Green Mountain Diapers Prefolds
You may have caught on by now, but I am a huge supporter and fan of Green Mountain Diapers. They make such high quality products, that when coupled with their outstanding service and morals, I just cannot deny that they are simply the best online cloth diaper supplier.
Prefolds are a scary concept for a new-to-cloth parent. Before I started to use cloth diapers I thought of them as “old school”, “out dated” and “too tricky to use”. Those are direct thoughts from my brain. This was before I really researched and tried them out. Now, Green Mountain Diapers Cloth-eez Prefolds are some of my favorite diapers. When I am at home for the morning I prefer to use only Green Mountain Diapers Prefolds. This is the time my son likes to pee at least 1 time per hour. It’s how he works. I LOVE being able to easily change his diaper and not “waste” a larger AIO diaper. Prefolds are easy to wash and dry. They are a simple rectangular piece of cloth that can easily dry in the dryer, unlike my AIO diapers that I like to drip dry due to the elastic (dryers can break the elastic down over time and eventually break the elastic over time due to the heat).
My best friend has a new, beautiful, little lady. She (when these pictures were taken) was 1 month old and weighed approx 8 lbs. Below you will find a bunch of photos showing how they fit an infant of this size. You will see Green Mountain Diapers Cloth-eez Newbie Lightweight (NEW) Grey, the Cloth-eez Newborn Orange and Cloth-eez Small Yellow, as well as a Thirsties Cover over a GMD prefold. In the comparison size photo you will see a 4th prefold option, the Cloth-eez Novice (NEW) Light Green, but this diaper was literally too big to get around her tiny body. She will be rocking it out super soon though!
My BFF has used several other brands of prefolds on her newborn. When I asked her what made Green Mountain Diapers Prefolds different from the others she said, “I love how soft they are! I also tri-fold them and them stuff inside my pocket diapers for extra absorbency.” I am agree that they are so soft. When you buy these you should prep them by washing them several times. They will become more absorbent the more they are washed. Around 8 washes I would say is then mine hit their max absorbency (they dont lose absorbency after 8 washes, I am saying that they become more thick and absorbent as they get broken in, once fully broken in they are at 100 efficiency).
If you have ever touched a prefold then you have noticed that the center/middle strip of the cloth is thicker. This is to help aid in better absorbency. Here is a break down of the layers for the 4 diapers I reviewed:
Cloth-eez Newborn (ORANGE) : 11 x 11 inches / 4-8-4 ply (outer sides are 4 ply and the center/middle is 8 ply)
(NEW) Cloth-eez Lightweight Newbie (GREY) : 11 x 11 inches / 2-6-2 ply
Cloth-eez Small (YELLOW) : 12.5 x 13.5 / 4-8-4 ply
(NEW) Cloth-eez Lightweight Novice (LIGHT GREEN) : 12.25 x 13 / 4-6-4 ply