4 Tips to Make Your Home Work For You


Any homeowner knows that keeping your home in top condition feels like a never-ending battle. If it’s not sweeping up after your kids, it’s cleaning the kitchen. If it’s not cleaning the kitchen, it’s making repairs that have sprung up out of nowhere. It’s easy to let this get you down, but it doesn’t need to, not if you know how to make your home work for you, anyway. 


Understand Your Space 


It’s impossible to make sure your home works for you and your family if you don’t first understand your space. Ideally, you want to do this on the day you move it, but that ship has sailed long ago. Still, there’s no time like the present to take control of your home, so consider the space you have and think about how to use it best. To make this easier, get your hands on a floor plan to make it easier to visualize. You might find that there is space you have entirely ignored all this time. 


Give Each Room A Purpose 


Once you have visualized your home, it’s time that you give each room a purpose. Most rooms in your house already have a purpose. There is the dining room, the living room, bedrooms for you and your partner and the kids. But, there might be other parts of the house that don’t have any designated purpose. They are used to throw everything you don’t have space for. This doesn’t sound like making your home work for you, so it’s time to give these spaces purpose. Think about how you make the most of the space and convert it to a kids’ playroom, home office, or even a home gym. 


Consider Upgrading 


When you think of home upgrades, you envision expensive renovations or extensions. While this is sometimes true, it isn’t the only way you can upgrade your home. If you want to find better ways to make your home work for you while also improving your financial situation, consider modern solutions such as solar installation or smart home technology. While these require some investment, they help you take control of your home. 


Get Rid of Clutter 


The final piece of the puzzle is getting rid of the clutter that has accumulated for years. If you’re anything like other families across the country, you probably have an attic full of items you don’t use, or have even forgotten about. Clearing the clutter from your home is one of the most therapeutic things you can do, and it frees up plenty of space that you can finally use. You mustn’t just throw it out, though, so look for places to sell, donate, or recycle these items so prevent waste. 


Home Comforts 


Nobody ever feels like their home is finished. There is always something else you need to do, even if this is just general upkeep. However, the more you make your home work for you, the easier it will be to keep it how you have always envisioned. From small changes to substantial improvements, there’s an option for everybody. 

The Working Mama: How You Can Make It Happen

For years, there has been a lot of stigma surrounding the idea of being a ‘Working Mom’. Many feel as though it is impossible to find the perfect balance between staying at home and providing for your children and taking the working world by storm. However, this is simply not true. It requires hard work, but nothing is stopping you from being a loving, hands-on mom and a powerful businesswoman at the same time. They aren’t mutually exclusive. If for example, you decide to sell popular products or provide services for people then it should not mean that you are not a good mom for choosing work as well as children.

Here’s how you can make it happen!

Photo by Sai De Silva on Unsplash

Train part-time, or according to your schedule.

No matter your choice in career, sometimes it feels as though we are working towards a deadline. For example, you may think that you need to obtain a particular position by the time you reach a specific age, or else you will be considered a failure. However, it is important to understand this is not true. There is no time limit on success, and you don’t have to worry about taking your time to get there.

Therefore, if you want to spend time with your children when studying, why not consider signing up to a part-time course that allows you to manage your time more efficiently. For example, if you wish to become an occupational therapist, you will need to attend a college for occupational therapy. There are plenty of quality courses on offer that can be tailored to your needs and desires, helping you achieve your goals on your own terms.

Photo by Standsome Worklifestyle on Unsplash

Start by working from home.

If you have always dreamed of running your own business, why not start it in the comfort of your own home? For example, many great ideas are born on the couch when watching TV. When you have a solid idea, all you need is to put it into practice. A little effort, knowledge of technology and software (those without much knowledge in these can take the help of IT firms similar to BedrockIT), and a lot of patience can certainly help your business take off. When you can dream it, you can do it. Being a mother shouldn’t stop you from fulfilling your dreams.

Moreover, you could even put in one of those bespoke garden offices UK for you to go in when you need to get down to work. Working from home means that you are still a constant presence in your children’s lives, and you don’t have to pay for additional costs such as official fees and space. There are also plenty of other positions that are compatible with home working, such as telecommunications positions. However, if you are working from home, it is important that you set up a home office that works for you. Ensure that it is a space that is truly your own and free from distractions – though it doesn’t necessarily have to be a kids-free zone, don’t allow it to double as a playroom.

Photo by Standsome Worklifestyle on Unsplash

Establish your boundaries.

Boundaries are essential in life if we are to establish a realistic work-life balance. However, they are particularly important if you are working and raising children at the same time. Therefore, you must stick to your regular working hours, only working overtime as a last resort or when absolutely necessary.

Whenever possible, leave your work on your desk at the end of the day – alongside any associated worries or stress. Besides, instead of stressing yourself out for a work that seems undoable, seek the help of experts in the field without hesitation. For instance, if you find difficulty managing the finances of your firm, you can reach out to a firm similar to Finlyte, to provide assistance. This way, you can save a substantial amount of time, which can help you better manage your work-life balance.

This will also allow you to shut off and enjoy the time you have with your children. When you are not working, focus on spending quality time with the whole family – plan fun activities, get outside of the house, or simply sit down and have a meal together!

5 Online Jobs Perfect for the Ladies

When it comes to supplementing your income, there is definitely no shortage of online jobs. With every industry shifting its focus towards online work, now it’s easier than ever to start working from home. Whether you need something that will bring fast and easy money, such as working on some of the most popular social media platforms, which could potentially be achieved by knowing how to buy TikTok likes and Instagram followers. Looking for something that will become your career down the line, you have plenty of options. Nowadays you can start from zero, work, learn and earn and you only need a computer and internet connection.

And if you’re wondering how to make money online, here are five suggestions that you’ll certainly love. You can do all of them in the comfort of your own home, and all of them have a rather decent return on investment.

Do Makeup Tutorials

This is an easy one because as a woman, you’re probably well versed in how to do your makeup. But you weren’t born that way, you had to learn that somewhere, right? Well, think of all the other women who need to learn that now – why not help them out a bit?

Copyright: Unsplash | CC0 Public Domain

Doing makeup tutorials might start out as a fun hobby, but if you’re good at it, eventually you’re going to have cosmetics brands sponsoring you. You’re more likely to get a sponsorship if you have a large and interactive social media following, therefore using a service like Growthoid (see this Growthoid review) to increase your audience can help with this.

Work as a Virtual Assistant

You’d be surprised at just how many people are used to working with their own personal assistant. With the current world events making that pretty much impossible, virtual assistants are in demand now more than ever. And if you’ve got some good organizational skills and the will to learn, you can work as one pretty easily.

Working as a virtual assistant is usually paid hourly, which means the more you do, the more you’re paid. How much you’re making depends on your clients, and your schedule and working hours do, too. But in the end, you’ll get paid for everything you do, and the tasks can be anything from organizing one’s calendar to doing social media marketing. Besides, there are certain software and bots that help with social media platform marketing. The TikTok automation tools, for instance, are utilized by many marketers these days. And it’s all rather simple and easy to learn.

Start a Blog

Chances are you’re following a blog or two in your free time, right? Do you think the people behind them do them for free? Not really, they get paid, and oftentimes pretty handsomely. Starting a blog is all about sharing your opinions and ideas with the world, and you can start a blog on pretty much any topic you can come up with.

The key thing about the blog is to offer something that other blogs don’t. Whether that’s a unique perspective on day-to-day things, or covering a niche or industry that nobody else is covering, you want to give your readers a reason to come back and visit your blog, rather than a different one. Whether you need something that will bring fast and easy money, such as working on some of the most popular webcam sites, will be another question, but hopefullly this should become your main source of income after a while.

Copyright: Unsplash | CC0 Public Domain

And once you’ve taken care of that, and your blog is raking up visitors, you’ll have brands offering sponsorships and asking about collaborations, and that’s when the money starts coming in.

Try Online Tutoring

This is a seriously underestimated online job. Being good at something that you can teach to others not only gets you a pretty good income if you get your clients right, but it also gives you that sensation of helping someone achieve their goals.

There is pretty much no limit to what you can teach online, but popular things always include subjects taught at university, as well as life skills, like time or money management. If you’re good at some of these things and consider you’re good enough to be able to teach them to others, by all means, try it. Do a good job, and not only will you be able to increase your hourly rate, but you’ll also find out that word of mouth spreads surprisingly fast.

Start Freelance Writing

If your English is good and you have a way with words, working as a freelance writer is probably something you can get the hang of pretty quickly. You can write blog-style content, or you can try book ghostwriting, as well as any of the other types of written content, and there really is something for everyone.

Of course, starting out, you might not be making too much money. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to command a higher rate and increase your earnings. This does depend on the quality of your work, however, so make sure you work on that.

And here’s a tip to maximize your income – try to find a niche or an industry that suits you and you know a lot about, and start writing on that. You’ll find that it’s a lot easier for you to find inspiration and words, and your clients will benefit from the extra knowledge and insights you have on the topic!

10 Reasons Why Reading Is Important For Kids

If you’re reading this right now, then you can thank your ability to read for that. Reading is obviously important to be able to understand the words on the page, but it is also the foundation of your ability to learn and your ability to function effectively in the world. Do you remember learning to read as a child? Most of us don’t remember, but now, you can’t imagine your life without knowing how to read. You couldn’t understand anything on the internet without reading, you wouldn’t be able to text, or follow the recipe for your favourite curry to cook at home. Without the ability to read, you wouldn’t be able to do something as simple as reading the labels on your clothes to find the washing instructions.

It’s easy to see why reading is so important. Learning to read is also incredibly important for your children. As they grow up, they will need to gain strong reading skills in order to get through school successfully and get into their future career. As you go through the struggles of getting your kids to actually practice their reading to stay on track and to view reading as fun instead of homework, remember these reasons why reading is important for kids.

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  1. It expands their vocabulary. While reading, your children might come across words that they haven’t heard before. This should prompt them to find out what they mean. As a result, they add the new word to their vocabulary. Teach them how to look up words in the dictionary, so they can lead their own learning without having to ask you or turn to Google to find out what a word means.
  2. It makes them better at it. Practice makes perfect, as the old saying goes. The best way for your child to get better at reading is for them to just do it. Make sure there’s plenty of things available for your child to read, so they can pick up a book any time they feel like it.
  3. It helps build independence and self-confidence. As your children learn that they no longer have to rely on you to read things to them, they will start to develop a greater sense of independence and confidence. Through being able to read, they can start to build an understanding of the world on their own. Also, as a parent, you need to try different ways to build their self-confidence and boost their morale. You can, for instance, choose to invest in some African American children books for your kids. They sure can help in the whole personality improvement process. Through the gift of literacy and learning, children with their curious minds can learn different cultures and embrace everything wholeheartedly from a young age itself.
  4. It keeps them safe. Lots of important things that keep people safe have words on them. Traffic signs and warning labels have words on them, for example. Reading will allow your kids to understand when something says that it could harm them, such as the warning label on cleaning supplies that tells them the contents is toxic.
  5. It helps them make sense of the world around them. As your child learns to read they will be better able to determine what different things around them say, whether’s signs or stickers and labels. Being able to read will help your child to understand what is what and what purpose things serve.
  6. It leads to their future academic success. A child must be able to read in order to progress at all through school. Reading is essential if they are going to be able to follow the instructions on the test and be able to understand and answer the questions. If you’re worried, you can try measuring reading level to make sure they’re on track.
  7. It enhances their imagination. As a child reads, they will begin to imagine where the characters are and what they look like. They can create their own little world. Reading improves their imagination by forcing them to picture what the character looks like and who they are.
  8. It entertains them. Reading gives them something good to do, especially once they can start to read chapter books without pictures, pushing to really get into their imagination and really get into the book too.
  9. It improves their grammar. As they read, your child will be able to see how the author has composed their sentence structure and grammar. This can also help to improve their communication skills as they work out how things should be read, using clues like punctuation.
  10. It improves their writing skills. As reading improves vocabulary, communication and grammar, it also improves your child’s writing skills too.

Reading is needed for just about everything in life, whether it’s just getting through school or learning skills for adulthood from cooking to driving. It’s important to start at a young age and teach your child how important (and fun) reading is so they will practice their reading, and value their ability to read.

Beeswax Candle Co Giveaway

Enter for your chance to win 6 tea lights, a 3×4 pillar and a pair of 9″ tapers from The Beeswax Co



MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Are You Considering Moving to a New State?

Moving is a big decision. Sometimes you want to move, other times you have to move. Either way there are so many choices and emotions that go along with a move. When you decide to move to another state you have a lot to plan and do. So get your Google Doc or pad of paper ready, because friend, you are going to have a lot of notes, plans and thoughts you need to keep track of.

It is not easy to relocate to a new state. However, if you are familiar with the area you are moving to, it may be a little easier. For example, if you know the cost of living in places like Pasadena (read more on https://sgvlistings.com/pasadena-cost-of-living), it will be much easier for you to move.


When the plan to move over state lines is settled you need to get organized on how the move will happen. Moving out of the state takes more than a little rental truck. You don’t have days to run back and forth between locations dropping boxes and furniture at your leisure. For moving interstate with newborn let the experts do their job. First make a plan on how you are going to pack your belongings. You will need to keep a few things handy so they don’t get lost in all the boxes. Then call Pasadena moving company to be sure you get the dates and right size truck you require. Then, they day of the move you should put aside the following:

  • Coffee maker, coffee, mugs and sugar
  • Bed sheets (this a going to make you so happy that you can sleep that evening comfortably)
  • Toiletry – toilet paper, paper towels, shampoo and conditioner and any lotions
  • Medications. Keep these safe and close – in a purse or laptop be would be best
  • Important documents – your social security cards, licenses, birth certification, insurance cards …..

Understandably, moving out to a new place can be a cumbersome process. While a removalist company may not be able to relieve all of your stress, you can hire them if you need to move your furniture, cupboard, or even your favorite utensils. You can either contact a local vendor to transfer all of your belongings, or can conduct a simple yet effective Google search for “Sydney Move” (or any other place) to contact removalist companies in your area.

Setting Up Your New Home

Now that you have a home full of boxes, you will probably feel overwhelmed and a tad excited. You may have planned where you want what furniture, what rooms people will claim as their own, and may want to run right out to TJ Maxx to find some new towels and décor. You may have also contacted a local locksmith by now to upgrade the locks of your front door and cupboards, which can improve the visual, physical, and security of your new home. However, as you unpack all the boxes you will start to reminisce, and think of when you bought that lamp, how you felt that Christmas when you received that scarf form you late Aunt. Then, you will being to sneeze! Wonder where that Kleenex box is. This is because you packed your old dust and its mixing with your new dust. This is completely normal, but very annoying. You will want to quickly order from https://veilad.co/ so you can get some quality and affordable UV Satanizing products.

Before you unpack everything shift the boxes to the right room. This way you don’t have to keep running between rooms. Grab that document list you started and see what notes you may have forgotten. Reminders of what boxes hold what items so you can easily more towards completion.

Schools and Utilities

Now you are in the new home and feeling accomplished. But don’t stop now, there is more work to be done. Call your local city buildings and talk to the board of education. Do you plan on enrolling your children in a private schools or independent schools? If it’s a private school ask about uniforms and if they have bussing available. If you are deciding on something as important as schooling for your child’s future, you might as well look at something different like various private middle schools in jacksonville fl (or wherever you have moved).

At the same time you need to be setting up the utilities. You may have started this before you moved, which would be the wisest choice. But, now you are here and you need to be sure you have the right ones. Are you getting cable or will you be only requiring smart TV streaming services? Does your washing machine use electric or gas? Do you have any HOA requirements? This will all work itself out in a few weeks as long as you keep up with calling them and checking your first bills to be sure you are being charged correctly.

Meet the Neighbors

Sadly, people don’t always welcome the new family that moves in. But, hopefully your new apartment or house will be in a place where you can make new friends and have positive relations with. If you are nervous and don’t want to just walk up to someone’s how I would suggest you have your family hang outside a bit. Let the kids play in the yard while you weed, have a drink or simple sit on your lawn chairs. As people take walks and others walk their dogs you have the perfect opportunity to say hello and introduce yourself. Best off, if your children join the Scouts you can walk door to door selling those tasty cookies, popcorn and chocolate coated nuts.

In conclusion, I hope you enjoy your move. Keep your lists close, but the memories closer.

Lactation Cookie Express Giveaway



Enter for your chance to win a 3 pack variety bundle which includes oatmeal chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin and oatmeal white chocolate chip flavors from Lactation Cookie Express


Not just for mothers milk production, but makes a tasty treat for the whole family.


Lactation Cookie Express premium lactation cookie mixes are so quick, so easy and so delicious!  Make homemade, milk boosting cookies right in your own oven. You provide the egg and butter and we provide you with the most nutritious and delicious lactation cookies you’ve ever tasted. Each pouch makes 2 dozen (24) lactation cookies. Our Oatmeal Raisin mix is all natural and loaded with plump, flame raisins sourced directly from the sunny farms of California for guaranteed taste and quality. Fill your kitchen with the aromas of sweet brown sugar and the warm fragrances of cinnamon and ginger, knowing that you are providing yourself and baby with a powerhouse of key nutrients for breast milk production and success. Lactation cookies aren’t just for breastfeeding moms; they are a safe, delicious and nutrient dense snack for children, family and friends. Loaded with key ingredients and galactagogues to increase breast milk production and provide optimal nutrition. For best results, eat 2 cookies per day. Many of our moms notice an increase in breast milk within 48 hours of eating the cookies. PROUDLY MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. **Do not eat during pregnancy.

BAKE BOOST BREASTFEED: Make homemade and super delicious lactation cookies with premium cookie mixes. Simply add your own egg and butter, mix, bake and enjoy. Each pouch makes 2 DOZEN (24) lactation cookies. Stock up, bake and freeze so that you’ll always have cookies on hand.

OUR TOP 10 TIPS FOR MILK BOOSTING SUCCESS: get adequate sleep, keep stress levels low, drink lots of water, make more time for skin-to-skin contact with baby on your breasts, latch baby to nipple correctly to allow proper milk flow, nurse baby & pump more frequently, replace pacifier with your nipple, apply a warm compress to your breasts before feeding & pumping, massage breasts & nipples while feeding & pumping, and eat foods rich in galactagogues such as our lactation cookie mixes!

MOMMY APPROVED: our cookie mixes have successfully helped thousands of moms increase their breast milk supply. They are recommended by top lactation consultants and loved by nursing moms nationwide. Each mix is loaded with quality, key ingredients for increased breast milk production and optimal nutrition and contains no Fenugreek.

TRACK YOUR SUCCESS: eat 2 cookies per day for best results. Many of our breastfeeding moms start to see an increase in milk supply within 2 days and others within 3-5 days. Don’t give up! Each mom is different and every drop of increased milk is a gift.

QUALITY MATTERS: our premium lactation cookie mixes are most flavorful and brilliantly delicious. We only use carefully sourced ingredients from the USA for best quality and taste. Our oatmeal raisin mix is loaded with the sweetest, plump flame raisins from the sunny farms in California. Our best selling oatmeal chocolate chip is made with Hershey’s chocolate for the best taste. Our newest flavor, oatmeal white chocolate chip, is our sweetest confection made with smooth Nestle white chocolate. Each cookie mix is crafted in the heart of Massachusetts at a family owned bakery.

Hosted by: MamatheFox

Co-Hosted by: Versatileer

Sponsored by: Lactation Express Cookies


EXIT: The Game – The Enchanted Forest Giveaway


Enter for your chance to win (1) EXIT: The Game – The Enchanted Forest


EXIT: The Game is a series of party games for up to four players that offers a unique, unforgettable gaming experience, perfect for Valentine’s Day fun! These games allow you to bring the excitement, intensity, and team spirit of an escape room to your living room. In each EXIT game, your team starts out locked in an imaginary room, or trapped somewhere. You must solve a series of riddles and puzzles in order to unlock doors and reveal new riddles. Each correct solution brings you to another riddle and eventually to freedom. EXIT is constantly expanding with new stories. Ages 10+ MSRP: $14.95.


Hosted by: MamatheFox

Co-Hosed by: Versatileer

Sponsored by: Thames and Kosmos


Stick-O Cooking Set Giveaway


Enter for your chance to win (1) Stick-O Cooking Set


The Stick-O Cooking 16 Piece Set brings out your child’s inner chef. This themed magnetic kit inspires kids to assemble and cook delicious foods including an egg, lollipop, candy, carrot, and more. The 16 Piece Cooking Set includes 2 Spheres, 2 Sticks, 1 Curve Stick, 1 Oval Stick and 1 Half Sphere. Ages 18m+ MSRP $24.99.


Hosted by: MamatheFox

Co-Hosted by: Versatileer

Sponsored by: Magformers


Creatto: Moonlight Elephant Safari Giveaway




Enter for your chance to win (1) Creatto: Moonlight Elephant Safari  Crafting Kit




Creatto is a simple yet versatile building system that consists of just two primary components that can be woven together into countless 3D creations. The flexible yet durable plastic tiles interlock quickly and easily for all skill levels; no additional materials or hardware required! Each Creatto kit includes assembly instructions for four different configurations, but the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Add strings of colored LED lights to illuminate your works of art from the inside out. Creatto is available in a variety of designs for $9.95-$29.95 and is for Ages 6+.

Hosted by MamatheFox.com

Co-Hosted by Versatileer

Sponsored by: Thames And Kosmos