Author: MamatheFox

3 Things You Must Do When Transforming A Disused Room 


Everyone wants to make the most of the space at home as it helps their property feel bigger and more breathable. No matter how many people live there, you never feel like you are getting in each other’s way, even if some people need to share a room. You might even have a room that doesn’t have a purpose yet, and if you want to boost your property’s worth and functionality, it’s time to transform a disused room into something special. But where to begin? 


Clean It 

Cleaning a disused room often feels like a mammoth task, especially if you’ve only used this room to store things that don’t have a home anywhere else throughout the years. But, you can’t do anything else until you clear the floor and remove old furniture and boxes. 


You might find that the cleanup job is more involved than expected, and there could also be health issues present once you have removed everything. If the room is not well ventilated, there’s a chance that you’ll need a mold removal service. Likewise, any infestations will require an exterminator. 


These issues are the bare minimum you must consider when transforming a disused room and they will make it easier to transform it into somewhere you can use. 


Make It Comfortable 

Comfort is another vital element, regardless of what the room is going to be used for (if you even know what yet). In the meantime, some general maintenance and repairs should be sufficient, while painting the walls to make it more welcoming can also help. 


If you’re still unsure what the room will become, you can save money while decorating and choose a neutral color that suits any purpose, whether it becomes a home gym, office, or something else. 


When you have finished decorating, it’s time to think about places to sit or sleep. Right now, though, there’s no need for anything too fancy, so a futon and spare chair should suffice for the time being. 

Figure Out Its Purpose 

Some people turn a bedroom into an office once the kids move out. Others prefer to create a workshop for their hobbies or develop a home gym. These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg, and as it’s your home, you can decide to do whatever you like with the disused room. 


But, it’s important to be confident about your choice. If you need to repair things inside the room or install appliances and amenities to make it livable, you should make sure you know what it will be and know it will be used for a long time. 


The last thing you want to do is prepare for a home gym only to have it end up as a guest room or something else, so think carefully about the present and future.  



Whether you create a home office or guest room or even somewhere for you to work on your projects, transforming a disused room is one of the best things you can do in your house. But, before you fill it with all the essentials, you must make it safe and comfortable to ensure it serves its purpose and helps improve the atmosphere and even the value of your property.


4 Things Every Modern Man Needs In His Kitchen

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Indeed, the kitchen is where you can prepare meals and eliminate hunger.  And you can upgrade your kitchen to make the cooking process easier. Kitchen remodeling is a great way to incorporate modern features and appliances into your cooking space. However, you may have some old appliances that may help after renovating your kitchen. But certain items are non-negotiable, including the following.

  • Blender


The blender is one of the most important appliances you need in your kitchen. It’s versatile and removes the stress of grinding ingredients like pepper, onions, ginger, garlic, coffee, and nuts. It’s also great for making smoothies, which is great news if you love this drink. Thanks to the blender, you can save time as the preparation of meals can be made easier and faster. Owning a blender will provide you with many opportunities in your cooking journey, so keep this in mind.

  • Knives


Certain ingredients, like veggies, fruit, meat,  etc., must be chopped to make your meals, and you can’t do so without a knife. With the help of the knife, dicing food becomes simple, and it helps you to save energy. Remember that owning a knife is a necessity in your kitchen and never a luxury. You should note that you’d probably need just three knives; a chef’s knife, a utility knife, and a serrated knife. You’ll also find it helpful to invest in forged knives, as they can last longer. 

  • Pots and Pan


Indeed, a kitchen isn’t complete without a pot and a pan.  Yet, not all pans can make up your kitchen. Using non-stick pans that allow you to whip up tasty meals is advisable. Moreover, they are easier to clean, so keep this in mind. You can also reduce the amount of oil you consume or even eliminate its usage with non-stick pans, so feel free to consider this. However, you should note that some non-stick pots contain high levels of PFOA, which causes cancer. Therefore, buying water-repellent options is prudent. Consequently, avoid cutting costs and invest in more durable pans, regardless of price. 


  • Toaster Oven


Instead of buying a microwave and pop toaster, you can purchase a toaster oven which will play this dual role even more. Because it’s small, it will prevent your kitchen countertop from getting cluttered and help you save money. While it heats your food more evenly than the microwave, it also encourages you to practice better-eating habits. You can be able to cook anything you want with this small appliance. Living alone with a toaster oven will make you realize that good food does not only come with huge production. You can now cook without much effort, so keep this in mind.


Having these tools helps to make kitchen work easier. It will save you time and stress in cooking meals, so keep this in mind. Make sure you don’t settle for any old kitchen equipment. Go in for the best cooking equipment suitable for your kitchen needs.

How to Make Your Home More Economical


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Economy starts in the home. While there is not much anyone can do about the global economy, the choices we make in our homes create the demands and habits of the future. Save energy, save money, and ultimately save the planet with better choices for your energy and lifestyle. In this article, you can find the best places to make eco-changes.  

Reduce Heat Loss

“Economy” is central to the way we heat our homes. When the weather becomes colder, we turn up the thermostat which increases the home’s temperature, but the heat generated is temporary; it leaks out of the windows, walls, doors, and small cracks in your home building. 


The key to energy reduction and cost saving is to make your home more energy efficient. If you have better insulation in the wall and your windows are covered by heavy curtains, you trap more of the heat and can start to turn down the thermostat. So try to trap the heat you create. 

Renewable Energy 

Nobody needs reminding that the world is undergoing an energy crisis at the moment. Gas and oil prices are rising, and fossil fuels are becoming a less viable option overall. At the same time, the market for renewable energy is growing, but you don’t have to rely on energy companies.  


Renewable energy can be accessed through the grid, but you can also put solar panels on your roof and install a domestic wind turbine. Other options include hydro systems and biomass systems that support clean energy production. Excess energy can then be sold back to the grid.

Eco Buildings 

If you increase the floor space of your home with a new building, you increase the value of the property and give your family more space to use while you live and work from home. Extensions, conservatories, and garden rooms are popular options, but eco buildings are best. 


Eco buildings such as butler buildings are pre-fabricated, which means they are constructed in a warehouse and delivered to the property when required. The controlled environment produces less waste and allows your building to be installed more quickly, further reducing Co2 emissions. 


Make your home more economical with eco-products. Eco-products are cleaning products that don’t use bleach and other chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Instead, eco-products use natural ingredients that don’t harm the environment by contaminating the water system. 


Of course, we are living in a time of high costs. There are high costs for energy, food, and transport, and wages aren’t meeting the demands. It’s easy to choose cheaper cleaning products in the stores, but more demand for these only reduces the market for eco products.  

Final Thoughts 

When people think of the word “economy,” they tend to think of the financial markets, but “economy” can mean the choices you make to create more or less efficiency. In short, economy describes the careful management of available resources. If you want to make your home more economical, you need to think about your energy supplies, your insulation, and your eco-lifestyle. 


Taking Care of Your Body and Mind Around Parenting

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Having kids means taking on a lot of responsibility. When you have children, it’s pretty common for your world to begin to revolve entirely around them. After all, they’re entirely dependent on you. You’ll become responsible for making sure that they are washed and clean, ensuring they are eating well, making sure they are getting their exercise, providing them with activities to keep their minds occupied, finding schools for them, signing them up and taking them to any hobbies and clubs they want to do and so much more. It’s not all too surprising, then, that many parents find themselves putting themselves last and never actually getting around to their own needs. This is especially common if you have other responsibilities and commitments – which most of us do – such as work or commitments to family and friends. It really is important that you make time for yourself and your needs though. It is possible to create a healthy balance where you care properly for yourself and your child. It just requires planning, organisation and self control. Here are some suggestions that can help you to achieve this goal.


Be Kind to Yourself


First, it’s important to remember to be kind to yourself. So many parents find themselves under a lot of pressure, and place their child’s happiness and wellbeing with (understandably) high importance, so give themselves a tough time if they feel they fall short in any area. Never feel this way. Acknowledging shortcomings is a good step in the right direction and you need to remember that we are all only human – nobody is perfect. Sure, it may seem like other parents lead chaos free, happy family lives that run like clockwork, especially with social media flaunting idealised versions of people’s lives in front of our eyes. But the truth is everyone has problems, challenges, struggles and other issues behind closed doors. Parenting is a life long learning curve and nobody ever has it completely nailed. Learning to accept your imperfections and to work on them as best you can will be much better for your mental and emotional health, and in turn will help you to be a happier person and a better parent.


Give Your Body the Fuel It Needs


Do you find yourself thoroughly meal planning for your kids, but not doing the same for yourself? So many parents find themselves preparing breakfasts, lunches and dinners for their kids and just picking at ingredients as they go along or eating leftovers that the kids didn’t want. This is no way to go about fuelling your body. Others will find that they opt for convenience fodos that take little time to make and clear up from, as they feel their time could be better invested somewhere else. This often results in overconsumption of takeaways, fast foods and junk foods. Avoid this. These foods don’t contain the right nutrients that your body is asking for. Instead, make sure to eat a healthy, balanced diet the majority of the time. This can be made easier and more manageable with some simple meal planning and meal prepping. You may also want to try supplements to fill occasional shortfalls or gaps in your diet. Meal planning emans sitting down and deciding what you’re going to eat for each meal for the week ahead. This allows you to pick up the necessary ingredients in one fell swoop, once a week while you’re doing your grocery shopping. Meal prepping involves preparing certain elements of your meals in bulk – perhaps dedicating one evening to chopping, slicing, marinating and taking other steps with ingredients to partially prepare your meals in advance. Altenratively, you may want to fully prepare meals in advance and then freeze them, ready for responsible reheating throughout the week. There are plenty of brands out there, so make sure you know what ingredients you’re looking for and opt for the most effective and best reviewed options on the market. If you are experiencing weight related health issues, consult your doctor who may be able to recommend treatments, meal plans or the best weight loss shakes or weight gain products.


Remember to Exercise


While we can often feel run off our feet, many of us aren’t actually getting the recommended one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise we should be getting each week. It really is important that you hit this goal, as this is what your body requires to stay strong, healthy and active. Exercise can help to improve everything from stamina to strength, balance, flexibility and other essential life skills. It can also prevent ongoing health conditions. Of course, many of us feel that we don’t enjoy exercise. So how do you tackle this? If you find yourself dragging yourself to the gym or a fitness class, it’s time to find a form of exercise that you actually like doing and want to attend. This could be anything and will vary depending on your individual tastes and needs. You could attend a class that adds a social element, or a team sport, to combine working out and spending time with others. You could find that you like spending tiem outdoors in nature – this is where hiking, cycling, walking, jogging or running could be something that meets your needs. You might enjoy spending time in water, where a water aerobics class or swimming will keep you fit and happy. You could even try alternative forms of exercise, such as roller derby, pole fitness, aerial silks or anything else. Experiment and find what you actually like. If you find yourself struggling to get childcare to attend out-of-home classes, try home workouts. There are so many free resources online, such as videos, tutorials and social media posts that can show you how to get a good workout at home.


These are just a few different things you can do to start focusing on your won wellbeing, even if you feel that you are completely tied up with childcare and prioritising your little ones. Hopefully, some of the tips here will prove useful to you and you’ll be able to incorporate them into your general routine. Give them a try and see how you get on!

How to Choose Between Savings and Insurance: the Pros and Cons

When it comes to finances, there are always important decisions to make. One of the most common dilemmas is whether to save money or buy insurance. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, which can make it difficult for people to decide what is best for them. This blog post will explore the pros and cons of both savings and insurance so that you can make an informed decision about what is suitable for you!


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1) Savings:

The first option is saving money. When you save money, you are putting it into an account where it will grow over time. The most significant advantage of savings is that you have complete control over your money and how it is used. You can use your savings for anything you want, whether it’s an emergency fund, a down payment on a house or retirement. Another advantage of savings is that you typically earn interest on your deposited funds, which can help your money grow even faster.


There are also some disadvantages to saving money. One of the most significant drawbacks is that your money may not be accessible when you need it most. For example, if you have an unexpected medical bill or car repairs, you may have to dip into your savings, which can set you back financially. Additionally, savings accounts are not typically insured by the government like bank deposits are, so there is a risk that you could lose your money if the financial institution fails.


2) Insurance:

The second option is insurance. When you buy insurance, you are paying for protection in the event that something happens to you, your property or your business. The biggest advantage of insurance is that it can provide peace of mind and financial security in the event of an unexpected loss. For example, CARS Protection Plus will help if you are in a car accident, and your insurance policy can help cover the cost of repairs or replacement. Another advantage of insurance is that it can help you save money on taxes. Some types of insurance policies, such as health insurance, life insurance and long-term disability insurance, offer tax benefits that can help reduce your overall tax bill.


There are also some disadvantages to buying insurance. One of the biggest is that you may not need to use your policy for many years, or even at all. This means that you are paying for protection that you may never need to use. Additionally, insurance policies often have deductibles, co-payments and other out-of-pocket costs that can add up over time. And finally, if you cancel your policy or let it lapse, you may not be able to get it back or be covered for certain types of losses.


3) So, what’s the best option?

The answer to this question is that it depends on your individual circumstances. For example, insurance may be the better option for you if you are prone to accidents or have a lot of expensive possessions. On the other hand, saving money may be the better choice if you are healthy and have few assets. Ultimately, the best way to decide is to assess your needs and goals and choose the option that makes the most sense for you.


In conclusion, there are pros and cons to both savings and insurance. The best way to choose between the two is to assess your needs and goals and select the option that makes the most sense for you. Thank you for reading!


Healthy Changes to Make to Your Home Cooking

If you want to improve your health, your home cooking is a good place to start. When you embrace home cooking and make an effort to use healthy and fresh ingredients, it certainly benefits your health. And it’s certainly better than eating processed foods and junk food. So if you want to make some healthy changes to your home cooking, read on and learn more.


Pay More Attention to Portion Sizes


First of all, you should think a little more about how much food you’re loading up on your plate. This is something that many of us do without even stopping to think about it. That’s understandable because it can be tricky to get the portion sizes right and we don’t all want to spend time measuring things out. But by reducing the sixes a little and researching the right portion sizes, you’ll eventually get into healthier habits.


Increase the Amount of Fiber in Your Cooking


Increasing the amount of fiber in your cooking will also take it in a much more healthy direction. There are many ways to do that. For example, you can eat more whole grains rather than refined grains. You can also get more broccoli and avocado in your diet, or you could replace your regular snack with nuts instead. These will all provide you with more fiber.


Season with Healthy and Natural Ingredients


One of the reasons why lots of people get hooked on processed food is because they’re usually filled with salt and sugar. We’re programmed as humans to crave those things and we, therefore, turn to those flavors instinctually. But if you season with healthy and natural herbs and spices, you can add flavor to your food without having to rely on those unhealthy things.


Replace Read Meat with Fish


One swap that more and more people are now choosing to make is switching out red meant for fish. People are ditching red meat for health reasons, and they’re embracing salmon and other fish in its place. Salmon offers lots of the nutrients our bodies need, and it’s incredibly versatile too. If you’ve never cooked it before, this guide on how to cook salmon will be ideal for you.


Keep the Pantry Stocked


Laziness is a major factor in the decisions we make when it comes to cooking. If we look in the pantry and cupboards and don’t see anything that we want, it’s all too easy to head out to eat or to order something on one of the many delivery apps on our phones. By keeping your pantry stocked with a variety of options, you should always have something appealing on hand.

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As you can see, there are lots of simple changes you can make to your home cooking if you want to take it in a slightly healthier direction going forward. Each of the tips and ideas discussed above will help you to make your diet healthier and able to support your wider health and lifestyle goals, which is vital.

Stay Cool – Change the Things you do!

Summer is pulling out all the stops this year! While this might be great if you are on the beach, here in good ol residential Fort Worth, TX, we will be paying for the delight of long days, sun dresses, and backyard barbeques!

Although this heat does not discriminate, some seem to be coping better than others. Maybe their homes are built differently, or maybe they are being clever with how they do a couple of things around the house.

Your a/c will be the backbone of any methods being tried to cool down your house. Consider employing professional a/c services this year to restore your a/c’s original power.

Now, look into making these changes around your house and see if you cannot join the cool-as-a-cucumber club!

  • Energy Audit: Cover up those cracks

Any openings, gaps, cracks, or crevasses around your doors, windows, or in the walls leading to the outside of your house will let cool air out and hot air in. You can have the a/c on full blast, but you will not achieve that crisp heavenly feeling a of subzero house climate. Your a/c overworking like this is not good for your a/c unit and worse for your wallet.

  • A/C Tune-Up: Tender Love and Care is Needed

The most common reason for your a/c not being able to effectively or sufficiently cool down your residential home anymore is old, dirty filters. While these are easy to replace yourself, it will be worth the penny to have a professional service your a/c. There are many places that offer a/c services and that are happy to repair your broken ac unit in Fort Worth, TX.

  • Screen Smarts: Cover your windows

Even if no hot air is leaking in and your a/c is running at optimal levels, keeping your house cool will still be a costly struggle. Why? Well, unfortunately, glass (your windows) is not a very good insulator. The sun still heats up the inside of your house through your windows! By adding solar screens to the outside of your windows, you can stop this from happening. Think “residential structural investment.”

  • Thermostats: Step into the future

Smart thermostats. You can be very specific about the temperature you are setting it to, and the thermostat can self-adjust as the temperature in your house cools down. It is a win from every angle you look at it! All residential a/c businesses should add this to their list of a/c services.

  • Fans: Become a fan of the fan

Give your a/c some help and get a fan! Moving air feels great on your skin, and it can lighten the load of your a/c unit. Residential fans can be set to move counterclockwise. This directs the warm air up and away from you. Clever, isn’t it?

Soon we will be in the middle of winter wishing for these hot days, so do not wish them away today. Rather get clever about staying cool!

How to Get More Sleep as a New Parent

Sleep. It’s something all of us need, but when you’re a new parent, it can be hard to come by. Between feedings, changings, and just trying to get the baby to sleep in the first place, it feels like there’s never enough time for a good night’s rest. But getting more sleep is crucial for your mental and physical health – so how do you make it happen? Here are some tips for getting more sleep as a new parent!

First, try to establish a bedtime routine with your partner. This can be something as simple as taking a bath or reading a book together before putting the baby down for the night. Having this time to relax together will help you both wind down and feel more prepared for sleep.

Next, if possible, take turns watching the baby overnight so that each of you can get a full night’s sleep at least once a week. This may mean hiring a babysitter or asking family members for help, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Finally, make sure to schedule some “me” time during the day. Whether it’s taking a nap when the baby does or just spending 20 minutes reading or listening to music, taking some time for yourself will help you feel more rested and less stressed. Lastly, you can also consider getting your baby into the habit of sleeping in their crib instead of your bed. For more information on this topic, have a look at this useful infographic below! By following these tips, you can get the sleep you need to be a happy and healthy parent!

Infographic Design By pixsee baby sleep tracker

6 Benefits to Renting Instruments Over Buying Them

There are so many people out there who would love nothing more than to just jump into taking some online music lessons, but the harsh reality would be the fact that this can fairly be out of reach. Instruments are so expensive, plus cheap ones made out of plastic simply do not cut them either. So, if you’re in this position, what can you do? Well, renting an instrument is one of the best options out there! Whether this be for you or your child! So, here are all the benefits of renting an instrument over buying them.

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Owning Instruments With No Upfront Costs

Renting instruments can be a costly investment. However, buy-to-rent service is an alternative that allows people to own instruments with no upfront costs. The buy-to-rent service is the ultimate solution for people who want to own instruments without spending a fortune on them. They are also ideal for people who want to test out different styles of music before committing to buying one. 

It’s also popular among musicians who are interested in trying out new styles of music and experimenting with different sounds without committing too much money on equipment that they may not think is the best fit if outright buying it. Rent-to-own is one option, but you could also look into just full-on rent for a short period of time; this can even include orchestra instruments!

Save Money on Repairs and Maintenance by renting an instrument

Finding the right instrument for the job is a tricky process. It can be quite expensive to rent an instrument for a period of time, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. The cost of renting an instrument is typically around $50 per day. If you’re not sure which one you want or need, this can be a great solution for those who are considering buying an instrument but are unsure of what they want or need. 

But there is also another major perk to this too. One of the best ways to save money on repairs and maintenance is by renting an instrument. This can be a great alternative for musicians who don’t have the time to take care of their instruments or for those who are on a tight budget.

Get New Pieces with No Waiting Periods

If you’re renting your instruments, then depending on the business you’re renting from, you may be able to rent new instruments that were just released!

Less Stress

There can be a lot of stress when it comes to owning an instrument. This can include cleaning up the instrument and fixing it; plus, there is always the chance it may stop working right before a big concert or performance. It’s very stressful, right? However, you don’t need to worry about this if you’re opting to rent an instrument instead.

Easier to Get a Better Deal on Used Instruments and Save Money

Buying a used instrument is always a better deal than buying a new one. The prices on used instruments are often lower, and the quality is almost always guaranteed. There are many reasons why buying a used instrument is usually more affordable than buying a new one, but the most important reason is that you are not paying for the name. It’s important to remember that with any purchase, you should always do your research and comparison shop before making your final decision.

That’s right! Depending on where you’re renting your instruments from, they usually have older inventory that needs to be sold. All you need to do is just ask them (it’s often not displayed). So, why not try this? You can eventually own an instrument and save a lot of money. Remember, unlike purchasing directly from an owner, rental businesses will always have maintenance upkeeps on this. So you can count on getting instruments that are refurbished!

Flexibility with Your Schedule – Rent as You Need It

If you’re not consistently playing it, then why spend a lot of money on owning on, right? A major perk of renting would be the fact that you can rent as you please, so it matches your schedule. For instance, if you only have a performance once a month, or every few months (such as a professional musician), then you will only need to rent before the major performance. You save money, you save space at home, and you have the instrument only when you need it. However, just keep in mind that sometimes, when you need the instrument, someone else, another customer, could be renting it. This can be a downside to renting musical instruments.

5 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Surrogate

Becoming a surrogate can truly be an incredible experience. You get the opportunity to help a family in need by bringing new life into the world.

However, while it can be a fantastic journey to take, it’s essential to understand that it’s not easy. Surrogacy can be draining, both physically and mentally. It’s not a decision you can make quickly or on a whim.

In this article, we will discuss five things you should consider before becoming a surrogate.

Let’s get started.


Each country has different qualifications for surrogacy. These requirements are in place to ensure that both the surrogate and future parents have the best experience possible.

Before you can join an agency like Family Inceptions and get matched, this is something that you will need to look further into so that you understand your role.
Once approved, you can begin the process.


Pregnancy (as you might already know) comes with a lot of different challenges. Your body goes through so many changes, and before this happens, you’ll need to be in excellent physical health.

But it’s not just this you need to be concerned about – Your mental state is also highly critical. It can be emotional to go through such a big event, and you might not want to start this journey if it impacts your well-being after.

You can find some tips to help protect your health here.


Most women can continue to work through their pregnancies, but this isn’t always the case. Taking time off could impact your career depending on the field in which you work.

You’ll also have to consider the financial changes. In some places, you cannot be paid to be a surrogate, but the future parents may give you money for reasonable expenses, which includes things like maternity clothing, supplements, and loss of earnings. It’s certainly not something you should do for an income.


Support is one of the most critical parts of surrogacy. You’ll want to have a great team of people who will help you through everything in the most positive way possible.

You may already communicate with your loved ones and friends, but consider reaching out to other groups of surrogates. You can share experiences and gather advice to help you along the way.

Future Complications 

Finally, the last thing that you have to remember is that surrogacy can come with future complications. Even if you aren’t considered at risk, you can’t control every outcome, and unexpected circumstances can arise.

Alongside understanding that your health and life may be affected after birth, you’ll need to set your own boundaries regarding decisions that could be made during your pregnancy.

Final Words

As you can see from the above, there are a lot of different things you will need to take into consideration before you become a surrogate. If you still think it’s right for you, and meet the necessary requirements, then you can take the next step to begin your journey.

Good luck!