I have a serious love for parchment paper. I enjoy nothing more than cooking and baking and trying new recipes but hate having to clean up the kitchen afterward. So when I found out parchment paper could not only save me time cleaning up but save my sanity over scrubbing my baking sheets, cupcake pans and my glass baking dishes I was hooked. Since then I have found even more uses for parchment paper (thanks to pinterest).
I have tried so many brands and I must say Boolik Easy Roll
stands out for so many reasons. Let’s start with the nice
this cardboard packaging. There is nothing worse than a cheap box that buckles under the pressure of trying to rip out a piece of paper. There are also push flaps on the sides of the box that lock the paper in place making ripping a even piece easy. The parchment paper itself is the thickest I’ve ever used and has a extra layer or silicone making it truly nonstick, I feel this is why I love it so much. It is FDA approved and microwave and oven safe for clean baking and healthy cooking.
Now let me share some of my favorite ways I use my Boolik Parchment Paper
. Obviously I use it for baking. I line all my cookie sheets in parchment paper, not only do I not need to grease my pan anymore my clean up takes seconds. Bonus Boolik Parchment Paper
is top of the line, I’m able to use the same sheet a few times.
I didn’t stop with baking sheets, I stepped it up a notch and us my Boolik Parchment Paper to line my glass baking dishes as well. I do spray the bottom of my baking dish with cooking spray to keep the paper in place. This works beautifully for casseroles, meatloaf, lasagna and especially brownies since you can pull the brownies out with the paper and easily divide; no more crumbly misshaped brownies.
One of the cutest ways to use parchment paper I discovered by accident. While baking cupcakes late one night I ran out of cupcake liners. Since I hate nothing more than prying cupcakes out of the pans I searched pinterest for cupcake liner alternatives. That’s when I found it, Parchment Paper! Why hadn’t I thought of it myself. There’s no looking back, I am able to make my cupcakes or muffins look like they came straight from the bakery. Making cupcake liners is easy, I cut my parchment paper into 5×5 squares and mold them over the top of a small glass, then simply place in my muffin pan and fill.
A few of my other favorite uses are:
– Dividing meat into freezable portions. Placing parchment paper between chicken, burgers, pork chops (you get the idea, also works great for freezing cookie dough), this makes separating so much easier.
-Covering dishes in the microwave. Years ago we stopped using paper towels and using parchment paper to cover dishes in the microwave cuts down on splatter messes.
-Snack Cones are perfect for serving anything from popcorn to french fries. Simply cut parchment paper into 10×10 squares and roll into cones. Use tape or stapler to secure (I found hot glue doesn’t hold).
-Reheating pizza, placing a piece of parchment paper under your slice of pizza before microwaving helps keep a crispy crust. 
-Mess free dinner with parchment paper pouches, a easy way to cook chicken or fish. Rip a large piece of parchment paper, fold in half and cut into a half circle. (I made mine with squash, chicken and tomatoes.) Crinkle up the sides to make your pouch and to keep all liquids inside. Bake, serve, and save time on your clean up!
As you can see the sky’s the limit with the uses of parchment paper and with Boolik Easy Roll
you have 42 square feet to work with. This is a 100% risk free purchase and Boolik will give you a full refund if it does not meet your demands. But trust me your going to love Boolik Easy Roll
Parchment Paper as much as I do.