Many of us are on a mission to live greener lifestyles and do our bit to protect the environment. If you’re looking for easy ways to make a difference, here are some tips to turn your home into an eco-friendly haven.

Switching to renewable energy

Renewable energy is clean and sustainable. More and more of us are switching to solar and wind power and taking advantage of innovative solutions that enable us to run appliances and heat our homes while also reducing our carbon footprint. If you haven’t already made the leap, you can read more about community solar projects at or investigate installing solar panels at your property by contacting local companies. Changing to renewable sources of energy can save you money, especially in the long-term and it may also make your home more attractive to buyers if you choose to sell. But, therefore you call your local solar company, make sure they have enough experience in what they are dealing. It’s always better to do some research, check their website to ensure you get good service.

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Insulating your home

Many of us experience a significant increase in our expenditure on energy in the winter. If you’re spending too much, this could be a sign that your home is failing to retain heat. Insulation provides an effective solution. With insulation, you can trap warm air and prevent heat loss, creating cozy, comfortable rooms and eliminating the need to run radiators all day long. There are several ways to improve insulation, from investing in double glazing and adding loft and cavity wall insulation to using draught excluders and filling materials from hardware stores to plug gaps in doorways.

Natural materials

If you’re planning to spruce up your home, you’re about to embark upon a renovation project or you have grand plans to extend your kitchen, try to use sustainable, natural materials or opt for recycled building materials. Using natural resources can provide incredible aesthetic benefits, as well as promoting sustainability.

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Adding greenery

Adding plants and flowers to your home is a surefire way to enhance the look of each room, but it can also have a positive impact on air quality and mental health. Studies show that plants can boost productivity and lift our mood.

Recycling and upcycling

Recycling is an effective means of reducing waste and ensuring recyclable materials can be used again. If you get into the habit of recycling, it will soon become part of your daily routine. As well as recycling paper, cardboard, tins, glass and plastic, it’s also a great idea to try and repurpose anything you don’t want or need. If you’re having a clear-out, set out piles of stuff you could donate, sell or upcycle. Upcycling is a brilliant way to breathe new life into old furniture and create pieces that suit the style and aesthetic of your home. From tables and chairs to couches and chests, there’s scope to use your creativity to transform almost any item that has seen better days. If you’re looking for inspiration, there are some great ideas in this article

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Have you started the year with a desire to do your bit to protect the planet? If so, there are some very easy ways to turn your home into an eco-friendly haven.