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It’s inevitable that, from time to time, we all find ourselves rushed off our feet with several dozen different chores, responsibilities, and obligations to contend with at once.


When these situations arise, it can be all too easy to end up feeling disheartened, frustrated, and generally demoralised. To – in other words – fall into a mental and emotional state of negativity.


There are, however, all sorts of good reasons to remain generally upbeat and positive, even when you are very busy and have a lot to take care of. In many cases, for example, problems around the home can be quickly resolved by contacting experts such as plumbing contractors.


Here are some suggestions on how to keep yourself from becoming disheartened when you’ve got a lot to take care of.


Keep your everyday routines and structure in place to the best of your ability


One of the most detrimental things that tends to happen very quickly whenever people are distracted and have a lot to deal with, is that their routines, and the structures that exist in their everyday lives, go right out the window.


If you stopped eating meals at your usual times, missed your normal bedtime, and found yourself just chaotically stumbling through the day, however, this would exacerbate a lot of the distress and sense of disorientation that comes with these hectic life periods.


Ultimately, we all depend to a very significant degree on our everyday habits, routines, and rituals, in order to keep us grounded and give us a sense of normalcy.


Strive to proactively keep your everyday routines in place to the best of your ability.


Use positive music, media, art and more to help uplift your mindset


It’s impossible to overstate the power of music, films, stories, and various forms of media, to shape our mindsets and moods for the better or for the worst.


If you’re going through a particularly stressful and busy phase in your life, it is probably a good rule of thumb to take advantage of positive music and media as much as possible, in order to help uplift your general state of being and put you in an empowered mindset.

You can also learn to play an instrument, start sketching or drawing or adopt any one form of activity that you find interesting. Art certainly is a great way of distraction from mundane life, at the same time keeping the person happy. Moreover, with the availability of tutorials and articles available online, be it related to using light box for tracing drawing or about the basics of guitar, learning anything seems to have become easy. All you need to do is pick one form of art that fascinates you and start practicing it.


Distract yourself with regular physical activity


Regular physical activity – as the psychologist Kelly McGonigal notes in her book “The Joy of Movement” – is extremely powerful in influencing our moods and mindsets for the better, in addition to all the well-known physical health benefits associated with being active.


Getting regular physical activity during busy and stressful periods of your life may seem counterintuitive, but as long as you keep your workouts at a fairly moderate intensity, they can really help to distract you and boost your mood and sense of personal agency all at once.


Physical activity can be a stress buster, a confidence builder, and a way of clearing your mind all at once.