Author: MamatheFox

How Can We Be Healthier At Home?

For most of us, home is the best place in the world. It’s our retreat, a place to relax and spend time with the family that we love. Home should be a place that gives us energy and strength to get out there and tackle whatever life throws at us, and keeping healthy within the four walls is something we should all be thinking about. With that being said, sometimes we develop unhealthy habits because we’re so comfortable we get a bit lazy. However, by reading health news on sites like The Nuherald, making positive changes, and being mindful of when you’re slipping back into habits, you can make your home a healthier place to live. Here are some ideas for going about it.

Keep your home clean and tidy

Keeping your home clean and tidy is hugely beneficial. First of all, it helps you to avoid pests- while pests will target any home they can get into, a clean home allows you to spot them more easily. From dead insects to rodent droppings and other signs of pest activity, you’re much more likely to spot this early when the rest of your home is clean and in order. The sooner you spot pests, the quicker and easier they will be to eliminate using the help from pest control salem. Left for a longer time they can truly infest your home and do a lot of damage. Keeping your home clean and tidy helps you to stay on top of dust and dust mites, spot and remove black mold more quickly and generally keeps other allergens and toxins in the home to a minimum. These are all things that will benefit your physical health.
Spend time de-cluttering every season, create a cleaning rota to stay on top of the weekly tasks. If you don’t have time to clean, consider hiring a Lynchburg home cleaning company or a closer company to you to do regular cleaning or deep cleaning to help stay on top of things. Leaving the cleaning for too long allows dust and dirt to build up, making it harder to remove when you finally do get round to doing it. It’s also a good idea to get some good organisation systems in place. Bins and baskets from sites like help you to store and organise everything neatly, you can also use drawer dividers to organize smaller things too.

Make your home beautiful to look at

As well as looking after your physical health, your home should also look after your mental health too. Home is your respite from the world, it should be the place you feel at your happiest and most comfortable. Spend time making it look nice so you enjoy spending time in it- choose a feature wallpaper you love and paint the other walls in a coordinating shade. If you can’t afford new furniture, give what you have a lick of paint and add new hardware to give it a new lease of life. Add accessories like rugs, cushions, photo frames and plants to make it look homely and personal to you. When you come home each day you’ll feel genuinely happy to be back in this space which can really benefit you mental health.

Incorporate exercise at home into your day

We all know that we should exercise more, but getting to the gym multiple times a week might not be something we can do due to time or cost. However, exercising from home is something that just about all of us can manage, clear a space on the floor and follow along to an exercise video on Youtube. From vigorous cardio workouts to calming stretches and yoga, there are plenty of different routines you could try.

8 Ways To Ensure You Have A Great Morning Routine

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

If you’re looking to improve your morning routine but don’t know where to begin then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Whether you’re looking to make the most of the time you have in the morning or you want to improve your mood, changing your morning routine can be incredibly difficult. From waking up as early as possible to ensuring you eat breakfast every day, the more effort you make the better. With that in mind, here are 8 ways to ensure you have a great morning routine:

– Wake Up As Early As You Can

One of the best things you can do to improve your morning routine is to make sure you are waking up as early as you possibly can. Whilst this doesn’t mean waking up at the crack of dawn, it does mean waking up with plenty of time to comfortably get ready and relax before you have to officially start your day. If you make going to work a part of your day rather than the reason you get up, you’re going to start your day off in a much better mood.

For a guide to getting up earlier, you can visit this site here.

– Ensure You’re Drinking Water As Soon As You Wake Up

Another great tip is to ensure you’re drinking water as soon as you wake. Whether you keep a bottle of water by your bed or you head downstairs right away, the sooner you drink water in the morning the better. When you wake up in the morning you’re dehydrated so having a glass of water helps re-hydrate you right away, helping your brain to focus.

– Don’t Skip Out On Breakfast

Although you may not be a morning person, having breakfast each and every morning is absolutely essential. Not only will it help you focus during the day but it will also help kick start your metabolism, helping you burn calories throughout the day. Whether you grab some fruit on your way to work or you make yourself a sit-down breakfast each morning, you need to be sure you’re eating something to help start your day. For more benefits to eating breakfast each and every day, you can visit this site here.

– Make Time To Exercise

Another important thing to make time for each morning is a little bit of exercise. Whether you prefer to spend your morning stretching at home or you like to head out to the gym, morning exercise will release the endorphins you need to have a great day. Whilst you don’t have to exercise each and every day, you will really start to notice the difference on the days you do exercise.

If you want to learn more about stretching and how it can help, you can visit this site here.

– Spend Time Focusing On Your Daily Affirmations

If you’re focusing on your mental health and you want to make sure you’re starting your day off in the best possible way, you might want to think about focusing on your daily affirmations. For those that don’t know, daily affirmations are short, powerful, yet simple statements that are designed to manifest a specific goal. For example, a daily morning affirmation can be as simple as I am healthy or I am happy to be where I am. You might even check out your favorite blog to see if they have any words of wisdom to offer – this blog, for example, while it may look like it’s focused on tech, actually has plenty of posts with many a good morning message on them that you could take as inspiration for your own morning affirmation, or share them with a loved one and help get them set up for the day too.

Granted, this sort of thing is not for everyone, but it can really help some people when it comes to getting through the day.

– Mentally Plan Out The Day Ahead

If you struggle when it comes to organisation and you need a little bit of guidance each day, planning out everything you need to do is a great way to clear your mind each morning. Often people find that they’re too busy worrying about their to-do lists and because of that, they tend to take much longer to get everything done. With a clear and actionable list, you can’t go wrong.

– Listen To Some Feel-Good Music

Finally, starting your day off and having a great morning routine wouldn’t be complete with some feel-good music. Whether that means putting on your favorite album or listening to the charts, starting your morning with music is one of the best ways to ensure you’re in an incredible mood for the day ahead.

In addition, you could also look at these 54 morning routine ideas to help you create the perfect morning routine for you.

Do you need to improve your morning routine? What can you do to ensure you’re starting your day off in a great mood? Did we miss anything? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

How to Immortalize Your First-Child Experience

There’s nothing quite like having your first child. Of all the moments that you’ll experience in life, this is the one that’ll be the most life-changing, the one that will stick with you forever. However, sometimes there’s an issue: while the general feeling will always be remembered, the details and specifics might be a little bit tougher to recall as the years go by. As such, it’s good practice to find ways to immortalize the process. This should be done during the pregnancy and during the first few weeks after birth. It’s a whirlwind time, but you’ll be grateful that you made the effort years later down the line, when you can look back at the experience.

Pexels – CC0 Licence


Keep the Souvenirs


You’re going to acquire a lot of stuff when you’re pregnant. You’ll be getting all those essential items stockpiled up in your home, for instance. While you’ll be mostly thinking about — and making space for — the practical goods connected with your first child, it’s worthwhile looking at setting aside space for those souvenirs. There’s going to be plenty of keepsakes, especially during the first weeks and months of your baby’s life. Be sure to keep them!


Document the Process


One of the best things about living in the modern world is that we’re able to document everything we do, in fantastic detail. So document away! Those photos, videos, and written diary entries will be the best things to jog your memory in the years to come. Just make sure that you’ve got a good camera, space to take photos, and that you remember to do so. You won’t always feel like being in front of your partner’s camera, but let them snap away — one day, you’ll appreciate it. When you do want to be in front of the camera, you can get a professional shot from It’s an excellent way to document the most important period of your life. 


Cards and Gifts


One of the most beautiful things about pregnancy is that you don’t go through it alone. Everyone is excited and happy for you, and you’ll feel the love through all those cards and gifts that you receive. While the number that you receive might be overwhelming, make sure that you’re keeping them somewhere safe. You will appreciate reliving all the love you received (and sharing them with your son or daughter) years later. 


Make Time For Yourself 


One of the best ways to immortalize your pregnancy is to enjoy the process. There is a lot to do, of course, and sometimes things can feel very stressful and overwhelming. But if you look after yourself and set some time aside to enjoy the process, then you’ll find it easier to recall the experience. You’ll have plenty of moments to think back on. Alas, sometimes get too caught up in the madness of the pregnancy, and when they think back, all they have is a vague insight. Whenever possible, enjoy the magic and wonder of bringing life into the world.


5 Ways To Make Your Home Healthier Today

Who doesn’t want the peace of mind of knowing their home is safe and healthy? This is especially important if you live with pets and children! Below, you’ll find 5 ways you can make your home healthier today. Take a look:


  1. Filter Your Tap Water 

Tap water isn’t the healthiest to use or drink. This depends on where you live – some places have water that is chemically heavier. Invest in a filter and you’ll have drinking water without having to purchase plastic bottles. You can even install a filter so you can shower and do the washing up with filtered water. 


  1. Eat Organic 

Organic foods tend to be healthier than other foods. Do your best to purchase organic where you can, and don’t be afraid to grow your own. 


  1. Get Rid Of Toxic Items 

Don’t use pesticides or toxic cleaning items. Do your research on the best replacements, and be smart about other items that you bring into your home. Some candles can even be toxic when burned. 


  1. Bring In Some Plants 

Bringing in plants can not only make your home more beautiful, it can help to purify the air. Snake plants are very easy to look after and one of the best plants for air purification. 


  1. Hire A Cleaner

Don’t be afraid to hire a cleaner if you need a little extra help – it’ll take a load off your mind! The infographic below can give you more information. 


credit to  Houseproud Cleaning

Gifts for Kids – 2019 Holiday Gift Guide



ikiki shoes

A dad with growing kids came up with ikiki shoes in 2009. He was actually an engineer looking for shoes that were healthy and fun for kids, and not just shrunken adult shoes. He understood kid feet are in the most important developmental stage of life, and therefore needed the correct support and design. ikiki has reimagined kid’s shoes and has used the best materials to make their products breathable, comfortable, and fun.


What makes these shoes extra unique is the built in adjustable squeaker. These shoes are great for in stores and parks when you are trying to multitask. Rather than looking for groceries and watching kids, you can actually look at what you are buying while listening to your child’s actions. Then with a simple flip of a switch you, or your child, can turn the squeaks off. So when heading to the library or movie theater, or you just need a bit of quiet, ikiki shoes can be silenced. ikiki didn’t just design shoes for the different needs of adolescent feet, they also created unique styles to accentuate the personality of your little ones. ikiki shoes are visually appealing with bright colors and friendly characters. To find out more about ikiki shoes check out MamatheFox reviews.

Dutchess Bubblegum Sparkles

Duchess Bubblegum Sparkles is one of ikiki’s latest characters. The adorable 3D unicorn design appeals to every girl crazy about all things unicorns these days! The light blue glittery base brings extra glam into any waredrobe while still keeping things classy.  Duchess’s character design has adorable welcoming eyes with wild bright prink hair, and of course a vibrant rainbow horn! Dutchess’s biography tells of a royal unicorn longing for freedom from the spotlight. Yet, even without her royal life, she still commands the attention of all when she enters a room. Duchess Bubblegum Sparkles are win win win when it comes to style, quality, and fun!

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Captain Zuga

Captian Zuga is the perfect character for any little boy ready for adventure! The dark black base makes these shoes ready for all terrain as stains are nearly impossible to see. The contrasting white soles and skulls add a modern simplistic pop to Captain Zuga’s look. His character profile tells a humorous story of a not-so-fearsome former pirate. This jolly captain likes to sing, study the stars, and sailing the seven seas! He’s the perfect blend of hardcore and fun for your littlest guy!

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Woom 3 Kids Bike

Woom creates top of the line bikes that are truly built to last. The Woom 3 is designed for kids 4-6 years old and offers a low ride height with a lightweight frame. This is a perfect bike for the growing rider because the low center of gravity that the bike offers. The bike chain is completely closed so to protect children’s hands. It also gives protection against dirt and grease. One of the most important points of contact between the child and the bike, the saddle (seat), is designed to fit the hip bones of a child. No more uncomfortable seats or sore bottoms. A unique feature of the bike is the steering limiter. This prevents the handlebars from overturning so kiddos can ride straight – genius! Breaks are obviously important on bikes, and this is nothing different. The rear break is color-coded green to help kids differentiate it from the front break. Lots of colors are available to choose from, so you can find one for any child on your list from 1-14 years old.

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hand2mind – Learn to Read with Bob Books and VersaTiles

Included in this set is is Bob Books, VersaTiles practice workbook, and answer case. Children are introduced to letters and sounds in the set of Bob Books readers. 12 Bob Books are included were children add more letter sounds little by little as they learn the alphabet. The VersaTiles workbook allows children to practice their skills even further. This workbook fits inside the answer case and offers 20 hands-on activities. The puzzle-like case is what kids will love about this activity book set. This is an answer case that helps kids practice their new skills and self check the pattern they create when using the workbook. Reviewing is an important aspect of learning and the workbook and activities give children a hands on way of building confidence with their reading abilities.

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Bookroo is the perfect gift for the kid whose parents are asking for no more toys! This yer gift the timeless gift of books in the form of subscription box. Bookroo has 3 packages based on age and reading level. Board Books, which contains 3 books for kids ages 0-3. The Picture Book level has 2 hardcover books appropriate for kids ages 2-6. The highest level reader option is The Chapter Book and is great for kids ages 7-10 and comes with 2 chapter books.  They offer month to month, 3 box prepay, 6 box prepay and 12 box prepay. You will not be disappointed with their books as they are curated to contain the best options for your little reader. As a bonus each box comes with special add on materials. Things like insights from the authors or illustrators, parents guide to engage in conversations about the books and even special offers. We cannot say anything but positive things about Bookroo and are sure you will feel the same once you get your first box.     

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HABA – Highlights Monster Munch Magnetic Maze

Kids around the age of two will love this cute, fun magnetic toy. Learning is fun with these monsters who are hungry. Use the magnetic wand to safely get the food into the hungry monsters food bowls. Practice counting and number skills with this fun maze. Fine-motor skills and number awareness is promoted when kids guide the balls with the magnetic rod. Completely safe, the maze is covered with plastic so the inner parts cannot escape. This maze is safe, fun, and quiet (every parents dream!).

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Aquabeads Deluxe Set

Aquabeads have been a top seller the past few years and they are still trending. They make a great gift for kids ages 5-12. Aquabeads are a great way to allow your kids to play with their imagination and use their fine motor skills. Create cute animals, characters, ice cream, fruit, a 3D turtle and other amazing designs. Over 1300 jewel and solid beads in 24 colors, tool case with bead palette and layout table, rainbow bead pen, bead peeler, 5 easy trays (heart, bear, rabbit, star, bowl) sprayer, 3 double-sided template sheets and instructions. Make, Spray and they Stay! Peel your creation in 10 minutes and the beads stay in place.

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Aquabeads Beginners Studio

If you child has never used Aquabeads before then this is the perfect set to start with. This set comes with over 800 jewel and solid beads in 16 colors. Also includes bead case, bead flipper with layout tray, sprayer, pen, template sheets & instructions.  It is made from the highest quality materials. Make, spray, flip tray and they stay!  The flip tray eliminates the bead drying wait time and allows you to create more designs immediately. The possibilities are endless! This set is best for kids ages 4 and up.

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Cat Build Your Own Vehicle Loader and Excavator

Kids will have a blast building and engineering this take apart and re-build construction vehicle. Each set comes with everything a child needs to create their own vehicle, plus a construction worker that enhances their building experience. Children can improve their fine motor skills as they build using tools with the easy to assemble parts.  When construction is complete, everything can be easily stored in the provided carrying case. Clean up is a breeze; and parents are happy about that! This is such a fun toy that children can play with right after opening. It’s sure to keep them busy.

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Cat Tough Machines Bulldozer

This toy bulldozer will keep kiddos in the construction world with the realistic lights and sounds it makes. Appropriate for kids ages three and up, the bulldozer will give kids a sense of what it’s like on a construction sight. The bucket moves up and down and booms just like the real thing. Made with tough, sturdy plastic, this bulldozer should last with multiple kids – a win win for parents!

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Cat Tough Rigs 15″ Dump Truck

This massive, 15 inch dump truck will be a favorite in any household. Kids can easily maneuver and direct this large truck wherever they wish to take it. Not only that but they can move the bucket around and “dump” it just like the real thing. Appropriate for kids ages two and beyond, the largeness of this truck allows for easier play with younger kiddos. This high quality, well made toy will withstand elements both inside and outside.

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Calio Critters Elegant Town Manor Gift Set 

Calico Critter are among the hottest toys this season. This Elegant Town Manor is a beautiful piece from the newest collection. This set comes with 1 critter, Stella Hopscotch Rabbit and a large manor. It holds a very regal feeling with its posh design.  This gift set includes a 2-story manor, Stella hopscotch rabbit, purse, spiral staircase, chandelier, terrace, balcony, bed set and dining set. Connects to designer Studio (sold separately – see below). detachable roof can be placed onto other town series structures. You will be blown away with the detailing in the manor – the walls, ceiling and chandelier are so well crafted. You are going to have a blast playing with this gift set.

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 Calico Critters Designer Studio

The Designer Studio is another new addition to the Calico Critter line. The Designer Studio  is a room for Stella the Hopscotch rabbit older sister, who works as a dress designer. Perfect starter set for the Town Series, with a room, furniture, accessories, and a figure. The Studio can connect with the Elegant Town Manor (see above). This set comes with the Designer Studio, roof ornament, fence x 2, window x 2, Stella the Hopscotch Rabbit older sister, hat, handbag, sofa, table, tart, plate, tea cup, saucer, fork (total 16 pieces). You can play tea party with this set and enjoy a fun and whimsical time with the child in your life.

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Calico Critters Baby Ferris Wheel  

Baby Ferris Wheel includes a cute Ferris Wheel that can seat up to 3 babies and a comes with 1 toy Poodle baby figure. Baby Ferris wheel is easy to use – simply turn by holding onto the handle and turning to spin the circular base.  This set has options to add onto like the Baby Airplane, the Baby Castle Playground and Baby Choo-Choo Train. If your children like to play with Calico Critters, then this Baby Ferris Wheel will be a fun, useful and exciting addition to your collection. At under $15 this price is right.

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 Calico Critter Red Roof Cozy Cottage

The perfect way to start a Calico Critters collection. The Red Roof Cozy Cottage comes fully assembled and ready to play right out of the box! Includes a removable floor piece to either create a 2nd floor or expand the 1st floor. The combination stove and sink is a perfect fit for the Cozy Cottage. Frying pan, omelette, plate and fork are included. The dining table comes with 2 chairs and a bench seat for guests. The stairs come as a standalone unit and can be placed in any desired location. Windows come equipped with shutters that can be opened and closed during play. Connect to Red Roof Country Home to create a large, three-story house (sold separately). The Red Roof Cozy Cottage come with 1 Critter – Bell Hopscotch Rabbit who loves living in the Cozy Cottage.

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Calico Critter Sweet Raspberry Home

Sweet Raspberry Home is a one-story house with an amazing entrance terrace and red roof. It comes with Chocolate Rabbit Baby and baby furniture, so you can play with this set right away. Sweet Raspberry Home is a one-story house with an amazing entrance terrace. With it’s large interior and high ceiling, hands can fit inside for easy play. The set comes with Chocolate Rabbit Baby and a baby bed with a slide. Combine with Red Roof Cozy Cottage, Red Roof Country Home or Red Roof Tower Home (sold separately) to create a huge house.  This set is a Walmart exclusive!

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  Crayola’s Scribble Scrubbies Safari Oasis

You an always count on Crayola to be up with the times and have just what your kid wants for the holiday’s. This year kids are going nuts for Scribble Scrubbies – so join in the fun and add to your scribble scrubbie collection with wildly adorable jungle animals that have flocked white coats you can decorate any way you like. Color & customize your animals, then wash them and start again. This tub set features Khari the lion, Tuma the elephant, Nia the monkey, and Talib the giraffe, as well as the kid-powered palm tree tub with a slide and perfect for boys and girls alike.

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Ryan’s World Super Surprise Safes

Does your kid want to be a YouTube star? They can pretend to be one when they open a Ryan’s World Super Surprise Safe!  This large surprise-filled safe brings new fun to unboxing. Kids can use the key to open the safe and discover cool Ryan’s World inspired surprises inside, such as articulated figures, mix and match build a characters, treasure, and so much more! Push and reveal, smash and surprise, decode and discover all of the amazing surprises inside! A secret, locked compartment reveals the ultimate surprises. Each safe has 30+ fun surprises inside! The surprise and excitement of Ryan’s World is never-ending with the new line of Ryan’s World Toys.Each package includes one safe with key and 30+ Ryan’s World inspired surprises.

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MamaMayI Fairy Friends Set

Mama May I is a handmade shop dedicated to making learning into play and encouraging playing to learn. Their crafted toys are made of high quality natural materials and are designed with developing brains and exploring hands in mind. Mama May I toys allow children from birth to elementary to use their imagination by playing with open ended toys that are simple yet engaging. In addition, their research based designs help children of all ages develop and exercise fine motor skills and explore the world around them. Mama May I’s Preschool and Big Kid collection has toys that cultivate excitement for learning, nourish play concepts, and help communication skills flourish! Fairy Friends is one of Mama May I’s toys that is beautifully simplistic but opens the door to dreamy creative fairy play. The whimsical set includes a fairy house, one fairy friend, one crinkly leaf, one felt pillow, 10 painted pieces, and 5 unpainted pieces. The fairy sets comes in multiple different color options that are bright and beautiful! See the world in a fabulous new way this holiday season by supporting and nurturing your child’s developing senses with Mama May I.

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Orangeheat Clothing 

Giving kids clothing for the holidays typically makes most kids eyes roll. Not with Orangeheat. Their designs are made to be hip, chill and not something you would find in any kids clothing store. Orangeheat is made using water-based inks on made-in-the-USA, soft-hand organic cottons and tri-blends. These are LA skater vibe type of designs but made for little kids to be able to sport. I find that the tee’s are unisex, making this a great brand for families with kids who get hand me downs. Starting at birth they offer onsies, then kids tee and even some adult options too.  If you want a fun, eco-friend tee for you and your kids to wear to match, then you need to check out Orangeheat.

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MamaMayI Table Talk Connection Cards

Make family time about family with MamaMayI Table Talk Connection Cards. The stack of 90 different questions help parents and kids get past the mundane questions of “how was your day?” Each night kids take turns drawing cards and sharing their responses. Engaging in personal conversation builds sympathy, curiosity, and listening ears. Skills that are beneficial beyond the dinner table. This holiday give the gift of connection with MamaMayI Table connection cards.

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Build – A – Bear

What child doesn’t love Build-A-Bear? They are a staple in most homes and for a good reason. The animals and clothing are made with high quality materials, they stand behind their products and are always in tread with what’s popular. This winter is no exception. Build-A-Bears new 2019 Holiday Collection is jammed packed with amazing stuffed animals. We love the new Elsa, Anna, Olaf and Sven! Frozen II is a hit and your kids are going to love getting a new Build-A-Bear this holiday. The MamatheFox kids love the Holiday Merry Mission Collection best.  The Blue Blast Husky was named “Christmas” by my 5 year old son who just loves Christmas time. We dress the Husky up in the cutest red scarf, sweater (Merry Mission Christmas Lights Set) and red shoes, all through Build-A-Bear. My 7 year old daughter picked out the Pink Sparkle Llamacorn and has her dolled up in the tutu and a hair bow. Head over to the Build-A-Bear website to see the new collections and then head over to your local retail location to make new magical holiday memories with your kids at Build-A-Bear. 

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GoFunFace Animal Masks

Kids will have tons of fun with these animal masks. Made with high quality, durable foam rubber, these masks are build to last. Whether using them for an event or party, or just for fun, kids will love having these in the house. With over 15 animal masks to choose from, any child on your list will love to receive one of these. If there is an animal you’d like that isn’t listed, let GoFunFace know and they will do their best to make it happen and bring it to life. These masks are realistic and are perfect for a multitude of kid events.

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Personalized Frozen 2 Book

In The Book is a line of children’s books that allows you to add a child’s name to the book for a unique and personalized story. With Frozen II coming out kids are going nuts for all the new swag and toys that are available for purchase. In The Books Frozen II book will offer you the following. Your child will see their name on the front cover, you can write a personal message for the title page,you can upload your child’s picture in one simple click,  and it’s available in softback or hardback. Lastly you can add a luxury gift box for a special finishing touch. There’s no better way to reunite your child with the two princesses and the rest of the gang than by letting them star in their very own Frozen 2 story book.

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  K’NEX Thrill Rides 3-In-1 Classic Amusement Park Building Set

hand2mind Magnets! Super Science Kit For Kids

Launch yourself into the exciting world of magnetic science and discover the force around you! This kit features 9 experiments and 20 real lab tools that allows your scientist to explore and learn the importance of magnets (floating magnets, using magnetic levitation to move a train, creating a compass, and more). The colorful lab guide includes numerous fun facts and stem lessons (help children learn new concepts and expand critical thinking through numerous hands-on learning). Lab Kit for Kids is authenticated as an educational product by Be sure to check out all the hand2hand kits to help grow your Stem collection.

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Starlux Games

Add excitement, action, and adventure to this holiday season with Starlux Games. Family time is getting harder and harder to find in this busy world. Starlux Games provides families with the tools to play classic and new outdoor games. Each game is designed to play in groups so everyone in the family, or neighborhood, can be involved. The best part is each game has a modern twist with the help of glow in the dark equipment. Wizard and Werewolves is one of their newest games that brings excitement and suspense as two mythical forces face off!  Gather your family for hours of quality fun and give the gift of togetherness this season!

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Speak & Spell

Wait, wait, wait this looks very familiar. It’s because it is! This classic learning toy is making a huge come back this holiday season. This retro play classic 80’s game was the first educational toy designed to help children learn to spell over 200 commonly misspelled words using a speech synthesizer. Now, a whole new generation can enjoy this classic toy with friends and family for years to come. With multiple play modes and challenge levels, kids will have fun and learn at the same time. The 5 modes are Spell, Mystery Word, Say It, Secret Code and Letter. This is a great tool for parents who want to help aid their children spelling and word recognition. 

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Ematic PAW Patrol Baby Camera

This PAW Patrol Chase camera monitor is great for kids AND parents. A huge benefit of this camera is that it’s cute when sitting up on your child’s dresser. They won’t even know its a camera. Dare I say it’s like a nanny cam? The camera is HD WiFi security and features two-way audio and night vision. A wide, 120 degree angle view, you won’t miss a thing in any room you have him. The camera is connected using an App so you can access viewing at all times. Alarms and push notifications are sent directly to your phone, so you can have a good sense of security no matter what. The camera is motion detected and has the ability to take photos and videos. Kids who like PAW Patrol will for sure love having this in their rooms, and parents will love the real benefit of it.

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Little Likes Kids:

Specialized for kids 6 and under, the Little Likes Kids brand looks to exceed the expectations of children. The brand is committed to being a trusted source for thoughtfully designed, quality toys. Little Likes Kids create toys that reflect kids.. just what anyone wants for their children.


Children’s Advent Sticker Calendar

This fun way to countdown to Christmas will get everyone in the family excited for the coming holiday. Advent calendars are a great way to prepare children for Christmas Day and to talk about why Christmas is celebrated. Use it to talk about the things of winter and the beautiful miracle that took place on the day of Christmas. The calendar uses 24 unique, unnumbered stickers. Each day kids will have a blast choosing a new sticker and sticking it on the calendar. No chocolate or candy involved, which is music to any parents idea. African-American and Caucasian Santas are both available with this Advent Sticker Calendar.

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Musical Crossroads Memory Game 

This children’s memory game is perfect for kids who are interested in anything musical or related to culture. The game pieces include instruments, dance moves, and accessories in which the child needs to match up. Made for kids three years and older, this fun matching game can be played with 1-3 players. Memory is great for learning toddlers or more advanced kids learning or reviewing music education.

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Splash Park 48 Piece Jumbo Puzzle – Ages 4+

The 48 piece jumbo puzzle is great for kids and will be a great activity to keep kids busy when celebrating this season. This puzzle is vibrant, colorful, and joyful and reflects everyday scenes of childhood at the playground. Multicultural scenes will appeal to all children around our nation.

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Spell Well Name Puzzle

You can’t get better than quality wood toys crafted by fun-loving parents. Smiling Tree toys is a family owned business working hard to transform raw lumber into beautiful, safe, and all natural keepsake wooden toys. Their modern website helps any shopper search for the perfect toy by age, occasion, or season. One of MamatheFox’s favorite Smiling Tree Toy products is the Spell Well Name puzzle. The personalized wooden name puzzle has a rich and organic feel. The contrasting wood stains create an engaging and eye catching look. Each letter is smooth, sturdy, and ready to be played with. Be sure to check out all of Smiling Tree Toys gorgeous collection this holiday season!

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Christmas Star From Afar

Family traditions are so important and during the holiday season they are an opportunity to keep the focus on the birth of Jesus. Christmas Star from Afar is a beautiful wooden nativity set and hard cover activity book. Every morning children are eager to wake up and search for the Star that was hidden the night before. When the star is found, the children move all Three Wise Men to the star’s location. The game repeats until Christmas morning when the star is found shinning above baby Jesus in the stable. Christmas Star from Afar is a wonderful tradition to bring into your home and keep the tradition of Christ’s arrival on your children’s heart and mind.

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Toy Story 4 Puzzle

What’s not to love about Toy Story 4?!  I felt quite nostalgic taking my young children to the theater to see the newest Toy Story; one of my first movies on the big screen was full of the same characters. How cool to have my children enjoying the same series I did as a child. Ravensburger Toy Story 4 Puzzles is a perfect jigsaw puzzle for the whole family to reminisce and enjoy together. Ravensburger crafts high quality jigsaw puzzles are made with premium materials. Each of the 35 pieces are uniquely shaped making it frustration free. Overall puzzles are a great way to support a child’s development, concentration, and creativity. This holiday choose quality with Ravensburger and bond over the classic and new Toy Story friends.

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Friends of a Feather

Games are an excellent way to engage with children while making learning fun and exciting. In addition, children learn social skills while interacting with others and practicing patience while taking turns. Friends of a Feather is a family game that incorporates even the youngest of players. The fun playing experience is easy to understand and a complete game can be finished in 15 minutes. The best part is the ability for replay value. Game play can level up with your child, making it engaging for all ages! Friends of a Feather is a Ravensburger produced game so it comes with the same great promise of quality!

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Join in on playing ThinkFun’s award winning game Zingo! This popular board game is great for families while building educational skills in a fun and engaging way. Set up like the traditional game BINGO, Zingo is simple to understand, requires no set up, and fast-paced play. There is a variety of ZINGO versions to meet the needs of academic objectives or age ranges in the home. On amazon you can find Original Zingo, Telling Time, Zingo 123, Zingo Sight words, and Zingo World builder. Overall Zingo is made for children starting at the age of 4 and has enough cards for 7 players. Trusted by families worldwide, Zingo is the perfect game for building language skills and creating a lifetime of memories.

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StoryBricks Letter Board

Building Bricks are all the rage these days, and truly a timeless toy fun for all generations. StoryBricks Letter Board combines the modern fad of letter boards with the timeless fun of building bricks. Compatible with all major building bricks, this letter board comes with more than 285 letter board accessories. The back of the board includes super strong magnets to allow for easy hanging. In addition, a handy easel is included to prop up and display. The best part of of the StoryBricks Letter Board is the ability to use the board as an educational learning tool. Students will have fun practicing spelling, math, and reading! The letters are easy to change using the included tool making this letter board all around convenient for any family!

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Giddy Up

“Saddle up for fun in a guessing, choosing game all about horses!” Our Generation has become quite popular in girl world these days. They now have a collection of games that inspire and engage young kids! Giddy Up features 100 pictures of real horses for game play. Round-up four beautifully photographed horse cards and read a colorful description of a horse. Then, each player secretly votes which horse best suits that story. Score when your “horse sense” matches other players. You’ll be surprised what your horse-loving friends think! The rules are simple for the suggested age of 6 years and up. In addition, the game includes a glossary of horse terms to help players learn about horses while playing. Saddle up and ride with horses of every color, breed, and personality!

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My First Farm

BRIO’s high quality products are made from the best materials and are extremely durable. The BRIO Smart Tech collection is a perfect combination of imaginative play and interactive technology. My First Farm is is compatible with all other BRIO railways and is the perfect first set for any toddler’s train collection. This easy to play set will give small children hours of engaged play while helping teach them about farmyard animals. The five wooden animals fit into the animal train wagon to be transported to any adventure your toddler chooses. Each animal also comes with three distinct sounds, which are activated automatically when placed in the farm meadow. Learning about animals has never been so much fun with BRIO’s quality and innovative technology.

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Cutetitos are adorably cozy stuffed animals with a mystery burrito twist. Be surprised with one of the 12 collectible characters by simply unwrapping the burrito to reveal which adorable Cutetitos is inside. Possible collectible styles include a variety of puppitos, catitos, slothitos, pigitos, bunnitos, bearitos and monkitos! The stuffed toys are approximately 7.5 inches, making them great for small hands, backpacks, and car seat friends for long trips this holiday season. In true burrito fashion, each Cutetito’s personality is mild, medium, hot or super spicy!  Just check out its ‘Hot Spot’ listed on its little bum and on the collectors card. Kids love the blanket/burrito shell that can easily be rewrapped around you stuffed animal as you lay it down for bedtime. 

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Journey Girls Dolls

Journey Girls are collectible 18-inch dolls that are quality and affordable! Each doll has their own unique profile with a description of their personality, likes, talents, and more. Matching their personality, each doll comes with a perfectly designed outfit that helps tell their story. Journey Girls are fashion forward and make use of their own special leadership skills.  More outfits, accessories, and even transportation can be added to a Journey Girl’s collection. While each girl is different, One thing is for sure – Journey Girls are all about sharing. Whether it’s sharing something from their closet or something from their heart, Journey Girls are there to share adventures with their friends. Collect all 8 dolls or play together with another Journey Girl friend!

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Disney Junior Hot Dog Dance Break Mickey

Mickey Mouse is a character who will never get old, never lose popularity, and will always be capturing the hearts of the next generation. The Hot Dog Dance Break Mickey brings a fun and hip addition to the classic Mickey character. The plush Mickey Mouse still has welcoming smile and big round ears, but is sporting a slightly updated look. His catchy Hot Dog dance, light up ears, and hilarious dancing provides kids with tons of entertainment and laughs. Mickey can even lead your kids in a fun game of Red Light, Green Light or Color Detective. Get excited to see the joy and excitement from your little ones this holiday season with Hot Dog Dance Break Mickey!

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pediped Shoes

pediped shoes are the best choice when choosing comfort, quality, and stylish shoes for your children’s growing feet. pediped has multiple shoe collections; Originals®, Grip ‘n’ Go™ and Flex®. All of which support healthy foot development and have been recognized by the American Pediatric Medical Association.  The award-winning footwear is available in EU sizes 17 to 38 (US newborn to 6 Youth).  This holiday season Flex Naomi Black is the perfect shoe for all the fancy dress up occasions. Not only are they incredibly adorable, but the ultra light technology is specially designed to support kids’ feet in all activities.  Giving flexibility and freedom to developing feet, even during the busiest time of the year. pediped Flex Force provides additional inserts that can be inserted for a snug fit then removed for room as a child’s foot grows. The inserts can actually reduce shoe size by almost half a size, extending the life of the shoe. pediped shoes have exceptional quality and unsurpassed comfort for almost all types of feet.  Their award-winning design and technology makes them one of the fastest growing children’s footwear brands in the United States.

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HERODRIVE Marvel Smash Squad

Cars, superheroes, and smashing shields are just a win win win in boy world! With Hero Drive smash Squad, you can fight for Justice with the crushing power of Captain America’s shield! The free-wheeling car can find and conquer danger where ever your child’s imagination takes it. Push down to release Captain America’s shield, then push and smash again! Complete the team with Marvel Smash Squad Spiderman and The Hulk! Give a smashing gift with Hero Drive smash Squad!

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Cultivate What Matters Write the Word for Kids

Many of us want our children to grow and learn in the Word. This kids journal will help kids love the Word and will help you teach it to them. The new Write the Word for Kids journal is created for kids ages 5-12 and allows them to focus and learn about the Fruit of the Spirit. Daily art pages, sticker pages, simple scripture pages, gratitude space, emotional “I feel”spaces, and more are all included in this cute journal. The leather cover is not only durable, but water and smudge resistant.

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 Ooze Labs: Soap & Bath Bomb Lab

Kids love experiments. Whenever its experiment day at school my kids come home with so much to say. I love to aid in their love of science by providing fun experiments we can do at home. This Ooze Labs kit from Thames and Kosmos is a perfect way to play, learn and create at home. In this pretend STEM scenario, you are a chemist for a bath and body products company and it’s your job to make and test different cosmetic products. Use the tools in your laboratory to employ different scientific techniques and essential chemistry principles to make soaps and bath bombs. Try out different additives to affect the color, smell, and other qualities of the products you make.  All materials and chemicals are non-toxic.

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GraviTrax is a modular, electronic-free interactive track system where you can design and build your own marble runs. This STEM toy for boys and girls 8 and up, encourages experimenting with gravity, magnetism, and kinetics to propel your marble to the finish. Discover how the laws of physics affect the journey your marble takes with curves, junctions, freefalls and even a magnetic cannon. Experiment with different play options, including racing, creating the longest track, or executing trick shots. We love the starter kit, which provides over 100 pieces and 18 different construction elements. If you are looking for an interactive toy that can grow with the child’s ability and imagination then you cannot go wrong with Gravitrax. They are available at Target and on Amazon

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Fancy Nancy – Find Your Fancy Board Game

Fancy Nancy is a huge deal in the Fox household. We love her books and her fabulous fancy style. This year my daughter is loving this new Find Your Fancy board game. It is easy to learn how to play and helps children practice their focus, memory, and matching skills.  It only takes about 15 minutes to play, perfect for small kids with a shorter attention span. The premise is to help fancy Nancy pick out what to wear. Use deduction to figure out what dress, shirt, pants, hat, or shoes will make Nancy feel fabulous! Collect the most ribbons to win.

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From the Nickelodeon TV show Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty these are Super Sized and Super Soft 12″ Kitty Paws with motion activated lights and sounds! Pretend to be the character yourself with these interactive, fun and fuzzy paws. They come with batteries and are able to be changed when they get low. For any cat, unicorn or butterfly lovers out there that may not even have watched the hit TV show will still love these paws.


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Have you seen the new hit TV show Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty? Kids are loving it and now with the 9 Lives Surprise you can bring them into your home. There’s plenty of unboxing fun with the all-new Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty 9 lives surprise. Just twist the lid to pop open and transform each Kitty can into a multi-level mini-playset. In each 9 lives surprise, you’ll discover 9 positively awesome surprises including two collectible mini-figures, 6 adorable collectible accessories and a decorative sticker pack. With over 55 pieces to collect, you can design, style and customize each mini-playset to be perfectly yours. (*5 styles to collect, each sold separately and items may vary). patented design. MamatheFox’s 7 year old daughter is in love with these sets and brings them with her throughout her day. They make the perfect restaurant toy to bring along.

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Hairdorables Collectibles Series 3 

For the past few years Hairdorables have been a hit in the Fox house. My 7 year old daughter just loves these family friendly surprise dolls. Haridroables are the girl Squad with “big hair don’t care” attitudes. Hairdorables took off when Noah, a sweet and funny vlogger with a passion for hair-styling, decided to share her side-braiding tutorial on YouTube. While shooting her video, Noah fumbled over the words “hair” and “adorable” …accidentally coining the term “hairdorable”! to Noah’s surprise, her video and #adorable went viral overnight! When Noah decided to Launch her own YouTube channel (Hairdorables, obvi) and invite her friends to join her, the response was a resounding yaaaaaaas! Now Noah and her BFF spend all of their free time creating content and sharing their passions with the world via the Hairdorables channel on YouTube!  This new SERIES 3 set features a surprise hair tool that allows them to color, crimp or curl the dolls hair! 

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 Rainbocorns Sequin Surprise Series 2 Plush – The Ultimate Surprise Egg

Rainbocorns Series 2 is the ultimate surprise egg! There are 10 layers to hatch including cuddly new plush, surprise sequins, and even more layers of surprise than before! There are 13 new characters to collect including Llamacorns, Pandacorns, Unicorns and even a rare golden Flamingocorn. Brush their sequins to reveal what they love and collect them all. Find more surprise like stickers and ooey gooey Rainbocorn poop hiding in the new egg too. There are over 40 new Boo-Boocorns designs to collect, including the rare twin Boo-Boocorns.

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Rainbocorns Giant Big Bow Surprise Mystery Egg

Discover the most beautiful surprises with Rainbocorns big bow surprise. Hatch open the giant golden egg to discover the biggest rainbocorn yet. Which giant cuddly rainbocorn will you unbox? Pop your sparkly big bow off the golden egg and wear it as the cutest accessory. Find even more surprises like new sequin patterned hearts that you can share and swap, adorable accessories, stickers, and all new collectible bow-bowcorns. There are 3 cuddly cuties to collect including Belle, Bobbi and Bowie big bow! Who will you find? The ultimate surprise egg: hatch 25 layers of surprise including all new sequin surprise hearts, collectible bow-bowcorn pencil toppers, accessories and even more!

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 Smashers Epic Dino Egg Collectibles Series 3

Slime, fizz and SMASH your way through over 25 surprises inside to build the exclusive Smash-o-saur Dino! Use the Scratch Map to excavate the Dino Egg to unearth compounds like the Fizzy Lava Bomb and Ice Age putty with hidden Smash-o-saur bones. Collect all the bones to start building one of 3 exclusive Smash-o-saurs. Inside each Epic Dino Egg, you’ll discover more surprises like Smash Eggs, digging tools and rebuilders. Package includes: 1 x epic Dino egg shell, 1 x exclusive smash-o-saur Dino (T-Rex), 1 x Dino egg yolk bag, 1 x scratch map, 5 x compounds, 6 x smash eggs W/ rebuilder, 1x digging tool.

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Shore Buddies

Help kids learn about how dangerous plastic is for Marine Life and the environment with this fun and informative book and stuffed animal. Shore Buddies and the Plastic Ocean is a fun way to share with children how marine life are in danger because of the plastic pollution. The book gives ways for kids to help save marine life and keep plastic out of the ocean. Many stuffed animals are available to choose from including: Emma the Whale, Finn the Dolphin, Sammy the Seal, Shelly the Sea Turtle, and Stephen Seagull. Kids will learn a lot from reading the book and will have fun with their stuffed animal that is made from recycled, cleaned, and shredded plastic bottles. An added bonus is that $1 from every purchase is donated to a non-profit organization that is looking to save marine life.

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Edushape Magic Creation Dinosaurs

These foam toys are such a fun bath toy, kids of all ages will love them. The Edu foam kits stick to the bathroom tiles and to each other when they get wet. This foam is very mold and mildew resistant and will not absorb water or change shape. 12 dinosaur pieces are included in the set and a super convenient storage bag allows them to dry off quickly due to the mesh bag. Kids will be able to use these foam shapes for a long lasting time.

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Edushape Soap Crayons

Soap crayons are a fun bath toy that will bring coloring to the tub. This pack of water crayons includes six crayons and a case to keep them all together. Non-toxic and washable, these crayons are completely safe for children and their little bodies; not to mention your bathtub. Clean up is easy too, simply wipe them clean with a wet cloth. Kids can practice writing and drawing in the bathtub with these push-up soap crayons. A super fun bath toy that’s really unique!

DefenderShield Kids Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Protecting children’s eyes should be of utmost importance. With children using screens a lot more often than ever before, their eyes are at risk. Blue light is emitted by digital and electronic screens and can cause many negative health effects including digital eye strain, premature eye-aging, and interfere with sleep. The DefenderShield glasses filter and protect up to 99% of blue light. A change in improvement in eye strain can reduce headaches, fatigue, dry eyes, and problems focusing. Having five fun frame color options to choose from, these glasses are great for any child. The glasses are made with silicone rubber frames and CR-90 lenses. Because of these materials the glasses are super durable, lightweight, and shatterproof. Perfect for children.

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Magformers Milo’s Mansion

Keep up STEM learning with the fun of Magformers! Building is easy with their simple system of click, connect, create. Magformers have endless construction possibilities and foster the imagination in little ones. Milo’s Mansion is an adorable rainbow house made for sweet little Milo puppy. The 33 piece set includes 4 triangles, 12 squares, 2 support connectors, 4 bricks, 2 windows, 1 fence, 2 pictures, 1 gate, 1 tree, 1 puppy house, 1 skateboard, and 1 stair. Follow along with the step-by-step instructions and simultaneously help your your child recognize shapes and colors. Motor skills, problem-solving, critical thinking, and brain development are strengthened and mastered playing with Magformers. When play is over, just simply stack and store until another fun day of building!

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Teach My Preschooler Learning Kit

Teach My is the creator of award winning learning tools. They provide toys to help parents give their babies, toddlers, and preschoolers a head start in their education. Teach My’s engaging fun products cover the educational basics; language, alphabet, colors, shapes, numbers, reading and even math. In addition, their toys help develop social, motor, and language skills. You can shop a range of learning formats that meet the dynamics of your family. The Teach My Preschooler Kit comes with over 70 pieces to help teach kids reading, printing, numbers, and early math. Included in the kits is flash cards, readers, magic drawing board, posters, flip books, counters, and foam numbers. Not only that but a step by step teaching guide is provided to help promote successful learning and development.

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Green Toys Parking Garage

Green Toys are today’s alternative and solution to cheap plastic toys filling up landfills! This company is working hard to build quality toys while saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Manufactured and assembled in the USA, Green Toys are made from 100% recycled plastic. Every toy is also packaged in recyclable cardboard and printed with soy inks. With no external coatings, paints, or dyes, each of their toys are super safe and free of BPS, phthalates, and PVC! Green Toys feel natural while being incredibly resilient to wear and tear from constant playing! Since they are plastic they can easily be washed in the dishwasher or brought into the bathtub for extra fun! This season Green Toy’s Parking Garage is a hot ticket toy! Featuring a drive-through service station, helipad, removable ramp, and elevator! Children can play from any angle and are sure to be engage for hours!

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Towels are a necessity for everyone in the family, including the kiddos. The Zoocchini hooded ponchos are no exception. These adorable and fun ponchos are sure to make any child smile. Four options to choose from makes for getting one for multiple children easy! Designs include an octopus, alligator, ice cream cone, and mermaid. These towels not only protect children from the sun, but keep the warm after swimming or taking a bath. The terry fabric offers quick dryness and is included on the inside of the towel to dry off wet heads fast. Easy and discrete changing is made possible because the poncho is open on all sides. Kids will love their new poncho towel friends.

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ModFamily aims to make the lives of parents easier. Bringing families innovative household tools that are use daily, but giving them a modern twist is just what they do. These silicone sippy lids are nothing less than just that. Reusable and spill-proof, these lids fit over children cups with a simple stretch and turn any children cup into a sippy! The lids are super easy to clean because they are simple; no cracks, crevasses, or straws to clean. Simply put them in the dishwasher or throw them in a pot of boiling water to wash and sterilize them. Made from high quality food-grade silicone, these lids are BPA free and phthalate free – safe for everyone in the family.   Use code : SIPPY25 for a percentage off of your purchase on the ModFamily website.

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Yummy Cuddly Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets are a natural solution to some of children’s biggest struggles. Fun and Function’s super soft weighted blanket has calming and gentle properties. The Yummy Cuddly Weighted Blanket offers a tactile input with it’s bright color and soft bumpy surface. At 4.5 lbs, this blanket offers just enough weight to help relax and settle down a child 4 years or older. The soothing tactile and grounding weight helps with sensory seekers, transitioning, and even travel issues. The general recommendation for choosing the weight of a weighted blanket is 10 percent of the child’s weight plus a pound or two. Fun and Function offers a variety of weights as well as lap pads and vests.

Fun and Function’s website is a great resource for searching for the perfect tool that is in your budget, meets special needs diagnosis, or helps with deficiencies. In addition they provide resources for parenting, finding therapists, and running productive intervention sessions.

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Tiger Tribe

Tiger Tribe, a wide range of award-winning compact and portable art, craft and activity sets for imaginative kids. Little hands. Big minds. Kids learn best through play and Tiger Tribe helps open an unlimited world of possibilities for inquisitive, growing minds as they entertain, educate and amaze.

Tiger Tribe Top Secret Missions Detective Set

Investigate and solve the crime as you use all your detective skills and take on the most difficult cases; solve all 14 missions! This kit comes with an invisible spy pen, a mini spy torch, a red ink pad, a code ring and a HB pencil. This exciting kit allows your kid to jump into action as a spy on a mission. It helps teach them about spy skills like identification techniques, finger prints and mores code. It helps them learn Pig Latin and other funny and silly things. If you have holiday travels coming up this is a great kit to hand over to the kids. It is cleverly self-contained and perfectly portable. All are easily transported in a bag, back pack or carry-on.  

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 Tiger Tribe Beat The Clock Stopwatch Set

This stopwatch set is jam-packed with fun and constructive activities to encourage exploring time. Your kids can test their skills against the clock with a bunch of fun activities. Activities like keeping a balloons in the air, running around the block, setting the kitchen table. Kids can play solo or with their siblings or friends. This kit contains a digital stopwatch with lanyard (batteries included), spiral bound challenge book, 2 balloons and a pencil to record results. Like the other Tiger Tribe set above, this kit is easy to take along on long car rides or trips to grandmas house. When all the adults are busy making the holiday meals and prepping for guest it would be very smart to hand this fun kit over to the kids to keep them buys and playing. 

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Stomp Rocket

This super fun, no battery toy is so perfect for kids; even some adults will like it! Kids can run, jump, and stomp to see who’s rocket flies higher. The fun competition game is really easy to assemble and can be played with over and over again. This dueling stomp set comes with: four ultra stomp rockets, one dueling launch stand with two launch pads and air hoses. Lots of energy can be burned with the Stomp Rocket product collections! 

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Kiss Reborn Dolls

Playing with dolls is not just a past time for kids. It’s also allows them to enhance their imagination through role plays, develop empathy and hone their social skills. These gifts are also perfect as a therapy equipment for kids with autism. Surprisingly, you can get a baby, a toddler and even customize it to your child’s preference.

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Gifts for Babies – Holiday Gift Guide

Feltman Brothers Holiday Collection

Make your little one’s 1st Christmas extra special with a Feltman Brothers dress. This holiday dress has vintage inspired design and beautiful intricate hand-embroidery. The delicate holiday colors are the perfect pop of holiday spirit against the perfect crisp white. Classy French lace along the color makes this piece extra fancy for those special holiday occasions. A coordinating boy’s creeper makes for adorable “twinning” for families of multiple kiddos. Be sure to check out the rest of Feltman Brothers distinctive collection for authentic and timeless fashion for babies and toddlers!

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BirdRock Baby

BirdRock Baby offers certified organic clothing for babies and the cutest moccasins you’ll ever see. They have products for both boys and girls, and a lot of patterns to choose from. All of their products come with a lifetime guarantee, which is so great when dealing with kids clothing and/or shoes. For every BirdRock Baby item that is sold, they donate food for one day to a child in need. How awesome that you can give a gift that you choose to someone you know and then know that a child in need is getting food from that purchase. An amazing blessing, especially around the holidays.

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MamaMayI Sight and Sounds Cards

Mama May I is a handmade shop dedicated to making learning into play and encouraging playing to learn. Their crafted toys are made of high quality natural materials and are designed with developing brains and exploring hands in mind. Mama May I toys allow children from birth to elementary to use their imagination by playing with open ended toys that are simple yet engaging. In addition, their research based designs help children of all ages develop and exercise fine motor skills and explore the world around them. Mama May I’s baby collection has toys that cultivate brain development and babbling fun! Sight and Sounds Cards are one of Mama May I’s toys that are perfect for baby starting from day one. Each hand crafted card has a high contrast black and white print side, great for little eyes and growing brains. The reverse side has one of six colors and a different texture to be explored and investigated. When shaken, each card has a different musical sound, making it a fun reward for busy moving hands. The Sight and Sounds Cards are a sweet whimsical gift that will grow with new baby from the start!

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KeaBabies All-in-1 Baby Wrap Carrier

Baby wearing is such a great way to bond and connect with a new baby. If you know someone who is pregnant or just had a baby, this carrier is a great gift idea. This wrap is breathable, versatile, and super stretchy. Some of the versatile options include, but are not limited to: baby sling, postpartum belt, nursing cover, baby swaddle blanket. Available in 11 color options, you’re sure to find one that you like. The one size fits all wrap carrier will bring the gift of bonding with baby to any new mom (or dad) you know.

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Develop, Observe, Learn, Create, Educate. These are all things we want for our growing kiddos. Sensory skills can be developed with the wide variety of textured fabrics used on the products. Colors will be observed and cause and effect will be learned through the different activities provided by the toys. Creating a fun learning experience is easy when planning with the variety of toys offered. Educating through play is one of the best ways for kiddos to learn; these Dolce toys are perfect for this type of learning. 

DOLCE Pull Along Color Snail

This adorable and brightly colored snail is perfect for growing toddlers. The pull toy will allow the kiddo to practice walking as well as learning cause and effect. The shell of the snail uncoils and reveals lots of different learning toys in individual pockets. The learning activities included on the snail include: mirror, crinkle squeakers, and teathers. Not only are bright colors included on the snail, but much of the snail is black and white too. This is good for baby eyes and seeing contrasting colors. The color snail is great for infants and toddlers. 

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DOLCE Sensory Dragonfly

This beautiful dragonfly can be hung from your stroller or crib, or anywhere! Not only is this toy visually stimulating for baby, but it will stimulate their hearing too. With lots of different fabrics, colors, textures, and sounds, baby will be fully engaged when playing. Features of the dragonfly include: waterfall beads, teether, crinkle wings, and ribbon tags. Not to mention the different colors and fabrics used to make this dragonfly bright and colorful. This dragonfly is great for little babies!

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EMF Radiation Protection Blanket

Protection from EMF Radiation is important for all. This blanket is filled with multiple layers of shielding so that it blocks up to 100% of wireless radiation. Hypoallergenic and non-toxic on the cloth exterior due to the 100% organic bamboo. This blanket is super soft. A great gift for an expecting mom, the blanket is perfect to use for pregnancy and maternity. Keep little baby safe with the radiation blocking blanket. 

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Lullabuddy portable music player

This portable music player and speaker is loaded with two hours of Mae Robertson’s award-winning lullabies and love songs. Small enough for portable use, the speaker can be taken anywhere. This way, when baby is fussy, calmness is just a push of a button away. Not only is Lullabuddy a lifesaver, but it’s easy to use; anyone will be able to figure out how to get it to work. The speaker can be played for up to 18 hours and has a shuffle play option. Just simply press play! Allow the stress and fatigue to fade quickly as the Lullabuddy brings peace and calm into the home.

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Cali’s Books

Kids love books, and books are such a great gift for anyone. Cali’s Books are unique in that they use sound to develop skills. While reading books kids can listen to classics like The Nutcracker and Mozart, and more fun songs like Jingle Bells and Patty Cake. Reading is such an important skill for kids to learn, so why not start them at a young age. These books will engage kids of all ages and will inspire them to love to read. 

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Baby Banana Brush

After a terrible fall involving a little mouth and a hard toothbrush, Baby Banana came to life. These baby toothbrushes were created to keep the mouths of children safe and to prevent injuries due to hard plastic impaling the mouth. The new Mystical Dragon and are made from 100% flexible, food-grade silicone. This reduces the risk of mouth injury enormously. Brushes massage the teeth and gums gently, acting as a teether. This develops good oral hygiene habits early in children. The brushes are dishwasher and freezer safe, and BPA, latex, and phthalate free – super safe for kiddos! Give this fun gift go a new baby, and their mouths will be grateful!

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The floor under the dinning room table is probably a lot messier than we all would like. This SplatMat is the perfect solution. Durable and reusable, floors will be sticky no more. Simply place the mat under a child’s chair or high chair to catch spilled food. When it gets messy, shake it out outside or wipe it down with a dame cloth. This mat perfect for travel and can fit into diaper bags , purses, backpacks, and more. An extra large size gives the floor great coverage, ensuring that the mess stays on the mat. Not only is this mat great for using under the chair at the table, but it doubles as a protector during art projects. The multipurpose mat is great for not only babies, but toddlers and beyond!

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Founded on adventure, the Humble-Bee brand creates products that go with you. Staying active and engaged requires high quality products that won’t wear out quickly; that’s what Humble-Bee strives for. This Free Spirit Diaper Backpack is made especially for the active parent. The bag is ultra-lightweight and super durable. Fully machine washable and easy to wipe clean, this bag will stay looking sharp for a long time. The interior of the bag includes many pockets and sleeve for a tablet or laptop. Lots of exterior pockets are included to keep essentials accessible. One side of the bag features a large insulated pocket on that fits up to two bottles. Accessories included with the bag include: 1 hot and cold gel pack, 1 extra large changing pad, 2 detachable, reflective stroller straps, and 1 changing kit for wipes, diaper, and/or diaper sack roll storage. This bag is seriously top of the line and durable. Any parent would love for their baby to receive this bag.

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New baby’s call for new clothes. And not just new clothes, but CUTE, new clothes. ZippyJamz creates their clothes with thoughtful details throughout them. Their clothing line is made from premium GOTS organic cotton and designed with fully-lined YKK zippers. Food-grade silicone grips cover the feet, making slipping much less likely for kiddo. The best part about these pjs though, the two zipper design. This unique, paten-pending design makes diaper changing super convenient. The first zipper, like many sleepers, is along the front making dressing baby easy. The second zipper is sewn along the inseam. so in the middle of the night, babies stay warm and almost fully covered in their sleepy state. This design allows  diaper changes to be quick and easy for parents and cozy and comfortable for baby.

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Evolved Parent Company

Founded with a simple mission in mind – making the lives of parents just a little simpler. Just what every parents what, isn’t that right? After their daughter, the creators of the company took baby products and made them better. The tasks that happen on a daily basis with kiddos have been made simpler, faster, and better with The Evolved Parent Company.

The Super Spoon

This baby spoon is specially designed to help assist children scoop food at any angle. The special angle and design encourages babies to learn self-feeding. Gentle on gums and teeth, this spoon features a deep scoop made with soft, flexible food-grade silicone. That means the spoon is BPA-free, non-toxic, and dishwasher safe. Freezer friendly, the super spoon is a teether too! The spoon is a great gift for new parents or for newly eating kiddos.

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All babies could use a good teether, and this box set is nothing but extraordinary. With two set options to choose from – animals and fruit, these 6 fun shaped teethers are all you’ll need. For boys or girls, this accessory set is great for teething kids. Sensory stimulation is also encouraged because they are the perfect size for little hands. The teethers are BPA-free and made with food-grade silicone. This top-quality material is safe for all and very gentle on baby’s gums. Keeping them clean is as easy as throwing them in the dishwasher – every parents dream.

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Baby Bottom Buddy

Mess free diaper changing is music to any parents ears. Parents can now apply diaper rash cream to baby’s bottom without getting cream and mess on their hands. Useful for applying and spreading any type of lotion, cream, or paste to baby’s bottom this tool really helps keep hands clean and bottoms smooth. The diaper cream applicator is made from gentle silicone that is antimicrobial and BPA-free silicone. Safe for baby and useful on sensitive skin. Baby Bottom Buddy can be reused over and over again, simply wash and refill with your favorite cream or lotion. This  is a helpful tool to keep on the changing table or throw in the diaper bag for on the go situations.

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The Elephant Organics

Created by a grandpa who really loves his granddaughter, The Elephant Organics offers high quality, beautiful clothing for babies. The high quality fabrics used in their clothing are eco-friendly and produced in an ethical way. Fair trade practices are utilized through the whole process; a pretty cool aspect of this brand. Fabrics are made with 100% cotton and bamboo. The super soft and stretchy fabric is perfect for a new baby’s skin. All of The Elephant Organics products are free of lead, phthalate, flame-retardant, and many of the chemicals listed under California’s Prop 65. The knot bottom gown is such an adorable newborn essential. This gown ties at the bottom and keeps baby snug and warm; not only that, but diaper changes are super easy too! Be sure to check out the other products on The Elephant Organics  website, they’re all seriously adorable.

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Cutie Pea

Diapers are a necessity when caring for a baby; wipes are too. Cutie Pea products are safe, eco hypoallergenic and made from bamboo. There are no harmful ingredients and no added fragrance; as well as no chlorine, latex, alcohol, dioxin, or phthalates. The Cutie Pea wipes are 100% biodegradable and the diapers are 87% biodegradable – degrading in just 2-3 months! No matter the size, each pack is filled with 30 diapers, and the wipes packs have 75 wipes. Give the gift that all parents and babies need with Cutie Pea eco-friendly products.

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Malarkey Kids – Chew Cube

This super fun modern rattle and teether is perfect for baby. Lots of sensors are stimulated with this teethers including: soft, textured teething edges for tender gums, large holes that are flexible to help with gripping, and a rattle that has a black and white pattern and mirrors to help with stimulating baby’s ears and eyes. The base of the teether is BPA and phthalate-free, and made from 100% food grade silicone. Lots of different colors are available too, so there is something for everyone. Parents will be thrilled with this modern cube for their kiddos.

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Mollie Ollie

This multipurpose organizer is not just for babies, but can be used by everyone in the family – it grows with baby! Having a diaper changing station in the living room? The caddy is perfect for that. Want to organize kids toys in the car, grab the caddy and fill it up. Need a place to keep your craft or sewing supplies? Use the organizer and keep it in an easily accessible location. The Mollie Ollie caddy is seriously so versatile, it will last a lifetime. Three main compartments with a removable velcro divider and seven easy access pockets on the outside of the caddy allow for tons of storage options. Additionally the caddy has a zippered pocket with organizing loops so things can stay put and protected. Made with 5mm heavy duty felt the organizer has strong, sturdy construction. Anyone – baby, kids, adults – will be thrilled to receive this organizer caddy. Use code : 10MamatheFox for 10% off your Mollie Ollie purchase!

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 Kid Proof

If you are having a baby or have a little one in the house then you are going to love Kid Proof. Kid Proof is a spray used to pre-treat cloth items to make it Kid Proof! Spills and messes are happening constantly. Drool, spit up, food, you name it and it will end up on your kids. Kid Proof is a protective spray used to help the items resist liquids. It is 100% safe around children and pets. By using innovative nanotechnology in a water cased carrier you can help safe those expensive baby items. Simply spray the fabric until saturated and wit 24 hours. It will not only help resist liquids but also protects again aberrations and offers US protection.

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Deep Dive Threads/Dinky Dives

Nerd parents assemble! Do you have a superhero in the womb or one who made their escape and is now in the world creating havoc? Deep Dive Threads is a well established online tee-shirt brand that MamatheFox has loved and worn for years. Deep Dive Threads gets that we parents love to get a laugh out of ironic tees and retro styles, so we would love to get the same reactions with our kids oneises. Start you child’s cosplay game strong with Deep Dive Threads. Their styles feature superheros, show characters, and movie characters.  We love the little onesies that turn our babies into Star Wars characters, Rebel Fighters, Spider-man, Beetlejuice, Chuckie, Anna and Elsa, Wreak It Ralph, Captain America, Doctor Who and more.

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Boppy is a pretty well know and well loved brand in the baby community. Their products range from baby necessities to mommy necessities. Boppy is a brand that any veteran, new, or expecting parent wants in their home.

ComfyFit Baby Carrier

This one size fits most baby carrier is perfect for all parents. The lightweight, soft fabric moves with parent and baby and supports any active lifestyle. Boppy’s carrier is designed simply and is super supportive, so no back pain comes with carrying baby. No infant insert is needed with this baby carrier, and babies 8-35 pounds can fit. The waist belt is padded and includes a zippered pocket to keep small items confidently at reach. Fully machine washable, this carrier is great for any parent with babies.

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Boppy Feeding and Infant Support Pillow

This pillow is great for new babies, especially breastfeeding babies. Lifting baby into an ergonomic position for comfortable feedings, moms will be grateful and babies will gain more. The pillow provides relief to moms back and arms, whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Babies can use the pillow as they grow because of the versatile design. It is made to be used for propping, tummy-time, and sitting. The pillow is fully machine washable, with a removable slipcover. Additional slip covers are available for purchase too, so if someone already has a pillow, grab a new cover for them!

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Moby Baby Wrap

The Moby brand creates high quality baby wraps that will last through multiple kids. Combining MOther and baBY, the name of the company and the brand itself are linked to babywearing. The wraps they create help keep baby close, calm, and happy; just what every mom and dad want. Moby has grown over the years and has now created carriers with newer fabrics and carrying options. Their designs, prints, and playful colors have allowed them to expand and win many awards. Made from stretchy cotton, this wrap is fully machine washable and super easy to take care of. The wrap holds babies 8-33 pounds and can be worn in the front or on the hip, with babies facing inward. Tutorials on the Moby website make it easy to learn how to wear the wrap.

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Being a busy mom means that you are always in the car and on-the-go. We recently found out about Tossits and we know that you are going to love them. Tossits are bags for trash in your car. You simply slide the holder around the headrest of your passenger seat (or where you desire). The bags are easy to access and can hold a good amount of trash before needing to be tossed.  Each set has 10 bags and are made from post industrial recycled material that is 100% recyclable. The perforated edge makes tearing off each bag easy, and the peel-to-use adhesive strip seals in the contents and smells after use. Not only will mom’s love this item but also those who drive a lot. You can also gift them business men and women who travel a lot for work. It just makes it easy to keep your car clean. MamatheFox thinks that this product is so perfect that she uses it in both her car and her husbands. It just makes sense to use Tossits.  When you try them out you will instantly see why they are a real game changer.

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Created after realizing parents didn’t know how to properly swaddle their babies, SwaddleDesigns allows you to properly swaddle baby so they are comfortable and sleep as well as they can. Swaddles, sacks, and baby essentials are all offered by SwaddleDesigns, and the majority of their products are sewn in Seattle, Washington. The Transitional Swaddle Sack is a bridge between a swaddle and a sleep sack. Some unique features of the swaddle sack include fold over mitten cuffs and a two-way zipper. But the most unique design of theirs is the ‘arms up’ design. This allows baby to self soothe by having access to their hands. This Transitional Swaddle Sack is perfect for new parents or a new baby. The Ergonomic design is great for babies and really allows them to sleep comfortably while being secure.

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Gifts for Her – Holiday Gift Guide

Sunshine Pillows Ergonomic Neck Travel Pillow with Cervical Neck Support

Do you often end the day with a sore neck? Sunshine Pillows has a broad line of helpful products, like their travel neck pillow. This neck travel pillow is narrower and softer at the cervical area and will easily fit in the small space between your neck and the head rest in the car or on airplane seats. It is also perfect for use at home while relaxing on your sofa watching TV and just as perfect to use while at your desk at work.

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Hands-free Microwavable Neck Heating Wrap

If you need a neck pillow to be secured around you as you are moving around while wanting the therapeutic results from a heating wrap then this is the wrap for you. This wrap comes with a strap that can loop over the opposite end of the wrap helping to keep it in place without being restricting. It is going to be a game changer for you! Once your pillow is safely heated in the microwave, instantly place it on your neck for pain relief. Each pack holds in heat for 30 minute intervals, maximizing your relief for fast and efficient recovery. Stow your pad in your day bag or luggage for daily relief during travels near and far.

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Health Priority 100% Natural & Organic Vitamin E Oil

Are you looking to preserve your skin and achieve a youthful look? Vitamin E oil is the key, but make sure you dont buy any old oil, you need to try Health Priority’s Vitamin E Oil. Their 100% Natural & Organic Vitamin E Oil (d-alpha tocopherol) contains twice the vitamin power as the synthetic version which means it’s twice as powerful and works twice as fast finally giving you the skincare results you’ve been looking for and in record time! They offer a 100% money back guarantee (not that you would need it) assuring you that it is worth the purchase. MamatheFox uses it on deep cuts after they fully heal to help prevent scarring of the skin. It is perfect for those pesky wrinkles & crowsfeets.

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Rengöra Bath Bombs Gift Set

Give the gift of a relaxation with Rengöra bath bombs. This set comes with 6 lovely bath bombs in 6 different scents and colors. They contain only organic, natural, vegan and cruelty-free ingredients. They will never stain your bathtub and not lee your tub slimy after it drains. The set includes Relax – Lavender, Pamper – Rose, Refresh – Mint, Breathe – Eucalyptus, Soothe – Vanilla, and Energize – Orange. MamatheFox has been using these particular bath bombs for years and our children love them too. Since they are organic I feel comfortable letting the kids have a fun bath with a cruelty-free bath bomb.

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Luxurious Bath Brush with Mesh Body Scrubber by Rengora

The best way to start your morning is by feeling refreshed and awake. I love to grab this dry brush and softly massage my arms and legs before getting my cup of coffee to kick start my day. The feeling of the dry bristles removing the dead skin and increasing circulation is so satisfying. Rengöra’s use of boar bristles makes the brushed softer and more durable. The long handle is removable so you can take control of of the brush head. Able to be used dry or wet, it makes for a great shower tool. It is wrapped in premium packing making it ready to give as a gift. With a 90 days or money back guarantee, there is no reason not to try one today.

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AJ’s Collection Three Charm Necklace

Nothing makes someone feel special like receiving a custom piece of jewelry. AJ’s Collection makes high quality, beautiful jewelry that any woman would be pleased to receive. AJ’s Collection Unity in Three Charm Necklace brings together the love and friendship of three children, nieces or nephews, siblings, best friends, and many more. With ready to gift packaging (comes inside an environmentally responsible recycled gift box, with an organza bag and hand-tied bow) it makes gifting easy. Each 925 silver charm is attached along with the Swarovski birthstone of your choice. This personalized three-pendant necklace is custom-made by selecting 3 names of your choice, each up to 9 characters. Check out their website for many more custom options and designs.

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My Ever Map from the Creators of The Night Sky

Having a custom piece of art is a beautiful way to create a unique look in any room. What could be better than viewing a stunning image of a beloved location? With My Ever Map, you can type in a geographic location and style it to look just how you desire. You choose the color, the layout and if you want it landscape or vertical. You can even add a text at the bottom of the print. This make the perfect gift for that hard to buy for women in your life. With someone who has everything, what better than a personalized map that she can enjoy and appreciate.

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High Beauty

High delivers the high-powered benefits from nature’s most revolutionary plant, cannabis sativa. Some of the amazing benefits of High Beauty products are: it helps calm inflammation, balances all skin types with adaptogens, protects with potent antioxidants and hydrates & replenishes. MamatheFox personally uses High Beauty products and loves everything about them. The face cream is so rich and light that it feels like heaven going on your face. The feel of the cream is creamy and light, but giving extreme levels of moisture, which is great for 30 something year old skin. Best off the is smell is pleasant but not overwhelming. All of their ingredients are plant based and our suppliers do not test on animals nor do they test our products on animals. Their full line of products include a cleaner, facial oil, eye gel moisturizer and peeling mask.

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Ravensburger Escape Puzzle Space Observatory

Do you know a gal who loves puzzles? This new concept puzzle from Ravensburger is going to get her excited. This puzzle is not made for kids, it is a whole new type of puzzle, its a game and puzzle in one! To do this game experience you first read the story to understand your objective. Then you assemble the puzzle, followed by solving 6 riddles hidden in the scene. Connect the solution pieces to reveal your escape! Ravensburger has been making the world’s finest puzzles for over 130 years in Germany. Ravens burger puzzles for adults are made to fit precisely – no matter how large or small the puzzle pieces. All of their jigsaw puzzles are precision-made so that every piece fits perfectly, without frustration. Best of all, every single piece in this puzzle is unique, no duplicates, for the perfect interlocking fit.

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Larken X Nursing All in One Nursing and Hands Free Pumping Bra

The Larken company was designed by two moms and created for all moms. After being frustrated with the products on the market that didn’t offer the benefits and comfort they wanted, these moms set out to create their own comfy, versatile maternity, nursing, and pumping essentials. Luxuriously soft and easy to care for, their products are machine washable and breathable. All Larken essentials are tag-free and elastic – aka no snaps, zippers, or buttons. Usable through all stages of motherhood, the thoughtfully designed pieces are perfect for any change your body experiences throughout motherhood. This is a perfect gift for a new or expecting mom; she will surely love any of the Larken products.

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2020 My Infinite Agenda Planner

The My Infinite Agenda Planner is a vision board planner that is designed with busy lifestyles in mind. This planner will carefully and clearly guide you through prompts that will allow you to turn your goals into realities. Organize your daily schedule all while keeping track of your high ambitions. A portion of each agenda sold will be given to support four charities that have an infinite impact around the world. Allow someone to capture their goals and dreams throughout the year and watch them come to fruition with the My Infinite Agenda Planner.

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Gracefully Made Jewelry

Gracefully Made Jewelry creates beautiful, custom jewelry to fit the needs of any. This necklace is perfect for nana, mom, or grandma and is representative of so much. When you give this necklace to your mom or nana, you are reminding her of how wonderful she is and how much her presence in your life means to you. Let her know you appreciate her by personalizing this gold vertical bar necklace with family members’ names. Each necklace is custom made to order and appears in lowercase script style font. The charms hang from an 18 inch chain and appear on the chest beautifully. Women will adore this very personal gift.

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Cultivate What Matters PowerSheets One-Year Intentional Goal Planner

Achieve your goals with the intentional one-year planner. Powersheets are made for all types of people and women all over the world have found success with using them. Using 12 months to intentionally goal set really helps you allow your goals to become realities. There are seasonal worksheets to help you refresh and refocus your goals each season, and there is goal coaching on every page so you can stay on track and motivated. The planner is absolutely gorgeous and full of beautifully designed pages; stickers are included too. Hard covers and gold corner protectors keep the planner safe and durable. The gold coil binding and reinforced interior pocket keep all your necessary pages, notes, and stickers in one spot. This planner is beautiful and any woman will be thrilled to receive it.

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Red Land Cotton Classic Quilt

Red Land Cotton is a family owned company that has been in operation since 1983. Their 100% cotton that’s grown in Alabama fields is rain fed and never irrigated. The cotton crop is produced under the most recent and sustainable farming techniques and are all hand-cut and sewn. Quality control is of utmost importance and so every step in the process receives testing. Reverse engineering is used in the weave construction and yarn size which brings heirloom-inspired bedding. All machine washable and dryable, these products are so easy to take care of. People will love any of the Red Land Cotton products you give them. They really are timeless.

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Silverette Nursing Cups

Silverette Nursing cups are perfect for soothing and protecting nursing nipples. Since 2002, the nursing cups have been crafted by licensed silversmiths in Italy. These cups are different than anything else on the market because they use the healing properties of silver. Antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory are the properties that silver naturally gives. Silver has the ability to heal and prevent cuts, wounds, cracks, soreness, and infections. They are easy to use and comfortable and no additional creams or lotions are needed when using them. The cups are perfect for any woman who is or will be a mom. After using the cups, Silverette has a recycling program where you can convert them into a charm. In so doing women can remember the special time and bond they had while breastfeeding their kid(s).

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Succulents Box Subscription Box

Do you have a girl who is always so hard to shop for? What better to gift than a simply, elegant houseplant that is super easy to care for. Succulents Box is a subscription box. They offer 1 single succulent box, 2 succulents, 3 succulents, 4 succulents and an air plant option. They feature over 200 items, giving a surprise each month even after months of arrivals. They are quick to ship and come in a very pretty box keeping these live plants safe. Once your collection starts to grow you will probably want to branch out and start buying there modern succulent pots and planters. For those of us who live up north and get colder winters you can add a heat warmer to the package to ensure it safety arrives at it’s destination. Pop over to their website and click around. You’re going to love what you find.

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DefenderShield Blue Light Blocking Glasses – Signature Series

Blue light is emitted by digital and electronic screens and can cause many negative health effects including digital eye strain, premature eye-aging, and interfere with sleep. The DefenderShield glasses filter and protect up to 99% of blue light. A change in improvement in eye strain can reduce headaches, fatigue, dry eyes, and problems focusing. The pearl gray frames are square and modern and accented by clear top and bottom edges. Two lense options include Amber lenses and Orange lenses. Amber lenses filter 50% of harmful blue light and are ideal for normal day-to-day use. These lenses look similar to regular glasses and allow colors to look most natural. Orange lenses filter 99% of harmful blue light and are ideal for nighttime use. These really help improve sleep quality; allowing faster sleep and REM sleep promotion. Protect her eyes with these protective glasses!

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Cracker Barrel

As a mom I love to add new and popular Christmas decor to our home. This year the most popular decoration is the snowman that goes up and down a latter to decorate the tree. This electric decor is fun for the whole family to watch. The Snowman climbs up and down his latter helping to decorate the tree with his pretend lights. The MamatheFox children are in love with their new Snowman helper. They love how it plays music – 15 songs! You can control how loud the music is which this mama really appreciates. When our family sits around at night we can watch this fun snowman go up and down his latter as we sip cocoa and enjoy each others company. Another festive decoration from Cracker Barrel that we love is our Gingerbread House. With its glitter and light up abilities it makes the perfect addition to our mantel of holiday items.

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Yamazaki Standing Coat Rack

Yamazaki has been creating common household items using smart and simple design. Keeping all their items streamlined they focus on organization, storage, and space-saving. Their modern and sleek coat rack will fit perfectly in any space. Using a combination of metal and wood, multiple textures are present which bring a great sense of design. The frame is slender and comes in a black or white option and allows the six wooden tip hooks to pop because of the color contrast. This coat rack is very easy to assemble and will appeal to most any woman.

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Copper Tech Gloves

Get back to the love of gardening with Copper Tech gardening gloves. Copper compression technology has been an innovative advancement to the sports and medical world. Copper improves circulation, helps prevent strains, and supports muscles! Now with Copper Tech, gardeners can reap all the copper benefits too. With improved circulation and oxygenation of muscles and joints, gardeners can avoid strains and fatigue, aches and pains! In addition, gloves are made with moisture-wicking material to prevent chafing, rashes, and odor. With Copper Tech, gardeners can get back to landscaping and enjoy the outdoors longer. Copper Tech offers a variety of sizes and colors in their Copper Infused Gardening Gloves. Be sure to check out Copper Tech’s complete collection of golf gloves and mechanic gloves, all made with the incredible infused copper technology.

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Hope: An Anchor For The Soul

This new novel by Ani Tims is a memoir that will keep you reading long into the night. She lays out her story of growing up in a country where violent crime and AIDS are rampant. When parenting became a nightmare as she was afraid to even walk out her front door, constantly worried that her daughters-one of whom was born prematurely and barely survived-would be raped. She ponders the deep life questions of why and why me? She leads us to how she survived and how it was possible to more forward. We learn that God’s timing is perfect. That He is here – that we should never underestimate the power of prayer. We are never alone.

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Previse MommyBalm Stretch Mark Cream

Each Previse product uses sustainably sourced ingredients that give top of the line skin care help. All ingredients are plant based and ‘naturally free of parabens, petroleum, mineral oil, PEGs (polyglycols), xenoestrogens, phthalates, synthetic fragrances and dyes.’ Their MommyBalm Stretch Mark Cream is no different. Designed to bring stretch mark reduction, this cream penetrates deep into the skin for a nourishing feeling. This cream helps reduce the depth, discoloration, and texture of stretch marks; something every woman wants to rid of. Give this caring and thoughtful gift to an expecting mom, and she’ll be thrilled.

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Deep Dive Threads

Do you know a gal who loves classic films, super hero movies or retro TV shows? Then she is going to love all of the sweet tee’s from Deep Dive Threads. Are you taking a family trip to Florida to see Disney, Epcot or Hollywood Studios? Deep Dive Threads has a bunch of hip and funny tees for the family to wear while on vacation. Don’t get the same old tee’s that all the other families are wearing. Get something unique and comfortable. MamatheFox loves her tee’s from Deep Dive Threads because they are super soft and easy to wash. If she is into Star Wars, Rocko’s Modern Life, Marvel movies, Harry Potter then she is going to love any of the tee’s she gift her this year.

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Isabelle Grace Jewelry

The inscribed, custom jewelry created by Isabelle Grace Jewelry is designed to be a keepsake. Timeless style and enduring quality is what sets this brand apart from others. Made by hand in Massachusetts, the designs and materials are expertly crafted. The classic, personalized gifts include charms, initials, and semiprecious stones to create one-of-a-kind pieces. They also sell a beautiful collection of everyday wear, that is simple but stunningly unique. Their “inspired” collection is inspirational jewelry that beautifully represents cancer survivors, mothers, faith, epiphanies and more. Isabelle Grace Jewelry is the perfect gift for friends and loved ones this holiday season.

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Know any breastfeeding mamas? If so, the Milksta Mommy Brew drinks are the perfect gift for her. Their line of organic beverages aid in producing more, higher quality breast milk for baby. Not only will mama enjoy these products, but baby will too. Milk is increased while more nutrients are added to the supply – a huge perk for baby. Coffee and pink drink are available and are both organic and vegan. Free of gluten, dairy, nut, and egg, these drinks are good for any mama. The pink drink features raspberry leaf tea, which supports and helps increase breastmilk production. And in case you have extra milk that you are not sure you will use within three days after pumping, you can freeze it. Make sure, however, that you learn about thawed breast milk shelf life before defrosting and using it. Anyway, this pink drink is creamy, fruity, and tasty for mamas. The nursing coffee is decaffeinated and helps kick the exhaustion that comes with breastfeeding. Not only that, but the coffee helps boost milk supply and production. Both of the drinks come in individual sachets and just need to be added with the choice of hot or cold water. These drinks will be enjoyed by mama, no doubt.

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Boppy Side Sleeper Pregnancy Pillow

Pregnancy can be hard sometimes, especially when the end is nearing. Things start to get uncomfortable and sleeping is very hit or miss. That why this side sleeper pillow is so great. Support the belly and the back with this pillow. Ladies can nestle between two connected pillows which will keep them on their side, which is recommended by doctors. The pillow is fully machine washable with the removable slip cover. Not only is the pillow perfect for pregnancy, but it’s also great for postpartum and beyond.

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Legendairy Milk

These herbal lactation supplements are formulated to target primary issues that affect milk production. No additives or preservatives and only super safe ingredients are used in their supplements. Many different lactation blends are available, most with organic ingredients. Their supplements support things like: optimizing breast milk production, enhancing nutrition in milk, loosing clogs and improving milk flow, and more. Legendairy Milk seeks to provide lactation support and guidance to struggling mothers. Along with that, every month, Legendairy Milk selects one family to receive a portion of their proceeds. You can apply to receive this support on their website. This brand cares about their customers and really wants moms to feel good.

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The brand really wants moms to know the importance of taking time to care for themselves, that’s how the brand was started. Belabumbum offers maternity and nursing apparel that balances fashion and function while promoting women’s well being. All of their products are so soft and comfortable, any woman will want to wear them. The Belabumbum products encourage self-care and bonding with baby. A new line was just created – their Anytime Athleisure collection. This line offers versatile essentials that keep mom comfy at any time in any place. Each of the pieces in this line are comfy for pregnancy and postpartum. Give expecting moms the comfiest gift of all with the Belabumbum line of apparel.

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The Cozee

The Cozee by Life Giving Warmth is a travel electric blanket this will be used for years to come. Having a relative in a wheelchair makes things different when traveling and out running errands. With the Cozee he can stay warm while sitting in his chair. We also use this at sporting events and kids early morning baseball practice. This blanket is so versatile and useful in so many circumstances you are going to be using it constantly. With its micro plush interior makes it great for cuddling. It gives up to 5 hours of heat before needing to be charged. It charges with a USB port. With a waterproof external shell it will keep those snowflakes off your skin. The most important aspect about the Cozee is that is machine washable! Pop over to their site to see the other features and design options.

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This maternity and nursing apparel company seeks to create clothing for the modern mama. Function, beauty, and comfort are all a part of the clothing they design. Their high quality clothing can be worn during all seasons of life and weather. The self esteem of the mama you’re buying these clothes for will sky rocket because of the unique and adorable designers that are created. Give the gift of comfort and function with the Bloomaire line of clothes for mama.

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MamatheFox has been gifted the items above. For more information, on the FTC Endorsement Guides, go to



Gifts for Foodies – Holiday Gift Guide


PowerXL Air Fryer Pro

Air Fryers have been becoming more and more popular this past year. This holiday gift the foodie in your life what they really want – a Pro Air Fryer. This set comes with all the bells and whistles you want and for a price you can’t beat. The Power Air Fryer Pro is a full oven multi-cooker that gives you all of the crisp, juicy, delicious, healthier benefits of oil-free air frying. What makes this model so special is that not only is it a state-of-the-art air fryer, but its also a rotisserie and dehydrator! You can cooks foods on both the top and the bottom for that great crispy-fried taste and texture without all the fat and calories. It comes in 2 size – 6 quart or 8 quarts making it great for small and large families.

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PowerXL Smokeless Grill

For the foodies who loves to grill this will make their holiday a hit. PowerXL created a powerful grill that is smokeless and can be used indoors. We love to grill, but in the cold mid-west winters it just isn’t worth going outside to grill. This grill is big enough for an entire racks of ribs or eight large burgers. MamatheFox loves to grill our vegetables and now we can in any weather. You can even split a whole chicken down the middle and grill it “spatchcock” style. The Cerami-Tech Grill Plate is dishwasher safe and lifts out easily for effortless cleaning & easy storage. The plate is coated with super non-stick Cerami-Tech Coating, so you don’t have to add any extra fat or oil. Even delicate fish never sticks to the surface and there’s never any residue to scrape off after you’re finished cooking. The oil drip tray sits below, catching fat and grease from cooking. Bring this grill along to your families house this holiday and wow them with this indoor grill.

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Marie’s Market Reserve Salad Dressings

With the holidays being so focused on food your pants may begin to get a tad tighter than they were last month. To help cut back on calories but not cutting back on taste, Marie’s has released their Market Reserve dressings just in time. Marie‘s Dressings are crafted with real, premium ingredients, non-GMO oil, and no artificial preservatives. Plus, Marie‘s packaging is made from BPA-free, 100% recyclable plastic. Flavors in this new Market Reserve line include Wildflower Honey & Lime Vinaigrette, Smoked Black Pepper Caesar Dressing, Southwest Style Ranch Dressing, Meyer Lemon Basil Dressing and Caramelized Onion and Sesame Dressing. When you click the purchase link below you can find some amazing recipes on Marie’s website. The recipes use these fun new dressings in unique and easy ways. You cannot go wrong with Marie’s.

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Women’s Bean Project Sampler Gift Box

The Women’s Bean Project is not like other company we have experienced. They help women who could not find employment due chronic unemployment, recidivism, welfare dependency, and a host of other challenges. They not only do they provide amazing gift baskets but they help enable women to thrive through their core curriculum of five classes: Financial Literacy, Computer Literacy, GED Coursework, Dress for Success and Group Therapeutic Workshops. Recovering addicts, homelessness and criminal histories can be part of these women’s past, not their future with help from you. Support Women’s Bean Project and gift their sampler box to a friend this holiday season.

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The “I Love My Instant Pot ” Anti-Inflammatory Diet Recipe Book

Any Instant Pot owner is always looking for new recipes. Chronic inflammation is a major health risk and can wreak havoc on your body, contributing to many types of diseases. But preventing and/or reducing inflammation doesn’t have to be an overwhelming challenge. Diet-particularly one high in processed, fatty, and sugary foods-is one of the main causes of chronic inflammation, but by introducing anti-inflammatory meals into your diet, you can reduce inflammation and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. The Instant Pot can be used to create healthy anti-inflammatory meals that are quick, easy, and most importantly delicious. With 175 recipes and photographs throughout, this cookbook is perfect for those who follow an anti-inflammatory diet.

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Secret Salt Seasoning from Uncle Jack

All cooks know the value of salt. Not only does it bring out the flavors in a dish but it can elevate raw foods too. Thanks to Unlce Jacks hard work we now have the Secret Salt Season which is amazing! After years of traveling, eating and cooking Willie Degel now made available his secret salt seasoning he accumulated through experience to the public. Once you start to use this for all your cooking, roasting, searing and grilling needs you will be blown away how much better your food will taste, Willie guarantees it!! Use it on anything you want: steaks, chicken, seafood, pork, pasta, potatoes, rice, vegetables and even your morning eggs. MamatheFox loves it in her morning cottage cheese. Where will use use it first?

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OlviPet Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil Based Healthy Living Dog Treats

Do you love gourmet foods? I am sure that you love to spoil your good boy with the same type of gourmet treatment. With OlviPet treats you can provide amazing quality snack that is healthy and satisfies that ‘treat’ reward. OlviPet treats are made with limited premium ingredients and contain extra virgin olive oil sourced from the Mediterranean Island of crete. Made with a proprietary blend of chia seeds and pumpkin seeds, these Omega 3 and omega 6 rich treats help support a dog’s immune system and helps maintain healthy skin and coat. Go ahead and get your puppers a fun and healthy snack this holiday.

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The “I Love My Instant Pot ” Affordable Meals Recipe Book

If you own an Instant Pot then you know the value they hold. Making our lives easier and our meals more delicious! Making meals in your Instant Pot dont have to break the bank. With the new book, The “I Love My Instant Pot ” Affordable Meals Recipe Book, you can find that it is possible to eat healthy, filling meals while on a budget. With 175 recipes and photos throughout, this is a must-have cookbook if you are looking for good meals that are easy on the wallet. Save money and reduce your monthly food budget with practical approaches to grocery shopping. This book is very easy to read and understand the directions on how to cook with and use your Instant Pot. If you know someone with an Instant Pot then this book is going to be a hit!

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McCafé Frappés: On The Go

McDonald’s is one of my favorite places to grab a cup of coffee. Sadly I am not always able to drive by one to grab one. Thankfully they took the next step for us coffee lovers and made it available to purchase at a retail location near me. These on-the-go Frappes put me in a better mode and a pep in my step. They are available in three flavors: Caramel, Mocha and Vanilla. Each is just as tasty as the last. Look for them in a Target or Big Lots by you to see if they have them in stock. You wont be disappointed.

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Fit Snack Subscription Box

Nothing beats a subscription box. This holiday season gifting a subscription box is one of the top gift ideas. If you are heading down that path then you are going to need to check out Fit Snack. This subscription box is not only affordable but it’s jam-packed with amazing snacks that are health conscious. With the boxes, MamatheFox experienced we found trail mix, nuts, protein cookies, snack bars, protein mix, almond spreads, bone broth, and more. We are so impressed with the variety and appeal of all the products included in the box. Their eye-catchy food packaging also seems to be luring us into trying out the products more and more. To take the box to the next level they include a personal trainer customized workout routine to spice up your fitness routine. With each box purchased Fit Snack donates snacks to kids in need.

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The Everything Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Cookbook

Lots of people these days are eating gluten free and dairy free. Whether by choice or due to health restrictions, these diets are becoming very popular. This cookbook is filled with 300 recipes that are made without gluten or dairy. Cutting these foods out of your diet benefits anyone who needs more energy, wants to lose weight, or simply craves a much healthier lifestyle. Still enjoy all your favorite foods with easy substitutions and creative cooking all found in this cookbook. Recipes ranging from breakfast to dinner and all things in between, Audrey Roberts has a way of teaching that allows for fun, healthy meals. Anyone on your list will find use for this cookbook.

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Cacao Tea

The winter months call for all things warm and cozy. Why it give a gift that almost everyone will like – chocolate/cocoa tea. This 100% pure and organic tea is sugar free, caffeine free, gluten free, dairy free, and GMO free. There are no artificial flavors, additives, or preservatives. The tea offers many health benefits; its mood-boosting and is high in antioxidants. Grown in South America this Cacao Tea harvested and roasted using traditional methods, similar to the methods used by the Myan and Aztec civilizations who discovered the tea many years ago. Grab some Cacao Tea and a blanket, place them in a cute basket, and you’ve got the perfect gift!

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Eat to Sleep Cookbook

Everybody wants a good night’s sleep, no matter who you are. This cookbook is an easy guide that will teach what to eat and exactly when to eat it. Following a guide like this is an all-natural solution to help you fall asleep faster and wake up refreshed. Tips like how to easily incorporate sleepy foods into your diet will help anyone get a better night’s rest with not changing much of anything. Rather than using medicinal drugs in order to sleep better, use this book to help increase sleep the natural way.

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Veo Active-Probiotics

Being a foodie you are probably in the kitchen all the time. At least we are here at MamatheFox. Having our kids cook with us also leans to them helping clean up. We recently discover Veo – a new line of cleaning products that uses probiotics to biodegrade dirt and grime deep within the cracks & crevices of your surfaces. Being free from chlorine bleach, formaldehyde, phosphates and quats I feel better about using it around my children and where I prepare our meals. Best of all its safe for most materials: acrylic, aluminum, brass, ceramic, chrome, concrete copper, glass, granite, laminate, laminated wood, porcelain, Quartz, stainless steel, urethane coated wood, vinyl. Do not use on: fiberglass, marble or terra cotta.

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Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cake Company

Made and shipped from Long Island, New York, these cakes are top of the line. Using a family recipe from the 1950’s, the Walsh family promises to deliver the finest and most delicious crumb cakes on the market. These cakes are unique because you can order them online and send them wherever you need. How fun would it be to get a cake in the mail? I know my kids would love it. Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cake Company offers many different types of cakes, all of which will have people asking for more.

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B Nutty

Upgrade any Foodie’s peanut butter with B. Nutty! With over 12 blends, B. Nutty’s gourmet peanut butter has something for everyone. They also offer mouth watering seasonal flavors that perfectly blend each holiday’s signature taste and aroma. Finish autumn strong with one last Pumpkin Spice peanut butter blend. Spice up a winter holiday party with Peppermint Brownie or Joyful Cranberries peanut butter. Give those taste buds an explosion of variety with a customizable B. Nutty gift basket or sample pack! Whatever the occasion, all of B. Nutty’s peanut butter is made with American grown honey roasted peanuts and is gluten free and kosher. B. Nutty

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Cracker Barrel

Are you looking for some different items to grab for the foodie on your list? Pop into your local Cracker Barrel to see what fun items they have in the shop. They always have jams, crackers, sauces and food mixes available for purchase. They perfectly curate the food products they offer at their stores to have just the right products you are looking for. MamatheFox loves the Barbecue Rubs she recently got. It came with 4 types of rubs: Mexican, Memphis, Cajun and Southwest. Having a fun mix of rubs on hand can help this busy foodie make a meal without having to over think dinner. With the holidays here you can find other fun products like sausages and cheese. Drive over to your local Cracker Barrel and take a look around. I’m sure you wont regret it.

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Beyond the Equator

Super foods have never tasted better with Beyond the Equator! This award winning seed butter is made with 5 delicious and healthy seeds full of the nutrition your body needs. Their allergy friendly recipe makes this butter delicious and safe for people with the eight most common allergens; including tree nuts. Beyond the Equator is a healthier alternative to nut butters; eight grams of protein and only 5 carbs per serving. No need for texture battles, the 5 Seed Butter comes in a creamy, crunchy, and unsweetened option. Each 16 ounce jar sells for $9.99 or get all three for $26.95. Beyond the Equator is perfect for school lunches, especially those with peanut bans, or even for throwing into your smoothie for extra protein! Give your foodie the healthy alternative seed butter this season with Beyond the Equator.

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BetterBody Foods Avocado Oil

Better Body Food’s Avocado Oil is made from some of the most delicious avocados on Earth to give you what you love most-a naturally mild, smooth flavor that complements other foods. It’s a great way to add monounsaturated fat to all your meals. And because it can take the heat in the kitchen, it’s great for high-heat cooking techniques. As an all-purpose oil, BetterBody Foods Naturally Refined Avocado Oil can be used for cooking, baking, sauteing, and deep frying. BetterBody Foods Avocado Oil is naturally refined, giving it a mild, smooth flavor. Because it is naturally refined, it also is a great way to add monounsaturated fats to your meals-which is why many people have swtiched from conventional cooking oils to BetterBody Foods Naturally Refined Avocado Oil. It is also certified non-GMO, gluten free and kosher.

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Tasty Shakes & Kernel Seasons

Nothing says Christmas morning more than homemade cooked oatmeal and pancakes. We love to add a boost of flavor to our breakfasts with Tasty Shakes Oatmeal Mix Ins. They are perfect for both oatmeal and pancakes. Shake the bottle and out will come the tastiest topper you can imagine for breakfast. MamatheFox’s daughter loves the Peaches and Cream on her oatmeal. She may be getting a few in the stocking too this year. When the evening approaches and the Christmas movie begins we love nothing more than fresh popped popcorn. Kernel Seasons has a huge line of popcorn seasoning toppers. We each get our own bowl of popcorn and sprinkle the topping we are it the mood for right now. Our kids love the Caramel Corn and Nacho Cheddar flavors. The grown ups all like the Ranch, Sour Cream and Dill Pickle flavors best. With so many options you are going to love trying them all.

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PB Fit

People go nuts for PBfit and their variety of peanut butter powers. Buyers are surprised to find it has the same great taste as peanut butter. Get excited about snacking on peanut butter that has about one-third the calories and 87% less fat than other peanut butter. That means guilt-free smoothies, peanut butter dips, oatmeal etc. PBfit is made with three simple ingredients; gently roasted peanuts, coconut palm sugar, and salt. It is just pure, delicious, and all-natural. For a low-fat peanut butter spread, mix 2 tablespoons of dry Organic PBfit with 1.5 tablespoons of water. Blend until smooth, and spread anywhere you would put regular peanut butter. Organic PBfit is packaged at BetterBody Foods’ world headquarters in Lindon, Utah.

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Happy Day Brands

Made with all natural, NON-gmo, and organic ingredients, the Happy Day Brands products are so great tasting, anyone on your list will enjoy them. With every Happy Day product that’s sold, a meal is provided to someone in need through their “Buy One, Give One” campaign. This brand is really focused on doing good. Happy Day is a community that is passionate about improving the human condition. Who empowers human potential, which is central to common humanity. Lots of yummy foods are created by Happy Day Brands including: chocolate, coffee, pancakes, oats, and superfoods. Within each of these food categories, there are tons of options to choose from. People on your list will certainly enjoy this good tasting gift!

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Slammers Superfood Snacks

These organic superfoods snacks are packed with healthy fruits, vegetables, and vitamins. Kids will love these great tasting pouches and parents will be happy feeding their kids nutritions snacks. The pouches have no: artificial colors, flavors, peanuts, or gluten, They are USDA organic and non-GOM. Not only that, but they are packed with antioxidants and proteins. They really are healthy! Lots of flavors to choose from, including protein pouches, which provide 7 grams of protein! These healthy treats are convenient and nutritions, parents will be grateful to have them in their stockpile. Slammers are available at larger grocery stores like Kroger and Walmart.

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Joya creates products that you can trust, and products you’ll crave. Their line of superfoods and functional snacks and drinks are made with nutrient-dense, and plant-based ingredients. They are decadent and delicious, as well as nourishing and effective. No more choosing between function and flavor, because their foods are both for eating healthy and eating for pleasure – the best of both worlds. Joya believes that every sip and every bite should be indulgent; that savoring food is one of the ultimate pleasures in life. With their products it’s easy to do enjoy an indulge. People are your list are sure to enjoy their products. Some of which include, Dark Coconut Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Loose Leaf Herbal Tea, and Elixir Blends. Check out their website, and give the gift of indulgence this Christmas.

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Supernatural Spinkles

Supernatural is empowering kitchen creativity while keeping the good vibes with each ingredient. Supernatural saw the cringeworthy ingredients used in most baking essentials. Artificial colors, preservatives, and other unusual suspects that make sweet treats not so sweet. Supernatural works to help culinary creativity shine with plant-based boldness and natural sources. Their collection includes a variety of seasonal and party neutral soy-free sprinkles. This holiday season choose from Christmas Sequins, Ugly Sweater, Big Blizzard, or Into the Woods sprinkles! Don’t forget to grab a bag of their organic fine grain coconut sugar and plant-based food colors to insure your Christmas baking is super natural!

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Tavva Kitchen

What better time to start living healthy than the new year? The Tavva Kitchen products are 100% plastic free, stainless steel containers that These containers are paired with brightly colored food grade silicone lids that are 100% leak proof. Dishwasher and oven safe, high quality is written all over the Tavva products. Their containers are lightweight and durable too, so putting them in a lunchbox is ideal. Made to last, Tavva aims to provide the highest quality products. They focus on simple and easy on-the-go solutions for eating healthy. Lots of options are available when choosing which Tavva product will be a good fit. Containers ranging from dipping, to snacking, to lunch eating; there are tons of sizes that will meet your needs. Give the gift of reusable, recyclable, and eco-friendly this year with the Tavva Kitchen containers.

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Sweet Veagn

Healthy and delicious treats are music to everyone’s ears, right?? That is just how Sweet Vegan was created. The Sweet Vegan products are vegan, nut-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free. They are created with real fruit and fresh ingredients, so they’re extra tasty. Some ingredients used when making the Sweet Vegan truffles include: apricots, dates, lemons, ginger, cinnamon, and more. All of the ingredients used in their products are enriching to the body in one form or another – seriously, chocolate that is good for you! Their two distinctly different chocolates – fruity bites and dreamy bites. Each of the two different chocolates offered have four different flavored chocolates within those categories. If you know anyone who likes chocolate, gift them some Sweet Vegan; they will surly enjoy it!

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Goldilocks Wraps

Help keep food in the kitchen fresh for longer with the Goldilocks Wraps. These reusable beeswax wraps are hand made and help keep plastic out of the home. Replace saran wrap easily with these adorable wraps. The cotton is hand cut, each piece is waxed one at a time, and they are all hand folded and packaged individually. As the Goldilocks Wraps are used, simply wash in cool, soapy water; this will keep a lasting longevity of the wrap. It’s also not recommended to heat the wraps. Three sizes are available and multipacks are an option too. There are lots of print options to choose from, so you will surly find one for the people on your list.

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Stayware STAYnEAT Plate

Do you have a mini foodie…aka a picky eater? Survive meals with the new STAYnEAT meal time solution. These durable plates are decked out with non-skid rims, press-n-hold suction and side scoop walls. Little eaters can finally get more food to their mouth than the floor with the help of stay neat borders that acts as a spill guard. In addition, the STAYnEAT has two uniquely two-in-one designs. Partition plate to a non-partition plate is simple to change with just a flip. The plate’s surface has a sloped surface to help keep the high side dry and prevent soggy meals for those picky eaters. STAYnEAT is an ingenious design helping children develop healthy eating habits and parents stay sane during meal time!

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Sitka Salmon Shares

We are wild about fish. I mean the wild-caught fish from Sitka that is. Sitka Salmon Shares is a fish delivery service that offers monthly shares as a part of their Community Supported Fishery. Sitka Salmon Shares harvests fish from low-impact methods to minimize the negative global impact. Their fisherman-owners and trusted partners make sure their fish are traceable to the source. You will be able to taste the quality in each fish you get from Sitka Salmon. Being a company that cares about sustainability, they make a donation of 1% of their revenue to promote small-scale fisheries and conservation in Alaska. Each box comes with fish and recipes for you to consider as well as a newsletter about the fisherman who caught your fish. You can buy a share of the harvest that will take you through several months of deliveries that contain about 4 to 5 pounds of fish each time. Use the coupon code SITKA25 to take $25 off any 2020 Premium Sitka Seafood Share.

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Fresh Bellies

Kids are hard to feed sometimes. Like really hard. That’s why Fresh Bellies is such a great brand. They make food for kiddos that tastes real and IS real. Their products are made with whole ingredients, having no preservatives and no additives. Their dried food options are available with pepper, mango, and apple – all really yummy. The purées they offer are come in many different fruit and veggie options and – different than many other store bought purées, theirs are not in a pouch. Fresh Bellies encourage spoon feeding, which encourages fine motors skills and independent, healthy eating habits. With a few different options to choose from, kids will be loving these fresh, clean snacks.

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MamatheFox has been gifted the items above. For more information, on the FTC Endorsement Guides, go to

Gifts for Him – Holiday Gift Guide

Microwavable Heating Wrap For Shoulder And Upper Back

This shoulder and upper back heating wrap allows for pain relief, is therapeutic and very comfortable. Whether you need a warmer during those cold, wintry days or a cold pack for overworked muscles in warm weather, this therapeutic pad have you covered. Each pack holds in heat for 30 minute intervals, maximizing your relief for fast and efficient recovery. Being machine washable (just remove the cover) and reusable this gift will give the men in your life the comfort they deserve.

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Deluxe XL Bath Brush for Men by Rengöra

After a rough day there is nothing like a steaming shower to unwind. This bath brush is made with natural boar bristles, making it extremely durable and soothing to the skin. Able to be used dry or wet this versatile brush is a great gift for the man in your life. This particular brush is typically used in the shower as a back brush. It can also be used before the shower to awaken the skin and remove dead, dry skin. The head is removable if you want to have a tighter grip on the brush. The removable head makes it great for travel and business trips. He is going to love how healthy his skin feels after use. As an additional gift, you can give him a bluetooth shower head that he can use when taking a shower!

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Woodies Sunglasses

Woodies are polarized sunglasses for men (and women) that feature 100% Walnut Wood arms. The lenses are specially designed so that they are both dark and polarized, offering 100% UVA/UVB protection even in intense lighting conditions. These glasses are stylish, durable, and natural for men or women. Each pair includes a durable black carrying case, a microfiber lens cleaning cloth and a wood guitar pick! Each pair is completely unique and has its own wood striations making the recipient feel special.

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T|W Lunch Tote

If you know a man who is in a professional work setting then you are going to appreciated this lunch tote. The T|W Lunch Tote is made for business men who pack their lunches but need to maintain a sleek and professional look. MamatheFox’s husband loves the look and feel of this tote. It has 2 separate compartment allowing you tote allows for you to carry both hot and cold items in its insulated sections. This hand sewn, vegan leather tote allows for you to proudly carry your lunch in a way that matches your personal style. Lastly the handle is durable to hold a full day’s worth of meals. You cannot go wrong with this tote.

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Waist Pack Bag

You know a man on the go? Well he is in luck because waist pack bags are back in style. This bag is perfect for men you need to bring their things along throughout the day. This bag features : akey hook, 2 small front pockets, 3 card slots, and 3 main compartments. The compartments are perfect hold your small camera, cell phone, earphone, cards, tissue, sunglasses, wallet, pens, water-bottle and more. If you know a man who is taking his family on a trip to an amusement park, rides the train or bus then they are going to very much appreciate receiving this bag as a gift.

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Ravensburger Escape Puzzle Space Observatory

Do you know a guy who loves puzzles? This new concept puzzle from Ravensburger is going to get him excited. This puzzle is not made for kids, it is a whole new type of puzzle, its a game and puzzle in one! To do this game experience you first read the story to understand your objective. Then you assemble the puzzle, followed by solving 6 riddles hidden in the scene. Connect the solution pieces to reveal your escape! Ravensburger has been making the world’s finest puzzles for over 130 years in Germany. Ravens burger puzzles for adults are made to fit precisely – no matter how large or small the puzzle pieces. All of their jigsaw puzzles are precision-made so that every piece fits perfectly, without frustration. Best of all, every single piece in this puzzle is unique, no duplicates, for the perfect interlocking fit.

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Deep Dive Threads

If your guy loves tee-shirts that are uber comfy and super witty then you are going to love Deep Dive Threads. The owner, Don, loves to supply us with tee designs that are unique and with the current topics. If you love classic video games, movies and pop culture than you will understand why this brand is so great. Do you know someone who claims Die Hard to be their favorite Holiday movie? Then gift them a hilarious Nakatomi Christmas Party tee. Vintage looking tee’s are trending and Deep Dive Threads has some amazing options for you. Check out their Cinematic page for new styles you are going to want.

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Gather 2-4 JAWS fans, classic strategy gamers, or family members to hunt and search for the dangerous shark lurking in the water. The clear instructions are perfect for any player at the recommended age of 12 years and older. JAWS has great replay value with the designed asymmetric style of play. Players can either play as the shark or cooperatively as a member of the crew. Get a chance to feel like you’re apart of the JAWS movies and take the game further with movie quoting and character impersonations. Join the crew this holiday season and jump on the boat to play Ravenburger’s game JAWS.

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kNOW takes board games to a new modern level with internet use! Its the first quiz game that’s always up-to-date, meaning its a one time purchase and can be used for generations to come. With kNOW!, questions are ever evolving like never before and the answers are always changing depending on when and where you play. Using Google Assistant, players research the most up-to-date answers. Don’t have internet where you are playing? No worries! kNOW! includes an offline version. kNOW! is the quiz game that tests your creativity, strategy skills, and sixth sense to win!

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Wine Condom

The brainchild of Millennial entrepreneur Mitch and his stand-up comedian mom, Wine Condom is a brilliant problem solver for wine drinkers and party partakers.

“Packaged and applied like a condom, this spill proof solution to storing an opened bottle of wine is the safest and most effective product for preventing unplanned spillage. Unlike corks or decorative stoppers, Wine Condoms seal flush with the rim for easier fridge shelf storage. Wine Condoms are made from 100% food grade latex rubber and can be used more than once.”

Wine Condoms are growing in popularity and saving unfinished wine one bottle at a time! #Screwthecork and keep it safe with 99% effective WineCondoms.

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Toys for Adults

Want to give the man in your life something fun and unconventional? This naughty little gift may be the perfect item to fuel the fire in your relationship. Discovering and trying new things help keep your relationship fresh and exciting. If your man has expressed his willingness to explore, take the initiative by giving him a gift that will bring your intimacy to a whole new level.

Runes and Regulations

A game of suburban sorcery that immerses players in a world of magic! Runes and Regulations allows you to summon mythical pets and cast powerful spells with 2 to 4 players. The game combines the aggressiveness of dragons with the passive aggressiveness of suburban unicorns. Collect 5 mythical creatures on your lawn to win! Runes and Regulations was created by the same people who made Unstable Unicorns, a 2019 People’s choice award!

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DefenderShield Blue Light Blocking Glasses – Flex Series

Blue light is emitted by digital and electronic screens and can cause many negative health effects including digital eye strain, premature eye-aging, and interfere with sleep. The DefenderShield glasses filter and protect up to 99% of blue light. A change in improvement in eye strain can reduce headaches, fatigue, dry eyes, and problems focusing. The modern, sleek frames are comfortable and come in wide, rectangular lenses. These glasses are lightweight, flexible, and durable. Two lense options include Amber lenses and Orange lenses. Amber lenses filter 50% of harmful blue light and are ideal for normal day-to-day use. These lenses look similar to regular glasses and allow colors to look most natural. Orange lenses filter 99% of harmful blue light and are ideal for nighttime use. These really help improve sleep quality; allowing faster sleep and REM sleep promotion. Protect his eyes with these protective glasses!

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Fenrici School Backpack

Fenrici backpacks are slim, stylish, and ready for everyday wear and tear. The reinforced top handle makes this the perfect school bag for carrying around heavy books! The straps are adjustable to fit the needs of preteens, teens, college students, and adults. Shoulders are kept comfortable with the wide padding. The laptop backpack fits most sized laptops while securely keeping them protected with the heavily cushioned compartment. Fenrici donates a portion of their proceeds to Global Genes to fund research and education for children with rare diseases. They continue to help story tell for children touched by pediatric rare diseases and continue to inspire the spirit of the reliance.

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Yamazaki Tool Box

Yamazaki has been creating common household items using smart and simple design. Keeping all their items streamlined they focus on organization, storage, and space-saving. This tool box fits all of those categories. Staying organized is super easy with this modern and sleek toolbox. The Yamazaki ultimate-purpose steel tote with wooden handle is the perfect way to store small items in a classy manor. Two size options to choose from include large and small. This is a timeless piece and will certainly last over the years.

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This holiday season give the gift of symptom relief with Nasopure. The most comfortable nose wash in the world! Dr. Hana’s Nasopure is a natural way to breathe happier! It helps bring relief to allergies, illness, or exposure to irritants. What makes Nasopure different is the delivery and mix. The delivery system was designed by a pediatrician and is ergonomically designed for natural head and neck position. The specially designed bottle keeps control over pressure and prevents drowning sensation. The magic mix is a unique saline solution that is both natural and soothing. The ph balanced alkaline solution reduced irritation and is pharmaceutical grade! Join the Breath Happy club and save with a subscription! Nasopure is a convenient and affordable way to receive sinus relief!

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COSCO SmartFold Portable Workbench

Man of all will enjoy this awesome, heavy duty workbench. This portable workbench can be taken wherever it’s needed, and when work is done, simply fold it up and put it away. With a weight capacity of 350 pounds on the top and 250 pounds on the bottom, this industrial-strength steel utility table really is heavy duty. The bench not only gives a large work space, but also a place to store tools and equipment. All four wheels have locking capabilities, so the table will stay in place as work is being done. All of the COSCO products are well made and designed to improve and simplify life. Give a gift that will last, with COSCO.

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Copper Tech Gloves

If you are looking for a gift for a golfer, the first thing that might come to your mind is golf polos. They certainly make great gifts. Nonetheless, there are plenty of other options available. This holiday season, upgrade your game with Copper Tech Copper infused Golf Glove. Copper compression technology has been an innovative advancement to the sports and medical world. Copper improves circulation, helps prevent strains, and supports muscles! Now with Copper Tech, golfers can reap all the copper benefits too. In addition, each glove is made with a non-slip patented spider weave, silicon pattern to improve slip resistance and reduce wear. With Copper Tech, golfers can perfect their grip tension and improve their overall game. Copper Tech offers a variety of golf glove styles and colors for both men and women, as well as 2 packs for those looking for support for both hands. If you want to go a step further, you may want to check out some of The most forgiving drivers that they can pair with their gloves. They’ll be out the door with their golf bag before you know it. Be sure to check out Copper Tech’s complete collection of gardening gloves and mechanic gloves, all made with the incredible infused copper technology

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Not sure if you can get any manlier than the TrailKeg this holiday season. The TrailKeg gives any adventure seeker the freedom to take their favorite beverage on the go! The 64oz stainless steel, vacuum insulated, growler keeps drinks cold for 24 hours or hot for 12. The tap is based on proven beer tap design, but adds key enhancements that optimize drinking experience. The TrailKeg lid includes a modular stainless steel tap and dual stage regulator for a perfect smooth pour every time. The standard ball lock connection makes connecting and disconnecting the tap a breeze. The lid is universal for all of TrailKeg’s insulated growlers so you can pick your size depending on the occasion. The half gallon bottle has the thickest outer wall making TrailKeg durable and ready for the rugged road! The TrailKeg pressurized growler preserves your favorite beverage in all your favorite places.

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Walkee Paws

Living in a city may cause walking your dog to look differently than person walking their dog in a grass neighborhood. Cement gets hot. Trash and dangerous particles may be on the city sideways you take to get your dog a a walk or to the local park. Lisa Baronoff, the owner and creator of Walkee Paws, as a dog owner in Manhattan, she grew increasingly concerned over the germs, chemicals, rain and snow that her dogs were coming into contact with on their daily walks. Unfortunately, most pups hate traditional dog booties. She created Walkee Paws to keep you pup warm, safe and to protect their daily adventures.

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The Fishing Caddy

Know anyone who loves to fish? This handy fishing caddy takes the long process out of planning a fishing trip. Just one thing is needed – the caddy! Simply grab the caddy and head to the lake! This fishing caddy features a cup holder, padded handle, two built in rod holders, tackle box lid with 14 compartments, and others – depending on which model is chosen. So there is plenty of space to keep your lures, bass flies, fishing rods, and all your fishing equipment in there. Very light assembly is required, so set up is easy. Keep family bonding together with this Fishing Caddy; maybe even pair it with a fishing trip for an extra special gift!

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Twist and Seal

What better time to give a gift to product outdoor lights than at Christmas? The Twist and Seal product protect all the outdoor connection someone may have. Whether it be Christmas lights, pool cords, or even garden plugs. The simple design gives industrial grade protection that keeps all water out and all lights on. Their products come with a 5 year warranty, so lots of use can be gotten from them. Available in many different sizes and colors, this is a great gift for anyone who uses cords outside. This product will help keep the home safe – just what everyone wants.

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Everyone has use for a cooler, and they can be used at any time of the year. Back in 1947, Igloo created its first product which helped bring clean water to worksites. Quickly though, their brand moved to functional, quality ice chests. Now with more than 500 products being sold, they are the number one cooler manufacturer in the world. Their goal is to create products that enable the pursuit of happiness. That’s where this fun cooler comes into play. Their new Star Wars collection will bring lots of smiles to any Star Wars buff. The C3PO cooler is 16 quarts and has the ability to fit 30 12-oz cans in it. This cooler will keep food and drinks fresh, all while looking great.

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Coaltree – Kachula Adventure Blankets

Do you have a guy on your list that loves the outdoors? Someone who camps, hikes or loves to tailgate? Coaltree has created a blanket that is a real game changer. Their Kachula Adventure Blanket is a blanket, pillow, poncho, throw all in one! Both sides of the blanket are coated with an eco-friendly finish that keeps you dry. No more worries about spills on your blanket. The water beads right off. We also love this blanket as an option for children in strollers and adults in wheelchairs. The secret pocket can be used to roll the blanket into a pillow, making it great for your holiday traveling. It is super soft as it’s made with soft cotton flannel blend on the top, durable ripstop nylon on the bottom. This versatile blanket will be the perfect gift for really anyone on your list this year.

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Stocking Stuffer – Holiday Gift Guide

Microwavable Extra Large Body Heat Wrap

Aches and pains seem to cripple us at times. By applying a sooth warm compress you can help relief some of the discomfort. We love this versatile heat wrap. It feels amazing on your lower stomach, wrapped around the shoulders, around your cold toes or across your back. Simply pop it in the microwave or freezer for the best hot or cold therapy for your aching body. The pack is filled with whole grain wheat fill to efficiently hold in heat and ensure a flexible fit around your target areas. Pair this therapy up with some hemp flower from Lanco Hemp or similar stores (if you partake), and it should send you straight to bliss-land. Pain, begone. You’ll feel better in practically no time!

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Women’s Bean Project Snacks

The Women’s Bean Project is not like other company we have experienced. They help women who could not find employment due chronic unemployment, recidivism, welfare dependency, and a host of other challenges. They not only do they provide amazing gift baskets but they help enable women to thrive through their core curriculum of five classes: Financial Literacy, Computer Literacy, GED Coursework, Dress for Success and Group Therapeutic Workshops. Recovering addicts, homelessness and criminal histories can be part of these women’s past, not their future with help from you. Support Women’s Bean Project and fill a stocking with their snacks this holiday season. Snacks include: Greek yogurt covers blueberries, Ginger zing trail mix, Thai curry cashews, Raspberry gummy fish, Chili picante plantain chips and Chili spied mango.

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Calico Critters Nursery Friends Set

If you are looking to add in some new Critters to your kids collection then you will appreciate the Nursery Friends Set. This Nursery friends is a set that includes babies in their nursery uniforms and adorable nursery accessories. Hopscotch rabbit baby, hazelnut chipmunk baby, Persian cat baby, shoes x 3, water bottle, hat, nursery bag (a total of 9 pieces). These Critters do have movable arms and legs, allowing your childs imagination to wander farther. These Critters are just too cute!

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Calico Critters Blind Bags – Baby Shopping Series & Baby Party Series

Calico Critters is known to stay in tread and up to date with what is in demand, and right now Blind Bags are still a top request from kids. Baby Shopping Series blind bags contain a baby figure and a shopping accessory, which are fun to both collect and play with. What will you find inside? There are nine characters, including a secret one. Baby Shopping Series contains a shopping-themed accessory, and a baby figure. Take it on cute shopping adventures! Combine with shop sets (sold separately) for even more fun with shop play. Or place inside a home (sold separately) for the babies to enjoy a game of pretend shopping.

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Live Free, CleanWell. Do you feel like you’re constantly wiping your kids down? We feel you. We are in the same boat friend. Thankfully we discovered CleanWell to aid in our goal of keeping our kids clean and safe. CleanWell’s products were born from a father’s love for his son with an immune system disorder. When he realized the use of chemical-laden household products made his son’s life immensely more difficult and unsafe, he tried to find a safer option. The MamatheFox crew is constantly using hand wipes and hand sanitizers. CleanWell’s sanitizers are a botanically-based, alcohol-free, benzalkonium Chloride free, kid-friendly formula, that won’t sting cuts, yet still kills germs, and is gentle on sensitive skin. With their huge success they have branched out into household all purpose cleaners (wipes and sprays). When you feel and smell the difference big CleanWell’s provides you will be making a permanent switch to Clean Well.

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Meet your bar soaps best friend – the SoapStandle. SoapStandle allows bar soap to ‘shed’ water and dry, so “goo” never develops. Avoiding the goo is important beyond that it’s messy. When goo develops soap deteriorates faster, and instead of cleaning it goes down the drain. It’s simple to use. Just press your soap bar down firmly onto SoapStandle’s rounded points. Your soap will last longer (saving you money) and it won’t slip from your hand. When you’re ready, move your SoapStandle to a new bar. This is a simple, useful and affordable stocking stuffer for any member of your family.

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RazorExtreme PD from MyCharge

Portable chargers are the most useful product for family this year. With phones, tablets, headset and toys that all charge with USB connections we are constantly in a state of needing to recharge. With MyCharge you can find portable chargers that hold so much power that you can recharge laptops and phones at the same time, and still have power left! The Fox family really depends on the RazorMega. This portable external battery will charge some smartphones up to 13.5 times. The powerbank features three total USB ports, 2 USB-A ports, and 1 USB-C port and is perfect for anyone looking to charge multiple devices. Advanced Power Delivery technology guarantees the absolute fastest and safest charge. For the techie, for the mom, for the teen, this is the most useful thing you can gift a technology user this holiday season.

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NanoTorch Twist by KeySmart

Having a useful tool can make all the difference some days. The NanoTorch Twist is one-of-a-kind product that will make the perfect stocking stuffer. Its rotating swivel head allows for light in any direction twisting from 0 to 90 degrees. Being battery free is features a rechargeable Li-ion battery comes with a Micro-USB cable and features a battery indicator light that turns green when fully charged. This battery gives you 6 times more light than an AA battery would. The NanoTorch Twist has a magnetic cap – allowing you to stick the Torch where ever need giving you the ability to use both hands on your project. Being slim in design it will fit in your pocket, and fit even better in someones stocking this winter.

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Carrying your keys around all day can be cumbersome. Jingling all around, poking you through your pocket and just being a hot mess of a situation. If this is a problem with you or someone you know then check out the KeySmart. This easy to use and slim designed tool allows you to have all your keys in hand, but without dangling all over the place. It includes a loop ring to attach your car key fob and is expandable, holding up to 10 keys. It’s as easy to use – just grab a penny to unscrew the KeySmart to add an remove keys. Better yet, turn your KeySmart Leather into a slick multi-tool by adding your favorite accessories like a bottle opener, pocket knife, screwdriver and USB drive.

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ThinkFun and Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty Puzzle

Do you have a child or adult who loves the feel and texture of putty? Aaron’s Putty has been a hit for years, and now they have a fun and unique game that uses Aaron’s putty to play. Each of the 60 beginner-to-expert level challenges will put your spatial reasoning skills to the test as you attempt to connect the dots for all 6 Thinking Putty colors on the Puzzle Grid. The paths can’t intersect, so you will need to stretch and pull each color along different pathways, over bridges, and around blockers to succeed. First select your grid pattern, then stretch and shape the Thinking Putty separately to create paths along the puzzle grid, connecting same-colored dots without crossing paths with other colors of Thinking Putty. This is a great Stocking Stuffer for adults and kids ages 8 and up.

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Prana Brush Ionic Dry Brush

Ever heard of dry brushing? Many health professionals recommend dry brushing due to the incredible health benefits it brings. Some benefits include: detoxifying the body, improving circulation, eliminating dead skin cells, exfoliating the skin, and many more. Dry brushing also stimulates the lymphatic system. In doing this, you are eliminating toxins and pathogens that can cause illness and/or inflammation. Made with extra fine, ion-charged copper bristles, negative ions are naturally created which protect your body from free radicals. Each brush is handmade with sustainably-harvested beechwood, natural wax, high-quality copper alloys, and all natural and ethically sourced boar hair. Allow someone you know to experience the health benefits of this ionic body brush.

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Thames & Kosmos EXIT: The Game

Games are such a great gift for any person. The EXIT line of games are escape rooms in a box. Whether your playing by yourself or with a few other players, these games should take one to two hours. It’s important to note that these games can only be played one time. This is because while playing you must markup, fold, and tear the materials in order to solve the riddles and escape. An app is available for help while playing the game. Animated instructions are also available on the app, so you can really learn and understand how to play. Different levels of play are available, so be sure to choose the proper level for whoever you’re giving it to.

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Caterpy Laces

Do you know a runner, walker, hiker, gym fanatic, sport fanatic, or kid? All of those people need and wear shoelaces, so why not give them a practical gift this year? Caterpy Laces are the number one selling no-tie shoelaces on the market. These laces are different than other no-tie laces because of their bump technology. This design allows the laces to hold customized tension through each and every eyelet. Caterpy Laces offer comfort, performance, and convenience; and they’re the only no-tie shoe lace that are approved by podiatrist and sport medicine doctors.

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Stitch People – DIY Stitch People Book

Stitch People is a fun gift to give someone crafty. Design and stitch portraits of your own with the diy book they have available. This book is a great guide that allows people to design and stitch characters, whether they be family or friends. Filled with hundreds of pattern elements, a design can be perfected through the book. The step-by-step process is good for all skill levels, so really anyone can do it! Additional patterns are also available for stitching things like hobbies, animals, sports, occupations, backgrounds, and more. Know anyone who is looking for a hobby? This is perfect for them!

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Groove Life

Silicone rings are super popular these days, and for good reason! Groove Life offers the highest quality rings and watch bands at an affordable price, for both men and women. New to their company is their silicone watch bands. Perfect for your Apple Watch. Groove Life is different than other brand because it is designed with patented breathable grooves. These grooves keep fresh air circulating and bad odors from bring trapped between the ring and skin. The Groove Life team is passionate and reliable; they offer great customer service and an incredible life-long warranty. They are dedicated to bringing functionality and fashion to a universal consumer; messy mama, dedicated nurse, workout jock, hands-on worker, and other life adventurers! Make this holiday season extra unique by customizing a Groove Life ring for that special someone!

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Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) is something that [almost] every single person is exposed to everyday. DefenderShield technology reduces the exposure to harmful radiation which is emitted by devices such as laptops, tablets, and cell phones. This radiation has high possibility of harming the body, which is why it’s so important to stay protected against it. Looking up the best forms of EMF protection can be beneficial to you and your family. Testing done by an independent FCC certified lab has shown that the DefenderShield technology blocks the full spectrum of harmful radiation.

Defender Shield Magnetic Car Vent Phone Holder

This car phone mount is just the perfect accessory when paired with the Magnetic Wallet Case. Attach the mount to the air-vent and for easy access to the cell phone while driving, simply place the magnetic case onto the magnetic mount. The car phone mount rotates and swivels 360 degrees which allows for adjustment for the perfect viewing angle. The magnets are super powerful which gives a very stable and secure hold. In case the vent holder is being used without the magnetic wallet case, there are 3M adhesive metal plates that attach to a cellphone or case. Any driver with a phone will appreciate this gift!

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DefenderShield EMF Radiation Shield and RFID Blocker-Detachable Magnetic Wallet Case

The DefenderShield cell phone cases are perfect for anyone who has a cell phone. The radiation-shielding technology blocks up to 100% of EMF radiation and is the best on the market. Made from vegan leather, this cell phone case is resistant to scratching and staining. Three part of the case are all removable – the case itself, the rubber, anti-shock phone nesting, and the clip-on wrist strap. Each of these designs are specially formulated to give the best phone experience. An important aspect to note is that the detachable magnetic wallet case has three RFID-blocking credit card slots. It really is a phone case and wallet in one!

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Yamazaki Storage Basket

Yamazaki has been creating common household items using smart and simple design. Keeping all their items streamlined they focus on organization, storage, and space-saving. Everybody could use another basket around the house, that is no lie. That’s why this storage basket is great for men or women. The simple and sturdy basket will hold up around children and will make a statement with its bold white color and natural wood handles. Having this basket anywhere in the home will be useful in order to keep loose items tidy, organized, and safe.

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The Car Seat Key

Anyone with kids will be grateful for this gift. The Car Seat Key allows parents, grandparents, and others who are taking kids in and out of car seats to have a much easier time doing so. This key makes unbuckling kids so easy. Whether someone gets manicures a lot, has arthritis, or just struggles with pressing down and unbuckling that red button, this handy key is perfect. The Car Seat Key comes in a multitude of colors that will peak anyone’s interest. From neons to pastels, mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa will get use from this gift.

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ZizzyBee Bags

Getting rid of plastic in the home has become a mission to a lot of people. If you know someone who is working towards this goal, the ZizzyBee Bags are perfect for them. These reusable and washable are useful for a multitude of purposes. Whether using them for snacks, toiletries, purse or diaper bag clutter, art supplies, swim gear, travel, they will not go unused. The adorable prints and multiple size availability offers a large rang of options to choose from.

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Patch Strips

There is nothing better to find in your stocking than a useful household item. Patch are the adhesive strips for all types of boo boos for kids and grown ups alike. These strips are natural bamboo with the added natural goodness of activated charcoal, aloe vera and coconut oil. The 4 options available are Cuts & Scratches, Abrasions and Grazes, Bites and Splinters & Burns and Blisters. All 4 of these kits are free from plastics, latex and toxins and best of they are made with to be 100% biodegradable. The kits fit perfectly in any cars glove compartment, purse, backpack, office drawer or diaper bag.

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Kirk’s Soap – Since 1839

Kirk’s is the only coconut castile soap brand continuously made since 1839. They use 100% natural ingredients for health conscious families. All surfactants used in Kirk’s are biodegradable. This means all surfactants (sudsing/cleaning agents) are broken down into simpler compounds by natural biological action helping to eliminate sudsing/foaming problems in lakes and streams. Kirk’s feature a broad line of soaps for your family. Their hydrating hand soap is well loved by the MamatheFox household. Knowing that our children are getting clean and not being exposed to hard chemicals gives us true peace of mind. We grown-ups love the Kirk’s bar soap. It smells so light and fresh and always leaves you feeling soft and and healthy. Having only 5 ingredients in the bars and maintaining a GMO= free formula its great for the most sensitive skin.

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Bruce Charles Designs

Working professionals work constantly at a desk. Trying to manage conference calls, waiting for that email to pop up and countless other office work. Being there all day you get antsy and need to use your hands to keep your mind focus on the task at hand. This is where Charles Bruce Designs come in handy – literally! Their fused aluminum & brass metal spinning top was made to look professional but work like a fidget device. With spin times that can exceed 12 mins you will keep an eye on the clock to see what long your spin can last. It has a knurled upper top for better grip and extra torque. Challenge friends, family or coworkers on a glass surface, a mirror or desk top. It is a great gift for men and women alike.

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Tiger Tribe Bath Crayons

Tiger Tribe offers a wide range of award-winning compact and portable art, craft and activity sets for imaginative kids. Kids are bursting with energy and a desire to create, explore and express themselves. When you hand them a bath crayon the light bulbs in their little minds light up with exciting ideas. We love to have our children practice writing their name and other site words on the bath tub while they bathe. This set comes with 8 colors (blue, green, yellow, orange, red, pink, purple and black). Each crayon is in a plastic holder making it easier to hold and less likely to slip out of their hands. The plastic also keeps the crayon more dry and nightingale the life of the crayon. These crayons are best suited for children over the age of 3.

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Chocolate lovers pay attention! ChocZero is going to be your new obsession. They make sugar free, no sugar alcohols, and no artificial sweeteners and chocolate. Sweetened with their own exclusive monk fruit and fiber blend. Being low carb: only 1g net carbs per serving it is perfect for Keto lifestyle and other low carb diets. They use fair-trade cocoa beans and are made in the USA. They offer us chocolate treat bites, sugar free syrups, chocolate almonds, and an amazing Peppermint Bark! These treats are so tasty and affordable they will be an easy add to any stocking.

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Welch’s Christmas Fruit Snacks

I love the nostalgic feeling from Welch’s Fruit Snacks. I remember eating them with my mother when I was a child. Welch’s released a line of Christmas Fruit Snacks just in time for the holiday’s. They come in 2 convenient sizes: 5-count pack and a 28-count box. Whether you want to toss a few in your kids stockings or hand them out at your Christmas gathering, all the kids will be joyful with this fun and reliable treat. Being fat-free and with no preservatives even the choosy moms can be sure with Welch’s Snacks. MamatheFox loves that the first ingredient is fruit! With fun shapes like Santa, a tree, an ornament, a snowman and a snowflake they will be entertaining as eat as well.

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My Audio Pet Bluetooth Speakers

MamatheFox’s kids are totally into music. They love to jam out to their favorite tunes while doing their homework after school. Now they can jam out with style with the new version of My Audio Pets. These Bluetooth speakers are not your average speaker. My Audio Pets Splash were created and manufactured with kids in mind – cause these new speakers are totally waterproof ! (*Original line of My Audio Pets is not waterproof) With 5 watts of power they are able to truly give you a real speaker quality in a fun and unique way. Each speaker is able to run for up to 6 hours, and with the auto shut off feature you don’t have to worry about your kids draining the power as quick as other devices. Each device charges with a standard USB cable (included). You can connect your My Audio Pet with phones, tables and other Bluetooth enabled devices. My Audio Pet comes in 4 styles, Narmony (the narwhal), Auroara Bearealis (the polar bear), Rocktopod (the octopus) and MegaloSONG (the shark). Your kids are going to flip when they see a colorful and fun speaker in their stocking this year.

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vitafusion Organic Gummy

We all need those practical items in our stockings. The old faithfuls like toothbrushes, socks and maybe a scratch off ticket. This year add in a new faithful – the gummys from vitafusion. They are America’s #1 gummy vitamin brand for a reason. They are organic and packed with the nutrients you truly need. Certified Non-GMO, no high fructose syrups, no artificial flavors or sweeteners, no synthetic (FD&C) dyes, and its gluten, gelatin, dairy, nut and soy free! They are the only vitamin gummy with Clinically Proven Absorption, which means you get what you need out of these gummies. Some of the varieties include: women’s multi, men’s multi, vitamin B-12, vitamin D3, and Lil’Critters for kids. Using fruits they are going the extra mile to give back and they are on track to plant up to 200,000 trees by 2020! They have partnered with the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation to make a positive impact on the environment we all share now, and for generations to come, and to spread the seeds for growth in communities.

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Zeus the Mighty: The Quest for The Golden Fleas

National Geographic is known for having the best books. They just released their new series – Zeus the Mighty. This book is the first in a new series. Here the reader is introduced to the Mount Olympus Pet Center in Athens … (Georgia!), where Zeus the Mighty rules over a crew of cute critters, all named after (and believing themselves to be) Greek gods and goddesses. By day, Zeus – a tiny, overconfident hamster with a mighty appetite for power – and his gaggle of gods run on their exercise wheels and take catnaps. But at night these fearless furry friends bravely take on legendary mythological quests! In the series’ first thrilling adventure, Zeus the Mighty has one giant task in front of him: to find the “golden fleas” so he can solidify his position as “king of the gods.” This book is great for kids ages 8 to 12.

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Luster 2 Minute White Dental Whitening Kit

Have you been drinking extra coffee or red wine this holiday season? Feeling like your teeth are loosing their bright white shine? Luster Premium White had a new wasy way to fast-track a whiter smile at home. No messy trays or dental office visits. This affordable two-step at-home system is clinically proven to safely whiten teeth up to 6 shards bights in only 3 days. This kit includes a rinse for a pre-treatment. Then you use the Stain Lifting Serum which contains active dental peroxide to whiten teeth above and below the surface. You are going to love how easy and effective this treatment is. You can find it at Walgreens, ShopRite and other retail locations.

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Green Grove CBD

Green Grove is dedicated to taking wellness to the next lever. They’re creating the highest quality CBD to enhance the lives of the people and communities they serve. They provide us with pharmaceutical grade products that are grown in the USA. CBD oil is being talked about very frequently now-a-days and for good reason. CBD has huge variety of benefits. Some of those benefits are: pain relief, stress relief reduced inflammation improved memory and mood and better sleep. Green Grove features a large variety of products like candles, bath bombs, oils, salve and even products for your dog too! What makes Green Grove so special is that their hemp oil droplets are 4-200 times smaller than the industry standard so that they can be easily absorbed into the body. Being highly-bioavailable they and deliver the same results with a smaller amount making them more effective, and less expensive.

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Hue Pets

Do you have a hard time getting your kids to try new foods? Healthy foods? Or a achieve a balanced diet in general? Hue Pets was created for you. Hue Pets is an interact app that makes it fun for kids to eat healthy and try new foods. Its easy as scanning real-life meals to feed your HuePet™. By using the app you can scan a food your child is eating or going to try. By doing this you can unlock prizes and help in raising your pet from a little egg to a HueMaster! Get your HuePets bundle, which includes a coloring book, Huey Plushie, and travel bag for you to bring fun eating wherever you go. Hue Pets is a free program and is just one part of HueTrition’s larger mission to help families more easily integrate fruits and vegetables into daily meals. HueTrition™ is a nationally-recognized family wellness program that promotes a minimalist diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as an active lifestyle. They provide online consults and cooking classes, plant-based recipes, nutritional guides for kids, and fun web apps to promote balanced living. Check out their website for more information.

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All Of Us: Bible Songs For Everyone – CD

Being in the car so often can get your kids antsy. Increase your joy and your hope in Jesus Christ with the fun new album by Parker & Alexander. This family friendly disk is a take on some beloved Bible stories. With upbeat, electric music it have a lifting spirit to it. The rhythm and pulse are great for kids up to age 10. This is an album the whole family and enjoy together. Songs include Noah, Good Samaritan, Humble Beginnings and The Lord’s Prayer. By taking the stories and Truth we want to instilled in our children we can listen to this CD to help them absorb all the facts while dancing and signing along. With a run time of 29 minutes it is great for the drive to your holiday celebration this Christmas season.

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Waiting for the Elevator – CD

For a fun and upbeat CD to jam out to with your kids the new album by Laurie Berkner is going to be your new go-to. Laurie wanted to create a CD filled with songs that really touch on the aspect of life that our children are experiencing and learning about. Topics like feelings, movement, letters, numbers, colors, months and relationships. Los Angels Times commented by saying, “Laurie Berkner does what Fred Rogers did: respect, validate and reassure young children.” As a child myself I relied on Mr Roger’s Neighborhood to lead and guide me. Now we can give this amazing CD to our kids as a way to help them learn these values we too cherish. Songs include: Big Blue Box, I Missed You, Did You Go To Ohio?, A Hug From My Mama and I Love You Daddy. Laurie has been working in the children’s entertainment world for years and is a reliable source for family friendly music that you can trust.

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Do you want to have an AWESOME day? We sure do! Being a Clevelander, I love to support local businesses, and that includes Jesse Jukebox, the artist who just released his album AMESOME! This CD holds a special meaning to Jeese Jukebox, as a person who has ADHD. ADHD is a common enough diagnoses that I’m sure you know someone in your family or friend base who has been effected by it. Jesse felt like he was misunderstood as a child. That he didn’t quite fit in. Thankfully his parents never gave up on Jesse as he struggled in his youth. Jesse Jukebox wants to help kids with ADHD to feel accepted and to better understand themselves. The album AWESOME! includes songs like: Complicated Kid, Listen to Your Gut and I Wanna Learn! Jesse’s passion for kids led him into a Masters Degree in early childhood education. His experience, personally and professionally, allows him to be a trusted artist your family can lean on. This CD makes a great stocking stuffer and a gift for children you know with ADHD.

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Diamond Art Club

These fun diy art kits are perfect for anyone who loves to craft. A combination of cross-stitch and paint-by-number, this way of crafting is new to many people. Simply apply colorful rhinestones to pigmented canvas paintings, and the result is absolutely astonishing. The artwork dazzles, sparkles, shimmers, and shines. Place the rhinestones on the canvas one by one and quickly unwind, relax, and enjoy some quiet. Hundreds of kits are available to choose from and there will for sure be one that someone on your list will like.

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Cracker Barrel

Are you looking for fun toys or nostalgic candy for your child’s stocking this year? Head over to your local Cracker Barrel to see what they have in stock. The fun part about Cracker Barrel is that they always have new and different items. We love the exclusive World’s Smallest Mystery Toy Barrel. They are blind bag toys that have tiny versions of classic toys like Lincoln Log, Rubik’s Cubes and Crocodile Dentist. They also have a huge variety of candy and toys to browse through. MamatheFox loved looking at the glass bottles of soda and juice each time we visit our local Cracker Barrel. The kids section is always filled with the products your child is currently asking for. Pop in soon to see what is in stock.

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Buddha Board

Give the gift of relaxation with Buddha Boards. These reusable boards allow people to paint mess free. Seriously! Touch your wet brush to the board and watch as the waters dries and disappears. The Buddha Board has a clean, sleek design and can be easily set up and cleaned up. Allow people to release stress and tap into their creative side with this fun painting tool. There are many different sizes that Buddha Board offers; it really is usable for all ages. Perfect for anyone on your list!

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MamatheFox has been gifted the items above. For more information, on the FTC Endorsement Guides, go to