Author: MamatheFox

Family Future: Developing The Right Relationship With Adult Children


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The relationship you have with your kids has the potential to be like no other. Spending a huge portion of your time with them, from the day they are born to being ready to leave home, and this builds a powerful bond. Of course, though, as they get older, the way that your relationship works will have to change. Expanding their knowledge, becoming more mature, and building their own lives won’t work so well if you continue to treat them as if they are small. So, to help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the key considerations to make when you’re trying to figure out how you want to develop the right relationship with your adult children.




Throughout a child’s development, they will heavily rely on their parent’s to provide for many aspects of their life. Food, shelter, and safety are some of the most important parts of this, but the umbrella is very far-reaching, covering loads of different jobs. As they enter their teen years, the amount of work a parent does for their child should start to decline. If a person is unable to experience independence during the early stages of their life, it will be extremely difficult for them to adapt in the future, leaving them unable to look after themselves as they get older. Not only does this make their life difficult, but it could mean that you never get the chance to stop being a full-time parent.


It’s easy to see why so many people fall into this trap. Even when their kids are very young, a lot of parents will be too generous with their time and money. Of course, though, while they are your child and you want to give them a good life, spoiling them will only build a sense of entitlement, making it a challenge for them to function properly around others. It can often be hard to see when people are relying on one another too much, making this something which you have to watch out for. It can be hard for someone to hold down a normal job or relationship when they are dependent on their parents.


Weight Of Responsibility


Throughout history, most cultures have built traditions around looking after the elderly members of their communities. This job will usually fall to the children to handle, with jobs like shopping, banking, and general life-administration being far easier for a younger person to get to grips with. Along with this, though, a lot of families end up caring for each other’s personal medical needs. Even when someone is very sick, it is usually a bad idea to have their kids look after them, and this only becomes more important as you get older.


Most kids will be more than happy to provide care to their loved ones, but this doesn’t mean that they should be helping you like this. Personal care will often involve very intimate and embrassassing procedures. This means that providing care to parents is not only a learning challenge, but it can also be a very emotional one, often changing the way that the whole family looks at each other. It’s not worth going down this route to save a little bit of money, with care at assisted living facilities being a far better alternative. Saving yourself the stress of looking after someone like this is a always a good idea.


Of course, though, there is another side to this area, and it’s an issue which most people will want to avoid. People often pass away when they are receiving care. This doesn’t mean that the caregiver is doing something wrong, instead being a natural process which can often be unavoidable. If a child supports their parent in this way, only to have them die, it can easily make the kid feel as though they didn’t do enough. This is tragic and well worth avoiding, especially if your kids are still quite young.


Managing Money


There are a lot of things about adult life which schools simply don’t teach. Managing money is a big part of this, and loads of kids leave school without the knowledge they need to be successful in this area. The essential financial skills which every adult should have are surprisingly easy to learn. As long as your child is started off nice and early, they should find it easy to give themselves a head start in this field. A lot of parents make the mistake of giving their children too much money as they grow up. While it might be nice to give them a treat, it will harm their chances in the future if you don’t teach them early.


Being Friends


When a person is young, it will be very hard for them to relate to adults. Not only will they have limited knowledge of the world, but they will also be interested in very different things, with a lot of the elements of adult life appearing to be extremely dull. As time goes on, though, you will have the chance to change the way that this part of your relationship works, as the children start to develop their adult minds. At this stage, it will feel natural to have deep conversations with your kids, with the interests of both parties fall much more in-line with each other.


Ensuring that you’re able to build something like this will always take some time and effort. During their teenage years, it’s likely that your kids will work as hard as possible to be different to mum and dad, though this will start to change as they get a little bit older. Respect is a very important part of all this. No one likes to be treated like a baby, even by their parents, making it essential that you respect their opinions, views, and knowledge, despite the challenges which can come with this. When you show someone that you respect them, they will almost always return the favor.


Keeping In Touch


With a busy life underway, it will often be a challenge for a young person to keep on top of their family relationships. Thoughts of catching up and spending time together won’t often hit their mind, and this makes it hard for a lot of parents to keep up with their kids. To help out with this, it’s worth setting up some habits before they leave home. Going out for a meal every weekend is a great example of this approach, as this will make it hard for your children to forget or let too much time pass before showing their face.


Modern technology has improved the way that families can communicate with each other to a huge degree, with loads of people enjoying the benefits of email and instant messenger. As your children are still fairly young, these tools will be very normal for them, and they will probably be using them all the time. You may have to put some time into learning them, though. Thankfully, this shouldn’t be too tricky, as long as you’re happy to make a couple of mistakes before you get it right. Most young people won’t want to talk over the phone each day.


Keeping Them Afloat


While it is important to be careful with the support you give a young adult, it doesn’t make much sense to watch them sail towards oblivion without offering to help them out. The process of building a career is never an easy one. There will be times when they have nearly no money available, making it hard to cover things like rent and bills. It doesn’t take much to lend them  a little bit of cash until they are on their feet again. Of course, though, this should always be a loan, or you will lose out.


Along with helping them with money, you also have a big resource which they simply can’t access; experience. When they are making a bad decision, you should always be there to offer alternatives and explain why you think they should look elsewhere. There is a delicate balance here, though, and it’s crucial that you hit it correctly. If you are too authoritative, your kids will find it hard to take on board your suggestions, and may act against them. Along with this, though, not offering enough could see them going down the wrong path. It can be hard to know how hard you should be on them, especially when they are getting older.


With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to get started on the healthy relationship you will have with your kids once they have reached adulthood. A lot of parents struggle with this, often failing to see the distinction between adults and children, despite having gone through the process of growing up themselves. Of course, though, this doesn’t mean that you have to make the same mistakes. Instead, as long as you’re willing to put the time and effort into it, solving this should be a simple matter of taking the right steps.

The Many (Non-Ghost-Related) Reasons You Could Hear Something Rattling Under The Floorboards

If you hear something rattling, whining or gurgling in your home, there’s no need to call the priest. Well, not immediately. It turns out that there are many reasons that you could hear strange noises in your home that have nothing to do with the supernatural.

This article should be viewed as a kind of diagnostic aid – something that will help you discover what those strange noises you hear at night actually are. No spooky explanations required.

Clanging Sounds When You Turn On The Central Heating

Central heating is a marvel of the modern world, providing all the rooms in our home with a steady supply of heat at minimal cost – no need to light a fire in your bathroom – always a plus. But central heating comes with some annoying side effects, notably its habit of making clattering and clanging sounds as it switches on. The noise from heating can be especially unnerving when it turns itself on automatically first thing in the morning before you’ve woken up fully. What are all those noises? Is there a ghost in your attic?


The primary cause of central heating noise is that of the pipes expanding as hot water runs through them. Hot water causes the metal in the pipes to grow and then rub against the frame of the house. This rubbing can then cause knock-on noises which can sound somewhat ghostly. It’s important to remember that it’s normal to hear some clicking and knocking as the central heating fire up – that’s just the sound of pipes groaning as they expand. You should only start worrying if you hear a whirring noise: all the pumps in the system should operate silently.

Scratching Behind The Walls Or Under The Floorboards

Another common sound is muted scratching or scraping noises that appear to emanate from behind the walls or under the floorboards. If you’ve never heard these noises before, then it can be a big mystery what’s causing them. But nine times out of ten, it means that there’s a critter that’s made your house its home.

You don’t want wild animals taking up residence under the floorboards. Not only will they cause damage to your home but they also pose a risk of disease. You can learn how to get rid of rats here. Getting rid of pests should be a priority. If you see droppings, then it’s a sure sign that you have a problem with rats. Rat droppings are shaped like little sausages and come connected in long strings. Trying to get rid of rats or any other pests by yourself may not be the best idea. If you do notice the signs of an infestation, then get in touch with a company that specializes in Pest Control Kingston or closer to you. These problems are best handled by professionals with plans and techniques to get rid of the pests for good!

The Sound Of Running Water Even Though There Are No Faucets Open

Public Domain Pictures

If you can hear running water when no faucets are open, then you could have any number of problems.

Running water could be caused by the following:

  • A cracked pipe under the foundations. Broken pipes are a common issue. Pipes can break for all kinds of reasons, especially those under the foundations. Foundations can shift over time, putting pressure on pipes and eventually causing them to crack, resulting in a loss of water.
  • A problem with your irrigation. The sound of running water outside the home could indicate a problem with your irrigation system. Check your hoses for leaks.
  • A busted pipe in the wall or floor. Pipes can eventually fail after repeated use, especially around joints.

The first thing you should do if you hear running water is shut off the main valve. If the noise goes away, then you know that the leak – or whatever the problem is – is located inside your house. If it continues, then it suggests a problem on the other side of the valve. In either situation, it’s good policy to call a professional plumber rather than attempting to solve the problem yourself. Amateur plumbing attempts usually end in disaster.

Whistling Noises From Your Furnace

Furnaces rely on filters to keep internal components clean and free from wear. Over time, though, these filters can become clogged, and it becomes more difficult for the furnace to pull in air from the outside. The motor that sucks in the air starts to work harder and harder, eventually causing damage that leads to annoying sounds, like whistling. Moreover, there is another issue with furnaces that can come with the kind of cables that are used in them. While stainless steel might be a strong contender, it can melt in extremely high temperatures, unlike tungsten cables that have a high melting point and can withstand the heat of the furnace without losing the original cable strength (you can read more of its other uses on this post about tungsten cable benefits).

You can start by checking if your furnace filters are clogged. Then check the motor: does the noise continue even after you’ve cleaned out the filters? If the sound continues, then you may have to replace components, like the cables, on your furnace.

To avoid this problem in the future, be sure to clean the filters in your furnace every few months or so. You want to prevent the stove expelling exhaust gases into your home, or drawing in air from your living space.

Don’t Suffer In Silence: Ear Health Essentials For The Whole Family

Busy mammas have a lot to deal with, and sadly some things such as ear health can end up being shunted down the list in favor of more obvious issues and concerns. However, our families ears and hearing are a vital part of their overall health and well-being and should be cared for as such. A topic you can read more about in the post below.



Do treat ear health as seriously as any other issue.


If your child fell down and broke their arm, you wouldn’t tell them to get up and stop moaning, would you? Of course not you would be straight to the energy room to get them assessed and treated so they can heal as quickly as possible.


Of course, this is precisely the same process that you need to adhere to when it comes to hearing and ear health. After all, loss of hearing is no joke, and as that is what some ear conditions can lead to it really pays to get any issue, however small it seems, to be checked out.


Luckily, there are ear health specialists know as audiologists that are experts in this field. To access one, you may wish first to attend your GP’s office, although it is also often possible to book an appointment directly with them. This being something that will allow you to get your ear health issue resolved as quickly as possible.  


Don’t use cue tips.


One of the biggest mistake that many people in the US make is that they clean their own and their family’s ears with cue tips! The problem with this being that sticking such a device in the ear can be incredibly dangerous. The reason being that it can easily travel too far down the ear canal impacting wax, and even in the worst-case scenario, bursting the eardrum.


Happily, there are now other ear cleaning options including alternative therapies such us Hopi candles, and even modern devices that prevent anything from penetrating too far and causing damage.


Do get educated about ear problems.


Next, if you want to take your family’s ear health seriously, then it’s crucial that you learn to look for possible issues and problems. In particular, older relatives with hearing loss may not realize that they are listening to the TV at a very high volume. While younger, pre-verbal children won’t turn around when you call them or make a loud noise.


It can even be useful to learn about things like tinnitus symptoms, which includes ringing in the ears, and then educate your family on this, so they know what to look out for. Then, if they do start to experience any problem with their hearing or ear health, it won’t go unnoticed, and you can be sure to deal with it as quickly as possible.


Don’t forget that tech is changing all the time.


Lastly, when it comes to ear health don’t forget that the technology, both in diagnosis and treatment is moving at an increasingly fast rate. What this means is that issues you may have thought undetectable, or incurable may no longer be so.


Image source


Hearing aids are becoming increasingly small.


In fact, tech such as hearing aids are becoming increasingly sophisticated while shrinking in size, meaning that there really is no reason to suffer in silence when it comes to ear health.


6 Effective Ways New Parents Can Get the Sleep They Crave and Desperately Need

Written by Charlotte Wenham, February 29, 2019


I felt blindsided after the birth of my first child.  I remember walking round in a zombie-like state, a dazed expression on my face, my bloodshot eyes straining to stay open after a long night, and a guilty inner monologue whimpering around my foggy brain as if on a loop exclaiming “What were you thinking?” As a new parent, you will know exactly what I am talking about. Reality had hit. I was in full sleep deprivation mode, puzzling why it never came up in conversation, pre-birth, from all the bundle of joy evangelists.  And nothing prepared me for the after-shock realization that I probably waved goodbye to my last night of decent sleep probably right before I even got pregnant!

Anxious for our “Mother of the Year” Award, we feel compelled to dedicate every waking (and sleeping) moment to the well being of our babies and all their needs (don’t we?).   But no one can prepare us for the mounting sleep debt that we will succumb to, the toll it will take on our health, or how we can take control of our restless baby sleep nightmare – until it’s too late and we are already in dire straits.

Newborn sleep seems to be without rhyme or reason sometimes. It can be for two hours or four hours at a time – shorter or longer. Every baby seems to have their own unique rhythm. But, one thing’s for sure. It would be easier for me to promise you a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow than to give you an exact prediction of what to expect.

So… what can you do, if anything to survive your baby’s first year of sleeplessness?

  1. Give yourself permission to let things slip sometimes. Your health and that of your baby outweigh the importance of keeping a pristine home. Super moms exist. They seem to be able to do it all; but why? No-one’s going to give you a medal, so give yourself permission to take a break instead. Any opportunity you get to let go of impossible ideals in favor of grabbing as many restful moments with baby – take them. Focus on those precious early bonding moments. Let your baby’s biological clock rule your day more than the one on your wall.
  2.  Set up the nursery to create the kind of environment that works with, instead of fights against, your baby’s urge to doze and help it to establish sleep patterns that work with your sleep needs. Things like keeping the room light in the morning and dark in the evening, making sure the ambient temperature is comfortable, and infusing the room with natural aromas like lavender.
  3. Nap when baby naps. Despite trying to get the baby to fit in with your life, you are tethered to their patterns at first. Leverage their nap times to reduce your sleep debt. Turn off your phone, dim the lights, drink some warm milk, wear loose clothes, visit the bathroom, and find your most comfortable place to rest (this is not always the bed. It could be a comfy chair or love seat). Only you know. Go to your happy place!
  4. Avoid anything stimulating like caffeinated drinks, using the computer right before your expected napping time and exercising just before you intend to unwind (there is a place and time to get out in the fresh air and move, but before you rest is not the best time!). If you must use your phone, utilize night mode or the blue light filter on your cellphone.
  5. Make sure baby is clean, comfortable and well-fed.
  6. Now, for my biggest words of wisdom (I apologize in advance for the shameless plug). Invest in a Baby Shusher. Using the natural calming tones of a human shush, Baby Shusher has been proven to put even the most sleep- resistant baby into a gentle slumber. By using a Baby Shusher as part of your sleep routine, you can almost guarantee that your turn for an uninterrupted and long-awaited nap will occur just a few minutes later.  Baby Shusher does the shushing, so you don’t have to. By lessening the amount of pacing, bouncing, rocking you need to do, you increase your opportunity to concentrate on your own rest. The Baby Shusher is the #1 selling product of its type and there’s a reason why Baby Shusher has won several awards; it works! Anecdotal evidence suggests moms use the Baby Shusher on themselves too. Give it a shot. The only thing you have to lose is the insomnia!

Click here for more information ♥♥♥  pick up yours today by clicking here.


About the author:

Charlotte Wenham is the co-founder of pNeo, a Dallas-based brand accelerator. pNeo’s grass roots are in product design and consulting. By bridging the gap between products and consumers, pNeo has a solid reputation for high quality, innovative products that serve a real-world purpose.

Charlotte’s professional life began as an ER nurse, working in the busiest ER in Australia. She has channeled this experience into to making each day better for her community and this guides her decisions. pNeo specializes in juvenile and consumer healthcare products, drawing on the team’s real-world understanding as parents and healthcare professionals.  

Charlotte’s passion and drive spills over to her personal life. She actively seeks new experiences and ideas. To this end, you will frequently find her immersed in a book, or challenging herself by jumping out of planes.

pNeo are always looking out for creative, innovative solutions.  Charlotte would love to hear from innovators, investors and retailers interested in partnering to grow revenue. Contact her at: or 877-737-9177.












Hypoallergenic Bedding for Kids


Are you looking for high quality bedding for the little ones in your life?


MamatheFox wants what is best for her kids, probably like a lot of you too. At times finding out what materials are used in bedding can be tricky, but not with Joli Moli’s line of Milo & Gabby bedding. They are transparent with their materials, process and manufacturing.





This Milo & Gabby comforter is silky soft and lightweight, which will make it your child’s favorite blanket year-round. It’s generously sized and will fit your toddler’s bed perfectly. These comforters features Milo & Gabby’s adorable animal characters, and even have a mini-stuffed friend attached – how cute! Not only is this comforter soft and adorable, it provides a safer sleeping environment for your child thanks to FRESiL’s innovative Silver Ion Technology. By incorporating safe silver ions into the fibers, the filling becomes naturally antibacterial, deodorizing, durable, and allergy friendly, all without the use of harmful chemicals! – Joli Moli’s Website

We have used a ton of brands when it comes to bedding – but the blanket and pillow we have from Milo & Gabby are just stunning

Knowing that this comforter and pillow are hypoallergenic, mite-resistant, breathable and are quick to dry make them a hands down winner in our home. The pillowcase is Silpure® which means it is naturally anti-bacterial, providing lasting cleanliness and freshness. The pillow itself is filled with hypoallergenic microfiber fill, which is light as down but very resilient, making it very comfortable…so comfortable I would use it myself it it wasn’t such a favorite bedtime item of my son!

Find the 3-D Dylan In Space Pillowcase here

Find the Dylan In Space Comforter here

Find the 20 x 28 hypoallergenic pillow here



One of the coolest features of the pillow itself it that you can open the pillow and remove the stuffing! If you want it thinner for a smaller kid, or a child who prefers a more flat pillow, you can remove the stuffing. Then you can add it back later on when they are older or if they now want a fluffier pillow. I have never experienced such a feature on a pillow before!


This pillow is the perfect option for children with allergies, asthma, or other sensitive skin issues.














8 Ways To Upgrade Your Run Down Attic

When the word “attic” comes to mind, we normally associate the word with this large dark, dusty space filled with things that are old or broken. The place usually smells musty and old and sometimes, you can see spiders and rats crawling among the dusty boxes and tarpaulin covering certain items. It’s a place that you would normally explore during the day but would stay away from at night because it was too dark and scary to be in there when you were a kid. For many, those are the images that the word “attic” conjured up. However, that’s not the case today.

Today, many people across the globe are finding new and innovative ways to upgrade their attics. 90% of the time, you no longer come across these spaces that are dark, dusty and musty. Instead, you find yourself in a beautiful space that is being used in a plethora of ways to make it more beautiful and useful to homeowners. Can you upgrade your attic? Of course you can! As for where to start, here are 8 ways to upgrade your run-down attic.

A Nursery For the Baby

For those of you who have children or who are planning on having children, this would be a really good option for you. Babies need a big, clean space to play in and an attic is a right fit for the job. All you have to do is clean up the attic, check for any problems such as termites or seepage, paint it up and do the floors, move your baby’s stuff in and you’re done. When doing it up, make sure to make the nursery nice and bright with lots of natural light. This can help contribute to the wellbeing of the baby.

Guest Bedroom

You can never go wrong with a guest bedroom. Especially when someone decides to pay you an unexpected visit of sorts. The space of the attic can be used to fit a bed with a desk and chair to be used by your guests. A skylight will also ensure that the room receives natural light and adds to the ambiance of the room. Some fake plants and topiary trees will also brighten up the ambiance of the room and will make your guests feel right at home. They won’t even be able to tell if the place is an attic or not!

Hideout Room

Every kid needs a place to hide out and play. Though outdoor games are fun, it’s always good to play inside every once in a while. Turning the attic into a hideout room for your child would be extremely beneficial in this case. You can add some shelves and cupboards to store board games and video games and set up a video game console in the room. You can also consider getting an attic fan cover, in case yours don’t have any already. Because during winters, it’s going to be a blessing to keep the cold drafts at bay. Throw in a bed/couch and a couple of bean bags and the hideout room is open for use!

Your Own Office

If you work at home or are planning on working from home, don’t stress about using any other rooms in your house. With your attic, you have more than enough space for your desk (or why not treat yourself to one of the stunning antique desks available online?), chairs and other office materials. If you want to liven up the office space a little bit, you can throw in a few artificial trees and artificial floral arrangements to give your office space a beautiful aesthetic. Beats a cramped up cubicle any day!


If you are an avid reader who lives their life through the pages of a book, this would sound like heaven on earth to you. Add lots of shelves with your favorite books and relax on your couch in the comfort of your attic-turned-library. Be sure to keep a skylight for ample reading light and add some artificial plants and trees to make the space more comfortable for you.


If you are a fan of gardening, you can convert your attic into a little greenhouse or garden. By adding some skylights on the top of the roof, your plants will get enough sunlight to thrive and grow. Be sure to keep some windows for fresh air for the plants as well. To make your greenhouse a literal greenhouse, you could install some boxwood mats on the floor and a boxwood topiary on the walls for a beautiful forest effect. Not only will it add aesthetic appeal, but it will also cool down the room for the plants.


Whether you’re a student or a working professional, a study room is a must for when you need your private time to work. The attic can provide ample space for all your materials and is cozy and quiet enough for you to work in. By adding some fake hydrangeas or an artificial bonsai tree or two, you can enjoy a peaceful and serene ambiance along with some beautiful looking plants for your work. Or even if you want to bring in an energetic atmosphere that motivates you to get the work done, brighter colors and wall posters with some never give up quotes or your favorite motivational quotes could be a great addition too!

Your Own Bedroom

Considering that good space for a bedroom is hard to find these days, it’s not a bad idea to use the attic as your bedroom. You would have ample space for your bed and wardrobe and it would be peaceful and perfect for you to use. If you want to make your bedroom look a little cool, you can install a boxwood topiary on the walls or put some boxwood mats on the floor to make the room look visually appealing. If you prefer minimalism, you can go for high-end artificial plants or faux trees to add some green to your attic.

These are just some of the ways in which you can upgrade your run-down attic into a beautiful space. The list does not end here though. There are many creative and useful ways to turn your dusty attic into a livable or workable area. As you do more research on some of the things you would like to do with your attic, you will slowly find what suits your interests and carry out those ideas.

Consider using some faux plants to add to the appeal of the decor. It is not necessary to use a lot of foliage but use just the right amount to showcase your style and uniqueness. Unlike real plants, these are easy to maintain and their resemblance to their real-life counterparts is uncanny. Continue to research and find out about what decor will suit your needs and taste and surely enough, you will end up with a beautiful space that can be likened to a piece of art.

Tulio Dream Light Giveaway

Welcome to the Snow Body Like You Giveaway Hop



Enter for your chance to win (1) Tulio Dream Light. Valued up to $35




Tulio Dream Lights are a fun and modern version of a nightlight. They are beautiful made and come with a remote that allows you (or your child) to change the color of their Dream Light. With 17 design options there will probably be several you will fall in love with. They make great gifts and fit great into an Easter basket!