Imagine Cloth Diapers Review
Who Is Imagine Baby?
“Nicki, owner of Nicki’s Diapers and creator of Best Bottom Diapers came up with the idea for Imagine Baby Products and the Imagine Program when she saw a need for spreading education about the new ease of cloth diapers and began getting questions about how people could start their own cloth diapering businesses” – Imagine Baby Products Website
Get 5% off an order with code: MamatheFox (ends 10/31/15)
What is the Imagine Advocacy Program?
“The Imagine Advocacy Program is designed for YOU! Smart, passionate parents who want to see cloth diapers on every baby’s bottom and who want to earn FREE products too! It’s all about friends talking to friends — spreading knowledge about cloth diapers and showing just how EASY they are! You’ve done the research, now you can make it easy for them to switch.” – Imagine Baby Products Website
What this basically means is they offer a host-a-party like sales opportunity. As a consultant you can have your friends buy diapers through you like any other party-based organization (think Avon). You do not have to have any product on hand; all sales are virtual. You get to redeem your credit in free diapers or percents off a purchase. There is a support system in place to help you along and get started and stay ahead of your game. You don’t have to touch product or money. Orders are placed straight threw their website and orders are shipped directly to the buyer. It is a win/win!
What Does Imagine Baby Sell?
- All-In-One Cloth Diapers
- All-In-2 Cloth Diapers
- Fitted Cloth Diapers
- Pocket Cloth Diapers
- Prefold and Flat Cloth Diapers
- Diaper Covers
- Knit Wool Diaper Cover
- Accessories
- and much more!
There are no minimums on orders with Imagine Baby Products. All orders (for the continental US) have a flat rate of $4. I think this is just amazing!
Imagine also cares deeply about the environment and occasionally ships their packages in slightly “used” boxes. Such a great idea! Anything to cut back on our waste. Even when placed in a recycling bin that item is not guaranteed to be broken down and recycled. By reusing we can surely help keep our waste down.
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Washing Instructions
- Knock solids into toilet
- Cold rinse or light wash (no detergents)
- Warm or hot wash (with detergent)
- Extra rinse, tumble low or line dry
**No bleach, softeners, homemade detergents, or diaper creams without a barrier.
Mama’s Experience
I really like Imagine AIO diapers, like a lot. I can trust them for overnights, which is not something I can say about every diaper. If you have read some of my other cloth diaper reviews you know how my son has very skinny legs. He is just a petite little man. Most diapers leak out of the leg gussets, but not Imagine Baby Product diapers! I’m just thrilled that we have another overnight diaper to use and to suggest for other skinny legged babies.
The AIO diaper has a super luxurious insert. The fleece is a dream. So soft I want to cuddle up to it. I got too antsy and did not fully pre-wash my diaper the recommended times (I know I know) and the first 2 times we used it the fleece kept getting stuck to his man parts LOL! It was not an issue and caused NO irritation but I do recommend that you pre-wash your diaper according to packaging instructions to avoid the surprise fleece on your child’s skin. Just a friendly I-am-a-human-too heads up mistake.
I really like the hook and loop velcro and laundry tabs. It is really easy to pull opened with one hand when changing a diaper but strong enough to stay on your child. The laundry tabs are placed in a great spot and very reliable in the wash to stay connected. I hate when a hook and loop style diaper detaches during the wash and then sticks to a nice insert or diaper. I don’t worry about that at all the Imagine Baby Product diapers.
The insert is really smartly designed because it has two snaps instead of one. This makes the insert have a smaller chance of shifting inside the diaper while in use. I really think that feature makes Imagine Baby Products diaper stand out.
Enter to win an Imagine Baby Products Cloth Diaper
Now you can enter for your chance to win an Imagine Baby Products Cloth Diaper!
(runs 8/20-9/5, Open to US & Canada)
45 Comments on Imagine Cloth Diapers Review
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I haven’t tried any AIO diapers yet, and this one looks really nice!
I don’t usually like all in ones, but this one looks great for overnights.
Heard about the new barnyard jam print! Excited to try!
It’s great that they work well for overnights! Our little one also had skinny legs so I’ll have to give Imagine a try for our nighttime diapering!
I didn’t know that Nicki’s Diapers and Imagine Baby were created by the same person! I just got newborn diapers- can’t wait to try them out!
I am loving their AI2!! I would love to try out the AIO, but it looks more like an AI2 since you have to snap in the inserts. But I like that as everything will dry faster.
I love my Imagine AIO’s- both stay dry and bamboo. They don’t hold up for nights for my heavy wetter, but they are a great inexpensive daytime diaper for us. The stay dry dries really quickly, a plus for us because we line dry and have a small stash.
Is seems like more of an AI2 instead of an AIO. Didn’t know Nicki’s created image.
Hard for me to find anything that isn’t massive and complicated for overnight. Maybe I have an extremely heavy wetter but if this would work overnight that’d be a dream.
I’m just starting out in cloth and have been wondering about night time and babysitter. After reading this I think I’ll have to give these a try!! Thanks
These look great. I’m excited to try them out with the leg gussets for my little fellow! Thanks for the review!
My experience with the Imagine pocket diaper was that it ran quite large, and even on my chunky 6 month old I struggle to get a good fit. Perhaps the AIO you review is different– I’d love to love Imagine diapers!– but I’d advise buyers to try a few before they commit to a slew of Imagine products.
i havent tried the imagine brand, but this made me want to
Yay for skinny legged baby fit!! My son is a slender guy and we know what we need in that dept!! Im inpressed with the soakability!! Love the laundry tabs to keep the velcro off other items in the washer and dryer!!
I haven’t tried AIO cloth diapers yet, the Imagine Brand looks fabulous!
I would love to try this AIO! These are affordable and look like they fit well.
I love that these diapers are affordable and work so well. The four dollar flat shipping fee is really nice too.
I like how the inserts have snaps to keep them from moving.
I love how affordable these are. The price tag is what has held me back from trying an AIO yet.
so many diapers I want to try and this is one of them. Love the prints.
Wow! I didn’t realize how many different styles this brand sold. The price is amazing too!
Really excited to try Imagine diapers!
I didn’t realize the inserts have two snaps! That seems like a good idea!
I didn’t know about Imagine Advocacy Program. That’s really cool! I want to have a cloth party!!
I like that this diaper is good for overnights. Diapering overnight makes me nervous at times, especially when I’m not using my normal method!
I have one imagine AIO and I like it- it’s trim and adorable and does great for us. But I wonder how the absorbancy will keep up as my child grows. With the snap in soaker, I’m not sure how to boost this?
I haven’t tried this one yet or even any aio diapers yet. I just made the switch And only have pockets for right now but I am looking for great overnight options for when I am full time cding. I will keep this one in mind when I start buy my next round of diapers.
I have one imagine pocket diaper that I got in the last week, it is so soft! I have been really impressed with the fit. I liked your review on in, and might just try it for a nighttime diaper and see how it works. I have never tried an AIO, one of these days I hope to!
We haven’t tried any all-in-ones yet, but this seems like a really affordable way to try them out!
I love that the AIO diaper is good for night time! I always have a lot of trouble with cloth at night, especially when it comes to my son! A leak is pretty much something I expect every morning.
Good positives in this review, especially it being absorbent enough for overnight! I wonder if other snap-in inserts would work for this? I currently like to use hemp blend inserts best for overnights, wonder if that would work to make this dynamic for even the heaviest wetter
I have an Imagine pocket diaper and I find we have bm leaks since it runs rather large and I have a skinny 11 month old. I would be quite thrilled if the all in ones ran a little smaller! I’d love to love their products… I doubt this would be an overnight option for us. So far nothing but bamboo holds up.
Can’t wait to try my covers when baby number two is born!
Love the review. great to n ow these are good for skinNY legged babies as that’s what I tend to have ?
I love Imagine baby products but once never been a fan of their hook and loop. Maybe it’s just me but on the stay dry AIO hook and loop I had it curled back and the H&C hardly stayed attached to the tabs in the wash because of this. ? the edges of H&C across the tummy always rolled inward and scratched my petite boy too. I’m glad that you had much better luck with the hook and loop than I did!
I love the Imagine brand! I’d love to add an AIO to my stash.
I love the two snaps desighn. Shifting inserts are so annoying. I also like the laundry tab feature too. I never liked hook and loop because it always ruined the lining.
I have never tried these diapers before but after reading your review I think I would really love to try them! I need something for overnights and I have both a skinny legged baby and a thick legged baby so am curious to see if it works just as well with my thick legged baby!
I love the new barnyard print. Must have!
My son has skinny legs too so I would like to try one of these for him!
Ah I love the $4 shipping. I love even more that they will reuse boxes and cut down on waste, after all one of the reasons I cloth diaper is to help the environment.
I can’t wait to try cloth diapers on my next little one
I think having two snaps on the insert is a great idea!
I would love to try these for other night, honestly the only diaper I LOVE for over night other then prefolds & cover are Kawaii-China cheapies, I know..but double up the inserts and works like a charm!
I really want to try these out. The price is wonderful.