Month: August 2019

Things To Consider Before Setting Up Your Home Office

Image by hamonazaryan1 from Pixabay

If you’re thinking of setting up a home office and you don’t know where to begin then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. With so many different things to consider before you get started, you need to be sure you’re as prepared as you can be when it comes to the renovation. Whether that means setting yourself a budget or planning out the furniture that you need, the more you plan in advance the better. With that in mind, here are 5 things to consider before setting up your home office:

– What Is Your Budget?

One of the first things you need to consider is your overall budget for the renovation. Although it may feel as though you can set up a home office on a tight budget, there are lots of things you may need to think about in terms of cost that you may forget about. Whether it’s the cost of furniture or the cost to redecorate, it all needs be included in your overall budget.

– What Equipment Do You Need?

An office is full of equipmet designed to make your job easier – printers, scanners, tablets, phones and more. Your home office, on the other hand, might be considerably less well-equipped, which might cause issues. If you receive customers at home, for example, you’re going to need a card machine and plenty of paper roll supplies to give receipts. Similarly, if you do lots of drawings (if you’re an artist or architect, for example), you’re going to need a high-quality scanner to digitise your work. A fast laptop is also useful for any job, so make sure you choose a good one!

– Safety

In an office building, you don’t need to worry about safety because risk assessments will all have been done for you and measures will be in place to keep you safe. In a home office, you need to do these things yourself. The main issue is electrical safety – all of your wires should be tucked away to prevent trip hazards and they should have wrap around labels to say they’ve passed safety checks. Don’t trail wires over sources of heat such as a radiator or oven as this can cause them to overheat, melt or even set alight.

– How will you stay connected?

One of the biggest challenges with working from home is trying to stay connected. If you have poor internet at home, it can be incredibly frustrating trying to work. It can slow you down considerably, reducing productivity and motivation. Luckily, there is software you can use to help. For example, if your job requires you to handle a lot of web traffic, read this sd wan guide to better understand how to improve your bandwidth. Once your connection is strong and reliable, working from home will become more viable.

– What Furniture Do You Need?

Another important thing is to consider looking at different furniture you’re going to need. Although a desk and computer chair are the only essential things you’re going to need, it’s important to look at everything that is available to you. Whether this means looking at cupboards, shelving or drawers – it’s definitely worth shopping around. For a guide to furniture for your office, you can visit this site here.

– How Will You Ensure Your Comfort?

Although you don’t need to be overly comfortable when it comes to your office, you do need to ensure you’re comfortable enough to work. Whether this means buying a chair that you can sit in for hours or creating a space that inspires you through decor or desk mats, comfort should definitely be at the forefront of your planning. An environment that you feel uncomfortable in, can never aid your efficiency. While your home office need not be as warm and comfy as your bedroom, a certain level of peace should still be there. Furniture, lighting, decor, all of it makes a difference to the vibe. If you’re looking for a unique and comfortable Eames chair, you might want to consider visiting this site about the original Eames history.

– What Will You Use To Motivate Yourself?

As you’re going to be working from your office each and every day, you need to ensure you’re creating a space that is going to motivate and inspire you. Whether this means adding photos and artwork that inspire you or decorating it with bright, cheerful colors – you need to ensure you’re as motivated as you can be. For tips and tricks when it comes to motivating yourself at the office, you can visit this site here.

– How Will You Separate Your Office From The Rest Of Your House?

Finally, you need to think about how you’re going to separate your office from the rest of your house. Although it may be difficult to create separate working spaces when you work from home, you need to ensure you have a place for work and a place to relax. Whether this means buying a seat cushion for office chair that you can sit in for hours or creating a space that inspires you, comfort should definitely be at the forefront of your planning.

Are you setting up a home office soon? What do you need to consider to ensure it runs as smoothly as possible? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

Ensure You Don’t Pay Through The Roof For Your Home Insurance

Homeowners insurance from the likes of one sure insurance is an expense the majority of us pay without question. In the case of mortgages, some brokers will even make policies like these a part of your contract. With insurance in place, after all, even significant home repairs and even thefts become manageable. It’s magic, and it can make your life easier during disasters. The trouble is that insurance itself isn’t cheap. According to sites like, policies have risen up to 50% in the last ten years alone. That puts national averages at around $1,083 every year. And, that’s an expense which many homeowners struggle with.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should scrap your insurance altogether. Home warranties like these stand to save you a fortune even with high upfront costs. That said, it is possible to knock money off so that you can enjoy security without high costs, and we’re going to look at how.

Focus on disaster resilience

Image Source – CC0 License

A home which is prone to disaster is always going to attract higher insurance premiums. If your house is at risk of storm damage or flooding, for instance, an insurance policy is sure to account for the fact it. That’s why your first step should be to disaster-proof your home. This means doing things like hiring sacramento roofing companies to take care of tasks like roof repairs to avoid storm damage. High winds, fallen trees, and heavy hail or snow can seriously damage a roof over time so it’s important to keep on top of these repairs to prevent further damage. Floodproofing is also important. You should even consider less obvious potential disasters like burst pipes by investing in pipe heating systems like those found on The more precautions you take, the higher chance there is that your premiums will drop. While you might need to spend some money upfront, then, you can bet work here will soon pay for itself.

Second-guess home security

If you have no home security, can you really complain about high insurance? A company would be crazy not to charge more in this instance. Make sure, then, that you take care of security from every angle. Burglar alarms can make a difference, as can security doors and even CCTV. You can head to a site like if your doors and windows are in need of a security upgrade – not only will this physically keep intruders out, but it will deter them from even trying to break in in the first place. If you want to go the extra mile to make sure your windows are safe from being damaged by a would-be robber, you may want to look at Bullet proof windows for home as well as other secure deterrents that wouldn’t be expected to catch them off-guard and stop trying.

If you have already had a break-in previously and you haven’t fully updated your locks then you are doing yourself and your home a disservice as you need to make sure that every person in that house is safe from what could potentially happen again. There are multiple options out there for you to look into, such as companies like E&L Locksmith and Garage Doors as well as others that are similar, so you can feel secure day or night. In short; the more you do to protect your home, the lower your insurance is liable to be.

Make sure you don’t have to claim

As with any insurance, your policy will increase in value the more you claim on it. Lastly, then, you should do whatever you can to make sure you never need to claim. The points already mentioned can help here, but you should also take further action. Ongoing maintenance of everything from your gutters to your roof can make a huge difference here. Equally, keeping on top with things like pointing could stop unchecked disasters from occurring. And that can ensure you’re able to keep your premiums as low as possible for all time.

There might be no getting around house insurance in itself, then, but there’s certainly no reason to spend a fortune on this without question. A little effort here can go a long way towards saving you a whole lot of money!

Being A Great Parent Is All About Staying Healthy


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The title of this article is a great piece of advice in itself, but you shouldn’t just nod your head at that statement and carry on with your day. Think about what it really means. Are you a healthy parent? The best gift you can give to your children is to look after yourself. So many parents put their kids first – it’s instinctual. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your own wellbeing. In fact, if you’re not physically or mentally healthy, then you’re not going to be able to look after your kids to the best of your ability. With that in mind, let’s talk about how you could live more healthily as a busy parent.


Exercise daily

If you want to be healthier, then you should start by exercising daily. You were probably hoping that this suggestion wouldn’t come up. Few people enjoy exercising. But that’s because most of us interpret it as a chore. For some, it is fun as they can run on a treadmill (like the kind available at Motion Fitness) for hours or lift weights. For some gym fanatics, this is a fun way to exercise. If that’s not your game, you just have to find a way to get your body moving every day to remain healthy. As parents, you’re probably busy with several responsibilities.


So, you should incorporate exercise into your existing daily routine. Maybe you could cycle to work instead of driving. Maybe you could walk to the shop with your child instead of taking the car. It might be a nice opportunity to get some fresh, take a stroll through your local park or playground, and reach your goal of 10,000 steps for the day. That’s right: walking counts as exercise. You don’t need a gym membership. Walking is a straightforward cardiovascular activity that burns calories whilst strengthening the heart. By improving your physical health, you’ll be on this planet for longer. That gives you more time to enjoy your children. Plus, if you’re physically fit, then you’ll be able to keep up with your little ones when you’re playing in the garden.


Get enough sleep

You and your family members need to keep enough sleep. Depriving yourself of rest is bad for your health on so many levels. Those bags under your eyes aren’t the one negative consequences of a bad night’s sleep. You could also be weakening your immune system, slowing your metabolism, and even affecting the health of your heart. If you want to be a healthy parent (and have the energy to concentrate on your kids), then you need to get enough sleep. That can be easier said than done, of course. If you have a newborn, then nobody in your house will be getting a good night’s sleep. You might want to check out sleep training: the complete guide for new parents. That could help you to get your baby into a healthier sleeping pattern. In turn, you and the rest of your family will be able to get enough sleep, too.


Maintain good relationships with your family members

This is important on so many levels. For starters, maintaining a good relationship with your partner is beneficial to your wellbeing and their wellbeing. You might be a strong and independent parent, but your emotional state is still affected by the ones you love. So, you need to make sure you communicate well with your partner. You need to be open and honest with each other. You need to make time for each other. Being a parent might dominate your daily routine, but that doesn’t mean you no longer have to be a spouse or a partner.


But communication is absolutely essential to the strength of any couple’s relationship, obviously. The reason as to why it’s so important for parents is that it affects your children, too. If you and your partner can communicate effectively (even when you disagree on certain things), then you’ll demonstrate the importance of openness and honesty to your little ones. As a result, they’ll be able to talk to you more openly and honestly. This will help to ensure that you maintain a healthy relationship with your children, as well as your partner. For the sake of your emotional wellbeing, make sure you strive to maintain good relationships with your family members. Don’t see parenting as a “job”. You’re not a robot completing chores and meeting requirements. You need to enjoy the simple things in life. Enjoy your family. Even in this hectic modern world, you should be allowed to stop, breathe, and relax from time to time. Maybe you could set aside “family time” at the weekends. That would give you the opportunity to bond and stay strong.

Dashing Hop Sign Up


Theme – Open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.
Date: 12/16 – 12/31
Start time: Dec 16  – 9:00 am EST
End time: Dec 31 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on  1/1. Events must be open to US entrants.

Adding your link means you agree to the following terms:
Your post must include the following:

The full HTML which will be provided by email.
A clear form of entry (a giveaway form or a blog comment)
The giveaway hops image (in HTML and also included by attachment to the email)
The linky must be included in your post (code will be sent in email)
Your giveaway item(s) have a value of $10.
Must include disclosure included in email
A Link to the hosts: MamatheFox (

This giveaway must be dedicated to this event only

If you sign up and can no longer participate please let me know so I can remove you from the linky.

Holly Jolly Hop Sign Up



Theme – Open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.
Date: 12/1 – 12/15
Start time: Dec 1  – 9:00 am EST
End time: Dec 15 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on  12/1. Events must be open to US entrants.

Adding your link means you agree to the following terms:
Your post must include the following:

The full HTML which will be provided by email.
A clear form of entry (a giveaway form or a blog comment)
The giveaway hops image (in HTML and also included by attachment to the email)
The linky must be included in your post (code will be sent in email)
Your giveaway item(s) have a value of $10.
Must include disclosure included in email
A Link to the hosts: MamatheFox (

This giveaway must be dedicated to this event only

If you sign up and can no longer participate please let me know so I can remove you from the linky.

In Everything Give Thanks Hop Sign Up

Theme – Open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.
Date: 11/16 – 11/30
Start time: Nov 16  – 9:00 am EST
End time: Nov 30 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on  12/1. Events must be open to US entrants.

Adding your link means you agree to the following terms:
Your post must include the following:

The full HTML which will be provided by email.
A clear form of entry (a giveaway form or a blog comment)
The giveaway hops image (in HTML and also included by attachment to the email)
The linky must be included in your post (code will be sent in email)
Your giveaway item(s) have a value of $10.
Must include disclosure included in email
A Link to the hosts: MamatheFox (

This giveaway must be dedicated to this event only

If you sign up and can no longer participate please let me know so I can remove you from the linky.


Lucky Leaf Hop Sign Up


Theme – Open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.
Date: 11/1 – 11/15
Start time: Nov 1  – 9:00 am EST
End time: Nov 15 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on  11/16. Events must be open to US entrants.

Adding your link means you agree to the following terms:
Your post must include the following:

The full HTML which will be provided by email.
A clear form of entry (a giveaway form or a blog comment)
The giveaway hops image (in HTML and also included by attachment to the email)
The linky must be included in your post (code will be sent in email)
Your giveaway item(s) have a value of $10.
Must include disclosure included in email
A Link to the hosts: MamatheFox (

This giveaway must be dedicated to this event only

If you sign up and can no longer participate please let me know so I can remove you from the linky.

Hocus Pocus Hop Sign Up


Theme – Open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.
Date: 10/16 – 10/31
Start time: Oct 16  – 9:00 am EST
End time: Oct 31 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on  11/1. Events must be open to US entrants.

Adding your link means you agree to the following terms:
Your post must include the following:

The full HTML which will be provided by email.
A clear form of entry (a giveaway form or a blog comment)
The giveaway hops image (in HTML and also included by attachment to the email)
The linky must be included in your post (code will be sent in email)
Your giveaway item(s) have a value of $10.
Must include disclosure included in email
A Link to the hosts: MamatheFox (

This giveaway must be dedicated to this event only

If you sign up and can no longer participate please let me know so I can remove you from the linky.

wonder FALL Hop Sign Up

Theme – Open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.
Date: 10/1 – 10/15
Start time: Oct 1  – 9:00 am EST
End time: Oct 15 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on  10/16. Events must be open to US entrants.

Adding your link means you agree to the following terms:
Your post must include the following:

The full HTML which will be provided by email.
A clear form of entry (a giveaway form or a blog comment)
The giveaway hops image (in HTML and also included by attachment to the email)
The linky must be included in your post (code will be sent in email)
Your giveaway item(s) have a value of $10.
Must include disclosure included in email
A Link to the hosts: MamatheFox (

This giveaway must be dedicated to this event only

If you sign up and can no longer participate please let me know so I can remove you from the linky.



Home Upgrades To Make Before Winter

The thing about winter is it arrives whether you’re ready for it or not. We can complain as much as we like, but the weather will turn colder, and the snow will start eventually. However, most people are more practical than that and make it their mission in these weeks and months to start making changes to their home to prepare for winter. Whether they know they need to hire a Roofing Contractor to fix a leak or are just wanting to get ahead of repairs before any issues arise, homeowners who are proactive about maintaining their house are much likely to face costly bills further down the line.

If you are someone who knows the winter is coming and there are things that you might want to do, you should read here to get an idea of some of the common home improvements you need to make.

Photo by Wynand van Poortvliet on Unsplash

Roof repairs

If you’re going to contact anyone before winter comes, make it an Austin roofing contractor. The roof on your house can naturally degrade over time, and you may find that you reach the end of the autumn that it’s been damaged by a storm or by something falling on it. And if you reside in a place like Northern Virginia where the weather can get rough, it is better to consult a Northern VA roof replacement company to sort the repairs. After all, your roof is a vital part of your home and will protect you from the elements, so it’s best to seek out professional help like that of a roofing contractor to make sure that any damage is fixed and no glaring structural weaknesses are going forward into the harsh weather.

Fixing and upgrading your windows

In the summer, the windows primarily stay open, and they allow a fresh breeze to come through. However, winter is a different matter altogether. You may find that you need to make adjustments to your windows to prepare them for cold weather. You’re going to want to make sure that you fix your windows and ensure that they have no damages, but at the same time upgrade them if they need to be improved for another layer of thick glass or generally retooled to survive a winter climate.

Cleaning outdoor paths

Winter brings wet weather, making your outdoor paths and steps slippy. Leaves, moss and dirt can build up during the year, creating a slip hazard that could lead to a nasty fall. This power washing fuquay based company, and similar power washing services in your local area, can help to blast away the autumn debris, leaving your paving bright, clean and slip-free.

Checking all doors and windows

If you are going to get through the winter without any problems, you’re going to want to make sure that you have a secure entry-way in and out of the building. Specifically, you need to check all of the entrances and make sure that there are no obvious signs of structural damage. Wind, rain and cold weather will get through these gaps and play havoc with the temperature of your home, so you need to make sure that you find and repair any issues.

Consider a fire or stove

The rising cost of heating in most western countries means that a lot of people are quite worried when winter comes around because they don’t know how they are going to stay warm. You don’t want to be struggling for heat, which is why it can be a good idea to invest in a fireplace or wood-burning stove. These cost a few thousand pounds to install at best, and once they are set up, they have a lifetime of around 20 to 30 years. They can save you a lot of money when it comes to eating your home, and you would be wise to consider utilising them.