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Staying close to your teenage children can sometimes feel like an uphill struggle. No matter how hard you try, they always seem a little distant. 


Don’t worry: it’s not your fault. It’s all part and parcel of teenage development. And, if it didn’t happen, it would probably indicate that there was something seriously wrong.


Even so, you still want some form of connection with your teenagers. So what can you do to draw them closer? Let’s find out. 


Listen To Them


Just listening to your teenagers isn’t gross at all and, actually, something that they will really appreciate. They want to be around parents who support and understand where they are coming from in this challenging part of their lives


Offer them an ear. Don’t judge anything they say. Be supportive, like a parent should be. 


Show Up To Their Events


Another great way to get closer to your teen is to show up to their events. Do the things that they love doing and incorporate them into your life. If they want to go to the park to play a game of baseball, go with them. Similarly, if they’re heading out to a concert, join in (so long as you don’t crap their style, of course). 


Text Them


Teenagers love texting. It’s part of what they do. 90 percent of them prefer it to calling other people. 


As their parents, nothing is stopping you from jumping on the bandwagon. Start texting them more often and just watch how much difference it makes to their communicativeness. The change can be dramatic. 


Watch Movies Or Weekly Shows With Them

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You might also want to try making sitting down in front of a TV a weekly ritual. This isn’t the sort of thing you want to enforce. Instead, just casually mention that you’re going to be watching something that they are interested in and that they can come along for the ride if they want. 


Do Something More Physical


Outdoor team building for teenagers can be a lot of fun and are a great way to bring people closer together. It takes kids out of their regular environment and gets them to do something totally new that they haven’t experienced before. They’ll need to work on their cooperation and communication skills which, hopefully, will be something that spills over into the rest of their lives. 


Get Them To Teach You Something


Instead of being the person always educating your kids, why not get them to teach you about something? Ask them to speak on their favorite subjects or tell you something that they learned in school.


Go Camping

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Camping is one of the best activities to do with kids because it brings them closer to nature and motivates them to be healthier. It’s away from screens and mobile phone services, so all that’s left to do is hike and chat. For many teens, it’s a welcome break from constant conversations on Snapchat. 


So there you have it: some of the ways that you can get closer to your teenage kids without grossings them out. Which will you try?