Category: Article

Eczema and Red Light Therapy

Eczema is one of the common skin conditions, and over 30 million Americans suffer from this condition. (Source)

Sadly, the treatment for eczema is not yet adequately understood, and the recent solutions are not that effective.

But some good news did strike many patients with eczema, as a few of the current clinical results show that red light therapy successfully reduces redness and itchiness.

Furthermore, this therapy has even shown improvement over skin rashes and has been successful in reducing inflammation. This makes it useful in gyms such as Planet Fitness where you can use a Planet Fitness Total Body Enhancement machine after a workout to reduce muscle soreness and aching. The machine works in a similar way to a tanning bed, but instead of using ultraviolet light, it uses infrared instead.

With such advanced machines coming into the picture, skin clinics tend to use such devices, which can help in treating different skin abnormalities. Since, these machines are often made after rigorous testing and trials in the hospitals, using them for skin treatment may not be a concern. You can ensure that your medical professional uses therapeutic devices supplied by a trusted and reputed company like Cryomed (you can have a look at aesthetic devices new zealand). Such machines can assist in treating skin laxity, excessive fat, cellulite, scars, stretch marks, unwanted tattoos, and pigmented lesions

So, here in this article, we’ll know all the positive impacts of how red light therapy can contribute to the treatment of eczema without showing any side effects!

Therefore, read till the end to know it all.

The Truth Regarding Eczema Treatment

Eczema has been one of the significant concerns of many people. Sometimes, psoriasis and eczema can get combined as both are inflammable and can result in itching, which can be very difficult to treat!

Both of these conditions have no primary treatment. Sometimes, patients take prescribed ointments and drugs that don’t show any observable effectiveness and might end up back-firing with unwanted side effects. There are, however, a few eczema relief cream available on the market that might be effective for relieving eczema symptoms and keeping skin that way with simple, daily maintenance.

Recently, researchers have searched for effective medications and treatments and stumbled over the benefits of RLT (Red light therapy) regarding eczema. The findings might be preliminary, but the results are very positive.

These positive outcomes encourage the researchers to carry on with further studies regarding the relationship between eczema and red light therapy!

Eczema and Red Light Therapy

In a human experiment, red light therapy and eczema were being analyzed. A group of researchers selected 81 patients for around a year, measured all their symptoms, and kept records of their progressed treatments. (Source)

The researchers then evaluated the progress before and after the patients went through regular light therapy treatment for 2 minutes sessions each week.

With each of the following short treatments, the researchers discovered drastic improvements in the eczema symptoms, even reduction of the following:

  • Follicular keratosis
  • Erythema
  • Pityriasis
  • Papules

They further noted that there were no side effects during or even after the treatment. Researchers believe that red light therapy might be the ultimate treatment for eczema only for eczema treatment.

Regularity and consistency with the treatment were the keys to improvement, but it was also stated even irregular short treatments also showed significant improvements of the patients with eczema.

Lab Studies Regarding Eczema and Red Light Therapy

In numerous lab studies, red light therapy has been found to be highly beneficial to many eczema patients.

Everything has been thoroughly tested with red light therapy, from advanced immunosuppressive drugs to even casual warm water baths. And in all the cases, the results have just been outstanding.

A study in 2013 carried out several tests to discover the benefits of immunosuppressive drugs and red light therapy (Source). And the following are the things they had found:

  • Reduced inflammation
  • Significant reduction of skin lesions
  • Re-established skin barrier

In a similar kind of study, the same researcher conducted a similar experiment, but the experiment was carried out with causal warm water to examine eczema. RLT, along with a hot bath, also decreased the inflammation. It even reduced the production of skin lesions and also suppressed any allergic reactions.

Although, more studies are still undergoing better to understand the relationship between red light therapy and eczema.

What Procedures Might Patients Go Through During Eczema Light Therapy?

Light therapy uses specialized UV lamps for treating conditions like eczema.

Experts administer these therapies during the therapy sessions. And they continuously keep control of the session time and the intensity as well.

Before the treatment, the experts will apply some moisturizer to the area that will be treated. They will even hand goggles to keep your eyes protected.

You might also need to take some of your clothes off to ensure that UV radiation successfully targets the areas of concern.

Even the treatment might be performed in a comparatively large cabinet where UV bulbs surround you.

Usually, these treatments last for a few or seconds or even several minutes, depending on the situation of your eczema rashes.

Common Risk Factors of Eczema Light Therapy

Red light therapy is considered very safe, and no possible dangers have been reported during the treatment procedure.

Although, it’s better to talk with your dermatologist before you start taking any of these therapies, as there might be specific reactions due to different skin tones.

Even there’s always a possibility for exacerbation, especially if UV light is one of the triggers of your eczema. So, if that is the case, make sure that you tell the expert about this before the treatment procedure, as he’ll then adjust the light intensities so that it treats your condition and doesn’t trigger eczema.

However, other side effects might include:

  • Tender skin
  • Increased itchiness
  • Discoloration or redness post-treatment
  • Dry skin
  • Acne breakouts
  • Brown and white spots
  • Burning sensations
  • Signs of age spots
  • Future cataracts

Although short-term side effects such as discoloration and redness might also get worse after 8 hours of the therapy session, they should completely recover after this time.

Nevertheless, the side effects of this treatment are minimal and will not have any severe or permanent issues.

Bottom Line

Red light therapy has indeed been the solution to many conditions, and eczema is one of them.

Other than red light therapy, no other long-lasting and practical solutions have yet been discovered for eczema.

The risks and side effects regarding red light therapy are minimal as during the sessions, the intensity of the UV is increased gradually! So, no news of severe side effects has been reported yet.

Although, there’s still a chance of experiencing sunburns, discoloration, and redness during the sessions. So, in such cases, always consult with your doctor for better solutions.

I hope this article will now help you know how eczema and red light therapy are connected.

Reference Articles:

When a Loved One Has Cancer, How Do You Handle Things?

A life-threatening condition such as cancer is heartbreaking, and no one should ever have to go through the anguish and suffering that comes with it. Despite this, millions of people are diagnosed with cancer each year, and even if it isn’t deadly, it can be a terrifying time in one’s life. It’s likely that you’ve known at least one person who has been afflicted by the disease, but it can be tough to know what to do and how to deal with everything if one of your loved ones is suffering from it. When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, here’s how to handle the situation. 


Try not to hide away from it

Cancer affects everyone differently, and it can be especially tough to accept if you learn that a loved one with whom you may not have spent enough time or with whom you have fallen out with suddenly has the condition. Don’t be afraid of them. Life is too short to not forgive and forget, as well as to embrace every moment you have with your loved ones.


There are now care packages available that can make dealing with cancer as well as the treatments patients must endure much more bearable. Consider purchasing some for your friends and family to make their life easier.


Research what you can do to help

While learning that you have cancer is a terrible thing to hear, learning that someone close to you has cancer can be even more traumatic. To help you get through this tough period, seek expert guidance from your GP on coping strategies and other therapies such as counselling or medication. You can look into treatments such as chemotherapy, or even immunotherapy treatment to look for the best possible solution for your loved one.


In many facets of life, knowledge is power, so understanding as much as you can about the sort of cancer your loved one has, as well as the side effects, therapies, and other things to expect, can help both you and your loved one get through this difficult time. Knowing what to expect might also go a long way toward calming your nerves.


Don’t neglect self care

It’s understandable that it’s difficult to focus on your own health when someone dear to you is in pain, but taking care of yourself is essential to remaining the strong person they require. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and eating enough to be there for them when they need you the most.


Don’t go through it alone

Finally, don’t try to do everything on your own. Similar to the last point about taking care of yourself, no one person can do everything, and you will need help from others at times. When you’re in a panic, call on a family member or a friend.


Cancer is one of the most devastating diseases a person can contract, and while we pray you never have to face it, if you do, be sure to take these measures for your own and your loved one’s benefit.


Here’s How To Get What You Want In Life


We often grow up thinking that we don’t always get what we want in life. When really, that doesn’t always have to be the case. It tends to be something that parents say thoughtlessly to their kids. The motive is harmless, trying to teach children that they can’t always get everything that they ask for, but it can also be quite limiting. As much as the meaning was supposed to be no, you can’t have more sweets before dinner, it can actually make you feel like you can’t reach your dreams. That’s deep – but it’s true.

You’re a busy mom, you know how these comments get said, but at the same time, you’ve probably felt like you can’t always get what you want in life too – because of this saying! When really, you can reach your dreams and have anything and everything that you want in life. Let’s take a look at how you make that happen.


Adjust Your Mindset

First of all, you need to change your mindset. Having the mindset that you just can’t get what you want will always hold you back. Instead, you need to make sure that you’re focusing on what you want and telling yourself that it can be yours. Having a positive mindset can make such a difference here. Although it might not feel like it, you should find that focusing on the good things in life makes you feel like you can achieve anything and reach your goals.


Plan For It

Although some will say that you can’t play everything (and you can’t), it’s also a great idea for you to think about making a plan for what you want in life. Mood boarding or setting goals can help you here. Really start to think about what you want for your home or your career or your future and get specific.

It’s okay to research and look at career progression and promotional paths, the kitchen design you want and the modern LED ceiling lights that you love, and even schools for kids. The more specific the better. It’ll help you to visualize your dream life and make it happen.


Take Action

But then finally, you have to make sure that you’re actually taking action. Just hoping that things will go your way won’t work out. If it is a test that you need to take, make sure that you prepare well ahead. For example, for pharmacy technician jobs, you might have to clear PTCB. You can look for a free PTCB practice exam that is available at platforms like Medical Hero. This way, you will feel much more confident and prepared to face the real exam. Similarly, if it’s an interview, you do your homework. You have to decide that it’s going to then actually take steps in that direction. Think about what you need to do to get what you want. Whether it’s saving, changing careers, changing your mindset, or changing habits – you’ll find that this gets you what you want.


As you can see, getting what you want in life is so much easier than you think. It doesn’t have to be a greedy or selfish thing, just something that you do to make sure that you reach your dreams and goals. By following the steps above, you should be in a much better position to make this happen.


4 Reasons You’re Not Sleeping Well And What You Can Do About It

Your body needs sleep. Without the right level of sleep, you are going to struggle to muster the energy required to get through the day. If you are not sleeping well, then you are going to have issues with even the most basic tasks. This could impact both your work and your personal life to the point where you start to see significant ramifications. So, what can cause you to have issues with your sleep? Well, there are a few possibilities that you might need to address here.

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Your Sleep Environment

First, it’s important to understand the impact that your sleep environment can have on your ability to get a good night of sleep. For instance, you might need to think about changing your bed. People often assume that a bed is a one-size-fits-all item and this is just not the case.

Some people will be better off with a firmer mattress, particularly if they are suffering from issues with chronic pain. Others will sleep better on a softer bed. Moreover, they can look for various options like cannabidiol capsules that may help in relieving chronic pain and in getting good sleep. Although, there’s no set rule to follow.

Your Stress Levels

It is possible that you are struggling to sleep at night because you are dealing with high levels of stress in your life. If that’s the case then it does make sense to think about exploring ways that you can relax before your head hits the pillow. You might want to consider using CBD products. Research shows that CBD products can be very effective in helping ensure that people can destress after a long day. This is something to keep in mind if you find it’s your thoughts that are leaving you with trouble sleeping.

You should also be aware that masturbation can help you deal with stress in your mind and body. If you’re tired of masturbating or find it boring, you might want to look for high quality sex dolls that look like real women, with whom you can talk, get intimate, and, most importantly, explore your sexual desires.

Sleep Apnea

There are medical conditions that can stop you from sleeping well. One example of this condition would be sleep apnea. Sleep apnea essentially causes you to stop breathing multiple times through the night. If you are suffering from this condition then you are going to wake up feeling exhausted. That’s true regardless of what time your head hits the pillow to go to sleep. You might want to think about speaking to a doctor about this particularly if you wake up each morning with a significant headache. They might be able to help ensure that you can get the rest you need.

Restless Nights

Finally, it’s possible that you are just restless through the night. If you spend the night tossing and turning then you are always going to struggle to have the energy that you need when you wake up in the morning. One of the ways that you can combat this issue is by changing up your diet. For instance, eating more potassium will help regulate your body movements. You may also want to explore using kratom (you can have it delivered to your home for convenience) if you suffer from aches and pains that cause you to toss and turn all night.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key reasons why you might be struggling to get the full amount of sleep that you need at night. If you take the right steps here then you’ll be able to make sure that you do wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy each morning.

A master list of problem addiction warning signs

According to the National Centre for Responsible Gambling, about 1% of the US adult population has a severe gambling problem. Additionally, they suggest that an even higher percentage of young adults has this problem. It makes sense. Casino games are better, more engaging, more rewarding, and more aesthetically pleasing than ever before.

Casinos and casino game developers spend a lot of money every year to understand their customers and improve their user experience. This article is not written to condemn casino players or casinos. Done responsibly, playing casino games can be a relaxing and fun experience. If you find a great casino like the Sloto cash online casino, it can also be a rewarding experience for you.

This article is for those who suspect that they or someone they love may have a gambling addiction. How do you recognize the signs? We will give you a list of some of the symptoms to watch out for. If you see that you or your loved one exhibits any of these symptoms, you can then look for a way forward to help them.

What is an addiction?

According to Medical News Today, addiction refers to the inability to stop using a substance or performing an action even when it causes physical or psychological harm. This article will divide the symptoms of gambling addiction into four sections; behavioral, emotional, financial, and personality. Some of these symptoms may overlap.

What are the behavioral symptoms of problem gambling?

  1. The person impulsively gambles even when they said they would not do it. They are unable to go for periods without thinking about gambling or engaging in the activity.
  2. The person may engage in illegal activity to get the money to gamble. For example, they may steal people’s possessions and sell them for gambling money.
  3. They may be consistently late for work or other obligations without having any relevant reasons.
  4. They may take longer to do actions that took them a short time in the past. For example, they may take unusually long to run errands or do their chores suggesting that they are doing something else.
  5. They may withdraw from their typical day-to-day activities and from people to create more time for gambling.
  6. They may obsessively talk about gambling. Their conversations predominantly revolve around casinos and gambling.
  7. The person has lied or being caught lying about their gambling.
  8. They may jeopardize their job, relationships, or other essential things for gambling.
  9. The person has co-occurring substance abuse problems. Statistics show that people with gambling addiction are 2 to 4 times more likely to develop Alcohol Use Disorder, so it’s not uncommon to find the two occurring together.
  10. They may develop unusual or unhealthy sleeping patterns as they often gamble for two long. This is especially true if they have a day job that keeps them engaged.
  11. They may become more secretive as they try to hide their use or its extent
  12. They engage in revenge gambling. This is when they gamble to try and recover lost money.
  13. They may often act without thinking of the consequences of their actions.

What are some emotional symptoms?

  1. They may show extreme mood swings after their gambling sessions that correlate with their performance.
  2. The person may act more anxious and agitated when they have been away from a casino or casino game for an extended period.
  3. They may show symptoms of depression. Many addictions, including problem gambling, often occur together with depression. There is still more to be studied on addictions and depression, but they often seem to feed on each other.
  4. They may no longer show interest in activities that they had previously found enjoyable.
  5. They may have intense feelings of guilt or remorse after gambling. This is especially true if they have tried quitting before.

What are the financial symptoms of problem gambling?

  1. The person often fluctuates between having money and being broke and not in a typical after salary and before salary fluctuation.
  2. The person may have a lot of unpaid bills even if their income has not changed.
  3. The person may take on a second job without any visible added expenses or goals that explain the need for a new income.
  4. They may spend more money than they anticipated when gambling.
  5. They may put extremely high stakes in an attempt to recover lost money.
  6. They may start taking loans or borrowing money again without any visible expenses or goals that explain the need.
  7. They may try and incite people to make bets to try and win money. They may try and put a stake on different outcomes in their lives even when it is unnecessary.
  8. They may have secret money accounts to try and hide their money trail.

What are some personality changes associated with problem gambling

  1. The person may neglect taking care of themselves in place of gambling. For example, they may neglect their self-care routines and environment.
  2. The person may act differently from how they used to before, for example, by withdrawing and having mood changes.
  3. The person stops any of their healthy coping mechanisms and replaces them with gambling.
  4. The person seems to have replaced a different addiction with gambling. For example, they may replace a previous drug addiction with compulsive gambling.


No one engages with a behavior deliberately attempting to get addicted to it. That is why, if you or your loved one is showing signs of addiction, you should approach the situation with compassion, not just condemnation. It is also important to note that you should not handle it all by yourself. If your loved one is struggling with alcohol or drug addiction then it would be a good idea to look for an inpatient treatment center near me to get them the help that they need. A good place to start if you think you have a gambling addiction is joining a Gamblers Anonymous program or other addiction programs to find support among people who understand what you are going through.


First Impressions People Might Have About Your Home


Image Credit: User32212 from Pixabay.

Everyone has a certain amount of pride in their home. While it mightn’t be the biggest or most expensive, it’s theirs. That pride means that people will want to take care of their property.

When someone visits your home for the first time, you want the impression to be positive. That’ll be the case for every subsequent time they visit. The first impression can matter significantly.

If you’re worried that your home doesn’t hit all the right notes, then you’ll want to address any problems. Though everyone has their tastes, there are a few common things that can cause your home to leave a bad impression.

Uncomfortable First Impressions Your Home Might Make

It’s Messy & Cluttered

Nobody likes a mess. If you don’t clean too often, then friends and family members mightn’t want to visit too regularly. Naturally, that’s quite easy to overcome, although it will need some work, depending on how messy your home is.

Clutter will also play a part in this, although it mightn’t be related too much to a mess. Having too many belongings in the room could make it feel messy and cluttered. That could make visitors stressed, so they might avoid coming over.

By placing things in different places or going with a more minimalist approach could be recommended.

It’s Too Hot Or Cold

You’ll be used to having your home at a certain temperature. While that will be comfortable for you, it mightn’t be for visitors. That’s why it can always be recommended to see if someone is too hot or cold while in your house.

Your HVAC unit will play a significant role in this, so you’ll need to make sure it’s well-maintained. Using 24 Hour AC Repair and other HVAC-focused companies will make sure that everything is working properly. If you are struggling to find one in your local area, it may be best to do a Google search of local businesses, or search phrases such as “companies similar to George Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning“, for example, so you have something to compare with where you are.

If something’s on the fritz, then you should get it fixed as soon as possible.

There’s A Bad Smell

The smell of your home will have a large role in the impression your house has. Since you’ve been living there, you mightn’t pick up on the scent too strongly. That’s true regardless of whether your home smells good or bad.

Visitors will notice this as soon as they walk in, however. By making sure your house smells nice, you’ll ensure visitors are impressed. Keeping everything clean will play a significant role in this, as will using scented sprays.

Using scented candles around the home can also be a recommended step. Flowers can enhance the effect, although you’ll need to make sure they’re fresh.

Wrapping Up

There are countless reasons why someone will visit your home. Friends and family will be over relatively regularly. If you’re selling your house, then strangers could visit to tour the premises as part of the buying process.

On each of these occasions, you’ll want to make as positive an impression as possible. You shouldn’t have a problem doing so by doing all of the above. Though there could be other issues that you might want to address, you’ll have most bases covered with each of the above problems.

How Sustainability Will Save You Money In The Long Run

Image credit.

Sustainability is a hugely popular buzzword for brands and businesses to use in this day and age. We all want to live more sustainably and support businesses that are doing good things for the planet, but it can be very difficult when money comes into the picture. Fast fashion is cheaper than sustainable fashion; gassing up your car is cheaper than buying electric. However, a lot of institutions and businesses are transitioning to sustainable products and services.

You might have heard how the Australian government is providing electric vehicle grants for infrastructure and vehicles. This can not only help with cleaner transport system, but in saving the overall running cost of vehicles. If government institutions are taking up such important measures for sustainability, you can also do your part by being sustainable. In this post, you’ll learn ways that sustainable living can be good for your bank account too. Let’s get started!

  1. If you run a business, sustainability sells.

When you run a business, money is on your mind 24/7. Are we making enough money? Do we have enough to fall back on if something goes wrong? Can we afford to pay our staff? Small businesses constantly ask these questions.
It can be hard to focus on the wider world when your business is just getting started. In fact, your priority might be to increase sales or bolster the online reputation of the business (either by enlisting the help of an online reputation management agency or otherwise) so as to attract more leads. However, there are so many areas to be considered before setting up a business, especially if it is a manufacturing unit or a factory. As they tend to produce a lot of waste material; releasing it in the nearby vicinity might prove problematic to the people living there. This can eventually tarnish the reputation of your business. So, to avoid any such circumstances it is always better to comply with environmentally accommodating rules and choose a location that isn’t hampering the natural ecosystem. It can effectively be done by thorough research provided by companies with similar caliber to RSB Environmental.

When it comes to products, being sustainable is a great way to make your business more marketable in the modern world. By investing in sustainable materials for your products and running an energy efficient workplace, you can use these practices to hook more customers, thereby increasing your revenue.

  1. Sustainable clothing is of higher quality.

Fast fashion might be cheaper than sustainable fashion, but sustainable fashion lasts. If you don’t want to be chucking away clothes that you’ve only owned for a year or so, you should shop for sustainable clothing for men and women that actually lasts through many washes, wears and seasons. That way, you will be able to keep your clothing for years, rather than spending money on throwaway clothes that won’t last very long.

  1. Electric boilers run more cheaply than oil or gas ones.

By avoiding fossil fuels when heating your home, you are actually helping your bank account as well as the planet. Older boilers run on oil or gas, and these fuels are now becoming more expensive in comparison to electricity. By replacing your burner boiler with an electric one, you will reduce the monthly cost of your heating bill, while also making a positive contribution to the planet too!

  1. Wasteful living wastes money, too.

If you have got into bad habits with food, belongings or fuel, it’s time to start changing the way you think. Wasting products – such as over-buying food that rots before you can eat it, or buying too many clothes, or using your car too often when you could walk – is bad for the planet, but it also eats into your budget, too. By paying more attention to the way you use products and cutting down on unnecessary waste, you could actually save a lot of money. Plus, you’ll be giving the planet a sigh of relief by not overusing or wasting precious products.

In conclusion…

Sustainability can be an expensive endeavour, but by using these four tips, you will be making small changes that have a big impact on our world. Try these tips to see how much money you could save by being more sustainable!

Learn to Bake Tempting Red Velvet Cake

Thinking of a red velvet cake awakens the child within all of us. Thus, no one dares to refuse a slice from this delicious cake. But what if you are on a diet? 


There is a reliable solution available. You can bake a mouth-watering red velvet cake with selective ingredients even when on a strict diet. Here’s how to do this magic. But before that, let’s get some insights into the HCG diet in detail. 


What is an HCG diet? Is it a thing?


It is a unique weight loss diet plan that involves regularly taking HCG injections (human chorionic gonadotropin). When on this diet, an individual should keep complete control of calories. Generally, 500 calories per day are highly recommended for a person on an HCG diet. Those who don’t know HCG is a type of hormone which releases during pregnancy and can be extracted via the urine of an expecting woman. 


What ingredients do you need to make this red velvet cake for the HCG diet?


Most ingredients remain the same as for a regular velvet cake. It includes – 9 large eggs, ½ cup organic butter, some red food coloring for the perfect texture, yogurt, teaspoon sea salt, vanilla extract, baking powder, cheese cream, cocoa powder, coconut flour, sour cream, and much more. You can consider a zero calorie brown sugar substitute as a healthy sugar alternative. This will help you cut down on accelerating calories. 


How to prepare it?


Step 1 – The base 


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Keep eggs and butter at room temperature before starting the preparation. If you are running out of time, keep butter in the microwave for 10 seconds and dunk the eggs in lukewarm water for around 15 minutes. 
  3. Grease a 9-inch cake pan with a hydrogenated blend and then dust a sufficient amount of cocoa powder on it. Tap the pan from all sides to evenly distribute the cocoa powder mix. 
  4. Whisk eggs in a bowl until they turn into a smooth batter. Now slowly add vanilla extract, coconut flour, a pinch of sea salt, and cocoa powder. 
  5. Mix yogurt and food color in a separate bowl. 
  6. Now add cream butter to the egg bowl to make it super fluffy. 
  7. Mix other ingredients until it turns into a smooth batter. 
  8. Pour the mixture into the baking tin and cover it with a foil sheet. The batter is all set to be put inside the oven for baking. 


Once you take out the baked base, prepare some icing and garnish it with your favorite toppings. 


What are other prominent ways to cheat when on an HCG diet?


No wonder the HCG diet leaves no scope for cheat meals, especially when you desire results quickly. If you are juggling with the same troubles, here is something for you. 


  1. Prefer more p2 foods, especially p2 veggies and proteins. It’s the critical source of energy when on the HCG diet. 
  2. Sample shirataki noodles (often referred to as miracle noodles). 
  3. Prepare a p2 slushie treat for yourself.


No matter what you try, don’t forget to consult your nutritionist first. 


Top Tips For Style While Using A Wheelchair

When you use a wheelchair, you have to put a little more thought into what you wear. As well as what looks good and is in fashion, you have to consider how the clothing will interact with your chair and how comfortable it will be for you.

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Don’t wear clothing that is too long

Longer clothing can awkward for wheelchairs user. Long pieces, like scarves or maxi skirts, can easily get caught in the wheels or obstruct other aids like medical exoskeletons. Long pieces might look good, but you will struggle to be able to move freely and will spend a lot of time preventing yourself from getting tangled up. This will soon get annoying. Choose clothes that are closer fitting so you don’t get tangled up when you’re trying to move around.


Draw attention to your waist

Long shirts and jackets can bunch up and look boxy when you are sitting down. Try adding a belt to keep your top where you want it. A belt also emphasizes your waist. Look for more fitted shirts that are tailored at the waist. The material of your clothes makes a difference too. Thick cloth or big buttons can make lumps that make you look thicker.


Another tweak that can help is to have your clothes tailored. Alterations are not usually as expensive as people think, but they make a lot of difference. Have a shirt taken in or a jacket shortened, so you can get the waist definition where you need it and avoid fabric bunching up or getting in the way of your wheels.


Have fun with your shoes

If you spend a lot of time sitting, your shoes will stay in great condition for a lot longer, which is a great excuse to experiment. You can buy shoes that would be much too uncomfortable for you to walk in all day. Experiment with fun shoes that you wouldn’t be able to wear if you had to walk. Less practical shoes are an option too, as they are less likely to get worn out or splashed, or otherwise wrecked.


However, you will need to be very careful to get the right size. Make sure your shoes are not too small for you. If you are someone who can’t always feel your feet, it is very easy to do some real damage to the skin before you notice, by accidentally wearing shoes that are too tight.


Buy longer tops

Longer tops will give the illusion of a leaner torso. If you do not have those, you can also make use of your brother’s or father’s t-shirt from one of those tall mens clothing. It could be perfect for you. Since sitting down can make you look thick around the middle and can also make you look shorter, it is important to dress accordingly.

A shirt that continues past your waist can help to smooth your lines out and elongate your torso, making you look taller and slimmer. A long top will also prevent you from accidentally exposing any skin when you lean over. Shorter shirts often ride up when you are sitting down. If you wear long shirts, you can keep your back and stomach covered whenever you need to reach for something or stretch.


Take These COVID-19 Precautionary Measures On Your Next Trip to Dollywood

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has really disrupted the quality of life for many people. With compulsory vaccine shots and people’s understanding of personal safety, the world is slowly returning to its regular course of life. Dollywood is one of America’s busiest and most popular theme parks. It is now returning to its normal routine and letting people have the time of their lives, by providing one of the best outdoor fun experiences. If you plan to visit this incredible mountain-themed roller coaster park, keep the top-most coronavirus safety tips in mind.

We have the most essential items that you would need during the trip enlisted in this article.

Face Masks

You probably have heard it millions of times to wear a face mask covering your face until your nose. You can bring your very own pack of medically-approved disposable masks or purchase a few when leaving home and then buy more during the trip. There are reusable masks available in the market, but it has been proven that cloth-based masks are not as effective as the ones you find in a pharmacy. Most countries have specific guidelines on which type of mask to wear. On your visit to Dollywood, you will be required to wear a mask whenever you go out – except when eating food.

Zip-Lock Bags

Throwing your used fabric masks with your used clothes in the same suitcase can be dangerous. Who knows what you touched and when. The better idea is to keep everything separate. Keep a few extra zip lock bags in when packing to store masks. You can take 2 bags – one labeled as used masks and the other one as new masks. This is a terrific way to keep your reusable masks before cleaning them.

Disinfectant Wipes

After a day of taking rides and exploring Dollywood, your phone, bag, and other valuables may have touched some infected spots. It is good to keep disinfectant wipes and clean your things before bringing them into the room. If you have kids, make sure to disinfect their backpacks and gadgets properly. Once you are done disinfecting your items, it is recommended to properly wash your hands. Keep high-quality antibacterial disinfectant wipes, swabs, and sprays in your bag. Other than cleaning your belongings, these wipes are a great way to decontaminate other surfaces like ride handles, doorknobs, and seat handle. Nevertheless, you need to understand that disinfecting a surface doesn’t mean you are safe from the risk of viruses.

Hand Sanitizer

The past year has made the hand sanitizer industry a million-dollar enterprise. We all have one, no matter what. Add a few bottles of hand sanitizer to your precautionary list for COVID-19 to use on the road. Although they will provide you with a dollop of hand sanitizer every time, you enter or exit a ride, keeping one at your convenience is a great way to ensure that the product you are using is high quality. Wash your hands before entering the park and sanitize your hands throughout the journey. Even though they will offer you some, it is always a great idea to keep your spare for top-ups and to make sure that kids – who have a habit of touching everything – are safe.

The effectiveness of a hand sanitizer or an antibacterial disinfectant depends upon the alcohol content. While there are milder options available featuring 60% alcohol content, we recommend you go for a sanitizer with 80 to 90% alcohol content. This one may be a bit harsh on the skin, but it does guarantee the maximum removal of germs. The WHO recommended formulas available in the market feature 70% to 80% alcohol content. However, it is worth noting that these formulas may be a bit too strong for people with sensitive skin.

Hand Cream or Moisturizer

Washing your hands with alcohol-based formulas and disinfectants may protect you from germs. Still, your skin can suffer to a considerable extent because of this. Hands can become really dry with such products. Some people even experience their skin coming off. Adding a nourishing product like a hand cream on your COVID-19 travel checklist can really help you maintain the integrity of your skin.

Look for products that are high in ingredients like shea butter, petroleum, dimethicone, or lanolin. Apply your hand cream every day in the morning and before going to bed to prevent your skin from scaling like snakes. Vaseline, Victoria’s Secret, The Body Shop all have high moisturizing properties that prevent your skin from cracks and dryness while leaving a nice aroma.

Disposable Gloves

You may have seen the management of different stores and parks wearing disposable gloves when handling customers. This is to prevent your skin from getting in contact with an infected surface. Keeping a few pairs of disposable gloves is a nice idea. It helps eliminate the chances of getting in contact with a potentially hazardous surface – especially when you are trying not to touch any in the first place. Most people planning to stay at Smoky Mountain cabins prefer to wear gloves until the room is thoroughly disinfected and cleaned. Just make sure not to touch your face while wearing gloves that have been in contact with so many surfaces.

Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D shots have been in discussion among health professionals around the world. Most doctors recommend getting two shots of vitamin D to lower your chances of contracting COVID-19. Although this theory has not been proven 100% yet, what harm could add vitamins do to your routine?

You can take a shot of Vitamin D before leaving for vacation. Instead of an injection, drink the formula with milk or any suitable fluid. If the trip is for a week, you can keep a shot with you and take the other formula after one week. Since this is a non-proven theory, we recommend that your body needs all kinds of minerals and vitamins instead of just vitamin D for a healthy immune system. Keep multivitamin tablets for daily use as well. If you do not have a regular multivitamin that you take, then you may want to check out where you can buy multivitamin drops for adults so you find something well worth it.

Disposable Cutlery

When you are distancing yourself, why not separate the utensils you eat in? Most eateries at Dollywood have high-quality precautions when it comes to cleanliness and hygiene, but still, it is a good option to keep your personal cutlery with you. There are plenty of reusable products in the market that can become your cutlery best friend during the trip because of their size and convenience to pack. You can also avoid the restaurant crockery and cutlery by getting a takeaway and eating in your room. Just make sure to throw away the used products and take out a fresh set for each meal. Keep your very own water bottle to save money and have a refreshing but hygienic drink throughout the day.


After vaccination, life is slowly starting to get back to normal. People have once again started to travel to their favorite destinations. When traveling, make sure to prepare a safety bag for yourself and the entire family to prevent yourself from the risk of catching the virus. There are plenty of safety precautions to keep in mind. Just make sure to keep disinfectants, masks, and sanitizer with you throughout your trip. Also, avoid touching any unfamiliar surfaces. Sanitizing your hands after every 30 minutes or so is a great way to reduce the risk of catching COVID.