Pregnancy is a magical experience for parents, and you cannot wait to hold your bundle of joy in your arms. The thought of the moment keeps you happy and elated throughout the pregnancy. But thousands of moms and dads have to deal with an unexpected crisis when they encounter preterm labor. Having a baby before the usual gestation period is fraught with risk. These cases are complicated, and some kids even succumb to the complications.

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious intestinal disease that affects premature babies. It causes inflammation of the tissue in the small or large intestine, leading to a perforation in the intestinal wall. The condition can lead to severe infection and death of infants. In several cases, formula feeding is the cause of NEC and related deaths in premature babies. Dealing with the trauma of losing your little one due to NEC is challenging. But you can do your bit to get your life back on track. Here are some tips to help.

Get a hold on your life

Nothing can be more traumatizing than losing a baby who comes to the world earlier than you expect.  Preterm labor is a taxing experience, and the agony of seeing your baby in the neonatal care unit is immense. The treatment for NEC includes IV therapy or even surgical procedures. It is hard to see the little one suffering and losing the battle for life. But the only way to move forward is by getting a hold of your life again. Give yourself time to mourn the loss, but commit to living again.

Find the cause of NEC

While there isn’t a single consistent cause of NEC, you must try to identify the reason for the death of your infant. Here are some possibilities that can lead to the condition-

A premature intestine
An injury to the intestinal lining
Inadequate blood or oxygen flow to the intestine at birth
Infection of the intestine (bacterial or viral)
Growth of bacteria leading to the erosion of the intestinal wall
Formula feeding

A majority of cases occur in infants born before 32 weeks gestation. NEC develops within the first 2–4 weeks of the infant’s life. You can check the hospital records, talk to doctors, and seek expert opinions on the cause of NEC in your baby.

Seek compensation through a baby formula lawsuit

The idea of filing a lawsuit while grieving may sound overwhelming, but you must do your bit to get justice for your little one. If your baby died due to formula feeding, you must file a premature baby formula lawsuit to claim compensation. You can hold the manufacturer liable for failing to mention NEC risks on their product labels. Not doing so is a breach of the duty of care they owe to consumers. Baby formula settlement cases often run high in value if you prove the manufacturer’s negligence. Big brands are involved, and a specialist lawyer can help you claim compensation for the child’s medical treatment, pain and suffering, parental trauma, and wrongful death of the baby.

Avoid thinking about what-ifs

Parents often prolong and worsen their grief and suffering by besieging themselves with questions they cannot answer. You may find yourself looking for mistakes leading to premature birth in the first place. Also, you may think of things you could have done differently to prevent NEC and the resultant death of the infant. Blaming yourself is not a solution as it will only worsen your problems. You may end up losing your peace of mind by feeling guilty at all times.

Practice patience and kindness

The best way to start on the road to recovery is by practicing patience and kindness with yourself and your partner. Remember that both parents suffer equally when they lose a child. So do not undermine the pain of your spouse. They may deal with the grief differently if they do not show it. Your relationship may bear the brunt of the loss for a while, but you can salvage it by sticking together. Not blaming or judging each other even helps you get life on track faster.

Coping with the death of a baby is nerve-wracking, but you need not do it alone. Get the support you require. You can connect with other parents going through a similar ordeal and find an NEC lawyer to help you claim compensation and justice. You may seek counselingtherapy to deal with the anguish and resume normalcy.