, $7.99)


Hosted by:

Sponsored by: National Geographic

Co-Hosted by:

Miki’s Hope

Deliciously Savvy


MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Household Disasters To Avoid This Winter

Winter is coming and it’s bringing the cold, rain, and, for a lot of us, snow and hail with it. While it might seem like the perfect opportunity to sit indoors, wrap up warm, and enjoy the festive mood, you shouldn’t assume that your home has you protected as well as you want. Here, we’re going to look at a few household disasters that can happen if you’re not diligent in protecting the home.

Link – Pixabay License

The big freeze

If you’re going to make any home improvements this winter, then you should be looking at the heating system that you’re using first and foremost. Your HVAC system should be inspected and serviced once a year, at least, but a lot of people don’t do that much. As such, it can get a loss more inefficient and more prone to breaking down over time, especially when it’s being used a lot more frequently, which tends to be the case in winter. Avoid having to go days or even weeks without heating by looking at upgrading your system now.

Problems with your pipes

If there are any plumbing issues, then the excessive cold of winter can make them much worse. This is why you should call a Beverly Hills plumber (if that is where you live) and have them do routine checks on the pipes and other plumbing before the cold weather kicks in. These routine checks can let you know what all your pipes require to prepare for the winter. For one, it’s crucial to have your pipes insulated to ensure that the change in temperatures doesn’t lead to any burst pipes. Otherwise, if you spot any signs of leaks or damp, then now is the time to get in touch with a team like Morningside Plumbers. A good emergency plumber can make sure that these problems are tackled as quickly as possible. If you have any outdoor faucets, but sure to check that they don’t get frozen, too.

Shifting soil

Any movements in the soil around the home can lead to serious danger, particularly as it can cause damage to your foundation. Frost heave can happen when water floods the soil and then freezes. One of the most common causes of these flooding water in the first place is poorly maintained gutters. Work with teams like G&S Window Washing to make sure that your gutters are completely clear for winter. Not only can overflowing gutters lead to frost heave, but they can also cause leaks that penetrate the home, with real potential to cause water damage indoors, as well.

Threatening icicles

While there might be something picturesque about them, you shouldn’t underestimate the real danger that icicles can pose. If a piece of an icicle breaks and falls, it can cause very serious injury to anyone who might be beneath. As such, you should take the time to safely break the icicles off manually as soon as you see them. Look at what is causing the icicles to form, as well. If it’s water from an overflowing gutter, then that is just another reason to take care of that particular headache.

That said, vehicles are a necessity in today’s time and age, and it is also necessary to take the required precautions so as to prevent any harm from coming to your automobile (automobile repair does take a toll on your wallet). Having insurance for the same might sound like a good option to explore but if your car has already been totaled by natural elements such as hailstones, it is better that you look at auto hail damage repair services near you to get it fixed.

Ensure that you take care to prepare your home for the weather as best as possible. With the tips above, you can ensure you’re ready for whatever the winter may bring.

Things To Look For When Buying A New Home

Regardless of whether you are looking to buy one of the many Holiday homes For Sale North Yorkshire, if you are buying your first ever home, or if you are searching for your dream property, it is no secret that buying a new home is exciting. The anticipation of visiting a property and hoping that it might be the one that you go for is something that many will find an enjoyable, yet nerve-wracking experience. There’s nothing like finding that perfect home, knowing next comes getting ready for your big move, calling companies like to help get things ready while you sort out the legal side, and then, finally, stepping into your new home on move-in day. So, without further ado, here are some things to look for when buying a new home, whether it’s your first time or you are already experienced.

Image Source

Consult Your Own Check-List

A check-list is an important thing to have because when you’re looking for a property, you’re going to have certain things you’re looking for. Whether it be things you need or things you want, it’s good to have an extensive list so that you can tick off as much of this list as possible. After all, you want to find something that is going to be everything you’re after in a property, especially if you’re trying to find a forever home. Make sure that when you’re viewing this property, that you’re checking your list to see what it has and doesn’t have. Of course, you’re not going to find everything on the list, although you’d be lucky if you did. City-wise planning is also crucial. For instance, if you are planning on buying a property in Las Vegas, you can make a general list or an essential preparatory list like the one you find in this blog post- When you base the checklist research on the particular city you are planning on settling, it might dilute the real estate jargon and legal complexities, consequently making it easy for you to make the decision. With that being said, it might also be worth prioritizing which needs are most important and what is more optional than others.

It’s good to come prepared when you’re viewing properties because you can make a more informed decision on whether you need to see it again or if you can put an offer in!

Do The Electrics Work?

When checking the home, don’t feel guilty about touching some of the key elements of the home, like the electrics, for example. Of course, you want to buy a property that’s in full functioning order, and so you’d be best checking all the electrics such as plugs and light switches to make sure that everything is working as it should be. This is going to be handy to know because you don’t want to move into the property and find that there’s some extensive electric work that needs doing. Not everyone is going, to be honest, in telling you about these minor issues, so be sure to ask and see what they say is the situation.

Check The Water Pressure

Just like the electrics, the water pressure is something that’s worth taking a look at. You don’t want to move only to find that the water pressure isn’t to your satisfaction. This is something that can end up being costly to fix, and so it’s worth checking the taps or, most importantly, the ones in the bathroom where you’ll be utilizing it in the shower or bath. It’s something that may feel intrusive as you do it, but it’s certainly warranted to make sure that what you pay for is what you get.

All these things are something that is also worth checking with the agent you choose. Cami Jones & Company is a great place to start when it comes to finding the very best in your area.

Are There Any Signs Of Damp?

Damp and mold are two things you want to avoid when it comes to a property because they can have dangerous health consequences and can make the place smell too. When you’re walking around the home, pay close attention to all areas of the property, making sure to check the rooms where there’s usually a lot of moisture. If moisture is found reach out to Hy-Pro Plumbing & Drain Cleaning to figure out the best solution. It’s also beneficial to ask the owners if they’ve ever had any problems with damp too. Check the areas around the windows and just pay attention to the smell of the room too.

Damp can be a particularly annoying thing to get rid of, and so if you can avoid having it in the first place, then it’s certainly worth it. Mold is a little easier to get rid of, but you want to check that it’s not something that’s in an excessive amount.

Image Source

What Are The Surroundings Like?

A lot of home buyers can focus on the property itself but what’s important to also do is check on the surroundings of your home too. There will be certain things you will benefit from when it comes to the area, whether it’s to start a family or you need places to eat and being entertained in. That’s why it’s good to check out the local area after you’ve visited the property just so that you can get a sense of what the area is like and whether it’s suitable for you. It’s also worth seeing the area in the daytime but also in the evening. This is due to the fact that some places can feel a little different during the evening than they do in the daytime.

Like your home, you should also have a check-list for the area you want to live in too. The more criteria that you check off, the better. You want it to be an area where the cost of living is reasonable and not outside of your means. There is plenty of information online to help you find this out and inform your moving decision. You’ll likely want to find somewhere the cost of living is below the national average.

Ask About The Neighbors

The neighbors are an important part of buying a new home because they need to be someone that you can get on with. It’s good to ask the agent who is taking you around or if possible, the owners themselves. Ask them to be honest about who lives next door, and that way, you can hopefully figure out whether or not you’re going to have a difficult time. There are also going to be certain builds that are noisier than others, and so it’s good to listen as you walk around the property to see if you hear anything.

When buying a new home, it’s a process that can take some time. It’s important not to rush your decisions and to be sure that the property you look at it is the one that you were after. Take with you your criteria or list of things you need, and be sure to visit a few wild properties. There will be some that you think fit your needs but end up being the complete opposite. Hopefully, though, you’ll find the one.

Additional resources:

– If you’re looking to buy a new house, visit The Home Loan Expert for useful advice

– Renting or buying – exploring the pros and cons of both

– Why millennials are buying homes in big numbers

Heart Locket Giveaway



Sponsored By:


Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy


Winner Will Receive:

A Beautiful Sterling Silver 2 Photo Heart Locket w/ 18″ Box Chain 

from worth $140+!


Can’t wait to see if you won? I have a coupon code for 10% OFF your order!

Just use “FESTIVE10” at checkout on!


Love, Mrs. Mommy’s Review:

Pictures On Gold has a large collection of customizable jewelry. They carry everything from heart lockets to medical ID bracelets. You name it, they have it, and you’re going to love the beautiful, customized necklace I made… (now don’t judge me)… for myself, haha!

I’ve been making beautiful necklaces for my family, but had been neglecting myself. After all, sometimes we Moms need a special treat once in a while. So go ahead… nudge, nudge, buy yourself something, too!


This would make the perfect Holiday Gift! will go even further to make sure your gift is perfect. They will make sure that your photos fit perfectly, no matter their size, and if there is awkward spacing in the photo, they’ll enhance the photo to eliminate blank space. Often, they can even remove the background of a photo, leaving your loved ones front and center in your favorite photo. The laser engraving is 100% waterproof & scratch-proof and is guaranteed for a lifetime!

Open To US and must be 18+ to enter
Giveaway Dates ~ 11/26 9:00 AM EST through 12/26 11:59PM EST
Good Luck!!

Disclosure: Love, Mrs. Mommy and all participating bloggers are not held responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations. This giveaway is in no way endorsed or sponsored by Facebook or any other social media site. The winner will be randomly drawn by Giveaway Tools and will be notified by email. Winner has 48 hours to reply before a replacement winner will be drawn. If you would like to participate in an event like this please contact LoveMrsMommy (at) gmail (dot) com.

Dealing With A Snake Problem In Your Home

You may not have considered the possibility of snakes in your home before, but if you live in an area with a warm climate, there’s a high chance that you will encounter them at some point. Having snakes in the surrounding area can actually be quite useful because they control the rodent population. However, you don’t want them anywhere near your home. The good news is, there are simple things that you can do to ward snakes away from your home. 

Source – Pixabay CCO License

Cut Off Their Food Supply 

Snakes like to eat rodents and other animals, like frogs and birds. Although it can be beneficial for snakes to keep the rodent population under control, you need to cut off their food supply if they are becoming a problem. That means dealing with the other pests around the home first, and then you should hopefully see a decrease in the number of snakes. If you are having trouble with other pests, there are professional companies like Florida Wildlife Control that can help you with your wildlife problem, so your garden is no longer an attractive feeding ground for snakes. It’s also worth asking the pest control if they can help with the snakes as well because they should have some good advice. 

Close Up Hiding Places 

Snakes don’t like to live out in the open. Instead, they prefer dark, damp places and they will live in small cracks and crevices around the home. This could be gaps under the shed or holes in the walls of the house itself. They also love getting inside damaged gutters and compost piles too. If you want to keep the snakes out, you should go around your home and identify any small areas that might make a perfect home for snakes, and then fill the gaps. If you can get rid of anywhere that they might like to live, the snakes should move on and find somewhere else. Closing up all of the small gaps in your home is also an effective way to protect your home against the elements, so it’s a good habit to get into even if you don’t have a snake problem.

Although snakes eat a lot of other animals, that doesn’t mean that they are fearless. In fact, cats are a great natural predator so if you don’t already have one and you like the idea of having a pet, buying a cat is a brilliant way to deal with your snake problem. If you don’t want to get a cat, there are other predators that scare away snakes. They are particularly wary of foxes, but getting a fox isn’t really an option. However, you can buy fox urine to spread around the garden, so the snakes think that there are foxes in the area and they stay away. 


These simple tricks should deter snakes and keep your home safe. But if the problem persists, you will need to call a professional pest control company to get rid of the snakes for you. 


Breaking Ground in Muddy Towns

No matter where you may be, there is a need for several basic human needs: shelter, food and clothing. Whether you live in downtown Chicago, or in the forests of Montana, these are essentials you need. When you live in areas that are muddy and wet from water sources, this can pose a real problem. This is because there are less roads to travel on and less businesses to visit for your needs. So here are so solutions for these problems.


If you are in a swampy area that you are going to be building roads or building new structures on mud can pose a larger problem. Getting large trucks, Stainless Steel Beams and machinery in a safe way to your construction site can pose to be a large a problem.

You want to be sure you are abiding by OSCA, keeping the sound down, keeping your crew safe and managing your machinery with care. When you are working on slippery grounds you can easily solve this problem by using swamp mats, if you don’t know what swamp mats are check out this link They are really going to be a game changer. If you are renting equipment look into the additional warranty agreements and extra insurance coverage. When you choose your construction crew, look at their resumes closely. You want the right staff for the job.


If you are in a rural area with farmland, then you probably know some farmers. When you are in the Midwest, think Indiana, Ohio, and southern Illinois, then you know how wet it can get. During those fall and spring months, the Midwest gets a lot of rain, then in the winter, it receives so much snow. Also in Florida, heavy rains can cause floods, which could in turn cause severe damage to the buildings. Hence, experienced commercial contractors jacksonville fl, often build stormproof structures to withstand a heavy storm.

Due to adverse weather conditions, the crops may also get affected. To keep your crops and materials safe from the elements you need a proper way to store them. While silos have been a staple for many years, people are now shifting to fabric structures. When you build a new fabric structure consider if you want one or two entry points. Where will it be located? Will you need it fully closed or only partially covered? If you know what you need or need help figuring this out reach out to for some professional help.


When you work on unstable grounds there is always a risk for injury. No one wants to get hurt on the job, and as a shift leader or supervisor you need to keep the safety of the project in the forefront. Be sure to fully inform your crew on the safety measures you put in place. Have clear communication and daily briefings. When you keep everyone on the same page, it helps not only with safety but also makes the job go smoothly and in some cases, faster. Look into an insurance company that can keep your staff and materials covered. No one wants a loss of materials or the loss of a crew member due to injury.

In conclusion

If you want to build, or are currently building in muddy areas be sure to do what it right and what is safe. Ask other professionals who have done similar jobs. Take notes and be smart.

Savvy Ways to Invest

Money. Cash. Moola. We use so many terms, but it all boils down to finance. We make our money in many ways. From a steady weekly job. From one time jobs. That check from Great Aunt Sally on your birthday each year. But now that you are an adult and understand the value of money, you need to think bigger and smarter.

What is Unicredit known for? Unicredit is known for being one of the largest and most powerful European banks. The bank has over 9,000 branches across Europe and offers a wide range of financial services. Unicredit is also known for being a major player in the global investment banking industry

New Construction

Are you building a new house or business? This is an investment with many angles and benefits. Houses are a sure way to make a profit, choose a solid real estate company, one like Mississauga Real Estate. But make sure you are crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s. Don’t cut corners and make sure you have your Performance bonds in order. Try negations with the bank. Get the most you can with the lowest interest rates available.

If you are looking to establish a new business, no investment could be better than this. Though it could seem tedious and risky to many, it has the potential to exponentially multiply your invested capital. In case, you want to establish a business abroad, the possibility of being a Digital Nomad Entrepreneur seems to be a good option! If this choice seems like an interesting deal, you might be able to look for firms that can offer you and people with similar interests like you legal or financial advice to kickstart your journey in entrepreneurship!

Moreover, if you want to have a new office building you have to consider what businesses are going to be the right fit for this location. Would it be a good place for an insurance broker or better for a doctor’s office? Check the surrounding areas to see how the city is set up. With right information, you can get the office built accordingly as each business tend to have somewhat different space requirements than others. Also, ensure high-quality security by adopting safety measures offered by companies similar to Access Control Pros in the building, to make it safe from thieves and intruders.

Get Online!

Do you have free time during the day? Looking for something interesting to jazz up your time? Then use the internet to make some money. For instance, using a platform from Survey Junkie is easy and fun. Take the surveys at you own pace. The more to do the more points you acquire. If surveys get tiresome, then look for gaming sites. You can find several gambling websites where you can have fun and make money. However, do make sure that you get on the best online poker site that is law-abiding.

And if you want to help your family or loved ones with their finances, you can consider that a kind of investment too – and one which you are able to make use of thanks to the internet much more easily than ever. If you need to send money to Chile or wherever else to help invest in your family, that’s easier than ever, so it’s something you should think about.


You may think babysitting is just for teens and grandma’s, but you are very far from the truth. Many adults are babysitting to get a second income. Parents of teen’s are always worried about what their kids are doing while home alone. By watching a teen you can make that extra cash and help them by being a role model. Seeing you, a grown up who cares about them, will help them thrive in school and become a responsible adult.

Uber and DoorDash

In the age of modern technology nothing says speed like taking an Uber or ordering food from DoorDash. If you have downtime during lunch or dinner time you need to look into being a DoorDash driver. Busy office buildings are always placing large lunch deliveries. Friday nights people love to order out. They are tired from a long week at work. By signing on to drive a food delivery service you are practically guaranteed money. People get sick of pizza and want something different, like Appleby’s or Chipotle, and those types of business do not offer delivery themselves.

In busy metropolitan areas people are very likely to order and Uber. They either don’t own a car due to the hustle and bustle of a city, cannot afford parking (I’m looking at you Chicago) or simply need a fast ride. When you sign up for Uber drive to places like airports, bars and college campuses, all places people are looking for a ride.

There are many ways to make some side cash, hopefully some of these ideas work for you.

New Construction Tips and Tricks

Are you building a new house? Congrats! What a fun and exciting adventure. When you are building a new home there are so many choices and decisions to make. Here are some tips as you get ready to break ground.


Finding the right location is a perfect way to ensure you are going to love this home for the long run. Check into the local schools. How are they rated compared to the rest of the state? How far are they located/will children take the bus or walk to school?

Neighborhoods – are you looking for a quiet neighborhood or one filled with kids playing outside and dog owners walking their dogs?

Cell phone – are you getting good reception? Cell phones are a huge role in our daily lives, so be sure to look into this.

Also, see how far it is from your current residence. Will you be able to relocate on your own? Else, you might have to explore a few local moving companies to shift your belongings to your new location once the construction is done.

Floor Plans

Are you building a custom home or a model home? Both are great but this is a huge decision. How many bathrooms do you require? Do you want a full basement? Do you want an open floorplan? How big of a bedroom are you wanting? If you are custom building, you have a lot of flexibility with these questions. Perhaps you are overwhelmed at the thought of making those types of decisions, making it a better choice to select a pre designed model instead.


Honestly, I do not suggest you always go for the cheapest options. Yes, maybe the bathroom tile isn’t a priority for you, but other things are crucial to the longevity of your home.

Do you want carpet in the living room or new hardwood? Are you going to be building a deck and have been looking into the Allspa hot tub deals? Be sure to shop around for the best hot tub, sit in a few. Look at the sizes and features. If you are upgrading with a hot tub, you want to get it right the first time, as replacing them can be pricey. You’ll see many Hot Tubs For Sale advertisements so make sure you are going to a good source and check out reviews from customers to listen to what they have to say.

Pipes – do not skimp here! Look into the bestradiant heating manifold. You want to make sure that your hot water can get to the top corner of your house as easily as it is to get hot water at your kitchen sink. If you live in an area of the country that has harsh winters you need to make sure your pipes don’t freeze. If they do, it is not a cheap repair. Look into for ways to keep your pipes safe.

Above all, have fun! Try not to stress out. This is a big life choice, but it should be a great memory too.

Unique Gifts for Men

This holiday you probably have a few men on your shopping list. Out of those men, odds are you have a guy that is tricky to buy for. Here are some awesome ideas for hard to shop for men.

Classic With a Twist

Nothing is perhaps as timeless a gift as a watch. With the rise in smartwatches, give him something that will stand the test of time. Worried about this being a boring present, then change up the format with a watch specially crafted from wood. Mixing the classical styling of a watch with the classical style of wood, you can hardly go wrong by checking out options like these. This will make a stylish, unique gift suitable for any significant other, regardless of hobbies or interests. Alternatively, instead of a wrist watch, another option would be a modern chained pocket watch that you can personalize with a short message or significant date.

For the Anime Lover

If your partner happens to be an anime lover, there couldn’t be a better gift than a few customized anime merch. Anime tends to have a separate fan base across the world, and their fans gravitate toward anything and everything associated with their favorite characters. Therefore, you could gift your loved one anything from a phone case to a hoodie to a backpack customized with their favorite anime character and there would be no limit to their happiness.

For the Pet Lover

Pet people love to get gifts for their furry friends. Spending some quality time with them is often the most relaxing time of the day. Here are some fun pet gift ideas.

Grand Fusion Housewares Pet Hair Remover Dryer Balls

Any pet lover can tell you that pet hair sticking to your clothing is a drag. When you wash your clothing or blankets with cat or dog fur it seams to never really detach and wash away. We have spend countless hours lint rolling and picking at ourselves. Thankfully Grand Fusion Housewares created dryer balls that are designed to help remove pet hair while in the dryer. They are soft foam balls making them gentle on clothing. The balls create friction allowing it to knock hair and lint loose on contact. It also softens and cleans during the drying cycle. They are long lasting with a durable design. We are so happy to eliminate the need for lint rollers. As a bonus they keep clothes looking clean and new. Use 2-3 balls for small dryer loads and 4-5 balls for large loads.

SleekEZ Deshedding Tool

Sometime these dogs can be a handful. Especially when they leave you with a ball of fur. Finding fur in every room is pretty common. They collect like little tumbleweeds in the desert, flowing around your hardwood and tile floors. If you are tired of collecting fur off the floor, then do some preventive work but brushing your dog. Using SleekEZ makes life easier and cleaner, so you can go enjoy some quality time with your dog, instead of picking up after it all night.

For the Outdoors Guy

Do you have a guy who loves to hunt? Guys who love the outdoors seem to love to collect toys that increase the enjoyment of the hunt. They have the camo, they have their gun or crossbow, but are they storing it properly? Help them out with a quality crossbow cases. Having the right accessories and tools make hunting safer and easier.

A Rapier for the LARPer

For guys who are passionate about live action role-playing (LARP) games, rapiers are a welcome gift. Your choice among these battle-ready rapier swords will be a worthwhile addition to their arsenal of weapons for LARP activities, cosplay events, and historical reenactments. Indeed, swords used in those activities need to look and feel like one for added authenticity. So you can be sure to impress the LARPer you know that what you have in your hands is a functional and ornate piece.

The Grandpa Soap Company

Back in the early 1800’s Jess Hoffman started a line of soaps. But not an average soap, a better one. During an era of innovation, this family recipe was proclaimed for it’s restorative and cleansing benefits. Grandpa’s Pine Tar Soap has earned praise and popularity throughout the years. A product that truly stands out is their Pine Tar Soaps. Grandpa’s Pine Tar Oil is 100% pure kiln-burned Wood Tar, imported from Sweden. It is manufactured in a closed vacuum system at high temperatures that does not generate creosote and is manufactured and tested under closely controlled conditions to ensure quality and uniformity. Pine sap is an astringent substance that has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties along with being anti-bacterial as well. All being said, this soap stands out for a reason. Pop a few of these into anyone’s stocking this year for a fun and useful gift.

For the Techie Guy

Key Holder

Shopping for the perfect gift for your techie guy can be a challenge. Whether you opt for slim wallets, slim key holders, or slim laptop bags – slim is always in style. For a tech-savvy guy who loves carrying his items close by and staying stylishly organized, a slim key holder makes an ideal choice. They’re lightweight and slim enough to fit inside any pocket or even his wallet, so he can easily take it on the go. With different colors and patterns, this slim key holder is sure to be a unique gift and highly appreciated by your techie friend.

Eggtronic Laptop Power Bank

With our busy lives we often run out of time to stop and charge our electronics. Often we dont even have time to find an outlet to stop and charge, but need to get moving. By using a Eggtronic Power Bank you can change on the go. Eggtronic Laptop Power Bank lets you recharge up to three devices simultaneously through its three ports: 45W USB-C Power Delivery, USB Quick Charge and standard USB 2.1A. The generous 20,000mAh battery capacity equals 4-8 charges for your smartphone, 3-5 charges for your tablet or 1.5 charges for your laptop. Its stylish design gives you a luxury feel. This will be a perfect git for any guy this year.

A Laptop

Whether he’s a techie or not, a laptop (click to keep reading about the discounts available for these on sites like Micro Center) is the most practical gift to give anyone because of its functionality. He can use it for a lot of things, for work, school, or personal projects. But laptops can come with a hefty price. If you have your mind set on giving a computer, the most practical option is getting a professionally refurbished laptop. These are units that have been cleaned and reconditioned by IT professionals to meet or exceed manufacturer standards. This means that refurbished laptops work just as well as brand-new units but are less expensive.

Cameras and Video Recording

Hooking a guy up with a video recording device, like the osmo action, is a sure way to impress him. For the tech guys, they know its all about quality and bells and whistles. Do they have the newest cell phone? Try getting them a new case for it. Do they have an old polaroid laying around? Get them a photo album with sheets that fit those classic looking photos. Taking pictures and making videos are a classic gift that is fun and useful.

5 Misconceptions About Early Childhood Education That Parents Sadly Believe

Reputable early learning centers, such as this early learning Chatsworth, have been trying for years to convince parents that they are a worthwhile investment for the future of their child. While there are many parents that use early learning facilities, there are many that are dubious regarding the real purpose or benefits of these centers. 

In fact, the following 5 misconceptions are so common that most people believe they are true.

  • All Children Develop at The Same Pace

This is a ridiculous myth that somehow still prevails today. No two people are the same. Your ability and speed at picking up new skills will be different from your sibling or best friend. That’s human nature and that is the same for children.

Although milestones are set for children, these are guidelines. There is no definitive rule for when a child should be able to do something because all children develop at a different pace.

That’s a good thing.

  • Academic Preschools Are Best

Just like everything in life, academic preschools are a good choice, but only for some people. The simple truth is that the best early childhood center for your child is the one that they enjoy. Children are very good at learning things but they all learn in their own way. That means that for some academic preschools are the best answer. But, for others, a more fun-based or even sports-orientated approach will be more effective. They can still learn the same knowledge. 

  • Teachers Educate Best

Teachers are trained to teach making them very good at what they do. However, instead of seeing them as better than you, it’s important to see them for what they are, people helping you. 

Teachers can educate children very effectively because they have the time to do it. They also have the experience and a curriculum that helps to ensure they are doing it right.

But, that doesn’t mean they are the best, they are simply part of the process. Parents are also a valuable part of the teaching process. 

  • The Effects Fade Quickly

The myth says that the benefits and knowledge gained during early education are quickly lost. This is not actually true. While a child may not recall all the information, the knowledge they gain will be absorbed and help to shape their personality and attitudes. 

While the effects may appear to fade the mark early education leaves on a child ensure they are better prepared for whatever future they want 

  • Parents Can Do The Same Job

Finally, many parents state that they can do the same job and it’s a lot cheaper to educate your child at home. However, the sad truth is that parents can’t offer the same level of education. As a parent, you have a list of chores that need to be completed and you’ll want to save some time for bonding and having fun with your child. 

That reduces the available time to educate them. In short, a parent can’t do the same job as the early learning center.