Author: MamatheFox

Why Your Insane Work Schedule Will Eventually Catch Up With You

We live in a culture that celebrates hard work. People will gleefully boast about spending eighty-plus hours in the office to bring home the bacon. It makes them look tough, smart, and successful. 


This type of lifestyle, though, is taking its toll. Burnout is a massive issue for our society, with many people walking around like zombies, pumping themselves up on coffee, and somehow trying to make it through the day. 

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This type of existence clearly is not what evolution designed for our biology. Yes – work has always been a part of life. But thanks to our hyper-competitive culture in the west, we often take it to extremes. 


Hunter-gatherer populations do not have the same problem. Observers note that they usually do between four and six hours of work per day outside of starvation situations. Most get up at dawn, collect food until midday, and then spend the rest of the day doing fun stuff. 


Now compare that to the modern westerner. You start work at dawn (including getting ready for it), and then work in the afternoon and evening. Then at the weekend, you carry on working – or, at least, thinking about it. 


The result of this is a sense that you never have time to stop, sit down and relax. You always have to do something. And even if you complete all tasks and chores, you still feel like you need to do something. Spending your days off doing very little seems like a waste. You earnt all that money – now you feel like you should be using it. 


You might think that hard work only has ramifications for how you feel right now. But it can also lead to profound changes in brain structure – something that can damage you long-term. 


Shrinking Brain Volume


Many people living in western countries have significantly smaller brains by the end of their forties than they do at the start of their twenties. You would think that the reasons for this would come down to aging, but researchers don’t believe that’s the case. In their view, brain shrinkage happens because of the effects of the stress chemicals coursing through them. When the body is high on cortisol and adrenaline, it can’t form new connections or networks. Thus, its ability to repair itself becomes suppressed, and eventually, the owner of the brain starts experiencing cognitive issues. 


After many years of stress, the effects on the mind are apparent for all to see. The afflicted person may struggle to recall specific words or find themselves forgetting promises they make to people. These issues then hamper their capacity for productivity. Soon their careers suffer. 


The Sleep Component


Hectic work schedules are one of the leading reasons people visit their sleep doctor. Being on the go all the time deprives the brain of the time and space it needs to switch off at night. People find themselves hyperstimulated around bedtime, unable to flop off when they hit the sack. This feature of insane work schedules then compounds the problem of stress, making people less well-rested too. 


We still don’t know precisely why people need to sleep as much as they do, but researchers are now keenly aware of the symptoms of sleep depreciation. Rambling sentences, hallucinations, and slurred speech are all common in people who haven’t gotten sufficient shut-eye. 


The University of Pennsylvania has done work trying to quantify extreme sleep loss. Severe disorders include staying up for more than two consecutive nights or getting less than six hours of sleep for two weeks on the trot. 


What’s scary is the sheer number of people whose sleep quality falls below these thresholds. For instance, in Japan, a country with one of the most toxic work cultures in the world, sleep deprivation was behind more than half of the country’s instances of high blood pressure. 


Why Your Work Schedule Will Catch Up With You

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We’re all tempted to work harder and longer than we should because we want the status, money, and rewards that come with it. Unfortunately, we live in a culture that makes it too easy to take this too far. People will actively boast and brag about how much work they do, and it makes us feel as though we should keep up. 


However, the truth is that the fallout from working too hard is often worse than the consequences of not working hard enough. Sleep seven hours, and give yourself at least one day per week when you’re not thinking about the office. 


Tossing And Turning All Night? Sleep Science Explains Why

Do you sometimes find yourself tossing and turning all night? If so, you’re not alone. According to studies, it affects more than half of people at some point in their lives, preventing them from getting the rest that they need to be at their best.

Restlessness at night is uncomfortable and frustrating. You know you need to sleep, but for reasons beyond your comprehension, your body won’t let you. It has a mind of its own and wants to fidget all night, preventing you from drifting off into a restful slumber. What the heck is going on here?

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The fact that the body refuses to shut down even though it needs to is an interesting phenomenon. You would think that it would have systems in place to decrease alertness and help it get much-needed rest. But it turns out that lifestyle factors and diseases can bypass these, making natural sleep a real challenge.

In tt down even though it needs to is an interesting phenomenon. You would think that it would have systems in place to decrease alertness and help it get much-needed rest. But it turns out that lifestyle factors and diseases can bypass these, making natural sleep a real challenge.

In this post, we’re going to report what science has to say on the matter. What do researchers think causes tossing and turning at night? Let’s take a look.

Being Overstimulated

Overstimulation is a massive issue in the modern world. Civilization exposes us to experiences that were extremely rare during our biological evolution. Bright lights at night, loud music, hectic work schedules, and processed foods all create issues with our biology. Eventually, our bodies get to the point where they can’t switch off from all the stimulation we give them, and so they don’t.

Perhaps the worst offender in this regard is blue light from mobile devices. Sleep researchers have been imploring people to switch their phones off at night – and they will probably continue to do so.

Having A Poor Diet

Poor diets can also lead to tossing and turning, independent of any stimulation they might provide. Nutrients from food play a significant role in your capacity to fall asleep quickly and wake up in time for work the next day. Tryptophan – a chemical found in many typical food substances – is a vital ingredient of the sleep hormone, melatonin. If you don’t get enough of it, your body can’t manufacture the substances it needs to shut itself down every twenty-four hours.

Interestingly, you can consume melatonin directly from food. Cherries and certain types of green leafy vegetables, like lambs lettuce, are high in the stuff. Pistachios are the highest-known readily available plant source. They’re delicious too!

Having A Poor Sleep Schedule

Our bodies are habit-forming machines. Over time, they learn when we eat, sleep, and even exercise!

Having a poor sleep schedule where you frequently change the time you hit the sack can have profound ramifications on your ability to switch off quickly. If you spend a week going to bed at 1 am, your body will learn that this is when you switch off. Then, when you try to get an early night, you’ll find yourself tossing and turning, wondering why your body won’t switch off. Scientists believe that it has to do with your body clock. If it’s out of sync with your intention to rest, it’ll keep you awake.

Feeling Stressed

Put your hand up if you felt stressed at some point today? The chances are that you did. Something always comes up, doesn’t it?

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The effects stress, however, go well beyond the unpleasantness of the immediate experience. They can affect your sleep too.

The reason comes down to the activation of a region of the brain called the amygdala. It’s only about the size of a grape, but it is responsible for flooding your body with stress hormones that keep you alert, ready to fight off dangers. Unfortunately, it can’t tell the difference between a real physical hazard, like a saber-toothed tiger, and a non-physical issue, such as your boss calling you up late at night.

Once you activate it, it can be hard to put it back in the box.

There are, however, some supplements that might help. Penguin CBD, for instance, talks about the benefits of cannabidiol, a compound from hemp. It appears to attach to stress receptors, preventing them from going haywire. Try cannabis if you are into such recreational drugs. You can buy the product from a local dispensary or buy weed online. Nowadays, most cannabis businesses have online ordering options available. Another is lavender – great for providing instant relaxation.

Pro Tip : You could also opt for different kinds of real supplements which could help you relieve stress, anxiety and also, improve your sleep schedule! There can be no compromise when it comes to your mental health and understandably so. Do what you can, and try to get it right!

Whatever you choose to do to manage your stress, try to keep it under control. Entering a “calm zone” after 7 pm allows you to wind down and prepare for sleep.

You Have Sleep Apnea

Your problems could also relate to a specific medical condition, like sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea occurs when the airway becomes blocked during sleep. Because the body can’t get sufficient oxygen, it jolts you awake, reopening the airway and allowing air to flow once more. When this happens multiple times per night, it can make it almost impossible to get restful sleep. You can find yourself tossing and turning all night, without really feeling like you’ve switched off.

You Have Insomnia

Insomnia is a medical condition characterized by the inability to fall asleep – or, in some cases, stay asleep. Usually, it results from an underlying psychological condition – often a mental health issue such as PTSD.

If you have insomnia, you will find yourself moving around in bed, primarily because you are conscious of it. When we hit the sack, we expect that we will fall asleep quickly. Thus, we’re often not aware of just how much we move about.

But when you have insomnia, you focus more on your body movements (because you are still conscious). And that means you often have the sense that you’re tossing and turning an abnormal amount.

You Have Fibromyalgia

Finally, your sleep issues could be caused by a chronic pain condition, such as fibromyalgia. It can be difficult for the brain to shut down when you’re in pain, and so you spend a lot of time moving about, trying to get comfortable.

So, do any of the above reasons for tossing and turning ring true for you? Have you ever experienced a restless night where you just couldn’t get to sleep, no matter how hard you tried? Hopefully, science has some answers for you. The researchers over at Sleep Advisor have a whole section of articles on sleep science that offer some in-depth advice. Hopefully, science has some answers for you.

OWC USB-C Travel Dock Giveaway

Welcome to the An Apple A Day Giveaway Hop




USB-C Travel Dock


The OWC USB-C Travel Dock might just be the ultimate portable docking solution for Mac PC and Chromebooks. Drive an HD display, connect and charge two USB devices (like a phone or tablet…), and even access photos on an SD card. You can even add a USB-C power adapter and have a standalone charging station, so you can keep all your devices up and running. The Travel Dock transfers up to 100W of pass-through charging from a USB-C power adapter, ensuring users are powered up and ready to deliver a client presentation or download the day’s last shots. With five essential ports and just one cable, users are prepared to display, charge, connect, and import while on the move. The USB-C Travel Dock features an HDMI port for easy display connections up to 4K resolution and can be used via bus power when users don’t have access to a power outlet.
MSRP: $54.99


Enter for your chance to win (1) USB-C Travel Dock from OWC



MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Simple Tricks To Get Young Kids Interested In Cooking

Cooking is such an important life skill and if you want your kids to be healthy when they get older, it’s important that you teach them some basic cooking skills while they are still young. But kids aren’t always that interested in cooking and it can be a struggle to get them engaged in the kitchen. If you are finding it hard to get your kids interested in cooking, here are a few tips to help encourage them. 

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Get A Play Kitchen 

When kids are very young, you can inspire an interest in cooking by making a part of their playtime. If you get a play kitchen for them and they enjoy it, this will spark an interest in the kitchen and make it a lot easier to encourage them to help you cook when they get a bit older. If they aren’t that interested in the play kitchen, don’t try to force them to play with it because that will cause them to develop a negative relationship to the kitchen when they’re older. 

Take Them Shopping With You 

Taking young kids to the grocery store isn’t always fun, but it can help to get them interested in food. If they are involved in the whole food process from the start and they help you pick out the ingredients, they will be more excited to learn about how they are cooked when you get home. During your shopping trips, you can show your child how to make healthy food choices and teach them about the importance of avoiding sugar and fatty foods. It’s also a good opportunity to teach them another simple life skill and you can boost their math skills by having them add up the cost as you go around. 

Introduce New Foods To Their Diet 

If your kids are very fussy about food and they will only eat a few simple things, they won’t have that much interest in cooking. But if you constantly introduce new foods to their diet and spark excitement about food, they will be far more invested in learning where it all comes from. You could try a new food night once a week to get them to try more new things. However, you need to approach it carefully and introduce new foods alongside things that you already know that they like so it’s not too overwhelming for them. 

Let Them Get Messy In The Kitchen 

Kids like getting messy and there are plenty of opportunities for them to get their hands dirty in the kitchen. Things like baking, for example, are great fun for kids and they will find it a lot more engaging when they can get up close and personal with the ingredients. You won’t have much luck getting your kids to cook very refined, fancy food but they will get excited if they are mixing up a pizza dough with their hands. After all of the mess has been made, you can get them to help you with the washing up so they learn the importance of a clean kitchen.  


If you start out with small tasks around the kitchen and get the kids to help, you can build their confidence and gradually start giving them more responsibility. Once you get them cooking in the kitchen, you can make sure that the whole family is healthy and eating well. 

Getting Counsuling Is More Popular Then You May Think

Have you ever thought about talking to a counselor?

Have you thought that its ‘weird’ or ‘not normal’?

You may be surprised to here that nearly half of American households have had someone seek mental health treatment this year.

Here are some reasons people are seeking counseling



Stress is a normal feeling that everyone has felt at one point or another. Many situations and emotions can lead to a person feeling stressed.  Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. We all know that every day we are put in positions where we feel this stress. Maybe you are now working from home or having to help your children with online learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of the physical results of stress are sleep disruptions, worsening of chronic health problems, or increased use of alcohol. All of these are valid reasons to seek counseling.



Through anger therapy we can learn to help ourselves stay calm and handle tense situations.  These skills can help us avoid anger suppression, which can lead to hypertension, depression, and anxiety. You may learn anger management skills on your own, using books or other resources. But for many people talking to a mental health professional by phone is the most effective approach.

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We all have many types of relationships throughout our lives. We interact with our bosses, family, friends, neighbors and strangers and so many others. Many times spouses feel a strain or bumps in their marriage.  You may feel angry at work due to your colleges or bosses.Families have huge dynamics. We all have so many varieties of relationships. In relationships we can have a lack of communication which causes stress or resentment. Blended families can have a new dynamic and they all have to learn a new way of living together. Digital issues are a huge side of relationships. With the digital age of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, texting and we engage with people who we may not typically interact with. Or you may feel like everything is a competition, that you aren’t successful or as happy a others. You are not alone. By seeking a counselor you can talk about these things and help improve yourself and your self esteem.


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Self Esteem

We all have an internal analog of our thoughts. We easily compare ourselves to others, even the people most close to us.  We may not feel as successful as others, or smart enough. In a classroom setting you may feel less than your fellow students when they all seem to know all the correct answers and you don’t. When you see an old school buddy and their beautiful family going on vacations with the pictures they share on their social accounts, you may start to compare your lives.  We have to remember that we all have different strengths and lifestyles.


In conclusion, we need to remember we have value and are worthy. Worthy of love, support and acceptance. If you are struggling with these thoughts and feelings they are valued reasons to reach out to a councilor.


Activewear Upgrade Ideas- The Secret Of Getting Ahead

When it comes to wardrobe upgrades, your gym outfits often take the backseat. But if you are a true fashionista, you would want to have that area covered as well. Moreover, it is easy to feel bored with the same workout clothing, considering that they aren’t inherently stylish like club clothing. Still, many brands are coming up with the most amazing athleisure clothing that can add the oomph factor to your gym looks. It would be a smart move to explore them and revamp your activewear collection right now so that you can look like a diva even as you sweat out. Here are some smart activewear upgrade ideas to try right now.

Add some color

If you have always been wearing basics like black and grey, now is the time to add a pop of color to your gym wardrobe. There’s so much more to discover, from the pretty hues of pink to vibrant orange and bright neon. Invest in bright tees and pants and you will suddenly notice the heads turning as you step out for a jog or walk into the gym. Also, refresh your basics because there would be some days when you’d want to stick to them.

Mix and match

Even as you go crazy with colors, make sure that there are limits. After all, you wouldn’t want to attract attention for the wrong reasons. The smartest thing to do would be to elevate your mix and match game. Pair vibrant tops with subtle leggings and vice versa. Apart from color blocking, you can also play with prints if you don’t want to keep your look monotonous. When you are not too sure about mixing and matching, opt for a top and legging pairing in the same hue to steer clear of unflattering combinations.

Prioritize quality 

As a rule of thumb, you should prioritize quality when it comes to clothing upgrades, including one for your activewear collection. Although you may have to spend a little extra, quality lasts and looks good over the years. Invest in brands like Fabletics that are known for catering to the perfect combination of the latest styles and high quality. Explore the collection for trendy clothing in quality fabrics that promise great fits and lasting durability.

Don’t forget the fits

Apart from the fact that you’d be bored with the same clothing you have worn for years, change in your size is another reason to upgrade. Maybe you’ve gained or lost a bit with regular workouts or your body has changed with age. In any case, perfection in fits is another key consideration when you revamp your wardrobe. When you plan one, make sure that you know your current size and buy pieces accordingly.

Be honest to your personal style

Every fashionista has a unique style when it comes to dressing, one that makes you confident and comfortable in your skin. Even as you follow the latest in athleisure trends, you should be honest to your personal style. Pick clothing that you would want to wear now and down the years, rather than just choose ones that your favorite celebrity or workout buddy may be endorsing. 

A wardrobe upgrade requires some good thinking and effort, whether it is for party dressing or activewear. Make an honest effort and you will surely be able to nail the best choices. 

Use technical fabrics

Technical fabrics have revolutionized the gym wear industry, especially for women’s gym leggings. These fabrics offer several benefits that make them ideal for workout clothing. Firstly, they are moisture-wicking, which means they draw sweat away from the skin, keeping the wearer cool and dry during exercise. Secondly, they are breathable, allowing for proper airflow, preventing overheating, and reducing the risk of developing rashes or chafing. Thirdly, technical fabrics are stretchable and flexible, enabling a full range of motion without any restrictions. Lastly, many of these fabrics are also anti-odor, preventing bacteria growth, and keeping gym leggings for women fresh and odor-free. All of these benefits combined make technical fabrics an excellent choice for women’s gym wear, providing both comfort and functionality.

Roll Out The Red Carpet For Metallics In Your Home This Year!

We are moving into Autumn, which means all of the summer decor and bright colors are now a little out of place in your home. Instead you need to start decorating with  burnt oranges, the mahogany browns and – this year – the metallics! 


If you want sophistication, beauty, elegance and a dash of sass in your home this season, you need to start embracing the metallics that you can add to every room of the house. In this article, we’re going to focus on where you can put the metallics in your home – and how they enhance the space. Let’s take a look!


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  • Mix & Match. You do not have to choose metallics for only one room in the house, nor do you have to hose down the house with metallic fabric and furniture. You can add bronze fireplace doors to the fireplace in the living room and then enhance the look with other metallic accents. This can include metallic photo frames and large metallic vases and lamps. You can mix and match the metallics that you choose, too, pairing golds with silver, brone with rose gold and coming up with different color combinations. You can even add metallic lightswitches and outlet covers, too.
  • Industrial Chic FTW. When you put tarnished and distressed metallics against exposed brick and pipework, you can embrace that industrial chic look. Try copper and bronze with silver and you get a beautiful look for your home. Tarnished metallics really do have a place, and it doesn’t take too much of it to make whichever room you’re decorating.
  • Think Outside The Box. You can incorporate mirror finishes into your home and bring metallics outside the box. You don’t have to have a ton of gold and copper in the house to embrace metallic decor – mirrors do the same job. You get a sophisticated look and you can create an illusion of light in the space. Metallic furniture that has a high-gloss surface can give you all the convincing you need to give it a go in your home.
  • The Unexpected. Gold and silver are beautiful materials to add to the home, but you don’t have to drape it all over the place. You can have muted golds with a stunning silver table lamp. Or you can buy gold fabrics and incorporate them into the way other furniture and accessories look with it.
  • Choose A Room. You don’t have to put metallics into every room, but you do have to think about which rooms you want to add metallics to first. This way, you can plan your budget around which rooms you need to buy for and make it stand out in the best way.


Lastly, you’ve got to choose the right metals! You can’t add wrought iron inside the home unless you have a room with high ceilings and big enough to cope with the strength of the metal. It’s very rustic, and it’s great for patios, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t bring it in.

Fashion On A Budget – How To Stay On-Trend Without Breaking The Bank

Being on a budget should not hold you back from looking good. Luckily, fashion has evolved so much that it’s not just the rich that can dress trendy, everybody can. And let’s face it, 2020 has been a difficult year for most, leaving many with not much spare cash floating around. 


Low-budget shopping isn’t difficult, but you do need to be smart about it. Here are our top 5 tips for successful thrift shopping.


1. Stock up on wardrobe essentials for mix and match choices


One way to avoid the need to buy multiple new outfits each season is to have plenty of staples in your wardrobe. Look for neutral colors, simple patterns, and pieces that are easy to pair with other clothes.


This includes plain t-shirts and vest tops in multiple colors, a couple of good-fitting jeans, simple ballet flat shoes, black high heels, a neutral-colored jacket, and of course, an LBD. Having good-quality wardrobe essentials like these will allow you to interchangeably mix and match your clothes, creating many fresh and stylish outfits.

2. Choose affordably, but with quality

Today, you don’t have to invest a fortune in expensive designer pieces such as natural leather bags, especially when there are so many other alternatives that not only look amazing but are a more eco-friendlier option too. There are many vegan leather bags with different designs, sizes, and colors to suit every style. The world’s biggest fashion brands are also catching on to more sustainable fashion trends by incorporating eco-conscious practices and using eco-friendlier materials such as upcycling clothes and using leftover fabrics and natural vegan alternatives.

3. Utilize sales and promotions


You don’t need to wait until the end of the season to grab some bargains. You can almost always find some decent sales picks at any time of the year on retailers’ websites. Just check out the sale section on their site. 


It’s also worth signing up to newsletters to be the first to know about their sales. Moreover, many brands offer special promotions to new customers signing up with them. These new customer initiatives can be a clever way to find some new on-trend pieces for a fraction of the normal cost. 


4. Shop online with affordable fashion e-commerce brands


It’s not just high-end fashion brands that possess the latest styles. You can find many affordable online retailers offering very similar styles for a much lower price. For example, check out the women’s shoes & apparel from JustFab for the freshest and trendiest garments at an accessible price point. While the price may be low, the quality most definitely is not. In 2020, style and quality are financially accessible for everyone.  If you are more into K-pop outfitsfeel free to check the website here.


5. Keep your outfits fresh with new accessories


If you don’t have the money to treat yourself to a whole new outfit, the next best thing is to indulge in a new accessory. Accessories are an awesome way to freshen up an old outfit and add a sense of style without spending much. A bright scarf, with a cashmere australia material , statement necklace, or a couple of chunky bracelets are perfect examples of this.


6. Get involved in clothes swapping

Clothes swapping is a trend that has come into fashion in recent years. For eco-conscious shoppers and budget-conscious fashion lovers, clothes swapping is a cheap, fun, and environment-friendly way to find new outfits.


Many cities now hold clothes swapping events, taking the concept to a much larger scale. These events are great as there’s a high chance you’ll find multiple items you’ll love.


By following these tips you can stay well-dressed without racking up debt. The key to fashion on a budget is to get creative with your wardrobe and think outside the box.

Important Things to Remember to Pack When Traveling

Now that the COVID-19 travel restrictions are being lifted a bit, you and your family or friends are preparing for a much-needed summer vacation. While you love to travel, you don’t like the stomach-sinking feeling of looking into your suitcase and realizing that you left a few key items at home. You need to think about what you’ll be doing on your holiday and how you can bring things that’ll make it easier/more fun, for example, if you are going on a vallea lumina (night walk) then you are going to need bug repellant, hiking shoes, a camera, and so on, so you can make the experience a good one. So remember to write a list and keep it with you when you pack.

Here is a list of commonly forgotten items that should be at the top of your packing list, as well as a few additional packing tips. When you have decided to hire a coach or other means of transport for your long-awaited destination, you can start packing based on these packing lists. By packing well in advance, you can avoid the last minute rush and then you would have all the needed items with you for the travel. And even if you pack something more than expected, relax as you can use the luggage storage services on your trip. Such facilities are common to avail in places like Miami, Seattle and many more. There is luggage storage Seattle that lets you travel without worrying about your luggage anyhow. So, what are you waiting for? Seek such services and get the most out of your travel times.

Your Credit Card

If you don’t normally use a credit card that often, you might not have a spot of honor for it in your wallet or purse. But when traveling, it is a great idea to have a Visa or other card handy; this way, you will have peace of mind that you aren’t carrying a ton of cash on you at one time. If possible, choose a credit card that will reward you in some way; for instance, USAA offers a number of options including Visas and American Express choices that will give you cash back on your purchases.

Ear Plugs

Whether you want to drown out the noise of your beloved kiddos bickering in the backseat of the car, the sound of your spouse sawing logs with endless snoring during the night or you want to try to sleep on a noisy plane, Travel and Leisure advises bringing a box of ear plugs. Pack enough to share in case your tweens and teens also complain about the snoring in the hotel room keeping them awake.

Outlet Covers

This tip is meant mostly for parents of little ones, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. If you will be staying in a hotel and/or with grandparents, bring along a package of plastic outlet covers. You can pick them up at a home improvement store or buy them online from Amazon. This way you can baby- or toddler-proof the outlets where you will be staying and then remove them before you head home.

Chargers A’ Plenty

To keep your smartphones, tablets and laptops ready to go during your vacation, make sure you pack chargers for every device. If you bring along travel chargers that plug into outlets in the car, double check that they are still working prior to your trip, and if something is broken, replace it before you head out. Keep all of the chargers in a large Ziploc bag or plastic container with a sturdy lid so your family can all find what they need in one spot. Include a list of what’s in the bag or box so you can make sure all of the chargers are also coming back home with you.

A Few Additional Packing Tips

When choosing clothes to bring with you, Smarter Travel suggests choosing items in neutral colors that you can layer, depending on the weather. This will give you more versatility in what you wear on your vacation while keeping your suitcase on the light side. If you will have access to a washer and dryer when you are away, you can pack even less – just be sure to add a well-sealed bag of laundry soap pods in your luggage.

As you pack, ask yourself if you will need any of your stuff right away at your destination. If the answer is “yes,” put those items in your carry-on or backpack. This way, in case your luggage is delayed at the airport, you can still get by until it shows up. Also, to avoid overpacking, you can go through a review guide (like this Florida Review Guide, for instance) of the place you are visiting to learn about the different kinds of places and recreations it has to offer. Knowing this beforehand can help you decide the exact type and number of clothes you may need. Besides, typical items to have handy are medications for you and any family members, basic toiletries like a toothbrush, toothpaste, and shampoo, pain relievers like Advil or Tylenol, feminine hygiene products, your phone, and credit card.

Have a Wonderful Time!

To say that you need a vacation is a major understatement. Now, by planning ahead and being careful not to forget key items and pack in a well thought out way, your trip is sure to be as relaxing as you hoped it would be.

Making Your Home as Guest Friendly as Possible

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2020 has been an odd year. The coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic gripped the world and things still haven’t returned to usual since. Governments around the world set strict social isolation and social distancing measures to slow the spread of the virus. Many of us have found ourselves only having close contact with the people we live with. Alternatively, those of us who live alone probably haven’t seen our nearest dearest for a hug for months. It’s not all too surprising that many of us are enthusiastically planning being reunited with our loved ones. We can’t wait to get them around to ours for dinner, drinks, a film or just a general catch up. Of course, you’re going to want to make sure your home is as accommodating as possible when the time comes to do this. Here are a few tips that will help you to achieve this!


Make Sure There’s Sufficient Seating


We all tend to fall short of seating when it comes to accommodating guests. You see this happen around occasions like birthdays or Christmas. But having somewhere comfortable to sit really is an essential. Consider a large sofa like those found here Consider matching chairs. Consider stackable extra chairs that can be piled away in a cupboard or the shed throughout the rest of the year. If you’re lucky enough to have a large back garden you can have people over in, you should consider investing in some garden furniture. Deck chairs, sofa style chairs, tables and chairs… the list of potential choices is endless! However, if you do decide on upholstered furniture for your guests, make sure that you have them cleaned by professional sofa cleaners before your event.


Have Sufficient Crockery, Cutlery and Glassware


Of course, big gatherings aren’t possible at the moment. But they will be eventually. You want to make sure that there are enough plates, bowls, knives, forks, spoons and glasses for all of your guests. This will ensure that people don’t have to wait for others to finish their food or drinks before getting started themselves. If you don’t have sufficient storage space for these extra items in your kitchen year round, you can put them away in the loft ready for special occasions!


Use a Spare Room Wisely


If you’re lucky enough to have a spare room in your home, why not turn it into a guest room? Guest rooms provide people who travel from afar or who want to stay late somewhere comfortable and secure to rest their head for the night. All you need to add is a bed. It’s as simple as that! Of course, there are all sorts of extras you can add to make things more comfortable. A nightstand or bedside table for guests to rest their phone on while they sleep. Storage for extra bedding. The list goes on.


As you can see, there are a jumper of things you can do to make sure your home is as guest friendly as possible. Following these simple steps can ensure that you’re able to have guests over and accommodate them in the best way possible. They’re simple to implement, but will make all the difference!