Oakiwear Review

About Oakiwear
About 10 years ago a mom very much like myself, was searching for rain boots for her kids. She wanted ones that are durable, functional and fun. After searching without any luck, she new she needed to fix this situation. Thus, Oakiwear was born.
Kids love to play outside and get dirty. They need quality shoes that can help them play without breaking the bank. Kids grow so fast! Oakiwear keeps their price points low, knowing you will be back to by more after your first pair. They also need to be made with quality material that wont fall apart or be too hard to play in. They need to give a little to make the jumping-in-the-puddle game more exciting. They need to be able to run, jump and play in their shoes. Shoes that will not make them fall over when running or slide around when skipping. Oakiwear rain boots are made with the outdoor, active child in mind.
After having huge success with their outstanding footwear line, they also branched out into clothing like snow gear, outdoor wear, waders and sun guard suits for swimming.
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Mama’s Experience
Once the sun started to peek its head out here in Ohio, my kids were begging to go outside. My daughter and son are obsessed with ‘splashing in muddy puddles’ (thanks Peppa Pig) and they need the right gear to properly splash. As Peppa says, “you must wear your rain boots”. After my children telling me this several times I knew the search was on. I started looking at some reliable shoe companies I know of but none of them made toddler rain boots. I searched and searched and alas! Oakiwear found its way on my computer screen. After reading about how the company was founded by a fellow mother who’s children loved the outdoors I knew something special was here. Once my boots arrived it was true love.

Oakiwear boots are made with 100% rubber. This keeps their feet dry no matter how hard they jump, run and splash. My favorite feature are the handy little handles. Trying to get a boot on a toddler, for those of you who have not yet tried, can be a struggle. These handles allow me to help them put them on quickly. Once my kids know we are going outside to play they become way hyper and want to jump out of their skin trying to get out that door. I don’t have time to monkey around trying to get shoes on their feet. With Oakiwears handles I can slide their foot in, and once they stand up I hold onto the handles and make sure that they foot slides down all the way. The handles are ideal for toddlers and young kids who don’t want a parents help. It really assists them and builds confidence, knowing they can independently put on their boots.

I cannot believe how easy they are to clean off. My children love to slop in the mud and play by the horses in our backyard. It can get really muddy (and poopy) in certain areas. Because Oakiwear boots are all rubber this makes them easy to rinse off with a hose or towel. No more caked on mud for the Foxes!
These boots come in a ton of sizes, from toddler up through youth sizes. Once you get a pair you are going to keep going back each year as your kids feet grow. They are a brand worth sticking with.
Click here to see the Oakiwear Rain Boots shown in this article