Not everyone has the luxury of a big home but even some of the biggest homes can feel cluttered and crowded. The way a home is decorated and laid out influences the feel and look of the space.


For anyone who might be looking at ways to make their home feel bigger this year, this article will help provide some of the best tips to transform the space.

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  1. Declutter the space.

First and foremost, in order to make the space feel bigger, the best approach comes with decluttering. Decluttering is a great activity to do periodically because it’s surprising just how much we bring into our homes on a weekly to monthly basis. In the space of a year, the cupboards and closets are filled with clutter that isn’t needed.


With that being said, take it room by room and clear through all of the necessary rubbish to get rid of everything that’s not required. Either bag it up for the trash, sell it online or take it down to your local Goodwill store.


Take the decluttering process one room at a time. It can be quite an overwhelming experience to do it all in one go.

  1. Incorporate more natural light through windows and doors.

Natural lighting is a really beneficial way of making the space feel bigger. Lighting in general is good for this and when it comes to a room, consider the current state of the windows and doors.


Some windows might be looking a little dirty and perhaps there are some doors that have seen better days.


It’s only normal to need to replace windows and doors every so often. Typically windows last twenty-five years and doors tend to last anywhere between twenty years to a lifetime. Using the best french door company, will provide you with 30-50 years of usage.

  1. Remove as much from the floor space as possible.

The floor space is what can make a space feel smaller. If there’s so much on the floor already, then it’s going to reduce the floor space available. Only furniture should be taking up floor space where it’s needed. Anything else should be stored away and in its own place so that there’s more space to walk freely without tripping up.


Think about the layout of the room with the current floor space and remove anything that can be removed to free up some more space. When the household first moved into the property, the current furniture may have worked back then but it may no longer be functional in the space.

  1. Use the right storage.

Storage is a key part of helping to make a space feel bigger. When there’s a lot of belongings lying about, having them out of sight and out of mind is handy. 


There are lots of storage options available, whether that’s wooden shelving on the walls to sliding draws that come out from under the bed. With plenty of creative ideas online for storage, there will certainly be something that will work with the space available.

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Another way of adding storage into the space is through units like the above. These storage spaces don’t take up much room and are multi-functional as a sitting area for those taking off or putting on their shoes.

  1. Be minimalist with any re-designs to rooms.

It’s not the best approach for everyone to re-design a room completely in order to make a space feel bigger. However, it might be that some of the rooms or the home, in general, could do with an update.


When redesigning a space, try to imagine the room completely empty. If it’s possible to empty it out completely, that’s always helpful. Think about what isn’t necessary for the space and consider a minimalist design for the space. By reducing the contents of the room, it helps make the room feel naturally bigger.


Even the smallest of rooms can benefit from having a minimalist approach to the space. A great benefit of a minimalist design is that it doesn’t need to cost the earth either. Just a few simple touches can complete a space, making it wonderfully spacious.


  1. Mirrors are great for providing illusion.

Mirrors are useful in helping to make a space appear bigger than it actually is. This, for small rooms, is a great illusion to create and it can be done by simply placing mirrors across as much of the wall as possible.


Ideally, a floor-to-ceiling mirror is going to be the most effective and it should cover the entire wall if possible. It’s also beneficial if you don’t put anything too close to it so it creates more of the illusion of the space being bigger.


There are plenty of different mirror variations and they also don’t have to be the most expensive either to be effective. Take a look at what’s available online and be sure to size up the mirror in relation to where you want it to go in the space.

  1. Pick the right paint and wallpaper.

The right color combinations can make a big difference in how the space feels. The darker the colors used, the smaller the room feels.


With that in mind, try to pick out lighter colors where possible on the walls and floors in order to make everything feel bigger. For those that would like a darker color scheme, opt for these darker tones within the soft furnishings that are chosen. That way, it’s not compromising on any potential for space.


Wallpaper should be lighter in color too but it’s possible to get away with darker hues in part.

Create a bigger space for even the smallest of rooms

To make the home feel bigger, utilizing these tips in the spaces available, can make a big difference in how it feels. A few small changes that don’t really cost that much to do, can make the space appear bigger and less cramped. It’s a problem that many can have but is possible to resolve easily with these tips mentioned above.