Author: MamatheFox

Mexican Meatloaf Recipe

This is one of my husband’s favorite recipes I have created. I typically use an all beef mixture. You can use the normal beef/pork/veal mixture or any combination. Just a warning – if you use the all beef mixture it will be heavy and dense! We like this version occasionally but others might not like how heavy and thick it is. This is a personal preference. Please choose your meat accordingly.


  • 1.5 lb beef (or any meatloaf combo you like)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • 1 bag of shredded Mexican cheese
  • 1 can (rinsed) black beans
  • 1 taco season package


1. Whisk your eggs.


2. Mix egg and breadcrumbs with meat mixture.

3. Add in taco seasoning, salt, pepper and can of rinsed black beans.

ingred loose

5. Gently fold in 3/4 cup of the shredded cheese.

with cheese

6. Place mixture into a greased loaf pan


7. Sprinkle remaining shredded cheese on top.

raw cheese

8. Cook at 375 for 45-60 minutes. Times will vary based on your meat mixture and oven.


9. Serve with taco toppings you and your family love.


Sour cream, green onions, taco sauce, can of Rotel, Spanish rice, refried beans, black olives, hot peppers, salsa.

AYL Silicone Grip Gloves – A Review

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Cooking is not only a large part of this blog but a key part of my life. I love to cook. Finding new ingredients and gadgets is what a cook lives for. I was chosen to review an amazing product that is so versatile that I am sure you are going to pop over to Amazon to grab a pair for yourself.

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AYL (Accessorize Your Life) is a top seller over at my favorite place to shop,! The item which I have fallen in love with are their Silicone Grill Gloves. These gloves come ready to use right out of the packaging. They are 100% premium grade FDA-approved silicone. They are non toxic and odorless which is so helpful because I can be okay with the smell of rubber, but I don’t want my beautiful meal to be tarnished by a rubbery smell which other inferior gloves can do. The gloves are super easy to clean and dishwasher safe. Best of all the can easily withstand heat up to 425 degrees!

My husband was thrilled when he saw me with our new Silicone Gloves the first time I used them. He immediately asked, can we use those on the grill?! I laughed and told him yes. His response, “I am going to stick my hand right into the fire!” Such a guy…I reminded him about the heat limits but yes, babe, you can briefly stick your hand into a fire.

These gloves are perfect for everyday kitchen use. I have always used name brand oven mitts ::cough cough William Sonoma cough:: but I have now made my switch to these AYL glove.  I have used these gloves on everything from your standard fry pan to a super heavy ceramic stock pot. Every cookware item these gloves have touched not only allowed me to grip with strength but with delicacy as well. I can hold tightly to a very heavy stock pout but also tenderly pour water out of a tiny pot. I thought that holding onto the handle of a fry pan in these gloves would be difficult or awkward due to the finger style instead of a mitten style that I am accustomed to. Every time it was smooth and safe.


I grabbed my gloves just yesterday to use them when my oven was off. No oven this time, just a defrosted can of broth. I make my own bone broth from scratch and freeze it so I always have chicken stock on hand. When you defrost a jar of liquid the top is always crazy hard to unscrew. The seal gets too tight after storage and if you forget to wipe the lid (and I’m a very forgetful gal) then that reopening in going to be a beast. I instantly thought of my new Silicone Gloves and BOOM! I was able to open it on my own! That was a thrill for a weakling like me. Besides opening stubborn jars, these gloves can be used for changing a light bulb, camping, fishing and for tons of other ways too.

AYL gives their customers a lifetime warranty. They promise to take care of their customers 100%. That is a guarantee I can groove with.







I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Smarty Preschool Adventure App Giveaway

All kids love technology. It is alluring and memorizing. They want that screen time. They literally scream for the screen!

I limit what I let my children play with and watch on the TV, iPad and all types of devices. I try to find the best educational apps for my kids to use when I do allow them those minutes on the tablet. If they are going to be on there they will at least bear fruit in the process.

I was able to review the game Smarty Preschool Adventure and it was such a pleasure. I thoroughly enjoyed the app and more importantly, so did my 2 year old. She loves playing with it and has gotten much much better at recognizing all types of colors and shapes. It’s a very good part of her Incremental Games collection for her age, and hopefully she’ll be enjoying it for a time to come. To find out more about the game please read the full review here.

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Smarty Preschool Adventure is for children ages 2 to 6. It teaches colors, shapes, counting and matching. When registered it is also available in the following languages: Spanish, Italian, Russian, French, German, Portuguese, Greek, Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Chinese.

Check them out on Facebook at

For your chance to win a free download of this awesome educational game please see the form below (may take a moment to load, please have patience).


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Smarty Preschool Adventure App Giveaway

Smarty Preschool Adventure – A Review

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Raising a child in society today its hard to not be bombarded by technology. Television, DVRs, blue-ray players, cell phones, iPads, tablets, cell phones, iPods, and who knows what is next. We try to limit our children’s screen time so that they can use their imagination and be exposed to people and nature. Reality is we also need to have our children exposed to technology because it will be an integral part of their education and future in general.

When I brought home my second child I saw the value that could be seen in an iPad/tablet. When I needed to sit with my newborn and nurse (which as all mothers know can be ALL day sometimes), I needed to have my toddler distracted and entertained; otherwise she will want to crawl and be on my lap too, which can be quite the balancing act. I now still exclusively breast feed my youngest and still need those 20 minutes to side track my daughter. Finding a good, quality and educational app for your child is not as easy as one would think. Some are full of advertisements which can lead your child into the internet (which is not appropriate for young children), some are full of glitches which freeze and turn off that game. That is horrible when a kid cannot play something they started due to a app error. Some are non sense and will not provide any value or gain in the play time.

When I was given the app from Anna, the creator/owner/developer I was excited but hesitant. You just never know what it is you are installing onto your tablet. I let my daughter be the first to open the game. She easily was able to independently open the game and get it started. She likes being able to figure the buttons out on her own.  The main menu is the games main character, “Smarty” cat, juggling different shapes of multiple colors as well as fruit. The user touches an item being juggled to choose the game they wish to play. This is a fun concept but too hard for my 2 year old to fully understand. She want to play the “match the color game” but is unable to know which item to touch for that game to appear. This can causes stress for my daughter and me. I tried to figure out what shape or fruit goes with which game and I cannot find any association between them. It’s almost as if its random. If only the items being juggled would more easily identify with the wanted game then my daughter, and other users, would have an easier time navigating.  A few times she has turned the game off because she cannot figure out how to get into the game she wants. When she is on a roll, however, she will play this app for a solid 20 to 30 minutes.  We also get a screen where you can tell it is showing you how many levels you have unlocked with stars and numbers. I cannot figure out exactly what it is trying to tell me.

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My daughter has never been very good at her colors. She could count to 20 by 2 year but colors allude her. No interest in learning them either, until this game! She loves matching the colors to the thought bubble with the lead color! I was thrilled to see her repeating the correct colors! Saying them out loud with the game. Then later recalling those colors correctly. Happy mama here.

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There will be multiple shapes to drag to the matching shape bubble. If there are 2 hexagons then it will count as you drop them in the bubble. She loves numbers, so this feature is great. Another shape game is when you get to physically shake the tablet back and forth to make the shapes fall from a cloud. This is a great interaction my daughter loves. She like to drag them back like puzzle pieces.

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Join the Points:

This is my daughters most captivating and most frustrating game on the app. In this game you take your finger and touch a small flower. Then dragging your finger you create a line which you move to another flower. You do this to make different shapes such as a line, triangle, hexagon, etc… My daughter wants to play this game all the time, but being only 2 years old, her fine motor skills are not fully developed. The screen is very sensitive and you have to have your finger exactly on the center of a very tiny flower for it to recognize your touch and make the line for you to be able to connect. I would suggest that the screen allows a larger area for a finger to be able to start the line, or to make the flowers a bit larger. This would help the younger children. I really love this feature because it is using their fine motor skills. It allows the user to pick a color that they want the line to be. The most fun part is when you finish connecting the lines a tiny bee goes around the shape showing you that you did it correctly. Sometimes my daughter will get confused on which flowers are supposed to connect. I would also suggest that when a line is being held for a few seconds and has not connected with the correct flower yet that the flower you are looking for starts to change color or gets slightly larger. So the child playing can recognize where they need to drag their finger to.

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Paint the Shape:

This is a great color learning game. You will see a large shape in the center of the screen. Then at the top of the page you will find the name of a color, in that color (the word red and the writing is in red). On the sides of the screen you can see all of the color options. Here the child touches the color they are looking for then touches to shape. The shape fills up with the correct color and you get a new shape and color to play again.  My daughter forgets to look at the word at the top to see what color she is looking for. I would suggest making that word larger and maybe make it enlarge if the child guesses wrong, so they can see what their reference point is again.


When a user completes a task correctly they are encouraged with a celebration and congratulation. A bunch of stars or confetti shapes will fall down and you will hear a phrase like “Magnificent” or “Great you are”! I am not familiar with the phrase “great you are” but this game is available across the globe in many languages so it must fall in a non American English phrase category. My daughter loves the praise of a job well done when she completes the level.

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This app is a lot of fun. Its very educational and fairy easy to use. My 2 year old really likes it and has opened it daily since it was downloaded. I would recommend this app to others who have children within the 2 to 6 year age range.

I would suggest purchasing this app. It is by Kendal Investments Ltd and currently costs $2.99. I will be running a giveaway shortly for a chance for a free download of the game! If you don’t win a copy that is okay, you wont regret paying $2.99 for this fun fill game.

Also, please visit them on Facebook at

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Natural Seed Sprouts by Vremi Review

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Since having moved to the country I have been thrilled about the opportunity to now have my very own garden! I have big plans for this spring and summer. I have already spoken to my neighbor about borrowing their rototiller to work up the land. I cannot wait to have a gorgeous, healthy lawn of my own! I have already started using websites like to locate a lawn care expert to take care of my lawn for me. I have my composter slowly filling, and now I have some seeds to plant. Now I just need this Ohio weather to warm up. I am not holding my breath on the Ohio weather part for now…

As you know, I am an organic and low chemical matriarch. I buy organic fruits and vegetables. When gardening I will also hold myself to a high standard and not allow chemicals in my food. By using organic seeds (like the ones you can get from and soil (my own compost) I will be able to control the quality of my food. I recently found out about Vremi and their organic seeds for sprouting. They have a large variety of seeds but the one that I am most looking forward to are the radishes! My husband and I love a crisp few radish on a hot summer day; just a nice treat while relaxing. I believe that these sprouts are best eaten raw, without cooking, in a salad, a sandwich or as a fresh snack.


These seeds are all organic and contain no GMO’s. They are USDA certified. This is just what I look for. A product that can guarantee the safety and health of me and my loved ones. The greatest part of these seeds are their nutritional value. Sprouts are an excellent source of highly absorbable Vitamins including A, B, C, E and K, Chlorophyll, high quality balanced proteins, fibers, Minerals such as Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, zinc as well as trace Minerals, Carotene, Amino Acids, Enzymes, Anti-oxidants and Bioflavonoids.

When you are ready to grow your radish seeds you will need to prep your seeds by rinsing them 3 times per day for 2 to 3 days. This will help accelerate your germination time. Make sure to not allow them to sit in water. Having a seed sit in still water will cause fungus and that is not good. After those initial few days your seeds will begin to sprout. Once they are begun to sprout you can keep them in your a shallow dish or plant them in soil. I plan on planting my in organic, composted soil. I will not bury them but lightly press them on the top of the soil. Then sprinkle a tiny amount of organic compost on top. Make sure to water your seeds daily. The soil will absorb the excess water. Its better to add water a tad too much water then not enough. If they don’t have enough they will dry up and die but if you over water then the soil will absorb the excess water for you.

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Radish sprouts are a great diet food for those who are now on their New Years Resolution kick to loose that holiday weight. They are only 43 calories per 3.5 ounces! They have high amounts of vitamin C which is great for your skin. Our skin is constantly being attacked by free radicals which are created by toxins, pollutants, stress, UV rays, and more. The vitamin C in radishes can help destroy these harmful molecules and help restore your body’s natural collagen, which is the protein which naturally helps aid in your skins condition.

You are able to purchase these seeds and more through Amazon. They are currently ranging in price from $12.90 to $17.90 for the individual sprouters. Since they are so affordable and easy to use I suggest you stocking up!


How to Clean High Chair Straps

How to Clean High Chair Straps


All parents and caretakers know how crazy and messy meal time really is. Wouldn’t it be great for a child to simply place the food that was given to them in their mouth? To chew it up and shallow it. And happily?! Okay, okay, I know its too much to ask for. If I can get a kid to eat what I give them in any form I will be thrilled. Having 1 picky eater and 1 who hasn’t developed fine motor skills fully, meals are pretty adventurous over in the Fox household.  High chairs are a necessary evil. They are great because you can contain your child for a few brief moments of the day. Evil because those straps are always a beautiful light creme to white color. Seriously manufacturers. When are you just going to make them orange! Dye them for us in the factory and save us from the depression of seeing our beautiful chair go from white to a sloppy orange/green/purple/red/every possible color mess. But, if you are like me, I cannot stand looking at gross dingy straps. It makes me feel like my child is sitting in their own filth…because they are! So I have found the perfect concoction to get your straps back to new!

How to Clean High Chair Straps

1 part baking soda

2 parts bleach

2-3 drops of your daily dish soap

Mix these three ingredients well with a toothbrush. Use the same toothbrush to scrub your straps. Rinse straps with warm water afterwards and let air dry.


How to make Homemade HE Laundry Soap

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When it comes to my family’s laundry I am sort of a snob. I only use Dreft, all natural products, or my own homemade soap. I don’t like all the chemicals and additives in all the main line brands. Nothing against them, they just aren’t for me. While my family is not chemical free or fully 100% organic, I try to make changes that will benefit us in the long term, and by reducing our chemical intake, I believe, will be extremely beneficial. I could probably step up my laundry game and become even more eco-friendly with the likes of a Yirego portable washing machine. But that’ll be a post for another day if I decide to take on the challenge. For now, let’s talk soap.

I researched and spoke with trusted friends and sources. I finally came up with my own concoction. I needed my soap to be safe for a high efficiency washing machine. The machines now a days have super smart computers in them. They can read, calculate and measure way beyond anything a simple mind like mind could imagine. The main issue with soaps, and what can and cannot be used in these washers, is the suds factor. If the suds grow and spread out too much the machines computer will be thrown off and the clothes will not be washed properly. It can also result in an overflow! No one ever wants to walk into their laundry area with an overflowing scarey shaking washing machine! You also risk breaking your washing machine, which would be a disaster. Although, it is pretty easy to find a repair company – just search online for appliance repairs and your location, e.g. Domestic Appliance Repairs London. But nevertheless, the last thing you want is a broken washing machine.


By using the correct ingredients and ratios you can avoid the unwanted suds and not harm your machine.

What you’ll need:

  • 1 Bar of Fels-Naptha
  • Borax Detergent Booster
  • Super Washing Soda

Your ratio will be:

1 shredded bar of Fels-Naptha (2 cups shredded)

2 cups of Borax

2 cups of Super Washing Soda

Mix well & use 2 to 3 tablespoons per load depending on size of load.


* I have had no issues with my clothing or washing machine. However, I am not responsible for any damage/harm done to your clothing, machinery or user. If any physical reactions occur please contact your primary care doctor immediately.

$500 New Years Bash Giveaway

Need a few extra hundred bucks? Who doesn’t?! I have teamed up with some super bloggers to bring you another $500 cash giveaway!  Enter below for your chance to win. Come back daily for extra entries to increase your chances. Giveaway ends 1/31/15.

Be sure to follow MamatheFox for more awesome giveaways (social media links on the top right).

New Years Bash Cash Giveaway Fox

a Rafflecopter giveaway

How to Make Skillet Chili Mac


1 cup of cheddar cheese
1 – 1 1/2 lb of ground beef
1 1/2 cups of pasta shells (medium)
1 or 2 cans of Rotel with green chilies
1 (8 oz) can of tomato sauce
1 can kidney (red) beans
1/2 tea dried oregino
1/2 tea cumin
1 1/2 tablespoon of chili powder
1 tea salt
1 tea of garlic minced
2 cups of water
1 bell pepper (chopped)
1 med onion (chopped)

*optional toppings can be: green onions, sour cream, additional cheese…

1. Chop your green pepper.

green pepper

2. Chop your onion.


3. Saute your onion and green pepper in oil until light browning occurs. Then add raw ground beef and continue to saute until meat is fully cooked (no pink).


4. Add in to skillet: cumin, chili powder, oregano, garlic, salt, shells, Rotel, kidney beans, tomato sauce and water. Mix well and cover. Cook for 20 minutes or until shell are fully cooked.


5. Once fully cooked add in the cheese and stir well.


Additional toppings are optional.