Month: June 2017

Groovy Giveaways Sign Up

Theme – open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.
Date: 8/1 – 8/15
Start time: August 1 – 9:00 am EST
End time: August 15 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on 8/15. Events must be open to US entrants.

Adding your link means you agree to the following terms:
Your post must include the following:

The full HTML which will be provided by email.
A clear form of entry (a giveaway form or a blog comment)
The giveaway hops image (in HTML and also included by attachment to the email)
The linky must be included in your post (code will be sent in email)
You must submit your URL to your giveaway by 4/30/2016 10:00 pm EST
Your giveaway item(s) have a value of $10.
Must include disclosure included in email
A Link to the hosts: MamatheFox (, The Kids Did It ( and The Mommy Island (
Send any questions to

This giveaway must be dedicated to this event exclusively (no co-hosts, free links for helpers)

If you sign up and can no longer participate please let me know so I can remove you from the linky.

$100 PayPal Sea of Cash Sign Ups

MamatheFox is hosting a giveaway for $100 PayPal Cash called

Sea of Cash PayPal Giveaway

If enough people sign up we will make it $150 or maybe even $200…If we have extra people in between the total cash prize I will use the extra money to pay for additional advertising. Form will be shut off at 20 people max (form gets too long at this point).

Each participant will have 4 forms of entry. You may have any legal form of entry.

For Facebook it will be phrased “Comment on any of XWY Blog’s Facebook post” and will be daily.
For Instagram it will be phrased “Interact with (follow, like, comment) on any of XWY’s Instagram posts” and will be daily.

Each participating blog will have one entry that will be marked at a higher entry value and listed at the top of the form (in the order that people sign up, first to sign up is closest to the top). This will ensure that even the last person to sign up will still have a nice click rate.

I have hosted these for a few years now and always get over 1000 unique people enter with a lot of daily entries as they are open WORLDWIDE. This competition will be open to everyone, I’ve even had a multimillionaire that made his money from cryptocurrencies and perhaps using something like this Bitcoin Code seriös trading platform. I do wonder if he was planning to use the PayPal money to invest some more into different cryptocurrencies. So once again, this competition is really open to anyone, please do get involved!

I am planning to have this event run: July 15th through July 31st. Winner pulled on August 1st.

Winner will have 24 hours to claim prize before a new winner is pulled – this is to make it easier on European blogs for their regulations. Anyone wanting to win cash prizes in another fun way may want to check out some of the games over on casino websites like this – There are many games to be enjoyed here that will remind fans of the genre of similar experiences that can be had in a physical casino.

PayPal payments are to be sent to as a FRIEND so no fee’s are charged. Be sure to include “for $100 Giveaway” in notes section

Click here to sign up

Lots for Tots Giveaway

Welcome to the Lots for Tots Giveaway Hop

Hosted by: MamatheFox, The Kids Did It & The Mommy Island

This year a bunch of stellar bloggers linked up to offer you a ton of exciting children’s based prizes! At each stop in this hop you can enter to win these fun giveaways. Look below for the linky connecting all these blogs. If you don’t see the linky, find the little blue button, which when clicked will show you the other blogs hosting fun giveaways! Be sure to come back often to increase your chances of winning, and good luck!

Enter for your chance to win: (1) Personalized book from I See Me! (up to a $40 value), (1) Cubbie Lee Wooden Block Set ($27 value), (1) Sleep ZZZ Pillow ($50 value), (1) pair of shoes from MomoBaby (up to a $54 value), (1) pair of children’s boots from Oakiwear ($25 value), winners choice of (1) onesie or toddler tee from Deep Dive Threads (up to  a$20 value).

Grand prize is valued at over $200!



The Magic of My Name – Personalized Books

Personalized books featuring your child’s name and the meaning behind each letter

Children love to see and hear their own name. When a child see’s their own name in a book it’s a form of ownership to them and builds confidence. The book grabs their attention and pulls them deeper into the story. The Magic of My Name books create a story around the letters in your child’s name.  Having different letters represent a characteristic of that child. I really love the concept of giving the child more words to describe themselves. Larger vocabularies help children in their reading and verbal skills. Using fun adjectives, the story progresses as the child takes a journey thorough a magical land.

What I love:

  • The bright colors and visual designs on each page
  • The use of larger, descriptive words which helps increase a child’s vocabulary
  • That you can choose the hair color and skin color of the child featured in the book
  • The child in the book gains confidence in themselves, which shows your child how great they are too
  • Fast shipping

What I would change:

  • The purchaser could choose the word representing the letter in the names/the story themes (I did not like a tea leaf reader in the book myself)
  • The child’s name is used throughout the book more. My daughter kept asking me why I kept saying “the child” instead of her name
  • The child’s name is on the cover, so if you have multiple kids you can see which book that one is featuring from the outside.

Connect with The Magic of My Name

Facebook               Twitter               Instagram               Pinterest

Magic of My Name will create a beautiful, customized book for you. You will love the adventure you walk through, as each book is guaranteed to contain at least 38 pages, regardless of how many letters are in your child’s name. Having a short name, like Max or Sam will not cause you to get a shorter, or lesser quality book.


Click here to check out more about theses awesome books and to place your order for your own customized The Magic of My Name book

What is aLoo?

Hello Everyone! We had a special opportunity to interview Aarti Mehta MD, Co-Founder of aLoo. aLoo is a device that blocks 99.6% of backwash from contaminating a baby’s bottle of precious breast milk.


Check out their KickStarter by clicking here

Aarti, can you tell us a little about yourself?

Sure! I am so honored to be interviewed for your blog! So, to get right to it…during the day, I am a Psychiatrist specializing in Women’s Mental Health, particularly post-partum depression and anxiety. But most importantly, I am a Mom. My daughter, Ariadna (Ari), is almost 3 years old. Ari was the inspiration behind my product because I struggled to produce enough milk when I was breastfeeding her.

I faced TWO major issues:

Problem 1: I had trouble making enough breast milk from the start. Then, I returned to work and had even LESS milk production. I felt a lot of guilt, frustration and had feelings of inadequacy as a mother.


Problem 2: Of the limited breast milk I made, once my daughter took a sip from the bottle, the bacteria from her saliva contaminated the milk. Whatever she didn’t finish would need to be thrown away in 4-6 hours. That was SO MUCH WASTE!

The Question: Why isn’t there something available that simply blocks the backwash from contaminating the whole bottle? A barrier to keep the backwash in one part of the bottle, separate from the full contents of the bottle would decrease waste significantly.

The Solution: aLoo. After going through the process of enlisting the help of a professional patent lawyer to ensure that I have the legal rights over this product, this simple patent-pending, easy-to-use device, blocks 99.6% of backwash from contaminating the bottle. So, if you are going to re-use the bottle later, at least you aren’t feeding your baby added bacteria that didn’t need to be there in the first place.

What inspired you to create aLoo?

I was inspired to create aLoo because I knew that if I was feeling as guilty and frustrated with myself for not producing enough breast milk, and then having to waste it, many other mothers must be feeling this way too.

I imagine there is a story behind the name?

Yes! The inspiration for the name comes, of course, from my daughter. Her name, Ariadna, ends up being shortened to “Ari” quite often. In India, where our parents are from, nicknames for kids or terms of endearment often end in “u,” so, we started calling her “Aru”. And then, because she was round and brown like a potato, we started calling her “Aloo”, which means potato in Hindi.

What makes aLoo unique?

aLoo is unique because there is nothing out on the market that specifically blocks backwash from contaminating the contents of a bottle. There are solutions for colic, sterilization, nipple confusion, but nothing to protect precious liquid-gold breast milk from being unnecessarily contaminated by saliva, which carries hundreds of millions of bacteria.

Can aLoo be used with any bottle?

I quickly learned that there are so many innovative bottles on the market and parents/babies have their favorite brand. Knowing that there are challenges transitioning from breast to bottle, we did not want to exclude anyone merely because of bottle brand loyalty. Our initial goal is to make the device compatible across multiple bottle brands. Currently, our device is compatible with Philips Avent and we are planning to create more sizes that will work well with other brands (Dr. Brown’s, Medela, Tommee Tippee and Playtex) soon.

When does aLoo officially launch?

We are launching a Kickstarter campaign on June 5, 2017, which will help us bring aLoo to market. We hope to have a product ready to ship by fall of 2017. Please join our email list to learn more and stay updated on our progress!




aarti mehta aLoo save breast milk





Aarti Mehta MD is a Mother, Psychiatrist and Entrepreneur currently residing in Chicago, Illinois. For more information on aLoo, please visit








Super Dad Giveaway

Welcome to the Super Dad Giveaway Hop

Hosted by: MamatheFox, The Kids Did It & The Mommy Island


At each stop in this hop you will find amazing prizes that are sure to make any Fathers excited this Fathers Day. Be sure to check out MamatheFox’s Grand Prize valued at over $300! Come back daily to increase your chances of winning! Good luck

Enter for your chance to win:

This Grand Prize is valued at over $360!


MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.