Tag: diapers

Warm and Fuzzy about FuzziBunz

Hey fluff love Mamas!

How is your cloth diapering going?

When we moved back to America we switched to cloth diapers since we finally had a washer machine connected to the hot water. I’ve enjoyed testing MamatheFox’s stash of cloth diapers to figure out which brands I like best, not to mention which ones my husband can correctly put on.

Recently while reading blogs and searching Pinterest for cloth diaper information I stumbled upon FuzziBunz diapers. I was immediately hooked by their prices and the frequency of sales. I loved their unique vibrant prints and realized these were different from most cloth diapers.


Why FuzziBunz is Different?

  • Easily replaceable elastics

FuzziBunz has a longer lifespan because you can replace the elastic. Diapers are equipped with Fantastic Elastic which are easily replaceable using a button-hole system. Replacement elastic is extremely affordable. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised! I mean replacing the elastic is pretty much giving your diaper a second life, so I expected it to be kind of pricey. Each replacement kit comes with 3 pieces of hole elastic and cost $1.50.

  • One size adjustable diaper

I’ve tried a lot of different brands of one size adjustable diapers. Some include snaps on the front which make for quick, but sometimes confusing, adjustments. I’ve also tried diapers equipped with a bra like elastic system in the legs. Those were so tight I literally had to use pliers to adjust my diapers. FuzziBunz elastic attaches to the adjustment buttons in each leg and on the waistband. A custom fit is made easy and can quickly be readjusted. FuzziBunz also provides an adjustment sizing guide and tutorial to help you get started.

  • 3 Point Leak Protection

Recently FuzziBunz refined their diapers creating a 3 point leak protection system. Their seams are are reinforced with new technology to prevent wetness leaking through. The first time my daughter wore this diaper she had a mega blow out. My father-in-law wrestled with a fussy baby for over 30 minutes with no resolve. I didn’t even know she had pooped until I went to change her diaper before a feeding. The leg holes are equipped with thick seams that keep moisture in but are still comfortable and moveable.

Inserts are pre-prepped and pre-shrunk in order to prevent abnormalities after the first washes. I loved how dense and high quality the organic hemp/cotton blend felt. It worked great alone during the day and paired well with a booster at night. I like the blend option as the cotton quickly absorbs moisture while the hemp retains moisture under pressure.

An additional treatment was added to the outer cover fabric to help make it more water resistant. To me, the outer cover resembles a soft cotton swimsuit. It definitely has a stronger water resistant feel and has protection against any wicking. An added bonus is the array of prints and solids. Their 2017 line is pretty top notch with a variety of different styles.

  • Polar Fleece Lining

You know the phrase “soft as a baby’s bottom?”

Well FuzziBunz’s polar fleece lining might be softer. The white lining was super comfortable on baby, especially around the legs and waist where it is tighter. I like to make my diapers a bit tighter mostly because my little one is on the squishier side. The extra polar fleece padding around the seams kept her leakproof while not leaving any indents on her skin.

  • Resources

I love how much information and support FuzziBunz gives to parents starting cloth diapers. I know when I made the switch I was completely overwhelmed. Everyone has different opinions, methods, and systems and it was so hard to remember what to do and when. The FuzziBunz website provides a resource center for how to get started and how to maintain a healthy cloth diapering system.

Getting Started

Care and Use Guide

Why Cloth Diapers

Sizing Information

How to Strip Your Diapers

  • Variety of Products

FuzziBunz provides almost everything you need to get started with cloth diapering. They offer first year bundles that also include free accessories to get you started.  You also have the option to buy diapers individually. They actually make three different types:

  1. All in One
  2. FuzziBunz Adjustable First Year(7-25LBS)
  3. One Size (10-40LBS)

In addition, FuziBunz sells:

  1. Cloth Pads
  2. Microfiver Inserts
  3. Replacement Elastic
  4. Pre-Wash Detergent
  5. Hanging Diaper Pails
  6. Organic hemp/cotton inserts
  7. Diaper totes
  8. Nursing Pads

Overall, I was extremely impressed with FuzziBunz adjustment features and 3 point leak protection. We can all agree babies are not one size fits all, so why should their diapers be? So whether you are looking for a new brand to try out or you are just getting started with cloth, I highly encourage you to try out FuzziBunz’s affordable, adjustable, diapers!


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gDiapers Review

gDiapers Review


Who is gDiapers

Kim and Jason founded gDiapers in 2005.  One morning, over breakfast, they found out that disposable diapers are the 3rd largest contributor to landfill across the globe. They also found out that it is thought that a single disposable diaper will take up to 500 years to dissolve. 500 YEARS! They knew that they didn’t want to contribute to those numbers. Living in Australia, where water shortages often occur, doing cloth was also not an option for them. So what to do? Their only option was to create a diaper that is right in the middle. One that can be composted but also not take too much water in a drought.

Fair Dinkum. It’s a fun way of saying be genuine. Be real. Have integrity. Be respectful. It’s Australian in origin but the sentiment is global. Be genuine. – gDiapers Website

Fair Dinkum is the thought behind everything the gDiapers stands for.   One of the ways that gDiapers see’s Fair Dinkum in their business is on-site childcare. This is such a wonderful business practice in my opinion. To save all the commuting to and from a daycare, being able to care for and help your children through the day, not just after 5. This is priceless.

What is a gDiaper

gDiapers is a very unique product. It is not a cloth diaper and it is not fully a disposable. It’s in it’s own category really.

Outside: The outside part is called gPants. This is a cloth material that is machine washable.

Inside: The inside consists of 2 parts. The pouch & the insert.

  • “Made with gDiapers’ unique gBreathe™ technology, the gPants pouch provides the waterproof barrier in gPants while allowing baby’s delicate skin to breathe. More breathability means less diaper rash. Pouches unsnap easily for quick changes. So you can change the pouch, not the whole pair of pants.” – gDiapers Website
  • Pouches are available in 2 sizes. Small and Medium/Large. The newborn pouches are sewn in and not replaceable.
  • The inserts are able to break down in compost (only the wet ones) &  the inserts are flushable.

gDiapers inserts

gdiaper pouch

Cradle to Cradle certified: gDiapers are the only diaper that is certified Cradle and Cradle! Click the links to read more about this amazing organization that helps guide us to reduce our global footprint.

How to Use

In order to use gDiapers you will need the gPants and an insert. Place the insert inside of the pouch and then place the diaper on the baby. Easy as that!

gDiapers is unique in that they also feature rear velcro. Instead of having the closure on the front hips, gDiapers is secured by the rear hip area. I think this is super perfect for toddlers. My kids love to try and take off their diapers. This makes taking them off more difficult for a toddler.

How to Dispose

Flushable: gDiapers inserts can be safely flushed in North American city toilets. I live in the country and have a leach field, I am not going to flush my liners because they could get tangled around my aerator (fancy word for the machine that turns my flushing). Then I would have to get in the ground and remove the tangling, which is no fun. In a city setting the liner would break down pretty fast in their septic system. Regardless of whether you flush the liner or not, all waste must be flushes down the toilet. This is even true of disposable diapers. Solid waste is not allowed to be placed in your trash cans.

To read more about how to properly flush the inserts, please click here and watch the video which gDiapers created for us.

 Compostable:  “The Disposable Inserts are made of cellulose, fluff pulp and super absorber, which alone would be a valuable contribution to your compost, but when combined with the added nitrogen from your baby’s urine, makes an incredibly rich soil amendment safe for all manner of plants and vegetables.”gDiapers Website

I have a tumbler composter. I have added greens and browns to my mixture. This particular mixture is about 12 months old. I am adding the inserts in October of 2015. I will update as they begins to breakdown. I will be folding this mixture into my vegetable garden in the spring of 2016.

To learn more about how to compost your inserts please click this link.

Every Mother Counts

Did you know that every 2 minutes a women dies from complications in childbirth? I didn’t, but knowing this face makes me sad and worried. gDiapers has partnered with Every Mother Counts (EMC). This also means that for every 2 minutes a average of 4 orphans are left behinds. These women are their caretakers, their educators and their community leaders. By makes strides to lessen birth related deaths we can help make a huge difference in cultures across the globe. 98% of these deaths are preventable.

How gDiapers is helping: When you buy a Gentle Giants print gPants gDiapers will donate 50% of their net profits to EMC. Help them help others and buy a pair today.

Follow gDiapers

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Mama’s Experience

I was instantly excited to try out gDiapers. The idea that I could compost my dirty diaper was thrilling! Whether I was going to fold it into the ground, place it in my tumble compost or simply toss in the trash can, I knew that it would compose sooner than any disposable diaper on the market.

The liners fit a tad snugly in the pocket. Occasionally I fold over about an inch of the insert in the front side of my diaper for a double up effect for my son. If I would do this for a little girl I would put the folded part in the back. Boys pee up and girls pee back, it’s science (LOL not really, it’s just my observations after having one of each).

4 pic

I love how easy these diapers are to use. I can dispose of the old insert and pop a new insert in pretty fast. I love how quick it is. Changing diapers can be challanging with a busy 18 month old son. I also like to have another gPants all ready and premade so when I remove the dirty diaper I have the new one all ready to go. Then I just pull the soiled insert out and place a new insert in for the next diaper change. Sometimes the urine gets heavy and I need to wipe the pouch with a wet rag or wet wipe. Sometimes it gets messier and just needs to be changed.

You can get a starter bundle to try out gDiapers. This comes with 2 gPants and 1 package of inserts. It’s really a great way to get the ball rolling. If you have used cloth but need something that is more disposable like for a vacation or a babysitter, this is the perfect solution. I may be taking a vacation in early 2016. I honestly don’t trust my parents to correctly wash my sons cloth diapers. I plan on buying a ton of inserts and gPants for them to use while I am gone. It will be easy on them and easy on the environment. This is also great if you feel like you don’t have time to do all the extra laundry that cloth diapers involves.

gdiaper size medium

Why choose gDiapers?
  • Because your childcare provider cannot figure out cloth diapers/you don’t trust them with your stash.
  • Because you don’t have time to wash cloth diapers but care about our landfills.
  • Because the smell of disposables makes you sick (it does to me now).
  • Because the chemicals in disposables makes your child have skin irritations/rashes.
  • Because you are going on vacation and don’t want to lug your cloth stash with you.
  • Because gPants come in super cute designs and you need that on your baby now!
  • Because you want to support a company that cares about their employees and mothers across the globe
  • I could keep going but you get my drift.

Purchase gDiapers

gDiapers are available in many combinations and colors. They are always coming out with fun and new designs. Be sure to follow their Facebook page to keep up with the excitement!

In the meanwhile, head over to this link and see what fun stuff they have available today.