Author: MamatheFox

The Crayola Experience in Orlando Florida

When you go on a vacation to Orlando you are probably there for an exciting family vacation!

With so many things to do and places to visit you may feel overwhelmed.

Choosing The Crayola Experience will be one of the best decisions you make.

When you visit the Crayola Experience in Orlando be sure to expect to be there for at least 2 hours. We typically stay for up to 5 hours!


This indoor facility is jam packed with activities perfect for small children and their grown-ups.

You can see the worlds largest crayon! This crayon is over 1500 pounds and is made with the exact same components as your box of Crayola crayons at home.

Crayola’s newest hit products are their Scribbles ScrubbiesThese soft felted toys are made to be colored on and then washed to be reused over and over again. They come in all sorts of animals. Jungle themed, vet themed and even salon themed. Check these amazing sets out on Amazon.


When you visit the Crayola Experience at this time you will received a voucher for 2 Scribble Scrubbies to play with and keep! The animals are subject to change as the weeks past by.


At Meltdown you are able to receive themed pictures to use with your melted wax pens. Walk around the several color stations of wax which is melted inside of pens to design and fill in your picture. Use with parental guidance as the pens are meting wax and are hot to the touch. Since we were visiting during October, most of the Crayola Experience has Halloween and Fall themed options. We got to fill in a bat, a witch and a pumpkin.


Over at Dripart we were able to place a Crayola crayon of our choice into a machine that warmed and melted the crayon. We then got to move the speed of the spinning mechanism to give our spin art different textures and shape.


In the middle of the Crayola Experience is the Scribble Square. This station is an open area with floors, walls and pieces of decoration for you to color on! My 5 year old loves this area. You can use chalk and crayons to scribble to your hearts content. Each day it starts blank (thanks to the amazing staff) so you have a fresh canvas to play with. 

Wrap It Up is one of the most popular things to do at the Crayola Experience. You can make your own custom crayon label and put it on your crayon! There are over 9 colors to choose from. Use the touch screen to choose your language, a tiny image of you desire and type in your name or phrase desired. When it is complete it will show you what the label will look like. Then when confirmed it will pop out 1 crayon and 1 label. Walk over to the wrapping machines. Place the crayon and label according to the instructions provided and roll the wrap onto the crayon! It is so much fun.



As a child I fondly remember getting to do a mining experience. At the Crayola Experience this mining station is amazing! For an additional fee you can buy a small, medium or large bag of mining material. In the bag is dirt, sand, pebbles and treasures! Pour a small amount of contents from the bag into a mining tray. Slowly and gently into the flowing water. Shake the try back and forth to allow the dirt and sand to wash away, exposing your treasure in the tray. We walked away with way more treasures than I expected. They kids were thrilled with the mining experience.


These fun attractions are only a handful of the amazing experiences you get at the Crayola Experience in Orlando. Be sure to visit when you are in the area, you will not regret it!


Lictin Pumpkin Carving Kit Giveaway

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Which Sport is Best for Your Child?

Every parent wants to see their child live a healthy and active lifestyle. With 1 in 5 kids in the US now suffering from obesity, it is important that we help our youngsters to find sports that they enjoy. These days, most parents tend to instill the love for sports within the minds of their children as it is a great way to be fit. And in these modern times, the more help they can get to enjoy exercise, the better.

A good choice in this respect can help them to stay fit and healthy for the rest of their life. So, what are some of the very best sports that you should encourage your child to try? Remember that it should be something that they enjoy and also get health benefits from.

Swimming for Overall Strength and Fitness

Swimming is a sport that is ideal for anyone of any age. It is low impact, so they build up strength and fitness levels without the same risk of injury that is present in many other sports.

It is worth noting that the benefits found in swimming aren’t just limited to the swimmer’s physical health. It is also associated with mental health benefits such as lower stress levels and a more relaxed state of mind.

This is probably a good choice for a child that isn’t particularly competitive and doesn’t feel comfortable in rougher sports.

Football for a Great Career

More competitive kids might like the rough and tumble aspects of football. Despite the fact that while every parent worries about their little one getting injured, this is a great sport for making them stronger and tougher.

As a parent, it is important to understand that you can do little to prevent the injuries they inevitably may suffer from due to sports, it is all a part of the package. You can, however, look for a good pediatric physical therapist who can help your child recover quickly and jump safely back in.

Moreover, the physical side of football is very important, which is why NFL players dedicate so many hours of each week to lifting weights. Yet, they also need to learn numerous tactical plays and strategies as well.

Of course, an ambitious child may dream of rising through the college football rankings and then getting drafted in the NFL. If they are talented and work incredibly hard then this can be a fantastic way to get a lucrative career out of something that they love doing.

Running for Strength and Endurance

This sport is perfect for building up strength and endurance. Since it can be carried out as a solitary pursuit, it may suit children who perhaps aren’t keen on taking part in team sports. It is something that matches the personality of some youngsters perfectly. They may enjoy the sense of freedom and the sense of achievement that comes from running a good time or completing a longer distance than usual.

It is a good, overall body workout but the benefits run deeper than that. Running can help them to increase their self-confidence and learn the importance of motivation, among other things.

Gymnastics for Coordination and Artist Flair

This is a sport that offers a surprising number of health benefits. As well as improved flexibility and strength, it also builds up bone strength and boosts coordination.

Discipline is crucial in this sport, so it can be a terrific help in showing a youngster how to approach any sport as well as life in general.

Gymnastics is an ideal choice for an energetic youngster with a touch of artistic flair. It can be an incredibly satisfying pastime that gives them some wonderful moments and achievements if they work hard at it.

What Do They Prefer to Do?

Of course, your child may want to do a sport just “because”. The best approach is to help your kid find out what they are most interested in doing. Then let them give it a try. Why not get them tickets for baseball games or an ice hockey game and let them see how it’s played? That could help them decide if they want to pursue that sport


Of course, this is just a short list of some of the most popular sports for children. There are plenty of sports out there from horse riding to badminton which don’t see the limelight but can be quite good for your child.

If the sport is tough for whatever reason, don’t let them throw in the towel immediately. Learning a new sport can be a valuable lesson in perseverance and motivation. If they realize over time that the sport really isn’t for them, it is time to look for a different activity that might be better for them.

Safe and Sound All Year-Round

Staying safe wherever you are should be a number one priority, after all, you can’t enjoy all life has to offer if you get hurt or injured whatever you do. There are many different ways to stay safe in all aspects of life, so here’s how to do it.

Safe At Home

Your home should be the place where you feel most safe, but that’s not always the case. At home you let your guard down, you leave doors unlocked and windows open. You leave items out in plain sight. You never think it will happen to you until it does.

Protect yourself by clearing the mess and drying wet floors, handling hot plates with oven mitts and locking doors even when you’re in the house/.

When moving into a new house, find a locksmith service to ensure the previous owners don’t try to sneak back in while you’re out for the day. It sounds unlikely, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened to others before. One of my friends actually had an incident similar to this. Luckily she called an automotive locksmith service in Baltimore city and Baltimore County and they managed to secure her home. Safety is always key and it’s a huge priority when you’re moving into a new home.

Safe On The Road

When traveling, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of what you’re going to see next, but this excitement shouldn’t hinder your dedication to staying safe.

When in unfamiliar places, make sure to travel in groups to stop getting lost and make sure you can use your phone, even if only for emergencies. As for driving while traveling, be sure to brush up on the traffic laws of the country you’re visiting so you don’t get into any accidents.

It’s also wise to invest in travel insurance, so even if something goes wrong at least you’re covered.

Safe At Work

Ways to stay safe at work will vary depending on what you do. Construction workers and manual laborers will have the training to protect them from the hazards of the worksite. But what if you don’t work in a dangerous environment? What if you make your money in an office? At a school? In a store?

Following Health & Safety procedures is a great way to start, as is looking out for potential dangers and removing them before they affect somebody. This can be as minuscule as an errant cable someone could trip over to a loose ceiling tile that could crack someone on the head if it is dislodged.

Safe Online

With many of us spending the majority of our time online, it’s always important to remind people how they can stay safe when using the internet.

While there is little chance for injury when typing away at your computer reading articles or scrolling through social media, there are other dangers that are prevalent if you don’t take the correct steps to protect yourself.

Primarily, you need to watch out for scams. Do not give your credit card or passwords to sources you do not trust, and make sure your antivirus is up-to-date to prevent malware attacks. While cybersecurity has gotten much more sophisticated in recent years, so have potential threats, so always be vigilant. Businesses also have to make preparations for cybersecurity threats so they’ll likely want to consider solutions such as XDR security and others to prevent attacks and data breaches that could damage both their business and their reputation. The online security of small businesses to big business enterprises is at stake without the dedication of cyber security professionals. DNS Layer Security is one of the most crucial elements that ought to be implemented for blocking malware, botnets, and other threats.

Safety Guaranteed

Being safe is something that most people take for granted. They feel safe most of the time, which is why the feeling of suddenly being unsafe is so disturbing. However, by staying smart and understanding what dangers to look out for you can protect yourself and everyone else to ensure you stay safe all year round.

Students! Keep Up Your Living Standards While Dorm-Living

Pexels – CC0 License

Any young person leaving home for the first time to attend university has many new challenges and insights they must experience. One of these is living away from home for the first time, perhaps one of the most sizeable new adaptions they must make. It’s not uncommon for many teenagers or young adults to be a little out of their depth as soon as this happens and enlisting the help of dallas apartment locators can immensely help. After all, not all parents are as strict or attentive as to teach them the standards of keeping up their own space and living environment. Put a few students together in one house or dorm apartment, and things can go wild.

For that reason, we would like to offer some excellent advice to help you keep up your university living standards while dorm-living. Sooner or later, you’re going to experience a few tensions such as flatmates who struggle to clean, parties that cause chaos and perhaps slipping your own standards due to how many studies you have. It’s best to go in armed with knowledge, and that’s what we hope to give you:

Start A Cleaning Rota

One of the most common issues that student apartments experience is the slow buildup of washing up and lack of hygiene. Although luxury student housing or apartments near university of Manitoba could be an exception given their 24/7 on-call maintenance, this can seem odd in the case of regular student apartments. People at university certainly want to impress each other and keep everything clean, right? You would think, but of course, freedom is often taken in the literal sense here. Over time, dishes can pile up, alcohol cans or bottles can be placed all over the property, and this constitutes a health and fire hazard. Of course, we needn’t give you any further justification as to why cleaning is important, you likely know.

Starting and keeping up with a cleaning rota can be an important measure towards helping you thoroughly achieve your goals, and keeping everyone on the same page. If it’s someone’s week to clean up and they fail to do so, then social pressure will often lead them to finally get to it. While this can seem like somewhat of an unreliable approach, you can be sure that if you and those who agree keep up with this, over time it will become routine and normal. Perhaps you may all treat yourself to a mutual lunch and talk at the weekend to keep things fresh and good-natured between you. Additionally, using services such as SwiftClean can help you sort out the issues if you wish to, as professional outlets can often conduct a much better job than that you are used to. Be sure to read their guides for getting rid of stains, because somehow, this is normal in student homes.

Stay On Good Terms With The Neighbors

It’s not uncommon for students to feel as though they have free reign if renting a student house with their classmates, because they may no longer have the strict regulations of a dorm manager at their back. However, remember that even in a student-dense area, real people live in these neighborhoods. That means parties with heavy, pounding music late at night, intense and often aggressive shouting, or perhaps just bad property maintenance (such as a littered garden) will never win you any favors with those who live around you.

If reported to your property agent or university authority, odds are that staying on good terms with your neighbors will become more and more difficult to do. It’s important to be polite with them, to inform them of a party you might plan to hold, to keep your property in check, to ensure you respect the noise levels throughout the week and only bend them very, very slightly if partying for a special occasion. It’s best to live in harmony with those around you throughout the studying week than to throw that all away with your party lifestyle.

Mental Health & Physical Care

The easiest thing in the world is to become overwhelmed at university. It seems like a great place of privilege, and it truly is. But remember, you’re paying for it. You’re thrown into a new situation socially. You may have many new influences such as people who take drink or even drugs around you. Your course may be extensive and demanding, and if so, all the better for your financial investment. You’re likely in a new city, perhaps even in a new country.

This means that keeping up your living standards is not just cleaning and making sure your home is well ventilated. It also means ensuring that you’re taking care of yourself, particularly if you’re also working a job to pay for your studies. It can seem somewhat obvious, but it’s essential to consider your mental health ahead of time and try to better yourself within that focus.

Heading to the gym, meditating, seeing a counselor funded by the university from time to time, speaking up if you have a problem, never just staying in and letting the world defeat you are some simple steps you can take, and when they’re all together you can feel much more like yourself, active and interested in the experience you’re having. Additionally, do not be afraid to apply for extensions or delays on your deadline if you are struggling. Most courses have this form of infrastructure set up to help you overcome these issues, and to make the course you are paying for just a little more digestible.

Additionally, take care of your physical health. Do not simply party until you are a shell of yourself. Get to the gym or use this personal training software for trainers.
If you have an in-house gym then all the more better, as you can workout at your time and pace. Some student-focused accommodations like Quad at york university housing offers this and more. You can have a check out their website and look for similar ones in your area. With good exercise, you also need good sleep. Get enough sleep.

Eat well, even on a tight budget. Vegetables can be purchased for cheap, while learning to cook a few simple recipes and freezing them can help you eat well in a pinch. It’s these measures that can help you apply yourself more thoroughly, while also providing for your future self. If there’s anything that will improve your living standards, it would be these set of practices.

With these tips, you’re certain to keep up your living standards while dorm-living.

The Ultimate Australian Wedding Planning Checklist

Your wedding is an incredibly important day, potentially the most important day of your life. That’s why you’ll want it to go perfectly. Te good news is that this is possible, you simply need to take the right steps when planning your ultimate Australian wedding and you’ll have the wedding of your dreams! While in Australia, you might also like to check out some of the best Australian tourist destinations to really make a holiday of it while you are there!

To make sure the wedding turns out just as you want it to you need to make sure you’ve done everything on this checklist:

Make An Announcement

Becoming engaged means having a party and telling everyone. If you need an excuse for a good knees up then this is it! At this stage you may not know your wedding date, but, if you do, tell everyone to save the day.

As soon as you do know the date you can send save-the-day notifications, this should help to ensure everyone you want to come will be at your wedding. Moreover, once you finalize the date of the wedding, start the preparation with full force.

You can also take help from a company like Married so that you can get facilities like a to-do planner, budget calculator, supplier planner, guest list, etc. With the assistance in planning your wedding, you can easily let go and ensure you are in your best mental and physical health for the big day.

Get A Venue

The next step is to choose and book your venue. This is a difficult step as there are hundreds of potential venues, from the beach to the Sydney Opera House.

The size of the venue will need to be chosen based on the number of guests you intend to invite. The location will be based on the type of wedding you want, and of course, you’ll need to think about your budget.


With your venue booked you can start thinking about the décor. Again, there are hundreds of different options, you may want to talk to an established wedding decor supplier. They can guide you through the maze of products available and make sure you choose the one that is best for you.

It’s a good idea to let the professionals handle all the décor as this will give you one less thing to worry about.


With a venue and décor, you need to start thinking about the catering arrangements and music. Your venue may take care of this for you or you may need to book your own. Either is fine, simply choose what appeals to you the most.

Include booking a photographer in this part of your preparations. If you have a photographer in mind like a wedding photographer northampton company or one in your local area, you will need to look at how much it would be to bring them over for your special day, as that will need to factor into your budget.

Invite people

You’ve asked people to save the day but don’t forget to invite them to the actual wedding. If you don’t you’ll have a lot of food for the two of you to enjoy!

Get Dressed

You know you need to select a wedding dress, wedding suit, bridesmaid’s dresses, and what the groom will be wearing. Start with your wedding dress, the rest revolves around this.

You’ll need to select one that goes with your venue and theme, and that you absolutely love!

Complete the Forms

You need to prepare a gift registry and get all the legal forms completed in order to have your marriage certificate on the day. It is better to do this too early than to leave it too late!

Book A Honeymoon

After all this, you’re going to need to enjoy a few days away. It’s a good thing you get to choose a destination and book the best honeymoon ever.


Once you’ve completed all your planning and the big day arrives you need to relax. This is easier said than done but you really need to try, after all, you want to enjoy your special day!

Getting To Grips with Daytime Sleeping

Pixabay – CC0 Licence


There are many reasons why we sometimes need to sleep in the daytime. You might work shifts, or always work late nights, which means that daylight hours are often your only chance to get a good amount of sleep. You might have a young baby that’s often up at night, needing daytime naps to catch up on your rest. Your need for daytime sleep might be short-term because you or someone in your household is ill. There are plenty of reasons why we sometimes need to have a good sleep in the daytime. But it’s rarely easy. Our bodies are used to sleeping at night. You’ve spent years going to bed in the evening and waking up in the morning. You might find it easy to take a short power nap in the afternoon, but getting in bed for a proper sleep is something completely different. Sleeping at night time is a habit that most of us struggle to break. With that in mind, here’s a look at some tips to help you to get to grips with daytime sleeping, whether it’ll be for only a few days or a much more extended period. 


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Invest in Blackout Curtains


Is it really easier to sleep when it’s dark, or is it just what we’re used to? It’s probably a bit of both. When it’s dark at night time, it’s also quieter, and there are fewer distractions. Light on the other hand, stimulates our minds and gives us plenty to look at. 


Making sure your bedroom is dark with blackout curtains and drapes, and you’ll find it much easier to doze off. There’ll be no light to stimulate, and the less that you can see, the harder it will be to become distracted. 


Avoid the Sunshine


If you haven’t got blackout curtains, you might find merely avoiding the light, especially on a sunny day, can be helpful. When the sun is shining in your bedroom, don’t try to sleep in it. Find another area of your house that’s out of direct sunlight, and you might find it easier to get to sleep. 


Have a Bedtime Routine


Routines are great. Our bodies adjust. They get used to things, and they start to expect them. This goes for bedtime as much as anything else. So, try to get into a routine. Whatever time you are going to bed, whether it is day or night, get into the habit of doing the same things first, and your body will start to read the clues. You might want to have a milky drink before bed or spend a few minutes reading before you go to sleep. Some people find a warm bath helps them to relax. This routine shouldn’t include your phone or any other devices and should be as quiet as possible. Try a few things out to find a routine that suits your lifestyle, and stick to it, no matter what the time is. 




The need for daytime sleep often means that our lifestyles are a bit up and down. You might be tired, busy and stressed out, and it can be hard to fit exercise in. But, even a little exercise each day can help you to get to sleep, whether it is day or night. If you work nights, try walking home. Even a short amount of exercise can tire your body, boost your mood, help you to relax and aid sleep enormously. 


Avoid Caffeine


When we go to bed at night, most of us know that we should avoid caffeine in the few hours before bedtime. But, this can be harder to remember when we are going to bed in the morning when everyone else is sipping their first coffee of the day. Caffeine will always make it harder to sleep, no matter how tired you are or what time it is. Avoid it in the hours before bed. Even if you are so tired, you feel as though you need it. 


Think About the Temperature


At night, you might have your heating on for a few hours before bed to make sure your bedroom is warm and cozy. A consistent temperature is an essential aid to sleep. But, it can actually be harder to achieve in the day time. On a warm day, you might need a fan to cool your room, and on a cooler day, you might need to turn the heating on to help you sleep. 


Put Out a Do Not Disturb


One of the hardest things about sleeping in the daytime is that no one else is. Your family and friends might be awake. People might be coming and going at home, and your phone might be vibrating. Leave your phone in another room, and make sure everyone in your household knows that you will be going to bed and that you need to sleep. 

5 Ways To Improve Air Circulation In Your Home

Air circulation in the home is something that most of us don’t even think about, but if you have bad circulation, you will have problems with bad smells and stagnant air. Many people like to check their air conditioning to make sure the ventilation and circulation is sufficient for the home. Stale air is unhealthy for the lungs and so these checks are vital. Many prefer to get a contractor from companies like One Hour Magic to double-check this for them, although some use the advice and tips online or from their local company to carry these out themselves. There are other steps to ensure the air quality is healthy as well. When you cook or use cleaning chemicals, for example, that air will sit in your home and the smell will linger. In some cases, it could also cause you some problems with air quality in the home, which can be bad for your health. Poor circulation is quite common in houses that are well insulated. Having a well-insulated house is good in one sense because it means that you don’t get as much cold air coming in during the winter and you can save a lot of money on your energy bills, but it does mean that you won’t have very good circulation. If you think that you might have bad air circulation in your home, these are some of the best ways to fix it.

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Open A Window

In the summer, when the weather is warm enough, opening a window is the easiest way to improve the circulation in your home. If you open windows at the front and the back of your house, you will get a breeze running all the way through so you always have a constant supply of fresh air running through the house. You should always make sure to keep the windows open when cooking because it can release a lot of harmful fumes. But obviously, you don’t want to be opening all of the windows in the middle of winter because the house will be freezing cold, so you will have to find other ways to improve circulation.

Air Conditioning Units

Air conditioning units are ideal for keeping the house cool in the summer but they’re also great for circulating the air. Even in the winter, you can run it on a fan setting so it does not cool the air, but it still keeps it fresh. All of the stale air will be taken in and run through the filter, and then the fresh air will be pumped back into the home. However, it’s important that you maintain your air conditioning unit properly and clean the filters on a regular basis. If the filters are dirty, you will be circulating dirty air, not fresh air.

Air conditioning units are relatively easy to install and come in many different models. If your existing AC unit is playing up, consider using someone like Barnett Electrical AC Tune up in Oklahoma City to repair any faults. Faulty air conditioning can often create poor air quality, so it is vital to maintain your unit if you want good circulation.

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are often a better choice than air conditioners because they are cheaper to run and you don’t need to worry about maintaining them and cleaning out filters. They’re ideal if you have certain rooms that have particularly bad circulation, and if you get a bold size for more airflow, you can make sure that the clean air is reaching all rooms in the house. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to run your air conditioning unit at the same time as your ceiling fans, so the air conditioner pumps out clean air and the fans distribute it around the house. In the summer, running the fans while the windows are open will move fresh air around the house and keep it cool at the same time.

Extractor Fans

When you are cooking, it is important that you remove a lot of the fumes as quickly as possible. Even if you have a window open or you are running an air conditioning unit, excess fumes will still sit in the house for a long while, and that can be bad for your health. That’s why it’s so important to have a good extractor fan in the kitchen that should always be running whenever you cook. Extractor fans in the bathroom are a good idea as well because they remove excess steam from showering and prevent damp. If you don’t keep on top of damp, you could end up with a mold problem and that will cause you more issues with air quality in the home.

Attic Vents

People often forget about the attic when they are trying to improve circulation in their home. But installing an attic vent is a very effective way to get more fresh air in. A small vent will allow the air from outside to come into the house, and it will circulate through the whole house. If you want to give the air an extra boost, you can get a fan in the attic that will actively pump the fresh air into the roof cavity and remove the stale air. If you’re still facing issues with the air quality, make use of heating and cooling services near your home to fix the problem.

If the air in your home is not circulating properly, you are far more likely to have problems with air quality. But you can make some big improvements if you follow these simple steps.

You’d Likely Make A Much Greater Mother Than You Think


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Too often women denigrate themselves when hoping to start a family. They wonder if they have the skills for such a task, which is perhaps a fantastic question to ask, but can also lend itself to being dismissive of one’s own ability. Of course, there’s no uncertainty as to why this can happen. Raising a new human from scratch is perhaps one of the most intense and scary things imaginable, while also being something that can define and help someone’s life gain thorough worth.


Additionally, worries regarding the ability to have children, which is unfortunately not as easy for some as it is for others, can leave some women feeling as though they are not equipped for this task at hand. That can be a real shame when we realize what these women and their partners much be going through. Remember, mother or not, you are in no way less of a woman.


However, you’d likely also make a much greater mother than you think. Additionally, realizing this may help you seek more thorough solutions into making this a reality. With the following words, we hope to convince you of this, potentially to help you grow and feel more comfortable in yourself. Without further ado: 


You’re Reading This


The fact you have even found a post like this interesting suggests that your natural care giving and loyal tendencies are calibrated and working just fine. It’s this need to perform a worthwhile job and to feel the most loyal, supportive and caring that can truly make a difference in the end, potentially giving you the insight to follow up on your parental ambitions. We cannot expect someone with dissimilar attitudes to feel as strongly about this, so you’re off to a great start.


Becoming A Mother Is Possible


If you struggle to conceive or wish to go through an alternative route, you have those options available to you. Researching the utility of PGS tests or the best IVF clinic, as well as seeing if you are suitable for adoption are two, but not all of the options at your fingertips. Sometimes we may feel insufficient because we cannot have children as we may have intended, but this in no way designates your value as a parent. It simply means that the family you are meant to have will fall into place in another way. There are so many children out there who need mothers like you. Because of this need, many women have opted to become a foster parent in Texas.


You Define What Motherhood Is


The reason many mothers can feel lacking is because they feel an invisible standard is always watching them, and they must live up to it or else. But remember, you define what motherhood is. When you come to motherhood, you are as much a valid mother as the first being that could have ever taken that label. It’s an active thing, not a concept. It’s your best decisions. You define what the best of motherhood could be. When you think this way, you have an access of power, and start believing in yourself. This is exactly where you should be.


With these tips, you’re certain to make a much greater mother than you think. But first, you have to believe it.


Best Car Travel Items for Kids A Giveaway


Sponsored By:

Kids Bright Toys, The Pencil Grip, Zulay Kitchen,
WhiskwareSugar Mountain PR, and Lori T’s Gifts and More

Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy


Be sure to read Love, Mrs. Mommy’s article that this giveaway is based on: 

“Best Car Travel Items For Kids!”


Winner will receive a HUGE Prize Pack of *12* goodies!
Some are winner’s choice options!

Included items:

Kids Bright Toys Travel Tray – Winner’s Choice of either purple or blue tray! ($30)
Kwik Stix – Set of 12 Classic Colors ($12)
Zulay Kitchen Kids Bento Box ($20)
Whiskware DC Comic Stackable Snack Packs – Winner’s Choice of TWO snack packs! ($26)
Sugar Mountain PR CDs – Suzi Shelton, Kira Willey, and Katherine Dines ($37.50)
Lori T’s Gifts and More – FOUR Sticker Puzzle Books ($21)


Kids Travel Tray:
With this Kids Bright Toys travel tray your kids won’t have to balance toys, coloring books, food, crayons, or anything else on their lap in the car anymore! This tray has pockets for crayons, markers, tablet, toys, and much more! Comes in two colors: Purple and Blue!
Kwik Stix:
Kwik Stix are made of solid tempera paint that dries super quick! They come in a variety of bright, beautiful colors that can be overlapped, masked and mixed to create any color your child wants!

Zulay Kitchen Kids Bento Box:
This handy lunch box comes with 5 perfectly proportioned kid-size compartments, sealed with a leak-proof lid, and secured with kid-friendly latches. It’s sturdy and has silicon edges for non-slip grip.

Whiskware DC Comic Stackable Snack Packs:

These snack packs feature officially licensed DC Comics; Batman, Superman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman! Their interlocking system keeps everything together, or you can easily separate a container when your little one is hungry. BPA and phthalate-free!

Suzi Shelton:
Suzi’s 5th album “Hand in Hand”is an upbeat, eclectic pop family album with a modern edge.
Kira Willey:
Kira’s fifth album, “Every Voice”, has catchy tunes with sing-along choruses to inspire and empower kids to be their strong and capable selves.
Katherine Dines:
Katherine is a Grammy-nominated independent family music artist. She just released a new album of 13 songs with interesting stories and facts about how people around the world celebrate holidays.

Lori T’s Gifts and More – Ultimate Puzzle Sticker Book Bundle:
These 32 fun puzzle pages with 840 stickers (!!!) will keep your kids entertained for hours! They will unscramble the stickers to create surprise pictures of their favorite characters!
Open To US entries and must be 18+ to enter
Giveaway Dates ~ 10/2 9:00 AM EST through 11/6 11:59PM EST

Disclosure: Love, Mrs. Mommy and all participating bloggers are not held responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations. This giveaway is in no way endorsed or sponsored by Facebook or any other social media site. The winner will be randomly drawn by Giveaway Tools and will be notified by email. Winner has 48 hours to reply before a replacement winner will be drawn. If you would like to participate in an event like this please contact LoveMrsMommy (at) gmail (dot) com.