If you cloth diaper you know the struggle of the night time diaper. We spent many nights trying different options trying to figure out what worked best for us. Since my daughter was 4 weeks old our perfect night time diaper was a prefold and a super absorber insert. Well that has worked flawlessly up until now. My sweet 10 month old no longer will lay still long enough for me to get the prefold fastened. I feel sometimes it would be easier to diaper a alligator doing a death roll than it is to get a prefold on my fast moving baby. Geffens Fitted diapers have come to my rescue. I get the absorption of my prefold and it’s as easy to put on as a regular diaper.
About Geffen
Geffen baby is a company that prides themselves on being involved in every step of the manufacturing process. Starting as a Los Angeles based textile manufacturing company they saw the need for natural baby products. Geffen Baby has improved their fabric by adding more hemp, making their fabric more durable and absorbent with 60% hemp and 40% organic cotton. Geffen is proud to say that 95% of their products are made in the USA. They try to be as organic as possible in every aspect from manufacturing to their packaging. Geffen Baby makes everything including Flats, Fitteds, Prefolds, Absorbers, Cloth Wipes and Nursing Pads. You won’t ever want to try another brand once you feel how soft their fabric is.
This Mamas Experience
I love the Geffen Fitteds for more than just my night time diaper. We use them as our everyday diaper and love that we are able to reuse our covers and just change the fitted, making them much more cost efficient than AIOs or pocket diapers. I love that I can add extra absorption by layering with a quick or super absorber insert, which is what we do at night since my baby sleeps 10 hours without waking. We do use a snappy to secure our Fitteds although it is not necessary, they do require a cover to be waterproof. Prepping is easy, just wash and dry at least 3 times although they will continue to gain absorbency through 8-10 washes. The Fitteds come in four sizes fitting from preemie to 30+ pounds. I find myself reaching for my fitted diapers over any other diaper.
Once you try Geffen Baby products you will be confident that your baby is as comfortable as possible in a diaper.

25 Comments on Geffen Fitted Cloth Diaper Review
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These look so lovely and soft- I’ve heard they’re super absorbent too!
I was really hesitant to try fitteds– they’re a not on the cheap side as it is and they still require a cover! But I finally got curious and took the plunge with a similar Geffin fitted, and loved it! With a wool cover, it’s about the one diaper I can put my daughter in and be assured of no leaks.
Reading this review, I’m expecting my wife and I will be needing something like this soon for our little one. Thanks for the review!
Would be awesome to try a new thing out! Looks super soft!
Looks great.
These look like great diapers. Thanks for the review!
There is no cuter diaper than a basic white fitted. These look so adorable.
Thanks for sharing that you add an absorber insert for night time use! I’m looking forward to tring these on my littlest squish in August!
I would love to try these when I have my first.
I am curious to try. I am new to cloth, so I’m not quite sure I understand, does this have to have a cover? And what makes a cover different from a pocket?
I like that 95% of Geffen’s products are made in the USA.
I love diapers that at least 50% hemp – they are so absorbent and trim!
I love the absorbing power of hemp in these fitteds!
I really want to try more fitteds. Reviews always seem solid, especially regarding fit and absorbancy.
Hemp?! Might solve my heavy wetter issues. Thanks!
I love the addition of more hemp and I’m always happy to hear when a company keeps things made in the USA.
We absolutely love our Geffen super absorbers but I had no idea they made fitted diapers (hubby’s favorite option!). Will have to check these out!
I like that the diapers are made in the USA and are super absorbent!
They look like they would be super absorbent and comfortable for baby. Definitely something to keep in mind for our next little one.
Love that they are cost efficient and an oh so absorbent diaper!!
These look so soft!I have a fleece and a jersey prefold and 2 hemp flats and I absolutely love them. If I could go back I’d buy nothing but geffen for my absorbent pieces.
I love fitteds for nighttime and these look awesome!
I love a good fitted, these look so soft and absorbent!
I have not t tried these yet, but I would like to. I have heard wonderful things about them.
I’ve never tried a fitted, but I would really like to. I love hemp in my diapers because of how absorbent it is, so I definitely would want to start with this brand!