Author: MamatheFox

Taking Care of Your Family In The Outdoors

There’s much to love about taking a trip into the outdoors as a family. Indeed, it’s something that perhaps more families should do. It gets everyone healthy, it’s exciting, and there’s a lot of scope when it comes to creating memories. However, while they can be a lot of fun, there are also some risks — things can go wrong whether you’re just in your local state park, or you’re exploring somewhere a little bigger in scale. Below, we’ll take a look at some useful tips that’ll help ensure the whole family is kept safe.

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Know Where You’re Going


You’ll be excited to get out and begin exploring, but it’s important that you’re conducting a little bit of research beforehand, just to check that there are no warnings in place. For example, sometimes there can be risks of flooding in some areas, especially during the transition from winter to spring. Even if there are warnings in place, it’s not as if there’ll be a high risk of anything bad happening: it’s just best to know these things before you set off. A little bit of knowledge can go a long way! If you’re planning on traveling with a firearm to protect your family from the unexpected, whether it be someone who would do you harm or a dangerous animal, you may want to first check out the concealed carry (ccw) laws and the reciprocity details of wherever you’re going. This way, you’re being both responsible and law-abiding as you don’t want to find out you’re not following the law after the fact. Protecting the family and benefiting from the second amendment all comes down to respecting the law, the civil rights afforded to you, and the safety precautions you should make when handling a firearm.


Be Wary of Animals


When you’re in the city, you have to be on the lookout for other people. When you’re in the outdoors, you have to be on the lookout for animals; this is their home too! If you’re going into a wild area, then read up on what wild animals may live there, and what you should do if you encounter one. It’s also important to teach your children how to act around dogs, who will typically be off their leash in the outdoors; if something does happen, then you can always use the services of a dog bite attorney to get the financial compensation that you deserve. Most animals won’t try to harm you or your family, but accidents do happen, so take steps to protect yourself.


Unrestricted Play


Your children will love all the adventure that comes with spending some time in the outdoors! However, you’ll want to keep a close eye on them. Natural areas are not like playgrounds, which have been designed with safety in mind. In natural areas, you’ll have to accept that not every inch will be as safe as you’d like. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t explore, but just that you should keep an eye on what your kids are doing.


Check the Forecast


No-one wants to get caught out in a heavy rainstorm when they’re far from the comfort of their home. It’s not just that this will ruin your day out, but it’ll also increase the chances of things going wrong — it’s much more difficult to stay safe when the ground is wet, or when you’re driving in rural areas in difficult conditions.


Tiredness and Mistakes


Finally, be sure to call it a day at a reasonable hour. The longer you’re there, the more tired everyone will be, which increases the chances of someone slipping or making another mistake that causes an injury.


It’s Time to Give Your Home a Little TLC

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We should all take pride in our homes. Whether you’re buying your home or you’re renting, you’re inevitably spending a large proportion of your income on it. You’re also inevitably going to spend a fair amount of time in it. So, you’re obviously going to want to make sure that you keep it in tip top condition at all times. This will help to keep everything functional, convenient and comfortable for you and everyone else who lives under the same roof as you. To achieve this, you’re going to have to give your home a little TLC. Here are a few simple steps you can take to make sure that your property is kept in the best condition possible at all times, creating the perfect haven for you to kick back and relax in every time you walk through the door.

Repair Any Issues

Most of us turn a blind eye to minor issues that arise in our homes. We think we can get by without repairing them and just put up with the inconvenience out of sheer laziness or a reluctance to pay to fix the problem properly. But really, you’re just making life difficult for yourself, degrading the quality of your home and, eventually, you’ll find you have to fork out a lot more to fix problems that have been left to worsen over time. So, whatever the issue – whether you need to fix a leaky tap, need a garage door repair, have to replace a tile on a roof, or anything else – get in touch with the relevant professionals and have the problem fixed as soon as possible.

Clean the Carpets

Our flooring tends to get relatively neglected when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. Sure, we might run the vacuum regularly. But this just picks up surface dirt and debris. More ground in dirt is much more difficult to get out and can darken and dirty your carpets. Every once in a while, it’s important that you clean your carpets properly. You can bring in professionals to do this or you can hire a carpet cleaning machine yourself. Either way, set an afternoon aside and dedicate it to cleaning the carpets properly!

Sort the Garden Out

If you have a garden, it’s important that you keep on top of it. The sooner you get started on your gardening, the easier it will be for you. If things are already really overgrown, call in a professional gardener who will have the tools, equipment and know-how to get on top of things. If not, you can get on a pair of gardening gloves and run the lawn mower around the garden, pull up some weeds, dig up some flower beds and get things under control. If you have never done lawn work before, it’s not too late to learn. Just a few basic techniques to use the mower should be enough to get you started; you may wish to use Zero turn mowers for easier mowing and efficient cutting.

These are just a few different steps you can take to really spruce up your home and make it a more appealing and functional space to spend your time. Try them out and enjoy the benefits that they bring!

Prepping Your Family for Summer

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We’ve experienced one of the warmest and sunniest Springs that many of us can remember. This is pretty typical seeing as the majority of us are in lockdown to slow the spread of coronavirus and can’t get out and about to take our little ones to parks, visit families and friends for BBQs, or do much else outside of the confines of our homes. But it is giving us hope that if we’re eventually free from social distancing measures by the time the summer months come around, we could be in for a real treat. Even if we are still in lockdown by then, it’s still a good idea to prep your family for the summer months. You could perhaps start off by getting your air conditioning or coolers fixed and repaired, and then follow up with a regular doctor checkup for your kids. You would definitely want the best time possible, regardless of circumstances. Here are a few steps you can take to make sure you all have the best time possible!

Make Sure Your Little Ones Have Summer Clothes

Maybe your kids don’t need a full blown summer wardrobe for your little ones yet, but now’s a good time to start ordering your kids’ clothes for the summer. This will allow you to build up wardrobes that are suitable for the weather rather than having to do a huge, rushed haul all at once. Spread the cost and pick up a piece at a time in the lead up to summer!

Stock Up On Sunscreen

We all need sunscreen to protect our skin from UVA and UVB rays. But our little ones can’t apply it properly themselves and really do need us to make sure they’re topped up whenever they’re outside. So, make sure you have plenty of factor 50 ready and waiting. Waterproof options often prove great for little ones too, as they tend to want to jump in and out of paddling pools and spray each other with water guns or sprinklers.

Come Up With Some Plans

There are so many different plans that you and your family could arrange for the summer months. Sure, you might not necessarily be able to do all of them if lockdown restrictions stay in place throughout the summer. But there are some things you can plan to carry out in your own home. Thinking them up can be a great distraction for you and your kids, giving you something to occupy your minds and take up your time. It can also give your family a sense of hope that will ensure everyone has something to look forward to! Here are some you might want to have a little think about.

A Garden Picnic

If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, make the most of it. Pack up some food in a little hamper, roll out a blanket for everyone to sit out on and have a garden picnic. This can be so much fun! Little plastic cups and paper plates add a sense of doing something different rather than just having lunch in the garden.


With the days getting longer and hotter, it is time to make some beach plans. Although, instead of simply making sandcastles and splashing in the ocean, you can provide your kids with a learning experience like fishing. Charter Fishing in Milwaukee, for example, can be a really satisfying fishing experience, especially for newbies, if you are willing to splurge a little. Charter fishing is an excursion planned by professional fishers and boat owners, in which they take guests out in the sea in order to catch fish. This way you kids are not only having fun this summer but they get to learn a new skill too.


In a similar vein, you could have a summer BBQ in the garden. There are plenty of disposable BBQs out there, but you might want to consider investing in a proper one, potentially like these, or you may find suitable ones from a local retailer if you did decide on one that is non-disposable. You’ll get plenty of use out of it and it will cook your food more evenly and to a better quality.

Paddling Pools

Kids love to splash about in the heat – and you needn’t go out of your way to a local pool to give them this joy. Instead, you could order a home pool or even a simple paddling pool to provide them with somewhere to splash about in your garden as the summer months progress.

Out of Lockdown Plans

Hopefully, lockdown restrictions may have loosened by the summer. If this is the case, you could bring some out of lockdown plans into play. Even if not, then you can be prepared to have some family fun at home. Summer’s likely going to be very warm this year, so the first thing you want to do to prep your home for it. Get in touch with an AC repair Mississauga professional (or one where you are located) and get the air conditioner serviced and working. You don’t want to be stuck inside the home in the heat with a non-functional AC! But it’s very likely that you will be able to get out of the house, so plan mini-vacations in advance.

Perhaps going on a holiday. Heading on a camping trip. Visiting a local beauty spot. Seeing long distance family members and family friends. The possibilities are endless!

These are just a few suggestions. You’ll know what’s best for your family and how to keep your little ones as best entertained, as well as healthy and happy, during the summer months. Sure, it can feel a little difficult to plan when we’re living through such odd times. But it’s always good to stay positive and keep spirits up. Hopefully, the above guidelines could help you to organise some really enjoyable plans for you and your family in the upcoming months – whether we’re still in lockdown or not!

Locked Down Doesn’t Have To Mean Locked In! Things To Do Outdoors

A new survey found that the amount of time that children time outside today is just half of what their parents used to do. The previous generation, today’s young parents, played a lot outdoors, as did the generation before them. Yet kids are still stuck indoors, playing with electronics or watching television.

Of course, at the moment, we are going through an entirely unprecedented situation: the coronavirus pandemic. To protect ourselves, our loved ones and the rest of our community, we are being asked to stay indoors unless we need to gout for work, supplies or a small amount of exercise.

While we all understand the importance of doing this, it has many adverse effects. It is much harder for young children to get exercise indoors, and without fresh air and space to be free, it can stifle creativity. It also can mean that children have lots of pent up energy, and with no outlet to expend this, it can lead to irritability and poor behaviour.

However, being in lockdown does not mean that you can’t go outside. It means that you have to be a little bit more creative and a whole lot more careful, but you and your children can still get out and get some much needed fresh air and exercise.

Remember to follow the rules of your country or state and to maintain social distancing and good hygiene at all times.

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Go on a bug hunt

If you are going on a walk around your local neighborhood or park, give your children a container and get them to collect as many types of bugs that they can, if it is safe to do so. Look at them carefully when you get home with a microscope or a magnifying glass before letting them go somewhere appropriately. You could even make a bar graph of all of the bugs that you find.

Go on a treasure hunt

Everyone loves a treasure hunt, so why not try metal detecting with your kids? If you live near a beach, it is a great activity to do on an evening or in the early morning when the beach is likely to be quiet. If not, you can do it in your own back or front yard. Who knows what treasures will be thrown up?

Go on an actual hunt

This is only applicable to you if you live in a large estate with hunting grounds within your boundaries or somewhere close by. You could take your kids out for a hunting trip and teach them the basics of how to shoot an animal. You may have seen how various hunters find a hunting trip through various sites such as America’s Hunting Network which tends to provide interested parties with a range of amenities such as a large
Network of hunting leases, hunting maps and even guided hunts for first-timers! You might want to find similar websites and get in touch with them to arrange trips for your hunting expedition. Although this may not be feasible during the pandemic, it would be a nice opportunity to meet fellow hunters after the pandemic is over (hopefully).

Play with water

If in doubt, add water! Kids will rarely pass up the opportunity to play in the water. Whether it is the pure pleasure of jumping in a muddy puddle after a rainfall, washing the car, running through a sprinkler on the lawn, watering the garden, playing in an inflatable pool or having fun on a slip-n-slide, a bit of water makes outdoor play fun!

Create some sidewalk art

Give passer-bys something to enjoy on their daily walk by creating some fun artwork on the sidewalk A big tub of chunky outdoor chalk from the dollar store can give your kids hours of fun. Encourage hopscotch and movement trails for people to have a go, or write positive and happy messages. They will quickly wash away with a bit of rain or a bucket of water.

Outdoor art

Collect lots of natural materials from your outdoor environment – pine cones, flowers, leaves, sticks, shells – whatever you can find – and create something beautiful with them. You could also try making natural paints or make perfume using petals from flowers.

Develop new skills

If you have the luxury of a yard or garden, give them the freedom to explore it and play in it as they see fit. They will no doubt invent games and learn new skills without any intervention from adults, and it can be fascinating to see what they can come up with when left to their own devices.

Create an assault course

If you have enough space, this can be an enjoyable way for kids to burn off some energy, and you can get them involved in creating it. Old tyres, branches and logs, pallets and scraps of wood, as well as a few bits of play equipment such as skipping ropes or cones, can create a really fun assault course for both children and adults. See who can complete it in the shortest time!

Take photos

Give your child your phone or camera, or if you don’t entirely trust them not to drop it, get them their own child-friendly camera and take it with you on a walk. Ask them to take photos of things that interest them. Encourage them to look from new perspectives and angles. You could create a superb photo book or slideshow movie to send to family.

5 Simple Ways To Declutter Your Home

Clutter isn’t only annoying – it’s been proven to have a negative effect on mental health and can also add to additional stress. Clutter is a bit like a magnet, drawing more and more mess to it, until one day your home looks as though it’s been adopted by a hoarder. As a parent with kids running around (both teenagers and small) you quickly realise that if you don’t have a plan to nip clutter in the bud, you are going to end up drowning in mess.

Here are five simple tips to help get you started and on your way to a calm and clutter-free home.

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Treat your items as if you were a stranger to them


While it sounds like a simple concept, it’s actually pretty challenging, even for most adults. Studies have shown that we have emotional attachments to many of the objects that we have in our homes, particularly those that are in some way related to our self worth or are related to unique and meaningful memories. 

If you are serious about decluttering your home, then it’s best to approach the items in your house as if you were a stranger, preceding any emotional attachments that you might have. If you find that you are struggling with this, invite a friend over and ask them to help you with their emotionally unattached eyes!


Sort out what you want vs what you actually need 


Our current culture is so focused on material items and constantly having more and more that it takes some work to shift this mindset and come to terms with the fact that we probably don’t even need half of the things that we have in our homes. They are nice to have, sure, but do we really need them? 

Try to look to minimalism to help you through the process, which is more about being mindful of our shopping habits and leaving us only with the things that bring us joy.

When going through the different rooms in your house, you need to decide if an item is really needed and is it actually loved or enjoyed, or if it’s just there for the sake of it. Depending on what it is, maybe it could be donated where it can find a new home and bring a need and joy to someone else.


Include the things outside your home 


A cluttered house first starts outside of the home. A cluttered garden, shed or garage is often the gateway to a messy interior further down the line, so try and nip it in the bud as soon as possible to save you a headache later on. Ask yourself questions such as, how often will I use this? And, will I have enough space to store it? If you find yourself with bigger outdoor items that you do not have the storage for and need, such as lawnmowers, paddling pools, specific garden equipment etc. it might be worth looking into extra storage solutions. This will make your life easier and outdoor space neater!


Everything needs a home 

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Leaving items out makes the home look very cluttered – even if it’s just visually. Every single thing that is in your house should ideally have a home and somewhere to live. If this isn’t a cupboard or a drawer and you are sure you want to keep this item, then think about investing in some new containers. Use clear, white or wicker containers to make your space look crisp and clean, while also brightening it. Organise these by size and also make sure to have containers which are larger and visually heavier, closer to the ground, while placing smaller ones higher up. This results in a more unified and visually gratifying look and feel to your rooms. Remember to be cutthroat – if you find that you are struggling to make a home for something, then it has to go. 

Remember to make sure that your storage is organising the things that you love and need, rather than being a quick fix for items that don’t really belong in your home anymore.


When it comes to shopping 


Before you even go to the shops, really think about what you need and make a shopping list before going out. Make sure to stick to it when shopping, and only purchase the items on your list as these are the ones that are needed.

Remember that just because something is on sale or on offer that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to buy it, especially if you have absolutely no need for the item. Lastly, be smart and avoid your trigger shops where you know that you will be tempted to make impulse purchases that you might later regret.


How Busy Mothers Can Go Back to School

If you’re a busy mother, the last thing on your mind might be to go back to school. Unfortunately, a lot of parents simply give up on their dreams in order to focus on raising a family. While raising your children is one of the most important jobs that you’ll ever have, you also need to work on securing your financial future. This can only be done if you have a solid education behind you. By going back to college and earning a degree, you’ll open up an array of possibilities in terms of both income and career opportunities.

Look for Night Classes

If you are in charge of caring for your young children during the day, you won’t necessarily have time to attend a local college class. Sure, you can put them into a daycare system, but this is sometimes more expensive than it’s worth. There are plenty of nighttime classes specific for busy working people. You can sign up on the college’s website itself or by contacting their main office. These courses are sometimes cheaper and more affordable as well, And before you know it, you’ll have secured a bachelor degree singapore.

Take a Course Online

There is nothing more convenient than doing your schooling on the internet. You don’t always have to attend a local university just to be able to reach your career goals. Online college courses and certification courses are readily available for a number of different fields and industries. It’s up to you whether you want to continue where you left off or learn something new that could help you follow your passions and earn money while doing it. For example, if you are an artist or would like to branch out into blogging, take courses that teach you how to monetize it and how to market to a broader audience by collaborating with an SEO Service provider or other experts. What’s more, you can study while staying at home with the kids, so it won’t be a burden to your schedule. Put what you’ve learned into practice and who knows, someday you might just become a mom who is also an entrepreneur!

Consider Student Loans

One of the main reasons so many mothers give up on going back to school is because of the costs involved. College is expensive and the tuition and textbook fees can be a real issue if you’re already living on a budget. Thankfully, student loans can help to pay for just about every aspect involved with going to college. You can apply for the loan and be approved in a short period of time. You can apply for the loan without the need of a cosigner and be approved in a short period of time. You typically won’t need to pay the loan back until you actually graduate.

Apply for Grants

Grants essentially provide money to students who need financial assistance when paying university fees. For a busy, active mom looking to get her degree, you are eligible for a range of different grants. In order to be approved for these funds, you’ll need to start writing to different organizations and institutions. Grant writing is a skill in and of itself, but if you’re approved, you won’t need to worry about finding a way to pay for your classes on your own.

Take Your Time

There is absolutely no rush when it comes to getting a degree and beginning the journey to higher education. Sure, college kids who just graduated from high school can devote their whole lives on their schooling, but as a busy mom, it might take you a bit longer to earn your degree. Don’t put pressure on yourself to finish classes within months just so that you can be done with them. If it takes a few years to get to where you want to be, you’re still moving in the right direction.

Mother’s Day & Self-Isolation

If you’re counting the days until Mother’s Day, you’ve probably started to realize that self-isolation can affect your plans. Indeed, it’s become evident that things are not going back to normal any time soon. For families, this means having to celebrate Mother’s Day separately. However, if you can’t get to your mom for the day, you can still find ways of reaching out to her. Now’s the best time to get creative. Here are some ideas to get you started and spread some joy on Mother’s Day 2020. It’s certainly going to be a memorable experience for everyone, so let’s make the most of it while we can.

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A unique gift that says I love you

Unfortunately, you can’t invite everyone at home and plan a BBQ party in the garden for your mom and the family. But don’t let it stop you from finding exquisite Mother Day’s presents. If you are a talented crafter, seize the opportunity to create a piece with your children. A family painting of a rainbow, along with a few thoughtful words is easy to send via the post. If you are not confident in your skills, why not look for presents that can be customized with her name, such as these personalized Mother’s Day shirts? Simple things, such as a handwritten letter, can also say a lot. Did you know that stationery sales have exploded during the lockdown? When was the last time you sent your mom a letter of appreciation?


Have a zoom meeting

Just because you can’t be together in the same room doesn’t mean you can’t share a meal. You can invite your mom to a Zoom meal with the family, provided you both have the required tools like a center screen webcam and headphones with a mic to be able to see and hear each other clearly. Zoom, a smart video conferencing solution, allows several participants to join the same meeting so that you can still have a family reunion. A few tips to make it work, though: You can decorate your background wall with colorful artworks and fresh flowers. It will make the video meeting more appealing. Besides, it’s the occasion to create a lovely display that everyone can enjoy just as if they were in the room with you.

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Every mom deserves a cake

You can’t cook your mom’s favorite meal for the day. But you can still surprise her with a sweet delivery. A lot of independent bakery businesses remain open to take orders. Having a delicious cake delivered to your mother is a lovely gesture that is guaranteed to make her smile. You can also have a look for chocolate artisans, as many are offering a small menu of their bestselling items. On the one hand, you’re helping businesses to survive the lockdown. On the other, you’re celebrating Mother Day’s with a delicious treat!


Plan for after

According to the latest news, we can expect a coronavirus vaccine to be ready within a year. However, scientists worldwide are working together to design antibody tests that can help speed up the end of self-isolation. As such, it’s not too early to start planning your first family reunion post quarantine. You could discuss with your mom what she would like to do with you when everything is over.


The bottom line is that we need to be creative to stay together despite geographical differences. While being in quarantine makes it hard to meet face-to-face, it doesn’t have to stop you from planning a wonderful Mother’s Day for your family. Be creative, be inspired, and, above all, bring joy to those you love!

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Keeping yourself safe on the road – 5 ways you can keep safe when behind the wheel

Do you ever worry about being caught up in a car accident? It’s a perfectly rational fear to have, even for those who drive diligently and with their eyes on the road at all times. However, while you can control your own actions on the road, the same can’t be said for those who choose to drive recklessly, under the influence, or distracted behind the wheel.

Thousands of people fall victim to car accidents each year and when those accidents aren’t their fault, it can turn their lives upside down in an instant. Click the link for views of a Dallas accident lawyer.

In terms of the vehicle itself, some come out of an accident better than others and if you do end up in an accident then it is worth using things like Crash repair services to try and reduce the cost or difficulties that come with switching over vehicles. However, of course, this depends on the severity of the crash.

So, is there anything you can do to try and minimize the probability of you being involved in a crash? Here we’ll look at some simple driving tips that will hopefully keep you safe on the road.

Don’t drink and drive

“Been out and had a drink after work? Or enjoyed a nice meal with your loved one? If you’ve enjoyed a drink that’s fine, but don’t get behind the wheel,” says an experienced boise car accident lawyer. Not only are you putting your life in danger, but you’re endangering the lives of other motorists and pedestrians. If you’ve had a drink, don’t drive.

You should also know that if you are drunk and yet you choose to drive, and you get caught, then you are likely to be charged with a regular DUI, extreme DUI or super extreme DUI depending on your blood alcohol concentration. This would be a serious charge and you would then need an experienced DUI attorney (like those at Salwin Law Group) to represent your best interest in court.

Don’t allow yourself to become distracted

The kids arguing in the back seat, an engrossing podcast or loud music, and what about that new notification you’ve just received on your phone. All of these things sound perfectly normal but combined with driving and they’re a recipe for disaster. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted or take your eyes off the road for a moment, all it takes is a second for things to change on the road.

Stick to the speed limit

Always be aware of the speed limit in the area you’re driving in. Especially if you’re heading into a built-up area. And even if you’re running late, you should always stick with the speed limit. Speeding and rash driving can be extremely dangerous; you could miss a vehicle coming your way and end up in a major car accident. In the worst-case scenario, someone could end up dying. Now, can you go to jail for accidentally killing someone, I am not sure; but either way, no one would want to be in such a situation, especially since it could have been avoided so easily.

Keep your cool

Just because there’s an impatient driver behind you or someone who is trying to engage you in aggressive driving behaviours, it doesn’t mean you should risk your life. Keep your cool and don’t let any aggressive behaviour get to you. If you need to call the police, pull over to do so. In case of an accident with another driver, contact an injury lawyer (to know know more, you could check firms like Grillo Law) for guidance on what to do next.

Never assume

Just because someone has their indicator on, you shouldn’t assume that they’re going to turn, wait until you’re sure before you move on. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

CoVid-19 A Journal – April 14, 2020

And its another day in the house. It’s the same every day. Sigh.


Dorothy had a break down yesterday and it broke my heart. I was downstairs and she was upstairs with her dad in the office. I heard her shout, “I just want to be at school. I don’t want to be around you all the time!” Then she burst into tears. I ran upstairs to hold her. I couldn’t agree more with her. We are so tired of this. All of us. We are surviving but we miss the freedom of being out of the house. Being with friends. Doing anything not together. We all love each other and are really getting along so well, but we are needing a break from each other too.


I keep wondering when things will “open” back up again. When we can go to a store for fun. When we can go to a public park. When we can go to the library again. When we can get a hair cut (James and Max’s hair is getting pretty wild). Trump claims he wants us to open up soon and fast but that seems foolish and unsafe to me (and to the medical community). So to make our spirits go up we talk every day as a family about all the places we want to go to and things we want to do when this all passes. We chat about LEGOland, Great Wolf Lodge, Cedar Point, visiting my family in Illinois. Things that put us in close proximity to other people… I am hoping we get to be in social settings this summer. I really hope so.


Will life ever be the same again? Probably not. I will most likely always worry about not having enough toilet paper. I will probably always have frozen loafs of bread, extra canned and boxed goods. I will have extra hand soaps. Will I always have the threat of a global pandemic in the background of my daily thoughts?


James and I are still doing puzzles. Kids are still Zoom (video app) with their teachers. I cook some days, but we prefer to order out. I think it also has to do with the chance to be out of the house and drive something that is really appealing.

I now school the kids everyday. We are getting into a groove now so that is making them fight it less. I try to get organized on Sundays and set up my plan for the week. Dorothy’s getting far less difficult work than Max. This has to be the public vs private standards. Max has a research project to do and to make a Google PowerPoint presentation on Jackson Pollack the artist. In kindergarten…..kindergarten. I started to have a panic attack while watching the 20 min video from his teacher. I then told James this is something I am punting to him. I cannot manage this project, not mentally at least. He agreed, of course.


The internet connection keeps dropping. It is not a connectivity issue, its a DNS issue. James talked to our provider on the phone today. Obviously we know more than the guy on the phone.  I hope this resolves fast because when the internet drops we cannot get the school work done and that is super annoying. I aim to get all the schoolwork done before lunch. It happens some days and other it does not.


My weekly and monthly bible studies are now via conference call. It was interesting to be on the phone at my own home instead of at someones home. I miss my friends. I miss seeing them face to face. I am very grateful we have the technology to stay in touch. Facetime, Zoom, Google chats, Marco Polo and other apps help keep us all connected and able to “see” each other.



This past Sunday was Easter. We stayed inside all day. I did eggs and baskets and the kids were very happy and appreciative of their new soils. We dyed 2 dozen eggs and played with their new toys. It was a very nice slow paced Easter. While I missed seeing my family and doing the traditions which we always do on Easter Sunday, I was happy to relax and not worry about driving all over the place trying to see different families. I ended up ordering from Boston Market. It was actually really good and using paper plates made it the best to clean up afterword.

Our babysitters live in our neighborhood and are the sweetest girls ever. They hid Easter eggs in their yard and baskets for my kids! We tried to social distance but ended up standing closer than 6 feet at times. We never touched and were outside… This was the first interaction my kids had with someone outside of our home in over a month. My kids have not left our home/neighborhood in a month. Over a month. This special outing and out pouring of love was beyond amazing. We are so blessed to have such a great family in our lives.

Going to stores and public places is very different. Very different. Giant Eagle now has one way exits and entry doors. You have to go in one place and go out the other side. There are signs and tape on the floor showing where the 6 foot distances are. The deli counter now has a small table next to it. You no longer can reach over the counter and grab your bag of sliced turkey breast. You have to allow them to place the bag on the table and then you can walk up to the table and get your items. There are arrows showing which was is the “in” way to and aisle and which is the “wrong way”. No one was paying attention to those signs and that flustered me. I am trying to practice the correct social distancing which was put in place and others seem to not care. Some people are now wearing homemade masks. I made myself a mask from a pair of old Lularoe leggings. It works well for me for the time being.








Some people, like my brother and sister-in-law, are cleaning their groceries that get delivered. They just had a new baby (CJ) and are doing all the extra measures to keep safe from the virus. They put the bags on large towels. They wipe every items down and take anything out of the box or container that they can. Literally washing their cans and  boxes. This is the world we are living in.

Most days we all are on your cell phones and iPads. Clicking around on apps and websites. People are making Meme’s (images with words) and sharing them. I will post a few of my favorites here.