Author: MamatheFox

Designing a Home That Works for the Whole Family

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If you have the opportunity to design your own home you will want to ensure that you get it just right. It is the perfect chance to create the family home you’ve always wanted; the family home that works for all of you and enables you to live, laugh, and love together.


So, it’s important you get it right, but if you’ve never designed a home before, it might be tricky to know where to start, Luckily, the below tips will help you to get it right and build the best possible home for your family.


Think about your hobbies and interests


Before you call the home builders in to customize your home’s design, you should sit down and think about your family’s hobbies and interests. Why? Because when you know what you all love doing the most, you can design a house that makes it easier for you to do them.


For example, if you love cooking, you can design a large kitchen with plenty of room to cook up a storm or if you love nothing more than taking a hot bath after a long day at work, you can design a luxurious bathroom. The kids like reading? You can build a couple of reading nooks into the design too. This is the best way to get a family home that works for you all.

If you enjoy family get-togethers, then creating a cozy corner will make the gatherings a  more inviting place to spend time. Consider the lighting fixtures first to brighten up the space and make it more welcoming. The right decorative items and accessories will help you make the room more lived-in. Start a family tradition to strengthen the bond like having tea time around the table, you could get new tableware and cups with a matching design such as Viva Scandinavia tea-ware to get more excited about this fun family cath-up time.

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Think about privacy


As a family, you will want to spend your time at home relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. That can be difficult to achieve if you are always looked over by neighbors and passers-by. So, you need to take privacy seriously.


Think about designing your home so that the front door is not right on the street, and so that your lower windows are not visible from the pavement either. Think about planting mature trees to screen your property and consider using pergolas, awnings, and screens to keep your garden, and yore windows, safe from prying eyes. Then you can all relax and really be yourselves.


Think open plan


If you have young kids, then having a house that is open plan is a good idea because it enables you to keep an eye on them, You can be in the kitchen cooking and see them reading in the living room or playing in the yard, which means you can all do your own things while still being connected and still looking out for each other.


Keep it simple


When it comes to designing family homes, it is usually a good idea to keep it simple. Try not to make your rooms unusual in shape or it will be more difficult to furnish them effectively, use all of the space and have things flowing well. Square or circular rooms are often the easiest to decorate design and enjoy together, while ensuring there is a place for everything, but do talk to your builders if you have other ideas as they may be able to make it work for you.


Good luck building a family home that you all love!

Get Your Home Ready For Summer

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Summer is approaching, and there is a lot of hope that it will be the best summer ever. With the epidemic and restrictions, we haven’t been able to spend as much time with loved ones as we would like during the last few summers. Summer is all about sharing experiences, coming together with friends, and spending time outside in the sun. So, with these simple actions, make this summer the finest one ever.


We don’t want to be deep cleaning or organizing the house while it’s hot outside in the summer, so doing this ahead of time will make it a lot easier. There’s a rationale for spring cleaning. After a long winter of gloom, spring brings us brighter days, sentiments of new beginnings, and renewed energy to be productive. It’s possible to declutter in phases. It will be easier to manage and won’t feel like such a daunting task if you tackle one room at a time. We wind up acquiring and accumulating a lot of items that we don’t actually need or even want over the years. It only collects dust and makes our homes appear cluttered and messy. So set aside some time to get rid of items you haven’t used or don’t intend to use. You can either toss away items that are no longer useful or broken, recycle items that can be reused, ask friends and family if they want something, or donate items to a goodwill store to be resold.


In relation of your back yard, you can clear out any rubbish, dig up weeds and old plants that don’t appear to be making a recovery, and start over with a clean slate. Make your yard a refuge where you can sit and unwind the sun. You want a place where you can feel at ease bringing people over for a brunch in the sun or simply sitting and having coffee to give yourself a good start to the day. Plant bright flowers and even fruits and veggies if you want to take it a step further. The supper will be more satisfying and meaningful if you eat food that you have harvested yourself. If you have youngsters, you can include a BBQ area with a grill and pizza oven, as well as a play area. A playhouse, sandpit, pool, as well as swings and slides, are just a few of the fantastic items for children that can be purchased for the yard.


When summertime arrives and the climate warms up, we need to make little alterations to our homes to adapt the changes and keep them looking fresh. Brighter colours and fresh flowers will instantly improve your space, giving off summer emotions and potentially increasing enjoyment. With the warmer season, whether you keep ice cubes in your freezer or have an ice cube dispenser in your fridge, you can make sure you have plenty on hand. Because the summer weather can make it unpleasant at times, make sure your air conditioning is working before the weather heats up and get AC repair if needed so you have it when you need it most.


Great Changes That Can Enhance Your Home as Much as Possible

Improving and enhancing your home and taking steps that will make it better is so important. There are plenty of excellent things you can do that will help you make the most of this, and you can do a lot to help the property stand out and look great. There are a lot of reasons why homeowners might want to improve and enhance their homes, and you probably have a few ideas about things you’d like to do to your home.


Make sure you come up with some of the best ideas that will help you when you are trying to make the property a smarter and more pleasant place to live, as well as adding value to it at the same time. These are some of the best things you can do that will help to make your home better as much as possible.





Sustainability is a key focal point that you have to consider when you are looking to make the most of this. You have to try to focus on living a better and greener way of life, and this all starts at home. So, try to make sure you do your best to focus on the right ways of being able to make your home life more sustainable by embracing eco-friendly products, recycling better, and generally trying to make the home better as much as possible. This is going to help you look after the environment, as well as making the home more appealing to prospective buyers at the same time.


Heating and Cooling Systems


Heating and cooling systems play a huge part in the process when it comes to improving your property, and there is a big focus on comfort here. Being able to provide a comfortable home environment is essential, and this is why you need to look into air conditioning installation for your residence. You may have to consider various aspects of home improvement. For example, it is important to provide your family with the best HVAC facility to keep them comfortable in extreme weather conditions. For that, you can search online for a Forney HVAC contractor or another location. Indoor ventilation is one of the most essential components of a house and you shouldn’t neglect it


Improve the Lighting in the Home


Improving the lighting in your home is vital and there are a couple of ways in which you can achieve this. Artificial lighting still has a place, and thinking about the style and design of the lights you use in the home is really important. It is also essential to make sure you utilize natural lighting as well, as this can make the biggest difference. Bringing natural sunlight into your home is something that can be done pretty easily, and this can make a massive difference to the property.


Make sure you do as much as possible to improve this process, and try to think about some of the best ways of helping you achieve this. There are so many wonderful tips and hints that will allow you to be successful when it comes to improving and enhancing your home, and this can make a huge difference to the process moving forward, giving you a fun and exciting home environment.

7 Tips that can Help Women to Cope with Alcohol Withdrawal

Women spend a significant amount of time caring for others, but they forget themselves in the process. Your health matters just as much as another person’s, and to maintain it, you need to put in some effort. Eating healthy meals is not enough. You should focus on a healthy lifestyle as well. Poor habits deteriorate the quality of life. For example, excessive alcohol consumption leads to addiction which can take years to get over.

The difficulties faced by female recovering alcoholics are unimaginable. Their physical health declines and even their mental stability is at risk. Only a recovering alcoholic knows how tough life becomes after getting addicted to such a nuisance. No matter how hard one tries, he will feel the absence of the substance in his life.

However, it doesn’t mean you can never solve the issue. You can cope with withdrawal symptoms. Whether these symptoms last for days or weeks, there will always be methods to kick start your journey towards recovery. There are also alcohol rehab centers that can assist people in recovering from this problem. Moreover, getting help when it’s available is often better than struggling alone.

That being said, here are seven ways to cope with alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Get in Touch With a Support Group

A great way to start your recovery is by contacting a support group or connecting with people going through a similar situation. There are multiple support groups for women healing from substance abuse. It’s a holistic alcohol treatment for women that preserves their health. You can fulfill your goals without compromising on anything. Once you hear stories of other female survivors, you get the courage to fight your fears.

You don’t have to face every problem alone. Talk to your friends, family, and other close relatives. If you find it difficult to share your thoughts with them, you can get in touch with an alcohol rehab center and seek the treatment you so deserve. Share your thoughts and temptations with them. Having someone near you helps you tolerate the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of resources that can help you, so you aren’t facing your withdrawals and recovery on your own.  Drug Rehab, Addiction And Childhood Trauma services can help you get on the right track and give much-needed support for your recovery. 

Remove Alcoholic Drinks From Your Vicinity

The moment you want to start your detoxification journey, you will need to clear out all the alcohol bottles from your home. Don’t keep any alcoholic drinks near you. Try to avoid gatherings or parties serving alcohol. You never know when your mind gets tempted to drink, so take precautions in advance.

Something not in front of your eyes cannot bother you. A temptation-free area means faster recovery. Take this step to fight your cravings. Indeed recovery is a long process, but you can get through this phase with wise decisions.

Make a Detoxification Plan and Follow It by Heart

Recovery plans include the detoxification phase. In the life of an addict, detoxification plays a significant role. It is the best way to quickly overcome an addiction.

As part of your detoxification plan, you should:

Keep yourself hydrated: Increase your water intake to keep yourself hydrated at all hours. A change in your drinking routine causes extreme nausea. So keep your water intake high.
Invest time in physical activities: A physically active person has higher chances of recovering from substance addictions. So make physical activity a part of your plan. Cycle, walk or join a lady’s fitness club. Release more endorphin to get detoxified quickly.

When alcohol isn’t in your system, you will feel a change in your life. It will be a positive change.

Take Cold Showers

Feeling the urge to have a drink is normal for recovering alcoholics. However, you can’t give in to these cravings. Fight against your urge, and for this, a cold shower comes in handy.

Withdrawal symptoms include irritation, excessive sweating, heavy breathing, and hot flashes. If you need a short-term solution, nothing beats a cold shower. Bathing in cold water reduces your urge to drink and helps clear your mind. Instead of suffering in silence, take a few smart steps to improve your condition.

Take Pain Relievers

Even though females have higher pain tolerance, recovering alcoholics still need medication. Here’s the thing, when you suddenly leave alcohol, it causes changes in your body. You experience headaches and migraines, which are common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

There is no harm in taking aspirin, Ibuprofen, or any other anti-inflammatory drug to cure your pain. However, consult your doctor before choosing an option and only take the dose as prescribed by the physician. Self-medication is also dangerous for your recovery.

Rest a Lot

You will feel tired due to the changes in your routine. Some people feel lethargic, while others experience anxiety. All of these conditions are normal for recovering patients. However, to cope with these symptoms, you will need a lot of rest. The more you lie down and relax, the higher the chances of recovery.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Another great method to fight against AWS is by changing your diet plans. Consume more vegetables and fruits.

These items are not only nutritious but also help in balancing your body’s sugar levels. Since your body is low on energy, it needs extra minerals and vitamins.

You can have all the green veggies and fruits you want. There is no limit on healthy food items

Make Your Home A Happy Place With Small Tweaks

Your home is more than just a place to live; it is a retreat – a place where you feel relaxed and nurtured. If you don’t feel happy entering your paradise, know that it might be time to find out why this feeling. 


Also, you’d want to take effective steps to change the vibes of your New York home. But, what can be done about it? Well, your best bet can be to follow some simple tips below to turn your home into a happier place.

Rearrange your space

The study commissioned by B&Q and Kingfisher in partnership with the Happiness Research Institute suggests that our home is way more accountable for your overall happiness and influences more wellness than your job, health, and income.


This doesn’t mean you need to spend thousands of dollars on home renovations to stay happy; sometimes, a simple shuffle to a room’s furniture can make a big difference. 


Thereby, it is wise to take steps to create a greater sense of space. 

Make time for a change:

You may have noticed that outside noises of NYC like car alarms, airplanes, sirens, construction, garbage trucks, fire trucks, and loud music may interrupt your quality time at home. 

So, when it comes to creating a quiet and peaceful home environment, you can think about installing soundproof windows nyc. Spending a bit on solutions that provides you peace at home is never a bad deal. And the best part is that these soundproof windows require no building approval and are easy to install on the existing window opening. 

Let the Outdoors In

According to a study on productivity carried out in the UK and Netherlands, using plants increases productivity by 15% and improves employee satisfaction.

So, bring in some beautiful planters and choose peace lily, English Ivy, and ferns, known as the best indoor plants. These all are also good for purifying the air, helping reduce stress, and raising productivity.

Create Balance

Try to balance your room decor as it brings a naturally pleasing effect to your mind. So, symmetry is one of the keys to happiness. For instance, find the focal point of the room when you enter and then use that area to decorate with artwork, furniture, and stuff you want at first sight on your entrance. This will boost your sense of joy and comfort. 

Bring In Your Happy Memories

Happy memories constantly refresh our mood. So why not, give it a room in your home. 

You can use any wall in your home for hanging paintings that evoke joy or place pictures of your positive memories. It is because this helps in improving the emotional connection with the place where you live.

You can also use your living area wall to display your achievements in life, like any appreciation certificate and trophies.

The Bottom line

The home that reflects your lifestyle, personality and the stuff you love is called perfect in technical terms and makes you happy.

So, make the required fixes and declutter things that are no longer needed to make your home a perfect place where you love spending time.


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Proven Advice for Getting a Divorce with Affair Partner

When a friend complains about her cheating husband, it’s easy to say: “walk away”. But what if it happens to you? 

According to statistics, every third American has been cheated on at least once in their life. Infidelity in marriage is a highly traumatic experience that presents the victim with a challenge of choosing: either stay in the relationship or burn the bridges clean. 

You say: “Divorce after affair is the only possible option.” But no relationship is ever that simple. Kids, financial problems, fears, and personal insecurity – feelings, after all – often force two people to stay in the long-shattered marriage for years. Something may work out of that. More often, however, it leaves two people with broken hearts and ruined lives.

How do you know when to walk away after infidelity? Search for these signs:

Your Spouse Doesn’t Feel Sorry for What They Did

An obvious sense of guilt and sincere regret may be the reasons to give a cheater another chance. However, when a person shows no remorse for what they did, it may suggest that you’re married to a consummate scoundrel. The chances that a cheater once, a cheater forever are really high. And only you get to decide whether you want to go through it over and over again for the rest of your life. Inability to provide for yourself or other issues may be the reason to stay. But you should know clearly why you’re doing this. Definitely, not because you’re hoping your partner will ever change. 

They Think That One Apology Should Get You Back to Normal

It’s understandable to expect that everything will get back to normal after you sincerely apologize. After all, what else can you do? Come back to the past and send your lover away?

However, if your partner pushes you into acting as before – like cheating didn’t happen – it may be a signal that they don’t care about your feelings. If you’re both aimed at saving this relationship, communication and respect are important. The affair partner must respect your pain and personal space for as long as you need to heal. However, if they continue to violate your personal boundaries and hurt your feelings, this is a signal to divorce after cheating. 

Your Partner Refuses to Try Marriage Counseling

Infidelity doesn’t always happen because of a person’s ugly nature. Lack of communication, respect, and attention may awaken our weaknesses and lure us into taking inconsiderate acts we would regret of later. In any case, this is a highly painful experience for someone who has been cheated on. And clearly, a loving partner would want to make it right. 

Marriage counseling is normally the very first measure recommended to couples who experienced infidelity in their families. Communication and negotiation are important if you want to give your marriage another chance. And hardly anyone can deal with the problem without professional help. Your partner’s refusal can mean that they don’t think your feelings are a big deal. What’s worth, they’re likely to interpret your staying as that you’re ok with such treatment. 

The decision to walk away after your partner cheated on you isn’t an easy one. But do you really want to hold on to a partner who doesn’t care about you?   

The Cheating Spouse Still Keeps in Touch with Another Party to the Affair

You shouldn’t expect your partner to leave a well-paid job because of an affair with a colleague. It may hurt your own marital well-being, after all. But limiting their communication to only working matters – or even transferring to a different department – would be a wise decision if they want to make amends to you. 

If a spouse still keeps in touch with the ex-lover, it’s the reason to seriously consider divorce after affair. Even if the physical part doesn’t take place anymore, any interaction with that person will hurt your feelings and cause suspicions. Unfortunately, most often, these suspicions have also heavy grounds. 

You’re Staying in the Relationship for the Sake of Someone Else But You

A syndrome of a martyr is a very common phenomenon in marriage. Parents stay together for their kids, even if everyone in this family is unhappy. Stay-at-home wives don’t leave their abusive husbands because someone has to ensure the quality of life their partners are used to. Husbands continue living with cheating wives because they’re afraid to leave the love of their life with nothing. 

If you’re asking yourself whether you should divorce a cheater or not, then your happiness is definitely in danger. Your heart wants a different life. Where you will be respected. And cherished. And deeply loved. Your kids would appreciate a happy mom. And your partner will do fine on their own. Staying in a relationship for the sake of others is a bad reason. And if it’s so, walk away without any regret. 

You Don’t Feel Like Putting Effort into Saving the Relationship

It may happen that you don’t want to listen to the apologies, discuss anything, or work on saving your relationship. This can mean that you yourself don’t believe that you two have a future together. And your partner’s affair is just an eye-opening experience saying that former feelings are long gone for both of you. In this case, getting a fast and easy online divorce may be the best option to avoid emotional and financial grinder. 

Bottom Line

Infidelity is never a tragedy of one – both spouses suffer. Someone feels hurt, while the other one loses trust, respect, and often their peace of mind. Don’t marry a cheater and don’t be a cheater are the best two pieces of advice anyone can give you. However, if you happened to be the victim of a cheating spouse, only you can decide if this marriage is worth saving. If your partner is negligent about your feelings and happiness, you’ll do yourself a favor by walking away.


5 Ways to Refresh Your Little One’s Wardrobe This Spring

These days, having the newest and trendiest clothes in your little one’s wardrobe is less about showing off and more about practicality. You need clothes that can withstand all of the messes they’ll make while also staying fashionable and functional, which can be a challenge when you have to consider both at once. That’s why this spring you should consider refreshing your little one’s wardrobe with these five ways to refresh your little one’s wardrobe this spring.



While it might sound counterintuitive, wearing a layer of clothing underneath your little one’s spring outfits can help you keep things warm while the weather transitions from cool to warm. Spring can be tricky since the temperatures can peak during the afternoon and come back down in the evening which is why layers are so important – you can peel them as the weather sees fit so that your little one can remain comfortable throughout the day. Layering can be something as simple as wearing these really cute girl’s dresses on top of a long-sleeved bodysuit and a light denim jacket. Remember to balance the pieces out. Don’t purchase heavy layers, after all, it’s not winter anymore. Instead, add light pieces to her wardrobe that will keep her warm during the colder beginning months of spring.


Keep an eye for color trends

If you spend a lot of time with your kids, you’ll notice that they have distinct preferences for colors and styles. If you can identify which colors or styles they like and when it can help make shopping easier for both you and them. Let’s say it’s springtime, warmer weather is on its way and your daughter seems to really prefer pastels. Seeing a pattern in her wardrobe preferences gives you an indication of what types of clothes she might be excited about next season. It could save lots of trips to various clothing stores while also giving her exactly what she wants! This season is all about the hot pinks such as Fuschia and lime greens which is a good starting point if she doesn’t know what she likes. Of course, you’ll have to add a few floral pieces because nothing says spring more than floral prints. 


Add some fun patterns

Of course, you’ll have to add a few floral pieces because nothing says spring more than floral prints. But remember that spring isn’t just about pastels and florals. Stripes and polka dots can work too—as long as they aren’t overpowering your little one’s look (that means one or two of these fun patterns at most). 


Consider Shoes

The most obvious way to refresh your little one’s wardrobe is with a new spring-appropriate outfit, especially when it comes time to plan the family’s Easter Sunday outfits. But you’re only as stylish as your shoes, so be sure that she has appropriate shoes for every outfit that you add. Sandals may be fine for summer, but the cold weather during those first few weeks (and even months in some places) necessitates booties and closed-toe shoes such as the classic pair of Mary Janes.


Pick Up a New Coat

Winter is slowly winding down. Before you know it, trees will start blooming and Easter baskets will line store shelves. If your little one outgrew her last spring coat, it’s time to replace it. Keep in mind that a spring coat should be different than her winter coat as it should be much lighter. It’s usually best to find something with a lighter fabric such as cotton or denim instead of wool or polyester. Just because spring has sprung doesn’t mean it’s never cold again; so find something she can wear year-round. 


If you’re looking for a great way to refresh your little one’s wardrobe for spring, consider buying some of these new essentials


How To Make Emigrating A Lot Easier

There is no doubt that emigrating is one of the most significant events a person can go through. It can also be incredibly stressful and worrying, regardless of the reasoning behind your move across countries. However, there are a few things you can focus on in order to ensure that you are making emigration a lot easier. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of these in detail, so you can find out how to make emigrating a lot easier on yourself and make the most of it too.

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Find An Immigration Consultant


You might not have been aware of this already, but there are actually people out there offering what they call immigration consulting, and this is a service that you might want to make use of if you are thinking of trying to emigrate as successfully as you can. If you look around, you should be able to find an immigration consultant in your local area, and they will be able to help you with every aspect of the move you are making. This is one of the best things you can do in terms of making your emigration process a lot easier and simpler.


Learn The Language


No matter where you are going from or to, it is all going to be so much easier and simpler if you speak the local language of the country you are moving to. You might be lucky and already speak it, but if not it is a good idea to take some time to learn the language as fully as you can. You will also have a chance to develop and deepen the language as you live in the area itself, but that will be significantly easier if you have already put some effort into learning the basics before you go. These days that’s easier than ever, thanks to the likes of Duolingo.


Be Prepared To Feel Homesick


Homesickness is a very normal and natural thing to feel, and it’s something that you should prepare yourself for as best as you can, as the better prepared you are, the more easily you will be able to deal with it when it arises. When you do feel homesick, try to remember that it is a perfectly normal experience, and that everyone feels it to different degrees. It would be strange if you never felt homesick at all!

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Immerse Yourself In The Culture

Finally, and arguably most importantly of all, you should put effort into trying to immerse yourself in the culture of the new home you have chosen. This can take a while, but if you go into it fully you will find that you are able to really make a radical difference to your experience of being in that culture. This will also help you to make friends and connections, which is vital for feeling happy and living a good life, so make sure that you are not overlooking this if you can help it.

What Happens To My Old Appliances When They Break?

On average most people keep their appliances for 10 to 20 years, depending on the kind of appliances and how frequently they use them. Typically, you will use kitchen appliances for an average of 15 years before needing to change them. You can get appliances via discounts and coupons on various websites (this site might help). However, in the utility room, the washing machine and tumble dryer very rarely last longer than 10 years.


Other electronic gadgets such as a landline telephone can last several decades as they are less commonly used in households.


But the bottom line is that every appliance and electronic item in your home is likely to stop working once it’s past its prime. So what happens when your beloved appliances suddenly break? As tempting as it can be to throw it away, you need to be careful about it. Our household appliances can have a long-lasting impact on the environment, and that’s why you need to handle the situation smartly.

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You can dispose of them

When an old appliance breaks down, it is often cheaper to buy something new than to have it repaired. Indeed, your over 10-year-old fridge, for instance, would be outdated compared to newer models. While you could have it fixed by a specialist, it makes no doubt that the latest models are more likely to be more robust and energy-efficient. Therefore, the smartest thing to do is often to get rid of ancient appliances that do not meet modern standards. You can get in touch with professional skip services, such as Norstar, to pick up your metal appliances for safe removal. This will ensure that you don’t hurt yourself while removing large items. Additionally, scrap and recycling centers are best suited to provide environmentally-friendly disposal of non-biodegradable materials. Indeed, the last thing you want is your appliances to end in a landfill.


You can get them fixed

While it is cheaper to get rid of some appliances when they break, sometimes it makes sense to have them repaired. Typically, you should repair appliances that:

  • Are under 10 years
  • Are still under warranty
  • didn’t break from old age (as further damages are likely to arise)
  • didn’t suffer expensive damages
  • are serviced and maintained regularly


For instance, getting your heater serviced every year can prevent costly damages in the long term. It can also ensure that small faults can be spotted early before they affect your system irreversibly. It’s always worth asking your repair contractor about their opinion, aka whether they would repair or replace in case of doubt.

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They can be upcycled

As unbelievable as it might seem, there is more to your appliances than meets the eye. For instance, old and large appliances, such as an old refrigerator, could become a quirky and funky new furniture unit. Admittedly, upcycling projects are not for everyone. They require skills, specialist tools, and an understanding of furniture structure. However, creative and talented individuals can inject a new life into an old device. Take a look at the work of designer Adrian Johnson with old fridges. His fridgecouch creations are elegant, stylish, and practical, making the most of every element in the fridge.

But you can also use a fridge as a storage unit with a door, keeping all your files out of sight inside your home office.

There are many ways to repurpose former appliances as long as you are confident in y our skills (or know someone who is in theirs).


Unique furniture can be a fantastic idea in rental properties, as they save you costs and can attract Instagram likes!


Use it for parts

Just because one thing is broken, it doesn’t mean your entire appliance is worthless. For instance, you can reach out to repair companies to offer replacement parts.

Outdated appliances, such as an old stove that’s been in your family for generations, can prove highly valuable for collectors. Indeed, they can use your parts to maintain or repair their units.

You can also sell non-specialist parts online, such as finding buyers for your fridge door on eBay.


Sell them to specialist industries

Did you know that entertainment and attraction businesses can transform your appliances into something completely unexpected? Escape rooms, for example, like to add unique puzzles inside of everyday items. It’s not uncommon for these industries to hide a safe compartment inside an oven, for instance, which can be opened once you reproduce a code via the temperature setting buttons. Or they can turn your washing machine inside a secret door to enter a hidden room. Imagination sets the rules, so your old appliances could become the main heroes of an adventure room!


Not everything that breaks should be thrown away. On the contrary, your appliances can be carefully recycled in parts, repurposed, or even repaired. Whether it’s a fridge, an oven, or a tumble dryer, don’t hesitate to think outside the box!